Merge pull request #17042 from rohitwaghchaure/indentation_fix_pricing_rule

fix: code cleanup
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
index 40b8a34..5382baa 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
@@ -21,482 +21,482 @@
 def get_pricing_rules(args, doc=None):
-    pricing_rules = []
-    values =  {}
+	pricing_rules = []
+	values =  {}
-    for apply_on in ['Item Code', 'Item Group', 'Brand']:
-        pricing_rules.extend(_get_pricing_rules(apply_on, args, values))
-        if pricing_rules and not apply_multiple_pricing_rules(pricing_rules):
-            break
+	for apply_on in ['Item Code', 'Item Group', 'Brand']:
+		pricing_rules.extend(_get_pricing_rules(apply_on, args, values))
+		if pricing_rules and not apply_multiple_pricing_rules(pricing_rules):
+			break
-    rules = []
+	rules = []
-    if not pricing_rules: return []
+	if not pricing_rules: return []
-    if apply_multiple_pricing_rules(pricing_rules):
-        for pricing_rule in pricing_rules:
-            pricing_rule = filter_pricing_rules(args, pricing_rule, doc)
-            if pricing_rule:
-                rules.append(pricing_rule)
-    else:
-        rules.append(filter_pricing_rules(args, pricing_rules, doc))
+	if apply_multiple_pricing_rules(pricing_rules):
+		for pricing_rule in pricing_rules:
+			pricing_rule = filter_pricing_rules(args, pricing_rule, doc)
+			if pricing_rule:
+				rules.append(pricing_rule)
+	else:
+		rules.append(filter_pricing_rules(args, pricing_rules, doc))
-    return rules
+	return rules
 def _get_pricing_rules(apply_on, args, values):
-    apply_on_field = frappe.scrub(apply_on)
+	apply_on_field = frappe.scrub(apply_on)
-    if not args.get(apply_on_field): return []
+	if not args.get(apply_on_field): return []
-    child_doc = '`tabPricing Rule {0}`'.format(apply_on)
+	child_doc = '`tabPricing Rule {0}`'.format(apply_on)
-    conditions = item_variant_condition = item_conditions = ""
-    values[apply_on_field] = args.get(apply_on_field)
-    if apply_on_field in ['item_code', 'brand']:
-        item_conditions = "{child_doc}.{apply_on_field}= %({apply_on_field})s".format(child_doc=child_doc,
-            apply_on_field = apply_on_field)
+	conditions = item_variant_condition = item_conditions = ""
+	values[apply_on_field] = args.get(apply_on_field)
+	if apply_on_field in ['item_code', 'brand']:
+		item_conditions = "{child_doc}.{apply_on_field}= %({apply_on_field})s".format(child_doc=child_doc,
+			apply_on_field = apply_on_field)
-        if apply_on_field == 'item_code':
-            if "variant_of" not in args:
-                args.variant_of = frappe.get_cached_value("Item", args.item_code, "variant_of")
+		if apply_on_field == 'item_code':
+			if "variant_of" not in args:
+				args.variant_of = frappe.get_cached_value("Item", args.item_code, "variant_of")
-            if args.variant_of:
-                item_variant_condition = ' or {child_doc}.item_code=%(variant_of)s '.format(child_doc=child_doc)
-                values['variant_of'] = args.variant_of
-    elif apply_on_field == 'item_group':
-        item_conditions = _get_tree_conditions(args, "Item Group", child_doc, False)
+			if args.variant_of:
+				item_variant_condition = ' or {child_doc}.item_code=%(variant_of)s '.format(child_doc=child_doc)
+				values['variant_of'] = args.variant_of
+	elif apply_on_field == 'item_group':
+		item_conditions = _get_tree_conditions(args, "Item Group", child_doc, False)
-    conditions += get_other_conditions(conditions, values, args)
-    warehouse_conditions = _get_tree_conditions(args, "Warehouse", '`tabPricing Rule`')
-    if warehouse_conditions:
-        warehouse_conditions = " and {0}".format(warehouse_conditions)
+	conditions += get_other_conditions(conditions, values, args)
+	warehouse_conditions = _get_tree_conditions(args, "Warehouse", '`tabPricing Rule`')
+	if warehouse_conditions:
+		warehouse_conditions = " and {0}".format(warehouse_conditions)
-    if not args.price_list: args.price_list = None
+	if not args.price_list: args.price_list = None
-    conditions += " and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.for_price_list, '') in (%(price_list)s, '')"
-    values["price_list"] = args.get("price_list")
+	conditions += " and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.for_price_list, '') in (%(price_list)s, '')"
+	values["price_list"] = args.get("price_list")
-    pricing_rules = frappe.db.sql("""select `tabPricing Rule`.*,
-            {child_doc}.{apply_on_field}, {child_doc}.uom
-        from `tabPricing Rule`, {child_doc}
+	pricing_rules = frappe.db.sql("""select `tabPricing Rule`.*,
+			{child_doc}.{apply_on_field}, {child_doc}.uom
+		from `tabPricing Rule`, {child_doc}
 		where ({item_conditions} or (`tabPricing Rule`.apply_rule_on_other is not null
-            and `tabPricing Rule`.{apply_on_other_field}=%({apply_on_field})s) {item_variant_condition})
-            and {child_doc}.parent = `tabPricing Rule`.name
+			and `tabPricing Rule`.{apply_on_other_field}=%({apply_on_field})s) {item_variant_condition})
+			and {child_doc}.parent = `tabPricing Rule`.name
 			and `tabPricing Rule`.disable = 0 and
-            `tabPricing Rule`.{transaction_type} = 1 {warehouse_cond} {conditions}
+			`tabPricing Rule`.{transaction_type} = 1 {warehouse_cond} {conditions}
 		order by `tabPricing Rule`.priority desc,
-            `tabPricing Rule`.name desc""".format(
-            child_doc = child_doc,
-            apply_on_field = apply_on_field,
+			`tabPricing Rule`.name desc""".format(
+			child_doc = child_doc,
+			apply_on_field = apply_on_field,
 			item_conditions = item_conditions,
 			item_variant_condition = item_variant_condition,
 			transaction_type = args.transaction_type,
-            warehouse_cond = warehouse_conditions,
-            apply_on_other_field = "other_{0}".format(apply_on_field),
+			warehouse_cond = warehouse_conditions,
+			apply_on_other_field = "other_{0}".format(apply_on_field),
 			conditions = conditions), values, as_dict=1) or []
-    return pricing_rules
+	return pricing_rules
 def apply_multiple_pricing_rules(pricing_rules):
-    apply_multiple_rule = [d.apply_multiple_pricing_rules
-        for d in pricing_rules if d.apply_multiple_pricing_rules]
+	apply_multiple_rule = [d.apply_multiple_pricing_rules
+		for d in pricing_rules if d.apply_multiple_pricing_rules]
-    if not apply_multiple_rule: return False
+	if not apply_multiple_rule: return False
-    if (apply_multiple_rule
-        and len(apply_multiple_rule) == len(pricing_rules)):
-        return True
+	if (apply_multiple_rule
+		and len(apply_multiple_rule) == len(pricing_rules)):
+		return True
 def _get_tree_conditions(args, parenttype, table, allow_blank=True):
-    field = frappe.scrub(parenttype)
-    condition = ""
-    if args.get(field):
-        if not frappe.flags.tree_conditions:
-            frappe.flags.tree_conditions = {}
-        key = (parenttype, args.get(field))
-        if key in frappe.flags.tree_conditions:
-            return frappe.flags.tree_conditions[key]
+	field = frappe.scrub(parenttype)
+	condition = ""
+	if args.get(field):
+		if not frappe.flags.tree_conditions:
+			frappe.flags.tree_conditions = {}
+		key = (parenttype, args.get(field))
+		if key in frappe.flags.tree_conditions:
+			return frappe.flags.tree_conditions[key]
-        try:
-            lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value(parenttype, args.get(field), ["lft", "rgt"])
-        except TypeError:
-            frappe.throw(_("Invalid {0}").format(args.get(field)))
+		try:
+			lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value(parenttype, args.get(field), ["lft", "rgt"])
+		except TypeError:
+			frappe.throw(_("Invalid {0}").format(args.get(field)))
-        parent_groups = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tab%s`
-            where lft<=%s and rgt>=%s""" % (parenttype, '%s', '%s'), (lft, rgt))
+		parent_groups = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tab%s`
+			where lft<=%s and rgt>=%s""" % (parenttype, '%s', '%s'), (lft, rgt))
-        if parent_groups:
-            if allow_blank: parent_groups.append('')
-            condition = "ifnull({table}.{field}, '') in ({parent_groups})".format(
-                table=table,
-                field=field,
-                parent_groups=", ".join([frappe.db.escape(d) for d in parent_groups])
-            )
+		if parent_groups:
+			if allow_blank: parent_groups.append('')
+			condition = "ifnull({table}.{field}, '') in ({parent_groups})".format(
+				table=table,
+				field=field,
+				parent_groups=", ".join([frappe.db.escape(d) for d in parent_groups])
+			)
-            frappe.flags.tree_conditions[key] = condition
-    return condition
+			frappe.flags.tree_conditions[key] = condition
+	return condition
 def get_other_conditions(conditions, values, args):
-    for field in ["company", "customer", "supplier", "campaign", "sales_partner"]:
-        if args.get(field):
-            conditions += " and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.{0}, '') in (%({1})s, '')".format(field, field)
-            values[field] = args.get(field)
-        else:
-            conditions += " and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.{0}, '') = ''".format(field)
+	for field in ["company", "customer", "supplier", "campaign", "sales_partner"]:
+		if args.get(field):
+			conditions += " and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.{0}, '') in (%({1})s, '')".format(field, field)
+			values[field] = args.get(field)
+		else:
+			conditions += " and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.{0}, '') = ''".format(field)
-    for parenttype in ["Customer Group", "Territory", "Supplier Group"]:
-        group_condition = _get_tree_conditions(args, parenttype, '`tabPricing Rule`')
-        if group_condition:
-            conditions += " and " + group_condition
+	for parenttype in ["Customer Group", "Territory", "Supplier Group"]:
+		group_condition = _get_tree_conditions(args, parenttype, '`tabPricing Rule`')
+		if group_condition:
+			conditions += " and " + group_condition
-    if args.get("transaction_date"):
-        conditions += """ and %(transaction_date)s between ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.valid_from, '2000-01-01')
-            and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.valid_upto, '2500-12-31')"""
-        values['transaction_date'] = args.get('transaction_date')
+	if args.get("transaction_date"):
+		conditions += """ and %(transaction_date)s between ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.valid_from, '2000-01-01')
+			and ifnull(`tabPricing Rule`.valid_upto, '2500-12-31')"""
+		values['transaction_date'] = args.get('transaction_date')
-    return conditions
+	return conditions
 def filter_pricing_rules(args, pricing_rules, doc=None):
-    if not isinstance(pricing_rules, list):
-        pricing_rules = [pricing_rules]
+	if not isinstance(pricing_rules, list):
+		pricing_rules = [pricing_rules]
-    original_pricing_rule = copy.copy(pricing_rules)
+	original_pricing_rule = copy.copy(pricing_rules)
-    # filter for qty
-    if pricing_rules:
-        stock_qty = flt(args.get('stock_qty'))
-        amount = flt(args.get('price_list_rate')) * flt(args.get('qty'))
+	# filter for qty
+	if pricing_rules:
+		stock_qty = flt(args.get('stock_qty'))
+		amount = flt(args.get('price_list_rate')) * flt(args.get('qty'))
-        if pricing_rules[0].apply_rule_on_other:
-            field = frappe.scrub(pricing_rules[0].apply_rule_on_other)
+		if pricing_rules[0].apply_rule_on_other:
+			field = frappe.scrub(pricing_rules[0].apply_rule_on_other)
-            if (field and pricing_rules[0].get('other_' + field) != args.get(field)): return
+			if (field and pricing_rules[0].get('other_' + field) != args.get(field)): return
-        pr_doc = frappe.get_doc('Pricing Rule', pricing_rules[0].name)
+		pr_doc = frappe.get_doc('Pricing Rule', pricing_rules[0].name)
-        if pricing_rules[0].mixed_conditions and doc:
-            stock_qty, amount = get_qty_and_rate_for_mixed_conditions(doc, pr_doc)
+		if pricing_rules[0].mixed_conditions and doc:
+			stock_qty, amount = get_qty_and_rate_for_mixed_conditions(doc, pr_doc)
-        elif pricing_rules[0].is_cumulative:
-            items = [args.get(frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on')))]
-            data = get_qty_amount_data_for_cumulative(pr_doc, args, items)
+		elif pricing_rules[0].is_cumulative:
+			items = [args.get(frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on')))]
+			data = get_qty_amount_data_for_cumulative(pr_doc, args, items)
-            if data:
-                stock_qty += data[0]
-                amount += data[1]
+			if data:
+				stock_qty += data[0]
+				amount += data[1]
-        if pricing_rules[0].apply_rule_on_other and not pricing_rules[0].mixed_conditions and doc:
-            pricing_rules = get_qty_and_rate_for_other_item(doc, pr_doc, pricing_rules) or []
-        else:
-            pricing_rules = filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(stock_qty, amount, pricing_rules, args)
+		if pricing_rules[0].apply_rule_on_other and not pricing_rules[0].mixed_conditions and doc:
+			pricing_rules = get_qty_and_rate_for_other_item(doc, pr_doc, pricing_rules) or []
+		else:
+			pricing_rules = filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(stock_qty, amount, pricing_rules, args)
-        if not pricing_rules:
-            for d in original_pricing_rule:
-                if not d.threshold_percentage: continue
+		if not pricing_rules:
+			for d in original_pricing_rule:
+				if not d.threshold_percentage: continue
-                msg = validate_quantity_and_amount_for_suggestion(d, stock_qty,
-                    amount, args.get('item_code'), args.get('transaction_type'))
+				msg = validate_quantity_and_amount_for_suggestion(d, stock_qty,
+					amount, args.get('item_code'), args.get('transaction_type'))
-                if msg:
-                    return {'suggestion': msg, 'item_code': args.get('item_code')}
+				if msg:
+					return {'suggestion': msg, 'item_code': args.get('item_code')}
-        # add variant_of property in pricing rule
-        for p in pricing_rules:
-            if p.item_code and args.variant_of:
-                p.variant_of = args.variant_of
-            else:
-                p.variant_of = None
+		# add variant_of property in pricing rule
+		for p in pricing_rules:
+			if p.item_code and args.variant_of:
+				p.variant_of = args.variant_of
+			else:
+				p.variant_of = None
-    # find pricing rule with highest priority
-    if pricing_rules:
-        max_priority = max([cint(p.priority) for p in pricing_rules])
-        if max_priority:
-            pricing_rules = list(filter(lambda x: cint(x.priority)==max_priority, pricing_rules))
+	# find pricing rule with highest priority
+	if pricing_rules:
+		max_priority = max([cint(p.priority) for p in pricing_rules])
+		if max_priority:
+			pricing_rules = list(filter(lambda x: cint(x.priority)==max_priority, pricing_rules))
-    # apply internal priority
-    all_fields = ["item_code", "item_group", "brand", "customer", "customer_group", "territory",
-        "supplier", "supplier_group", "campaign", "sales_partner", "variant_of"]
+	# apply internal priority
+	all_fields = ["item_code", "item_group", "brand", "customer", "customer_group", "territory",
+		"supplier", "supplier_group", "campaign", "sales_partner", "variant_of"]
-    if len(pricing_rules) > 1:
-        for field_set in [["item_code", "variant_of", "item_group", "brand"],
-            ["customer", "customer_group", "territory"], ["supplier", "supplier_group"]]:
-                remaining_fields = list(set(all_fields) - set(field_set))
-                if if_all_rules_same(pricing_rules, remaining_fields):
-                    pricing_rules = apply_internal_priority(pricing_rules, field_set, args)
-                    break
+	if len(pricing_rules) > 1:
+		for field_set in [["item_code", "variant_of", "item_group", "brand"],
+			["customer", "customer_group", "territory"], ["supplier", "supplier_group"]]:
+				remaining_fields = list(set(all_fields) - set(field_set))
+				if if_all_rules_same(pricing_rules, remaining_fields):
+					pricing_rules = apply_internal_priority(pricing_rules, field_set, args)
+					break
-    if pricing_rules and not isinstance(pricing_rules, list):
-        pricing_rules = list(pricing_rules)
+	if pricing_rules and not isinstance(pricing_rules, list):
+		pricing_rules = list(pricing_rules)
-    if len(pricing_rules) > 1:
-        rate_or_discount = list(set([d.rate_or_discount for d in pricing_rules]))
-        if len(rate_or_discount) == 1 and rate_or_discount[0] == "Discount Percentage":
-            pricing_rules = filter(lambda x: x.for_price_list==args.price_list, pricing_rules) \
-                or pricing_rules
+	if len(pricing_rules) > 1:
+		rate_or_discount = list(set([d.rate_or_discount for d in pricing_rules]))
+		if len(rate_or_discount) == 1 and rate_or_discount[0] == "Discount Percentage":
+			pricing_rules = filter(lambda x: x.for_price_list==args.price_list, pricing_rules) \
+				or pricing_rules
-    if len(pricing_rules) > 1 and not args.for_shopping_cart:
-        frappe.throw(_("Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: {0}")
-            .format("\n".join([ for d in pricing_rules])), MultiplePricingRuleConflict)
-    elif pricing_rules:
-        return pricing_rules[0]
+	if len(pricing_rules) > 1 and not args.for_shopping_cart:
+		frappe.throw(_("Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: {0}")
+			.format("\n".join([ for d in pricing_rules])), MultiplePricingRuleConflict)
+	elif pricing_rules:
+		return pricing_rules[0]
 def validate_quantity_and_amount_for_suggestion(args, qty, amount, item_code, transaction_type):
-    fieldname, msg = '', ''
-    type_of_transaction = 'purcahse' if transaction_type == "buying" else "sale"
+	fieldname, msg = '', ''
+	type_of_transaction = 'purcahse' if transaction_type == "buying" else "sale"
-    for field, value in {'min_qty': qty, 'min_amt': amount}.items():
-        if (args.get(field) and value < args.get(field)
-            and (args.get(field) - cint(args.get(field) * args.threshold_percentage * 0.01)) <= value):
-            fieldname = field
+	for field, value in {'min_qty': qty, 'min_amt': amount}.items():
+		if (args.get(field) and value < args.get(field)
+			and (args.get(field) - cint(args.get(field) * args.threshold_percentage * 0.01)) <= value):
+			fieldname = field
-    for field, value in {'max_qty': qty, 'max_amt': amount}.items():
-        if (args.get(field) and value > args.get(field)
-            and (args.get(field) + cint(args.get(field) * args.threshold_percentage * 0.01)) >= value):
-            fieldname = field
+	for field, value in {'max_qty': qty, 'max_amt': amount}.items():
+		if (args.get(field) and value > args.get(field)
+			and (args.get(field) + cint(args.get(field) * args.threshold_percentage * 0.01)) >= value):
+			fieldname = field
-    if fieldname:
-        msg = _("""If you {0} {1} quantities of the item <b>{2}</b>, the scheme <b>{3}</b>
-            will be applied on the item.""").format(type_of_transaction, args.get(fieldname), item_code, args.rule_description)
+	if fieldname:
+		msg = _("""If you {0} {1} quantities of the item <b>{2}</b>, the scheme <b>{3}</b>
+			will be applied on the item.""").format(type_of_transaction, args.get(fieldname), item_code, args.rule_description)
-        if fieldname in ['min_amt', 'max_amt']:
-            msg = _("""If you {0} {1} worth item <b>{2}</b>, the scheme <b>{3}</b> will be applied on the item.
-                """).format(frappe.fmt_money(type_of_transaction, args.get(fieldname)), item_code, args.rule_description)
+		if fieldname in ['min_amt', 'max_amt']:
+			msg = _("""If you {0} {1} worth item <b>{2}</b>, the scheme <b>{3}</b> will be applied on the item.
+				""").format(frappe.fmt_money(type_of_transaction, args.get(fieldname)), item_code, args.rule_description)
-        frappe.msgprint(msg)
+		frappe.msgprint(msg)
-    return msg
+	return msg
 def filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(qty, rate, pricing_rules, args=None):
-    rules = []
+	rules = []
-    for rule in pricing_rules:
-        status = False
-        conversion_factor = 1
+	for rule in pricing_rules:
+		status = False
+		conversion_factor = 1
-        if rule.get("uom"):
-            conversion_factor = get_conversion_factor(rule.item_code, rule.uom).get("conversion_factor", 1)
+		if rule.get("uom"):
+			conversion_factor = get_conversion_factor(rule.item_code, rule.uom).get("conversion_factor", 1)
-        if (flt(qty) >= (flt(rule.min_qty) * conversion_factor)
-            and (flt(qty)<= (rule.max_qty * conversion_factor) if rule.max_qty else True)):
-            status = True
+		if (flt(qty) >= (flt(rule.min_qty) * conversion_factor)
+			and (flt(qty)<= (rule.max_qty * conversion_factor) if rule.max_qty else True)):
+			status = True
-        # if user has created item price against the transaction UOM
-        if rule.get("uom") == args.get("uom"):
-            conversion_factor = 1.0
+		# if user has created item price against the transaction UOM
+		if rule.get("uom") == args.get("uom"):
+			conversion_factor = 1.0
-        if status and (flt(rate) >= (flt(rule.min_amt) * conversion_factor)
-            and (flt(rate)<= (rule.max_amt * conversion_factor) if rule.max_amt else True)):
-            status = True
-        else:
-            status = False
+		if status and (flt(rate) >= (flt(rule.min_amt) * conversion_factor)
+			and (flt(rate)<= (rule.max_amt * conversion_factor) if rule.max_amt else True)):
+			status = True
+		else:
+			status = False
-        if status:
-            rules.append(rule)
+		if status:
+			rules.append(rule)
-    return rules
+	return rules
 def if_all_rules_same(pricing_rules, fields):
-    all_rules_same = True
-    val = [pricing_rules[0].get(k) for k in fields]
-    for p in pricing_rules[1:]:
-        if val != [p.get(k) for k in fields]:
-            all_rules_same = False
-            break
+	all_rules_same = True
+	val = [pricing_rules[0].get(k) for k in fields]
+	for p in pricing_rules[1:]:
+		if val != [p.get(k) for k in fields]:
+			all_rules_same = False
+			break
-    return all_rules_same
+	return all_rules_same
 def apply_internal_priority(pricing_rules, field_set, args):
-    filtered_rules = []
-    for field in field_set:
-        if args.get(field):
-            filtered_rules = filter(lambda x: x[field]==args[field], pricing_rules)
-            if filtered_rules: break
+	filtered_rules = []
+	for field in field_set:
+		if args.get(field):
+			filtered_rules = filter(lambda x: x[field]==args[field], pricing_rules)
+			if filtered_rules: break
-    return filtered_rules or pricing_rules
+	return filtered_rules or pricing_rules
 def get_qty_and_rate_for_mixed_conditions(doc, pr_doc):
-    sum_qty, sum_amt = [0, 0]
-    items = get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc) or []
-    apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
+	sum_qty, sum_amt = [0, 0]
+	items = get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc) or []
+	apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
-    if items and doc.get("items"):
-        for row in doc.get('items'):
-            if row.get(apply_on) not in items: continue
+	if items and doc.get("items"):
+		for row in doc.get('items'):
+			if row.get(apply_on) not in items: continue
-            if pr_doc.mixed_conditions:
-                sum_qty += row.stock_qty
-                sum_amt += row.amount
+			if pr_doc.mixed_conditions:
+				sum_qty += row.stock_qty
+				sum_amt += row.amount
-        if pr_doc.is_cumulative:
-            data = get_qty_amount_data_for_cumulative(pr_doc, doc, items)
+		if pr_doc.is_cumulative:
+			data = get_qty_amount_data_for_cumulative(pr_doc, doc, items)
-            if data and data[0]:
-                sum_qty += data[0]
-                sum_amt += data[1]
+			if data and data[0]:
+				sum_qty += data[0]
+				sum_amt += data[1]
-    return sum_qty, sum_amt
+	return sum_qty, sum_amt
 def get_qty_and_rate_for_other_item(doc, pr_doc, pricing_rules):
-    for d in get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc):
-        for row in doc.items:
-            if d == row.get(frappe.scrub(pr_doc.apply_on)):
-                pricing_rules = filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(row.stock_qty,
-                    row.amount, pricing_rules, row)
+	for d in get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc):
+		for row in doc.items:
+			if d == row.get(frappe.scrub(pr_doc.apply_on)):
+				pricing_rules = filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(row.stock_qty,
+					row.amount, pricing_rules, row)
-                if pricing_rules and pricing_rules[0]:
-                    return pricing_rules
+				if pricing_rules and pricing_rules[0]:
+					return pricing_rules
 def get_qty_amount_data_for_cumulative(pr_doc, doc, items=[]):
-    sum_qty, sum_amt = [0, 0]
-    doctype = doc.get('parenttype') or doc.doctype
+	sum_qty, sum_amt = [0, 0]
+	doctype = doc.get('parenttype') or doc.doctype
-    date_field = ('transaction_date'
-        if doc.get('transaction_date') else 'posting_date')
+	date_field = ('transaction_date'
+		if doc.get('transaction_date') else 'posting_date')
-    child_doctype = '{0} Item'.format(doctype)
-    apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
+	child_doctype = '{0} Item'.format(doctype)
+	apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
-    values = [pr_doc.valid_from, pr_doc.valid_upto]
-    condition = ""
+	values = [pr_doc.valid_from, pr_doc.valid_upto]
+	condition = ""
-    if pr_doc.warehouse:
-        warehouses = get_child_warehouses(pr_doc.warehouse)
+	if pr_doc.warehouse:
+		warehouses = get_child_warehouses(pr_doc.warehouse)
-        condition += """ and `tab{child_doc}`.warehouse in ({warehouses})
-            """.format(child_doc=child_doctype, warehouses = ','.join(['%s'] * len(warehouses)))
+		condition += """ and `tab{child_doc}`.warehouse in ({warehouses})
+			""".format(child_doc=child_doctype, warehouses = ','.join(['%s'] * len(warehouses)))
-        values.extend(warehouses)
+		values.extend(warehouses)
-    if items:
-        condition = " and `tab{child_doc}`.{apply_on} in ({items})".format(child_doc = child_doctype,
-            apply_on = apply_on, items = ','.join(['%s'] * len(items)))
+	if items:
+		condition = " and `tab{child_doc}`.{apply_on} in ({items})".format(child_doc = child_doctype,
+			apply_on = apply_on, items = ','.join(['%s'] * len(items)))
-        values.extend(items)
+		values.extend(items)
-    data_set = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT `tab{child_doc}`.stock_qty,
-            `tab{child_doc}`.amount
-        FROM `tab{child_doc}`, `tab{parent_doc}`
-        WHERE
-            `tab{child_doc}`.parent = `tab{parent_doc}`.name and {date_field}
-            between %s and %s and `tab{parent_doc}`.docstatus = 1
-            {condition} group by `tab{child_doc}`.name
-    """.format(parent_doc = doctype,
-        child_doc = child_doctype,
-        condition = condition,
-        date_field = date_field
-    ), tuple(values), as_dict=1)
+	data_set = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT `tab{child_doc}`.stock_qty,
+			`tab{child_doc}`.amount
+		FROM `tab{child_doc}`, `tab{parent_doc}`
+			`tab{child_doc}`.parent = `tab{parent_doc}`.name and {date_field}
+			between %s and %s and `tab{parent_doc}`.docstatus = 1
+			{condition} group by `tab{child_doc}`.name
+	""".format(parent_doc = doctype,
+		child_doc = child_doctype,
+		condition = condition,
+		date_field = date_field
+	), tuple(values), as_dict=1)
-    for data in data_set:
-        sum_qty += data.get('stock_qty')
-        sum_amt += data.get('amount')
+	for data in data_set:
+		sum_qty += data.get('stock_qty')
+		sum_amt += data.get('amount')
-    return [sum_qty, sum_amt]
+	return [sum_qty, sum_amt]
 def validate_pricing_rules(doc):
-    validate_pricing_rule_on_transactions(doc)
+	validate_pricing_rule_on_transactions(doc)
-    if not doc.pricing_rules: return
+	if not doc.pricing_rules: return
-    for d in doc.items:
-        validate_pricing_rule_on_items(doc, d)
+	for d in doc.items:
+		validate_pricing_rule_on_items(doc, d)
-    doc.calculate_taxes_and_totals()
+	doc.calculate_taxes_and_totals()
 def validate_pricing_rule_on_items(doc, item_row):
-    value = 0
-    for pr_row in get_applied_pricing_rules(doc, item_row):
-        pr_doc = frappe.get_doc('Pricing Rule', pr_row.pricing_rule)
+	value = 0
+	for pr_row in get_applied_pricing_rules(doc, item_row):
+		pr_doc = frappe.get_doc('Pricing Rule', pr_row.pricing_rule)
-        if pr_doc.get('apply_on') == 'Transaction': continue
+		if pr_doc.get('apply_on') == 'Transaction': continue
-        if pr_doc.get('price_or_product_discount') == 'Product':
-            apply_pricing_rule_for_free_items(doc, pr_doc)
-        else:
-            for field in ['discount_percentage', 'discount_amount', 'rate']:
-                if not pr_doc.get(field): continue
+		if pr_doc.get('price_or_product_discount') == 'Product':
+			apply_pricing_rule_for_free_items(doc, pr_doc)
+		else:
+			for field in ['discount_percentage', 'discount_amount', 'rate']:
+				if not pr_doc.get(field): continue
-                value += pr_doc.get(field)
-            apply_pricing_rule(doc, pr_doc, pr_row, item_row, value)
+				value += pr_doc.get(field)
+			apply_pricing_rule(doc, pr_doc, pr_row, item_row, value)
 def validate_pricing_rule_on_transactions(doc):
-    conditions = "apply_on = 'Transaction'"
+	conditions = "apply_on = 'Transaction'"
-    values = {}
-    conditions = get_other_conditions(conditions, values, doc)
+	values = {}
+	conditions = get_other_conditions(conditions, values, doc)
-    pricing_rules = frappe.db.sql(""" Select `tabPricing Rule`.* from `tabPricing Rule`
-        where {conditions} """.format(conditions = conditions), values, as_dict=1)
+	pricing_rules = frappe.db.sql(""" Select `tabPricing Rule`.* from `tabPricing Rule`
+		where {conditions} """.format(conditions = conditions), values, as_dict=1)
-    if pricing_rules:
-        pricing_rules = filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(doc.total_qty,
-  , pricing_rules)
+	if pricing_rules:
+		pricing_rules = filter_pricing_rules_for_qty_amount(doc.total_qty,
+, pricing_rules)
-        for d in pricing_rules:
-            if d.price_or_product_discount == 'Price':
-                if d.apply_discount_on:
-                    doc.set('apply_discount_on', d.apply_discount_on)
+		for d in pricing_rules:
+			if d.price_or_product_discount == 'Price':
+				if d.apply_discount_on:
+					doc.set('apply_discount_on', d.apply_discount_on)
-                for field in ['additional_discount_percentage', 'discount_amount']:
-                    if not d.get(field): continue
+				for field in ['additional_discount_percentage', 'discount_amount']:
+					if not d.get(field): continue
-                    pr_field = ('discount_percentage'
-                        if field == 'additional_discount_percentage' else field)
+					pr_field = ('discount_percentage'
+						if field == 'additional_discount_percentage' else field)
-                    if d.validate_applied_rule and doc.get(field) < d.get(pr_field):
-                        frappe.msgprint(_("User has not applied rule on the invoice {0}")
-                            .format(
-                    else:
-                        doc.set(field, d.get(pr_field))
-            elif d.price_or_product_discount == 'Product':
-                apply_pricing_rule_for_free_items(doc, d)
+					if d.validate_applied_rule and doc.get(field) < d.get(pr_field):
+						frappe.msgprint(_("User has not applied rule on the invoice {0}")
+							.format(
+					else:
+						doc.set(field, d.get(pr_field))
+			elif d.price_or_product_discount == 'Product':
+				apply_pricing_rule_for_free_items(doc, d)
 def get_applied_pricing_rules(doc, item_row):
-    return [d for d in doc.pricing_rules
-        if d.child_docname ==]
+	return [d for d in doc.pricing_rules
+		if d.child_docname ==]
 def apply_pricing_rule_for_free_items(doc, pricing_rule):
-    if pricing_rule.get('free_item'):
-        items = [d.item_code for d in doc.items
-            if d.item_code == (d.item_code
-            if pricing_rule.get('same_item') else pricing_rule.get('free_item')) and d.is_free_item]
+	if pricing_rule.get('free_item'):
+		items = [d.item_code for d in doc.items
+			if d.item_code == (d.item_code
+			if pricing_rule.get('same_item') else pricing_rule.get('free_item')) and d.is_free_item]
-        if not items:
-            doc.append('items', {
-                'item_code': pricing_rule.get('free_item'),
-                'qty': pricing_rule.get('free_qty'),
-                'uom': pricing_rule.get('free_item_uom'),
-                'rate': pricing_rule.get('free_item_rate'),
-                'is_free_item': 1
-            })
+		if not items:
+			doc.append('items', {
+				'item_code': pricing_rule.get('free_item'),
+				'qty': pricing_rule.get('free_qty'),
+				'uom': pricing_rule.get('free_item_uom'),
+				'rate': pricing_rule.get('free_item_rate'),
+				'is_free_item': 1
+			})
-            doc.set_missing_values()
+			doc.set_missing_values()
 def apply_pricing_rule(doc, pr_doc, pr_row, item_row, value):
-    apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
-    items = (get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc)
-        if pr_doc.mixed_conditions else [item_row.get(apply_on)])
+	apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
+	items = (get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc)
+		if pr_doc.mixed_conditions else [item_row.get(apply_on)])
-    if pr_doc.apply_rule_on_other:
-        apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.apply_rule_on_other)
-        items = [pr_doc.get(apply_on)]
+	if pr_doc.apply_rule_on_other:
+		apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.apply_rule_on_other)
+		items = [pr_doc.get(apply_on)]
-    rule_applied = 1
-    if item_row.get(apply_on) in items:
-        for field in ['discount_percentage', 'discount_amount', 'rate']:
-            if not pr_doc.get(field): continue
+	rule_applied = 1
+	if item_row.get(apply_on) in items:
+		for field in ['discount_percentage', 'discount_amount', 'rate']:
+			if not pr_doc.get(field): continue
-            if not pr_doc.validate_applied_rule:
-                item_row.set(field, value)
-            elif item_row.get(field) < value:
-                rule_applied = 0
-                frappe.msgprint(_("Row {0}: user has not applied rule <b>{1}</b> on the item <b>{2}</b>")
-                    .format(item_row.idx, pr_doc.title, item_row.item_code))
+			if not pr_doc.validate_applied_rule:
+				item_row.set(field, value)
+			elif item_row.get(field) < value:
+				rule_applied = 0
+				frappe.msgprint(_("Row {0}: user has not applied rule <b>{1}</b> on the item <b>{2}</b>")
+					.format(item_row.idx, pr_doc.title, item_row.item_code))
-            pr_row.rule_applied = rule_applied
+			pr_row.rule_applied = rule_applied
 def get_pricing_rule_items(pr_doc):
-    apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
+	apply_on = frappe.scrub(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
-    pricing_rule_apply_on = apply_on_table.get(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
+	pricing_rule_apply_on = apply_on_table.get(pr_doc.get('apply_on'))
-    return [item.get(apply_on) for item in pr_doc.get(pricing_rule_apply_on)] or []
\ No newline at end of file
+	return [item.get(apply_on) for item in pr_doc.get(pricing_rule_apply_on)] or []
\ No newline at end of file