Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js b/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js
index 818c979..f996b35 100644
--- a/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js
+++ b/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
 erpnext.updates = [
+	["21st December 2012", [
+		"Manufacturing: For Material Transfer against Production Order, \
+			fetch quantity pending to be transferred for each item."
+	]],
 	["20th December 2012", [
-		"Website: Create Product Search Page, Product Group Page on the website."
+		"Website: Create Product Search Page, Product Group Page on the website.",
+		"Manufacturing: \
+			<a href=\"\" \
+				target=\"_blank\">Refactored code, improved usability.</a>"
 	["14th December 2012", [
 		"Website Module: Major Refactor - removed framework code from website."
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/production_order.js b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/production_order.js
index 3ac277b..2ec91e7 100644
--- a/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/production_order.js
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/production_order.js
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 			cur_frm.add_custom_button('Unstop', cur_frm.cscript['Unstop Production Order']);
 		if (doc.status == 'Submitted' || doc.status == 'Material Transferred' || doc.status == 'In Process'){
-			cur_frm.add_custom_button('Issue Raw Materials', cur_frm.cscript['Issue Raw Materials']);
+			cur_frm.add_custom_button('Transfer Raw Materials', cur_frm.cscript['Transfer Raw Materials']);
 			cur_frm.add_custom_button('Update Finished Goods', cur_frm.cscript['Update Finished Goods']);
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 			$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'stop_unstop', 'Unstopped', function(r, rt) {cur_frm.refresh();});
-cur_frm.cscript['Issue Raw Materials'] = function() {
+cur_frm.cscript['Transfer Raw Materials'] = function() {
 	var doc = cur_frm.doc;
 	cur_frm.cscript.make_se(doc, 'Material Transfer');
diff --git a/public/js/utils.js b/public/js/utils.js
index af3e579..7e1a8eb 100644
--- a/public/js/utils.js
+++ b/public/js/utils.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 erpnext.utils.Controller = Class.extend({
 	init: function(opts) {
 		$.extend(this, opts);
+		this.setup && this.setup();
 	onload_post_render: function() {
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
index 8e58e9a..d1a0da8 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 	refresh: function() {
+		this.toggle_enable_bom();
 		if (this.frm.doc.docstatus==1) this.frm.add_custom_button("Show Stock Ledger", 
@@ -49,6 +50,18 @@
+	production_order: function() {
+		this.toggle_enable_bom();
+			method: "get_production_order_details",
+			args: {production_order: this.frm.doc.production_order}
+		});
+	},
+	toggle_enable_bom: function() {
+		this.frm.toggle_enable("bom_no", !this.frm.doc.production_order);
+	},
 cur_frm.cscript = new erpnext.stock.StockEntry({frm: cur_frm});
@@ -62,7 +75,7 @@
 	cur_frm.fields_dict["mtn_details"].grid.set_column_disp("s_warehouse", !disable_from_warehouse);
 	cur_frm.fields_dict["mtn_details"].grid.set_column_disp("t_warehouse", !disable_to_warehouse);
 	if(doc.purpose == 'Purchase Return') {
 		doc.customer = doc.customer_name = doc.customer_address = 
 			doc.delivery_note_no = doc.sales_invoice_no = null;
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
index 0252879..1e4f300 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 	def __init__(self, doc, doclist=[]):
 		self.doc = doc
 		self.doclist = doclist
-		self.item_dict = {}
 		self.fname = 'mtn_details' 
 	def validate(self):
@@ -229,7 +228,6 @@
 					if self.doc.purpose == 'Purchase Return':
-						#delete_doc("Serial No", serial_no)
 						serial_doc = Document("Serial No", serial_no)
 						serial_doc.status = is_submit and 'Purchase Returned' or 'In Store'
 						serial_doc.docstatus = is_submit and 2 or 0
@@ -336,11 +334,7 @@
 			pro_obj = get_obj('Production Order', self.doc.production_order)
 			if pro_obj:
 				self.doc.bom_no = pro_obj.doc.bom_no
-				self.doc.fg_completed_qty = (self.doc.purpose == "Manufacture/Repack") \
-					and flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) \
-					or flt(pro_obj.doc.qty) - flt(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty)
 				# invalid production order
 				self.doc.production_order = None
@@ -348,12 +342,15 @@
 		if self.doc.bom_no:
 			if self.doc.purpose in ["Material Issue", "Material Transfer", "Manufacture/Repack",
-				self.get_raw_materials()
+				if self.doc.production_order and self.doc.purpose == "Material Transfer":
+					item_dict = self.get_pending_raw_materials(pro_obj)
+				else:
+					item_dict = self.get_bom_raw_materials(self.doc.fg_completed_qty)
 				# add raw materials to Stock Entry Detail table
 				self.add_to_stock_entry_detail(self.doc.from_warehouse, self.doc.to_warehouse,
-					self.item_dict)
+					item_dict)
 			# add finished good item to Stock Entry Detail table -- along with bom_no
 			if self.doc.production_order and self.doc.purpose == "Manufacture/Repack":
 				self.add_to_stock_entry_detail(None, pro_obj.doc.fg_warehouse, {
@@ -371,16 +368,28 @@
-	def get_raw_materials(self):
+	def get_bom_raw_materials(self, qty):
 			get all items from flat bom except 
 			child items of sub-contracted and sub assembly items 
 			and sub assembly items itself.
+		# item dict = { item_code: [qty, description, stock_uom] }
+		item_dict = {}
+		def _make_items_dict(items_list):
+			"""makes dict of unique items with it's qty"""
+			for item in items_list:
+				if item_dict.has_key(item.item_code):
+					item_dict[item.item_code][0] += flt(item.qty)
+				else:
+					item_dict[item.item_code] = [flt(item.qty), item.description, item.stock_uom]
 		if self.doc.use_multi_level_bom:
 			# get all raw materials with sub assembly childs					
 			fl_bom_sa_child_item = sql("""select 
-					item_code,ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit),0)*%s as qty,description,stock_uom 
+					item_code,ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit),0)*%s as qty,
+					description,stock_uom 
 				from (	select distinct, fb.description, fb.item_code,
 							fb.qty_consumed_per_unit, fb.stock_uom 
 						from `tabBOM Explosion Item` fb,`tabItem` it 
@@ -388,45 +397,73 @@
 						and ifnull(it.is_sub_contracted_item, 'No') = 'No' and fb.docstatus<2 
 						and fb.parent=%s
 					) a
-				group by item_code, stock_uom""" , (self.doc.fg_completed_qty, self.doc.bom_no))
-			self.make_items_dict(fl_bom_sa_child_item)
+				group by item_code, stock_uom""" , (qty, self.doc.bom_no), as_dict=1)
+			if fl_bom_sa_child_item:
+				_make_items_dict(fl_bom_sa_child_item)
 			# Get all raw materials considering multi level BOM, 
 			# if multi level bom consider childs of Sub-Assembly items
-			fl_bom_sa_items = sql("""select item_code, ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) * '%s',
+			fl_bom_sa_items = sql("""select item_code,
+				ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) * '%s' as qty,
 				description, stock_uom from `tabBOM Item` 
 				where parent = '%s' and docstatus < 2 
-				group by item_code""" % (self.doc.fg_completed_qty, self.doc.bom_no))
+				group by item_code""" % (qty, self.doc.bom_no), as_dict=1)
-			self.make_items_dict(fl_bom_sa_items)
-		# Update only qty remaining to be issued for production
-		if self.doc.purpose == 'Material Transfer' and self.doc.production_order:
-			self.update_only_remaining_qty()
+			if fl_bom_sa_items:
+				_make_items_dict(fl_bom_sa_items)
+		return item_dict
-	def make_items_dict(self, items_list):
-		"""makes dict of unique items with it's qty"""
-		for i in items_list:
-			if self.item_dict.has_key(i[0]):
-				self.item_dict[i[0]][0] = flt(self.item_dict[i[0]][0]) + flt(i[1])
+	def get_pending_raw_materials(self, pro_obj):
+		"""
+			issue (item quantity) that is pending to issue or desire to transfer,
+			whichever is less
+		"""
+		item_qty = self.get_bom_raw_materials(1)
+		issued_item_qty = self.get_issued_qty()
+		max_qty = flt(pro_obj.doc.qty)
+		only_pending_fetched = []
+		for item in item_qty:
+			pending_to_issue = (max_qty * item_qty[item][0]) - issued_item_qty.get(item, 0)
+			desire_to_transfer = flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) * item_qty[item][0]
+			if desire_to_transfer <= pending_to_issue:
+				item_qty[item][0] = desire_to_transfer
-				self.item_dict[i[0]] = [flt(i[1]), cstr(i[2]), cstr(i[3])]
+				item_qty[item][0] = pending_to_issue
+				if pending_to_issue:
+					only_pending_fetched.append(item)
+		# delete items with 0 qty
+		for item in item_qty:
+			if not item_qty[item][0]:
+				del item_qty[item]
+		# show some message
+		if not len(item_qty):
+			webnotes.msgprint(_("""All items have already been transferred \
+				for this Production Order."""))
+		elif only_pending_fetched:
+			webnotes.msgprint(_("""Only quantities pending to be transferred \
+				were fetched for the following items:\n""" + "\n".join(only_pending_fetched)))
-	def update_only_remaining_qty(self):
-		""" Only pending raw material to be issued to shop floor """
-		already_issued_item = {}
+		return item_qty
+	def get_issued_qty(self):
+		issued_item_qty = {}
 		result = sql("""select t1.item_code, sum(t1.qty)
 			from `tabStock Entry Detail` t1, `tabStock Entry` t2
 			where t1.parent = and t2.production_order = %s and t2.docstatus = 1
 			and t2.purpose = 'Material Transfer'
 			group by t1.item_code""", self.doc.production_order)
 		for t in result:
-			already_issued_item[t[0]] = flt(t[1])
-		for d in self.item_dict.keys():
-			self.item_dict[d][0] -= already_issued_item.get(d, 0)
-			if self.item_dict[d][0] <= 0:
-				del self.item_dict[d]
+			issued_item_qty[t[0]] = flt(t[1])
+		return issued_item_qty
 	def add_to_stock_entry_detail(self, source_wh, target_wh, item_dict, bom_no=None):
 		for d in item_dict:
@@ -440,7 +477,9 @@
 			se_child.qty = flt(item_dict[d][0])
 			se_child.transfer_qty = flt(item_dict[d][0])
 			se_child.conversion_factor = 1.00
-			if bom_no: se_child.bom_no = bom_no
+			# to be assigned for finished item
+			se_child.bom_no = bom_no
 	def add_to_values(self, d, wh, qty, is_cancelled):
@@ -500,3 +539,10 @@
 			'supplier_name' : res and res[0][0] or '',
 			'supplier_address' : addr and addr[0] or ''}
 		return ret
+def get_production_order_details(production_order):
+	result = webnotes.conn.sql("""select bom_no, 
+		ifnull(qty, 0) - ifnull(produced_qty, 0) as fg_completed_qty
+		from `tabProduction Order` where name = %s""", production_order, as_dict=1)
+	return result and result[0] or {}
\ No newline at end of file