Website: Product Configurator and Bootstrap 4 (#15965)

- Refactored Homepage with customisable Hero Section
- New Homepage Section to add content on Homepage as cards or using Custom HTML
- Products page at "/all-products" with customisable filters
- Item Configure dialog to find an Item Variant filtered by attribute values
- Contact Us dialog on Item page
- Customisable Item page content using the Website Content field
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/pages/ b/erpnext/templates/pages/
index 82d525a..4b688b1 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/pages/
+++ b/erpnext/templates/pages/
@@ -15,15 +15,38 @@
 		if route:
 			item.route = '/' + route
-	context.title = homepage.title or
-	# show atleast 3 products
-	if len(homepage.products) < 3:
-		for i in range(3 - len(homepage.products)):
-			homepage.append('products', {
-				'item_code': 'product-{0}'.format(i),
-				'item_name': frappe._('Product {0}').format(i),
-				'route': '#'
-			})
+	homepage.title = homepage.title or
+	context.title = homepage.title
 	context.homepage = homepage
+	if homepage.hero_section_based_on == 'Homepage Section' and homepage.hero_section:
+		homepage.hero_section_doc = frappe.get_doc('Homepage Section', homepage.hero_section)
+	if homepage.slideshow:
+		doc = frappe.get_doc('Website Slideshow', homepage.slideshow)
+		context.slideshow = homepage.slideshow
+		context.slideshow_header = doc.header
+		context.slides = doc.slideshow_items
+	context.blogs = frappe.get_all('Blog Post',
+		fields=['title', 'blogger', 'blog_intro', 'route'],
+		filters={
+			'published': 1
+		},
+		order_by='modified desc',
+		limit=3
+	)
+	# filter out homepage section which is used as hero section
+	homepage_hero_section = homepage.hero_section_based_on == 'Homepage Section' and homepage.hero_section
+	homepage_sections = frappe.get_all('Homepage Section',
+		filters=[['name', '!=', homepage_hero_section]] if homepage_hero_section else None,
+		order_by='section_order asc'
+	)
+	context.homepage_sections = [frappe.get_doc('Homepage Section', name) for name in homepage_sections]
+	context.metatags = context.metatags or frappe._dict({})
+	context.metatags.image = homepage.hero_image or None
+	context.metatags.description = homepage.description or None
+	context.explore_link = '/all-products'