style: Improve formatting

This commit improves indentations and makes sql queries more readable.
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/ b/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/
index 39e218b..f286a45 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/
@@ -2,187 +2,337 @@
 # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from six import iteritems
 import frappe
 from frappe import _
 from frappe.utils import flt
 from frappe.utils import formatdate
 from erpnext.controllers.trends import get_period_date_ranges, get_period_month_ranges
-from six import iteritems
-from pprint import pprint
 def execute(filters=None):
-	if not filters: filters = {}
+    if not filters:
+        filters = {}
-	columns = get_columns(filters)
-	if filters.get("budget_against_filter"):
-		dimensions = filters.get("budget_against_filter")
-	else:
-		dimensions = get_cost_centers(filters)
+    columns = get_columns(filters)
-	period_month_ranges = get_period_month_ranges(filters["period"], filters["from_fiscal_year"])
-	cam_map = get_dimension_account_month_map(filters)
+    if filters.get("budget_against_filter"):
+        dimensions = filters.get("budget_against_filter")
+    else:
+        dimensions = get_cost_centers(filters)
-	data = []
-	for dimension in dimensions:
-		dimension_items = cam_map.get(dimension)
-		if dimension_items:
-			for account, monthwise_data in iteritems(dimension_items):
-				row = [dimension, account]
-				totals = [0, 0, 0]
-				for year in get_fiscal_years(filters):
-					last_total = 0
-					for relevant_months in period_month_ranges:
-						period_data = [0, 0, 0]
-						for month in relevant_months:
-							if monthwise_data.get(year[0]):
-								month_data = monthwise_data.get(year[0]).get(month, {})
-								for i, fieldname in enumerate(["target", "actual", "variance"]):
-									value = flt(month_data.get(fieldname))
-									period_data[i] += value
-									totals[i] += value
+    period_month_ranges = get_period_month_ranges(
+        filters["period"], filters["from_fiscal_year"]
+    )
-						period_data[0] += last_total
+    cam_map = get_dimension_account_month_map(filters)
-						if(filters.get("show_cumulative")):
-							last_total = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
+    data = []
+    for dimension in dimensions:
+        dimension_items = cam_map.get(dimension)
+        if dimension_items:
+            for account, monthwise_data in iteritems(dimension_items):
+                row = [dimension, account]
+                totals = [0, 0, 0]
+                for year in get_fiscal_years(filters):
+                    last_total = 0
+                    for relevant_months in period_month_ranges:
+                        period_data = [0, 0, 0]
+                        for month in relevant_months:
+                            if monthwise_data.get(year[0]):
+                                month_data = monthwise_data.get(year[0]).get(month, {})
+                                for i, fieldname in enumerate(
+                                    ["target", "actual", "variance"]
+                                ):
+                                    value = flt(month_data.get(fieldname))
+                                    period_data[i] += value
+                                    totals[i] += value
-						period_data[2] = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
-						row += period_data
-				totals[2] = totals[0] - totals[1]
-				if filters["period"] != "Yearly" :
-					row += totals
-				data.append(row)
+                        period_data[0] += last_total
-	return columns, data
+                        if filters.get("show_cumulative"):
+                            last_total = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
+                        period_data[2] = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
+                        row += period_data
+                totals[2] = totals[0] - totals[1]
+                if filters["period"] != "Yearly":
+                    row += totals
+                data.append(row)
+    return columns, data
 def get_columns(filters):
-	columns = [_(filters.get("budget_against")) + ":Link/%s:150"%(filters.get("budget_against")), _("Account") + ":Link/Account:150"]
+    columns = [
+        _(filters.get("budget_against"))
+        + ":Link/%s:150" % (filters.get("budget_against")),
+        _("Account") + ":Link/Account:150",
+    ]
-	group_months = False if filters["period"] == "Monthly" else True
+    group_months = False if filters["period"] == "Monthly" else True
-	fiscal_year = get_fiscal_years(filters)
+    fiscal_year = get_fiscal_years(filters)
-	for year in fiscal_year:
-		for from_date, to_date in get_period_date_ranges(filters["period"], year[0]):
-			if filters["period"] == "Yearly":
-				labels = [_("Budget") + " " + str(year[0]), _("Actual ") + " " + str(year[0]), _("Variance ") + " " + str(year[0])]
-				for label in labels:
-					columns.append(label+":Float:150")
-			else:
-				for label in [_("Budget") + " (%s)" + " " + str(year[0]), _("Actual") + " (%s)" + " " + str(year[0]), _("Variance") + " (%s)" + " " + str(year[0])]:
-					if group_months:
-						label = label % (formatdate(from_date, format_string="MMM") + "-" + formatdate(to_date, format_string="MMM"))
-					else:
-						label = label % formatdate(from_date, format_string="MMM")
+    for year in fiscal_year:
+        for from_date, to_date in get_period_date_ranges(filters["period"], year[0]):
+            if filters["period"] == "Yearly":
+                labels = [
+                    _("Budget") + " " + str(year[0]),
+                    _("Actual ") + " " + str(year[0]),
+                    _("Variance ") + " " + str(year[0]),
+                ]
+                for label in labels:
+                    columns.append(label + ":Float:150")
+            else:
+                for label in [
+                    _("Budget") + " (%s)" + " " + str(year[0]),
+                    _("Actual") + " (%s)" + " " + str(year[0]),
+                    _("Variance") + " (%s)" + " " + str(year[0]),
+                ]:
+                    if group_months:
+                        label = label % (
+                            formatdate(from_date, format_string="MMM")
+                            + "-"
+                            + formatdate(to_date, format_string="MMM")
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        label = label % formatdate(from_date, format_string="MMM")
-					columns.append(label+":Float:150")
+                    columns.append(label + ":Float:150")
-	if filters["period"] != "Yearly" :
-		return columns + [_("Total Budget") + ":Float:150", _("Total Actual") + ":Float:150",
-			_("Total Variance") + ":Float:150"]
-	else:
-		return columns
+    if filters["period"] != "Yearly":
+        return columns + [
+            _("Total Budget") + ":Float:150",
+            _("Total Actual") + ":Float:150",
+            _("Total Variance") + ":Float:150",
+        ]
+    else:
+        return columns
 def get_cost_centers(filters):
-	cond = "and 1=1"
-	if filters.get("budget_against") == "Cost Center":
-		cond = "order by lft"
+    order_by = ""
+    if filters.get("budget_against") == "Cost Center":
+        order_by = "order by lft"
-	if filters.get("budget_against") in ["Cost Center", "Project"]:
-		return frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tab{tab}` where company=%s
-			{cond}""".format(tab=filters.get("budget_against"), cond=cond), filters.get("company"))
-	else:
-		return frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tab{tab}`""".format(tab=filters.get("budget_against"))) #nosec
+    if filters.get("budget_against") in ["Cost Center", "Project"]:
+        return frappe.db.sql_list(
+            """
+				select
+					name
+				from
+					`tab{tab}`
+				where
+					company = %s
+				{order_by};
+			""".format(
+                tab=filters.get("budget_against"), order_by=order_by
+            ),
+            filters.get("company"),
+        )
+    else:
+        return frappe.db.sql_list(
+            """
+				select
+					name
+				from
+					`tab{tab}`
+			""".format(
+                tab=filters.get("budget_against")
+            )
+        )  # nosec
-#Get dimension & target details
+# Get dimension & target details
 def get_dimension_target_details(filters):
-	cond = ""
-	if filters.get("budget_against_filter"):
-		cond += " and b.{budget_against} in (%s)".format(budget_against = \
-			frappe.scrub(filters.get('budget_against'))) % ', '.join(['%s']* len(filters.get('budget_against_filter')))
+    budget_against = frappe.scrub(filters.get("budget_against"))
-	return frappe.db.sql("""
-			select b.{budget_against} as budget_against, b.monthly_distribution, ba.account, ba.budget_amount,b.fiscal_year
-			from `tabBudget` b, `tabBudget Account` ba
-			where and b.docstatus = 1 and b.fiscal_year between %s and %s
-			and b.budget_against = %s and {cond} order by b.fiscal_year
-		""".format(budget_against=filters.get("budget_against").replace(" ", "_").lower(), cond=cond),
-		tuple([filters.from_fiscal_year,filters.to_fiscal_year,filters.budget_against,] + filters.get('budget_against_filter')), 
-		as_dict=True)
+    cond = ""
+    if filters.get("budget_against_filter"):
+        cond += """
+			and
+				b.{budget_against} in (
+					%s
+				)
+		""".format(
+            budget_against=budget_against
+        ) % ", ".join(
+            ["%s"] * len(filters.get("budget_against_filter"))
+        )
+    return frappe.db.sql(
+        """
+			select
+				b.{budget_against} as name
+			from
+				`tabBudget` b
+			where
+				b.docstatus = 1
+				and b.fiscal_year between %s and %s
+				and b.budget_against = %s
+				and = %s
+				{cond}
+			order by
+				b.fiscal_year
+		""".format(
+            budget_against=budget_against, cond=cond
+        ),
+        tuple(
+            [
+                filters.from_fiscal_year,
+                filters.to_fiscal_year,
+                filters.budget_against,
+      ,
+            ]
+            + filters.get("budget_against_filter")
+        ),
+        as_dict=True,
+    )
-#Get target distribution details of accounts of cost center
+# Get target distribution details of accounts of cost center
 def get_target_distribution_details(filters):
-	target_details = {}
-	for d in frappe.db.sql("""select, mdp.month, mdp.percentage_allocation
-		from `tabMonthly Distribution Percentage` mdp, `tabMonthly Distribution` md
-		where and md.fiscal_year between %s and %s order by md.fiscal_year""",(filters.from_fiscal_year, filters.to_fiscal_year), as_dict=1):
-			target_details.setdefault(, {}).setdefault(d.month, flt(d.percentage_allocation))
+    target_details = {}
+    for d in frappe.db.sql(
+        """
+			select
+				mdp.month,
+				mdp.percentage_allocation
+			from
+				`tabMonthly Distribution Percentage` mdp,
+				`tabMonthly Distribution` md
+			where
+				mdp.parent =
+				and md.fiscal_year between %s
+				and %s
+			order by md.fiscal_year
+		""",
+        (filters.from_fiscal_year, filters.to_fiscal_year),
+        as_dict=1,
+    ):
+        target_details.setdefault(, {}).setdefault(
+            d.month, flt(d.percentage_allocation)
+        )
-	return target_details
+    return target_details
-#Get actual details from gl entry
+# Get actual details from gl entry
 def get_actual_details(name, filters):
-	cond = "1=1"
-	budget_against=filters.get("budget_against").replace(" ", "_").lower()
+    budget_against = frappe.scrub(filters.get("budget_against"))
-	if filters.get("budget_against") == "Cost Center":
-		cc_lft, cc_rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", name, ["lft", "rgt"])
-		cond = "lft>='{lft}' and rgt<='{rgt}'".format(lft = cc_lft, rgt=cc_rgt)
+    cond = ""
+    if filters.get("budget_against") == "Cost Center":
+        cc_lft, cc_rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", name, ["lft", "rgt"])
+        cond = """
+				and lft >= '{lft}'
+				and rgt <= '{rgt}'
+			""".format(
+            lft=cc_lft, rgt=cc_rgt
+        )
-	ac_details = frappe.db.sql("""select gl.account, gl.debit,,gl.fiscal_year,
-		MONTHNAME(gl.posting_date) as month_name, b.{budget_against} as budget_against
-		from `tabGL Entry` gl, `tabBudget Account` ba, `tabBudget` b
-		where
- = ba.parent
-			and b.docstatus = 1
-			and ba.account=gl.account
-			and b.{budget_against} = gl.{budget_against}
-			and gl.fiscal_year between %s and %s
-			and b.{budget_against}=%s
-			and exists(select name from `tab{tab}` where name=gl.{budget_against} and {cond}) group by order by gl.fiscal_year
-	""".format(tab = filters.budget_against, budget_against = budget_against, cond = cond,from_year=filters.from_fiscal_year,to_year=filters.to_fiscal_year),
-	(filters.from_fiscal_year, filters.to_fiscal_year, name), as_dict=1)
+    ac_details = frappe.db.sql(
+        """
+			select
+				gl.account,
+				gl.debit,
+				gl.fiscal_year,
+				MONTHNAME(gl.posting_date) as month_name,
+				b.{budget_against} as budget_against
+			from
+				`tabGL Entry` gl,
+				`tabBudget Account` ba,
+				`tabBudget` b
+			where
+ = ba.parent
+				and b.docstatus = 1
+				and ba.account=gl.account
+				and b.{budget_against} = gl.{budget_against}
+				and gl.fiscal_year between %s and %s
+				and b.{budget_against} = %s
+				and exists(
+					select
+						name
+					from
+						`tab{tab}`
+					where
+						name = gl.{budget_against}
+						{cond}
+				)
+				group by
+				order by gl.fiscal_year
+		""".format(
+            tab=filters.budget_against, budget_against=budget_against, cond=cond
+        ),
+        (filters.from_fiscal_year, filters.to_fiscal_year, name),
+        as_dict=1,
+    )
-	cc_actual_details = {}
-	for d in ac_details:
-		cc_actual_details.setdefault(d.account, []).append(d)
+    cc_actual_details = {}
+    for d in ac_details:
+        cc_actual_details.setdefault(d.account, []).append(d)
-	return cc_actual_details
+    return cc_actual_details
 def get_dimension_account_month_map(filters):
-	import datetime
-	dimension_target_details = get_dimension_target_details(filters)
-	tdd = get_target_distribution_details(filters)
+    import datetime
-	cam_map = {}
+    dimension_target_details = get_dimension_target_details(filters)
+    tdd = get_target_distribution_details(filters)
-	for ccd in dimension_target_details:
-		actual_details = get_actual_details(ccd.budget_against, filters)
+    cam_map = {}
-		for month_id in range(1, 13):
-			month =, month_id, 1).strftime('%B')
-			cam_map.setdefault(ccd.budget_against, {}).setdefault(ccd.account, {}).setdefault(ccd.fiscal_year,{})\
-				.setdefault(month, frappe._dict({
-					"target": 0.0, "actual": 0.0
-				}))
+    for ccd in dimension_target_details:
+        actual_details = get_actual_details(ccd.budget_against, filters)
-			tav_dict = cam_map[ccd.budget_against][ccd.account][ccd.fiscal_year][month]
-			month_percentage = tdd.get(ccd.monthly_distribution, {}).get(month, 0) \
-				if ccd.monthly_distribution else 100.0/12
+        for month_id in range(1, 13):
+            month =, month_id, 1).strftime("%B")
+            cam_map.setdefault(ccd.budget_against, {}).setdefault(
+                ccd.account, {}
+            ).setdefault(ccd.fiscal_year, {}).setdefault(
+                month, frappe._dict({"target": 0.0, "actual": 0.0})
+            )
- = flt(ccd.budget_amount) * month_percentage / 100
+            tav_dict = cam_map[ccd.budget_against][ccd.account][ccd.fiscal_year][month]
+            month_percentage = (
+                tdd.get(ccd.monthly_distribution, {}).get(month, 0)
+                if ccd.monthly_distribution
+                else 100.0 / 12
+            )
-			for ad in actual_details.get(ccd.account, []):
-				if ad.month_name == month:
-						tav_dict.actual += flt(ad.debit) - flt(
+   = flt(ccd.budget_amount) * month_percentage / 100
-	return cam_map
+            for ad in actual_details.get(ccd.account, []):
+                if ad.month_name == month:
+                    tav_dict.actual += flt(ad.debit) - flt(
+    return cam_map
 def get_fiscal_years(filters):
-	fiscal_year = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabFiscal Year` where
-	name between %(from_fiscal_year)s and %(to_fiscal_year)s""",
-	{'from_fiscal_year': filters["from_fiscal_year"], 'to_fiscal_year': filters["to_fiscal_year"]})
+    fiscal_year = frappe.db.sql(
+        """
+			select
+				name
+			from
+				`tabFiscal Year`
+			where
+				name between %(from_fiscal_year)s and %(to_fiscal_year)s
+			order by
+				year
+		""",
+        {
+            "from_fiscal_year": filters["from_fiscal_year"],
+            "to_fiscal_year": filters["to_fiscal_year"],
+        },
+    )
-	return fiscal_year
+    return fiscal_year