Merge branch 'master' of into 1209
diff --git a/accounts/page/general_ledger/general_ledger.js b/accounts/page/general_ledger/general_ledger.js
index cbe88fb..eca9dea 100644
--- a/accounts/page/general_ledger/general_ledger.js
+++ b/accounts/page/general_ledger/general_ledger.js
@@ -21,179 +21,218 @@
single_column: true
- erpnext.general_ledger = new wn.views.GridReport({
- title: "General Ledger",
- page: wrapper,
- parent: $(wrapper).find('.layout-main'),
- appframe: wrapper.appframe,
- doctypes: ["Company", "Account", "GL Entry", "Cost Center"],
- setup_columns: function() {
- this.columns = [
- {id: "posting_date", name: "Posting Date", field: "posting_date", width: 100,
- formatter: this.date_formatter},
- {id: "account", name: "Account", field: "account", width: 240,
- link_formatter: {
- filter_input: "account",
- open_btn: true,
- }},
- {id: "debit", name: "Debit", field: "debit", width: 100,
- formatter: this.currency_formatter},
- {id: "credit", name: "Credit", field: "credit", width: 100,
- formatter: this.currency_formatter},
- {id: "voucher_type", name: "Voucher Type", field: "voucher_type", width: 120},
- {id: "voucher_no", name: "Voucher No", field: "voucher_no", width: 160,
- link_formatter: {
- filter_input: "voucher_no",
- open_btn: true,
- doctype: "dataContext.voucher_type"
- }},
- {id: "remarks", name: "Remarks", field: "remarks", width: 200,
- formatter: this.text_formatter},
- ];
- },
- filters: [
- {fieldtype:"Select", label: "Company", link:"Company", default_value: "Select Company...",
- filter: function(val, item, opts) {
- return == val || val == opts.default_value;
- }},
- {fieldtype:"Select", label: "Account", link:"Account", default_value: "Select Account...",
- filter: function(val, item, opts, me) {
- if(val == opts.default_value) {
- return true;
- } else {
- // true if GL Entry belongs to selected
- // account ledger or group
- return me.is_child_account(val, item.account);
- }
- }},
- {fieldtype:"Data", label: "Voucher No",
- filter: function(val, item, opts) {
- if(!val) return true;
- return (item.voucher_no && item.voucher_no.indexOf(val)!=-1);
- }},
- {fieldtype:"Date", label: "From Date", filter: function(val, item) {
- return dateutil.str_to_obj(val) <= dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date);
- }},
- {fieldtype:"Label", label: "To"},
- {fieldtype:"Date", label: "To Date", filter: function(val, item) {
- return dateutil.str_to_obj(val) >= dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date);
- }},
- {fieldtype:"Button", label: "Refresh", icon:"icon-refresh icon-white", cssClass:"btn-info"},
- {fieldtype:"Button", label: "Reset Filters"}
- ],
- is_child_account: function(account, item_account) {
- account = this.account_by_name[account];
- item_account = this.account_by_name[item_account];
- return (item_account.lft >= account.lft && item_account.rgt <= account.rgt)
- },
- prepare_data: function() {
- // add Opening, Closing, Totals rows
- // if filtered by account and / or voucher
- var data =["GL Entry"];
- var out = [];
- if(!this.account_by_name)
- this.account_by_name = this.make_name_map(["Account"]);
- var me = this;
- var from_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date);
- var to_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date);
- if(to_date < from_date) {
- msgprint("From Date must be before To Date");
- return;
- }
- var opening = {
- account: "Opening", debit: 0.0, credit: 0.0,
- id:"_opening", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
- }
- var totals = {
- account: "Totals", debit: 0.0, credit: 0.0,
- id:"_totals", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
- }
- $.each(data, function(i, item) {
- if((!me.is_default("account") ? me.is_child_account(me.account, item.account) : true) &&
- (me.voucher_no ? item.voucher_no==me.voucher_no : true)) {
- var date = dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date);
- if(date < from_date) {
- opening.debit += item.debit;
- +=;
- } else if(date <= to_date) {
- totals.debit += item.debit;
- +=;
- }
- if(me.apply_filters(item)) {
- out.push(item);
- }
- }
- })
- var closing = {
- account: "Closing (Opening + Totals)", debit: opening.debit + totals.debit,
- credit: +,
- id:"_closing", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
- }
- if(!me.is_default("account")) {
- if(me.account_by_name[me.account].debit_or_credit == "Debit") {
- opening.debit -=; = 0;
- closing.debit -=; = 0;
- } else {
- -= opening.debit; opening.debit = 0;
- -= closing.debit; closing.debit = 0;
- }
- var out = [opening].concat(out).concat([totals, closing]);
- } else {
- var out = out.concat([totals]);
- }
- = out;
- },
- get_plot_data: function() {
- var data = [];
- var me = this;
- if(me.is_default("account") || me.voucher_no) return false;
- var debit_or_credit = me.account_by_name[me.account].debit_or_credit;
- var balance = debit_or_credit=="Debit" ?[0].debit :[0].credit;
- data.push({
- label: me.account,
- data: [[dateutil.str_to_obj(me.from_date).getTime(), balance]]
- .concat($.map(, function(col, idx) {
- if (col.posting_date) {
- var diff = (debit_or_credit == "Debit" ? 1 : -1) * (flt(col.debit) - flt(;
- balance += diff;
- return [[dateutil.str_to_obj(col.posting_date).getTime(), balance - diff],
- [dateutil.str_to_obj(col.posting_date).getTime(), balance]]
- }
- return null;
- })).concat([
- // closing
- [dateutil.str_to_obj(me.to_date).getTime(), balance]
- ]),
- points: {show: true},
- lines: {show: true, fill: true},
- });
- return data;
- },
- get_plot_options: function() {
- return {
- grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true },
- xaxis: { mode: "time",
- min: dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date).getTime(),
- max: dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date).getTime() }
- }
- },
- });
+ erpnext.general_ledger = new erpnext.GeneralLedger(wrapper);
+erpnext.GeneralLedger = wn.views.GridReport.extend({
+ init: function(wrapper) {
+ this._super({
+ title: "General Ledger",
+ page: wrapper,
+ parent: $(wrapper).find('.layout-main'),
+ appframe: wrapper.appframe,
+ doctypes: ["Company", "Account", "GL Entry", "Cost Center"],
+ });
+ },
+ setup_columns: function() {
+ this.columns = [
+ {id: "posting_date", name: "Posting Date", field: "posting_date", width: 100,
+ formatter: this.date_formatter},
+ {id: "account", name: "Account", field: "account", width: 240,
+ link_formatter: {
+ filter_input: "account",
+ open_btn: true,
+ }},
+ {id: "debit", name: "Debit", field: "debit", width: 100,
+ formatter: this.currency_formatter},
+ {id: "credit", name: "Credit", field: "credit", width: 100,
+ formatter: this.currency_formatter},
+ {id: "voucher_type", name: "Voucher Type", field: "voucher_type", width: 120},
+ {id: "voucher_no", name: "Voucher No", field: "voucher_no", width: 160,
+ link_formatter: {
+ filter_input: "voucher_no",
+ open_btn: true,
+ doctype: "dataContext.voucher_type"
+ }},
+ {id: "remarks", name: "Remarks", field: "remarks", width: 200,
+ formatter: this.text_formatter},
+ ];
+ },
+ filters: [
+ {fieldtype:"Select", label: "Company", link:"Company", default_value: "Select Company...",
+ filter: function(val, item, opts) {
+ return == val || val == opts.default_value;
+ }},
+ {fieldtype:"Select", label: "Account", link:"Account", default_value: "Select Account...",
+ filter: function(val, item, opts, me) {
+ if(val == opts.default_value) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // true if GL Entry belongs to selected
+ // account ledger or group
+ return me.is_child_account(val, item.account);
+ }
+ }},
+ {fieldtype:"Data", label: "Voucher No",
+ filter: function(val, item, opts) {
+ if(!val) return true;
+ return (item.voucher_no && item.voucher_no.indexOf(val)!=-1);
+ }},
+ {fieldtype:"Date", label: "From Date", filter: function(val, item) {
+ return dateutil.str_to_obj(val) <= dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date);
+ }},
+ {fieldtype:"Label", label: "To"},
+ {fieldtype:"Date", label: "To Date", filter: function(val, item) {
+ return dateutil.str_to_obj(val) >= dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date);
+ }},
+ {fieldtype:"Button", label: "Refresh", icon:"icon-refresh icon-white", cssClass:"btn-info"},
+ {fieldtype:"Button", label: "Reset Filters"}
+ ],
+ setup_filters: function() {
+ this._super();
+ var me = this;
+ // filter accounts options by company
+ var accounts_by_company = this.make_accounts_by_company();
+ && {
+ var $filter = me.filter_inputs.account;
+ var company = $(this).val();
+ var default_company =;
+ $filter.empty().add_options([$filter.get(0).opts.default_value].concat(
+ $.map(["Account"], function(ac) {
+ return (accounts_by_company[company].indexOf(!=-1 ||
+ company===default_company) ? : null;
+ })));
+ });
+ this.filter_inputs.account && this.filter_inputs.account.change(function() {
+ });
+ },
+ init_filter_values: function() {
+ this._super();
+ },
+ make_accounts_by_company: function() {
+ var accounts_by_company = {};
+ var me = this;
+ $.each(["Account"], function(i, ac) {
+ if(!accounts_by_company[]) accounts_by_company[] = [];
+ accounts_by_company[].push(;
+ });
+ return accounts_by_company;
+ },
+ is_child_account: function(account, item_account) {
+ account = this.account_by_name[account];
+ item_account = this.account_by_name[item_account];
+ return (item_account.lft >= account.lft && item_account.rgt <= account.rgt)
+ },
+ prepare_data: function() {
+ // add Opening, Closing, Totals rows
+ // if filtered by account and / or voucher
+ var data =["GL Entry"];
+ var out = [];
+ if(!this.account_by_name)
+ this.account_by_name = this.make_name_map(["Account"]);
+ var me = this;
+ var from_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date);
+ var to_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date);
+ if(to_date < from_date) {
+ msgprint("From Date must be before To Date");
+ return;
+ }
+ var opening = {
+ account: "Opening", debit: 0.0, credit: 0.0,
+ id:"_opening", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
+ }
+ var totals = {
+ account: "Totals", debit: 0.0, credit: 0.0,
+ id:"_totals", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
+ }
+ $.each(data, function(i, item) {
+ if((me.is_default("company") ? true : me.apply_filter(item, "company")) &&
+ (!me.is_default("account") ? me.is_child_account(me.account, item.account)
+ : true) && (me.voucher_no ? item.voucher_no==me.voucher_no : true)) {
+ var date = dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date);
+ if(date < from_date) {
+ opening.debit += item.debit;
+ +=;
+ } else if(date <= to_date) {
+ totals.debit += item.debit;
+ +=;
+ }
+ if(me.apply_filters(item)) {
+ out.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ var closing = {
+ account: "Closing (Opening + Totals)", debit: opening.debit + totals.debit,
+ credit: +,
+ id:"_closing", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
+ }
+ if(!me.is_default("account")) {
+ if(me.account_by_name[me.account].debit_or_credit == "Debit") {
+ opening.debit -=; = 0;
+ closing.debit -=; = 0;
+ } else {
+ -= opening.debit; opening.debit = 0;
+ -= closing.debit; closing.debit = 0;
+ }
+ var out = [opening].concat(out).concat([totals, closing]);
+ } else {
+ var out = out.concat([totals]);
+ }
+ = out;
+ },
+ get_plot_data: function() {
+ var data = [];
+ var me = this;
+ if(me.is_default("account") || me.voucher_no) return false;
+ var debit_or_credit = me.account_by_name[me.account].debit_or_credit;
+ var balance = debit_or_credit=="Debit" ?[0].debit :[0].credit;
+ data.push({
+ label: me.account,
+ data: [[dateutil.str_to_obj(me.from_date).getTime(), balance]]
+ .concat($.map(, function(col, idx) {
+ if (col.posting_date) {
+ var diff = (debit_or_credit == "Debit" ? 1 : -1) * (flt(col.debit) - flt(;
+ balance += diff;
+ return [[dateutil.str_to_obj(col.posting_date).getTime(), balance - diff],
+ [dateutil.str_to_obj(col.posting_date).getTime(), balance]]
+ }
+ return null;
+ })).concat([
+ // closing
+ [dateutil.str_to_obj(me.to_date).getTime(), balance]
+ ]),
+ points: {show: true},
+ lines: {show: true, fill: true},
+ });
+ return data;
+ },
+ get_plot_options: function() {
+ return {
+ grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true },
+ xaxis: { mode: "time",
+ min: dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date).getTime(),
+ max: dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date).getTime() }
+ }
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/september_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/september_2012/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1a848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/september_2012/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
+from webnotes.model.doc import addchild
+def execute():
+ existing = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tabDocPerm`
+ where permlevel=0 and parent='Event' and role='System Manager'
+ and cancel=1""")
+ if not existing:
+ ev_obj = get_obj("DocType", "Event", with_children=1)
+ ch = addchild(ev_obj.doc, "permissions", "DocPerm")
+ ch.permlevel = 0
+ ch.role = 'System Manager'
+ = ch.write = ch.create = ch.cancel = 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/september_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/september_2012/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a3f9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/september_2012/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# ERPNext - web based ERP (
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+def execute():
+ # reload gross profit report
+ from webnotes.modules import reload_doc
+ reload_doc('selling', 'search_criteria', 'gross_profit')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/september_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/september_2012/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b6ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/september_2012/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# ERPNext - web based ERP (
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+def execute():
+ import webnotes
+ from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
+ bin = webnotes.conn.sql("select name from `tabBin`")
+ i=0
+ for d in bin:
+ try:
+ get_obj('Bin', d[0]).update_entries_after('2000-01-01', '12:05')
+ except:
+ pass
+ i += 1
+ if i%100 == 0:
+ webnotes.conn.sql("commit")
+ webnotes.conn.sql("start transaction")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/patches/ b/patches/
index d0ec56d..e14be4b 100644
--- a/patches/
+++ b/patches/
@@ -588,4 +588,16 @@
'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012',
'patch_file': 'plot_patch',
+ {
+ 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012',
+ 'patch_file': 'event_permission',
+ },
+ {
+ 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012',
+ 'patch_file': 'repost_stock',
+ },
+ {
+ 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012',
+ 'patch_file': 'reload_gross_profit',
+ },
diff --git a/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/ b/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/
index 97821d3..ba3425e 100644
--- a/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/
+++ b/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/
@@ -8,15 +8,17 @@
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Add Columns
# ------------
from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from webnotes.utils import flt
colnames[colnames.index('Rate*')] = 'Rate'
col_idx['Rate'] = col_idx['Rate*']
@@ -24,55 +26,66 @@
col_idx['Amount'] = col_idx['Amount*']
-columns = [['Valuation Rate','Currency','150px',''],
- ['Valuation Amount','Currency','150px',''],
- ['Gross Profit (%)','Currrency','150px',''],
- ['Gross Profit','Currency','150px','']]
+columns = [
+ ['Purchase Cost','Currency','150px',''],
+ ['Gross Profit','Currency','150px',''],
+ ['Gross Profit (%)','Currrency','150px','']
for c in columns:
- colnames.append(c[0])
- coltypes.append(c[1])
- colwidths.append(c[2])
- coloptions.append(c[3])
- col_idx[c[0]] = len(colnames)-1
+ colnames.append(c[0])
+ coltypes.append(c[1])
+ colwidths.append(c[2])
+ coloptions.append(c[3])
+ col_idx[c[0]] = len(colnames)-1
-out, tot_amount, tot_val_amount, tot_gross_profit = [], 0, 0, 0
+sle = sql("""
+ select
+ actual_qty, incoming_rate, voucher_no, item_code, warehouse
+ from
+ `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+ where
+ voucher_type = 'Delivery Note'
+ and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'
+ order by posting_date desc, posting_time desc, name desc
+""", as_dict=1)
+def get_purchase_cost(dn, item, wh, qty):
+ from webnotes.utils import flt
+ global sle
+ purchase_cost = 0
+ packing_items = sql("select item_code, qty from `tabSales BOM Item` where parent = %s", item)
+ if packing_items:
+ packing_items = [[t[0], flt(t[1])*qty] for t in packing_items]
+ else:
+ packing_items = [[item, qty]]
+ for d in sle:
+ if d['voucher_no'] == dn and [d['item_code'], flt(abs(d['actual_qty']))] in packing_items:
+ purchase_cost += flt(d['incoming_rate'])*flt(abs(d['actual_qty']))
+ return purchase_cost
+out, tot_amount, tot_pur_cost = [], 0, 0
for r in res:
- tot_val_rate = 0
- packing_list_items = sql("select item_code, warehouse, qty from `tabDelivery Note Packing Item` where parent = %s and parent_item = %s", (r[col_idx['ID']], r[col_idx['Item Code']]))
- for d in packing_list_items:
- if d[1]:
- val_rate = sql("select valuation_rate from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s and voucher_type = 'Delivery Note' and voucher_no = %s and is_cancelled = 'No'", (d[0], d[1], r[col_idx['ID']]))
- val_rate = val_rate and val_rate[0][0] or 0
- if r[col_idx['Quantity']]: tot_val_rate += (flt(val_rate) * flt(d[2]) / flt(r[col_idx['Quantity']]))
- else: tot_val_rate = 0
- r.append(fmt_money(tot_val_rate))
- val_amount = flt(tot_val_rate) * flt(r[col_idx['Quantity']])
- r.append(fmt_money(val_amount))
- gp = flt(r[col_idx['Amount']]) - flt(val_amount)
- if val_amount: gp_percent = gp * 100 / val_amount
- else: gp_percent = gp
- r.append(fmt_money(gp_percent))
- r.append(fmt_money(gp))
- out.append(r)
- tot_gross_profit += flt(gp)
- tot_amount += flt(r[col_idx['Amount']])
- tot_val_amount += flt(val_amount)
+ purchase_cost = get_purchase_cost(r[col_idx['ID']], r[col_idx['Item Code']], \
+ r[col_idx['Warehouse']], r[col_idx['Quantity']])
+ r.append(purchase_cost)
+ gp = flt(r[col_idx['Amount']]) - flt(purchase_cost)
+ gp_percent = r[col_idx['Amount']] and purchase_cost and \
+ round((gp*100/flt(r[col_idx['Amount']])), 2) or 0
+ r.append(fmt_money(gp))
+ r.append(fmt_money(gp_percent))
+ out.append(r)
+ tot_amount += flt(r[col_idx['Amount']])
+ tot_pur_cost += flt(purchase_cost)
# Add Total Row
-# --------------
l_row = ['' for i in range(len(colnames))]
-l_row[col_idx['Quantity']] = '<b>TOTALS</b>'
+l_row[col_idx['Project Name']] = '<b>TOTALS</b>'
l_row[col_idx['Amount']] = fmt_money(tot_amount)
-l_row[col_idx['Valuation Amount']] = fmt_money(tot_val_amount)
-if tot_val_amount: l_row[col_idx['Gross Profit (%)']] = fmt_money((tot_amount - tot_val_amount) * 100 / tot_val_amount)
-else: l_row[col_idx['Gross Profit (%)']] = fmt_money(tot_amount)
-l_row[col_idx['Gross Profit']] = fmt_money(tot_gross_profit)
+l_row[col_idx['Purchase Cost']] = fmt_money(tot_pur_cost)
+l_row[col_idx['Gross Profit']] = fmt_money(flt(tot_amount) - flt(tot_pur_cost))
+l_row[col_idx['Gross Profit (%)']] = tot_amount and \
+ round((flt(tot_amount) - flt(tot_pur_cost))*100 / flt(tot_amount), 2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/gross_profit.txt b/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/gross_profit.txt
index b98ced6..1f9cbc7 100644
--- a/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/gross_profit.txt
+++ b/selling/search_criteria/gross_profit/gross_profit.txt
@@ -3,23 +3,23 @@
# These values are common in all dictionaries
- 'creation': '2012-04-03 12:49:51',
- 'docstatus': 0,
- 'modified': '2012-04-03 12:49:51',
- 'modified_by': u'Administrator',
- 'owner': u'Administrator'
+ u'creation': '2012-05-14 18:22:18',
+ u'docstatus': 0,
+ u'modified': '2012-09-24 14:11:39',
+ u'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+ u'owner': u'Administrator'
# These values are common for all Search Criteria
- 'columns': u'Delivery Note\x01ID,Delivery Note\x01Posting Date,Delivery Note\x01Posting Time,Delivery Note Item\x01Item Code,Delivery Note Item\x01Item Name,Delivery Note Item\x01Description,Delivery Note\x01Project Name,Delivery Note Item\x01Quantity,Delivery Note Item\x01Rate*,Delivery Note Item\x01Amount*',
+ 'columns': u'Delivery Note\x01ID,Delivery Note\x01Posting Date,Delivery Note\x01Posting Time,Delivery Note Item\x01Item Code,Delivery Note Item\x01Item Name,Delivery Note Item\x01Description,Delivery Note Item\x01Warehouse,Delivery Note\x01Project Name,Delivery Note Item\x01Quantity,Delivery Note Item\x01Rate*,Delivery Note Item\x01Amount*',
'criteria_name': u'Gross Profit',
'description': u'Invoice wise',
'doc_type': u'Delivery Note Item',
- 'doctype': 'Search Criteria',
- 'filters': u"{'Delivery Note\x01Submitted':1,'Delivery Note\x01Status':'','Delivery Note\x01Fiscal Year':''}",
+ u'doctype': u'Search Criteria',
+ 'filters': u'{"Delivery Note\\u0001Submitted":1,"Delivery Note\\u0001Status":[],"Delivery Note\\u0001Fiscal Year":[]}',
'module': u'Selling',
- 'name': '__common__',
+ u'name': u'__common__',
'page_len': 50,
'parent_doc_type': u'Delivery Note',
'sort_by': u'`tabDelivery Note`.`name`',
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
# Search Criteria, gross_profit
- 'doctype': 'Search Criteria',
- 'name': u'gross_profit'
+ u'doctype': u'Search Criteria',
+ u'name': u'gross_profit'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/startup/ b/startup/
index b2be566..a098e33 100644
--- a/startup/
+++ b/startup/
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
# Accounts
"Account": {
- "columns": ["name", "parent_account", "lft", "rgt", "debit_or_credit", "is_pl_account",
- "company"],
+ "columns": ["name", "parent_account", "lft", "rgt", "debit_or_credit",
+ "is_pl_account", "company"],
"order_by": "lft"
"Cost Center": {
diff --git a/stock/doctype/bin/ b/stock/doctype/bin/
index bff7abb..648d581 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/bin/
+++ b/stock/doctype/bin/
@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@
self.doc = doc
self.doclist = doclist
- # -------------
- # stock update
- # -------------
- def update_stock(self, actual_qty=0, reserved_qty=0, ordered_qty=0, indented_qty=0, planned_qty=0, dt=None, sle_id='', posting_time='', serial_no = '', is_cancelled = 'No',doc_type='',doc_name='',is_amended='No'):
+ def update_stock(self, actual_qty=0, reserved_qty=0, ordered_qty=0, indented_qty=0, \
+ planned_qty=0, dt=None, sle_id='', posting_time='', serial_no = '', \
+ is_cancelled = 'No',doc_type='',doc_name='',is_amended='No'):
if not dt:
dt = nowdate()
@@ -73,13 +72,13 @@
if sql("select name from `tabItem` where ifnull(has_serial_no, 'No') = 'Yes' and name = '%s'" % self.doc.item_code):
sr_count = sql("""select count(name) from `tabSerial No`
- where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'
- and status ='In Store' and docstatus != 2
- """ % (self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse))[0][0]
+ where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'
+ and status ='In Store' and docstatus != 2
+ """ % (self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse))[0][0]
if sr_count != self.doc.actual_qty:
- msg = """Actual Qty(%s) in Bin is mismatched with total number(%s) of serial no in store
- for item: '%s' and warehouse: '%s'""" % \
+ msg = """Actual Qty(%s) in Bin is mismatched with total number(%s)
+ of serial no in store for item: %s and warehouse: %s""" % \
(self.doc.actual_qty, sr_count, self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse)
msgprint(msg, raise_exception=1)
@@ -119,7 +118,6 @@
return sle and sle[0] or {}
def get_sle_prev_timebucket(self, posting_date = '1900-01-01', posting_time = '12:00'):
"""get previous stock ledger entry before current time-bucket"""
# get the last sle before the current time-bucket, so that all values
@@ -139,8 +137,6 @@
return sle and sle[0] or {}
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
def validate_negative_stock(self, cqty, s):
validate negative stock for entries current datetime onwards
@@ -157,33 +153,32 @@
s['posting_date'], s['posting_time'], s['voucher_type'], s['voucher_no']), \
- # ------------------------------------
- def get_serialized_inventory_values(self, val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty, actual_qty, is_cancelled, serial_nos):
+ def get_serialized_inventory_values(self, val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty, \
+ actual_qty, is_cancelled, serial_nos):
get serialized inventory values
if flt(in_rate) < 0: # wrong incoming rate
in_rate = val_rate
- elif flt(in_rate) == 0: # In case of delivery/stock issue, get average purchase rate of serial nos of current entry
- in_rate = flt(sql("select ifnull(avg(purchase_rate), 0) from `tabSerial No` where name in (%s)" % (serial_nos))[0][0])
+ elif flt(in_rate) == 0 or flt(actual_qty) < 0:
+ # In case of delivery/stock issue, get average purchase rate
+ # of serial nos of current entry
+ in_rate = flt(sql("""select ifnull(avg(purchase_rate), 0)
+ from `tabSerial No` where name in (%s)""" % (serial_nos))[0][0])
if in_rate and val_rate == 0: # First entry
val_rate = in_rate
# val_rate is same as previous entry if val_rate is negative
# Otherwise it will be calculated as per moving average
- elif opening_qty + actual_qty > 0 and ((opening_qty * val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) > 0:
- val_rate = ((opening_qty *val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) / (opening_qty + actual_qty)
- stock_val = val_rate
- return val_rate, stock_val
+ elif opening_qty + actual_qty > 0 and ((opening_qty * val_rate) + \
+ (actual_qty * in_rate)) > 0:
+ val_rate = ((opening_qty *val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) / \
+ (opening_qty + actual_qty)
+ return val_rate, in_rate
- # ------------------------------------
- # get moving average inventory values
- # ------------------------------------
def get_moving_average_inventory_values(self, val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty, actual_qty, is_cancelled):
- if flt(in_rate) == 0: # In case of delivery/stock issue in_rate = 0 or wrong incoming rate
+ if flt(in_rate) == 0 or flt(actual_qty) < 0:
+ # In case of delivery/stock issue in_rate = 0 or wrong incoming rate
in_rate = val_rate
# val_rate is same as previous entry if :
@@ -191,18 +186,15 @@
# 2. cancelled entry
# 3. val_rate is negative
# Otherwise it will be calculated as per moving average
- if actual_qty > 0 and (opening_qty + actual_qty) > 0 and is_cancelled == 'No' and ((opening_qty * val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) > 0:
+ if actual_qty > 0 and (opening_qty + actual_qty) > 0 and is_cancelled == 'No' \
+ and ((opening_qty * val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) > 0:
opening_qty = opening_qty > 0 and opening_qty or 0
- val_rate = ((opening_qty *val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) / (opening_qty + actual_qty)
+ val_rate = ((opening_qty *val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) / \
+ (opening_qty + actual_qty)
elif (opening_qty + actual_qty) <= 0:
val_rate = 0
- stock_val = val_rate
- return val_rate, stock_val
+ return val_rate, in_rate
- # --------------------------
- # get fifo inventory values
- # --------------------------
def get_fifo_inventory_values(self, in_rate, actual_qty):
# add batch to fcfs balance
if actual_qty > 0:
@@ -210,49 +202,54 @@
# remove from fcfs balance
+ incoming_cost = 0
withdraw = flt(abs(actual_qty))
while withdraw:
if not self.fcfs_bal:
break # nothing in store
batch = self.fcfs_bal[0]
if batch[0] <= withdraw:
# not enough or exactly same qty in current batch, clear batch
+ incoming_cost += flt(batch[1])*flt(batch[0])
withdraw -= batch[0]
# all from current batch
+ incoming_cost += flt(batch[1])*flt(withdraw)
batch[0] -= withdraw
withdraw = 0
+ in_rate = incoming_cost / flt(abs(actual_qty))
fcfs_val = sum([flt(d[0])*flt(d[1]) for d in self.fcfs_bal])
fcfs_qty = sum([flt(d[0]) for d in self.fcfs_bal])
val_rate = fcfs_qty and fcfs_val / fcfs_qty or 0
- return val_rate
+ return val_rate, in_rate
- # -------------------
- # get valuation rate
- # -------------------
def get_valuation_rate(self, val_method, serial_nos, val_rate, in_rate, stock_val, cqty, s):
if serial_nos:
- val_rate, stock_val = self.get_serialized_inventory_values(val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty = cqty, actual_qty = s['actual_qty'], is_cancelled = s['is_cancelled'], serial_nos = serial_nos)
+ val_rate, in_rate = self.get_serialized_inventory_values( \
+ val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty = cqty, actual_qty = s['actual_qty'], \
+ is_cancelled = s['is_cancelled'], serial_nos = serial_nos)
elif val_method == 'Moving Average':
- val_rate, stock_val = self.get_moving_average_inventory_values(val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty = cqty, actual_qty = s['actual_qty'], is_cancelled = s['is_cancelled'])
+ val_rate, in_rate = self.get_moving_average_inventory_values( \
+ val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty = cqty, actual_qty = s['actual_qty'], \
+ is_cancelled = s['is_cancelled'])
elif val_method == 'FIFO':
- val_rate = self.get_fifo_inventory_values(in_rate, actual_qty = s['actual_qty'])
- return val_rate, stock_val
+ val_rate, in_rate = self.get_fifo_inventory_values(in_rate, \
+ actual_qty = s['actual_qty'])
+ return val_rate, in_rate
- # ----------------
- # get stock value
- # ----------------
- def get_stock_value(self, val_method, cqty, stock_val, serial_nos):
+ def get_stock_value(self, val_method, cqty, val_rate, serial_nos):
if serial_nos:
- stock_val = flt(stock_val) * flt(cqty)
+ stock_val = flt(val_rate) * flt(cqty)
elif val_method == 'Moving Average':
- stock_val = flt(cqty) > 0 and flt(stock_val) * flt(cqty) or 0
+ stock_val = flt(cqty) > 0 and flt(val_rate) * flt(cqty) or 0
elif val_method == 'FIFO':
stock_val = sum([flt(d[0])*flt(d[1]) for d in self.fcfs_bal])
return stock_val
@@ -296,8 +293,10 @@
and timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) > timestamp(%s, %s)
order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) asc, name asc""", \
(self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse, \
- prev_sle.get('posting_date','1900-01-01'), prev_sle.get('posting_time', '12:00')), as_dict = 1)
- for sle in sll:
+ prev_sle.get('posting_date','1900-01-01'), \
+ prev_sle.get('posting_time', '12:00')), as_dict = 1)
+ for sle in sll:
# block if stock level goes negative on any date
if val_method != 'Moving Average' or flt(allow_negative_stock) == 0:
self.validate_negative_stock(cqty, sle)
@@ -305,36 +304,34 @@
stock_val, in_rate = 0, sle['incoming_rate'] # IN
serial_nos = sle["serial_no"] and ("'"+"', '".join(cstr(sle["serial_no"]).split('\n')) \
+ "'") or ''
# Get valuation rate
- val_rate, stock_val = self.get_valuation_rate(val_method, serial_nos, \
- val_rate, in_rate, stock_val, cqty, sle)
+ val_rate, in_rate = self.get_valuation_rate(val_method, serial_nos, \
+ val_rate, in_rate, stock_val, cqty, sle)
# Qty upto the sle
cqty += sle['actual_qty']
# Stock Value upto the sle
- stock_val = self.get_stock_value(val_method, cqty, stock_val, serial_nos)
- # update current sle --> will it be good to update incoming rate in sle
- # for outgoing stock entry?????
+ stock_val = self.get_stock_value(val_method, cqty, val_rate, serial_nos)
+ # update current sle
sql("""update `tabStock Ledger Entry`
- set bin_aqat=%s, valuation_rate=%s, fcfs_stack=%s, stock_value=%s
- where name=%s""", (cqty, flt(val_rate), cstr(self.fcfs_bal), stock_val, sle['name']))
+ set bin_aqat=%s, valuation_rate=%s, fcfs_stack=%s, stock_value=%s,
+ incoming_rate = %s where name=%s""", \
+ (cqty, flt(val_rate), cstr(self.fcfs_bal), stock_val, in_rate, sle['name']))
# update the bin
if sll or not prev_sle:
- sql("update `tabBin` set valuation_rate=%s, actual_qty=%s, stock_value = %s, projected_qty = (actual_qty + indented_qty + ordered_qty + planned_qty - reserved_qty) where name=%s", \
- (flt(val_rate), cqty, flt(stock_val),
+ sql("""update `tabBin` set valuation_rate=%s, actual_qty=%s, stock_value = %s,
+ projected_qty = (actual_qty + indented_qty + ordered_qty + planned_qty -
+ reserved_qty) where name=%s
+ """, (flt(val_rate), cqty, flt(stock_val),
def reorder_item(self,doc_type,doc_name):
""" Reorder item if stock reaches reorder level"""
if get_value('Global Defaults', None, 'auto_indent'):
#check if re-order is required
- ret = sql("select re_order_level, item_name, description, brand, item_group, lead_time_days, min_order_qty, email_notify, re_order_qty from tabItem where name = %s", (self.doc.item_code), as_dict=1)
+ ret = sql("""select re_order_level, item_name, description, brand, item_group,
+ lead_time_days, min_order_qty, email_notify, re_order_qty
+ from tabItem where name = %s""", (self.doc.item_code), as_dict=1)
current_qty = sql("""
select sum(t1.actual_qty) + sum(t1.indented_qty) + sum(t1.ordered_qty) -sum(t1.reserved_qty)
@@ -349,17 +346,16 @@
(flt(ret[0]['re_order_level']) > flt(current_qty[0][0])):
self.create_auto_indent(ret[0], doc_type, doc_name, current_qty[0][0])
def create_auto_indent(self, i , doc_type, doc_name, cur_qty):
""" Create indent on reaching reorder level """
indent = Document('Purchase Request')
indent.transaction_date = nowdate()
indent.naming_series = 'IDT' = get_defaults()['company']
indent.fiscal_year = get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
- indent.remark = "This is an auto generated Purchase Request. It was raised because the (actual + ordered + indented - reserved) quantity reaches re-order level when %s %s was created"%(doc_type,doc_name)
+ indent.remark = """This is an auto generated Purchase Request.
+ It was raised because the (actual + ordered + indented - reserved) quantity
+ reaches re-order level when %s %s was created""" % (doc_type,doc_name)
indent_obj = get_obj('Purchase Request',,with_children=1)
indent_details_child = addchild(indent_obj.doc,'indent_details','Purchase Request Item',0)
@@ -377,27 +373,26 @@
- msgprint("Item: " + self.doc.item_code + " is to be re-ordered. Purchase Request %s raised. It was generated from %s %s"%(,doc_type, doc_name ))
+ msgprint("""Item: %s is to be re-ordered. Purchase Request %s raised.
+ It was generated from %s %s""" %
+ (self.doc.item_code,,doc_type, doc_name ))
def send_email_notification(self,doc_type,doc_name):
""" Notify user about auto creation of indent"""
from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail
- email_list=[d[0] for d in sql("select parent from tabUserRole where role in ('Purchase Manager','Material Manager') and parent not in ('Administrator', 'All', 'Guest')")]
- msg='A Purchase Request has been raised for item %s: %s on %s '%(doc_type, doc_name, nowdate())
+ email_list=[d[0] for d in sql("""select parent from tabUserRole
+ where role in ('Purchase Manager','Material Manager')
+ and parent not in ('Administrator', 'All', 'Guest')""")]
+ msg="""A Purchase Request has been raised
+ for item %s: %s on %s """ % (doc_type, doc_name, nowdate())
sendmail(email_list, subject='Auto Purchase Request Generation Notification', msg = msg)
def validate(self):
- # set defaults in bin
def validate_mandatory(self):
qf = ['actual_qty', 'reserved_qty', 'ordered_qty', 'indented_qty']
for f in qf:
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/ b/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
index d922a11..5416ff8 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
def on_cancel(self):
- msgprint("Cancellation of stock reconciliation is temporarily suspended. The feature will come back within 2-3 days.")
+ msgprint("Cancellation of stock reconciliation is temporarily suspended. The feature will come back soon.")
raise Exception
self.get_reconciliation_data(submit = 0)
self.do_stock_reco(is_submit = -1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/page/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js b/stock/page/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js
index a930c23..08350e6 100644
--- a/stock/page/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js
+++ b/stock/page/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
if(me.item_code != me.item_code_default && !me.voucher_no) {
var closing = {
item_code: "On " + dateutil.str_to_user(this.to_date),
- balance: (out ? out[out.length-1].balance : 0), qty: 0,
- balance_value: (out ? out[out.length-1].balance_value : 0),
+ balance: (out.length ? out[out.length-1].balance : 0), qty: 0,
+ balance_value: (out.length ? out[out.length-1].balance_value : 0),
id:"_closing", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold"
total_out.balance_value = -total_out.balance_value;