Payment Reconciliation changes for Payment Entry
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
index a1df702..0e5d8e7 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
@@ -21,13 +21,17 @@
 		self.party_account_field = None
 		self.party_account = None
+		self.party_account_currency = None
 		if self.payment_type == "Receive":
 			self.party_account_field = "paid_from"
 			self.party_account = self.paid_from
+			self.party_account_currency = self.paid_from_account_currency
 		elif self.payment_type == "Pay":
 			self.party_account_field = "paid_to"
 			self.party_account = self.paid_to
+			self.party_account_currency = self.paid_to_account_currency
 	def validate(self):
@@ -80,7 +84,25 @@
 			acc = get_account_currency_and_balance(self.paid_to, self.posting_date)
 			self.paid_to_account_currency = acc.account_currency
 			self.paid_to_account_balance = acc.account_balance
+		self.party_account_currency = self.paid_from_account_currency \
+			if self.payment_type=="Receive" else self.paid_to_account_currency
+		for d in self.get("references"):
+			if d.allocated_amount and d.reference_doctype in ("Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"):
+				ref_doc = frappe.db.get_value(d.reference_doctype, d.reference_name, ["grand_total", 
+					"base_grand_total", "outstanding_amount", "conversion_rate", "due_date"], as_dict=1)
+				d.outstanding_amount = ref_doc.outstanding_amount
+				d.due_date = ref_doc.due_date
+				if self.party_account_currency == self.company_currency:
+					d.total_amount = ref_doc.base_grand_total
+					d.exchange_rate = 1
+				else:
+					d.total_amount = ref_doc.grand_total
+					d.exchange_rate = ref_doc.conversion_rate
 	def validate_party_details(self):
 			if not frappe.db.exists(self.party_type,
@@ -165,6 +187,7 @@
 		self.total_allocated_amount, self.base_total_allocated_amount = 0, 0
 		for d in self.get("references"):
 			if d.allocated_amount:
+				print d.reference_name, d.outstanding_amount, d.allocated_amount
 				if d.allocated_amount > d.outstanding_amount:
 					frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Allocated amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount")
@@ -221,10 +244,8 @@
 	def add_party_gl_entries(self, gl_entries):
 		if self.party_account:
 			if self.payment_type=="Receive":
-				party_account_currency = self.paid_from_account_currency
 				against_account = self.paid_to
-				 party_account_currency = self.paid_to_account_currency
 				 against_account = self.paid_from
@@ -233,7 +254,7 @@
 				"party_type": self.party_type,
 				"against": against_account,
-				"account_currency": party_account_currency
+				"account_currency": self.party_account_currency
 			for d in self.get("references"):
@@ -277,7 +298,6 @@
 	def add_bank_gl_entries(self, gl_entries):
 		if self.payment_type in ("Pay", "Internal Transfer"):
@@ -341,10 +361,10 @@
 	for d in outstanding_invoices:
-		d.exchange_rate = 1
+		d["exchange_rate"] = 1
 		if party_account_currency != company_currency \
 			and d.voucher_type in ("Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"):
-				d.exchange_rate = frappe.db.get_value(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "conversion_rate")
+				d["exchange_rate"] = frappe.db.get_value(d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "conversion_rate")
 	# Get all SO / PO which are not fully billed or aginst which full advance not paid
 	orders_to_be_billed =  get_orders_to_be_billed(args.get("party_type"), args.get("party"), 
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js
index 5075f15..a50ff19 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js
@@ -4,7 +4,15 @@
 erpnext.accounts.PaymentReconciliationController = frappe.ui.form.Controller.extend({
+	setup: function() {
+		this.frm.get_field('payments').grid.editable_fields = [
+			{fieldname: 'reference_name', columns: 3},
+			{fieldname: 'amount', columns: 2},
+			{fieldname: 'invoice_number', columns: 3},
+			{fieldname: 'allocated_amount', columns: 3}
+		];
+	}, 
 	onload: function() {
 		var me = this
 		this.frm.set_query('party_type', function() {
@@ -105,14 +113,16 @@
 			if (row.invoice_number && !inList(invoices, row.invoice_number))
 				invoices.push(row.invoice_type + " | " + row.invoice_number);
+		if (invoices) {
+			frappe.meta.get_docfield("Payment Reconciliation Payment", "invoice_number",
+ = "\n" + invoices.join("\n");
-		frappe.meta.get_docfield("Payment Reconciliation Payment", "invoice_number",
- = invoices.join("\n");
-		$.each(me.frm.doc.payments || [], function(i, p) {
-			if(!inList(invoices, cstr(p.invoice_number))) p.invoice_number = null;
-		});
+			$.each(me.frm.doc.payments || [], function(i, p) {
+				if(!inList(invoices, cstr(p.invoice_number))) p.invoice_number = null;
+			});
+		}
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/
index 6868a48..5910a24 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/
@@ -7,31 +7,49 @@
 from frappe import msgprint, _
 from frappe.model.document import Document
 from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_outstanding_invoices
+from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import get_advance_payment_entries
 class PaymentReconciliation(Document):
 	def get_unreconciled_entries(self):
-		self.get_jv_entries()
+		self.get_nonreconciled_payment_entries()
+	def get_nonreconciled_payment_entries(self):
+		self.check_mandatory_to_fetch()
+		payment_entries = self.get_payment_entries()
+		journal_entries = self.get_jv_entries()
+		self.add_payment_entries(payment_entries + journal_entries)
+	def get_payment_entries(self):
+		order_doctype = "Sales Order" if self.party_type=="Customer" else "Purchase Order"
+		payment_entries = get_advance_payment_entries(self.party_type,, 
+			self.receivable_payable_account, order_doctype, against_all_orders=True)
+		return payment_entries
 	def get_jv_entries(self):
-		self.check_mandatory_to_fetch()
 		dr_or_cr = "credit_in_account_currency" if self.party_type == "Customer" \
 			else "debit_in_account_currency"
 		bank_account_condition = "t2.against_account like %(bank_cash_account)s" \
 				if self.bank_cash_account else "1=1"
-		jv_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
+		journal_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
- as voucher_no, t1.posting_date, t1.remark,
- as voucher_detail_no, {dr_or_cr} as payment_amount, t2.is_advance
+				"Journal Entry" as reference_type, as reference_name, 
+				t1.posting_date, t1.remark as remarks, as reference_row, 
+				{dr_or_cr} as amount, t2.is_advance
 				`tabJournal Entry` t1, `tabJournal Entry Account` t2
 			where = t2.parent and t1.docstatus = 1 and t2.docstatus = 1
 				and t2.party_type = %(party_type)s and = %(party)s
 				and t2.account = %(account)s and {dr_or_cr} > 0
-				and (t2.reference_type is null or t2.reference_type in ('', 'Sales Order', 'Purchase Order'))
+				and (t2.reference_type is null or t2.reference_type = '' or 
+					(t2.reference_type in ('Sales Order', 'Purchase Order') 
+						and t2.reference_name is not null and t2.reference_name != ''))
 				and (CASE
 					WHEN t1.voucher_type in ('Debit Note', 'Credit Note')
 					THEN 1=1
@@ -47,18 +65,13 @@
 				"bank_cash_account": "%%%s%%" % self.bank_cash_account
 			}, as_dict=1)
-		self.add_payment_entries(jv_entries)
+		return list(journal_entries)
-	def add_payment_entries(self, jv_entries):
+	def add_payment_entries(self, entries):
 		self.set('payments', [])
-		for e in jv_entries:
-			ent = self.append('payments', {})
-			ent.journal_entry = e.get('voucher_no')
-			ent.posting_date = e.get('posting_date')
-			ent.amount = flt(e.get('payment_amount'))
-			ent.remark = e.get('remark')
-			ent.voucher_detail_number = e.get('voucher_detail_no')
-			ent.is_advance = e.get('is_advance')
+		for e in entries:
+			row = self.append('payments', {})
+			row.update(e)
 	def get_invoice_entries(self):
 		#Fetch JVs, Sales and Purchase Invoices for 'invoices' to reconcile against
@@ -90,14 +103,16 @@
-		dr_or_cr = "credit_in_account_currency" if self.party_type == "Customer" \
-			else "debit_in_account_currency"
+		dr_or_cr = "credit_in_account_currency" \
+			if self.party_type == "Customer" else "debit_in_account_currency"
 		lst = []
 		for e in self.get('payments'):
 			if e.invoice_number and e.allocated_amount:
-				lst.append({
-					'voucher_no' : e.journal_entry,
-					'voucher_detail_no' : e.voucher_detail_number,
+				lst.append(frappe._dict({
+					'voucher_type': e.reference_type,
+					'voucher_no' : e.reference_name,
+					'voucher_detail_no' : e.reference_row,
 					'against_voucher_type' : e.invoice_type,
 					'against_voucher'  : e.invoice_number,
 					'account' : self.receivable_payable_account,
@@ -107,11 +122,12 @@
 					'dr_or_cr' : dr_or_cr,
 					'unadjusted_amount' : flt(e.amount),
 					'allocated_amount' : flt(e.allocated_amount)
-				})
+				}))
 		if lst:
 			from erpnext.accounts.utils import reconcile_against_document
 			msgprint(_("Successfully Reconciled"))
@@ -142,7 +158,7 @@
 						.format(p.invoice_type, p.invoice_number))
 				if flt(p.allocated_amount) > flt(p.amount):
-					frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to JV amount {2}")
+					frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to Payment Entry amount {2}")
 						.format(p.idx, p.allocated_amount, p.amount))
 				invoice_outstanding = unreconciled_invoices.get(p.invoice_type, {}).get(p.invoice_number)
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation_payment/payment_reconciliation_payment.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation_payment/payment_reconciliation_payment.json
index f9b6039..401d234 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation_payment/payment_reconciliation_payment.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation_payment/payment_reconciliation_payment.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
  "allow_copy": 0, 
  "allow_import": 0, 
  "allow_rename": 0, 
+ "beta": 0, 
  "creation": "2014-07-09 16:13:35.452759", 
  "custom": 0, 
  "docstatus": 0, 
@@ -12,18 +13,46 @@
    "allow_on_submit": 0, 
    "bold": 0, 
    "collapsible": 0, 
-   "fieldname": "journal_entry", 
+   "fieldname": "reference_type", 
    "fieldtype": "Link", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
-   "in_list_view": 1, 
-   "label": "Journal Entry", 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "label": "Reference Type", 
    "length": 0, 
    "no_copy": 0, 
-   "options": "Journal Entry", 
+   "options": "DocType", 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 1, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "reference_name", 
+   "fieldtype": "Dynamic Link", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 1, 
+   "label": "Reference_name", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "options": "reference_type", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 1, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -39,6 +68,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Date", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 1, 
    "label": "Posting Date", 
@@ -46,6 +76,7 @@
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 1, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -61,6 +92,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Currency", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 1, 
    "label": "Amount", 
@@ -68,6 +100,7 @@
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 1, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -83,6 +116,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Data", 
    "hidden": 1, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "label": "Is Advance", 
@@ -90,6 +124,7 @@
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 1, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -101,17 +136,19 @@
    "allow_on_submit": 0, 
    "bold": 0, 
    "collapsible": 0, 
-   "fieldname": "voucher_detail_number", 
+   "fieldname": "reference_row", 
    "fieldtype": "Data", 
    "hidden": 1, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
-   "label": "Voucher Detail Number", 
+   "label": "Reference Row", 
    "length": 0, 
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 1, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -127,6 +164,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Column Break", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "label": "", 
@@ -134,6 +172,7 @@
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 0, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -149,6 +188,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Select", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 1, 
    "label": "Invoice Number", 
@@ -157,6 +197,7 @@
    "options": "", 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 0, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 1, 
@@ -172,6 +213,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Currency", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 1, 
    "label": "Allocated amount", 
@@ -180,6 +222,7 @@
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "precision": "", 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 0, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 1, 
@@ -195,6 +238,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Section Break", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "label": "", 
@@ -202,6 +246,7 @@
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 0, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -217,6 +262,7 @@
    "fieldtype": "Small Text", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 1, 
    "label": "Remark", 
@@ -224,6 +270,7 @@
    "no_copy": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
    "read_only": 1, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
    "reqd": 0, 
@@ -234,21 +281,27 @@
  "hide_heading": 0, 
  "hide_toolbar": 0, 
+ "idx": 0, 
+ "image_view": 0, 
  "in_create": 0, 
  "in_dialog": 0, 
  "is_submittable": 0, 
  "issingle": 0, 
  "istable": 1, 
  "max_attachments": 0, 
- "modified": "2015-11-16 06:29:51.563989", 
+ "menu_index": 0, 
+ "modified": "2016-06-27 18:27:15.663498", 
  "modified_by": "Administrator", 
  "module": "Accounts", 
  "name": "Payment Reconciliation Payment", 
  "name_case": "", 
  "owner": "Administrator", 
  "permissions": [], 
+ "quick_entry": 1, 
  "read_only": 0, 
  "read_only_onload": 0, 
  "sort_field": "modified", 
- "sort_order": "DESC"
+ "sort_order": "DESC", 
+ "track_seen": 0, 
+ "version": 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/ b/erpnext/accounts/
index 9574603..56a485e 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
 	payment_entry.flags.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True
+	payment_entry.set_missing_values()
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 58c6bb1..5185614 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -313,77 +313,15 @@
 		order_list = list(set([d.get(order_field) 
 			for d in self.get("items") if d.get(order_field)]))
-		journal_entries = self.get_advance_journal_entries(party_type, party, party_account, 
+		journal_entries = get_advance_journal_entries(party_type, party, party_account, 
 			amount_field, order_doctype, order_list, include_unallocated)
-		payment_entries = self.get_advance_payment_entries(party_type, party, party_account, 
+		payment_entries = get_advance_payment_entries(party_type, party, party_account, 
 			order_doctype, order_list, include_unallocated)
 		res = journal_entries + payment_entries
 		return res
-	def get_advance_journal_entries(self, party_type, party, party_account, amount_field, 
-			order_doctype, order_list, include_unallocated=True):
-		conditions = []
-		if include_unallocated:
-			conditions.append("ifnull(t2.reference_name, '')=''")
-		if order_list:
-			order_condition = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(order_list))
-			conditions.append(" (t2.reference_type = '{0}' and ifnull(t2.reference_name, '') in ({1}))"\
-				.format(order_doctype, order_condition))
-		reference_condition = " and (" + " or ".join(conditions) + ")" if conditions else ""
-		journal_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
-			select
-				"Journal Entry" as reference_type, as reference_name, 
-				t1.remark as remarks, t2.{0} as amount, as reference_row,
-				t2.reference_name as against_order
-			from
-				`tabJournal Entry` t1, `tabJournal Entry Account` t2
-			where
- = t2.parent and t2.account = %s
-				and t2.party_type = %s and = %s
-				and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus = 1
-				and (ifnull(t2.reference_name, '')='' {1})
-			order by t1.posting_date""".format(amount_field, reference_condition),
-			[party_account, party_type, party] + order_list, as_dict=1)
-		return list(journal_entries)
-	def get_advance_payment_entries(self, party_type, party, party_account, 
-			order_doctype, order_list, include_unallocated=True):	
-		party_account_field = "paid_from" if party_type == "Customer" else "paid_to"
-		payment_type = "Receive" if party_type == "Customer" else "Pay"
-		payment_entries_against_order, unallocated_payment_entries = [], []
-		if order_list:
-			payment_entries_against_order = frappe.db.sql("""
-				select
-					"Payment Entry" as reference_type, as reference_name,
-					t1.remarks, t2.allocated_amount as amount, as reference_row,
-					t2.reference_name as against_order
-				from `tabPayment Entry` t1, `tabPayment Entry Reference` t2 
-				where
- = t2.parent and t1.{0} = %s and t1.payment_type = %s
-					and t1.party_type = %s and = %s and t1.docstatus = 1
-					and t2.reference_doctype = %s and t2.reference_name in ({1})
-			""".format(party_account_field, ', '.join(['%s'] * len(order_list))), 
-			[party_account, payment_type, party_type, party, order_doctype] + order_list, as_dict=1)
-		if include_unallocated:
-			unallocated_payment_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
-					select "Payment Entry" as reference_type, name as reference_name, 
-					remarks, unallocated_amount as amount
-					from `tabPayment Entry`
-					where
-						{0} = %s and party_type = %s and party = %s and payment_type = %s
-						and docstatus = 1 and unallocated_amount > 0
-				""".format(party_account_field), (party_account, party_type, party, payment_type), as_dict=1)
-		return list(payment_entries_against_order) + list(unallocated_payment_entries)
 	def validate_advance_entries(self):
 		advance_entries = self.get_advance_entries(include_unallocated=False)
@@ -698,3 +636,77 @@
 	if flt( and not flt(gl_dict.credit_in_account_currency):
 		gl_dict.credit_in_account_currency = if account_currency==company_currency \
 			else flt( / conversion_rate, 2)
+def get_advance_journal_entries(party_type, party, party_account, amount_field, 
+		order_doctype, order_list, include_unallocated=True):
+	dr_or_cr = "credit_in_account_currency" if party_type=="Customer" else "debit_in_account_currency"
+	conditions = []
+	if include_unallocated:
+		conditions.append("ifnull(t2.reference_name, '')=''")
+	if order_list:
+		order_condition = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(order_list))
+		conditions.append(" (t2.reference_type = '{0}' and ifnull(t2.reference_name, '') in ({1}))"\
+			.format(order_doctype, order_condition))
+	reference_condition = " and (" + " or ".join(conditions) + ")" if conditions else ""
+	journal_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
+		select
+			"Journal Entry" as reference_type, as reference_name, 
+			t1.remark as remarks, t2.{0} as amount, as reference_row,
+			t2.reference_name as against_order
+		from
+			`tabJournal Entry` t1, `tabJournal Entry Account` t2
+		where
+ = t2.parent and t2.account = %s
+			and t2.party_type = %s and = %s
+			and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus = 1
+			and {1} > 0
+			and (ifnull(t2.reference_name, '')='' {2})
+		order by t1.posting_date""".format(amount_field, dr_or_cr, reference_condition),
+		[party_account, party_type, party] + order_list, as_dict=1)
+	return list(journal_entries)
+def get_advance_payment_entries(party_type, party, party_account, 
+		order_doctype, order_list=None, include_unallocated=True, against_all_orders=False):
+	party_account_field = "paid_from" if party_type == "Customer" else "paid_to"
+	payment_type = "Receive" if party_type == "Customer" else "Pay"
+	payment_entries_against_order, unallocated_payment_entries = [], []
+	if order_list or against_all_orders:
+		if order_list:
+			reference_condition = " and t2.reference_name in ({1})"\
+				.format(', '.join(['%s'] * len(order_list)))
+		else:
+			reference_condition = ""
+			order_list = []
+		payment_entries_against_order = frappe.db.sql("""
+			select
+				"Payment Entry" as reference_type, as reference_name,
+				t1.remarks, t2.allocated_amount as amount, as reference_row,
+				t2.reference_name as against_order, t1.posting_date
+			from `tabPayment Entry` t1, `tabPayment Entry Reference` t2 
+			where
+ = t2.parent and t1.{0} = %s and t1.payment_type = %s
+				and t1.party_type = %s and = %s and t1.docstatus = 1
+				and t2.reference_doctype = %s {1}
+		""".format(party_account_field, reference_condition), 
+		[party_account, payment_type, party_type, party, order_doctype] + order_list, as_dict=1)
+	if include_unallocated:
+		unallocated_payment_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
+				select "Payment Entry" as reference_type, name as reference_name, 
+				remarks, unallocated_amount as amount
+				from `tabPayment Entry`
+				where
+					{0} = %s and party_type = %s and party = %s and payment_type = %s
+					and docstatus = 1 and unallocated_amount > 0
+			""".format(party_account_field), (party_account, party_type, party, payment_type), as_dict=1)
+	return list(payment_entries_against_order) + list(unallocated_payment_entries)
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diff --git a/erpnext/patches.txt b/erpnext/patches.txt
index 66c7a7e..c4bae85 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches.txt
+++ b/erpnext/patches.txt
@@ -284,3 +284,4 @@
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