[voucher import tool][fix] fixes for handling exception
diff --git a/accounts/page/voucher_import_tool/voucher_import_tool.py b/accounts/page/voucher_import_tool/voucher_import_tool.py
index 6648ee6..3c920ce 100644
--- a/accounts/page/voucher_import_tool/voucher_import_tool.py
+++ b/accounts/page/voucher_import_tool/voucher_import_tool.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import webnotes
 from webnotes import _
-from webnotes.utils import flt, comma_and
+from webnotes.utils import flt, comma_and, cstr
 import webnotes.defaults
@@ -31,13 +31,12 @@
 "3. Naming Series Options: %(naming_options)s"
 "4. Voucher Type Options: %(voucher_type)s"%(extra_note)s
 "-------Common Values-----------"
 ''' % {
 		"template_type": template_type,
 		"user_fmt": webnotes.defaults.get_global_default('date_format'),
-		"default_company": webnotes.conn.get_default("company"),
 		"naming_options": naming_options.replace("\n", ", "),
 		"voucher_type": voucher_type.replace("\n", ", "),
 		"extra_note": extra_note,
@@ -49,14 +48,28 @@
 def upload():
-	from webnotes.utils.datautils import read_csv_content_from_uploaded_file
-	rows = read_csv_content_from_uploaded_file()
-	common_values = get_common_values(rows)
-	company_abbr = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", common_values.company, "abbr")
-	data, start_idx = get_data(rows, company_abbr)
+	messages = []
+	try:
+		from webnotes.utils.datautils import read_csv_content_from_uploaded_file
+		rows = read_csv_content_from_uploaded_file()
+		common_values = get_common_values(rows)
+		if not common_values.company:
+			webnotes.msgprint(_("Company is missing in csv file"), raise_exception=1)
+		company_abbr = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", common_values.company, "abbr")
+		data, start_idx = get_data(rows, company_abbr)
+	except Exception, e:
+		err_msg = webnotes.message_log and "<br>".join(webnotes.message_log) or cstr(e)
+		messages.append("""<p style='color: red'>%s</p>""" % (err_msg or "No message"))
+		webnotes.errprint(webnotes.getTraceback())
+		webnotes.message_log = []
+		return messages
 	return import_vouchers(common_values, data, start_idx, rows[0][0])
 def map_fields(field_list, source, target):
 	for f in field_list:
@@ -70,9 +83,8 @@
 	from webnotes.model.bean import Bean
 	from accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
 	from webnotes.utils.dateutils import parse_date
 	messages = []
 	def get_account_details(account):
 		acc_details = webnotes.conn.sql("""select is_pl_account, 
 			master_name from tabAccount where name=%s""", account, as_dict=1)
@@ -113,8 +125,9 @@
 				if d.ref_number:
 					if not d.ref_date:
-						raise webnotes.ValidationError, \
-							"""Ref Date is Mandatory if Ref Number is specified"""
+						webnotes.msgprint(_("Ref Date is Mandatory if Ref Number is specified"), 
+							raise_exception=1)
 					d.ref_date = parse_date(d.ref_date)
 				d.company = common_values.company
@@ -176,7 +189,7 @@
 	except Exception, e:
-		err_msg = webnotes.message_log and "<br>".join(webnotes.message_log) or unicode(e)
+		err_msg = webnotes.message_log and "<br>".join(webnotes.message_log) or cstr(e)
 		messages.append("""<p style='color: red'>[row #%s] %s failed: %s</p>"""
 			% ((start_idx + 1) + i, jv.name or "", err_msg or "No message"))
 		messages.append("<p style='color: red'>All transactions rolled back</p>")
@@ -240,16 +253,20 @@
 					raise Exception, """Column No(s). %s %s empty. \
 						Please remove them and try again.""" % (comma_and(empty_columns),
 						len(empty_columns)==1 and "is" or "are")
 				columns = [c.replace(" ", "_").lower() for c in rows[i+1] 
 					if not c.endswith(" - " + company_abbr)]
 				accounts = [c for c in rows[i+1] if c.endswith(" - " + company_abbr)]
+				if not accounts:
+					webnotes.msgprint(_("""No Account found in csv file, 
+						May be company abbreviation is not correct"""), raise_exception=1)
 				if accounts and (len(columns) != rows[i+1].index(accounts[0])):
-					raise Exception, _("""All account columns should be after \
+					webnotes.msgprint(_("""All account columns should be after \
 						standard columns and on the right.
 						If you entered it properly, next probable reason \
 						could be wrong account name.
-						Please rectify it in the file and try again.""")
+						Please rectify it in the file and try again."""), raise_exception=1)
 	return data, start_row_idx
\ No newline at end of file