fixes to recent patch and removed company_control, home_control, webforms, wip_monitor
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deleted file mode 100644
index baffc48..0000000
--- a/home/doctype/company_control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
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deleted file mode 100644
index c18610b..0000000
--- a/home/doctype/company_control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# ERPNext - web based ERP (
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import webnotes
-from webnotes.utils import cint, cstr
-from webnotes.model import db_exists
-from webnotes.model.doc import Document
-from webnotes.model.wrapper import copy_doclist
-from webnotes import session
-sql = webnotes.conn.sql
-class DocType:
-	def __init__(self,d,dl):
-		self.doc, self.doclist = d,dl
-	# All roles of Role Master
-	def get_all_roles(self):
-		r_list=sql("select name from `tabRole` where name not in ('All','Guest','Administrator','Customer','Supplier') and docstatus != 2")
-		if r_list[0][0]:
-			r_list = [x[0] for x in r_list]
-		return r_list
-	# Get all permissions for given role	
-	def get_permission(self,role):
-		perm = sql("select distinct t1.`parent`, t1.`read`, t1.`write`, t1.`create`, t1.`submit`,t1.`cancel`,t1.`amend` from `tabDocPerm` t1, `tabDocType` t2 where t1.`role` ='%s' and t1.docstatus !=2 and ifnull(t1.permlevel, 0) = 0 and t1.`read` = 1 and t2.module != 'Recycle Bin' and " % role)
-		return perm or ''
-	# Get roles for given user
-	def get_user_roles(self,usr):
-		r_list=sql("select role from `tabUserRole` where parent=%s and role not in ('All','Guest')",usr)
-		if r_list:
-			return [r[0] for r in r_list]
-		else:
-			return ''
-	# Update roles of given user
-	def update_roles(self,arg):
-		arg = eval(arg)
-		sql("delete from `tabUserRole` where parenttype='Profile' and parent ='%s'" % (cstr(arg['usr'])))
-		role_list = arg['role_list'].split(',')
-		for r in role_list:
-			pr=Document('UserRole')
-			pr.parent = arg['usr']
-			pr.parenttype = 'Profile'
-			pr.role = r
-			pr.parentfield = 'userroles'
-		# Update Membership Type at Gateway
-		from webnotes.utils import cint
-		webnotes.clear_cache(cstr(arg['usr']))
-	# Save profile
-	def save_profile(self,arg):
-		arg = eval(arg)
-		p = Document('Profile', session['user'])
-		for k in arg:
-			p.fields[k] = arg[k]
-	def get_login_url(self):
-		return session['data']['login_from']
-	def get_user_info(self):
-		usr = sql("select count(name) from tabProfile where docstatus != 2 and name not in ('Guest','Administrator')")
-		usr = usr and usr[0][0] or 0
-		ol = sql("select count(distinct from tabProfile t1, tabSessions t2 where = t2.user and not in('Guest','Administrator') and TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,t2.lastupdate,NOW()) <= 1 and t1.docstatus != 2 and t1.enabled=1")
-		ol = ol and ol[0][0] or 0
-		ac = sql("select count(name) from tabProfile where enabled=1 and docstatus != 2 and name not in ('Guest', 'Administrator')")
-		ac = ac and ac[0][0] or 0
-		inac = sql("select count(name) from tabProfile where (enabled=0 or enabled is null or enabled = '') and docstatus != 2 and name not in ('Guest','Administrator')")
-		inac = inac and inac[0][0] or 0
-		return usr, ol, ac, inac
-	def get_sm_count(self)	:
-		return sql("select count(t1.parent) from tabUserRole t1, tabProfile t2 where t1.role='System Manager' and t1.parent = and t2.enabled=1")[0][0] or 0
diff --git a/home/doctype/company_control/company_control.txt b/home/doctype/company_control/company_control.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 90952d1..0000000
--- a/home/doctype/company_control/company_control.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# DocType, Company Control
-	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-	{
-		'creation': '2012-03-27 14:35:52',
-		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-03-27 14:35:52',
-		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
-		'owner': u'Administrator'
-	},
-	# These values are common for all DocType
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'issingle': 1,
-		'module': u'Home',
-		'name': '__common__',
-		'section_style': u'Simple',
-		'server_code_error': u' ',
-		'version': 13
-	},
-	# DocType, Company Control
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': u'Company Control'
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/home_control/ b/home/doctype/home_control/
deleted file mode 100644
index baffc48..0000000
--- a/home/doctype/home_control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
diff --git a/home/doctype/home_control/ b/home/doctype/home_control/
deleted file mode 100644
index 75ab222..0000000
--- a/home/doctype/home_control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-# ERPNext - web based ERP (
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import webnotes
-from webnotes.utils import add_days, cint, cstr, getdate, now, nowdate
-from webnotes.model.doc import Document
-from webnotes import session, msgprint
-sql = webnotes.conn.sql
-try: import json
-except: import simplejson as json
-class DocType:
-	def __init__(self,d,dl):
-		self.doc, self.doclist = d,dl
-# ------------------------------------- Home page module details -----------------------------------------
-	def delete_cache(self):
-		com = sql("select abbr, name from tabCompany")
-		for d in com:
-			sql("update `tabCompany` set receivables_group = '%s' where (receivables_group = '%s' or receivables_group = '' or receivables_group is null) and name = '%s'" % ('Accounts Receivable - '+cstr(d[0]), 'Accounts Receivables - '+cstr(d[0]), d[1]))
-			sql("update `tabCompany` set payables_group = '%s' where (payables_group = '%s' or payables_group = '' or payables_group is null) and name = '%s'" % ('Accounts Payable - '+cstr(d[0]), 'Accounts Payables - '+cstr(d[0]), d[1]))
-	def get_modules(self):
-		rl = webnotes.user.get_roles()
-		ml = sql("select distinct, t1.module_icon, t1.module_label, t1.module_desc, t1.module_page from  `tabModule Def` t1, `tabModule Def Role` t2 where t2.role in ('%s') and t1.disabled !='Yes' and ifnull(t1.is_hidden, 'No') != 'Yes' and = t2.parent order by t1.module_seq asc" % "','".join(rl), as_dict=1)
-		webnotes.response['login_url'] = session['data'].get('login_from', '')		
-		return ml
-	def get_module_details(self,m):
-		ret = {}
-		ret['il'] = sql('select doc_type, doc_name, display_name, icon, description, fields, click_function, idx from `tabModule Def Item` where parent=%s and ifnull(`hide`,0)=0 order by idx asc', m, as_dict=1)
-		ret['wl'] = sql('select widget_code from `tabModule Def` where name =%s', m)[0][0] or ''
-		ret['custom_reports'] = sql('''
-			SELECT DISTINCT t1.criteria_name AS `display_name`, t1.description, t1.doc_type AS `doc_name`, 'Custom Reports' AS `doc_type` 
-			FROM `tabSearch Criteria` t1, `tabDocPerm` t2 
-			WHERE t1.module = "%s" 
-			AND IFNULL(t1.disabled,0) = 0 
-			AND (t1.doc_type=t2.parent OR t1.parent_doc_type = t2.parent) 
-			AND t2.permlevel = 0 
-			AND 
-			AND t2.role IN ("%s") 
-			AND ifnull(standard,"No")="No"''' % (m, '", "'.join(webnotes.user.get_roles())), as_dict=1)
-		return ret
-	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	# ----------------------------------------------- Home page updates ----------------------------------------------
-	def get_events_list(self):
-		import webnotes, webnotes.utils
-		from webnotes.widgets.event import get_cal_events
-		dl = get_cal_events(nowdate(), add_days(nowdate(), 7))
-		el = []
-		for d in dl:
-			#el.append([, d.event_date, d.event_hour, d.event_name, d.description or '', d.ref_type or '', d.ref_name or '', d.owner])
-			dict = {
-				'name':,
-				'event_date': d.event_date,
-				'event_hour': d.event_hour,
-				'event_name': d.event_name,
-				'description': d.description,
-				'notes': d.notes,
-				'event_type': d.event_type,
-				'ref_type': d.ref_type,
-				'ref_name': d.ref_name,
-				'owner' : d.owner
-			}
-			el.append(dict)
-		return el
-	def get_activity_list(self):
-		out = {}
-		import webnotes
-		rt = webnotes.user.can_read
-		dt_list = [d[0] for d in sql("select distinct from tabDocField t1, tabDocType t2 where t1.fieldname='status' and t1.docstatus=0 and (t2.istable is null or t2.istable = 0) and t1.parent =")]
-		if not dt_list:
-			return out
-		# get list of activity dt
-		for dt in dt_list:
-			if dt in rt:
-				out[dt] = {}
-				# get status list
-				sl = sql("select distinct status from `tab%s`" % dt)
-				for s in sl:
-					if s[0]:
-						# get count
-						cnt = sql("select count(*) from `tab%s` where status = '%s' and modified > '%s'" % (dt, s[0], add_days(nowdate(), -7)))[0][0]
-						out[dt][s[0]] = cint(cnt)
-		return out
-	def get_dt_help(self,dt):
-		return sql("select description from tabDocType where name=%s",dt)[0][0] or ''
-	def get_wip_counts(self):
-		#dtl = ['Lead', 'Enquiries', 'Sales Order', 'Invoices', 'Purchase Request', 'Purchase Order', 'Bills', 'Tasks', 'Delivery Note', 'Maintenance']
-		can_read_dt = ['Lead', 'Opportunity', 'Sales Order', 'Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Request', 'Purchase Order', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Delivery Note', 'Task', 'Serial No']
-		dt = {}
-		for d in can_read_dt:
-			args = {}
-			# if Lead
-			if d=='Lead':
-				args = {'To follow up':sql("select count(name) from tabLead where status!='Converted' and status!='Lead Lost' and status!='Not Interested'")}
-			# if Opportunity
-			elif d=='Opportunity':
-				args['Quotations to be sent'] = sql("select count(distinct( from `tabQuotation`t1, `tabOpportunity`t2 where t1.enq_no! and t2.docstatus=1")
-				args['To follow up'] = sql("select count(distinct( from `tabQuotation`t1, `tabOpportunity`t2 where and t2.docstatus=1 and t1.docstatus=1")
-			# if Sales Order
-			elif d=='Sales Order':
-				args['To be delivered'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Order` where ifnull(per_delivered,0)<100 and delivery_date>now() and docstatus=1")
-				args['To be billed'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Order` where ifnull(per_billed,0)<100 and docstatus=1")
-				args['Overdue'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Order` where ifnull(per_delivered,0)<100 and delivery_date<now() and docstatus=1")
-				args['To be submitted'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Order` where docstatus=0 and status='Draft'")      #Draft
-			# if Sales Invoice
-			elif d=='Sales Invoice':
-				args['To receive payment'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Invoice` where docstatus=1 and due_date>now() and outstanding_amount!=0")
-				args['Overdue'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Invoice` where docstatus=1 and due_date<now() and outstanding_amount!=0")  
-				args['To be submitted'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSales Invoice` where docstatus=0")       #Draft
-			# if Purchase Request 
-			elif d=='Purchase Request':
-				args['Purchase Order to be made'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Request` where ifnull(per_ordered,0)<100 and docstatus=1")
-				args['To be submitted'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Request` where status='Draft'")      #Draft
-			# if Purchase Order    
-			elif d=='Purchase Order':
-				args['To receive items'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Order` where ifnull(per_received,0)<100 and docstatus=1")
-				args['To be billed'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Order` where ifnull(per_billed,0)<100 and docstatus=1")
-				args['To be submitted'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Order` where status='Draft'")        #Draft
-			# if Purchase Invoice
-			elif d=='Purchase Invoice':
-				args['To be paid'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Invoice` where docstatus=1 and outstanding_amount!=0")
-				args['To be submitted'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Invoice` where docstatus=0")       #Draft
-			# if Delivery Note
-			elif d=='Delivery Note':
-				args['To be submitted'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabDelivery Note` where status='Draft' and docstatus=0")
-				args['To be billed'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabDelivery Note` where docstatus=1 and docstatus=1 and ifnull(per_billed,0)<100")
-			# if Tasks
-			elif d=='Task':
-				args = {'Open': sql("select count(name) from `tabTask` where status='Open'")}
-			# if Serial No
-			elif d=='Serial No':
-				args['AMC expiring this month'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSerial No` where docstatus!=2 and maintenance_status = 'Under AMC' and status!='Scrapped' and status!='Not in Use' and month(now()) = month(amc_expiry_date) and year(now()) = year(amc_expiry_date)")
-				args['Warranty expiring this month'] = sql("select count(name) from `tabSerial No` where docstatus!=2 and maintenance_status = 'Under Warranty' and status!='Scrapped' and status!='Not in Use' and month(now()) = month(ifnull(warranty_expiry_date,0)) and year(now())=year(ifnull(warranty_expiry_date,0))")
-			for a in args:
-				args[a] = args[a] and args[a][0][0] or 0
-			dt[d] = args
-		return dt
-	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	def get_todo_count(self):
-		count = sql("select count(distinct name) from `tabToDo` where owner=%s", session['user'])
-		count = count and count[0][0] or 0
-		return count
-	def get_todo_list(self):
-		res = sql("""select name, description, `date`, 
-			priority, checked, reference_type, reference_name from `tabToDo` 
-			where owner=%s order by field(priority,'High','Medium','Low') asc, date asc""", \
-				session['user'], as_dict=1)
-		return res
-	def add_todo_item(self,args):
-		args = json.loads(args)
-		d = Document('ToDo', args.get('name') or None)
-		d.description = args['description']
- = args['date']
-		d.priority = args['priority']
-		d.checked = args.get('checked', 0)
-		d.owner = session['user']
- args.get('name') and 1 or 0)
-		if args.get('name') and d.checked:
-			self.notify_assignment(d)
-		return
-	def remove_todo_item(self,nm):
-		d = Document('ToDo', nm or None)
-		if d and
-			self.notify_assignment(d)
-		sql("delete from `tabToDo` where name = %s",nm)
-	def notify_assignment(self, d):
-		doc_type = d.fields.get('reference_type')
-		doc_name = d.fields.get('reference_name')
-		assigned_by = d.fields.get('assigned_by')
-		if doc_type and doc_name and assigned_by:
-			from webnotes.widgets.form import assign_to
-			assign_to.notify_assignment(assigned_by, d.owner, doc_type, doc_name)
-	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	def dismiss_message(self, arg=''):
-		msg_id = webnotes.conn.get_global('system_message_id')
-		webnotes.conn.set_global('system_message_id', msg_id, session['user'])
-	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	def get_todo_reminder(self):
-		return webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists(sql("select name, description, date, priority,checked from `tabToDo` where owner=%s and date=%s and checked=1 order by priority, date", (session['user'], nowdate())))
-	# get user details
-	def get_users(self):
-		ret = {}
-		ret['usr'] = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists(sql("select distinct name, concat_ws(' ', first_name, last_name), ifnull(messanger_status,'Available') from tabProfile where name=%s", session['user']))
-		ret['on'] = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists(sql("select distinct, concat_ws(' ', t1.first_name, t1.last_name), ifnull(t1.messanger_status,'Available') from tabProfile t1, tabSessions t2 where = t2.user and not in('Guest',%s) and TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,t2.lastupdate,NOW()) <= 1", session['user']))
-		ret['off'] = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists(sql("select distinct, concat_ws(' ', t1.first_name, t1.last_name), ifnull(t1.messanger_status,'Offline') from tabProfile t1, tabSessions t2 where != t2.user and not in('Guest',%s) and not in(select distinct from tabProfile t1, tabSessions t2 where = t2.user and not in('Guest',%s) and (t1.messanger_status !='Invisible' or t1.messanger_status is null) and TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,t2.lastupdate,NOW()) <= 1)", (session['user'], session['user'])))
-		return ret
-	# Delete event
-	def delete_event(self,id):
-		sql("delete from tabEvent where name=%s", id)
-	# edit event
-	def edit_event(self,arg):
-		arg = json.loads(arg)
-		d = Document('Event', arg.get('name') or None)
-		for k in arg:
-			d.fields[k] = str(arg[k])
- arg.get('name') and 1 or 0)
-	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	# module settings
-	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	def get_module_order(self):
-		show_list = ['Home','Setup','Accounts','Selling','Buying','Support','Stock','HR','Projects','Analysis','Production']
-		ml = filter(lambda x: x[0] in show_list, \
-			sql("select name, module_label, module_seq, is_hidden from `tabModule Def` where docstatus<2 order by module_seq asc, module_label asc"))
-		return webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists(ml)
-	def set_module_order(self,arg):
-		arg = eval(arg)
-		for k in arg:
-			sql("update `tabModule Def` set module_seq = %s, is_hidden = %s where name = %s", (cint(arg[k]['module_seq']) + 1, arg[k]['is_hidden'], k))
-	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	def get_bd_list(self):
-		bl = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists(sql("select name,concat_ws(' ',first_name,last_name),birth_date from tabProfile where (birth_date is not null and birth_date != '') and (enabled is not null and enabled !='')"))
-		nd = nowdate().split('-')
-		d = cint(nd[2])
-		m = cint(nd[1])
-		tb = []
-		for b in bl:
-			if b[2] and b[2].find('-') != -1:
-				if cint(b[2].split('-')[2]) == d and cint(b[2].split('-')[1]) == m:
-					tb.append(b)
-		return tb
-	# obtain account id for webforms
-	def get_acc_id(self):
-		acc_id = sql("select value from `tabSingles` where field='account_id' and doctype='Control Panel'")
-		acc_id = acc_id and acc_id[0][0] or ''
-		if acc_id:
-			return cstr(acc_id)
-		else:
-			msgprint("Account Id not specified")
-			raise Exception
-	#update serial no status
-	def update_serial_status(self, lst, status):
-		lst11=[]
-		for y1 in lst:
-			sql("update `tabSerial No` set maintenance_status = %s where name=%s", (status,y1))
-			lst11.append(y1)
-			msgprint("Status updated as '"+status+"' for "+cstr(lst11))
-	# chk to set serial no status as 'Out of warranty'
-	def set_for_out_of_warranty(self):
-		chk_for_out_of_wrnty = sql("select name from `tabSerial No` where ifnull(warranty_expiry_date, '2200-12-12') < CURDATE() and ifnull(warranty_expiry_date, '0000-00-00') != '0000-00-00' and ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '0000-00-00') ='0000-00-00' and ifnull(maintenance_status, '') != 'Out of Warranty'")
-		if chk_for_out_of_wrnty:
-			lst1 = [x1[0] for x1 in chk_for_out_of_wrnty]
-			self.update_serial_status(lst1, 'Out Of Warranty')
-	# chk to set serial no status as 'Out of amc'
-	def set_for_out_of_amc(self):
-		chk_for_out_of_amc = sql("select name from `tabSerial No` where ifnull(warranty_expiry_date, '0000-00-00')< CURDATE() and ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '2200-12-12') < CURDATE() and ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '0000-00-00') !='0000-00-00' and ifnull(maintenance_status, '') !='Out of AMC'")
-		if chk_for_out_of_amc:
-			lst2 = [x2[0] for x2 in chk_for_out_of_amc]
-			self.update_serial_status(lst2, 'Out Of AMC')
-	# chk to set serial no status as 'under amc'
-	def set_for_under_amc(self):
-		chk_for_under_amc = sql("select name from `tabSerial No` where ifnull(warranty_expiry_date, '0000-00-00')< CURDATE() and ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '2200-12-12') >= CURDATE() and ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '0000-00-00') !='0000-00-00' and ifnull(maintenance_status, '') !='Under AMC'")
-		if chk_for_under_amc:
-			lst3 = [x3[0] for x3 in chk_for_under_amc]
-			self.update_serial_status(lst3, 'Under AMC')
-	# chk to set serial no status as 'under warranty'
-	def set_for_under_warranty(self):
-		chk_for_under_wrnty = sql("select name from `tabSerial No` where ifnull(warranty_expiry_date, '2200-12-12') >= CURDATE() and ifnull(warranty_expiry_date, '0000-00-00') != '0000-00-00' and ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '0000-00-00') ='0000-00-00' and ifnull(maintenance_status, '') != 'Under Warranty'")
-		if chk_for_under_wrnty:
-			lst4 = [x4[0] for x4 in chk_for_under_wrnty]
-			self.update_serial_status(lst4, 'Under Warranty')
-	# check maintenance status for all serial nos only for 1st login each day
-	def set_serial_no_status(self):
-		chk_serial_no_update_date = webnotes.conn.get_global('maintenance_status_update_date')
-		# check status only for 1st login each day.... if maintenance date already updated means it is checked
-		if getdate(chk_serial_no_update_date) != nowdate():
-			# chk to set serial no status as 'Out of warranty'
-			self.set_for_out_of_warranty()                        
-			# chk to set serial no status as 'Out of amc'
-			self.set_for_out_of_amc()
-			# chk to set serial no status as 'under amc'
-			self.set_for_under_amc()
-			# chk to set serial no status as 'under warranty'
-			self.set_for_under_warranty()
-			#set maintenance_status_update_date
-			webnotes.conn.set_global('maintenance_status_update_date', nowdate())
-	# get user fullname
-	def get_user_fullname(self,usr):	
-		return sql("select concat_ws(' ',first_name, last_name) from tabProfile where name=%s", usr)[0][0] or ''
diff --git a/home/doctype/home_control/home_control.txt b/home/doctype/home_control/home_control.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9098e..0000000
--- a/home/doctype/home_control/home_control.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# DocType, Home Control
-	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-	{
-		'creation': '2012-03-27 14:35:53',
-		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-03-27 14:35:53',
-		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
-		'owner': u'Administrator'
-	},
-	# These values are common for all DocType
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'issingle': 1,
-		'module': u'Home',
-		'name': '__common__',
-		'section_style': u'Simple',
-		'server_code_error': u' ',
-		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'version': 6
-	},
-	# These values are common for all DocPerm
-	{
-		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
-		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': u'Home Control',
-		'parentfield': u'permissions',
-		'parenttype': u'DocType',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'read': 1,
-		'write': 1
-	},
-	# DocType, Home Control
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': u'Home Control'
-	},
-	# DocPerm
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
-		'role': u'System Manager'
-	},
-	# DocPerm
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
-		'role': u'Guest'
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js b/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js
index 04d366a..f41c547 100644
--- a/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js
+++ b/home/page/latest_updates/latest_updates.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 erpnext.updates = [
 	["12th December 2012", [
 		"Attachments: Attachments can be set as URLs or File Uploads. This will help if people want to share documents from Google Docs, Dropbox and other such services (esp for the Product listings on websites).",
+		"Global Defaults: Session Expiry can now be set in Global Defaults.",
 	["6th December 2012", [
 		"Rename: Cost Center, Item Group, Customer Group, Supplier Type, Territory, Sales Person can now be renamed.",
diff --git a/patches/december_2012/ b/patches/december_2012/
index ee94121..c92c487 100644
--- a/patches/december_2012/
+++ b/patches/december_2012/
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import webnotes, json
 def execute():
 	for p in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, recent_documents from 
 		tabProfile where ifnull(recent_documents,'')!=''"""):
-		if not '~~~' in p[1]:
+		if not '~~~' in p[1] and p[1][0]=='[':
 			webnotes.cache().set_value("recent:" + p[0], json.loads(p[1]))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/page/webforms/ b/setup/page/webforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index baffc48..0000000
--- a/setup/page/webforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
diff --git a/setup/page/webforms/webforms.html b/setup/page/webforms/webforms.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e1717dc..0000000
--- a/setup/page/webforms/webforms.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<div class="layout_wrapper">
-<div id="webform_div"></div>
-<p><strong>Note : </strong>Copy and paste code provided below in your website wherever you want to show the form to capture details</p>
-<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>Lead</strong></span></p>
-<div id="lead_div"></div>
-<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>Customer Issue</strong></span></p>
-<div id="cust_issue_div"></div>
-<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>Job Application</strong></span></p>
-<div id="job_div"></div>
-<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>Ticket</strong></span></p>
-<div id="ticket_div"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/page/webforms/webforms.js b/setup/page/webforms/webforms.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 85caadf..0000000
--- a/setup/page/webforms/webforms.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// ERPNext - web based ERP (
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-pscript.onload_Webforms = function(){
-  $c_obj('Home Control','get_acc_id','', function(r,rt) {
-    if(r.message) {
-      var acc_id = r.message; 
-  var parent = $i('webform_div');
-  new PageHeader(parent,'Web Forms','');
-      var lead_dv = $a('lead_div','div', '', {border:'1px solid #AAA', padding:'8px', width:'90%'});
-      var cust_issue_dv = $a('cust_issue_div','div', '', {border:'1px solid #AAA', padding:'8px', width:'95%'});
-      var job_dv = $a('job_div','div', '', {border:'1px solid #AAA', padding:'8px', width:'95%'});
-      var ticket_dv = $a('ticket_div','div', '', {border:'1px solid #AAA', padding:'8px', width:'95%'});
-      // url
-      if(window.location.href.indexOf('?')!=-1)
-        var url = window.location.href.split('?')[0];
-      else
-        var url = window.location.href.split('#')[0];
-      lead_dv.innerHTML = '&lt;iframe src ="'+url+'?ac_name='+acc_id+'&embed=Lead" width ="400" height="800" frameborder="0"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;';
-      cust_issue_dv.innerHTML = '&lt;iframe src ="'+url+'?ac_name='+acc_id+'&embed=Customer Issue" width ="400" height="500" frameborder="0"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;';
-      job_dv.innerHTML = '&lt;iframe src ="'+url+'?ac_name='+acc_id+'&embed=Job Application"  width ="400" height="800" frameborder="0""&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;';
-      ticket_dv.innerHTML = '&lt;iframe src ="'+url+'?ac_name='+acc_id+'&embed=Support Ticket"  width ="400" height="800" frameborder="0""&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;';
-    }
-  }); 
diff --git a/setup/page/webforms/webforms.txt b/setup/page/webforms/webforms.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e2970b..0000000
--- a/setup/page/webforms/webforms.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# Page, Webforms
-	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-	{
-		'creation': '2010-10-14 11:15:59',
-		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-01-04 13:19:54',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': ''
-	},
-	# These values are common for all Page
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page',
-		'module': 'Setup',
-		'name': '__common__',
-		'page_name': 'Webforms',
-		'show_in_menu': 1,
-		'standard': 'Yes'
-	},
-	# These values are common for all Page Role
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page Role',
-		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Webforms',
-		'parentfield': 'roles',
-		'parenttype': 'Page'
-	},
-	# Page, Webforms
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page',
-		'name': 'Webforms'
-	},
-	# Page Role
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page Role',
-		'idx': 1,
-		'role': 'Administrator'
-	},
-	# Page Role
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page Role',
-		'idx': 2,
-		'role': 'System Manager'
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/page/webforms/webforms_static.html b/setup/page/webforms/webforms_static.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3488a17..0000000
--- a/setup/page/webforms/webforms_static.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/startup/ b/startup/
index 9cd1af9..f526c73 100644
--- a/startup/
+++ b/startup/
@@ -25,14 +25,10 @@
 		update login_from and delete parallel sessions
 	# Clear previous sessions i.e. logout previous log-in attempts
-	exception_list = ['', 'Administrator', 'Guest']
-	if webnotes.session['user'] not in exception_list:
-		sid_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""
-			DELETE FROM `tabSessions`
-				user=%s AND
-				sid!=%s""", \
-			(webnotes.session['user'], webnotes.session['sid']), as_list=1)
+	allow_multiple_sessions = ['', 'Administrator', 'Guest']
+	if webnotes.session['user'] not in allow_multiple_sessions:
+		from webnotes.sessions import clear_sessions
+		clear_sessions(webnotes.session.user, keep_current=True)
 		# check if account is expired
diff --git a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/ b/utilities/page/wip_monitor/
deleted file mode 100644
index baffc48..0000000
--- a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
diff --git a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.html b/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b7eb59e..0000000
--- a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<div id="wip_head"></div>
-<div id="wip_body" style="margin:16px"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.js b/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fcfc96f..0000000
--- a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// ERPNext - web based ERP (
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-pscript['onload_WIP Monitor'] = function(){
-	wip = new WIP_Monitor();
-	var h = new PageHeader('wip_head','Work in Progress Monitor','A quick glance at your work in progress and pipeline');
-	h.add_button('Refresh', function(){ wip = new WIP_Monitor();}, 1, 'ui-icon-refresh');
-// Work In Progress Monitor
-// =========================================================================================================================================================
-WIP_Monitor = function(){					
-	var me = this;
-  this.row_index = 0;
-  $c_obj('Home Control','get_wip_counts','',function(r,rt){
-    me.make_wip_dashboard(r.message);
-  });
-// Make wip dashboard
-// ------------------
-WIP_Monitor.prototype.make_wip_dashboard = function(wip_dict)
-	var me = this;
-	// list of doctypes which user can read
-	var can_read_dt = ['Lead', 'Opportunity', 'Sales Order', 'Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Request', 'Purchase Order', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Delivery Note', 'Task', 'Serial No'];
-	$i('wip_body').innerHTML = '';
- = make_table('wip_body',1,0,'100%',[],{padding:'4px'});
-	for(var k=0; k<can_read_dt.length; k++){
-    // check if the user can read these doctypes
-		if(in_list(profile.can_read, get_doctype_label(can_read_dt[k])))
-    {
-      var work = can_read_dt[k];
-      if([this.row_index].cells.length==2){
-        this.row_index = this.row_index + 1;
-      }
-      var parent =[this.row_index].insertCell([this.row_index].cells.length);
-      $y(parent, {paddingBottom:'16px', width:'50%', paddingLeft:'8px'})
-      me.show_wip_dashboard(parent, work, wip_dict[work]);
-    }
-	}
-// Show wip dashboard
-// ------------------
-WIP_Monitor.prototype.show_wip_dashboard = function(parent, head, report_dict)
-	var me = this;
-	var report_dt
-	// dictionary for labels to be displayed
-	var wip_lbl_map = {'Lead':'Lead', 'Opportunity':'Enquiries', 'Sales Order':'Sales Order', 'Sales Invoice':'Invoices', 'Purchase Request':'Purchase Request', 'Purchase Order':'Purchase Order', 'Purchase Invoice':'Bills', 'Delivery Note':'Delivery Note', 'Task':'Tasks', 'Serial No':'Maintenance'};
-	// header
-	var h = $a(parent,'h3');
-  h.innerHTML = wip_lbl_map[head];
-  report_dt = head;
-	for(report in report_dict){
-		me.make_report_body(parent, report, report_dict[report], report_dt);
-	}
-// Make wip report body
-// --------------------
-WIP_Monitor.prototype.make_report_body = function(parent, lbl, records, rep_dt)
-	var me = this;
-	dt_color = lbl=='Overdue' ? 'red' : 'black';
-	var tab2 = make_table(parent,1,2, '70%', ['10%', '90%'], {padding:'4px'});
-	// no of records
-	var s1 = $a($td(tab2,0,0), 'span', '', {fontWeight:'bold', fontSize:'12px', color:dt_color});
-	s1.innerHTML = records;
-	// link to report
-	var s1 = $a($td(tab2,0,1), 'span', 'link_type', {cursor:'pointer', color:'#DFH'});
-	s1.dt = rep_dt; = rep_dt + '-' + lbl;     s1.innerHTML = lbl;
-	s1.onclick = function() { loadreport(this.dt,; }
diff --git a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.txt b/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fc72a7a..0000000
--- a/utilities/page/wip_monitor/wip_monitor.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Page, WIP Monitor
-	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-	{
-		'creation': '2010-12-14 10:23:29',
-		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-01-04 11:12:39',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
-	},
-	# These values are common for all Page
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page',
-		'module': 'Utilities',
-		'name': '__common__',
-		'page_name': 'WIP Monitor',
-		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'standard': 'Yes'
-	},
-	# Page, WIP Monitor
-	{
-		'doctype': 'Page',
-		'name': 'WIP Monitor'
-	}
\ No newline at end of file