feat: validation for if no slab found
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/gratuity/gratuity.py b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/gratuity/gratuity.py
index 4439d81..6b62414 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/gratuity/gratuity.py
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/gratuity/gratuity.py
@@ -122,24 +122,31 @@
 	calculate_gratuity_amount_based_on = frappe.db.get_value("Gratuity Rule", gratuity_rule, "calculate_gratuity_amount_based_on")
 	gratuity_amount = 0
-	fraction_to_be_paid = 0
+	slab_found = False
 	year_left = experience
 	for slab in slabs:
 		if calculate_gratuity_amount_based_on == "Current Slab":
 			if experience >= slab.from_year and (slab.to_year == 0 or experience < slab.to_year):
 				gratuity_amount = total_applicable_components_amount * experience * slab.fraction_of_applicable_earnings
 				if slab.fraction_of_applicable_earnings:
+					slab_found = True
 		elif calculate_gratuity_amount_based_on == "Sum of all previous slabs":
 			if slab.to_year == 0 and slab.from_year == 0:
 				gratuity_amount += year_left * total_applicable_components_amount * slab.fraction_of_applicable_earnings
+				slab_found = True
 			if experience > slab.to_year and experience > slab.from_year:
 				gratuity_amount += (slab.to_year - slab.from_year) * total_applicable_components_amount * slab.fraction_of_applicable_earnings
 				year_left -= (slab.to_year - slab.from_year)
+				slab_found = True
 			elif slab.from_year <= experience < slab.to_year:
 				gratuity_amount += year_left * total_applicable_components_amount * slab.fraction_of_applicable_earnings
+				slab_found = True
+		if not slab_found:
+			frappe.throw(_("No Suitable Slab found for Calculation of gratuity amount in Gratuity Rule: {0}").format(bold(gratuity_rule)))
 	return gratuity_amount