[UI-Test Project] To check a billing cost of a project with multiple tasks (#10084)

* Updated test for Project Timesheet with multiple tasks

* Updated test for Project Timesheet with multiple tasks

* Updated test for Project Timesheet with multiple tasks

* updated:

* Updated

* Updated
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/project_timesheet.js b/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/project_timesheet.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32df04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/project_timesheet.js
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+QUnit.test("test project", function(assert) {
+	assert.expect(6);
+	let done = assert.async();
+	var task_title = ["Documentation","Implementation","Testing"];
+	// To create a timesheet with different tasks and costs
+	let timesheet = (title,start_time,end_time,bill_rate,cost_rate) => {
+		return frappe.run_serially([
+			() => frappe.db.get_value('Task', {'subject': title}, 'name'),
+			(task) => {
+				// Creating timesheet for a project
+				return frappe.tests.make('Timesheet', [
+					{time_logs:[
+						[
+							{activity_type: 'Communication'},
+							{from_time: start_time},
+							{to_time: end_time},
+							{hours: 2},
+							{project: 'Test App'},
+							{task: task.name},
+							{billable: '1'},
+							{billing_rate: bill_rate},
+							{costing_rate: cost_rate}
+						]
+					]}
+				]);
+			},
+			// To check if a correct billable and costing amount is calculated for every task
+			() => {
+				if(title=== 'Documentation')
+				{
+					assert.ok(cur_frm.get_field('total_billable_amount').get_value()==20,
+						'Billable amount for Documentation task is correctly calculated');
+					assert.ok(cur_frm.get_field('total_costing_amount').get_value()==16,
+						'Costing amount for Documentation task is correctly calculated');
+				}
+				if(title=== 'Implementation')
+				{
+					assert.ok(cur_frm.get_field('total_billable_amount').get_value()==40,
+						'Billable amount for Implementation task is correctly calculated');
+					assert.ok(cur_frm.get_field('total_costing_amount').get_value()==32,
+						'Costing amount for Implementation task is correctly calculated');
+				}
+				if(title=== 'Testing')
+				{
+					assert.ok(cur_frm.get_field('total_billable_amount').get_value()==60,
+						'Billable amount for Testing task correctly calculated');
+					assert.ok(cur_frm.get_field('total_costing_amount').get_value()==50,
+						'Costing amount for Testing task is correctly calculated');
+				}
+			},
+		]);
+	};
+	frappe.run_serially([
+		() => {
+			// Creating project with task
+			return frappe.tests.make('Project', [
+				{ project_name: 'Test App'},
+				{ expected_start_date: '2017-07-22'},
+				{ expected_end_date: '2017-09-22'},
+				{ estimated_costing: '10,000.00'},
+				{ tasks:[
+					[
+						{title: 'Documentation'},
+						{start_date: '2017-07-24'},
+						{end_date: '2017-07-31'},
+						{description: 'To make a proper documentation defining requirements etc'}
+					],
+					[
+						{title: 'Implementation'},
+						{start_date: '2017-08-01'},
+						{end_date: '2017-08-01'},
+						{description: 'Writing algorithms and to code the functionalities'}
+					],
+					[
+						{title: 'Testing'},
+						{start_date: '2017-08-01'},
+						{end_date: '2017-08-15'},
+						{description: 'To make the test cases and test the functionalities'}
+					]
+				]}
+			]);
+		},
+		// Creating Timesheet with different tasks
+		() => timesheet(task_title[0],'2017-07-24 13:00:00','2017-07-24 13:00:00',10,8),
+		() => timesheet(task_title[1],'2017-07-25 13:00:00','2017-07-25 15:00:00',20,16),
+		() => timesheet(task_title[2],'2017-07-26 13:00:00','2017-07-26 15:00:00',30,25),
+		() => done()
+	]);
diff --git a/erpnext/tests/ui/tests.txt b/erpnext/tests/ui/tests.txt
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