Revert "refactor!: remove e_invoice utils (#27167)"

This reverts commit 8ed63383366728ae7650f6858feaba7ee1f832cd.
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/ b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765b51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/
@@ -0,0 +1,1131 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+import re
+import jwt
+import sys
+import json
+import base64
+import frappe
+import six
+import traceback
+import io
+from frappe import _, bold
+from pyqrcode import create as qrcreate
+from frappe.utils.background_jobs import enqueue
+from frappe.utils.scheduler import is_scheduler_inactive
+from import get_info
+from frappe.integrations.utils import make_post_request, make_get_request
+from erpnext.regional.india.utils import get_gst_accounts, get_place_of_supply
+from import cstr, cint, format_date, flt, time_diff_in_seconds, now_datetime, add_to_date, get_link_to_form, getdate, time_diff_in_hours
+def validate_eligibility(doc):
+	if isinstance(doc, six.string_types):
+		doc = json.loads(doc)
+	invalid_doctype = doc.get('doctype') != 'Sales Invoice'
+	if invalid_doctype:
+		return False
+	einvoicing_enabled = cint(frappe.db.get_single_value('E Invoice Settings', 'enable'))
+	if not einvoicing_enabled:
+		return False
+	einvoicing_eligible_from = frappe.db.get_single_value('E Invoice Settings', 'applicable_from') or '2021-04-01'
+	if getdate(doc.get('posting_date')) < getdate(einvoicing_eligible_from):
+		return False
+	invalid_company = not frappe.db.get_value('E Invoice User', { 'company': doc.get('company') })
+	invalid_supply_type = doc.get('gst_category') not in ['Registered Regular', 'SEZ', 'Overseas', 'Deemed Export']
+	company_transaction = doc.get('billing_address_gstin') == doc.get('company_gstin')
+	# if export invoice, then taxes can be empty
+	# invoice can only be ineligible if no taxes applied and is not an export invoice
+	no_taxes_applied = not doc.get('taxes') and not doc.get('gst_category') == 'Overseas'
+	has_non_gst_item = any(d for d in doc.get('items', []) if d.get('is_non_gst'))
+	if invalid_company or invalid_supply_type or company_transaction or no_taxes_applied or has_non_gst_item:
+		return False
+	return True
+def validate_einvoice_fields(doc):
+	invoice_eligible = validate_eligibility(doc)
+	if not invoice_eligible:
+		return
+	if doc.docstatus == 0 and doc._action == 'save':
+		if doc.irn:
+			frappe.throw(_('You cannot edit the invoice after generating IRN'), title=_('Edit Not Allowed'))
+		if len( > 16:
+			raise_document_name_too_long_error()
+		doc.einvoice_status = 'Pending'
+	elif doc.docstatus == 1 and doc._action == 'submit' and not doc.irn:
+		frappe.throw(_('You must generate IRN before submitting the document.'), title=_('Missing IRN'))
+	elif doc.irn and doc.docstatus == 2 and doc._action == 'cancel' and not doc.irn_cancelled:
+		frappe.throw(_('You must cancel IRN before cancelling the document.'), title=_('Cancel Not Allowed'))
+def raise_document_name_too_long_error():
+	title = _('Document ID Too Long')
+	msg = _('As you have E-Invoicing enabled, to be able to generate IRN for this invoice')
+	msg += ', '
+	msg += _('document id {} exceed 16 letters.').format(bold(_('should not')))
+	msg += '<br><br>'
+	msg += _('You must {} your {} in order to have document id of {} length 16.').format(
+		bold(_('modify')), bold(_('naming series')), bold(_('maximum'))
+	)
+	msg += _('Please account for ammended documents too.')
+	frappe.throw(msg, title=title)
+def read_json(name):
+	file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '{name}.json'.format(name=name))
+	with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
+		return cstr(
+def get_transaction_details(invoice):
+	supply_type = ''
+	if invoice.gst_category == 'Registered Regular': supply_type = 'B2B'
+	elif invoice.gst_category == 'SEZ': supply_type = 'SEZWOP'
+	elif invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas': supply_type = 'EXPWOP'
+	elif invoice.gst_category == 'Deemed Export': supply_type = 'DEXP'
+	if not supply_type:
+		rr, sez, overseas, export = bold('Registered Regular'), bold('SEZ'), bold('Overseas'), bold('Deemed Export')
+		frappe.throw(_('GST category should be one of {}, {}, {}, {}').format(rr, sez, overseas, export),
+			title=_('Invalid Supply Type'))
+	return frappe._dict(dict(
+		tax_scheme='GST',
+		supply_type=supply_type,
+		reverse_charge=invoice.reverse_charge
+	))
+def get_doc_details(invoice):
+	if getdate(invoice.posting_date) < getdate('2021-01-01'):
+		frappe.throw(_('IRN generation is not allowed for invoices dated before 1st Jan 2021'), title=_('Not Allowed'))
+	invoice_type = 'CRN' if invoice.is_return else 'INV'
+	invoice_name =
+	invoice_date = format_date(invoice.posting_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
+	return frappe._dict(dict(
+		invoice_type=invoice_type,
+		invoice_name=invoice_name,
+		invoice_date=invoice_date
+	))
+def validate_address_fields(address, is_shipping_address):
+	if ((not address.gstin and not is_shipping_address)
+		or not
+		or not address.pincode
+		or not address.address_title
+		or not address.address_line1
+		or not address.gst_state_number):
+		frappe.throw(
+			msg=_('Address Lines, City, Pincode, GSTIN are mandatory for address {}. Please set them and try again.').format(,
+			title=_('Missing Address Fields')
+		)
+def get_party_details(address_name, is_shipping_address=False):
+	addr = frappe.get_doc('Address', address_name)
+	validate_address_fields(addr, is_shipping_address)
+	if addr.gst_state_number == 97:
+		# according to einvoice standard
+		addr.pincode = 999999
+	party_address_details = frappe._dict(dict(
+		legal_name=sanitize_for_json(addr.address_title),
+		location=sanitize_for_json(,
+		pincode=addr.pincode, gstin=addr.gstin,
+		state_code=addr.gst_state_number,
+		address_line1=sanitize_for_json(addr.address_line1),
+		address_line2=sanitize_for_json(addr.address_line2)
+	))
+	return party_address_details
+def get_overseas_address_details(address_name):
+	address_title, address_line1, address_line2, city = frappe.db.get_value(
+		'Address', address_name, ['address_title', 'address_line1', 'address_line2', 'city']
+	)
+	if not address_title or not address_line1 or not city:
+		frappe.throw(
+			msg=_('Address lines and city is mandatory for address {}. Please set them and try again.').format(
+				get_link_to_form('Address', address_name)
+			),
+			title=_('Missing Address Fields')
+		)
+	return frappe._dict(dict(
+		gstin='URP',
+		legal_name=sanitize_for_json(address_title),
+		location=city,
+		address_line1=sanitize_for_json(address_line1),
+		address_line2=sanitize_for_json(address_line2),
+		pincode=999999, state_code=96, place_of_supply=96
+	))
+def get_item_list(invoice):
+	item_list = []
+	for d in invoice.items:
+		einvoice_item_schema = read_json('einv_item_template')
+		item = frappe._dict({})
+		item.update(d.as_dict())
+		item.sr_no = d.idx
+		item.description = sanitize_for_json(d.item_name)
+		item.qty = abs(item.qty)
+		if flt(item.qty) != 0.0:
+			item.unit_rate = abs(item.taxable_value / item.qty)
+		else:
+			item.unit_rate = abs(item.taxable_value)
+		item.gross_amount = abs(item.taxable_value)
+		item.taxable_value = abs(item.taxable_value)
+		item.discount_amount = 0
+		item.batch_expiry_date = frappe.db.get_value('Batch', d.batch_no, 'expiry_date') if d.batch_no else None
+		item.batch_expiry_date = format_date(item.batch_expiry_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') if item.batch_expiry_date else None
+		item.is_service_item = 'Y' if item.gst_hsn_code and item.gst_hsn_code[:2] == "99" else 'N'
+		item.serial_no = ""
+		item = update_item_taxes(invoice, item)
+		item.total_value = abs(
+			item.taxable_value + item.igst_amount + item.sgst_amount +
+			item.cgst_amount + item.cess_amount + item.cess_nadv_amount + item.other_charges
+		)
+		einv_item = einvoice_item_schema.format(item=item)
+		item_list.append(einv_item)
+	return ', '.join(item_list)
+def update_item_taxes(invoice, item):
+	gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts(
+	gst_accounts_list = [d for accounts in gst_accounts.values() for d in accounts if d]
+	for attr in [
+		'tax_rate', 'cess_rate', 'cess_nadv_amount',
+		'cgst_amount',  'sgst_amount', 'igst_amount',
+		'cess_amount', 'cess_nadv_amount', 'other_charges'
+		]:
+		item[attr] = 0
+	for t in invoice.taxes:
+		is_applicable = t.tax_amount and t.account_head in gst_accounts_list
+		if is_applicable:
+			# this contains item wise tax rate & tax amount (incl. discount)
+			item_tax_detail = json.loads(t.item_wise_tax_detail).get(item.item_code or item.item_name)
+			item_tax_rate = item_tax_detail[0]
+			# item tax amount excluding discount amount
+			item_tax_amount = (item_tax_rate / 100) * item.taxable_value
+			if t.account_head in gst_accounts.cess_account:
+				item_tax_amount_after_discount = item_tax_detail[1]
+				if t.charge_type == 'On Item Quantity':
+					item.cess_nadv_amount += abs(item_tax_amount_after_discount)
+				else:
+					item.cess_rate += item_tax_rate
+					item.cess_amount += abs(item_tax_amount_after_discount)
+			for tax_type in ['igst', 'cgst', 'sgst']:
+				if t.account_head in gst_accounts[f'{tax_type}_account']:
+					item.tax_rate += item_tax_rate
+					item[f'{tax_type}_amount'] += abs(item_tax_amount)
+		else:
+			# TODO: other charges per item
+			pass
+	return item
+def get_invoice_value_details(invoice):
+	invoice_value_details = frappe._dict(dict())
+	invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(sum([i.taxable_value for i in invoice.get('items')]))
+	invoice_value_details.invoice_discount_amt = 0
+	invoice_value_details.round_off = invoice.base_rounding_adjustment
+	invoice_value_details.base_grand_total = abs(invoice.base_rounded_total) or abs(invoice.base_grand_total)
+	invoice_value_details.grand_total = abs(invoice.rounded_total) or abs(invoice.grand_total)
+	invoice_value_details = update_invoice_taxes(invoice, invoice_value_details)
+	return invoice_value_details
+def update_invoice_taxes(invoice, invoice_value_details):
+	gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts(
+	gst_accounts_list = [d for accounts in gst_accounts.values() for d in accounts if d]
+	invoice_value_details.total_cgst_amt = 0
+	invoice_value_details.total_sgst_amt = 0
+	invoice_value_details.total_igst_amt = 0
+	invoice_value_details.total_cess_amt = 0
+	invoice_value_details.total_other_charges = 0
+	considered_rows = []
+	for t in invoice.taxes:
+		tax_amount = t.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+		if t.account_head in gst_accounts_list:
+			if t.account_head in gst_accounts.cess_account:
+				# using after discount amt since item also uses after discount amt for cess calc
+				invoice_value_details.total_cess_amt += abs(t.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
+			for tax_type in ['igst', 'cgst', 'sgst']:
+				if t.account_head in gst_accounts[f'{tax_type}_account']:
+					invoice_value_details[f'total_{tax_type}_amt'] += abs(tax_amount)
+				update_other_charges(t, invoice_value_details, gst_accounts_list, invoice, considered_rows)
+		else:
+			invoice_value_details.total_other_charges += abs(tax_amount)
+	return invoice_value_details
+def update_other_charges(tax_row, invoice_value_details, gst_accounts_list, invoice, considered_rows):
+	prev_row_id = cint(tax_row.row_id) - 1
+	if tax_row.account_head in gst_accounts_list and prev_row_id not in considered_rows:
+		if tax_row.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Amount':
+			amount = invoice.get('taxes')[prev_row_id].tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+			invoice_value_details.total_other_charges -= abs(amount)
+			considered_rows.append(prev_row_id)
+		if tax_row.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Total':
+			amount = invoice.get('taxes')[prev_row_id].base_total - invoice.base_net_total
+			invoice_value_details.total_other_charges -= abs(amount)
+			considered_rows.append(prev_row_id)
+def get_payment_details(invoice):
+	payee_name =
+	mode_of_payment = ', '.join([d.mode_of_payment for d in invoice.payments])
+	paid_amount = invoice.base_paid_amount
+	outstanding_amount = invoice.outstanding_amount
+	return frappe._dict(dict(
+		payee_name=payee_name, mode_of_payment=mode_of_payment,
+		paid_amount=paid_amount, outstanding_amount=outstanding_amount
+	))
+def get_return_doc_reference(invoice):
+	invoice_date = frappe.db.get_value('Sales Invoice', invoice.return_against, 'posting_date')
+	return frappe._dict(dict(
+		invoice_name=invoice.return_against, invoice_date=format_date(invoice_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
+	))
+def get_eway_bill_details(invoice):
+	if invoice.is_return:
+		frappe.throw(_('E-Way Bill cannot be generated for Credit Notes & Debit Notes. Please clear fields in the Transporter Section of the invoice.'),
+			title=_('Invalid Fields'))
+	mode_of_transport = { '': '', 'Road': '1', 'Air': '2', 'Rail': '3', 'Ship': '4' }
+	vehicle_type = { 'Regular': 'R', 'Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC)': 'O' }
+	return frappe._dict(dict(
+		gstin=invoice.gst_transporter_id,
+		name=invoice.transporter_name,
+		mode_of_transport=mode_of_transport[invoice.mode_of_transport],
+		distance=invoice.distance or 0,
+		document_name=invoice.lr_no,
+		document_date=format_date(invoice.lr_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),
+		vehicle_no=invoice.vehicle_no,
+		vehicle_type=vehicle_type[invoice.gst_vehicle_type]
+	))
+def validate_mandatory_fields(invoice):
+	if not invoice.company_address:
+		frappe.throw(
+			_('Company Address is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. Please set Company Address and try again.'),
+			title=_('Missing Fields')
+		)
+	if not invoice.customer_address:
+		frappe.throw(
+			_('Customer Address is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details. Please set Company Address and try again.'),
+			title=_('Missing Fields')
+		)
+	if not frappe.db.get_value('Address', invoice.company_address, 'gstin'):
+		frappe.throw(
+			_('GSTIN is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected company address.'),
+			title=_('Missing Fields')
+		)
+	if invoice.gst_category != 'Overseas' and not frappe.db.get_value('Address', invoice.customer_address, 'gstin'):
+		frappe.throw(
+			_('GSTIN is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected customer address.'),
+			title=_('Missing Fields')
+		)
+def validate_totals(einvoice):
+	item_list = einvoice['ItemList']
+	value_details = einvoice['ValDtls']
+	total_item_ass_value = 0
+	total_item_cgst_value = 0
+	total_item_sgst_value = 0
+	total_item_igst_value = 0
+	total_item_value = 0
+	for item in item_list:
+		total_item_ass_value += flt(item['AssAmt'])
+		total_item_cgst_value += flt(item['CgstAmt'])
+		total_item_sgst_value += flt(item['SgstAmt'])
+		total_item_igst_value += flt(item['IgstAmt'])
+		total_item_value += flt(item['TotItemVal'])
+		if abs(flt(item['AssAmt']) * flt(item['GstRt']) / 100) - (flt(item['CgstAmt']) + flt(item['SgstAmt']) + flt(item['IgstAmt'])) > 1:
+			frappe.throw(_('Row #{}: GST rate is invalid. Please remove tax rows with zero tax amount from taxes table.').format(item.idx))
+	if abs(flt(value_details['AssVal']) - total_item_ass_value) > 1:
+		frappe.throw(_('Total Taxable Value of the items is not equal to the Invoice Net Total. Please check item taxes / discounts for any correction.'))
+	if abs(
+		flt(value_details['TotInvVal']) + flt(value_details['Discount']) -
+		flt(value_details['OthChrg']) - flt(value_details['RndOffAmt']) -
+		total_item_value) > 1:
+		frappe.throw(_('Total Value of the items is not equal to the Invoice Grand Total. Please check item taxes / discounts for any correction.'))
+	calculated_invoice_value = \
+			flt(value_details['AssVal']) + flt(value_details['CgstVal']) \
+			+ flt(value_details['SgstVal']) + flt(value_details['IgstVal']) \
+			+ flt(value_details['OthChrg']) + flt(value_details['RndOffAmt']) - flt(value_details['Discount'])
+	if abs(flt(value_details['TotInvVal']) - calculated_invoice_value) > 1:
+		frappe.throw(_('Total Item Value + Taxes - Discount is not equal to the Invoice Grand Total. Please check taxes / discounts for any correction.'))
+def make_einvoice(invoice):
+	validate_mandatory_fields(invoice)
+	schema = read_json('einv_template')
+	transaction_details = get_transaction_details(invoice)
+	item_list = get_item_list(invoice)
+	doc_details = get_doc_details(invoice)
+	invoice_value_details = get_invoice_value_details(invoice)
+	seller_details = get_party_details(invoice.company_address)
+	if invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas':
+		buyer_details = get_overseas_address_details(invoice.customer_address)
+	else:
+		buyer_details = get_party_details(invoice.customer_address)
+		place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply(invoice, invoice.doctype)
+		if place_of_supply:
+			place_of_supply = place_of_supply.split('-')[0]
+		else:
+			place_of_supply = sanitize_for_json(invoice.billing_address_gstin)[:2]
+		buyer_details.update(dict(place_of_supply=place_of_supply))
+	seller_details.update(dict(
+	buyer_details.update(dict(legal_name=invoice.customer_name or invoice.customer))
+	shipping_details = payment_details = prev_doc_details = eway_bill_details = frappe._dict({})
+	if invoice.shipping_address_name and invoice.customer_address != invoice.shipping_address_name:
+		if invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas':
+			shipping_details = get_overseas_address_details(invoice.shipping_address_name)
+		else:
+			shipping_details = get_party_details(invoice.shipping_address_name, is_shipping_address=True)
+	if invoice.is_pos and invoice.base_paid_amount:
+		payment_details = get_payment_details(invoice)
+	if invoice.is_return and invoice.return_against:
+		prev_doc_details = get_return_doc_reference(invoice)
+	if invoice.transporter and not invoice.is_return:
+		eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details(invoice)
+	# not yet implemented
+	dispatch_details = period_details = export_details = frappe._dict({})
+	einvoice = schema.format(
+		transaction_details=transaction_details, doc_details=doc_details, dispatch_details=dispatch_details,
+		seller_details=seller_details, buyer_details=buyer_details, shipping_details=shipping_details,
+		item_list=item_list, invoice_value_details=invoice_value_details, payment_details=payment_details,
+		period_details=period_details, prev_doc_details=prev_doc_details,
+		export_details=export_details, eway_bill_details=eway_bill_details
+	)
+	try:
+		einvoice = safe_json_load(einvoice)
+		einvoice = santize_einvoice_fields(einvoice)
+	except Exception:
+		show_link_to_error_log(invoice, einvoice)
+	validate_totals(einvoice)
+	return einvoice
+def show_link_to_error_log(invoice, einvoice):
+	err_log = log_error(einvoice)
+	link_to_error_log = get_link_to_form('Error Log',, 'Error Log')
+	frappe.throw(
+		_('An error occurred while creating e-invoice for {}. Please check {} for more information.').format(
+, link_to_error_log),
+		title=_('E Invoice Creation Failed')
+	)
+def log_error(data=None):
+	if isinstance(data, six.string_types):
+		data = json.loads(data)
+	seperator = "--" * 50
+	err_tb = traceback.format_exc()
+	err_msg = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
+	data = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+	message = "\n".join([
+		"Error", err_msg, seperator,
+		"Data:", data, seperator,
+		"Exception:", err_tb
+	])
+	frappe.log_error(title=_('E Invoice Request Failed'), message=message)
+def santize_einvoice_fields(einvoice):
+	int_fields = ["Pin","Distance","CrDay"]
+	float_fields = ["Qty","FreeQty","UnitPrice","TotAmt","Discount","PreTaxVal","AssAmt","GstRt","IgstAmt","CgstAmt","SgstAmt","CesRt","CesAmt","CesNonAdvlAmt","StateCesRt","StateCesAmt","StateCesNonAdvlAmt","OthChrg","TotItemVal","AssVal","CgstVal","SgstVal","IgstVal","CesVal","StCesVal","Discount","OthChrg","RndOffAmt","TotInvVal","TotInvValFc","PaidAmt","PaymtDue","ExpDuty",]
+	copy = einvoice.copy()
+	for key, value in copy.items():
+		if isinstance(value, list):
+			for idx, d in enumerate(value):
+				santized_dict = santize_einvoice_fields(d)
+				if santized_dict:
+					einvoice[key][idx] = santized_dict
+				else:
+					einvoice[key].pop(idx)
+			if not einvoice[key]:
+				einvoice.pop(key, None)
+		elif isinstance(value, dict):
+			santized_dict = santize_einvoice_fields(value)
+			if santized_dict:
+				einvoice[key] = santized_dict
+			else:
+				einvoice.pop(key, None)
+		elif not value or value == "None":
+			einvoice.pop(key, None)
+		elif key in float_fields:
+			einvoice[key] = flt(value, 2)
+		elif key in int_fields:
+			einvoice[key] = cint(value)
+	return einvoice
+def safe_json_load(json_string):
+	try:
+		return json.loads(json_string)
+	except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
+		# print a snippet of 40 characters around the location where error occured
+		pos = e.pos
+		start, end = max(0, pos-20), min(len(json_string)-1, pos+20)
+		snippet = json_string[start:end]
+		frappe.throw(_("Error in input data. Please check for any special characters near following input: <br> {}").format(snippet))
+class RequestFailed(Exception):
+	pass
+class CancellationNotAllowed(Exception):
+	pass
+class GSPConnector():
+	def __init__(self, doctype=None, docname=None):
+		self.doctype = doctype
+		self.docname = docname
+		self.set_invoice()
+		self.set_credentials()
+		# authenticate url is same for sandbox & live
+		self.authenticate_url = ''
+		self.base_url = '' if not self.e_invoice_settings.sandbox_mode else ''
+		self.cancel_irn_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice/cancel'
+		self.irn_details_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice/irn'
+		self.generate_irn_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice'
+		self.gstin_details_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/master/gstin'
+		self.cancel_ewaybill_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ewb/ewayapi?action=CANEWB'
+		self.generate_ewaybill_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/ewaybill'
+	def set_invoice(self):
+		self.invoice = None
+		if self.doctype and self.docname:
+			self.invoice = frappe.get_cached_doc(self.doctype, self.docname)
+	def set_credentials(self):
+		self.e_invoice_settings = frappe.get_cached_doc('E Invoice Settings')
+		if not self.e_invoice_settings.enable:
+			frappe.throw(_("E-Invoicing is disabled. Please enable it from {} to generate e-invoices.").format(get_link_to_form("E Invoice Settings", "E Invoice Settings")))
+		if self.invoice:
+			gstin = self.get_seller_gstin()
+			credentials_for_gstin = [d for d in self.e_invoice_settings.credentials if d.gstin == gstin]
+			if credentials_for_gstin:
+				self.credentials = credentials_for_gstin[0]
+			else:
+				frappe.throw(_('Cannot find e-invoicing credentials for selected Company GSTIN. Please check E-Invoice Settings'))
+		else:
+			self.credentials = self.e_invoice_settings.credentials[0] if self.e_invoice_settings.credentials else None
+	def get_seller_gstin(self):
+		gstin = frappe.db.get_value('Address', self.invoice.company_address, 'gstin')
+		if not gstin:
+			frappe.throw(_('Cannot retrieve Company GSTIN. Please select company address with valid GSTIN.'))
+		return gstin
+	def get_auth_token(self):
+		if time_diff_in_seconds(self.e_invoice_settings.token_expiry, now_datetime()) < 150.0:
+			self.fetch_auth_token()
+		return self.e_invoice_settings.auth_token
+	def make_request(self, request_type, url, headers=None, data=None):
+		if request_type == 'post':
+			res = make_post_request(url, headers=headers, data=data)
+		else:
+			res = make_get_request(url, headers=headers, data=data)
+		self.log_request(url, headers, data, res)
+		return res
+	def log_request(self, url, headers, data, res):
+		headers.update({ 'password': self.credentials.password })
+		request_log = frappe.get_doc({
+			"doctype": "E Invoice Request Log",
+			"user": frappe.session.user,
+			"reference_invoice": if self.invoice else None,
+			"url": url,
+			"headers": json.dumps(headers, indent=4) if headers else None,
+			"data": json.dumps(data, indent=4) if isinstance(data, dict) else data,
+			"response": json.dumps(res, indent=4) if res else None
+		})
+		frappe.db.commit()
+	def fetch_auth_token(self):
+		headers = {
+			'gspappid': frappe.conf.einvoice_client_id,
+			'gspappsecret': frappe.conf.einvoice_client_secret
+		}
+		res = {}
+		try:
+			res = self.make_request('post', self.authenticate_url, headers)
+			self.e_invoice_settings.auth_token = "{} {}".format(res.get('token_type'), res.get('access_token'))
+			self.e_invoice_settings.token_expiry = add_to_date(None, seconds=res.get('expires_in'))
+			self.e_invoice_settings.reload()
+		except Exception:
+			log_error(res)
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	def get_headers(self):
+		return {
+			'content-type': 'application/json',
+			'user_name': self.credentials.username,
+			'password': self.credentials.get_password(),
+			'gstin': self.credentials.gstin,
+			'authorization': self.get_auth_token(),
+			'requestid': str(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(18))),
+		}
+	def fetch_gstin_details(self, gstin):
+		headers = self.get_headers()
+		try:
+			params = '?gstin={gstin}'.format(gstin=gstin)
+			res = self.make_request('get', self.gstin_details_url + params, headers)
+			if res.get('success'):
+				return res.get('result')
+			else:
+				log_error(res)
+				raise RequestFailed
+		except RequestFailed:
+			self.raise_error()
+		except Exception:
+			log_error()
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	@staticmethod
+	def get_gstin_details(gstin):
+		'''fetch and cache GSTIN details'''
+		if not hasattr(frappe.local, 'gstin_cache'):
+			frappe.local.gstin_cache = {}
+		key = gstin
+		gsp_connector = GSPConnector()
+		details = gsp_connector.fetch_gstin_details(gstin)
+		frappe.local.gstin_cache[key] = details
+		frappe.cache().hset('gstin_cache', key, details)
+		return details
+	def generate_irn(self):
+		data = {}
+		try:
+			headers = self.get_headers()
+			einvoice = make_einvoice(self.invoice)
+			data = json.dumps(einvoice, indent=4)
+			res = self.make_request('post', self.generate_irn_url, headers, data)
+			if res.get('success'):
+				self.set_einvoice_data(res.get('result'))
+			elif '2150' in res.get('message'):
+				# IRN already generated but not updated in invoice
+				# Extract the IRN from the response description and fetch irn details
+				irn = res.get('result')[0].get('Desc').get('Irn')
+				irn_details = self.get_irn_details(irn)
+				if irn_details:
+					self.set_einvoice_data(irn_details)
+				else:
+					raise RequestFailed('IRN has already been generated for the invoice but cannot fetch details for the it. \
+						Contact ERPNext support to resolve the issue.')
+			else:
+				raise RequestFailed
+		except RequestFailed:
+			errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+			self.set_failed_status(errors=errors)
+			self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+		except Exception as e:
+			self.set_failed_status(errors=str(e))
+			log_error(data)
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	@staticmethod
+	def bulk_generate_irn(invoices):
+		gsp_connector = GSPConnector()
+		gsp_connector.doctype = 'Sales Invoice'
+		failed = []
+		for invoice in invoices:
+			try:
+				gsp_connector.docname = invoice
+				gsp_connector.set_invoice()
+				gsp_connector.set_credentials()
+				gsp_connector.generate_irn()
+			except Exception as e:
+				failed.append({
+					'docname': invoice,
+					'message': str(e)
+				})
+		return failed
+	def get_irn_details(self, irn):
+		headers = self.get_headers()
+		try:
+			params = '?irn={irn}'.format(irn=irn)
+			res = self.make_request('get', self.irn_details_url + params, headers)
+			if res.get('success'):
+				return res.get('result')
+			else:
+				raise RequestFailed
+		except RequestFailed:
+			errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+			self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+		except Exception:
+			log_error()
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	def cancel_irn(self, irn, reason, remark):
+		data, res = {}, {}
+		try:
+			# validate cancellation
+			if time_diff_in_hours(now_datetime(), self.invoice.ack_date) > 24:
+				frappe.throw(_('E-Invoice cannot be cancelled after 24 hours of IRN generation.'), title=_('Not Allowed'), exc=CancellationNotAllowed)
+			if not irn:
+				frappe.throw(_('IRN not found. You must generate IRN before cancelling.'), title=_('Not Allowed'), exc=CancellationNotAllowed)
+			headers = self.get_headers()
+			data = json.dumps({
+				'Irn': irn,
+				'Cnlrsn': reason,
+				'Cnlrem': remark
+			}, indent=4)
+			res = self.make_request('post', self.cancel_irn_url, headers, data)
+			if res.get('success') or '9999' in res.get('message'):
+				self.invoice.irn_cancelled = 1
+				self.invoice.irn_cancel_date = res.get('result')['CancelDate'] if res.get('result') else ""
+				self.invoice.einvoice_status = 'Cancelled'
+				self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+					'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+					'docname':,
+					'label': _('IRN Cancelled - {}').format(remark)
+				}
+				self.update_invoice()
+			else:
+				raise RequestFailed
+		except RequestFailed:
+			errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+			self.set_failed_status(errors=errors)
+			self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+		except CancellationNotAllowed as e:
+			self.set_failed_status(errors=str(e))
+			self.raise_error(errors=str(e))
+		except Exception as e:
+			self.set_failed_status(errors=str(e))
+			log_error(data)
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	@staticmethod
+	def bulk_cancel_irn(invoices, reason, remark):
+		gsp_connector = GSPConnector()
+		gsp_connector.doctype = 'Sales Invoice'
+		failed = []
+		for invoice in invoices:
+			try:
+				gsp_connector.docname = invoice
+				gsp_connector.set_invoice()
+				gsp_connector.set_credentials()
+				irn = gsp_connector.invoice.irn
+				gsp_connector.cancel_irn(irn, reason, remark)
+			except Exception as e:
+				failed.append({
+					'docname': invoice,
+					'message': str(e)
+				})
+		return failed
+	def generate_eway_bill(self, **kwargs):
+		args = frappe._dict(kwargs)
+		headers = self.get_headers()
+		eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details(args)
+		data = json.dumps({
+			'Irn': args.irn,
+			'Distance': cint(eway_bill_details.distance),
+			'TransMode': eway_bill_details.mode_of_transport,
+			'TransId': eway_bill_details.gstin,
+			'TransName': eway_bill_details.transporter,
+			'TrnDocDt': eway_bill_details.document_date,
+			'TrnDocNo': eway_bill_details.document_name,
+			'VehNo': eway_bill_details.vehicle_no,
+			'VehType': eway_bill_details.vehicle_type
+		}, indent=4)
+		try:
+			res = self.make_request('post', self.generate_ewaybill_url, headers, data)
+			if res.get('success'):
+				self.invoice.ewaybill = res.get('result').get('EwbNo')
+				self.invoice.eway_bill_validity = res.get('result').get('EwbValidTill')
+				self.invoice.eway_bill_cancelled = 0
+				self.invoice.update(args)
+				self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+					'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+					'docname':,
+					'label': _('E-Way Bill Generated')
+				}
+				self.update_invoice()
+			else:
+				raise RequestFailed
+		except RequestFailed:
+			errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+			self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+		except Exception:
+			log_error(data)
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	def cancel_eway_bill(self, eway_bill, reason, remark):
+		headers = self.get_headers()
+		data = json.dumps({
+			'ewbNo': eway_bill,
+			'cancelRsnCode': reason,
+			'cancelRmrk': remark
+		}, indent=4)
+		headers["username"] = headers["user_name"]
+		del headers["user_name"]
+		try:
+			res = self.make_request('post', self.cancel_ewaybill_url, headers, data)
+			if res.get('success'):
+				self.invoice.ewaybill = ''
+				self.invoice.eway_bill_cancelled = 1
+				self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+					'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+					'docname':,
+					'label': _('E-Way Bill Cancelled - {}').format(remark)
+				}
+				self.update_invoice()
+			else:
+				raise RequestFailed
+		except RequestFailed:
+			errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+			self.raise_error(errors=errors)
+		except Exception:
+			log_error(data)
+			self.raise_error(True)
+	def sanitize_error_message(self, message):
+		'''
+			On validation errors, response message looks something like this:
+			message = '2174 : For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable,
+						3095 : Supplier GSTIN is inactive'
+			we search for string between ':' to extract the error messages
+			errors = [
+				': For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable, 3095 ',
+				': Test'
+			]
+			then we trim down the message by looping over errors
+		'''
+		if not message:
+			return []
+		errors = re.findall(': [^:]+', message)
+		for idx, e in enumerate(errors):
+			# remove colons
+			errors[idx] = errors[idx].replace(':', '').strip()
+			# if not last
+			if idx != len(errors) - 1:
+				# remove last 7 chars eg: ', 3095 '
+				errors[idx] = errors[idx][:-6]
+		return errors
+	def raise_error(self, raise_exception=False, errors=[]):
+		title = _('E Invoice Request Failed')
+		if errors:
+			frappe.throw(errors, title=title, as_list=1)
+		else:
+			link_to_error_list = '<a href="desk#List/Error Log/List?method=E Invoice Request Failed">Error Log</a>'
+			frappe.msgprint(
+				_('An error occurred while making e-invoicing request. Please check {} for more information.').format(link_to_error_list),
+				title=title,
+				raise_exception=raise_exception,
+				indicator='red'
+			)
+	def set_einvoice_data(self, res):
+		enc_signed_invoice = res.get('SignedInvoice')
+		dec_signed_invoice = jwt.decode(enc_signed_invoice, options={"verify_signature": False})['data']
+		self.invoice.irn = res.get('Irn')
+		self.invoice.ewaybill = res.get('EwbNo')
+		self.invoice.eway_bill_validity = res.get('EwbValidTill')
+		self.invoice.ack_no = res.get('AckNo')
+		self.invoice.ack_date = res.get('AckDt')
+		self.invoice.signed_einvoice = dec_signed_invoice
+		self.invoice.ack_no = res.get('AckNo')
+		self.invoice.ack_date = res.get('AckDt')
+		self.invoice.signed_qr_code = res.get('SignedQRCode')
+		self.invoice.einvoice_status = 'Generated'
+		self.attach_qrcode_image()
+		self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
+			'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
+			'docname':,
+			'label': _('IRN Generated')
+		}
+		self.update_invoice()
+	def attach_qrcode_image(self):
+		qrcode = self.invoice.signed_qr_code
+		doctype = self.invoice.doctype
+		docname =
+		filename = 'QRCode_{}.png'.format(docname).replace(os.path.sep, "__")
+		qr_image = io.BytesIO()
+		url = qrcreate(qrcode, error='L')
+		url.png(qr_image, scale=2, quiet_zone=1)
+		_file = frappe.get_doc({
+			"doctype": "File",
+			"file_name": filename,
+			"attached_to_doctype": doctype,
+			"attached_to_name": docname,
+			"attached_to_field": "qrcode_image",
+			"is_private": 0,
+			"content": qr_image.getvalue()})
+		frappe.db.commit()
+		self.invoice.qrcode_image = _file.file_url
+	def update_invoice(self):
+		self.invoice.flags.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True
+		self.invoice.flags.ignore_validate = True
+	def set_failed_status(self, errors=None):
+		frappe.db.rollback()
+		self.invoice.einvoice_status = 'Failed'
+		self.invoice.failure_description = self.get_failure_message(errors) if errors else ""
+		self.update_invoice()
+		frappe.db.commit()
+	def get_failure_message(self, errors):
+		if isinstance(errors, list):
+			errors = ', '.join(errors)
+		return errors
+def sanitize_for_json(string):
+	"""Escape JSON specific characters from a string."""
+	# json.dumps adds double-quotes to the string. Indexing to remove them.
+	return json.dumps(string)[1:-1]
+def get_einvoice(doctype, docname):
+	invoice = frappe.get_doc(doctype, docname)
+	return make_einvoice(invoice)
+def generate_irn(doctype, docname):
+	gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+	gsp_connector.generate_irn()
+def cancel_irn(doctype, docname, irn, reason, remark):
+	gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+	gsp_connector.cancel_irn(irn, reason, remark)
+def generate_eway_bill(doctype, docname, **kwargs):
+	gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+	gsp_connector.generate_eway_bill(**kwargs)
+def cancel_eway_bill(doctype, docname):
+	# TODO: uncomment when eway_bill api from Adequare is enabled
+	# gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+	# gsp_connector.cancel_eway_bill(eway_bill, reason, remark)
+	frappe.db.set_value(doctype, docname, 'ewaybill', '')
+	frappe.db.set_value(doctype, docname, 'eway_bill_cancelled', 1)
+def generate_einvoices(docnames):
+	docnames = json.loads(docnames) or []
+	if len(docnames) < 10:
+		failures = GSPConnector.bulk_generate_irn(docnames)
+		frappe.local.message_log = []
+		if failures:
+			show_bulk_action_failure_message(failures)
+		success = len(docnames) - len(failures)
+		frappe.msgprint(
+			_('{} e-invoices generated successfully').format(success),
+			title=_('Bulk E-Invoice Generation Complete')
+		)
+	else:
+		enqueue_bulk_action(schedule_bulk_generate_irn, docnames=docnames)
+def schedule_bulk_generate_irn(docnames):
+	failures = GSPConnector.bulk_generate_irn(docnames)
+	frappe.local.message_log = []
+	frappe.publish_realtime("bulk_einvoice_generation_complete", {
+		"user": frappe.session.user,
+		"failures": failures,
+		"invoices": docnames
+	})
+def show_bulk_action_failure_message(failures):
+	for doc in failures:
+		docname = '<a href="sales-invoice/{0}">{0}</a>'.format(doc.get('docname'))
+		message = doc.get('message').replace("'", '"')
+		if message[0] == '[':
+			errors = json.loads(message)
+			error_list = ''.join(['<li>{}</li>'.format(err) for err in errors])
+			message = '''{} has following errors:<br>
+				<ul style="padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 5px">{}</ul>'''.format(docname, error_list)
+		else:
+			message = '{} - {}'.format(docname, message)
+		frappe.msgprint(
+			message,
+			title=_('Bulk E-Invoice Generation Complete'),
+			indicator='red'
+		)
+def cancel_irns(docnames, reason, remark):
+	docnames = json.loads(docnames) or []
+	if len(docnames) < 10:
+		failures = GSPConnector.bulk_cancel_irn(docnames, reason, remark)
+		frappe.local.message_log = []
+		if failures:
+			show_bulk_action_failure_message(failures)
+		success = len(docnames) - len(failures)
+		frappe.msgprint(
+			_('{} e-invoices cancelled successfully').format(success),
+			title=_('Bulk E-Invoice Cancellation Complete')
+		)
+	else:
+		enqueue_bulk_action(schedule_bulk_cancel_irn, docnames=docnames, reason=reason, remark=remark)
+def schedule_bulk_cancel_irn(docnames, reason, remark):
+	failures = GSPConnector.bulk_cancel_irn(docnames, reason, remark)
+	frappe.local.message_log = []
+	frappe.publish_realtime("bulk_einvoice_cancellation_complete", {
+		"user": frappe.session.user,
+		"failures": failures,
+		"invoices": docnames
+	})
+def enqueue_bulk_action(job, **kwargs):
+	check_scheduler_status()
+	enqueue(
+		job,
+		**kwargs,
+		queue="long",
+		timeout=10000,
+		event="processing_bulk_einvoice_action",
+		now=frappe.conf.developer_mode or frappe.flags.in_test,
+	)
+	if job == schedule_bulk_generate_irn:
+		msg = _('E-Invoices will be generated in a background process.')
+	else:
+		msg = _('E-Invoices will be cancelled in a background process.')
+	frappe.msgprint(msg, alert=1)
+def check_scheduler_status():
+	if is_scheduler_inactive() and not frappe.flags.in_test:
+		frappe.throw(_("Scheduler is inactive. Cannot enqueue job."), title=_("Scheduler Inactive"))
+def job_already_enqueued(job_name):
+	enqueued_jobs = [d.get("job_name") for d in get_info()]
+	if job_name in enqueued_jobs:
+		return True