[fixes] buying/selling price lists, communication and website settings
diff --git a/setup/utils.py b/setup/utils.py
index 33fa3e2..6948117 100644
--- a/setup/utils.py
+++ b/setup/utils.py
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
 		args = {
 			"price_list_name": "Something",
-			"use_for": "buying" or "selling"
+			"buying_or_selling": "Buying" or "Selling"
 	if isinstance(args, basestring):
 		args = json.loads(args)
 	result = webnotes.conn.sql("""select distinct ref_currency from `tabItem Price`
-		where price_list_name=%s and `%s`=1""" % ("%s", args.get("use_for")),
+		where price_list_name=%s and buying_or_selling=%s""" % ("%s", args.get("buying_or_selling")),
 	if result and len(result)==1:
 		return {"price_list_currency": result[0][0]}
-		return {}
+		return {}
\ No newline at end of file