fixes to home (multiple loading)
diff --git a/index.cgi b/index.cgi
index d203f30..da52ef1 100755
--- a/index.cgi
+++ b/index.cgi
@@ -17,5 +17,26 @@
 for key in webnotes.form.keys():
 	webnotes.form_dict[key] = webnotes.form.getvalue(key)
-# pass on to legacy handler
-import webnotes.handler
+# url comes with sid, redirect to html, sid set and all
+if 'sid' in webnotes.form_dict:
+	import webnotes.auth
+	import webnotes.widgets.page_body
+	webnotes.auth.HTTPRequest()
+	print "Content-Type: text/html"
+	# print cookies, if there ar additional cookies defined during the request, add them here
+	if webnotes.cookies or webnotes.add_cookies:
+		for c in webnotes.add_cookies.keys():
+			webnotes.cookies[c] = webnotes.add_cookies[c]
+		print webnotes.cookies
+	print
+	print webnotes.widgets.page_body.redirect_template % ('Redirecting...', 'index.html')
+	# pass on to legacy handler
+	import webnotes.handler