Merge pull request #23076 from deepeshgarg007/hsn_wise_outward_v13

fix: Tax amounts in HSN Wise Outward summary
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/hsn_wise_summary_of_outward_supplies/ b/erpnext/regional/report/hsn_wise_summary_of_outward_supplies/
index 222dfa1..a3ed4ce 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/report/hsn_wise_summary_of_outward_supplies/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/hsn_wise_summary_of_outward_supplies/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 from frappe.utils import flt
 from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
 from frappe.utils.xlsxutils import handle_html
+from six import iteritems
+import json
 def execute(filters=None):
 	return _execute(filters)
@@ -21,21 +23,24 @@
 		itemised_tax, tax_columns = get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency)
 	data = []
+	added_item = []
 	for d in item_list:
-		row = [d.gst_hsn_code, d.description, d.stock_uom, d.stock_qty]
-		total_tax = 0
-		for tax in tax_columns:
-			item_tax = itemised_tax.get(, {}).get(tax, {})
-			total_tax += flt(item_tax.get("tax_amount"))
+		if (d.parent, d.item_code) not in added_item:
+			row = [d.gst_hsn_code, d.description, d.stock_uom, d.stock_qty]
+			total_tax = 0
+			for tax in tax_columns:
+				item_tax = itemised_tax.get((d.parent, d.item_code), {}).get(tax, {})
+				total_tax += flt(item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0))
-		row += [d.base_net_amount + total_tax]
-		row += [d.base_net_amount]
+			row += [d.base_net_amount + total_tax]
+			row += [d.base_net_amount]
-		for tax in tax_columns:
-			item_tax = itemised_tax.get(, {}).get(tax, {})
-			row += [item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0)]
+			for tax in tax_columns:
+				item_tax = itemised_tax.get((d.parent, d.item_code), {}).get(tax, {})
+				row += [item_tax.get("tax_amount", 0)]
-		data.append(row)
+			data.append(row)
+			added_item.append((d.parent, d.item_code))
 	if data:
 		data = get_merged_data(columns, data) # merge same hsn code data
 	return columns, data
@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@
 		match_conditions = " and {0} ".format(match_conditions)
-	return frappe.db.sql("""
+	items = frappe.db.sql("""
 			`tabSales Invoice Item`.name, `tabSales Invoice Item`.base_price_list_rate,
 			`tabSales Invoice Item`.gst_hsn_code, `tabSales Invoice Item`.stock_qty,
@@ -118,10 +123,9 @@
 		""" % (conditions, match_conditions), filters, as_dict=1)
+	return items
-def get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency,
-		doctype="Sales Invoice", tax_doctype="Sales Taxes and Charges"):
-	import json
+def get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns, company_currency, doctype="Sales Invoice", tax_doctype="Sales Taxes and Charges"):
 	item_row_map = {}
 	tax_columns = []
 	invoice_item_row = {}
@@ -171,7 +175,7 @@
 					for d in item_row_map.get(parent, {}).get(item_code, []):
 						item_tax_amount = tax_amount
 						if item_tax_amount:
-							itemised_tax.setdefault(, {})[description] = frappe._dict({
+							itemised_tax.setdefault((parent, item_code), {})[description] = frappe._dict({
 								"tax_amount": flt(item_tax_amount, tax_amount_precision)
 			except ValueError:
@@ -179,42 +183,32 @@
 	for desc in tax_columns:
-		columns.append(desc + " Amount:Currency/currency:160")
+		columns.append({
+			"label": desc,
+			"fieldname": frappe.scrub(desc),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 110
+		})
-	# columns += ["Total Amount:Currency/currency:110"]
 	return itemised_tax, tax_columns
 def get_merged_data(columns, data):
 	merged_hsn_dict = {} # to group same hsn under one key and perform row addition
-	add_column_index = [] # store index of columns that needs to be added
-	tax_col = len(get_columns())
-	fields_to_merge = ["stock_qty", "total_amount", "taxable_amount"] # columns for which index needs to be found
-	for i,d in enumerate(columns):
-		# check if fieldname in to_merge list and ignore tax-columns
-		if i < tax_col and d["fieldname"] in fields_to_merge:
-			add_column_index.append(i)
+	result = []
 	for row in data:
-		if row[0] in merged_hsn_dict:
-			to_add_row = merged_hsn_dict.get(row[0])
+		merged_hsn_dict.setdefault(row[0], {})
+		for i, d in enumerate(columns):
+			if d['fieldtype'] not in ('Int', 'Float', 'Currency'):
+				merged_hsn_dict[row[0]][d['fieldname']] = row[i]
+			else:
+				if merged_hsn_dict.get(row[0], {}).get(d['fieldname'], ''):
+					merged_hsn_dict[row[0]][d['fieldname']] += row[i]
+				else:
+					merged_hsn_dict[row[0]][d['fieldname']] = row[i]
-			# add columns from the add_column_index table
-			for k in add_column_index:
-				to_add_row[k] += row[k]
+	for key, value in iteritems(merged_hsn_dict):
+		result.append(value)
-			# add tax columns
-			for k in range(len(columns)):
-				if tax_col <= k < len(columns):
-					to_add_row[k] += row[k]
-			# update hsn dict with the newly added data
-			merged_hsn_dict[row[0]] = to_add_row
-		else:
-			merged_hsn_dict[row[0]] = row
-	# extract data rows to be displayed in report
-	data = [merged_hsn_dict[d] for d in merged_hsn_dict]
-	return data
+	return result