Cleaned up and commonified the campaign efficiency and lead owner efficiency report
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/report/campaign_efficiency/ b/erpnext/crm/report/campaign_efficiency/
index 3088332..b20fe15 100644
--- a/erpnext/crm/report/campaign_efficiency/
+++ b/erpnext/crm/report/campaign_efficiency/
@@ -4,67 +4,86 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
-from frappe.utils import flt,cstr
-from import get_period_list
def execute(filters=None):
columns, data = [], []
- data=get_lead_data(filters)
+ data=get_lead_data(filters, "Campaign Name")
return columns, data
def get_columns():
- columns = [_("Campaign Name") + ":data:130", _("Lead Count") + ":Int:80",
- _("Opp Count") + ":Int:80",
- _("Quot Count") + ":Int:80", _("Order Count") + ":Int:100",
- _("Order Value") + ":Float:100",_("Opp/Lead %") + ":Float:100",
- _("Quot/Lead %") + ":Float:100",_("Order/Quot %") + ":Float:100"
+ return [
+ _("Campaign Name") + ":data:130",
+ _("Lead Count") + ":Int:80",
+ _("Opp Count") + ":Int:80",
+ _("Quot Count") + ":Int:80",
+ _("Order Count") + ":Int:100",
+ _("Order Value") + ":Float:100",
+ _("Opp/Lead %") + ":Float:100",
+ _("Quot/Lead %") + ":Float:100",
+ _("Order/Quot %") + ":Float:100"
- return columns
-def get_lead_data(filters):
+def get_lead_data(filters, based_on):
+ based_on_field = frappe.scrub(based_on)
+ conditions = get_filter_conditions(filters)
+ lead_details = frappe.db.sql("""
+ select {based_on_field}, name
+ from `tabLead`
+ where {based_on_field} is not null and {based_on_field} != '' {conditions}
+ """.format(based_on_field=based_on_field, conditions=conditions), filters, as_dict=1)
+ lead_map = frappe._dict()
+ for d in lead_details:
+ lead_map.setdefault(d.get(based_on_field), []).append(
+ data = []
+ for based_on_value, leads in lead_map.items():
+ row = {
+ based_on: based_on_value,
+ "Lead Count": len(leads)
+ }
+ row["Quot Count"]= get_lead_quotation_count(leads)
+ row["Opp Count"] = get_lead_opp_count(leads)
+ row["Order Count"] = get_quotation_ordered_count(leads)
+ row["Order Value"] = get_order_amount(leads)
+ row["Opp/Lead %"] = row["Opp Count"] / row["Lead Count"] * 100
+ row["Quot/Lead %"] = row["Quot Count"] / row["Lead Count"] * 100
+ row["Order/Quot %"] = row["Order Count"] / (row["Quot Count"] or 1) * 100
+ data.append(row)
+ return data
+def get_filter_conditions(filters):
if filters.from_date:
conditions += " and date(creation) >= %(from_date)s"
if filters.to_date:
conditions += " and date(creation) <= %(to_date)s"
- data = frappe.db.sql("""select campaign_name as "Campaign Name", count(name) as "Lead Count" from `tabLead`
- where 1 = 1 %s group by campaign_name""" % (conditions,),filters, as_dict=1)
- dl=list(data)
- for row in dl:
- is_quot_count_zero = False
- row["Quot Count"]= get_lead_quotation_count(row["Campaign Name"])
- row["Opp Count"] = get_lead_opp_count(row["Campaign Name"])
- row["Order Count"] = get_quotation_ordered_count(row["Campaign Name"])
- row["Order Value"] = get_order_amount(row["Campaign Name"])
- row["Opp/Lead %"] = row["Opp Count"] / row["Lead Count"] * 100
- row["Quot/Lead %"] = row["Quot Count"] / row["Lead Count"] * 100
- #Handle div by zero and reset count to zero
- if row["Quot Count"] == 0:
- row["Quot Count"] = 1
- is_quot_count_zero = True
- row["Order/Quot %"] = row["Order Count"] / row["Quot Count"] * 100
- if is_quot_count_zero == True:
- row["Quot Count"] = 0
- return dl
-def get_lead_quotation_count(campaign):
- quotation_count = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabQuotation`
- where lead in (select name from `tabLead` where campaign_name = %s)""",campaign)
- return flt(quotation_count[0][0]) if quotation_count else 0
+ return conditions
-def get_lead_opp_count(campaign):
- opportunity_count = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabOpportunity`
- where lead in (select name from `tabLead` where campaign_name = %s)""",campaign)
- return flt(opportunity_count[0][0]) if opportunity_count else 0
+def get_lead_quotation_count(leads):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabQuotation`
+ where lead in (%s)""" % ', '.join(["%s"]*len(leads)), tuple(leads))[0][0]
-def get_quotation_ordered_count(campaign):
- quotation_ordered_count = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabQuotation` where status = 'Ordered'
- and lead in (select name from `tabLead` where campaign_name = %s)""",campaign)
- return flt(quotation_ordered_count[0][0]) if quotation_ordered_count else 0
+def get_lead_opp_count(leads):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabOpportunity`
+ where lead in (%s)""" % ', '.join(["%s"]*len(leads)), tuple(leads))[0][0]
-def get_order_amount(campaign):
- ordered_count_amount = frappe.db.sql("""select sum(base_net_amount) from `tabSales Order Item`
- where prevdoc_docname in (select name from `tabQuotation` where status = 'Ordered' and
- lead in (select name from `tabLead` where campaign_name = %s))""",campaign)
- return flt(ordered_count_amount[0][0]) if ordered_count_amount else 0
\ No newline at end of file
+def get_quotation_ordered_count(leads):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""select count(name)
+ from `tabQuotation` where status = 'Ordered'
+ and lead in (%s)""" % ', '.join(["%s"]*len(leads)), tuple(leads))[0][0]
+def get_order_amount(leads):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""select sum(base_net_amount)
+ from `tabSales Order Item`
+ where prevdoc_docname in (
+ select name from `tabQuotation` where status = 'Ordered'
+ and lead in (%s)
+ )""" % ', '.join(["%s"]*len(leads)), tuple(leads))[0][0]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/report/lead_owner_efficiency/ b/erpnext/crm/report/lead_owner_efficiency/
index 1560f86..8134bc2 100644
--- a/erpnext/crm/report/lead_owner_efficiency/
+++ b/erpnext/crm/report/lead_owner_efficiency/
@@ -4,69 +4,23 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
-from frappe.utils import flt,cstr
-from import get_period_list
+from import get_lead_data
def execute(filters=None):
columns, data = [], []
- data=get_lead_data(filters)
+ data=get_lead_data(filters, "Lead Owner")
return columns, data
def get_columns():
- columns = [_("Lead Owner") + ":data:130", _("Lead Count") + ":Int:80",
- _("Opp Count") + ":Int:80",
- _("Quot Count") + ":Int:80", _("Order Count") + ":Int:100",
- _("Order Value") + ":Float:100",_("Opp/Lead %") + ":Float:100",
- _("Quot/Lead %") + ":Float:100",_("Order/Quot %") + ":Float:100"
- ]
- return columns
-def get_lead_data(filters):
- conditions=""
- if filters.from_date:
- conditions += " and date(creation) >= %(from_date)s"
- if filters.to_date:
- conditions += " and date(creation) <= %(to_date)s"
- data = frappe.db.sql("""select lead_owner as "Lead Owner", count(name) as "Lead Count"
- from `tabLead` where 1 = 1 %s group by lead_owner""" % (conditions,),filters, as_dict=1)
- dl=list(data)
- for row in dl:
- is_quot_count_zero = False
- row["Quot Count"]= get_lead_quotation_count(row["Lead Owner"])
- row["Opp Count"] = get_lead_opp_count(row["Lead Owner"])
- row["Order Count"] = get_quotation_ordered_count(row["Lead Owner"])
- row["Order Value"] = get_order_amount(row["Lead Owner"])
- row["Opp/Lead %"] = row["Opp Count"] / row["Lead Count"] * 100
- row["Quot/Lead %"] = row["Quot Count"] / row["Lead Count"] * 100
- #Handle div by zero and reset count to zero
- if row["Quot Count"] == 0:
- row["Quot Count"] = 1
- is_quot_count_zero = True
- row["Order/Quot %"] = row["Order Count"] / row["Quot Count"] * 100
- if is_quot_count_zero == True:
- row["Quot Count"] = 0
- return dl
-def get_lead_quotation_count(leadowner):
- quotation_count = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabQuotation`
- where lead in (select name from `tabLead` where lead_owner = %s)""",leadowner)
- return flt(quotation_count[0][0]) if quotation_count else 0
-def get_lead_opp_count(leadowner):
- opportunity_count = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabOpportunity`
- where lead in (select name from `tabLead` where lead_owner = %s)""",leadowner)
- return flt(opportunity_count[0][0]) if opportunity_count else 0
-def get_quotation_ordered_count(leadowner):
- quotation_ordered_count = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabQuotation`
- where status = 'Ordered' and lead in
- (select name from `tabLead` where lead_owner = %s)""",leadowner)
- return flt(quotation_ordered_count[0][0]) if quotation_ordered_count else 0
-def get_order_amount(leadowner):
- ordered_count_amount = frappe.db.sql("""select sum(base_net_amount) from `tabSales Order Item`
- where prevdoc_docname in (select name from `tabQuotation`
- where status = 'Ordered' and lead in
- (select name from `tabLead` where lead_owner = %s))""",leadowner)
- return flt(ordered_count_amount[0][0]) if ordered_count_amount else 0
\ No newline at end of file
+ return [
+ _("Lead Owner") + ":Data:130",
+ _("Lead Count") + ":Int:80",
+ _("Opp Count") + ":Int:80",
+ _("Quot Count") + ":Int:80",
+ _("Order Count") + ":Int:100",
+ _("Order Value") + ":Float:100",
+ _("Opp/Lead %") + ":Float:100",
+ _("Quot/Lead %") + ":Float:100",
+ _("Order/Quot %") + ":Float:100"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file