Merge pull request #35552 from rohitwaghchaure/fixed-serial-batch-get-query

fix: get_query for batch number and incorrect batch qty
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index f1cef71..3bb1128 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
 import json
-from collections import defaultdict
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
 import frappe
 from frappe import scrub
 from frappe.desk.reportview import get_filters_cond, get_match_cond
-from frappe.utils import nowdate, unique
+from frappe.query_builder.functions import Concat, Sum
+from frappe.utils import nowdate, today, unique
 import erpnext
 from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import _get_item_tax_template
@@ -412,95 +413,136 @@
 def get_batch_no(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
 	doctype = "Batch"
-	cond = ""
-	if filters.get("posting_date"):
-		cond = "and (batch.expiry_date is null or batch.expiry_date >= %(posting_date)s)"
-	batch_nos = None
-	args = {
-		"item_code": filters.get("item_code"),
-		"warehouse": filters.get("warehouse"),
-		"posting_date": filters.get("posting_date"),
-		"txt": "%{0}%".format(txt),
-		"start": start,
-		"page_len": page_len,
-	}
-	having_clause = "having sum(sle.actual_qty) > 0"
-	if filters.get("is_return"):
-		having_clause = ""
 	meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype, cached=True)
 	searchfields = meta.get_search_fields()
-	search_columns = ""
-	search_cond = ""
+	query = get_batches_from_stock_ledger_entries(searchfields, txt, filters)
+	bundle_query = get_batches_from_serial_and_batch_bundle(searchfields, txt, filters)
-	if searchfields:
-		search_columns = ", " + ", ".join(searchfields)
-		search_cond = " or " + " or ".join([field + " like %(txt)s" for field in searchfields])
+	data = (
+		frappe.qb.from_((query) + (bundle_query))
+		.select("batch_no", "qty", "manufacturing_date", "expiry_date")
+		.offset(start)
+		.limit(page_len)
+	)
-	if args.get("warehouse"):
-		searchfields = ["batch." + field for field in searchfields]
-		if searchfields:
-			search_columns = ", " + ", ".join(searchfields)
-			search_cond = " or " + " or ".join([field + " like %(txt)s" for field in searchfields])
+	for field in searchfields:
+		data =
-		batch_nos = frappe.db.sql(
-			"""select sle.batch_no, round(sum(sle.actual_qty),2), sle.stock_uom,
-				concat('MFG-',batch.manufacturing_date), concat('EXP-',batch.expiry_date)
-				{search_columns}
-			from `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle
-				INNER JOIN `tabBatch` batch on sle.batch_no =
-			where
-				batch.disabled = 0
-				and sle.is_cancelled = 0
-				and sle.item_code = %(item_code)s
-				and sle.warehouse = %(warehouse)s
-				and (sle.batch_no like %(txt)s
-				or batch.expiry_date like %(txt)s
-				or batch.manufacturing_date like %(txt)s
-				{search_cond})
-				and batch.docstatus < 2
-				{cond}
-				{match_conditions}
-			group by batch_no {having_clause}
-			order by batch.expiry_date, sle.batch_no desc
-			limit %(page_len)s offset %(start)s""".format(
-				search_columns=search_columns,
-				cond=cond,
-				match_conditions=get_match_cond(doctype),
-				having_clause=having_clause,
-				search_cond=search_cond,
-			),
-			args,
+	data =
+	data = get_filterd_batches(data)
+	return data
+def get_filterd_batches(data):
+	batches = OrderedDict()
+	for batch_data in data:
+		if batch_data[0] not in batches:
+			batches[batch_data[0]] = list(batch_data)
+		else:
+			batches[batch_data[0]][1] += batch_data[1]
+	filterd_batch = []
+	for batch, batch_data in batches.items():
+		if batch_data[1] > 0:
+			filterd_batch.append(tuple(batch_data))
+	return filterd_batch
+def get_batches_from_stock_ledger_entries(searchfields, txt, filters):
+	stock_ledger_entry = frappe.qb.DocType("Stock Ledger Entry")
+	batch_table = frappe.qb.DocType("Batch")
+	expiry_date = filters.get("posting_date") or today()
+	query = (
+		frappe.qb.from_(stock_ledger_entry)
+		.inner_join(batch_table)
+		.on( == stock_ledger_entry.batch_no)
+		.select(
+			stock_ledger_entry.batch_no,
+			Sum(stock_ledger_entry.actual_qty).as_("qty"),
-		return batch_nos
-	else:
-		return frappe.db.sql(
-			"""select name, concat('MFG-', manufacturing_date), concat('EXP-',expiry_date)
-			{search_columns}
-			from `tabBatch` batch
-			where batch.disabled = 0
-			and item = %(item_code)s
-			and (name like %(txt)s
-			or expiry_date like %(txt)s
-			or manufacturing_date like %(txt)s
-			{search_cond})
-			and docstatus < 2
-			{0}
-			{match_conditions}
-			order by expiry_date, name desc
-			limit %(page_len)s offset %(start)s""".format(
-				cond,
-				search_columns=search_columns,
-				search_cond=search_cond,
-				match_conditions=get_match_cond(doctype),
-			),
-			args,
+		.where(((batch_table.expiry_date >= expiry_date) | (batch_table.expiry_date.isnull())))
+		.where(stock_ledger_entry.is_cancelled == 0)
+		.where(
+			(stock_ledger_entry.item_code == filters.get("item_code"))
+			& (batch_table.disabled == 0)
+			& (stock_ledger_entry.batch_no.isnotnull())
+		.groupby(stock_ledger_entry.batch_no, stock_ledger_entry.warehouse)
+	)
+	query =
+		Concat("MFG-", batch_table.manufacturing_date).as_("manufacturing_date"),
+		Concat("EXP-", batch_table.expiry_date).as_("expiry_date"),
+	)
+	if filters.get("warehouse"):
+		query = query.where(stock_ledger_entry.warehouse == filters.get("warehouse"))
+	for field in searchfields:
+		query =[field])
+	if txt:
+		txt_condition =
+		for field in searchfields + ["name"]:
+			txt_condition |= batch_table[field].like(txt)
+		query = query.where(txt_condition)
+	return query
+def get_batches_from_serial_and_batch_bundle(searchfields, txt, filters):
+	bundle = frappe.qb.DocType("Serial and Batch Entry")
+	stock_ledger_entry = frappe.qb.DocType("Stock Ledger Entry")
+	batch_table = frappe.qb.DocType("Batch")
+	expiry_date = filters.get("posting_date") or today()
+	bundle_query = (
+		frappe.qb.from_(bundle)
+		.inner_join(stock_ledger_entry)
+		.on(bundle.parent == stock_ledger_entry.serial_and_batch_bundle)
+		.inner_join(batch_table)
+		.on( == bundle.batch_no)
+		.select(
+			bundle.batch_no,
+			Sum(bundle.qty).as_("qty"),
+		)
+		.where(((batch_table.expiry_date >= expiry_date) | (batch_table.expiry_date.isnull())))
+		.where(stock_ledger_entry.is_cancelled == 0)
+		.where(
+			(stock_ledger_entry.item_code == filters.get("item_code"))
+			& (batch_table.disabled == 0)
+			& (stock_ledger_entry.serial_and_batch_bundle.isnotnull())
+		)
+		.groupby(bundle.batch_no, bundle.warehouse)
+	)
+	bundle_query =
+		Concat("MFG-", batch_table.manufacturing_date),
+		Concat("EXP-", batch_table.expiry_date),
+	)
+	if filters.get("warehouse"):
+		bundle_query = bundle_query.where(stock_ledger_entry.warehouse == filters.get("warehouse"))
+	for field in searchfields:
+		bundle_query =[field])
+	if txt:
+		txt_condition =
+		for field in searchfields + ["name"]:
+			txt_condition |= batch_table[field].like(txt)
+		bundle_query = bundle_query.where(txt_condition)
+	return bundle_query
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js
index 87a6de0..c001b4e 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js
@@ -363,10 +363,16 @@
 						new erpnext.SerialBatchPackageSelector(
 							me.frm, item, (r) => {
 								if (r) {
-									frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, {
+									let update_values = {
 										"qty": Math.abs(r.total_qty)
-									});
+									}
+									if (r.warehouse) {
+										update_values["warehouse"] = r.warehouse;
+									}
+									frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, update_values);
@@ -392,10 +398,16 @@
 						new erpnext.SerialBatchPackageSelector(
 							me.frm, item, (r) => {
 								if (r) {
-									frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, {
-										"rejected_serial_and_batch_bundle":,
+									let update_values = {
+										"serial_and_batch_bundle":,
 										"rejected_qty": Math.abs(r.total_qty)
-									});
+									}
+									if (r.warehouse) {
+										update_values["rejected_warehouse"] = r.warehouse;
+									}
+									frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, update_values);
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js
index 2c8e50c..a47d131 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js
@@ -2292,8 +2292,9 @@
 erpnext.show_serial_batch_selector = function (frm, item_row, callback, on_close, show_dialog) {
-	debugger
 	let warehouse, receiving_stock, existing_stock;
+	let warehouse_field = "warehouse";
 	if (frm.doc.is_return) {
 		if (["Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice"].includes(frm.doc.doctype)) {
 			existing_stock = true;
@@ -2309,6 +2310,19 @@
 				existing_stock = true;
 				warehouse = item_row.s_warehouse;
+			if (in_list([
+					"Material Transfer",
+					"Send to Subcontractor",
+					"Material Issue",
+					"Material Consumption for Manufacture",
+					"Material Transfer for Manufacture"
+				], frm.doc.purpose)
+			) {
+				warehouse_field = "s_warehouse";
+			} else {
+				warehouse_field = "t_warehouse";
+			}
 		} else {
 			existing_stock = true;
 			warehouse = item_row.warehouse;
@@ -2335,10 +2349,16 @@
 		new erpnext.SerialBatchPackageSelector(frm, item_row, (r) => {
 			if (r) {
-				frappe.model.set_value(item_row.doctype,, {
+				let update_values = {
 					"qty": Math.abs(r.total_qty)
-				});
+				}
+				if (r.warehouse) {
+					update_values[warehouse_field] = r.warehouse;
+				}
+				frappe.model.set_value(item_row.doctype,, update_values);
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
index 217f568..0174ecf 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
@@ -48,6 +48,30 @@
 	get_dialog_fields() {
 		let fields = [];
+		fields.push({
+			fieldtype: 'Link',
+			fieldname: 'warehouse',
+			label: __('Warehouse'),
+			options: 'Warehouse',
+			default: this.get_warehouse(),
+			onchange: () => {
+				this.item.warehouse = this.dialog.get_value('warehouse');
+				this.get_auto_data()
+			},
+			get_query: () => {
+				return {
+					filters: {
+						'is_group': 0,
+						'company':,
+					}
+				};
+			}
+		});
+		fields.push({
+			fieldtype: 'Column Break',
+		});
 		if (this.item.has_serial_no) {
 				fieldtype: 'Data',
@@ -73,13 +97,6 @@
 				fieldtype: 'Data',
 				fieldname: 'scan_batch_no',
 				label: __('Scan Batch No'),
-				get_query: () => {
-					return {
-						filters: {
-							'item': this.item.item_code
-						}
-					};
-				},
 				onchange: () => this.update_serial_batch_no()
@@ -246,11 +263,21 @@
 					label: __('Batch No'),
 					in_list_view: 1,
 					get_query: () => {
-						return {
-							filters: {
-								'item': this.item.item_code
+						if (!this.item.outward) {
+							return {
+								filters: {
+									'item': this.item.item_code,
+								}
-						};
+						} else {
+							return {
+								query : "erpnext.controllers.queries.get_batch_no",
+								filters: {
+									'item_code': this.item.item_code,
+									'warehouse': this.get_warehouse()
+								}
+							}
+						}
@@ -278,29 +305,31 @@
 	get_auto_data() {
-		const { qty, based_on } = this.dialog.get_values();
+		let { qty, based_on } = this.dialog.get_values();
 		if (!based_on) {
 			based_on = 'FIFO';
-			method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_and_batch_bundle.serial_and_batch_bundle.get_auto_data',
-			args: {
-				item_code: this.item.item_code,
-				warehouse: this.item.warehouse || this.item.s_warehouse,
-				has_serial_no: this.item.has_serial_no,
-				has_batch_no: this.item.has_batch_no,
-				qty: qty,
-				based_on: based_on
-			},
-			callback: (r) => {
-				if (r.message) {
- = r.message;
-					this.dialog.fields_dict.entries.grid.refresh();
+		if (qty) {
+				method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_and_batch_bundle.serial_and_batch_bundle.get_auto_data',
+				args: {
+					item_code: this.item.item_code,
+					warehouse: this.item.warehouse || this.item.s_warehouse,
+					has_serial_no: this.item.has_serial_no,
+					has_batch_no: this.item.has_batch_no,
+					qty: qty,
+					based_on: based_on
+				},
+				callback: (r) => {
+					if (r.message) {
+ = r.message;
+						this.dialog.fields_dict.entries.grid.refresh();
+					}
-			}
-		});
+			});
+		}
 	update_serial_batch_no() {
@@ -325,6 +354,7 @@
 	update_ledgers() {
 		let entries = this.dialog.get_values().entries;
+		let warehouse = this.dialog.get_value('warehouse');
 		if (entries && !entries.length || !entries) {
 			frappe.throw(__('Please add atleast one Serial No / Batch No'));
@@ -336,6 +366,7 @@
 				entries: entries,
 				child_row: this.item,
 				doc: this.frm.doc,
+				warehouse: warehouse,
 		}).then(r => {
 			this.callback && this.callback(r.message);
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_and_batch_bundle/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_and_batch_bundle/
index f463751..7e5cac9 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_and_batch_bundle/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_and_batch_bundle/
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
-def add_serial_batch_ledgers(entries, child_row, doc) -> object:
+def add_serial_batch_ledgers(entries, child_row, doc, warehouse) -> object:
 	if isinstance(child_row, str):
 		child_row = frappe._dict(parse_json(child_row))
@@ -927,21 +927,23 @@
 		parent_doc = parse_json(doc)
 	if frappe.db.exists("Serial and Batch Bundle", child_row.serial_and_batch_bundle):
-		doc = update_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc)
+		doc = update_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc, warehouse)
-		doc = create_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc)
+		doc = create_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc, warehouse)
 	return doc
-def create_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc) -> object:
+def create_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc, warehouse=None) -> object:
-	warehouse = child_row.rejected_warhouse if child_row.is_rejected else child_row.warehouse
+	warehouse = warehouse or (
+		child_row.rejected_warehouse if child_row.is_rejected else child_row.warehouse
+	)
 	type_of_transaction = child_row.type_of_transaction
 	if parent_doc.get("doctype") == "Stock Entry":
 		type_of_transaction = "Outward" if child_row.s_warehouse else "Inward"
-		warehouse = child_row.s_warehouse or child_row.t_warehouse
+		warehouse = warehouse or child_row.s_warehouse or child_row.t_warehouse
 	doc = frappe.get_doc(
@@ -977,11 +979,12 @@
 	return doc
-def update_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc) -> object:
+def update_serial_batch_no_ledgers(entries, child_row, parent_doc, warehouse=None) -> object:
 	doc = frappe.get_doc("Serial and Batch Bundle", child_row.serial_and_batch_bundle)
 	doc.voucher_detail_no =
 	doc.posting_date = parent_doc.posting_date
 	doc.posting_time = parent_doc.posting_time
+	doc.warehouse = warehouse or doc.warehouse
 	doc.set("entries", [])
 	for d in entries:
@@ -989,7 +992,7 @@
 				"qty": d.get("qty") * (1 if doc.type_of_transaction == "Inward" else -1),
-				"warehouse": d.get("warehouse"),
+				"warehouse": warehouse or d.get("warehouse"),
 				"batch_no": d.get("batch_no"),
 				"serial_no": d.get("serial_no"),
@@ -1223,13 +1226,14 @@
 def get_auto_batch_nos(kwargs):
 	available_batches = get_available_batches(kwargs)
 	qty = flt(kwargs.qty)
 	stock_ledgers_batches = get_stock_ledgers_batches(kwargs)
 	if stock_ledgers_batches:
 		update_available_batches(available_batches, stock_ledgers_batches)
+	available_batches = list(filter(lambda x: x.qty > 0, available_batches))
 	if not qty:
 		return available_batches
@@ -1264,9 +1268,15 @@
 def update_available_batches(available_batches, reserved_batches):
-	for batch in available_batches:
-		if batch.batch_no and batch.batch_no in reserved_batches:
-			batch.qty -= reserved_batches[batch.batch_no]
+	for batch_no, data in reserved_batches.items():
+		batch_not_exists = True
+		for batch in available_batches:
+			if batch.batch_no == batch_no:
+				batch.qty += data.qty
+				batch_not_exists = False
+		if batch_not_exists:
+			available_batches.append(data)
 def get_available_batches(kwargs):
@@ -1287,7 +1297,7 @@
 		.where(((batch_table.expiry_date >= today()) | (batch_table.expiry_date.isnull())))
 		.where(stock_ledger_entry.is_cancelled == 0)
-		.groupby(batch_ledger.batch_no)
+		.groupby(batch_ledger.batch_no, batch_ledger.warehouse)
 	if kwargs.get("posting_date"):
@@ -1326,7 +1336,6 @@
 		query = query.where(stock_ledger_entry.voucher_no.notin(kwargs.get("ignore_voucher_nos")))
 	data =
-	data = list(filter(lambda x: x.qty > 0, data))
 	return data
@@ -1452,9 +1461,12 @@
 def get_stock_ledgers_batches(kwargs):
 	stock_ledger_entry = frappe.qb.DocType("Stock Ledger Entry")
+	batch_table = frappe.qb.DocType("Batch")
 	query = (
+		.inner_join(batch_table)
+		.on(stock_ledger_entry.batch_no ==
@@ -1474,10 +1486,16 @@
 			query = query.where(stock_ledger_entry[field] == kwargs.get(field))
-	data =
+	if kwargs.based_on == "LIFO":
+		query = query.orderby(batch_table.creation, order=frappe.qb.desc)
+	elif kwargs.based_on == "Expiry":
+		query = query.orderby(batch_table.expiry_date)
+	else:
+		query = query.orderby(batch_table.creation)
-	batches = defaultdict(float)
+	data =
+	batches = {}
 	for d in data:
-		batches[d.batch_no] += d.qty
+		batches[d.batch_no] = d
 	return batches