fix: new dashboard and report
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/ b/erpnext/hr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dafacaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/hr/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+import frappe
+import erpnext
+import json
+def get_data():
+	return frappe._dict({
+		"dashboards": get_dashboards(),
+		"charts": get_charts(),
+		"number_cards": get_number_cards(),
+	})
+def get_dashboards():
+	dashboards = []
+	dashboards.append(get_human_resource_dashboard())
+	return dashboards
+def get_human_resource_dashboard():
+	return {
+		"name": "Human Resource",
+		"dashboard_name": "Human Resource",
+		"is_default": 1,
+		"charts": [
+			{ "chart": "Gender Diversity Ratio", "width": "Half"},
+			{ "chart": "Employee Count", "width": "Half"},
+			{ "chart": "Outgoing Salary", "width": "Full"},
+			{ "chart": "Attendance Count", "width": "Full"}
+		],
+		"cards": [
+			{"card": "Total Employees"},
+			{"card": "New Joinees"},
+			{'card': "Job Applicants"},
+			{'card': "Employees Left"}
+		]
+	}
+def get_recruitment_dashboard():
+	pass
+	# return {
+	# 	"name": "Human Resource",
+	# 	"dashboard_name": "Human Resource",
+	# 	"is_default": 1,
+	# 	"charts": [
+	# 	],
+	# 	"cards": [
+	# 	]
+	# }
+def get_charts():
+	company = erpnext.get_default_company()
+	if not company:
+		company = frappe.db.get_value("Company", {"is_group": 0}, "name")
+	dashboard_charts = [
+		get_dashboards_chart_doc('Gender Diversity Ratio', "Group By", "Donut",document_type = "Employee", group_by_type="Count", group_by_based_on="gender", filters_json = json.dumps([["Employee","status","=","Active"]]), time_interval = "Monthly")
+	]
+	dashboard_charts.append(
+		get_dashboards_chart_doc('Outgoing salary', "Sum", "Line",document_type = "Salary Slip", group_by_type="Count", based_on="end_date", value_based_on = "rounded_total", time_interval = "Monthly", timeseries = 1 , filters_json = json.dumps([["Salary Slip","docstatus","=","1"]]))
+	)
+	custom_options = '''{"type": "bar", "axisOptions": {"shortenYAxisNumbers": 1}, "tooltipOptions": {}, "barOptions":{"stacked": 1}}'''
+	filters_json = json.dumps({"month":"May","year":"2020","company":company})
+	dashboard_charts.append(
+		get_dashboards_chart_doc('Attendance Count', "Report", "Bar",report_name = "Monthly Attendance Sheet", is_custom =1,group_by_type="Count", timeseries = 1 , filters_json = filters_json, custom_options=custom_options)
+	)
+	custom_options = """{"type": "donut", "axisOptions": {"shortenYAxisNumbers": 1}}"""
+	filters_json = json.dumps({"company":company ,"parameter":"Department"})
+	dashboard_charts.append(
+		get_dashboards_chart_doc('Employee Count', "Report", "Donut",report_name = "Employee Analytics", is_custom =1, group_by_type="Count", timeseries = 1 , filters_json = filters_json, custom_options=custom_options)
+	)
+def get_number_cards():
+	number_cards = []
+	number_cards = [
+		get_number_cards_doc("Employee", "Total Employees", filters_json = json.dumps([
+				["Employee","status","=","Active"]
+			])
+		)
+	]
+	number_cards.append(
+		get_number_cards_doc("Employee", "New Joinees", filters_json = json.dumps([
+				["Employee","date_of_joining","Previous","6 months"],
+				["Employee","status","=","Active"]
+			]),
+			stats_time_interval = "Daily")
+		)
+	number_cards.append(
+		get_number_cards_doc("Employee", "Employees Left", filters_json = json.dumps([
+				["Employee","status","=","Left"]
+			])
+		)
+	)
+	number_cards.append(
+		get_number_cards_doc("Job Applicant", "Job Applicants", filters_json = json.dumps([
+				["Job Applicant","status","!=","Rejected"]
+			])
+		)
+	)
+	return number_cards
+def get_number_cards_doc(document_type, label, **args):
+	args = frappe._dict(args)
+	return {
+			"doctype": "Number Card",
+			"document_type": document_type,
+			"function": args.func or "Count",
+			"is_public": args.is_public or 1,
+			"label": label,
+			"name": or label,
+			"show_percentage_stats": args.show_percentage_stats or 1,
+			"stats_time_interval": args.stats_time_interval or 'Monthly',
+			"filters_json": args.filters_json or '[]',
+		}
+def get_dashboards_chart_doc(name, chart_type, graph_type, **args):
+	args = frappe._dict(args)
+	return {
+			"name": name,
+			"chart_name": args.chart_name or name,
+			"chart_type": chart_type,
+			"document_type": args.document_type or None,
+			"report_name": args.report_name or None,
+			"is_custom": args.is_custom or 0,
+			"group_by_type": args.group_by_type or None,
+			"group_by_based_on": args.group_by_based_on or None,
+			"based_on": args.based_on or None,
+			"value_based_on": args.value_based_on or None,
+			"number_of_groups": args.number_of_groups or 0,
+			"is_public": args.is_public or 1,
+			"timespan": args.timespan or "Last Year",
+			"time_interval": args.time_interval or "Yearly",
+			"timeseries": args.timeseries or 0,
+			"filters_json": args.filters_json or '[]',
+			"type": graph_type,
+			"custom_options": args.custom_options or '',
+			"doctype": "Dashboard Chart",
+		}
\ No newline at end of file