Merge branch 'develop' of into v4-hotfix
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/report/daily_time_log_summary/ b/erpnext/projects/report/daily_time_log_summary/
index c652ca7..185bcd9 100644
--- a/erpnext/projects/report/daily_time_log_summary/
+++ b/erpnext/projects/report/daily_time_log_summary/
@@ -8,74 +8,75 @@
 def execute(filters=None):
 	if not filters:
 		filters = {}
-	elif filters.get("to_date"):
-		filters["to_date"] = filters.get("to_date") + "24:00:00"
-	columns = ["Time Log:Link/Time Log:120", "Employee::150", "From Datetime::140", 
-		"To Datetime::140", "Hours::70", "Activity Type::120", "Task:Link/Task:150", 
+	elif filters.get("from_date") or filters.get("to_date"):
+		filters["from_time"] = "00:00:00"
+		filters["to_time"] = "24:00:00"
+	columns = ["Time Log:Link/Time Log:120", "Employee::150", "From Datetime::140",
+		"To Datetime::140", "Hours::70", "Activity Type::120", "Task:Link/Task:150",
 		"Task Subject::180", "Project:Link/Project:120", "Status::70"]
 	user_map = get_user_map()
 	task_map = get_task_map()
 	conditions = build_conditions(filters)
-	time_logs = frappe.db.sql("""select * from `tabTime Log` 
+	time_logs = frappe.db.sql("""select * from `tabTime Log`
 		where docstatus < 2 %s order by owner asc""" % (conditions, ), filters, as_dict=1)
 	if time_logs:
 		users = [time_logs[0].owner]
-	data = []	
+	data = []
 	total_hours = total_employee_hours = count = 0
 	for tl in time_logs:
 		if tl.owner not in users:
 			data.append(["", "", "", "Total", total_employee_hours, "", "", "", "", ""])
 			total_employee_hours = 0
-		data.append([, user_map[tl.owner], tl.from_time, tl.to_time, tl.hours, 
+		data.append([, user_map[tl.owner], tl.from_time, tl.to_time, tl.hours,
 				tl.activity_type, tl.task, task_map.get(tl.task), tl.project, tl.status])
 		count += 1
 		total_hours += flt(tl.hours)
 		total_employee_hours += flt(tl.hours)
 		if count == len(time_logs):
 			data.append(["", "", "", "Total Hours", total_employee_hours, "", "", "", "", ""])
 	if total_hours:
 		data.append(["", "", "", "Grand Total", total_hours, "", "", "", "", ""])
 	return columns, data
 def get_user_map():
-	users = frappe.db.sql("""select name, 
-		concat(first_name, if(last_name, (' ' + last_name), '')) as fullname 
+	users = frappe.db.sql("""select name,
+		concat(first_name, if(last_name, (' ' + last_name), '')) as fullname
 		from tabUser""", as_dict=1)
 	user_map = {}
 	for p in users:
 		user_map.setdefault(, []).append(p.fullname)
 	return user_map
 def get_task_map():
 	tasks = frappe.db.sql("""select name, subject from tabTask""", as_dict=1)
 	task_map = {}
 	for t in tasks:
 		task_map.setdefault(, []).append(t.subject)
 	return task_map
 def build_conditions(filters):
-	conditions = ""			
+	conditions = ""
 	if filters.get("from_date"):
-		conditions += " and from_time >= %(from_date)s"
+		conditions += " and from_time >= timestamp(%(from_date)s, %(from_time)s)"
 	if filters.get("to_date"):
-		conditions += " and to_time <= %(to_date)s"
+		conditions += " and to_time <= timestamp(%(to_date)s, %(to_time)s)"
 	from frappe.widgets.reportview import build_match_conditions
 	match_conditions = build_match_conditions("Time Log")
 	if match_conditions:
 		conditions += " and %s" % match_conditions
-	return conditions
\ No newline at end of file
+	return conditions