FEAT: US Regional Module with IRS 1099 reporting
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/print_format/irs_1099_form/__init__.py b/erpnext/regional/print_format/irs_1099_form/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/print_format/irs_1099_form/__init__.py
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/print_format/irs_1099_form/irs_1099_form.json b/erpnext/regional/print_format/irs_1099_form/irs_1099_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1270427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/print_format/irs_1099_form/irs_1099_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ {
+ "align_labels_right": 0,
+ "css": "",
+ "custom_format": 1,
+ "default_print_language": "en",
+ "disabled": 0,
+ "doc_type": "Supplier",
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Print Format",
+ "font": "Default",
+ "format_data": "[{\"fieldname\": \"print_heading_template\", \"fieldtype\": \"Custom HTML\", \"options\": \"<div class=\\\"print-heading\\\">\\t\\t\\t\\t<h2>TAX Invoice<br><small>{{ doc.name }}</small>\\t\\t\\t\\t</h2></div>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"customer_name\", \"label\": \"Customer Name\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"customer_name_in_arabic\", \"label\": \"Customer Name in Arabic\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"posting_date\", \"label\": \"Date\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"company\", \"label\": \"Company\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"company_trn\", \"label\": \"Company TRN\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"company_address_display\", \"label\": \"Company Address\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"visible_columns\": [{\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"item_code\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"description\", \"print_width\": \"200px\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"uom\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"tax_code\", \"print_width\": \"\"}], \"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"items\", \"label\": \"Items\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"total\", \"label\": \"Total\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"visible_columns\": [{\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"charge_type\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"row_id\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"account_head\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"cost_center\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"description\", \"print_width\": \"300px\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"rate\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"tax_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"total\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"tax_amount_after_discount_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"base_tax_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"base_total\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount\", \"print_width\": \"\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"item_wise_tax_detail\", \"print_width\": \"\"}], \"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"taxes\", \"label\": \"Sales Taxes and Charges\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"grand_total\", \"label\": \"Grand Total\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"rounded_total\", \"label\": \"Rounded Total\"}, {\"print_hide\": 0, \"fieldname\": \"in_words\", \"align\": \"left\", \"label\": \"In Words\"}]",
+ "html": "<div id=\"copy_a\" style=\"position: relative; top:0cm; width:17cm;height:28.0cm;\">\n <table>\n <tbody>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:86mm\" colspan=\"4\"; rowspan=\"3\">PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP<br>or foreign postal code, and telephone no.<br>\n\t{{company if company else \"\"}}<br>\n\t{{payer_street_address if payer_street_address else \"\"}}\n</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:35mm\">1 Rents</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:25mm\" rowspan=\"2\">OMB No. 1545-0115<br><yone>20</yone><ytwo>18</ytwo><br>Form 1099-MISC</td>\n <td class=\"lbs bbs\" style=\"width:38mm\" colspan=\"2\" rowspan=\"2\">Miscellaneous Income</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:35mm\">2 Royalties</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:9mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >3 Other Income<br>\n\t{{payments if payments else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">4 Federal Income tax withheld</td>\n <td class=\"tbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:29mm\" rowspan=\"2\">Copy A<br>For<br>Internal Revenue<br>Service Center<br><br>File with Form 1096</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:16mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:43mm\">PAYER'S TIN<br>\n\t{{company_tin if company_tin else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n \n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"3\">RECIPIENT'S TIN<br><br>\n {{tax_id if tax_id else \"None\"}}\n</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >Fishing boat proceeds</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">6 Medical and health care payments</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"4\">RECIPIENT'S name <br>\n {{supplier if supplier else \"\"}}\n </td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >7 Nonemployee compensation<br>\n\t</td> \n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest</td>\n <td class=\"tbs lbs bbs\" rowspan=\"6\">For Privacy Act<br>and Paperwork<br>Reduction Act<br>Notice, see the<br>2018 General<br>Instructions for<br>Certain<br>Information<br>Returns.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:6mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"4\" rowspan=\"2\">Street address (including apt. no.)<br>\n\t{{recipient_street_address if recipient_street_address else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >$___________</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">$___________</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:7mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" rowspan=\"2\">9 Payer made direct sales of<br>$5,000 or more of consumer products<br>to a buyer<br>(recipient) for resale</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs\" colspan=\"2\">10 Crop insurance proceeds</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:5mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"4\" rowspan=\"2\">City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code<br>\n\t{{recipient_city_state if recipient_city_state else \"\"}}\n</td>\n <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" class=\" rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">$___________</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:9mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >11</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=2>12</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:13mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">Account number (see instructions)</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:16mm\">FACTA filing<br>requirement</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:14mm\">2nd TIN not.</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >13 Excess golden parachute payments<br>$___________</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">14 Gross proceeds paid to an<br>attorney<br>$___________</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" >15a Section 409A deferrals</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" colspan=\"3\">15b Section 409 income</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" >16 State tax withheld</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" colspan=\"2\">17 State/Payer's state no.</td>\n <td class=\"tbs lbs\" >18 State income</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs\">$</td>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs\" colspan=\"3\">$</td>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs tbd\">$</td>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs tbd\" colspan=\"2\"></td>\n <td class=\"lbs bbs tbd\">$</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr style=\"height:8mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs\" colspan=\"8\">Form 1099-MISC Cat. No. 14425J www.irs.gov/Form1099MISC Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service</td>\n </tr>\n\n </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n<div id=\"copy_1\" style=\"position: relative; top:0cm; width:17cm;height:28.0cm;\">\n <table>\n <tbody>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:86mm\" colspan=\"4\"; rowspan=\"3\">PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP<br>or foreign postal code, and telephone no.<br>\n {{company if company else \"\"}}<br>\n \t{{payer_street_address if payer_street_address else \"\"}}</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:35mm\">1 Rents</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:25mm\" rowspan=\"2\">OMB No. 1545-0115<br><yone>20</yone><ytwo>18</ytwo><br>Form 1099-MISC</td>\n <td class=\"lbs bbs\" style=\"width:38mm\" colspan=\"2\" rowspan=\"2\">Miscellaneous Income</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:35mm\">2 Royalties</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:9mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >3 Other Income<br>\n\t{{payments if payments else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">4 Federal Income tax withheld</td>\n <td class=\"tbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:29mm\" rowspan=\"2\">Copy 1<br>For State Tax<br>Department</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:16mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:43mm\">PAYER'S TIN<br>\n\t{{company_tin if company_tin else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"3\">RECIPIENT'S TIN<br>\n\t{{tax_id if tax_id else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >Fishing boat proceeds</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">6 Medical and health care payments</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"4\">RECIPIENT'S name</td>\n {{supplier if supplier else \"\"}}\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >7 Nonemployee compensation<br>\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest</td>\n <td class=\"tbs lbs bbs\" rowspan=\"6\"></td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:6mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"4\" rowspan=\"2\">Street address (including apt. no.)<br>\n\t{{recipient_street_address if recipient_street_address else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >$___________</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">$___________</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:7mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" rowspan=\"2\">9 Payer made direct sales of<br>$5,000 or more of consumer products<br>to a buyer<br>(recipient) for resale</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs\" colspan=\"2\">10 Crop insurance proceeds</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:5mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"4\" rowspan=\"2\">City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code<br>\n\t{{recipient_city_state if recipient_city_state else \"\"}}\n\t</td>\n <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" class=\" rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">$___________</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:9mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >11</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=2>12</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:13mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">Account number (see instructions)</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:16mm\">FACTA filing<br>requirement</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" style=\"width:14mm\">2nd TIN not.</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" >13 Excess golden parachute payments<br>$___________</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs bbs\" colspan=\"2\">14 Gross proceeds paid to an<br>attorney<br>$___________</td>\n </tr>\n <tr style=\"height:12mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" >15a Section 409A deferrals</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" colspan=\"3\">15b Section 409 income</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" >16 State tax withheld</td>\n <td class=\"tbs rbs lbs \" colspan=\"2\">17 State/Payer's state no.</td>\n <td class=\"tbs lbs\" >18 State income</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs\">$</td>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs\" colspan=\"3\">$</td>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs tbd\">$</td>\n <td class=\"lbs rbs bbs tbd\" colspan=\"2\"></td>\n <td class=\"lbs bbs tbd\">$</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr style=\"height:8mm\">\n <td class=\"tbs\" colspan=\"8\">Form 1099-MISC Cat. No. 14425J www.irs.gov/Form1099MISC Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service</td>\n </tr>\n\n </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n<style>\nbody {\n font-family: 'Helvetica', sans-serif;\n font-size: 5.66pt;\n}\nyone {\n font-family: 'Helvetica', sans-serif;\n font-size: 14pt;\n color: black;\n -webkit-text-fill-color: white; /* Will override color (regardless of order) */\n -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;\n -webkit-text-stroke-color: black;\n}\nytwo {\n font-family: 'Helvetica', sans-serif;\n font-size: 14pt;\n color: black;\n -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;\n -webkit-text-stroke-color: black;\n}\n\ntable, th, td {\n font-family: 'Helvetica', sans-serif;\n font-size: 5.66pt;\n border: none;\n}\n\n.tbs {\n border-top: 1px solid black;\n}\n\n.bbs {\n border-bottom: 1px solid black;\n}\n.lbs {\n border-left: 1px solid black;\n}\n.rbs {\n border-right: 1px solid black;\n}\n.allBorder {\n border-top: 1px solid black;\n border-right: 1px solid black;\n border-left: 1px solid black;\n borter-bottom: 1px solid black;\n}\n.bottomBorderOnlyDashed {\n\tborder-bottom: 1px dashed black;\n}\n.tbd {\n\tborder-top: 1px dashed black;\n}\n.address {\n\tvertical-align: bottom;\n}\n</style>",
+ "line_breaks": 0,
+ "modified": "2018-10-08 14:56:56.912851",
+ "module": "Regional",
+ "name": "IRS 1099 Form",
+ "print_format_builder": 1,
+ "print_format_type": "Server",
+ "show_section_headings": 0,
+ "standard": "No"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/__init__.py b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/__init__.py
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.js b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d74652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+frappe.query_reports["IRS 1099"] = {
+ "filters": [
+ {
+ "fieldname":"company",
+ "label": __("Company"),
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Company",
+ "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company"),
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "width": 80,
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname":"fiscal_year",
+ "label": __("Fiscal Year"),
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Fiscal Year",
+ "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("fiscal_year"),
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "width": 80,
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname":"supplier_group",
+ "label": __("Supplier Group"),
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Supplier Group",
+ "default": "",
+ "reqd": 0,
+ "width": 80
+ },
+ ],
+ onload: function(query_report) {
+ query_report.page.add_inner_button(__("Print IRS 1099 Forms"), () => {
+ build_1099_print(query_report);
+ });
+ }
+function build_1099_print(query_report){
+ let filters = JSON.stringify(query_report.get_values());
+ let w = window.open('/api/method/erpnext.regional.report.irs_1099.irs_1099.irs_1099_print?' +
+ '&filters=' + encodeURIComponent(filters));
+ // w.print();
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.json b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b63e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "add_total_row": 0,
+ "color": "#c0392b",
+ "creation": "2018-09-10 00:00:00",
+ "disabled": 0,
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Report",
+ "icon": "fa fa-star",
+ "idx": 0,
+ "is_standard": "Yes",
+ "letter_head": "",
+ "modified": "2019-01-17 08:30:41.863572",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Regional",
+ "name": "IRS 1099",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "prepared_report": 0,
+ "ref_doctype": "Supplier",
+ "report_name": "IRS 1099",
+ "report_type": "Script Report",
+ "roles": [
+ {
+ "role": "System Manager"
+ },
+ {
+ "role": "Accounts Manager"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.py b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef8950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/irs_1099/irs_1099.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+import json
+from frappe import _, _dict
+from frappe.utils import nowdate
+from frappe.utils.data import fmt_money
+from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
+from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter
+from frappe.utils.pdf import get_pdf
+from frappe.utils.print_format import read_multi_pdf
+from frappe.utils.jinja import render_template
+def execute(filters=None):
+ filters = filters if isinstance(filters, _dict) else _dict(filters)
+ if not filters:
+ filters.setdefault('fiscal_year', get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0])
+ filters.setdefault('company', frappe.db.get_default("company"))
+ data = []
+ columns = get_columns()
+ data = frappe.db.sql("""
+ s.supplier_group as "supplier_group",
+ gl.party AS "supplier",
+ s.tax_id as "tax_id",
+ SUM(gl.debit) AS "payments"
+ `tabGL Entry` gl INNER JOIN `tabSupplier` s
+ s.name = gl.party
+ AND s.irs_1099 = 1
+ AND gl.fiscal_year = %(fiscal_year)s
+ AND gl.party_type = "Supplier"
+ gl.party
+ gl.party DESC""", {"fiscal_year": filters.fiscal_year,
+ "supplier_group": filters.supplier_group,
+ "company": filters.company}, as_dict=True)
+ return columns, data
+def get_columns():
+ return [
+ {
+ "fieldname": "supplier_group",
+ "label": _("Supplier Group"),
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Supplier Group",
+ "width": 200
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "supplier",
+ "label": _("Supplier"),
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Supplier",
+ "width": 200
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "tax_id",
+ "label": _("Tax ID"),
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "width": 120
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "payments",
+ "label": _("Total Payments"),
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "width": 120
+ }
+ ]
+def irs_1099_print(filters):
+ if not filters:
+ frappe._dict({
+ "company": frappe.db.get_default("Company"),
+ "fiscal_year": frappe.db.get_default("fiscal_year")})
+ else:
+ filters = frappe._dict(json.loads(filters))
+ company_address = get_payer_address_html(filters.company)
+ company_tin = frappe.db.get_value("Company", filters.company, "tax_id")
+ columns, data = execute(filters)
+ template = frappe.get_doc("Print Format", "IRS 1099 Form").html
+ output = PdfFileWriter()
+ for row in data:
+ row["company"] = filters.company
+ row["company_tin"] = company_tin
+ row["payer_street_address"] = company_address
+ row["recipient_street_address"], row["recipient_city_state"] = get_street_address_html("Supplier", row.supplier)
+ row["payments"] = fmt_money(row["payments"], precision=0, currency="USD")
+ frappe._dict(row)
+ print(row)
+ pdf = get_pdf(render_template(template, row), output=output if output else None)
+ print(pdf)
+ frappe.local.response.filename = filters.fiscal_year + " " + filters.company + " IRS 1099 Forms"
+ frappe.local.response.filecontent = read_multi_pdf(output)
+ frappe.local.response.type = "download"
+def get_payer_address_html(company):
+ address_list = frappe.db.sql("""
+ name
+ tabAddress
+ is_your_company_address = 1
+ address_type="Postal" DESC, address_type="Billing" DESC
+ """, {"company": company}, as_dict=True)
+ if address_list:
+ company_address = address_list[0]["name"]
+ return frappe.get_doc("Address", company_address).get_display()
+ else:
+ return ""
+def get_street_address_html(party_type, party):
+ address_list = frappe.db.sql("""
+ link.parent
+ FROM `tabDynamic Link` link, `tabAddress` address
+ WHERE link.parenttype = "Address"
+ AND link.link_name = %(party)s
+ ORDER BY address.address_type="Postal" DESC,
+ address.address_type="Billing" DESC
+ """, {"party": party}, as_dict=True)
+ if address_list:
+ supplier_address = address_list[0]["parent"]
+ doc = frappe.get_doc("Address", supplier_address)
+ if doc.address_line2:
+ street = doc.address_line1 + "<br>\n" + doc.address_line2 + "<br>\n"
+ else:
+ street = doc.address_line1 + "<br>\n"
+ city = doc.city + ", " if doc.city else ""
+ city = city + doc.state + " " if doc.state else city
+ city = city + doc.pincode if doc.pincode else city
+ city += "<br>\n"
+ return street, city
+ else:
+ return "", ""
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/united_states/__init__.py b/erpnext/regional/united_states/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/united_states/__init__.py
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/united_states/setup.py b/erpnext/regional/united_states/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb82b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/united_states/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_fields
+def setup(company=None, patch=True):
+ make_custom_fields()
+ add_print_formats()
+ update_address_template()
+def make_custom_fields():
+ custom_fields = {
+ 'Supplier': [
+ dict(fieldname='irs_1099', fieldtype='Check', insert_after='tax_id',
+ label='Is IRS 1099 reporting required for supplier?')
+ ]
+ }
+ create_custom_fields(custom_fields)
+def add_print_formats():
+ frappe.reload_doc("regional", "print_format", "irs_1099_form")
+ frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabPrint Format` set disabled = 0 where
+ name in('IRS 1099 Form') """)
+def update_address_template():
+ html = """{{ address_line1 }}<br>
+ {% if address_line2 %}{{ address_line2 }}<br>{% endif -%}
+ {{ city }}, {% if state %}{{ state }}{% endif -%}{% if pincode %} {{ pincode }}<br>{% endif -%}
+ {% if country != "United States" %}{{ country|upper }}{% endif -%}
+ """
+ address_template = frappe.db.get_value('Address Template', 'United States')
+ if address_template:
+ frappe.db.set_value('Address Template', 'United States', 'template', html)
+ else:
+ frappe.get_doc(dict(doctype='Address Template', country='United States', template=html)).insert()