Patch fixes
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v4_2/ b/erpnext/patches/v4_2/
index be681a8..bb4ff0b 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v4_2/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v4_2/
@@ -80,13 +80,16 @@
 	for dt in ["Journal Entry Account", "GL Entry"]:
 		records = frappe.db.sql("""select name, account from `tab%s` where account in (%s)""" %
 			(dt, ", ".join(['%s']*len(account_map))), tuple(account_map.keys()), as_dict=1)
-		for d in records:
+		for i, d in enumerate(records):
 			account_details = account_map.get(d.account, {})
 			account_type = "Receivable" if account_details.get("master_type")=="Customer" else "Payable"
 			new_account = receivable_payable_accounts[account_details.get("company")][account_type]
 			frappe.db.sql("update `tab{0}` set account=%s, party_type=%s, party=%s where name=%s".format(dt),
 				(new_account, account_details.get("master_type"), account_details.get("master_name"),
+			if i%500 == 0:
+				frappe.db.commit()
 def delete_individual_party_account():
 	frappe.db.sql("""delete from `tabAccount` where ifnull(master_type, '') in ('Customer', 'Supplier')
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v5_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v5_0/
index cc9135a..8a0b93d 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v5_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v5_0/
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 	# stock reco now amendable
 	frappe.db.sql("""update tabDocPerm set `amend` = 1 where parent='Stock Reconciliation' and submit = 1""")
+	frappe.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "stock_reconciliation_item")
+	frappe.reload_doctype("Stock Reconciliation")
 	if frappe.db.has_column("Stock Reconciliation", "reconciliation_json"):
 		for sr in frappe.db.get_all("Stock Reconciliation", ["name"],
 			{"reconciliation_json": ["!=", ""]}):
@@ -15,8 +17,8 @@
 					sr.append("items", {
 						"item_code": row[0],
 						"warehouse": row[1],
-						"qty": row[3] if len(row) > 2 else None,
-						"valuation_rate": row[4] if len(row) > 3 else None
+						"qty": row[2] if len(row) > 2 else None,
+						"valuation_rate": row[3] if len(row) > 3 else None
 				elif row[0]=="Item Code":
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v5_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v5_0/
index d91c918..7e61314 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v5_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v5_0/
@@ -7,16 +7,46 @@
 import re
 def execute():
+	item_details = frappe._dict()
+	for d in frappe.db.sql("select name, description_html, description from `tabItem`", as_dict=1):
+		description = cstr(d.description_html).strip() or cstr(d.description).strip()
+		image_url, new_desc = extract_image_and_description(description)
+		item_details.setdefault(, frappe._dict({
+			"old_description": description,
+			"new_description": new_desc,
+			"image_url": image_url
+		}))
 	dt_list= ["Purchase Order Item","Supplier Quotation Item", "BOM", "BOM Explosion Item" , \
 	"BOM Item", "Opportunity Item" , "Quotation Item" , "Sales Order Item" , "Delivery Note Item" , \
 	"Material Request Item" , "Purchase Receipt Item" , "Stock Entry Detail"]
 	for dt in dt_list:
-		names = frappe.db.sql("""select name, description from `tab{0}` where description is not null""".format(dt),as_dict=1)
-		for d in names:
-			data = cstr(d.description)
-			image_url = find_first_image(data)
-			desc =  re.sub("\<img[^>]+\>", "", data)
+		records = frappe.db.sql("""select name, `{0}` as item_code, description from `tab{1}` 
+			where description is not null and image is null and description like '%%<img%%'"""
+			.format("item" if dt=="BOM" else "item_code", dt), as_dict=1)
+		count = 1
+		for d in records:
+			if cstr(d.description) == item_details.get(d.item_code).old_description:
+				image_url = item_details.get(d.item_code).image_url
+				desc = item_details.get(d.item_code).new_description
+			else:
+				image_url, desc = extract_image_and_description(cstr(d.description))
-			frappe.db.sql("""update `tab{0}` set description = %s, image = %s
-				where name = %s """.format(dt), (desc, image_url,
+			if image_url:
+				frappe.db.sql("""update `tab{0}` set description = %s, image = %s
+					where name = %s """.format(dt), (desc, image_url,
+				count += 1
+				if count % 500 == 0:
+					frappe.db.commit()
+def extract_image_and_description(data):
+	image_url = find_first_image(data)
+	desc =  re.sub("\<img[^>]+\>", "", data)
+	return image_url, desc
\ No newline at end of file