deprecate sales and purchase return tool
diff --git a/accounts/ b/accounts/
index 707203f..145ad6b 100644
--- a/accounts/
+++ b/accounts/
@@ -32,209 +32,3 @@
 		WHERE name=%s AND docstatus<2""", company)
 	if res: return res[0][0]
-def get_new_jv_details():
-	"""
-		Get details which will help create new jv on sales/purchase return
-	"""
-	doclist = webnotes.form_dict.get('doclist')
-	fiscal_year = webnotes.form_dict.get('fiscal_year')
-	if not (isinstance(doclist, basestring) and isinstance(fiscal_year, basestring)): return
-	import json
-	doclist = json.loads(doclist)
-	doc, children = doclist[0], doclist[1:]
-	if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
-		if doc.get('sales_invoice_no'):
-			return get_invoice_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
-		elif doc.get('delivery_note_no'):
-			return get_delivery_note_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
-	elif doc.get('purchase_receipt_no'):
-		return get_purchase_receipt_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
-def get_invoice_details(doc, children, fiscal_year):
-	"""
-		Gets details from an invoice to make new jv
-		Returns [{
-			'account': ,
-			'balance': ,
-			'debit': ,
-			'credit': ,
-			'against_invoice': ,
-			'against_payable': 
-		}, { ... }, ...]
-	"""
-	if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
-		obj = get_obj('Sales Invoice', doc.get('sales_invoice_no'), with_children=1)
-	else:
-		obj = get_obj('Purchase Invoice', doc.get('purchase_invoice_no'), with_children=1)
-	if not obj.doc.docstatus==1: return
-	# Build invoice account jv detail record
-	invoice_rec = get_invoice_account_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj)
-	# Build item accountwise jv detail records
-	item_accountwise_list = get_item_accountwise_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj)
-	return [invoice_rec] + item_accountwise_list
-def get_invoice_account_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj):
-	"""
-		Build customer/supplier account jv detail record
-	"""
-	# Calculate total return amount
-	total_amt = sum([(flt(ch.get('rate')) * flt(ch.get('returned_qty'))) for ch in children])
-	ret = {}
-	if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
-		account = obj.doc.debit_to
-		ret['against_invoice'] = doc.get('sales_invoice_no')
-		ret['credit'] = total_amt
-	else:
-		account = obj.doc.credit_to
-		ret['against_voucher'] = doc.get('purchase_invoice_no')
-		ret['debit'] = total_amt
-	ret.update({
-		'account': account,
-		'balance': get_balance_on(account, doc.get("return_date"))
-	})
-	return ret
-def get_item_accountwise_jv_record(doc, children, fiscal_year, obj):
-	"""
-		Build item accountwise jv detail records
-	"""
-	if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
-		amt_field = 'debit'
-		ac_field = 'income_account'
-	else:
-		amt_field = 'credit'
-		ac_field = 'expense_head'
-	inv_children = dict([[ic.fields.get('item_code'), ic] for ic in obj.doclist if ic.fields.get('item_code')])
-	accwise_list = []
-	for ch in children:
-		inv_ch = inv_children.get(ch.get('item_code'))
-		if not inv_ch: continue
-		amount = flt(ch.get('rate')) * flt(ch.get('returned_qty'))
-		accounts = [[jvd['account'], jvd['cost_center']] for jvd in accwise_list]
-		if [inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field), inv_ch.fields.get('cost_center')] not in accounts:
-			rec = {
-				'account': inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field),
-				'cost_center': inv_ch.fields.get('cost_center'),
-				'balance': get_balance_on(inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field),
-					doc.get("return_date"))
-			}
-			rec[amt_field] = amount
-			accwise_list.append(rec)
-		else:
-			rec = accwise_list[accounts.index([inv_ch.fields.get(ac_field), inv_ch.fields.get('cost_center')])]
-			rec[amt_field] = rec[amt_field] + amount
-	return accwise_list
-def get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list):
-	"""
-		Get invoice details and make jv detail records
-	"""
-	for inv in inv_list:
-		if not inv[0]: continue
-		if doc.get('return_type')=='Sales Return':
-			doc['sales_invoice_no'] = inv[0]
-		else:
-			doc['purchase_invoice_no'] = inv[0]
-		jv_details = get_invoice_details(doc, children, fiscal_year)
-		if jv_details and len(jv_details)>1: jv_details_list.extend(jv_details)
-	return jv_details_list
-def get_prev_doc_list(obj, prev_doctype):
-	"""
-		Returns a list of previous doc's names
-	"""
-	prevdoc_list = []
-	for ch in obj.doclist:
-		if ch.fields.get('prevdoc_docname') and ch.fields.get('prevdoc_doctype')==prev_doctype:
-			prevdoc_list.append(ch.fields.get('prevdoc_docname'))
-	return prevdoc_list
-def get_inv_list(table, field, value):
-	"""
-		Returns invoice list
-	"""
-	if isinstance(value, basestring):
-		return webnotes.conn.sql("""\
-			SELECT DISTINCT parent FROM `%s`
-			WHERE %s='%s' AND docstatus=1""" % (table, field, value))
-	elif isinstance(value, list):
-		return webnotes.conn.sql("""\
-			SELECT DISTINCT parent FROM `%s`
-			WHERE %s IN ("%s") AND docstatus=1""" % (table, field, '", "'.join(value)))
-	else:
-		return []
-def get_delivery_note_details(doc, children, fiscal_year):
-	"""
-		Gets sales invoice numbers from delivery note details
-		and returns detail records for jv
-	"""
-	jv_details_list = []
-	dn_obj = get_obj('Delivery Note', doc['delivery_note_no'], with_children=1)
-	inv_list = get_inv_list('tabSales Invoice Item', 'delivery_note', doc['delivery_note_no'])
-	if inv_list:
-		jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
-	if not (inv_list and jv_details_list):
-		so_list = get_prev_doc_list(dn_obj, 'Sales Order')
-		inv_list = get_inv_list('tabSales Invoice Item', 'sales_order', so_list)
-		if inv_list:
-			jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
-	return jv_details_list
-def get_purchase_receipt_details(doc, children, fiscal_year):
-	"""
-		Gets purchase invoice numbers from purchase receipt details
-		and returns detail records for jv
-	"""
-	jv_details_list = []
-	pr_obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', doc['purchase_receipt_no'], with_children=1)
-	inv_list = get_inv_list('tabPurchase Invoice Item', 'purchase_receipt', doc['purchase_receipt_no'])
-	if inv_list:
-		jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
-	if not (inv_list and jv_details_list):
-		po_list = get_prev_doc_list(pr_obj, 'Purchase Order')
-		inv_list = get_inv_list('tabPurchase Invoice Item', 'purchase_order', po_list)
-		if inv_list:
-			jv_details_list = get_jv_details_from_inv_list(doc, children, fiscal_year, inv_list, jv_details_list)
-	return jv_details_list