patch after refactor
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/mar_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/mar_2012/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/mar_2012/
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/mar_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/mar_2012/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f7ae55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/mar_2012/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import webnotes
+def execute():
+	"""
+		* Custom Field changes
+		* Add file_list to required tables
+		* Change floats/currency to decimal(14, 6)
+		* Remove DocFormat from DocType's fields
+		* Remove 'no_column' from DocField
+		* Drop table DocFormat
+	"""
+	handle_custom_fields()
+	create_file_list()
+	# do at last - needs commit due to DDL statements
+	change_to_decimal()
+def handle_custom_fields():
+	"""
+		* Assign idx to custom fields
+		* Create property setter entry of previous field
+		* Remove custom fields from tabDocField
+	"""
+	cf = get_cf()
+	assign_idx(cf)
+	create_prev_field_prop_setter(cf)
+	remove_custom_from_docfield(cf)
+def get_cf():
+	return webnotes.conn.sql("""\
+		SELECT * FROM `tabCustom Field`
+		WHERE docstatus < 2""", as_dict=1)
+def assign_idx(cf):
+	from webnotes.model.doctype import get
+	from webnotes.utils import cint
+	for f in cf:
+		if f.get('idx'): continue
+		temp_doclist = get(f.get('dt'), form=0)
+		max_idx = max(d.idx for d in temp_doclist if d.doctype=='DocField')
+		if not max_idx: continue
+		webnotes.conn.sql("""\
+			UPDATE `tabCustom Field` SET idx=%s
+			WHERE name=%s""", (cint(max_idx)+1, f.get('name')))
+def create_prev_field_prop_setter(cf):
+	from webnotes.model.doc import Document
+	from core.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import get_fields_label
+	for f in cf:
+		idx_label_list, field_list = get_fields_label(f.get('dt'), 0)
+		temp_insert_after = (f.get('insert_after') or '').split(" - ")
+		if len(temp_insert_after)<=1: continue
+		similar_idx_label = [il for il in idx_label_list \
+			if temp_insert_after[0] in il]
+		if not similar_idx_label: continue
+		label_index = idx_label_list.index(similar_idx_label[0])
+		if label_index==-1: return
+		webnotes.conn.sql("""\
+			UPDATE `tabCustom Field`
+			SET insert_after = %s
+			WHERE name = %s""", (similar_idx_label[0], f.get('name')))
+		prev_field = field_list[label_index]
+		webnotes.conn.sql("""\
+			DELETE FROM `tabProperty Setter`
+			WHERE doc_type = %s
+			AND doc_name = %s
+			AND property = 'previous_field'""", (f.get('dt'), f.get('name')))
+		ps = Document('Property Setter', fielddata = {
+			'doctype_or_field': 'DocField',
+			'doc_type': f.get('dt'),
+			'doc_name': f.get('name'),
+			'property': 'previous_field',
+			'value': prev_field,
+			'property_type': 'Data',
+			'select_doctype': f.get('dt')
+		})
+def remove_custom_from_docfield(cf):
+	for f in cf:
+		webnotes.conn.sql("""\
+			DELETE FROM `tabDocField`
+			WHERE parent=%s AND fieldname=%s""", (f.get('dt'),
+			f.get('fieldname')))
+def create_file_list():
+	tables = webnotes.conn.sql("SHOW TABLES")
+	exists = []
+	for tab in tables:
+		if not tab: continue
+		desc = webnotes.conn.sql("DESC `%s`" % tab[0], as_dict=1)
+		for d in desc:
+			if d.get('Field')=='file_list':
+				exists.append(tab[0])
+				break
+	print exists
+	should_exist = ['Website Settings', 'Web Page', 'Timesheet', 'Ticket',
+		'Support Ticket', 'Supplier', 'Style Settings', 'Stock Reconciliation',
+		'Stock Entry', 'Serial No', 'Sales Order', 'Receivable Voucher',
+		'Quotation', 'Question', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Purchase Order',
+		'Project', 'Profile', 'Production Order', 'Product', 'Print Format',
+		'Price List', 'Payable Voucher', 'Page', 'Module Def',
+		'Maintenance Visit', 'Maintenance Schedule', 'Letter Head',
+		'Leave Application', 'Lead', 'Journal Voucher', 'Item', 'Indent',
+		'Expense Voucher', 'Enquiry', 'Employee', 'Delivery Note',
+		'Customer Issue', 'Customer', 'Contact Us Settings', 'Company',
+		'Bulk Rename Tool', 'Blog', 'Bill Of Materials', 'About Us Settings']
+	from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
+	for dt in should_exist:
+		if dt in exists: continue
+		obj = get_obj('DocType', dt, with_children=1)
+		obj.doc.allow_attach = 1
+		obj.make_file_list()
+		obj.on_update()
+def change_to_decimal():
+	webnotes.conn.commit()
+	tables = webnotes.conn.sql("SHOW TABLES")
+	alter_tables_list = []
+	for tab in tables:
+		if not tab: continue
+		desc = webnotes.conn.sql("DESC `%s`" % tab[0], as_dict=1)
+		flist = []
+		for d in desc:
+			if d.get('Type')=='decimal(14,2)':
+				flist.append(d.get('Field'))
+		if flist:
+			#print tab[0], flist
+			statements = ("MODIFY `%s` decimal(14,6)" % f for f in flist)
+			statements = ", \n".join(statements)
+			alter_tables_list.append("ALTER TABLE `%s` \n%s\n" % (tab[0],
+				statements))
+	#print "\n\n".join(alter_tables_list)
+	for at in alter_tables_list:
+		webnotes.conn.sql(at)
+	webnotes.conn.begin()
diff --git a/js/all-app.js b/js/all-app.js
index 2249da2..0dc4b58 100644
--- a/js/all-app.js
+++ b/js/all-app.js
Binary files differ
diff --git a/js/all-web.js b/js/all-web.js
index 3e67d16..11e7313 100644
--- a/js/all-web.js
+++ b/js/all-web.js
@@ -1077,15 +1077,8 @@
 var update_messages=function(reset){if(inList(['Guest'],user)){return;}
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-if(!reset){$c_page('home','event_updates','get_global_status_messages',null,function(r,rt){if(!r.exc){page_body.wntoolbar.set_new_comments(r.message.unread_messages);var messages_circle=$('#unread_msg_count')
-var support_circle=$('#open_support_ticket_count')
 if(!reset){$c_page('home','event_updates','get_global_status_messages',null,function(r,rt){if(!r.exc){page_body.wntoolbar.set_new_comments(r.message.unread_messages);var show_in_circle=function(parent_id,msg){var parent=$('#'+parent_id);if(parent){if(msg){parent.find('span:first').text(msg);parent.toggle(true);}else{parent.toggle(false);}}}
->>>>>>> master
 erpnext.set_user_background=function(src){set_style(repl('body { background: url("files/%(src)s") repeat;}',{src:src}))}
diff --git a/version.num b/version.num
index 3857e0e..7179a19 100644
--- a/version.num
+++ b/version.num
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file