[feature] If customer/supplier account freezed do not allow to make any transaction
diff --git a/controllers/accounts_controller.py b/controllers/accounts_controller.py
index abefb9b..27bb2a5 100644
--- a/controllers/accounts_controller.py
+++ b/controllers/accounts_controller.py
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 			self.validate_value("grand_total", ">=", 0)
+		self.validate_for_freezed_account()
 	def set_missing_values(self, for_validate=False):
 		for fieldname in ["posting_date", "transaction_date"]:
 			if not self.doc.fields.get(fieldname) and self.meta.get_field(fieldname):
@@ -52,6 +54,18 @@
 			if date_field and self.doc.fields[date_field]:
 				validate_fiscal_year(self.doc.fields[date_field], self.doc.fiscal_year, 
+	def validate_for_freezed_account(self):
+		for fld in ["customer", "supplier"]:
+			if self.meta.get_field(fld):
+				accounts = webnotes.conn.get_values("Account", {"master_type": fld.upper(), 
+					"master_name": self.doc.fields[fld], "company": self.doc.company}, 
+					"freeze_account", as_dict=1)
+				if accounts:
+					if not filter(lambda x: cstr(x.freeze_account) in ["", "No"], accounts):
+						msgprint(_("Account for this ") + fld + _(" has been freezed. ") + 
+							self.doc.doctype + _(" can not be made."), raise_exception=1)
 	def set_price_list_currency(self, buying_or_selling):
 		# TODO - change this, since price list now has only one currency allowed