Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/accounts/page/accounts_home/accounts_home.js b/accounts/page/accounts_home/accounts_home.js
index 0dd00ed..3e9ea92 100644
--- a/accounts/page/accounts_home/accounts_home.js
+++ b/accounts/page/accounts_home/accounts_home.js
@@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
 				route: "query-report/Accounts Receivable",
 				doctype: "Sales Invoice"
+			{
+				"label":wn._("Accounts Payable"),
+				route: "query-report/Accounts Payable",
+				doctype: "Purchase Invoice"
+			},
diff --git a/accounts/report/accounts_payable/ b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/
diff --git a/accounts/report/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee38f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+wn.query_reports["Accounts Payable"] = {
+	"filters": [
+		{
+			"fieldname":"company",
+			"label": "Company",
+			"fieldtype": "Link",
+			"options": "Company",
+			"default":
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname":"account",
+			"label": "Account",
+			"fieldtype": "Link",
+			"options": "Account",
+			"get_query": function() {
+				var company =;
+				return {
+					"query": "accounts.utils.get_account_list", 
+					"filters": {
+						"is_pl_account": "No",
+						"debit_or_credit": "Credit",
+						"company": company,
+						"master_type": "Supplier"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname":"report_date",
+			"label": "Date",
+			"fieldtype": "Date",
+			"default": get_today()
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname":"ageing_based_on",
+			"label": "Ageing Based On",
+			"fieldtype": "Select",
+			"options": 'Posting Date' + NEWLINE + 'Due Date',
+			"default": "Posting Date"
+		}
+	]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/report/accounts_payable/ b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf33a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.utils import getdate, nowdate, flt, cstr
+def execute(filters=None):
+	if not filters: filters = {}
+	columns = get_columns()
+	entries = get_gl_entries(filters)
+	entries_after_report_date = [[gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no] 
+		for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=False)]
+	account_supplier_type_map = get_account_supplier_type_map()
+	pi_map = get_pi_map()
+	# Age of the invoice on this date
+	age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
+		and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")
+	data = []
+	total_invoiced_amount = total_paid = total_outstanding = 0
+	for gle in entries:
+		if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
+				or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:
+			due_date = (gle.voucher_type == "Purchase Invoice") \
+				and pi_map.get(gle.voucher_no).get("due_date") or ""
+			invoiced_amount = > 0 and or 0		
+			paid_amount = get_paid_amount(gle, filters.get("report_date") or nowdate(), 
+				entries_after_report_date)
+			outstanding_amount = invoiced_amount - paid_amount
+			if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
+				row = [gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no, 
+					gle.remarks, account_supplier_type_map.get(gle.account), due_date, 
+					pi_map.get("bill_no"), pi_map.get("bill_date"), invoiced_amount, 
+					paid_amount, outstanding_amount]
+				# Ageing
+				if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
+					ageing_based_on_date = due_date
+				else:
+					ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date
+				row += get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on, outstanding_amount)
+				# Add to total
+				total_invoiced_amount += flt(invoiced_amount)
+				total_paid += flt(paid_amount)
+				total_outstanding += flt(outstanding_amount)
+				data.append(row)
+	if data:
+		data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Total", "", total_invoiced_amount, total_paid, 
+			total_outstanding, "", "", "", ""])
+	return columns, data
+def get_columns():
+	return [
+		"Posting Date:Date:80", "Account:Link/Account:150", "Voucher Type::110", 
+		"Voucher No::120", "Remarks::150", "Supplier Type:Link/Supplier Type:120", 
+		"Due Date:Date:80", "Bill No::80", "Bill Date:Date:80", 
+		"Invoiced Amount:Currency:100", "Paid Amount:Currency:100", 
+		"Outstanding Amount:Currency:100", "Age:Int:50", "0-30:Currency:100", 
+		"30-60:Currency:100", "60-90:Currency:100", "90-Above:Currency:100"
+	]
+def get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=True):
+	conditions, supplier_accounts = get_conditions(filters, before_report_date)
+	gl_entries = []
+	gl_entries = webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from `tabGL Entry` 
+		where ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' %s order by posting_date, account""" % 
+		(conditions) % (", ".join(['%s']*len(supplier_accounts))), 
+		tuple(supplier_accounts), as_dict=1)
+	return gl_entries
+def get_conditions(filters, before_report_date=True):
+	conditions = ""
+	if filters.get("company"):
+		conditions += " and company='%s'" % filters["company"]
+	supplier_accounts = []
+	if filters.get("account"):
+		supplier_accounts = [filters["account"]]
+	elif filters.get("company"):
+		supplier_accounts = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tabAccount` 
+			where ifnull(master_type, '') = 'Supplier' and docstatus < 2 %s""" % 
+			conditions, filters)
+	if supplier_accounts:
+		conditions += " and account in (%s)"
+	if filters.get("report_date"):
+		if before_report_date:
+			conditions += " and posting_date<='%s'" % filters["report_date"]
+		else:
+			conditions += " and posting_date>'%s'" % filters["report_date"]
+	return conditions, supplier_accounts
+def get_account_supplier_type_map():
+	account_supplier_type_map = {}
+	for each in webnotes.conn.sql("""select, t1.supplier_type from `tabSupplier` t1, 
+			`tabAccount` t2 where = t2.master_name group by"""):
+		account_supplier_type_map[each[0]] = each[1]
+	return account_supplier_type_map
+def get_pi_map():
+	""" get due_date from sales invoice """
+	pi_map = {}
+	for t in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date 
+			from `tabPurchase Invoice`""", as_dict=1):
+		pi_map[] = t
+	return pi_map
+def get_paid_amount(gle, report_date, entries_after_report_date):
+	paid_amount = 0
+	if flt(gle.debit) > 0 and (not gle.against_voucher or 
+		[gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date):
+			paid_amount = gle.debit
+	elif flt( > 0:
+		paid_amount = webnotes.conn.sql("""
+			select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) from `tabGL Entry` 
+			where account = %s and posting_date <= %s and against_voucher_type = %s 
+			and against_voucher = %s and name != %s and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'""", 
+			(gle.account, report_date, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,[0][0]
+	return flt(paid_amount)
+def get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on, outstanding_amount):
+	val1 = val2 = val3 = val4 = diff = 0
+	diff = age_on and ageing_based_on_date \
+		and (getdate(age_on) - getdate(ageing_based_on_date)).days or 0
+	if diff <= 30:
+		val1 = outstanding_amount
+	elif 30 < diff <= 60:
+		val2 = outstanding_amount
+	elif 60 < diff <= 90:
+		val3 = outstanding_amount
+	elif diff > 90:
+		val4 = outstanding_amount
+	return [diff, val1, val2, val3, val4]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/report/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8920a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/report/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ {
+  "creation": "2013-04-22 16:16:03", 
+  "docstatus": 0, 
+  "modified": "2013-04-23 14:54:27", 
+  "modified_by": "Administrator", 
+  "owner": "Administrator"
+ }, 
+ {
+  "doctype": "Report", 
+  "is_standard": "Yes", 
+  "name": "__common__", 
+  "ref_doctype": "Purchase Invoice", 
+  "report_name": "Accounts Payable", 
+  "report_type": "Report Builder"
+ }, 
+ {
+  "doctype": "Report", 
+  "name": "Accounts Payable"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/ b/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/
index 4c0d4e1..d385b36 100644
--- a/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/
+++ b/accounts/report/accounts_receivable/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 	return [
 		"Posting Date:Date:80", "Account:Link/Account:150", "Voucher Type::110", 
 		"Voucher No::120", "Remarks::150", "Due Date:Date:80", "Territory:Link/Territory:80", 
-		"Invoiced Amount:Currency:100", "Payment Amount:Currency:100", 
+		"Invoiced Amount:Currency:100", "Payment Received:Currency:100", 
 		"Outstanding Amount:Currency:100", "Age:Int:50", "0-30:Currency:100", 
 		"30-60:Currency:100", "60-90:Currency:100", "90-Above:Currency:100"
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 def get_account_territory_map():
 	account_territory_map = {}
 	for each in webnotes.conn.sql("""select, t1.territory from `tabCustomer` t1, 
-			`tabAccount` t2 where = t2.master_name group by"""):
+			`tabAccount` t2 where = t2.master_name"""):
 		account_territory_map[each[0]] = each[1]
 	return account_territory_map
diff --git a/controllers/ b/controllers/
index 0e7c108..04e4bbd 100644
--- a/controllers/
+++ b/controllers/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import webnotes
-from webnotes import msgprint, _
 from webnotes.utils import flt
 from utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase
@@ -83,10 +82,13 @@
 	def stock_items(self):
 		if not hasattr(self, "_stock_items"):
-			item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname})))
-			self._stock_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
-				from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_stock_item='Yes'""" % \
-				(", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
+			self._stock_items = []
+			item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in 
+				self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname})))
+			if item_codes:
+				self._stock_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
+					from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_stock_item='Yes'""" % \
+					(", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
 		return self._stock_items
@@ -95,4 +97,4 @@
 		if not hasattr(self, "_abbr"):
 			self._abbr = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company",, "abbr")
-		return self._abbr
+		return self._abbr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/ b/controllers/
index 560dec2..429737e 100644
--- a/controllers/
+++ b/controllers/
@@ -419,21 +419,25 @@
 	def sub_contracted_items(self):
 		if not hasattr(self, "_sub_contracted_items"):
+			self._sub_contracted_items = []
 			item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in 
 				self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname})))
-			self._sub_contracted_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
-				from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_sub_contracted_item='Yes'""" % \
-				(", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
+			if item_codes:
+				self._sub_contracted_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
+					from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_sub_contracted_item='Yes'""" % \
+					(", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
 		return self._sub_contracted_items
 	def purchase_items(self):
 		if not hasattr(self, "_purchase_items"):
+			self._purchase_items = []
 			item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in 
 				self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname})))
-			self._purchase_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
-				from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_purchase_item='Yes'""" % \
-				(", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
+			if item_codes:
+				self._purchase_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
+					from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_purchase_item='Yes'""" % \
+					(", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
 		return self._purchase_items