Fixed Demo
diff --git a/erpnext/demo/setup/ b/erpnext/demo/setup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b164057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/demo/setup/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+import frappe, json
+from frappe.utils.make_random import get_random
+from datetime import datetime
+from erpnext.demo.setup.setup_data import import_json
+import random
+def setup_data():
+	frappe.flags.mute_emails = True
+	make_masters()
+	setup_item()
+	make_student_applicants()
+	make_student_group()
+	make_fees_category()
+	make_fees_structure()
+	frappe.db.commit()
+	frappe.clear_cache()
+def make_masters():
+	import_json("Room")
+	import_json("Department")
+	import_json("Instructor")
+	import_json("Course")
+	import_json("Program")
+	frappe.db.commit()
+def setup_item():
+	items = json.loads(open(frappe.get_app_path('erpnext', 'demo', 'data', 'item_schools.json')).read())
+	for i in items:
+		item = frappe.new_doc('Item')
+		item.update(i)
+		item.min_order_qty = random.randint(10, 30)
+		item.default_warehouse = frappe.get_all('Warehouse', filters={'warehouse_name': item.default_warehouse}, limit=1)[0].name
+		item.insert()
+def make_student_applicants():
+	blood_group = ["A+", "A-", "B+", "B-", "AB+", "AB-", "O+", "O-"]
+	male_names = []
+	female_names = []
+	file_path = get_json_path("Random Student Data")
+	with open(file_path, "r") as open_file:
+		random_student_data = json.loads(
+		count = 1
+		for d in random_student_data:
+			if d.get('gender') == "Male":
+				male_names.append(d.get('first_name').title())
+			if d.get('gender') == "Female":
+				female_names.append(d.get('first_name').title())
+		for idx, d in enumerate(random_student_data):
+			student_applicant = frappe.new_doc("Student Applicant")
+			student_applicant.first_name = d.get('first_name').title()
+			student_applicant.last_name = d.get('last_name').title()
+			student_applicant.image = d.get('image')
+			student_applicant.gender = d.get('gender')
+			student_applicant.program = get_random("Program")
+			student_applicant.blood_group = random.choice(blood_group)
+			year = random.randint(1990, 1998)
+			month = random.randint(1, 12)
+			day = random.randint(1, 28)
+			student_applicant.date_of_birth = datetime(year, month, day)
+			student_applicant.mother_name = random.choice(female_names) + " " + d.get('last_name').title()
+			student_applicant.father_name = random.choice(male_names) + " " + d.get('last_name').title()
+			if student_applicant.gender == "Male":
+				student_applicant.middle_name = random.choice(male_names)
+			else:
+				student_applicant.middle_name = random.choice(female_names)
+			student_applicant.student_email_id = d.get('first_name') + "_" + \
+				student_applicant.middle_name + "_" + d.get('last_name') + ""
+			if count <5:
+				student_applicant.insert()
+				frappe.db.commit()
+			else:
+				student_applicant.submit()
+				frappe.db.commit()
+			count+=1
+def make_student_group():
+	for d in frappe.db.get_list("Academic Term"):
+		sg_tool = frappe.new_doc("Student Group Creation Tool")
+		sg_tool.academic_year = "2016-17"
+		sg_tool.academic_term =
+ = sg_tool.get_courses()
+		sg_tool.create_student_groups()
+		frappe.db.commit()
+def make_fees_category():
+	fee_type = ["Tuition Fee", "Hostel Fee", "Logistics Fee",
+				"Medical Fee", "Mess Fee", "Security Deposit"]
+	fee_desc = {"Tuition Fee" : "Curricular activities which includes books, notebooks and faculty charges" ,
+				"Hostel Fee" : "Stay of students in institute premises",
+				"Logistics Fee" : "Lodging boarding of the students" ,
+				"Medical Fee" : "Medical welfare of the students",
+				"Mess Fee" : "Food and beverages for your ward",
+				"Security Deposit" : "In case your child is found to have damaged institutes property"
+				}
+	for i in fee_type:
+		fee_category = frappe.new_doc("Fee Category")
+		fee_category.category_name = i
+		fee_category.description = fee_desc[i]
+		fee_category.insert()
+		frappe.db.commit()
+def make_fees_structure():
+	for d in frappe.db.get_list("Program"):
+		program = frappe.get_doc("Program",
+		for academic_term in ["Semester 1", "Semester 2", "Semester 3"]:
+			fee_structure = frappe.new_doc("Fee Structure")
+			fee_structure.program =
+			fee_structure.academic_term = random.choice(frappe.db.get_list("Academic Term")).name
+			for j in range(1,4):
+				temp = {"fees_category": random.choice(frappe.db.get_list("Fee Category")).name , "amount" : random.randint(500,1000)}
+				fee_structure.append("components", temp)
+			fee_structure.insert()
+			program.append("fees", {"academic_term": academic_term, "fee_structure":, "amount": fee_structure.total_amount})
+	frappe.db.commit()
+def get_json_path(doctype):
+		return frappe.get_app_path('erpnext', 'demo', 'data', frappe.scrub(doctype) + '.json')
+def weighted_choice(weights):
+	totals = []
+	running_total = 0
+	for w in weights:
+		running_total += w
+		totals.append(running_total)
+	rnd = random.random() * running_total
+	for i, total in enumerate(totals):
+		if rnd < total:
+			return i