datepicker fixes
diff --git a/public/js/queries.js b/public/js/queries.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a79b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/queries.js
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// ERPNext - web based ERP (
+// Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+// searches for enabled profiles
+erpnext.utils.profile_query = function() {
+	return "select name, concat_ws(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name) \
+		from `tabProfile` where ifnull(enabled, 0)=1 and docstatus < 2 and \
+		name not in ('Administrator', 'Guest') and (%(key)s like \"%s\" or \
+		concat_ws(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name) like \"%%%s\") \
+		order by \
+		case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		case when concat_ws(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name) like \"%s%%\" \
+			then 0 else 1 end, \
+		name asc limit 50";
+// searches for active employees
+erpnext.utils.employee_query = function() {
+	return "select name, employee_name from `tabEmployee` \
+		where status = 'Active' and docstatus < 2 and \
+		(%(key)s like \"%s\" or employee_name like \"%%%s\") \
+		order by \
+		case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		case when employee_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		name limit 50";
+// searches for leads which are not converted
+erpnext.utils.lead_query = function() {
+	return "select name, lead_name, company_name from `tabLead` \
+		where docstatus < 2 and ifnull(status, '') != 'Converted' and \
+		(%(key)s like \"%s\" or lead_name like \"%%%s\" or company_name like \"%%%s\") \
+		order by \
+		case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		case when lead_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		case when company_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		lead_name asc limit 50";
+// searches for customer
+erpnext.utils.customer_query = function() {
+	if(sys_defaults.cust_master_name == "Customer Name") {
+		var fields = ["name", "customer_group", "country", "territory"];
+	} else {
+		var fields = ["name", "customer_name", "customer_group", "country", "territory"];
+	}
+	return "select " + fields.join(", ") + " from `tabCustomer` where docstatus < 2 and \
+		(%(key)s like \"%s\" or customer_name like \"%%%s\") \
+		order by \
+		case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		case when customer_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		name, customer_name limit 50";
+// searches for supplier
+erpnext.utils.supplier_query = function() {
+	if(sys_defaults.supp_master_name == "Supplier Name") {
+		var fields = ["name", "supplier_type"];
+	} else {
+		var fields = ["name", "supplier_name", "supplier_type"];
+	}
+	return "select " + fields.join(", ") + " from `tabSupplier` where docstatus < 2 and \
+		(%(key)s like \"%s\" or supplier_name like \"%%%s\") \
+		order by \
+		case when name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		case when supplier_name like \"%s%%\" then 0 else 1 end, \
+		name, supplier_name limit 50";
+erpnext.queries.get_conditions = function(doctype, opts) {
+	conditions = [];
+	if (opts) {
+		$.each(opts, function(key, val) {
+			var lhs = "`tab" + doctype + "`.`" + key + "`";
+			if(key.indexOf(doctype)!=-1) {
+				// with function
+				lhs = key;
+			}
+			if (esc_quotes(val).charAt(0) != "!")
+				conditions.push(lhs + "='"+esc_quotes(val)+"'");
+			else
+				conditions.push(lhs + "!='"+esc_quotes(val).substr(1)+"'");
+		});
+	}
+	return conditions;
+erpnext.queries.account = function(opts) {
+	if(!opts) 
+		opts = {};
+	if(!opts.group_or_ledger) 
+		opts.group_or_ledger = "Ledger";
+	var conditions = erpnext.queries.get_conditions("Account", opts);
+	return 'SELECT, tabAccount.parent_account, tabAccount.debit_or_credit \
+		FROM tabAccount \
+		WHERE tabAccount.docstatus!=2 \
+		AND tabAccount.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ' + (conditions 
+			? (" AND " + conditions.join(" AND "))
+			: "")
+		+ " LIMIT 50"
+erpnext.queries.item = function(opts) {
+	var conditions = erpnext.queries.get_conditions("Item", opts);
+	return 'SELECT, \
+		if(length(tabItem.item_name) > 40, \
+			concat(substr(tabItem.item_name, 1, 40), "..."), item_name) as item_name, \
+		if(length(tabItem.description) > 40, \
+			concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription \
+		FROM tabItem \
+		WHERE tabItem.docstatus!=2 \
+		AND (ifnull(`tabItem`.`end_of_life`,"") in ("", "0000-00-00") \
+			OR `tabItem`.`end_of_life` > NOW()) \
+		AND tabItem.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ' + (conditions 
+			? (" AND " + conditions.join(" AND "))
+			: "")
+		+ " LIMIT 50"
+erpnext.queries.item_std = function() {
+	return 'SELECT, \
+		if(length(tabItem.item_name) > 40, \
+			concat(substr(tabItem.item_name, 1, 40), "..."), item_name) as item_name, \
+		if(length(tabItem.description) > 40, \
+			concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription \
+		FROM tabItem \
+		WHERE tabItem.docstatus!=2 \
+		AND tabItem.%(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50';
+ = function(opts) {
+	var conditions = erpnext.queries.get_conditions("BOM", opts);
+	return 'SELECT, tabBOM.item \
+		FROM tabBOM \
+		WHERE tabBOM.docstatus=1 \
+		AND tabBOM.is_active=1 \
+		AND tabBOM.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ' + (conditions.length 
+			? (" AND " + conditions.join(" AND "))
+			: "")
+		+ " LIMIT 50"
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