fix: filters not working in Shift Assignment Calendar view (#30752)

diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
index cbf798e..51298de 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 def get_events(start, end, filters=None):
-	events = []
+	from frappe.desk.calendar import get_event_conditions
 	employee = frappe.db.get_value(
 		"Employee", {"user_id": frappe.session.user}, ["name", "company"], as_dict=True
@@ -132,20 +132,22 @@
 		employee = ""
 		company = frappe.db.get_value("Global Defaults", None, "default_company")
-	from frappe.desk.reportview import get_filters_cond
-	conditions = get_filters_cond("Shift Assignment", filters, [])
-	add_assignments(events, start, end, conditions=conditions)
+	conditions = get_event_conditions("Shift Assignment", filters)
+	events = add_assignments(start, end, conditions=conditions)
 	return events
-def add_assignments(events, start, end, conditions=None):
+def add_assignments(start, end, conditions=None):
+	events = []
 	query = """select name, start_date, end_date, employee_name,
 		employee, docstatus, shift_type
 		from `tabShift Assignment` where
-		start_date >= %(start_date)s
-		or end_date <=  %(end_date)s
-		or (%(start_date)s between start_date and end_date and %(end_date)s between start_date and end_date)
+		(
+			start_date >= %(start_date)s
+			or end_date <=  %(end_date)s
+			or (%(start_date)s between start_date and end_date and %(end_date)s between start_date and end_date)
+		)
 		and docstatus = 1"""
 	if conditions:
 		query += conditions
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
index 0fe9108..de82a24 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from frappe.utils import add_days, getdate, nowdate
 from import make_employee
-from import OverlappingShiftError
+from import OverlappingShiftError, get_events
 from import make_shift_assignment, setup_shift_type
 test_dependencies = ["Shift Type"]
@@ -154,3 +154,18 @@
 		shift_type = setup_shift_type(shift_type="Shift 2", start_time="13:00:00", end_time="15:00:00")
 		date = getdate()
 		make_shift_assignment(, employee, date)
+	def test_shift_assignment_calendar(self):
+		employee1 = make_employee("", company="_Test Company")
+		employee2 = make_employee("", company="_Test Company")
+		shift_type = setup_shift_type(shift_type="Shift 1", start_time="08:00:00", end_time="12:00:00")
+		date = getdate()
+		shift1 = make_shift_assignment(, employee1, date)
+		make_shift_assignment(, employee2, date)
+		events = get_events(
+			start=date, end=date, filters=[["Shift Assignment", "employee", "=", employee1, False]]
+		)
+		self.assertEqual(len(events), 1)
+		self.assertEqual(events[0]["name"],