fix: Make changes to fix call flow and popup trigger
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/doctype/ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/
index 3bd9246..5c33817 100644
--- a/erpnext/crm/doctype/
+++ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/
@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
 import frappe
 def get_document_with_phone_number(number):
 	# finds contacts and leads
+	if not number: return
 	number = number[-10:]
 	number_filter = {
 		'phone': ['like', '%{}'.format(number)],
 		'mobile_no': ['like', '%{}'.format(number)]
-	contacts = frappe.get_all('Contact', or_filters=number_filter,
-		fields=['name'], limit=1)
+	contacts = frappe.get_all('Contact', or_filters=number_filter, limit=1)
 	if contacts:
 		return frappe.get_doc('Contact', contacts[0].name)
-	leads = frappe.get_all('Leads', or_filters=number_filter,
-		fields=['name'], limit=1)
+	leads = frappe.get_all('Lead', or_filters=number_filter, limit=1)
 	if leads:
-		return frappe.get_doc('Lead', leads[0].name)
\ No newline at end of file
+		return frappe.get_doc('Lead', leads[0].name)
+def get_customer_last_interaction(contact_doc):
+	#
+	pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/ b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/
index 3a922f7..c45945f 100644
--- a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/
+++ b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/
@@ -6,66 +6,77 @@
 def handle_incoming_call(*args, **kwargs):
-	# incoming_phone_number = kwargs.get('CallFrom')
+	exotel_settings = get_exotel_settings()
+	if not exotel_settings.enabled: return
-	# contact = get_document_with_phone_number(incoming_phone_number)
-	# last_communication = get_last_communication(incoming_phone_number, contact)
-	call_log = create_call_log(kwargs)
+	employee_email = kwargs.get('AgentEmail')
+	status = kwargs.get('Status')
+	if status == 'free' and get_call_status(kwargs.get('CallSid')) == ['ringing', 'in-progress']:
+		# redirected to other agent number
+		frappe.publish_realtime('terminate_call_popup', user=employee_email)
+		return
+	call_log = get_call_log(kwargs)
 	data = frappe._dict({
 		'call_from': kwargs.get('CallFrom'),
 		'agent_email': kwargs.get('AgentEmail'),
 		'call_type': kwargs.get('Direction'),
-		'call_log': call_log
+		'call_log': call_log,
+		'call_status_method': 'erpnext.erpnext_integrations.exotel_integration.get_call_status'
-	frappe.publish_realtime('show_call_popup', data, user=data.agent_email)
+	if call_log.call_status in ['ringing', 'in-progress']:
+		frappe.publish_realtime('show_call_popup', data, user=data.agent_email)
 def get_last_communication(phone_number, contact):
 	# frappe.get_all('Communication', filter={})
 	return {}
-def create_call_log(call_payload):
+def get_call_log(call_payload):
 	communication = frappe.get_all('Communication', {
 		'communication_medium': 'Phone',
 		'call_id': call_payload.get('CallSid'),
 	}, limit=1)
 	if communication:
-		log = frappe.get_doc('Communication', communication[0].name)
-		log.call_status = 'Connected'
-		return log
+		communication = frappe.get_doc('Communication', communication[0].name)
+	else:
+		communication = frappe.new_doc('Communication')
+		communication.subject = frappe._('Call from {}').format(call_payload.get("CallFrom"))
+		communication.communication_medium = 'Phone'
+		communication.phone_no = call_payload.get("CallFrom")
+		communication.comment_type = 'Info'
+		communication.communication_type = 'Communication'
+		communication.sent_or_received = 'Received'
+		communication.communication_date = call_payload.get('StartTime')
+		communication.call_id = call_payload.get('CallSid')
-	communication = frappe.new_doc('Communication')
-	communication.subject = frappe._('Call from {}').format(call_payload.get("CallFrom"))
-	communication.communication_medium = 'Phone'
-	communication.send_email = 0
-	communication.phone_no = call_payload.get("CallFrom")
-	communication.comment_type = 'Info'
-	communication.communication_type = 'Communication'
-	communication.status = 'Open'
-	communication.sent_or_received = 'Received'
+	status = get_call_status(communication.call_id)
+	communication.call_status = status or 'failed'
+	communication.status = 'Closed' if status in ['completed', 'failed', 'no-answer'] else 'Open'
+	communication.call_duration = call_payload.get('Duration') if status in ['completed', 'failed', 'no-answer'] else 0
 	communication.content = 'call_payload'
-	communication.call_status = 'Incoming'
-	communication.communication_date = call_payload.get('StartTime')
-	communication.call_id = call_payload.get('CallSid')
+	frappe.db.commit()
 	return communication
 def get_call_status(call_id):
+	print(call_id)
 	settings = get_exotel_settings()
-	response = requests.get('https://{api_key}:{api_token}{sid}/{call_id}.json'.format(
+	response = requests.get('https://{api_key}:{api_token}{call_id}.json'.format(
-	return response.json()
+	status = response.json().get('Call', {}).get('Status')
+	return status
 def make_a_call(from_number, to_number, caller_id):
 	settings = get_exotel_settings()
-	response ='https://{api_key}:{api_token}{sid}/Calls/connect.json'.format(
+	response ='https://{api_key}:{api_token}{sid}/Calls/connect.json?details=true'.format(
 	), data={
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js b/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js
index 2d95c5d..7236f9e 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 class CallPopup {
-	constructor({ call_from, call_log }) {
+	constructor({ call_from, call_log, call_status_method }) {
 		this.number = call_from;
 		this.call_log = call_log;
+		this.call_status_method = call_status_method;
+		this.make_customer_contact();
+		this.setup_call_status_updater();
 	make() {
@@ -34,47 +37,54 @@
-		this.make_customer_contact();;
-		this.dialog.header.find('.indicator').removeClass('hidden').addClass('blue');
 	make_customer_contact() {
 		const wrapper = this.dialog.fields_dict["customer_info"].$wrapper;
-		const contact =;
-		const customer = ?[0] : null;
-		const customer_link = customer ? frappe.utils.get_form_link(customer.link_doctype, customer.link_name, true): '';
-		if (!contact) {
-			wrapper.append('<b>Unknown Contact</b>');
-		} else {
-			wrapper.append(`
-				<div class="customer-info flex">
-					<img src="${contact.image}">
-					<div class='flex-column'>
-						<span>${contact.first_name} ${contact.last_name}</span>
-						<span>${contact.mobile_no}</span>
-						${customer_link}
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			`);
-		}
-	}
-	make_summary_section() {
-		//
-	}
-	set_call_status() {
-		let title = '';
-		if (this.call_log.call_status === 'Incoming') {
-			if ( {
-				title = __('Incoming call from {0}', []);
+		wrapper.append('<div class="text-muted"> Loading... </div>');
+		frappe.xcall('erpnext.crm.doctype.utils.get_document_with_phone_number', {
+			'number': this.number
+		}).then(contact_doc => {
+			wrapper.empty();
+			const contact = contact_doc;
+			if (!contact) {
+				wrapper.append('<div>Unknown Contact</div>');
+				wrapper.append(`<a href="#Form/Contact/New Contact?phone=${this.number}">${__('Make New Contact')}</a>`);
 			} else {
-				title = __('Incoming call from unknown number');
+				const link = contact.links ? contact.links[0] : null;
+				const contact_link = link ? frappe.utils.get_form_link(link.link_doctype, link.link_name, true): '';
+				wrapper.append(`
+					<div class="customer-info flex">
+						<img src="${contact.image}">
+						<div class='flex-column'>
+							<span>${contact.first_name} ${contact.last_name}</span>
+							<span>${contact.mobile_no}</span>
+							${contact_link}
+						</div>
+					</div>
+				`);
-		} else {
+		});
+	}
+	set_indicator(color) {
+		this.dialog.header.find('.indicator').removeClass('hidden').addClass('blink').addClass(color);
+	}
+	set_call_status(call_status) {
+		let title = '';
+		call_status = this.call_log.call_status;
+		if (call_status === 'busy') {
+			title = __('Incoming call');
+			this.set_indicator('blue');
+		} else if (call_status === 'in-progress') {
 			title = __('Call Connected');
+			this.set_indicator('yellow');
+		} else if (call_status === 'missed') {
+			this.set_indicator('red');
+			title = __('Call Missed');
@@ -83,6 +93,27 @@
 		this.call_log = data.call_log;
+	setup_call_status_updater() {
+		this.updater = setInterval(this.get_call_status.bind(this), 2000);
+	}
+	get_call_status() {
+		frappe.xcall(this.call_status_method, {
+			'call_id': this.call_log.call_id
+		}).then((call_status) => {
+			if (call_status === 'completed') {
+				clearInterval(this.updater);
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	terminate_popup() {
+		clearInterval(this.updater);
+		this.dialog.hide();
+		delete erpnext.call_popup;
+		frappe.msgprint('Call Forwarded');
+	}
 $(document).on('app_ready', function () {
@@ -90,8 +121,15 @@
 		if (!erpnext.call_popup) {
 			erpnext.call_popup = new CallPopup(data);
 		} else {
+			console.log(data);
+	frappe.realtime.on('terminate_call_popup', () => {
+		if (erpnext.call_popup) {
+			erpnext.call_popup.terminate_popup();
+		}
+	});