fixed confilct
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/fiscal_year.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/fiscal_year.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc25fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/fiscal_year.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, dt, dn) {
+	if (doc.__islocal) {
+		hide_field(['Repost Account Balances', 'Repost Voucher Outstanding']);
+		set_multiple(dt, dn, {'is_fiscal_year_closed': 'No'});
+	}
+	else unhide_field(['Repost Account Balances', 'Repost Voucher Outstanding']);
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/
index 9d854f6..84a1c05 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
 		if not in_transaction:
 			sql("start transaction")
-		self.update_opening()
+		self.update_opening(
@@ -97,17 +97,17 @@
 		return periods
 	# ====================================================================================
-	def update_opening(self):
+	def update_opening(self, company):
 			set opening from last year closing
-		abl = sql("select t1.account, t1.balance from `tabAccount Balance` t1, tabAccount t2 where t1.period= '%s' and '%s' and ifnull(t2.is_pl_account, 'No') = 'No' and t1.account = for update" % (self.doc.past_year,
+		abl = sql("select t1.account, t1.balance from `tabAccount Balance` t1, tabAccount t2 where t1.period= '%s' and '%s' and ifnull(t2.is_pl_account, 'No') = 'No' and t1.account = for update" % (self.doc.past_year, company))
 		cnt = 0
 		for ab in abl:
-			if cnt % 100 == 0: 
+			if cnt % 100 == 0:
 				sql("start transaction")
@@ -200,10 +200,19 @@
 	def create_periods(self):
 		get_obj('Period Control').generate_periods(
+	def validate(self):
+		if sql("select name from `tabFiscal Year` where year_start_date < %s", self.doc.year_start_date) and not self.doc.past_year:
+			msgprint("Please enter Past Year", raise_exception=1)
+		if not self.doc.is_fiscal_year_closed:
+			self.doc.is_fiscal_year_closed = 'No'
 	# on update
 	def on_update(self):
-		if not self.doc.is_fiscal_year_closed:
-			self.is_fiscal_year_closed = 'No'
+		if self.doc.fields.get('localname', '')[:15] == 'New Fiscal Year':
+			for d in sql("select name from tabCompany"):
+				self.update_opening(d[0])
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/
index 59e6cd1..00b6844 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/
@@ -151,12 +151,9 @@
 		# amount to debit
 		amt = flt(self.doc.debit) - flt(
 		if det[0][2] == 'Credit': amt = -amt
-		if cancel:
-			debit = -1 * flt(
-			credit = -1 * flt(self.doc.debit)
-		else:
-			debit = flt(self.doc.debit)
-			credit = flt(
+		debit = cancel and -1 * flt( or flt(self.doc.debit)
+		credit = cancel and -1 * flt(self.doc.debit) or flt(
@@ -174,6 +171,7 @@
 			,'fiscal_year': self.doc.fiscal_year
+		# Update account balance for current year
 		sql("""update `tabAccount Balance` ab, `tabAccount` a 
 					ab.debit = ifnull(ab.debit,0) + %(debit)s
@@ -187,6 +185,34 @@
 					and ab.fiscal_year = '%(fiscal_year)s' """ % p)
+		# Future year balances
+		# Update opening only where period_type is Year
+		sql("""update `tabAccount Balance` ab, `tabAccount` a, `tabFiscal Year` fy
+				set 
+					ab.opening = ifnull(ab.opening,0) + %(diff)s
+				where
+					a.lft <= %(lft)s
+					and a.rgt >= %(rgt)s
+					and ab.account =
+					and ifnull(a.is_pl_account, 'No') = 'No'
+					and ab.period = ab.fiscal_year
+					and = ab.fiscal_year
+					and fy.year_start_date > %(posting_date)s""" % p)
+		# Update balance for all period for future years
+		sql("""update `tabAccount Balance` ab, `tabAccount` a, `tabFiscal Year` fy 
+				set 
+					ab.balance = ifnull(ab.balance,0) + %(diff)s
+				where
+					a.lft <= %(lft)s
+					and a.rgt >= %(rgt)s
+					and ab.account =
+					and ifnull(a.is_pl_account, 'No') = 'No'
+					and = ab.fiscal_year
+					and fy.year_start_date > %(posting_date)s""" % p)
 	# Get periods(month and year)
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.js
index cb47b37..a465ec0 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.js
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
+	cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
 	// Show / Hide button
 	if(doc.docstatus==1 && doc.outstanding_amount > 0)
 		cur_frm.add_custom_button('Make Payment Entry', cur_frm.cscript['Make Bank Voucher']);
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/
index 55eb830..fe733f7 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/
@@ -166,6 +166,10 @@
 		rate = sql("select tax_rate from `tabAccount` where name='%s'"%(acc))
 		ret={'add_tax_rate' :rate and flt(rate[0][0]) or 0 }
 		return ret
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Purchase Common').get_comp_base_currency(
 # *************************** Server Utility Functions *****************************
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.txt b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.txt
index 93014ec..53466e1 100755
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/payable_voucher.txt
@@ -5,51 +5,51 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:11',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-11-24 15:17:14',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 18:25:38',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
 	# These values are common for all DocType
-		'_last_update': '1321601347',
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default_print_format': 'Standard',
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default_print_format': u'Standard',
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'module': 'Accounts',
+		'module': u'Accounts',
 		'name': '__common__',
 		'read_only_onload': 1,
-		'search_fields': 'posting_date, credit_to, fiscal_year, bill_no, grand_total, outstanding_amount',
-		'section_style': 'Tabbed',
-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'search_fields': u'posting_date, credit_to, fiscal_year, bill_no, grand_total, outstanding_amount',
+		'section_style': u'Tabbed',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'subject': 'From %(supplier_name)s worth %(grand_total)s due on %(due_date)s | %(outstanding_amount)s outstanding',
-		'version': 522
+		'subject': u'From %(supplier_name)s worth %(grand_total)s due on %(due_date)s | %(outstanding_amount)s outstanding',
+		'version': 520
 	# These values are common for all DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Payable Voucher',
-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Payable Voucher',
+		'parentfield': u'fields',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
 	# These values are common for all DocPerm
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Payable Voucher',
-		'parentfield': 'permissions',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType',
+		'parent': u'Payable Voucher',
+		'parentfield': u'permissions',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType',
 		'read': 1
 	# DocType, Payable Voucher
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'Payable Voucher'
+		'name': u'Payable Voucher'
 	# DocPerm
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
 		'amend': 0,
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 1,
-		'role': 'Accounts Manager',
+		'role': u'Accounts Manager',
 		'submit': 0,
 		'write': 0
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
 		'amend': 1,
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Accounts Manager',
+		'role': u'Accounts Manager',
 		'submit': 1,
 		'write': 1
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@
 		'amend': 0,
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 1,
-		'role': 'Accounts User',
+		'role': u'Accounts User',
 		'submit': 0,
 		'write': 0
 	# DocPerm
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 1,
-		'role': 'Purchase User'
+		'role': u'Purchase User'
 	# DocPerm
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
 		'amend': 0,
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Purchase User',
+		'role': u'Purchase User',
 		'submit': 0,
 		'write': 1
@@ -112,52 +112,52 @@
 		'amend': 1,
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Accounts User',
+		'role': u'Accounts User',
 		'submit': 1,
 		'write': 1
 	# DocPerm
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'match': 'supplier',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'match': u'supplier',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Supplier'
+		'role': u'Supplier'
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Basic Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Basic Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
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-		'width': '50%'
+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Series',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'naming_series',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Series',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'BILL\nBILLJ',
+		'oldfieldname': u'naming_series',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'BILL\nBILLJ',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 0,
@@ -166,141 +166,159 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'credit_to',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'description': u'The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'credit_to',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Credit To',
-		'oldfieldname': 'credit_to',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Account',
+		'label': u'Credit To',
+		'oldfieldname': u'credit_to',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Account',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Amended From',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Amended From',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Payable Voucher',
+		'oldfieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Payable Voucher',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'supplier',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Supplier',
-		'oldfieldname': 'supplier',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Supplier',
+		'label': u'Supplier',
+		'oldfieldname': u'supplier',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Supplier',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier_address',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Supplier Address',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'supplier_address',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Supplier Address',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_person',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Contact Person',
-		'options': 'Contact',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_person',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Contact Person',
+		'options': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Name',
-		'oldfieldname': 'supplier_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'supplier_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Name',
+		'oldfieldname': u'supplier_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'address_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Address',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'address_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Address',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Contact',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_mobile',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Mobile No',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_mobile',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Mobile No',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_email',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Contact Email',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_email',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Contact Email',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'voucher_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'posting_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Voucher Date',
+		'label': u'Posting Date',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'voucher_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'posting_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'search_index': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'voucher_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Voucher Date',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'voucher_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1
@@ -308,14 +326,14 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'due_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'due_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Due Date',
+		'label': u'Due Date',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'due_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'due_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'search_index': 1
@@ -323,16 +341,14 @@
 	# DocField
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'posting_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'description': u'If not applicable please enter: NA',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'bill_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Posting Date',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'posting_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Bill No',
+		'oldfieldname': u'bill_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -341,29 +357,13 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'If not applicable please enter: NA',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'bill_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'bill_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Bill No',
-		'oldfieldname': 'bill_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'bill_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Bill Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'bill_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Bill Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'bill_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 0,
@@ -372,285 +372,286 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Amendment Date',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Amendment Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amendment_date',
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
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-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
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-		'default': '1',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Net Total',
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'description': u'Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total',
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 		'permlevel': 1,
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 	# DocField
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
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-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Purchase Tax Details',
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_tax_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Purchase Tax Detail',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Purchase Tax Details',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Purchase Tax Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Calculate Tax',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Calculate Tax',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
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+		'trigger': u'Client'
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
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 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_tax',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Total Tax',
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_tax',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_tax',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Total Tax',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
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-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'More Info',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'label': u'More Info',
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-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'No',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'is_opening',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Is Opening',
-		'oldfieldname': 'is_opening',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'No\nYes',
+		'label': u'Is Opening',
+		'oldfieldname': u'is_opening',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'No\nYes',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Aging Date',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'aging_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Aging Date',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 0
@@ -659,40 +660,40 @@
 	# DocField
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+		'fieldname': u'select_print_heading',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Print Heading',
+		'oldfieldname': u'select_print_heading',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Print Heading',
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 		'in_filter': 1,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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 		'search_index': 1
@@ -700,14 +701,14 @@
 	# DocField
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Fiscal Year',
-		'oldfieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Fiscal Year',
+		'label': u'Fiscal Year',
+		'oldfieldname': u'fiscal_year',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Fiscal Year',
 		'permlevel': 0,
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@@ -715,28 +716,28 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Cancel Reason',
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+		'label': u'Cancel Reason',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
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 	# DocField
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@@ -744,246 +745,246 @@
 	# DocField
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+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Advances Paid',
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 	# DocField
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+		'label': u'Advance Allocation Details',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'advance_allocation_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Advance Allocation Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'advance_allocation_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Advance Allocation Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nYes\nNo',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
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 	# DocField
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'label': 'TDS Account Head',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Account',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'label': u'TDS Account Head',
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 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
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@@ -991,110 +992,109 @@
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index 58f66c7..2c5dc07 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_tax_detail/purchase_tax_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_tax_detail/purchase_tax_detail.txt
@@ -5,195 +5,199 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:16',
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-		'options': '\nActual\nOn Net Total\nOn Previous Row Amount\nOn Previous Row Total',
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+		'options': u'\nActual\nOn Net Total\nOn Previous Row Amount\nOn Previous Row Total',
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 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 0
@@ -201,15 +205,15 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_tax_amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'description': u'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_tax_amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Total +Tax',
+		'label': u'Total +Tax',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_tax_amount',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'total_tax_amount',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -217,15 +221,15 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'description': u'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Tax Amount',
+		'label': u'Tax Amount',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_amount',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'total_amount',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pv_detail/pv_detail.txt b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pv_detail/pv_detail.txt
index e1181b0..826ad8e 100755
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pv_detail/pv_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pv_detail/pv_detail.txt
@@ -5,67 +5,67 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:17',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-12-14 10:44:21',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 18:42:06',
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 		'name': '__common__',
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-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
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+		'parentfield': u'fields',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
 	# DocType, PV Detail
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'PV Detail'
+		'name': u'PV Detail'
 	# DocField
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-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'item_code',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
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+		'trigger': u'Client'
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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-		'label': 'Item Name',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'item_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
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@@ -73,108 +73,108 @@
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+		'width': u'300px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Qty',
-		'oldfieldname': 'qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Ref Rate ',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Ref Rate ',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'discount_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Discount %',
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+		'fieldname': u'discount_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Discount %',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'import_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Rate ',
-		'oldfieldname': 'import_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'import_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rate ',
+		'oldfieldname': u'import_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'import_amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Amount',
-		'oldfieldname': 'import_amount',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'import_amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_ref_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Ref Rate *',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_ref_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Ref Rate *',
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-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Rate *(Default Curr.)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rate *(Default Curr.)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Amount (Default Curr.)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'amount',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Amount (Default Curr.)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'amount',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -182,102 +182,74 @@
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-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'expense_head',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Expense Head',
-		'oldfieldname': 'expense_head',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Account',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Expense Head',
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+		'options': u'Account',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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+		'label': u'Project Name',
+		'options': u'Project',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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-		'label': 'Item Group',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_group',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Item Group',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
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-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_order',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Pur Order',
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_order',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Purchase Order',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'po_detail',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldname': u'item_group',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 1,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'PO Detail',
-		'oldfieldname': 'po_detail',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'label': u'Item Group',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_group',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Item Group',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 1
@@ -285,14 +257,14 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_receipt',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_order',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Pur Receipt',
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_receipt',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Purchase Receipt',
+		'label': u'Pur Order',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_order',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Purchase Order',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 1
@@ -300,14 +272,14 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'pr_detail',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'po_detail',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'hidden': 1,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'PR Detail',
-		'oldfieldname': 'pr_detail',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'label': u'PO Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'po_detail',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 1
@@ -315,13 +287,44 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.\nUsed for Purchase Other Charges',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Item Tax Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_receipt',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Pur Receipt',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_receipt',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Purchase Receipt',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'search_index': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'pr_detail',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'PR Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'pr_detail',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'search_index': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'description': u'Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.\nUsed for Purchase Other Charges',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Item Tax Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -330,10 +333,10 @@
 	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Check',
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+		'label': u'Page Break',
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diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.js
index d677022..bc0a145 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.js
@@ -69,24 +69,19 @@
 // Hide Fields
 // ------------
 cur_frm.cscript.hide_fields = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	par_flds = ['project_name', 'due_date', 'posting_time', 'sales_order_main', 'delivery_note_main', 'Get Items', 'is_opening', 'conversion_rate', 'source', 'cancel_reason', 'total_advance', 'gross_profit', 'gross_profit_percent', 'Get Advances Received', 'advance_adjustment_details', 'sales_partner', 'commission_rate', 'total_commission', 'Repair Outstanding Amt'];
+	par_flds = ['project_name', 'due_date', 'sales_order_main', 'delivery_note_main', 'Get Items', 'is_opening', 'conversion_rate', 'source', 'cancel_reason', 'total_advance', 'gross_profit', 'gross_profit_percent', 'Get Advances Received', 'advance_adjustment_details', 'sales_partner', 'commission_rate', 'total_commission', 'Repair Outstanding Amt'];
-	ch_flds = {'entries': ['sales_order', 'delivery_note']}
+	item_flds_normal = ['sales_order', 'delivery_note']
+	item_flds_pos = ['warehouse', 'serial_no', 'batch_no', 'actual_qty', 'delivered_qty']
 	if(cint(doc.is_pos) == 1) {
-		hide_field(par_flds);	
-		for(t in ch_flds) {
-			for(f in ch_flds[t]) {
-				cur_frm.fields_dict[t].grid.set_column_disp(ch_flds[t][f], false);
-			}
-		}
+		hide_field(par_flds);
+		for(f in item_flds_normal) cur_frm.fields_dict['entries'].grid.set_column_disp(item_flds_normal[f], false);
+		for(f in item_flds_pos) cur_frm.fields_dict['entries'].grid.set_column_disp(item_flds_pos[f], (doc.update_stock==1?true:false));
 	} else {
-		for (t in ch_flds) {
-			for (f in ch_flds[t]) {
-				cur_frm.fields_dict[t].grid.set_column_disp(ch_flds[t][f], true);
-			}
-		}
+		for(f in item_flds_normal) cur_frm.fields_dict['entries'].grid.set_column_disp(item_flds_normal[f], true);
+		for(f in item_flds_pos) cur_frm.fields_dict['entries'].grid.set_column_disp(item_flds_pos[f], false);
 	// India related fields
@@ -100,9 +95,14 @@
 // Refresh
 // -------
 cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, dt, dn) {
 	cur_frm.cscript.is_opening(doc, dt, dn);
-	cur_frm.cscript.hide_fields(doc, cdt, cdn);
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_fields(doc, dt, dn);
+	var callback = function() {
+		cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, dt, dn);
+	}
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_price_list_currency(doc, dt, dn, callback); 
 	// Show / Hide button
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 //fetch retail transaction related fields
 cur_frm.cscript.is_pos = function(doc,dt,dn,callback){
-	cur_frm.cscript.hide_fields(doc, cdt, cdn);
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_fields(doc, dt, dn);
 	if(doc.is_pos == 1){
 		if (! {
 			msgprint("Please select company to proceed");
@@ -143,6 +143,11 @@
+cur_frm.cscript.update_stock = function(doc, dt, dn) {
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_fields(doc, dt, dn);
 cur_frm.cscript.warehouse = function(doc, cdt , cdn) {
 	var d = locals[cdt][cdn];
 	if (!d.item_code) {alert("please enter item code first"); return};
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/
index 2be6381..03fd762 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
 			for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
 				# overwrite if mentioned in item
 				item = webnotes.conn.sql("select default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center, default_warehouse from tabItem where name = '%s'" %(d.item_code), as_dict=1)
-				d.income_account = item and item[0]['default_income_account'] or dtl and dtl[0]['income_account'] or ''
-				d.cost_center = item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center'] or dtl and dtl[0]['cost_center'] or ''
-				d.warehouse = item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or dtl and dtl[0]['warehouse'] or ''
+				d.income_account = item and item[0]['default_income_account'] or dtl and dtl[0]['income_account'] or d.income_account
+				d.cost_center = item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center'] or dtl and dtl[0]['cost_center'] or d.cost_center
+				d.warehouse = item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or dtl and dtl[0]['warehouse'] or d.warehouse
@@ -166,31 +166,36 @@
 	# Item Details
 	# -------------
-	def get_item_details(self, item_code=None):
-		if item_code:
-			ret = get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(item_code, self)
-			return self.get_pos_details(item_code, ret)
+	def get_item_details(self, args=None):
+		args = eval(args)
+		if args['item_code']:
+			ret = get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(args, self)
+			return self.get_pos_details(args, ret)
 			obj = get_obj('Sales Common')
 			for doc in self.doclist:
 				if doc.fields.get('item_code'):
 					ret = obj.get_item_details(doc.item_code, self)
-					ret = self.get_pos_details(item_code, ret)
+					ret = self.get_pos_details(doc.item_code, ret)
 					for r in ret:
 						if not doc.fields.get(r):
-							doc.fields[r] = ret[r]					
+							doc.fields[r] = ret[r]		
-	def get_pos_details(self, item_code, ret):
-		if item_code and cint(self.doc.is_pos) == 1:
+	def get_pos_details(self, args, ret):
+		if args['item_code'] and cint(self.doc.is_pos) == 1:
 			dtl = webnotes.conn.sql("select income_account, warehouse, cost_center from `tabPOS Setting` where user = '%s' and company = '%s'" % (session['user'],, as_dict=1)				 
 			if not dtl:
 				dtl = webnotes.conn.sql("select income_account, warehouse, cost_center from `tabPOS Setting` where ifnull(user,'') = '' and company = '%s'" % (, as_dict=1)
-			if dtl and not ret['income_account'] and dtl[0]['income_account']: ret['income_account'] = dtl and dtl[0]['income_account']
-			if dtl and not ret['cost_center'] and dtl[0]['cost_center']: ret['cost_center'] = dtl and dtl[0]['cost_center']
-			if dtl and not ret['warehouse'] and dtl[0]['warehouse']: ret['warehouse'] = dtl and dtl[0]['warehouse']
+			item = webnotes.conn.sql("select default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center, default_warehouse from tabItem where name = '%s'" %(args['item_code']), as_dict=1)
+			ret['income_account'] = item and item[0]['default_income_account'] or dtl and dtl[0]['income_account'] or args['income_account']
+			ret['cost_center'] = item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center'] or dtl and dtl[0]['cost_center'] or args['cost_center']
+			ret['warehouse'] = item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or dtl and dtl[0]['warehouse'] or args['warehouse']
 			if ret['warehouse']:
-				actual_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select actual_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'" % (item_code, ret['warehouse']))		
+				actual_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select actual_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'" % (args['item_code'], ret['warehouse']))
 				ret['actual_qty']= actual_qty and flt(actual_qty[0][0]) or 0
 		return ret
@@ -200,6 +205,14 @@
 		get_obj('Sales Common').get_adj_percent(self)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_comp_base_currency(
+	def get_price_list_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_price_list_currency(self.doc.price_list_name,
 	# Get tax rate if account type is tax
 	# ------------------------------------
 	def get_rate(self,arg):
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.txt b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.txt
index 66e5a6c..b2777e3 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/receivable_voucher.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:18',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-02-15 14:24:14',
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 17:34:46',
 		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
 		'owner': u'Administrator'
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 	# These values are common for all DocType
-		'_last_update': u'1329295537',
+		'_last_update': u'1330344021',
 		'change_log': u'1. Change in pull_details method dt.-26-06-2009',
 		'colour': u'White:FFF',
 		'default_print_format': u'Standard',
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
 		'subject': u'To %(customer_name)s worth %(currency)s %(grand_total_export)s due on %(due_date)s | %(outstanding_amount)s outstanding',
-		'version': 394
+		'version': 414
 	# These values are common for all DocFormat
@@ -337,18 +337,32 @@
 		'colour': u'White:FFF',
 		'default': u'Today',
-		'description': u"This is the date on which this voucher is made in the system. Today's date comes by default.",
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'voucher_date',
+		'fieldname': u'posting_date',
 		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': u'Voucher Date',
+		'label': u'Posting Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': u'voucher_date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'posting_date',
 		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 0
+		'search_index': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'posting_time',
+		'fieldtype': u'Time',
+		'label': u'Posting Time',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'posting_time',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Time',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
@@ -371,38 +385,6 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'default': u'Today',
-		'description': u'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'posting_date',
-		'fieldtype': u'Date',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': u'Posting Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': u'posting_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'posting_time',
-		'fieldtype': u'Time',
-		'label': u'Posting Time',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': u'posting_time',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Time',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
 		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldname': u'amendment_date',
@@ -509,7 +491,7 @@
 	# DocField
 		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'description': u'Rate at which Price list currency is converted to your currency',
+		'description': u"Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency",
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldname': u'plc_conversion_rate',
 		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
@@ -543,7 +525,9 @@
 	# DocField
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
 		'default': u'1.00',
+		'description': u"Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency",
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldname': u'conversion_rate',
 		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
@@ -600,6 +584,7 @@
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'options': u'Simple',
 		'permlevel': 0
@@ -830,290 +815,6 @@
 		'colour': u'White:FFF',
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
-		'label': u'Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'tc_name',
-		'fieldtype': u'Link',
-		'label': u'Select Terms',
-		'oldfieldname': u'tc_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
-		'options': u'Term',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': u'Button',
-		'label': u'Get Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
-		'options': u'get_tc_details',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': u'Server'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
-		'label': u'Terms HTML',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
-		'options': u'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'terms',
-		'fieldtype': u'Text Editor',
-		'label': u'Term Details',
-		'oldfieldname': u'terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Text Editor',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
-		'label': u'More Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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-		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
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-		'width': u'50%'
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-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'default': u'No',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'is_opening',
-		'fieldtype': u'Select',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': u'Is Opening',
-		'oldfieldname': u'is_opening',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
-		'options': u'No\nYes',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 0,
-		'trigger': u'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'aging_date',
-		'fieldtype': u'Date',
-		'label': u'Aging Date',
-		'oldfieldname': u'aging_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'source',
-		'fieldtype': u'Select',
-		'label': u'Source',
-		'oldfieldname': u'source',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
-		'options': u"\nExisting Customer\nReference\nAdvertisement\nCold Calling\nExhibition\nSupplier Reference\nMass Mailing\nCustomer's Vendor\nCampaign",
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': u"eval:doc.source == 'Campaign'",
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': u'Link',
-		'label': u'Campaign',
-		'oldfieldname': u'campaign',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
-		'options': u'Campaign',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
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-	# DocField
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-		'trigger': u'Client'
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-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'description': u'Track this Sales Invoice against any Project',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'project_name',
-		'fieldtype': u'Link',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': u'Project Name',
-		'oldfieldname': u'project_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
-		'options': u'Project',
-		'permlevel': 0,
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-		'trigger': u'Client'
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-		'options': u'No\nYes',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'report_hide': 0
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-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'options': u'C-Form',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'company',
-		'fieldtype': u'Link',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': u'Company',
-		'oldfieldname': u'company',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
-		'options': u'Company',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'fiscal_year',
-		'fieldtype': u'Select',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': u'Fiscal Year',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': u'fiscal_year',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
-		'options': u'link:Fiscal Year',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'cancel_reason',
-		'fieldtype': u'Data',
-		'label': u'Cancel Reason',
-		'oldfieldname': u'cancel_reason',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
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-	# DocField
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-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldname': u'remarks',
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-		'oldfieldname': u'remarks',
-		'oldfieldtype': u'Text',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
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-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': u'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'label': u'Totals',
 		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
@@ -1238,7 +939,6 @@
 	# DocField
 		'colour': u'White:FFF',
-		'description': u'In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice.',
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldname': u'in_words_export',
 		'fieldtype': u'Data',
@@ -1278,6 +978,309 @@
 		'colour': u'White:FFF',
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Select Terms',
+		'oldfieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Term',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_tc_details',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'trigger': u'Server'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Terms HTML',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'options': u'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'terms',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text Editor',
+		'label': u'Term Details',
+		'oldfieldname': u'terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Text Editor',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'More Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'width': u'50%'
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+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'is_opening',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Is Opening',
+		'oldfieldname': u'is_opening',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'No\nYes',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'search_index': 0,
+		'trigger': u'Client'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u"This is the date on which this voucher is made in the system. Today's date comes by default.",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'voucher_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Voucher Date',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'voucher_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'search_index': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'aging_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Aging Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'aging_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'allow_on_submit': 1,
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'letter_head',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Letter Head',
+		'oldfieldname': u'letter_head',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Letter Head',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'c_form_applicable',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'C-Form Applicable',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'options': u'No\nYes',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'report_hide': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'c_form_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'C-Form No',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'options': u'C-Form',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u"eval:doc.source == 'Campaign'",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'campaign',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/rv_detail/rv_detail.txt b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/rv_detail/rv_detail.txt
index 94a4583..a4bf824 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/rv_detail/rv_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/rv_detail/rv_detail.txt
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+		'label': u'Sales Order',
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-		'idx': 23,
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-		'label': 'SO Detail ',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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@@ -383,32 +364,30 @@
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-		'label': 'Delivery Note',
-		'oldfieldname': 'delivery_note',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'delivery_note',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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@@ -416,29 +395,27 @@
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-		'oldfieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
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+		'label': u'Clear Pending',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'clear_pending',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Check',
+		'oldfieldname': u'clear_pending',
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index 784c3b7..4a4c68a 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/rv_tax_detail/rv_tax_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/rv_tax_detail/rv_tax_detail.txt
@@ -5,166 +5,169 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:20',
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-		'modified': '2011-12-28 17:33:30',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
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-		'options': '\nActual\nOn Net Total\nOn Previous Row Amount\nOn Previous Row Total',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'options': 'Account',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Cost Center',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'trigger': 'Client'
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-		'oldfieldname': 'row_id',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
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+		'trigger': u'Client'
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+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
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@@ -172,16 +175,16 @@
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-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_tax_amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_tax_amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Total Tax Amount',
+		'label': u'Total Tax Amount',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'total_tax_amount',
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@@ -189,15 +192,15 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'description': u'Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
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@@ -206,11 +209,11 @@
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-		'description': 'If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'included_in_print_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Check',
-		'label': 'Included in Print Rate',
+		'description': u'If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'included_in_print_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Check',
+		'label': u'Included in Print Rate',
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diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/po_detail/po_detail.txt b/erpnext/buying/doctype/po_detail/po_detail.txt
index 4e17c22..49bed15 100755
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/po_detail/po_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/po_detail/po_detail.txt
@@ -5,52 +5,52 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:12',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-01-10 16:38:21',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
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+		'owner': u'Administrator'
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-		'server_code_error': ' ',
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@@ -59,31 +59,31 @@
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@@ -92,110 +92,110 @@
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rate ',
+		'oldfieldname': u'import_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'fieldname': u'import_amount',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Amount',
+		'oldfieldname': u'import_amount',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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 	# DocField
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-		'fieldname': 'purchase_ref_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Ref Rate *',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rate (Default Curr.) *',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'label': 'Amount  (Default Curr.)',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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@@ -203,28 +203,28 @@
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Warehouse',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'warehouse',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Warehouse',
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@@ -232,96 +232,96 @@
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'label': u'UOM',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'label': 'Conversion Factor',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'label': u'UOM Conversion Factor',
+		'oldfieldname': u'conversion_factor',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'fieldname': 'stock_uom',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldname': u'stock_uom',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Stock UOM',
-		'oldfieldname': 'stock_uom',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'label': u'Stock UOM',
+		'oldfieldname': u'stock_uom',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
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-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'prevdoc_doctype',
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+		'fieldname': u'prevdoc_doctype',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'label': 'Purchase Requisition No',
+		'label': u'Purchase Requisition No',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Indent',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
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-		'label': 'Purchase Requisition Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'prevdoc_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Purchase Requisition Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'prevdoc_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
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@@ -329,16 +329,16 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldname': u'prevdoc_detail_docname',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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-		'label': 'Purchase Requisition Detail No',
+		'label': u'Purchase Requisition Detail No',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'prevdoc_detail_docname',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'oldfieldname': u'prevdoc_detail_docname',
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@@ -346,91 +346,91 @@
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-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Brand',
-		'oldfieldname': 'brand',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Brand',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_group',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Item Group',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_group',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Item Group',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'stock_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Stock Qty',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'stock_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'received_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Received Qty',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'received_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'default': '0.00',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'billed_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Billed Quantity',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'billed_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.\nUsed for Purchase Other Charges',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'brand',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Item Tax Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Brand',
+		'oldfieldname': u'brand',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Brand',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
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+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'item_group',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Item Group',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_group',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Item Group',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'search_index': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'stock_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Stock Qty',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'stock_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'received_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Received Qty',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'received_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'default': u'0.00',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'billed_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Billed Quantity',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'billed_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.\nUsed for Purchase Other Charges',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Item Tax Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -439,14 +439,14 @@
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 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'page_break',
-		'fieldtype': 'Check',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'page_break',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'page_break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Check',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/purchase_common.js b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/purchase_common.js
index 64816c8..52f8e53 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/purchase_common.js
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/purchase_common.js
@@ -66,6 +66,89 @@
+var set_dynamic_label_par = function(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr) {
+	//parent flds
+	par_cols_base = {'net_total': 'Net Total', 'total_tax': 'Total Tax', 'grand_total':	'Grand Total', /*'rounded_total': 'Rounded Total',*/
+		'in_words': 'In Words', 'other_charges_added': 'Other Charges Added', 'other_charges_deducted': 'Other Charges Deducted'}
+	par_cols_import = {'net_total_import': 'Net Total', 'grand_total_import': 'Grand Total', 'in_words_import':	'In Words', 
+		'other_charges_added_import': 'Other Charges Added', 'other_charges_deducted_import': 'Other Charges Deducted'};
+	for (d in par_cols_base) cur_frm.fields_dict[d].label_area.innerHTML = par_cols_base[d]+' (' + base_curr + ')';
+	for (d in par_cols_import) cur_frm.fields_dict[d].label_area.innerHTML = par_cols_import[d]+' (' + doc.currency + ')';
+	cur_frm.fields_dict['conversion_rate'].label_area.innerHTML = "Conversion Rate (" + doc.currency +' -> '+ base_curr + ')';
+	if (doc.doctype == 'Payable Voucher') {
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['total_tds_on_voucher'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Total TDS On Voucher (' + base_curr + ')';
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['outstanding_amount'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Outstanding Amount (' + base_curr + ')';
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['tds_amount_on_advance'].label_area.innerHTML = 'TDS Amount On Advance (' + base_curr + ')';
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['total_advance'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Total Advance (Incl. TDS) (' + base_curr + ')';
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['total_amount_to_pay'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Total Amount To Pay (' + base_curr + ')';
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['ded_amount'].label_area.innerHTML = 'TDS Amount (' + base_curr + ')';
+	} else cur_frm.fields_dict['rounded_total'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Rounded Total (' + base_curr + ')';
+var set_dynamic_label_child = function(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr) {
+		// item table flds
+		item_cols_base = {'purchase_ref_rate': 'Ref Rate', 'amount': 'Amount'};
+		item_cols_import = {'import_rate': 'Rate', 'import_ref_rate': 'Ref Rate', 'import_amount': 'Amount'};
+		for (d in item_cols_base) $('[data-grid-fieldname="'+cur_frm.cscript.tname+'-'+d+'"]').html(item_cols_base[d]+' ('+base_curr+')');
+		for (d in item_cols_import) $('[data-grid-fieldname="'+cur_frm.cscript.tname+'-'+d+'"]').html(item_cols_import[d]+' ('+doc.currency+')');
+		var hide = (doc.currency == sys_defaults['currency']) ? false : true;
+		for (f in item_cols_base) cur_frm.fields_dict[cur_frm.cscript.fname].grid.set_column_disp(f, hide);
+		if (doc.doctype == 'Payable Voucher') {
+			$('[data-grid-fieldname="'+cur_frm.cscript.tname+'-rate"]').html('Rate ('+base_curr+')');
+			cur_frm.fields_dict[cur_frm.cscript.fname].grid.set_column_disp('rate', hide);
+			// advance table flds
+			adv_cols = {'advance_amount': 'Advance Amount', 'allocated_amount': 'Allocated Amount', 'tds_amount': 'TDS Amount', 'tds_allocated': 'TDS Allocated'}
+			for (d in adv_cols) $('[data-grid-fieldname="Advance Allocation Detail-'+d+'"]').html(adv_cols[d]+' ('+base_curr+')');	
+		}
+		else {
+			$('[data-grid-fieldname="'+cur_frm.cscript.tname+'-purchase_rate"]').html('Rate ('+base_curr+')');
+			cur_frm.fields_dict[cur_frm.cscript.fname].grid.set_column_disp('purchase_rate', hide);
+		}
+		//tax table flds
+		tax_cols = {'tax_amount': 'Amount', 'total': 'Aggregate Total'};
+		for (d in tax_cols) $('[data-grid-fieldname="Purchase Tax Detail-'+d+'"]').html(tax_cols[d]+' ('+base_curr+')');	
+// Change label dynamically based on currency
+cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	var callback = function(r, rt) {
+		if (r.message) base_curr = r.message;
+		else base_curr = sys_defaults['currency'];
+		if (base_curr == doc.currency) {
+			set_multiple(cdt, cdn, {conversion_rate:1});
+			hide_field(['conversion_rate', 'net_total_import','grand_total_import', 'in_words_import', 'other_charges_added_import', 'other_charges_deducted_import']);
+		} else unhide_field(['conversion_rate', 'net_total_import','grand_total_import', 'in_words_import', 'other_charges_added_import', 'other_charges_deducted_import']);
+		set_dynamic_label_par(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
+		set_dynamic_label_child(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
+	}
+	if ( == sys_defaults['company']) callback('', '');
+	else $c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_comp_base_currency', '', callback);
+cur_frm.cscript.currency = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
+ = cur_frm.cscript.currency;
 // ======================== Conversion Rate ==========================================
 cur_frm.cscript.conversion_rate = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
 	cur_frm.cscript.calc_amount( doc, 1);
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/
index 1707490..16afb02 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_common/
@@ -196,6 +196,13 @@
 				if not rate[0]['last_purchase_rate']:
 					msgprint("%s has no Last Purchase Rate."% d.item_code)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self, comp):
+		""" get default currency of company"""
+		return webnotes.conn.sql("select default_currency from `tabCompany` where name = %s", comp)[0][0]
 	# validation
 	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js
index 9f51bd3..0a6c547 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.js
@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@
 // ================================== Refresh ==========================================
 cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, cdt, cdn) { 
 	// Show buttons
 	// ---------------------------------
+	cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
 	if(doc.docstatus == 1 && doc.status != 'Stopped'){
 		var ch = getchildren('PO Detail',,'po_details');
 		var allow_billing = 0; var allow_receipt = 0;
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/
index 4c9705d..efa0524 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/
@@ -99,6 +99,12 @@
 	def get_tc_details(self):
 		return get_obj('Purchase Common').get_tc_details(self)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Purchase Common').get_comp_base_currency(
 	# validate if indent has been pulled twice
 	def validate_prev_docname(self):
 		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'po_details'): 
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.txt b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.txt
index c367a3b..c73683e 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.txt
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/purchase_order.txt
@@ -5,62 +5,62 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:15',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-01-10 16:19:19',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 17:51:53',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
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 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Purchase Order',
-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
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+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
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-		'_last_update': '1306471022',
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default_print_format': 'Standard',
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 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'document_type': 'Transaction',
+		'document_type': u'Transaction',
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-		'module': 'Buying',
+		'module': u'Buying',
 		'name': '__common__',
 		'read_only_onload': 1,
-		'search_fields': 'status, transaction_date, supplier,grand_total',
-		'section_style': 'Tabbed',
-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'search_fields': u'status, transaction_date, supplier,grand_total',
+		'section_style': u'Tabbed',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'subject': 'To %(supplier_name)s on %(transaction_date)s | %(per_received)s% delivered',
-		'version': 495
+		'subject': u'To %(supplier_name)s on %(transaction_date)s | %(per_received)s% delivered',
+		'version': 500
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-		'doctype': 'DocFormat',
+		'doctype': u'DocFormat',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Purchase Order',
-		'parentfield': 'formats',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Purchase Order',
+		'parentfield': u'formats',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
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-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Purchase Order',
-		'parentfield': 'permissions',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType',
+		'parent': u'Purchase Order',
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+		'parenttype': u'DocType',
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 	# DocType, Purchase Order
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'Purchase Order'
+		'name': u'Purchase Order'
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@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
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@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
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@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@
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@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
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-		'role': 'Purchase Manager',
+		'role': u'Purchase Manager',
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@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
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-		'role': 'Purchase Manager',
+		'role': u'Purchase Manager',
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@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
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@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
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@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
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+		'role': u'Supplier',
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@@ -164,64 +164,64 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocFormat',
-		'format': 'Purchase Order Modern'
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+		'format': u'Purchase Order Modern'
 	# DocFormat
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+		'format': u'Purchase Order Spartan'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Enter rates and quantity of items you want to purchase and send the purchase order to your supplier.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Basic Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Enter rates and quantity of items you want to purchase and send the purchase order to your supplier.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Basic Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
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 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Series',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nPO',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nPO',
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 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -229,132 +229,132 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Supplier',
+		'label': u'Supplier',
+		'oldfieldname': u'supplier',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Supplier',
 		'permlevel': 0,
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
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-		'options': 'Address',
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 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Name',
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 	# DocField
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-		'label': 'Address',
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 		'permlevel': 1
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-		'label': 'Contact',
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 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Mobile No',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
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 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_email',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Contact Email',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Contact Email',
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-		'width': '50%'
+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Purchase Order Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Purchase Order Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
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 		'search_index': 1,
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+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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+		'label': u'Status',
 		'no_copy': 1,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nDraft\nSubmitted\nStopped\nCancelled',
+		'oldfieldname': u'status',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nDraft\nSubmitted\nStopped\nCancelled',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -363,122 +363,95 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Track this Purchase Order against any Project',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'project_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Track this Purchase Order against any Project',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Project Name',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Project',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Project',
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 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': '% Received',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'% Received',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'description': '% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': '% Billed',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'description': u'% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'% Billed',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'per_billed',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Items',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'You can make a purchase order from multiple Purchase Requisitions. Select Purchase Requisitions one by one and click on the button below.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'indent_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Select Purchase Requisition',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'indent_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Indent',
+		'default': u'No',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'is_subcontracted',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Is Subcontracted',
+		'options': u'\nYes\nNo',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Get Items',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_indent_details',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'is_subcontracted',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Is Subcontracted',
-		'options': '\nYes\nNo',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
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-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': "Supplier's currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Currency',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'currency',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'currency',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -486,65 +459,101 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': '1',
-		'description': "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to your currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'1',
+		'description': u"Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Conversion Rate',
+		'label': u'Conversion Rate',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
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+		'width': u'50%'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'You can make a purchase order from multiple Purchase Requisitions. Select Purchase Requisitions one by one and click on the button below.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'indent_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Select Purchase Requisition',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'indent_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Indent',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Get Items',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_indent_details',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'PO Details',
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+		'label': u'PO Details',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'po_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'PO Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'po_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'PO Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Get Last Purchase Rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Last Purchase Rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Net Total*',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total*',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'net_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 0
@@ -552,227 +561,227 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Re-Calculate Values',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Re-Calculate Values',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Note HTML',
-		'options': '<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Note HTML',
+		'options': u'<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Taxes',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Taxes',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'If you have created a standard template in Other Charges master, select one and click on the button below.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_other_charges',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Purchase Other Charges',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'If you have created a standard template in Other Charges master, select one and click on the button below.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_other_charges',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Purchase Other Charges',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_other_charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Purchase Other Charges',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_other_charges',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Purchase Other Charges',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Get Tax Detail',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_purchase_tax_details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Tax Detail',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_purchase_tax_details',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_tax_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Purchase Tax Details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_tax_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Purchase Tax Details',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_tax_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Purchase Tax Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_tax_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Purchase Tax Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Calculate Tax',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Calculate Tax',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Tax Calculation',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Tax Calculation',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_tax',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Total Tax*',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_tax',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Total Tax*',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_tax',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'total_tax',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Note HTML',
-		'options': '<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Note HTML',
+		'options': u'<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Totals',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Totals',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'grand_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Grand Total',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'grand_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Grand Total',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'grand_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'grand_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'rounded_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Rounded Total',
-		'oldfieldname': 'rounded_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'rounded_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rounded Total',
+		'oldfieldname': u'rounded_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'In Words',
-		'oldfieldname': 'in_words',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'in_words',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words',
+		'oldfieldname': u'in_words',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_added',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Other Charges Added',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_added',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Added',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_added',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_added',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_deducted',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Other Charges Deducted',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_deducted',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Deducted',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_deducted',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_deducted',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Net Total (Import)',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total (Import)',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'net_total_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'grand_total_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Grand Total (Import)',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'grand_total_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Grand Total (Import)',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'grand_total_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'grand_total_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 0
@@ -780,27 +789,26 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'In Words(Import) will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'In Words(Import)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'in_words_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'in_words_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words(Import)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'in_words_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_added_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Other Charges Added (Import)',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_added_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Added (Import)',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_added_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_added_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 0
@@ -808,13 +816,13 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_deducted_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Other Charges Deducted (Import)',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_deducted_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Deducted (Import)',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_deducted_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_deducted_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 0
@@ -822,105 +830,105 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'letter_head',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Letter Head',
-		'oldfieldname': 'letter_head',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Letter Head',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'letter_head',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Letter Head',
+		'oldfieldname': u'letter_head',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Letter Head',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'tc_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Select Terms',
-		'oldfieldname': 'tc_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Term',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Select Terms',
+		'oldfieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Term',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Get Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_tc_details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_tc_details',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Terms HTML',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': 'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Terms HTML',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'options': u'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'terms',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text Editor',
-		'label': 'Terms1',
-		'oldfieldname': 'terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text Editor',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'terms',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text Editor',
+		'label': u'Terms1',
+		'oldfieldname': u'terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Text Editor',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'More Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'More Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'ref_sq',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'ref_sq',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Ref SQ',
+		'label': u'Ref SQ',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'ref_sq',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'oldfieldname': u'ref_sq',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Amended From',
+		'label': u'Amended From',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'oldfieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 0
@@ -928,32 +936,32 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Amendment Date',
+		'label': u'Amendment Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'company',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'company',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Company',
+		'label': u'Company',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'company',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Company',
+		'oldfieldname': u'company',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Company',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -962,15 +970,15 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'fiscal_year',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Fiscal Year',
+		'label': u'Fiscal Year',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Fiscal Year',
+		'oldfieldname': u'fiscal_year',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Fiscal Year',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -980,15 +988,15 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'select_print_heading',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Select Print Heading',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'select_print_heading',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Select Print Heading',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'select_print_heading',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Print Heading',
+		'oldfieldname': u'select_print_heading',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Print Heading',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -996,89 +1004,89 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'instructions',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Text',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Payment Terms',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Remarks',
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-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldname': u'cancel_reason',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Cancel Reason',
+		'label': u'Cancel Reason',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'cancel_reason',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'oldfieldname': u'cancel_reason',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Raw Material Details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Raw Material Details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'po_raw_material_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'PO Raw Material Details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'po_raw_material_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'PO Raw Material Details',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'po_raw_material_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'PO Raw Material Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'po_raw_material_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'PO Raw Material Detail',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
@@ -1086,11 +1094,11 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Repair Purchase Order',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'repair_purchase_order',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Repair Purchase Order',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'repair_purchase_order',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/before_jan_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/before_jan_2012/
index 1e83d53..e44a49a 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/before_jan_2012/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/before_jan_2012/
@@ -20,13 +20,6 @@
 	sql = webnotes.conn.sql
 	from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
-	# stop session
-	webnotes.conn.set_global('__session_status', 'stop')
-	webnotes.conn.set_global('__session_status_message', 'Patch is running in background. \nPlease wait until it completed...\n')
-	webnotes.conn.commit()
-	webnotes.conn.begin()
 	# repost
 	comp = sql("select name from tabCompany where docstatus!=2")
 	fy = sql("select name from `tabFiscal Year` order by year_start_date asc")
@@ -37,11 +30,9 @@
 			fy_obj.doc.past_year = prev_fy = c[0]
+			fy_obj = get_obj('Fiscal Year', f[0])
 			prev_fy = f[0]
 			sql("start transaction")
-	# free session
-	webnotes.conn.set_global('__session_status', '')
-	webnotes.conn.set_global('__session_status_message', '')
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885c83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+def execute():
+	import webnotes
+	from webnotes.model import delete_doc
+	from webnotes.modules.module_manager import reload_doc
+	dt = [
+		'selling':	['quotation', 'sales_order', 'quotation_detail', 'sales_order_detail'], 
+		'stock':	['delivery_note', 'delivery_note_detail', 'purchase_receipt', 'purchase_receipt_detail'],
+		'accounts': ['receivable_voucher', 'payable_voucher', 'rv_detail', 'pv_detail', 'rv_tax_detail', 'purchase_tax_detail'],
+		'buying':	['purchase_order', 'po_detail']
+	]
+	for m in dt:
+		for d in m:
+			reload_doc(m, 'doctype', d)
+	webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabDocField` 
+		where label in ('Note1', 'OT Notes', 'Note', 'Note HTML', 'Rates HTML') 
+		and parent in ('Quotation', 'Sales Order', 'Delivery Note', 'Receivable Voucher', 'Purchase Order')""")
+	del_flds = {
+		'Sales Order Detail':	"'delivery_date', 'confirmation_date'", 
+		'Delivery Note':		"'supplier', 'supplier_address', 'purchase_receipt_no', 'purchase_order_no', 'transaction_date'"
+		'Receivable Voucher':	"'voucher_date'",
+		'Payable Voucher':		"'voucher_date'",
+		'Purchase Receipt':		"'transaction_date'"
+	} 
+	del_labels = {
+		'Delivery Note':		"'Supplier Details'",
+		'Purchase Receipt':		"'Get Currrent Stock'"
+	}
+	for d in del_flds:
+		webnotes.conn.sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname in (%s) and parent = %s", (del_flds[d], d))
+	for d in del_labels:
+		webnotes.conn.sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label in (%s) and parent = %s", (del_labels[d], d))
+	delete_doc('DocType', 'Update Delivery Date Detail')
+	delete_doc('DocType', 'Update Delivery Date'
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js
index d66b9ed..2a130a5 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.js
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
 			hide_field(['customer','customer_address','contact_person', 'customer_name','contact_display', 'customer_group']);
 cur_frm.cscript.onload_post_render = function(doc, dt, dn) {
@@ -84,6 +83,12 @@
+	var callback = function() {
+		cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
+	}
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_price_list_currency(doc, cdt, cdn, callback); 
 	if(doc.docstatus == 1 && doc.status!='Order Lost') {
 		cur_frm.add_custom_button('Make Sales Order', cur_frm.cscript['Make Sales Order']);
 		cur_frm.add_custom_button('Set as Lost', cur_frm.cscript['Declare Order Lost']);
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/
index a687230..531de21 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/
@@ -76,9 +76,10 @@
 	# Get Item Details
 	# -----------------
-	def get_item_details(self, item_code=None):
-		if item_code:
-			return get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(item_code, self)
+	def get_item_details(self, args=None):
+		args = eval(args)
+		if args['item_code']:
+			return get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(args, self)
 			obj = get_obj('Sales Common')
 			for doc in self.doclist:
@@ -93,6 +94,13 @@
 	# --------------------------------------------------------------
 	def get_adj_percent(self, arg=''):
 		get_obj('Sales Common').get_adj_percent(self)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_comp_base_currency(
+	def get_price_list_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_price_list_currency(self.doc.price_list_name,
@@ -220,7 +228,6 @@
 	def on_update(self):
 		# Add to calendar
-		#if self.doc.contact_date and self.doc.last_contact_date != self.doc.contact_date:
 		if self.doc.contact_date and self.doc.contact_date_ref != self.doc.contact_date:
 			if self.doc.contact_by:
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.txt b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.txt
index d1054bf..07642e8 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.txt
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation/quotation.txt
@@ -5,87 +5,68 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:17',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-01-09 16:52:51',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 17:14:54',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
 	# These values are common for all DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'name': '__common__',
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-		'module': 'Selling',
+		'module': u'Selling',
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-		'search_fields': 'status,transaction_date,customer,lead,order_type',
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-		'server_code_error': ' ',
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+		'section_style': u'Tabbed',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'subject': 'To %(customer_name)s on %(transaction_date)s worth %(currency)s %(grand_total_export)s',
-		'tag_fields': 'status',
-		'version': 599
+		'subject': u'To %(customer_name)s on %(transaction_date)s worth %(currency)s %(grand_total_export)s',
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@@ -93,10 +74,9 @@
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@@ -106,34 +86,19 @@
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 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'read': 1,
-		'role': 'Customer'
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@@ -141,92 +106,81 @@
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 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Series',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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@@ -234,120 +188,121 @@
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nLead\nCustomer',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
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-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Name',
+		'permlevel': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'address_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'hidden': 0,
 		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Address',
-		'oldfieldname': 'customer_address',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Address',
+		'oldfieldname': u'customer_address',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'reqd': 0,
@@ -356,78 +311,79 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Contact',
+		'label': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_mobile',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_mobile',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Mobile No',
+		'label': u'Mobile No',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_email',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Contact Email',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_email',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Contact Email',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Quotation Date',
+		'label': u'Quotation Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'order_type',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Sales',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'order_type',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Order Type',
-		'oldfieldname': 'order_type',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nSales\nMaintenance',
+		'label': u'Order Type',
+		'oldfieldname': u'order_type',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nSales\nMaintenance',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -437,17 +393,17 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 0,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': 'Draft',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'status',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Draft',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'status',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Status',
+		'label': u'Status',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'status',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nDraft\nSubmitted\nOrder Confirmed\nOrder Lost\nCancelled',
+		'oldfieldname': u'status',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nDraft\nSubmitted\nOrder Confirmed\nOrder Lost\nCancelled',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -456,110 +412,76 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Amended From',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Amended From',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'oldfieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Amendment Date',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Amendment Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': "To create Quotation against Enquiry, Select Enquiry No. and click on 'Pull Enquiry Details' ",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'enq_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Will be fetched from Customer',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'territory',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Enquiry No',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'enq_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Enquiry',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'report_hide': 0,
-		'search_index': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Pull Enquiry Detail',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'report_hide': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Will be fetched from Customer',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'territory',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Territory',
-		'options': 'Territory',
+		'label': u'Territory',
+		'options': u'Territory',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_group',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_group',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Customer Group',
-		'oldfieldname': 'customer_group',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Customer Group',
+		'label': u'Customer Group',
+		'oldfieldname': u'customer_group',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Customer Group',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 0,
 		'search_index': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Items',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Items',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'search_index': 0
@@ -567,33 +489,33 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'price_list_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'price_list_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Price List',
-		'oldfieldname': 'price_list_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Price List',
+		'label': u'Price List',
+		'oldfieldname': u'price_list_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Price List',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the currency in which price list is maintained',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'price_list_currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Price List Currency',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the currency in which price list is maintained',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'price_list_currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Price List Currency',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -601,12 +523,12 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Rate at which Price list currency is converted to your currency',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'plc_conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Price List Currency Conversion Rate',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'plc_conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Price List Currency Conversion Rate',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -614,365 +536,373 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': "Customer's currency - If you want to select a currency that is not the default currency, then you must also specify the Currency Conversion Rate.",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Customer's currency - If you want to select a currency that is not the default currency, then you must also specify the Currency Conversion Rate.",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Currency',
-		'oldfieldname': 'currency',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
+		'label': u'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'currency',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': '1.00',
-		'description': "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to your currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Currency Conversion Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'1.00',
+		'description': u"Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Conversion Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Clear Table',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'clear_quotation_details',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"To create Quotation against Enquiry, Select Enquiry No. and click on 'Pull Enquiry Details' ",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'enq_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Enquiry No',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'enq_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Enquiry',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
+		'print_hide': 0,
+		'report_hide': 0,
+		'search_index': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'options': 'Simple',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Pull Enquiry Detail',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 0,
+		'report_hide': 0,
+		'trigger': u'Client'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'options': u'Simple',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Field Descriptions for Quotation Details\n\n<b>Ref Rate: </b>Rate in your selected Price List. Price Lists help you track discounts.\n\n<b>Page Break:</b> If you want to break the page on this item in the Print Format',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'quotation_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Quotation Details',
-		'oldfieldname': 'quotation_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Quotation Detail',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'quotation_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Quotation Details',
+		'oldfieldname': u'quotation_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Quotation Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '40px'
+		'width': u'40px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Net Total*',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Re-Calculate Values',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Note HTML',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': '<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Clear Table',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'clear_quotation_details',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Taxes',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Re-Calculate Values',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'trigger': u'Client'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total*',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'net_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 0,
+		'reqd': 0,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Note HTML',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'options': u'<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Taxes',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'charge',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'charge',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Select Charges Master',
-		'oldfieldname': 'charge',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Other Charges',
+		'label': u'Select Charges Master',
+		'oldfieldname': u'charge',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Other Charges',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Get Charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Charges',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Other Charges',
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'RV Tax Detail',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Other Charges',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'RV Tax Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Calculate Charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Calculate Charges',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Charges Total*',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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 	# DocField
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Grand Total*',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Calculation',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'permlevel': 0,
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'print_hide': 1
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-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'OT Notes',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': '<div style="margin-top:16px"><b>Note :</b> * In Base Currency\n</div>',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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 		'no_copy': 0,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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 	# DocField
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-		'description': 'In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'In Words',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'in_words',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words',
 		'no_copy': 0,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
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+		'width': u'50%'
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Grand Total (Export)',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Rounded Total (Export)',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'width': u'200px'
 	# DocField
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-		'description': 'In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Quotation.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words_export',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'In Words (Export)',
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+		'width': u'200px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Add Terms and Conditions for the Quotation like Payment Terms, Validity of Offer etc. You can also prepare a master Term Sheet and use the Template',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Add Terms and Conditions for the Quotation like Payment Terms, Validity of Offer etc. You can also prepare a master Term Sheet and use the Template',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
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-	# DocField
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Term',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Select Terms',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Term',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -980,79 +910,93 @@
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-		'label': 'Get Terms',
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-		'options': 'get_tc_details',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
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-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Terms HTML',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': 'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Terms HTML',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'options': u'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
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 		'print_hide': 1
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 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'More Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'More Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'allow_on_submit': 1,
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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+		'print_hide': 1
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+	# DocField
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Company',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Company',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'company',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Fiscal Year',
+		'label': u'Fiscal Year',
+		'oldfieldname': u'fiscal_year',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Fiscal Year',
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@@ -1061,15 +1005,15 @@
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@@ -1077,16 +1021,16 @@
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': "\nExisting Customer\nReference\nAdvertisement\nCold Calling\nExhibition\nSupplier Reference\nMass Mailing\nCustomer's Vendor\nCampaign",
+		'oldfieldname': u'source',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u"\nExisting Customer\nReference\nAdvertisement\nCold Calling\nExhibition\nSupplier Reference\nMass Mailing\nCustomer's Vendor\nCampaign",
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@@ -1094,16 +1038,16 @@
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@@ -1111,15 +1055,54 @@
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@@ -1127,105 +1110,66 @@
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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-		'print_hide': 1,
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Next Contact By',
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 	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Order Lost Reason',
+		'description': u'Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the customer/lead',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Next Contact Date',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Date on which the lead/customer was last contacted',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Last Contact Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
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-	# DocField
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-		'description': 'Your sales person who will contact the customer/lead in future',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_by',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Next Contact By',
-		'oldfieldname': 'contact_by',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Profile',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'to_discuss',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'To Discuss',
+		'oldfieldname': u'to_discuss',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the customer/lead',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Next Contact Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'contact_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Date on which the lead/customer was last contacted',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'last_contact_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Last Contact Date',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
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-		'print_hide': 1
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Keep a track on communications regarding this Quotation. This will help you remember earlier communications in case the Customer comes back again',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Communication History',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Keep a track on communications regarding this Quotation. This will help you remember earlier communications in case the Customer comes back again',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Communication History',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
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@@ -1233,27 +1177,27 @@
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
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diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation_detail/quotation_detail.txt b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation_detail/quotation_detail.txt
index 23c86fa..8c78f48 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation_detail/quotation_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/quotation_detail/quotation_detail.txt
@@ -5,343 +5,330 @@
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'fieldname': u'basic_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'label': 'Amount*',
-		'oldfieldname': 'amount',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'amount',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'item_group',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Item Group',
+		'label': u'Item Group',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_group',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Item Group',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'brand',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'hidden': 1,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Brand',
+		'label': u'Brand',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Brand',
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+		'width': u'150px'
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
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+		'label': u'Item Tax Rate',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Small Text',
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+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'report_hide': 1
+	},
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+		'width': u'150px'
+	},
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'prevdoc_doctype',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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+		'label': u'Against Doctype',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'prevdoc_doctype',
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+		'print_hide': 1,
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 16,
-		'label': 'Item Tax Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'report_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
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-		'label': 'Against Docname',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
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-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'report_hide': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'prevdoc_doctype',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 18,
-		'label': 'Against Doctype',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'prevdoc_doctype',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'report_hide': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js
index 72925ce..5d88c30 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 	doc = locals[doc.doctype][];
 	if(!cur_frm.doc.__islocal) return;
 	var children = getchildren(cur_frm.cscript.tname,, cur_frm.cscript.fname);
-	if(children) {
+	if(children.length) {
 		$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_item_details', '',
 		function(r, rt) {
 			if(!r.exc) {
@@ -74,13 +74,6 @@
-// -----------------
-// Shipping Address
-// -----------------
-cur_frm.add_fetch('company', 'default_currency', 'currency');
-cur_frm.add_fetch('company', 'default_currency', 'price_list_currency');
 // ============== Customer and its primary contact Details ============================
@@ -99,6 +92,94 @@
+var set_dynamic_label_par = function(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr) {
+	//parent flds
+	par_cols_base = {'net_total': 'Net Total', 'other_charges_total': 'Other Charges Total', 
+		'grand_total':	'Grand Total', 'rounded_total': 'Rounded Total', 'in_words': 'In Words'}
+	par_cols_export = {'grand_total_export': 'Grand Total', 'rounded_total_export':	'Rounded Total', 'in_words_export':	'In Words'};
+	for (d in par_cols_base) cur_frm.fields_dict[d].label_area.innerHTML = par_cols_base[d]+' (' + base_curr + ')';
+	for (d in par_cols_export) cur_frm.fields_dict[d].label_area.innerHTML = par_cols_export[d]+' (' + doc.currency + ')';
+	cur_frm.fields_dict['conversion_rate'].label_area.innerHTML = "Conversion Rate (" + doc.currency +' -> '+ base_curr + ')';
+	cur_frm.fields_dict['plc_conversion_rate'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Price List Currency Conversion Rate (' + doc.price_list_currency +' -> '+ base_curr + ')';
+	if (doc.doctype == 'Receivable Voucher') {
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['total_advance'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Total Advance (' + base_curr + ')';
+		cur_frm.fields_dict['outstanding_amount'].label_area.innerHTML = 'Outstanding Amount (' + base_curr + ')';
+	}
+var set_dynamic_label_child = function(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr) {
+	// item table flds
+	item_cols_base = {'basic_rate': 'Basic Rate', 'base_ref_rate': 'Price List Rate', 'amount': 'Amount'};
+	item_cols_export = {'export_rate': 'Basic Rate', 'ref_rate': 'Price List Rate', 'export_amount': 'Amount'};
+	for (d in item_cols_base) $('[data-grid-fieldname="'+cur_frm.cscript.tname+'-'+d+'"]').html(item_cols_base[d]+' ('+base_curr+')');
+	for (d in item_cols_export) $('[data-grid-fieldname="'+cur_frm.cscript.tname+'-'+d+'"]').html(item_cols_export[d]+' ('+doc.currency+')');	
+	var hide = (doc.currency == sys_defaults['currency']) ? false : true;
+	for (f in item_cols_base) cur_frm.fields_dict[cur_frm.cscript.fname].grid.set_column_disp(f, hide);
+	//tax table flds
+	tax_cols = {'tax_amount': 'Amount', 'total': 'Total'};
+	for (d in tax_cols) $('[data-grid-fieldname="RV Tax Detail-'+d+'"]').html(tax_cols[d]+' ('+base_curr+')');
+	if (doc.doctype == 'Receivable Voucher') {
+		// advance table flds
+		adv_cols = {'advance_amount': 'Advance Amount', 'allocated_amount': 'Allocated Amount'}
+		for (d in adv_cols) $('[data-grid-fieldname="Advance Adjustment Detail-'+d+'"]').html(adv_cols[d]+' ('+base_curr+')');	
+	}
+// Change label dynamically based on currency
+cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	var callback = function(r, rt) {
+		if (r.message) base_curr = r.message;
+		else base_curr = sys_defaults['currency'];
+		set_dynamic_label_par(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
+		set_dynamic_label_child(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
+	}
+	if ( == sys_defaults['company']) callback('', '');
+	else $c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_comp_base_currency', '', callback);
+// hide / unhide price list currency based on availability of price list in customer's currency
+cur_frm.cscript.hide_price_list_currency = function(doc, cdt, cdn, callback1) {
+	if (doc.price_list_name && doc.currency) {
+		var callback = function(r, rt) {
+			pl_currency = r.message[0]?r.message[0]:[];
+			if (pl_currency.length==1) {
+				if (pl_currency[0] == doc.currency) set_multiple(cdt, cdn, {price_list_currency:doc.currency, plc_conversion_rate:doc.conversion_rate});
+				else if (pl_currency[0] = r.message[1]) set_multiple(cdt, cdn, {price_list_currency:pl_currency[0], plc_conversion_rate:1})
+				hide_field(['price_list_currency', 'plc_conversion_rate']);
+			} else unhide_field(['price_list_currency', 'plc_conversion_rate']);
+			if (r.message[1] == doc.currency) {
+				set_multiple(cdt, cdn, {conversion_rate:1});
+				hide_field(['conversion_rate', 'grand_total_export', 'in_words_export', 'rounded_total_export']);
+			} else unhide_field(['conversion_rate', 'grand_total_export', 'in_words_export', 'rounded_total_export']);
+			if (r.message[1] == doc.price_list_currency) {
+				set_multiple(cdt, cdn, {plc_conversion_rate:1});
+				hide_field('plc_conversion_rate');
+			} else unhide_field('plc_conversion_rate');
+			callback1()
+		}
+		$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_price_list_currency', '', callback);
+	}
 //====================opens territory tree page ==================
 cur_frm.cscript.TerritoryHelp = function(doc,dt,dn){
 	var call_back = function(){
@@ -123,29 +204,42 @@
 // =====================================================================================================
 // ********************* CURRENCY ******************************
-cur_frm.cscript.currency = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {		 
-	cur_frm.cscript.price_list_name(doc, cdt, cdn);
+cur_frm.cscript.currency = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	cur_frm.cscript.price_list_name(doc, cdt, cdn); 
 cur_frm.cscript.price_list_currency = cur_frm.cscript.currency;
 cur_frm.cscript.conversion_rate = cur_frm.cscript.currency;
 cur_frm.cscript.plc_conversion_rate = cur_frm.cscript.currency; = function(doc, dt, dn) {
+	var callback = function(r, rt) {
+		var doc = locals[dt][dn];
+		set_multiple(doc.doctype,, {currency:r.message,price_list_currency:r.message});
+		cur_frm.cscript.currency(doc, cdt, cdn);
+	}
+	$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_comp_base_currency', '', callback);
 // ******************** PRICE LIST ******************************
 cur_frm.cscript.price_list_name = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	var fname = cur_frm.cscript.fname;
-	var cl = getchildren(cur_frm.cscript.tname,, cur_frm.cscript.fname);
-	if(doc.price_list_name && doc.currency && doc.price_list_currency && doc.conversion_rate && doc.plc_conversion_rate && cl.length) {
-		$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_adj_percent', '',
-			function(r, rt) {
-				refresh_field(fname);
-				var doc = locals[cdt][cdn];
-				cur_frm.cscript.recalc(doc,3);		//this is to re-calculate BASIC RATE and AMOUNT on basis of changed REF RATE
-			}
-		);
+	var callback = function() {
+		var fname = cur_frm.cscript.fname;
+		var cl = getchildren(cur_frm.cscript.tname,, cur_frm.cscript.fname);
+		if(doc.price_list_name && doc.currency && doc.price_list_currency && doc.conversion_rate && doc.plc_conversion_rate) {
+			$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_adj_percent', '',
+				function(r, rt) {
+					refresh_field(fname);
+					var doc = locals[cdt][cdn];
+					cur_frm.cscript.recalc(doc,3);		//this is to re-calculate BASIC RATE and AMOUNT on basis of changed REF RATE
+					cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);	
+				}
+			);
+		}
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_price_list_currency(doc, cdt, cdn, callback);
@@ -171,7 +265,8 @@
 			var callback = function(r, rt){
 				cur_frm.cscript.recalc(doc, 1);
-			get_server_fields('get_item_details',d.item_code, fname,doc,cdt,cdn,1,callback);
+			var args = {'item_code':d.item_code, 'income_account':d.income_account, 'cost_center': d.cost_center, 'warehouse': d.warehouse};
+			get_server_fields('get_item_details',JSON.stringify(args), fname,doc,cdt,cdn,1,callback);
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/
index 4d2e763..003c3bd 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
 	# Get Item Details
 	# ===============================================================
-	def get_item_details(self, item_code, obj):
+	def get_item_details(self, args, obj):
 		import json
 		if not obj.doc.price_list_name:
 			msgprint("Please Select Price List before selecting Items")
 			raise Exception
-		item = webnotes.conn.sql("select description, item_name, brand, item_group, stock_uom, default_warehouse, default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center, description_html from `tabItem` where name = '%s' and (ifnull(end_of_life,'')='' or end_of_life >	now() or end_of_life = '0000-00-00') and (is_sales_item = 'Yes' or is_service_item = 'Yes')" % (item_code), as_dict=1)
-		tax = webnotes.conn.sql("select tax_type, tax_rate from `tabItem Tax` where parent = %s" , item_code)
+		item = webnotes.conn.sql("select description, item_name, brand, item_group, stock_uom, default_warehouse, default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center, description_html from `tabItem` where name = '%s' and (ifnull(end_of_life,'')='' or end_of_life >	now() or end_of_life = '0000-00-00') and (is_sales_item = 'Yes' or is_service_item = 'Yes')" % (args['item_code']), as_dict=1)
+		tax = webnotes.conn.sql("select tax_type, tax_rate from `tabItem Tax` where parent = %s" , args['item_code'])
 		t = {}
 		for x in tax: t[x[0]] = flt(x[1])
 		ret = {
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
 			'brand'					: item and item[0]['brand'] or '',
 			'stock_uom'				: item and item[0]['stock_uom'] or '',
 			'reserved_warehouse'	: item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or '',
-			'warehouse'				: item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or '',
-			'income_account'		: item and item[0]['default_income_account'] or '',
-			'cost_center'			: item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center'] or '',
+			'warehouse'				: item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or args.get('warehouse'),
+			'income_account'		: item and item[0]['default_income_account'] or args.get('income_account'),
+			'cost_center'			: item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center'] or args.get('cost_center'),
 			'qty'					: 1.00,	 # this is done coz if item once fetched is fetched again thn its qty shld be reset to 1
 			'adj_rate'				: 0,
 			'amount'				: 0,
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 			'batch_no'				: ''
 		if(obj.doc.price_list_name and item):	#this is done to fetch the changed BASIC RATE and REF RATE based on PRICE LIST
-			base_ref_rate =	self.get_ref_rate(item_code, obj.doc.price_list_name, obj.doc.price_list_currency, obj.doc.plc_conversion_rate)
+			base_ref_rate =	self.get_ref_rate(args['item_code'], obj.doc.price_list_name, obj.doc.price_list_currency, obj.doc.plc_conversion_rate)
 			ret['ref_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate)/flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
 			ret['export_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate)/flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
 			ret['base_ref_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate)
@@ -174,8 +174,22 @@
 			d.basic_rate = flt(base_ref_rate)
 			d.base_ref_rate = flt(base_ref_rate)
 			d.export_rate = flt(base_ref_rate)/flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
+			d.amount = flt(d.qty)*flt(base_ref_rate)
+			d.export_amount = flt(d.qty)*flt(base_ref_rate)/flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self, comp):
+		""" get default currency of company"""
+		return webnotes.conn.sql("select default_currency from `tabCompany` where name = %s", comp)[0][0]
+	def get_price_list_currency(self, price_list, comp):
+		""" Get all currency in which price list is maintained"""
+		plc = webnotes.conn.sql("select distinct ref_currency from `tabRef Rate Detail` where price_list_name = %s", price_list)
+		plc = [d[0] for d in plc]
+		base_currency = self.get_comp_base_currency(comp)
+		return plc, base_currency
 	# Load Default Taxes
 	# ====================
 	def load_default_taxes(self, obj):
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js
index 29eccae..4a724d2 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js
@@ -38,21 +38,26 @@
 cur_frm.cscript.onload_post_render = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
 	if(doc.__islocal) {
 		// defined in sales_common.js
-		cur_frm.cscript.update_item_details(doc, cdt, cdn, callback);
+		cur_frm.cscript.update_item_details(doc, cdt, cdn);
 // Refresh
 cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	var callback = function() {
+		cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
+	}
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_price_list_currency(doc, cdt, cdn, callback); 
 	if(doc.docstatus==1) {
 		if(doc.status != 'Stopped') {
 			cur_frm.add_custom_button('Send SMS', cur_frm.cscript['Send SMS']);
@@ -98,7 +103,7 @@
 	if(doc.customer) $c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,, 'get_default_customer_address', '', callback);
-	if(doc.customer) unhide_field(['customer_address','contact_person','customer_name','address_display','contact_display','contact_mobile','contact_email','territory','customer_group','shipping_address']);
+	if(doc.customer) unhide_field(['customer_address', 'contact_person', 'customer_name', 'address_display', 'contact_display', 'contact_mobile', 'contact_email', 'territory','customer_group','shipping_address']);
 cur_frm.cscript.customer_address = cur_frm.cscript.contact_person = function(doc,dt,dn) {		
@@ -151,13 +156,6 @@
 // ================================================================================================
-// ***************** get shipping address based on customer selected *****************
-cur_frm.fields_dict['ship_det_no'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	return 'SELECT `tabShipping Address`.`name`, `tabShipping Address`.`ship_to`, `tabShipping Address`.`shipping_address` FROM `tabShipping Address` WHERE `tabShipping Address`.customer = "'+ doc.customer+'" AND `tabShipping Address`.`docstatus` != 2 AND `tabShipping Address`.`name` LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabShipping Address`.name ASC LIMIT 50';
 // ***************** Get project name *****************
 cur_frm.fields_dict['project_name'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/
index d1e070f..943a1fd 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/
@@ -101,9 +101,10 @@
 # ================================================================================
 	# Get Item Details
 	# ----------------
-	def get_item_details(self, item_code=None):
-		if item_code:
-			return get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(item_code, self)
+	def get_item_details(self, args=None):
+		args = eval(args)
+		if args['item_code']:
+			return get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(args, self)
 			obj = get_obj('Sales Common')
 			for doc in self.doclist:
@@ -119,6 +120,15 @@
 	def get_adj_percent(self, arg=''):
 		get_obj('Sales Common').get_adj_percent(self)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_comp_base_currency(
+	def get_price_list_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_price_list_currency(self.doc.price_list_name,
 	# Get projected qty of item based on warehouse selected
 	# -----------------------------------------------------
 	def get_available_qty(self,args):
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.txt b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.txt
index 0ff3ee0..a72b8df 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.txt
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.txt
@@ -5,72 +5,72 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:21',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-01-09 16:52:34',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 17:07:40',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
 	# These values are common for all DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Sales Order',
-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Sales Order',
+		'parentfield': u'fields',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
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-		'_last_update': '1325570646',
+		'_last_update': u'1330082514',
 		'allow_attach': 0,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default_print_format': 'Standard',
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+		'default_print_format': u'Standard',
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+		'document_type': u'Transaction',
 		'is_transaction_doc': 1,
 		'issingle': 0,
-		'module': 'Selling',
+		'module': u'Selling',
 		'name': '__common__',
 		'read_only_onload': 1,
-		'search_fields': 'status,transaction_date,customer,customer_name, territory,order_type,company',
-		'section_style': 'Tabbed',
-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'search_fields': u'status,transaction_date,customer,customer_name, territory,order_type,company',
+		'section_style': u'Tabbed',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'subject': 'From %(customer_name)s on %(transaction_date)s worth %(currency)s %(grand_total_export)s | %(per_delivered)s% delivered | %(per_billed)s% billed',
-		'tag_fields': 'delivery_status,billing_status',
-		'version': 610
+		'subject': u'From %(customer_name)s on %(transaction_date)s worth %(currency)s %(grand_total_export)s | %(per_delivered)s% delivered | %(per_billed)s% billed',
+		'tag_fields': u'delivery_status,billing_status',
+		'version': 629
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-		'doctype': 'DocFormat',
+		'doctype': u'DocFormat',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Sales Order',
-		'parentfield': 'formats',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Sales Order',
+		'parentfield': u'formats',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
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-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Sales Order',
-		'parentfield': 'permissions',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType',
+		'parent': u'Sales Order',
+		'parentfield': u'permissions',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType',
 		'read': 1
 	# DocType, Sales Order
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'Sales Order'
+		'name': u'Sales Order'
 	# DocPerm
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Production Manager'
+		'role': u'Production Manager'
 	# DocPerm
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
 		'amend': 0,
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 1,
-		'role': 'Sales Manager',
+		'role': u'Sales Manager',
 		'submit': 0,
 		'write': 0
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
 		'amend': 1,
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Sales Manager',
+		'role': u'Sales Manager',
 		'submit': 1,
 		'write': 1
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
 		'amend': 1,
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Sales User',
+		'role': u'Sales User',
 		'submit': 1,
 		'write': 1
@@ -114,26 +114,26 @@
 		'amend': 0,
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
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-		'role': 'Sales User',
+		'role': u'Sales User',
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 		'write': 0
 	# DocPerm
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'match': 'customer_name',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'match': u'customer_name',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': 'Customer'
+		'role': u'Customer'
 	# DocPerm
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 2,
-		'role': 'Accounts User',
+		'role': u'Accounts User',
 		'write': 1
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@
 		'amend': 1,
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
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 		'permlevel': 1,
-		'role': 'Maintenance Manager'
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 	# DocPerm
@@ -161,72 +161,72 @@
 		'amend': 1,
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
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+		'label': u'Basic Info',
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 	# DocField
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+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Series',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'naming_series',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Series',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'PI/2011/\nSO\nSO/10-11/\nSO1112',
+		'oldfieldname': u'naming_series',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'PI/2011/\nSO\nSO/10-11/\nSO1112',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -234,102 +234,268 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select Customer',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select Customer',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
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-		'label': 'Customer',
-		'oldfieldname': 'customer',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Customer',
+		'label': u'Customer',
+		'oldfieldname': u'customer',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Customer',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_address',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_address',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Customer Address',
-		'options': 'Address',
+		'label': u'Customer Address',
+		'options': u'Address',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_person',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'fieldname': u'contact_person',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Contact Person',
-		'options': 'Contact',
+		'label': u'Contact Person',
+		'options': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Name',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Name',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'address_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Address',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'address_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Address',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Contact',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_mobile',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Mobile No',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_mobile',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Mobile No',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_email',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Contact Email',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_email',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Contact Email',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'territory',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'width': u'50%'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Territory',
-		'options': 'Territory',
+		'label': u'Sales Order Date',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 0,
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'search_index': 1,
+		'width': u'160px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Sales',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'order_type',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Order Type',
+		'oldfieldname': u'order_type',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nSales\nMaintenance',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'reqd': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u"eval:doc.order_type == 'Sales'",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'delivery_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Expected Delivery Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'delivery_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 0,
+		'search_index': 1,
+		'width': u'160px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'default': u'Draft',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'status',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Status',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'status',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nDraft\nSubmitted\nStopped\nCancelled',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'search_index': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Track this Sales Order against any Project',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'project_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Project Name',
+		'oldfieldname': u'project_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Project',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'search_index': 1,
+		'trigger': u'Client'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'description': u'% of materials delivered against this Sales Order',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'per_delivered',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'%  Delivered',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'per_delivered',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'description': u'% of materials billed against this Sales Order',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'per_billed',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'% Amount Billed',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'per_billed',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Amended From',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'150px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Amendment Date',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'territory',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Territory',
+		'options': u'Territory',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -338,13 +504,14 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Category of customer as entered in Customer master',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_group',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Category of customer as entered in Customer master',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_group',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Customer Group',
-		'options': 'Customer Group',
+		'label': u'Customer Group',
+		'options': u'Customer Group',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -353,260 +520,64 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Purchase Order sent by customer',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'po_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'P.O. No',
-		'oldfieldname': 'po_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'po_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'P.O. Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'po_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Sales Order Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '160px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'order_type',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Order Type',
-		'oldfieldname': 'order_type',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nSales\nMaintenance',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'reqd': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'default': 'Draft',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'status',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Status',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'status',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nDraft\nSubmitted\nStopped\nCancelled',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'delivery_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Expected Delivery Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'delivery_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '160px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Track this Sales Order against any Project',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'project_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Project Name',
-		'oldfieldname': 'project_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Project',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'description': '% of materials delivered against this Sales Order',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'per_delivered',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': '%  Delivered',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'per_delivered',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'description': '% of materials billed against this Sales Order',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': '% Amount Billed',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Amended From',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Amendment Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'shipping_address_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Shipping Address Name',
-		'options': 'Address',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'shipping_address',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'shipping_address',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Shipping Address',
+		'label': u'Shipping Address',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Items',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'shipping_address_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Shipping Address Name',
+		'options': u'Address',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Items',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'price_list_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Price List',
-		'oldfieldname': 'price_list_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Price List',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'price_list_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Price List',
+		'oldfieldname': u'price_list_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Price List',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'Select the currency in which price list is maintained',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'price_list_currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Price List Currency',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
+		'description': u'Select the currency in which price list is maintained',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'price_list_currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Price List Currency',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -614,12 +585,12 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Rate at which Price list currency is converted to your currency',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'plc_conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Price List Currency Conversion Rate',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'plc_conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Price List Currency Conversion Rate',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -627,383 +598,360 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': "Customer's currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': "Customer's Currency",
-		'oldfieldname': 'currency',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Customer's currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'currency',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': '1.00',
-		'description': "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to your currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Conversion Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'1.00',
+		'description': u"Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Conversion Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Quotation no against which this Sales Order is made ',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'quotation_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Quotation no against which this Sales Order is made ',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'quotation_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Quotation No',
+		'label': u'Quotation No',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'quotation_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Quotation',
+		'oldfieldname': u'quotation_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Quotation',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '150px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'quotation_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:doc.quotation_no',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'quotation_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Quotation Date',
+		'label': u'Quotation Date',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'quotation_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'quotation_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Pull Quotation Details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'pull_quotation_details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Pull Quotation Details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'pull_quotation_details',
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@@ -1011,123 +959,86 @@
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@@ -1135,192 +1046,274 @@
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Billing Status',
-		'no_column': 0,
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'options': 'Billed\nNot Billed\nPartly Billed\nClosed',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Display all the individual items delivered with the main items',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Packing List',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
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-		'print_hide': 1
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-	# DocField
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-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Packing Details',
-		'oldfieldname': 'packing_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Delivery Note Packing Detail',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Sales Team',
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-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Name as entered in Sales Partner master',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'sales_partner',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'company',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Sales Partner',
-		'oldfieldname': 'sales_partner',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Sales Partner',
+		'label': u'Company',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
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+	# DocField
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+		'label': u'Fiscal Year',
+		'oldfieldname': u'fiscal_year',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Fiscal Year',
+		'permlevel': 0,
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+		'width': u'150px'
+	},
+	# DocField
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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+		'label': u'Delivery Status',
+		'no_column': 0,
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'options': u'Delivered\nNot Delivered\nPartly Delivered\nClosed\nNot Applicable',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'billing_status',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Billing Status',
+		'no_column': 0,
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'options': u'Billed\nNot Billed\nPartly Billed\nClosed',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'cancel_reason',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Cancel Reason',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Display all the individual items delivered with the main items',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Packing List',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
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+	# DocField
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Packing Details',
+		'oldfieldname': u'packing_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Delivery Note Packing Detail',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Sales Team',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'width': u'50%'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Name as entered in Sales Partner master',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'sales_partner',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Sales Partner',
+		'oldfieldname': u'sales_partner',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Sales Partner',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '150px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'commission_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Commission Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'commission_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'width': u'50%'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'commission_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Commission Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'commission_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_commission',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Total Commission',
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_commission',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_commission',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Total Commission',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'sales_team',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Sales Team1',
-		'oldfieldname': 'sales_team',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Sales Team',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'options': u'Simple',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'sales_team',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Sales Team1',
+		'oldfieldname': u'sales_team',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Sales Team',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
@@ -1328,11 +1321,11 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Repair Sales Order',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'repair_sales_order',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Repair Sales Order',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'repair_sales_order',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_detail/sales_order_detail.txt b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_detail/sales_order_detail.txt
index 7e46d74..25521c4 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_detail/sales_order_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order_detail/sales_order_detail.txt
@@ -5,342 +5,295 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:22',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-04-12 14:08:58',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-24 10:38:06',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
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-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'section_style': u'Tray',
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 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Sales Order Detail',
-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Sales Order Detail',
+		'parentfield': u'fields',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
 	# DocType, Sales Order Detail
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'Sales Order Detail'
+		'name': u'Sales Order Detail'
 	# DocField
-		'allow_on_submit': 0,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_code',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 1,
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'item_code',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Item Code',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_code',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Item',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Item',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '150px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 2,
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-		'oldfieldname': 'item_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'width': '150'
+		'width': u'150'
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
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 		'in_filter': 1,
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 	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 4,
-		'label': 'Quantity',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'width': u'70px'
 	# DocField
-		'default': '0.00',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'ref_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 6,
-		'label': 'Ref Rate',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'label': 'Discount(%)',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Float',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
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 	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'export_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'label': 'Rate',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
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-		'label': 'Amount*',
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-		'permlevel': 1,
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-	},
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-		'default': '0.00',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'delivered_qty',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 17,
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-		'label': 'Delivered Qty',
+		'label': u'Delivered Qty',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'delivered_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'delivered_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
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-		'fieldname': 'billed_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 18,
-		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Billed Qty',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'billed_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'billed_amt',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 19,
-		'label': 'Billed Amt',
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+		'fieldname': u'billed_amt',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Billed Amt',
 		'no_copy': 1,
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
@@ -348,83 +301,84 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'For Production',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'planned_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'For Production',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'planned_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 20,
-		'label': 'Planned Quantity',
+		'label': u'Planned Quantity',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'planned_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'planned_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'width': '50px'
+		'width': u'50px'
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-		'description': 'For Production',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'produced_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'For Production',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'produced_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 21,
-		'label': 'Produced Quantity',
-		'oldfieldname': 'produced_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'label': u'Produced Quantity',
+		'oldfieldname': u'produced_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
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-		'width': '50px'
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-		'fieldname': 'brand',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 22,
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 		'in_filter': 1,
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-		'oldfieldname': 'brand',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Brand',
+		'label': u'Brand Name',
+		'oldfieldname': u'brand',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Brand',
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-		'search_index': 0
+		'search_index': 1
 	# DocField
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-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 23,
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'hidden': 1,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Item Group',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_group',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Item Group',
+		'label': u'Item Group',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_group',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Item Group',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 0
+		'search_index': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'prevdoc_docname',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 24,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Quotation No.',
-		'oldfieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Quotation',
+		'label': u'Quotation No.',
+		'oldfieldname': u'prevdoc_docname',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Quotation',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
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@@ -433,13 +387,12 @@
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@@ -447,15 +400,15 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'required for production. will be used later.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'delivery_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 26,
-		'label': 'Expected Delivery Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'delivery_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'required for production. will be used later.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'delivery_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Expected Delivery Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'delivery_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -464,16 +417,16 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'description': 'required for production. will be used later.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'confirmation_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'required for production. will be used later.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'confirmation_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 27,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Confirmed Delivery Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'confirmation_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Confirmed Delivery Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'confirmation_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1,
@@ -482,14 +435,14 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'fieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 28,
-		'label': 'Item Tax Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Item Tax Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_tax_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Small Text',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1
@@ -497,16 +450,16 @@
 	# DocField
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 29,
 		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Sales Order Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Sales Order Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'report_hide': 1,
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js
index df07170..3a8931e 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.js
@@ -38,24 +38,23 @@
-	}
+	}	
 cur_frm.cscript.onload_post_render = function(doc, dt, dn) {
 	// defined in sales_common.js
-	//cur_frm.cscript.update_item_details(doc, cdt, cdn);
-	// load default charges
-	if(doc.__islocal && !getchildren('RV Tax Detail',, 'other_charges', doc.doctype).length) 
-		cur_frm.cscript.load_taxes(doc, cdt, cdn);	
+	if(doc.__islocal) cur_frm.cscript.update_item_details(doc, dt, dn);
 // ================================================================================================
 cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, cdt, cdn) { 
+	var callback = function() {
+		cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
+	}
+	cur_frm.cscript.hide_price_list_currency(doc, cdt, cdn, callback); 
 	if(doc.per_billed < 100 && doc.docstatus==1) cur_frm.add_custom_button('Make Invoice', cur_frm.cscript['Make Sales Invoice']);
@@ -160,61 +159,6 @@
 	return repl('SELECT `tabProject`.name FROM `tabProject` WHERE `tabProject`.status = "Open" AND %(cond)s `tabProject`.name LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabProject`.name ASC LIMIT 50', {cond:cond});
-//---- get customer details ----------------------------
-cur_frm.cscript.project_name = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
-	$c_obj(make_doclist(doc.doctype,,'pull_project_customer','', function(r,rt){
-		refresh_many(['customer','customer_name', 'customer_address', 'contact_person', 'territory', 'contact_no', 'email_id', 'customer_group']);
-	});
-// ================================================================================================
-var cfn_set_fields = function(doc, cdt, cdn) { 
- var supplier_field_list = ['Supplier','supplier','supplier_address'];
-	var customer_field_list = ['Customer','customer','customer_name','customer_address','territory','customer_group','Business Associate','sales_partner','commission_rate','total_commission','sales_order_no','Get Items'];
-	if (doc.delivery_type == 'Rejected' && doc.purchase_receipt_no) {
-		unhide_field('purchase_receipt_no');
-		unhide_field(supplier_field_list);
-		hide_field(customer_field_list);
-		get_field(doc.doctype, 'delivery_type' , = 1;
-	}
-	else if (doc.delivery_type == 'Subcontract' && doc.purchase_order_no) {
-		unhide_field('purchase_order_no');
-		unhide_field(supplier_field_list);
-		hide_field(cutomer_field_list);
-		get_field(doc.doctype, 'delivery_type' , = 1;
-	}
-	else if (doc.delivery_type == 'Sample') unhide_field('to_warehouse');
-	else get_field(doc.doctype, 'delivery_type' , = 0;	 
-// ================================================================================================
-// ***************** Get Contact Person based on customer selected *****************
-cur_frm.fields_dict['contact_person'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	return 'SELECT `tabContact`.contact_name FROM `tabContact` WHERE ((`tabContact`.is_customer = 1 AND `tabContact`.customer = "'+ doc.customer+'") or (`tabContact`.is_sales_partner = 1 AND `tabContact`.sales_partner = "'+ doc.sales_partner+'")) AND `tabContact`.docstatus != 2 AND `tabContact`.contact_name LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabContact`.contact_name ASC LIMIT 50';
-// ***************** get shipping address based on customer selected *****************
-cur_frm.fields_dict['ship_det_no'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	return 'SELECT `tabShipping Address`.`name`, `tabShipping Address`.`ship_to`, `tabShipping Address`.`shipping_address` FROM `tabShipping Address` WHERE `tabShipping Address`.customer = "'+ doc.customer+'" AND `tabShipping Address`.`docstatus` != 2 AND `tabShipping Address`.`name` LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabShipping Address`.name ASC LIMIT 50';
 // *************** Customized link query for SALES ORDER based on customer and currency***************************** 
 cur_frm.fields_dict['sales_order_no'].get_query = function(doc) {
@@ -248,13 +192,6 @@
-// this won't work in case of Sales Bom item where item.is_stock_item = 'No'
-cur_frm.fields_dict['delivery_note_details'].grid.get_field('warehouse').get_query= function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	var d = locals[cdt][cdn];
-	return "SELECT `tabBin`.`warehouse`, `tabBin`.`actual_qty` FROM `tabBin` WHERE `tabBin`.`item_code` = '"+ d.item_code +"' AND ifnull(`tabBin`.`actual_qty`,0) > 0 AND `tabBin`.`warehouse` like '%s' ORDER BY `tabBin`.`warehouse` DESC LIMIT 50";
 cur_frm.cscript.warehouse = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
 	var d = locals[cdt][cdn];
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/
index c2bf834..a94531b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/
@@ -116,9 +116,10 @@
 # ================================================================================
 	# ***************** Get Item Details ******************************
-	def get_item_details(self, item_code=None):
-		if item_code:
-			return get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(item_code, self)
+	def get_item_details(self, args=None):
+		args = eval(args)
+		if args['item_code']:
+			return get_obj('Sales Common').get_item_details(args, self)
 			obj = get_obj('Sales Common')
 			for doc in self.doclist:
@@ -133,6 +134,14 @@
 	def get_adj_percent(self, arg=''):
 		get_obj('Sales Common').get_adj_percent(self)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_comp_base_currency(
+	def get_price_list_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Sales Common').get_price_list_currency(self.doc.price_list_name,
 	# ********** Get Actual Qty of item in warehouse selected *************
 	def get_actual_qty(self,args):
 		args = eval(args)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt
index 00bf9a8..6570b0c 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt
@@ -5,64 +5,64 @@
 		'creation': '2011-04-18 15:58:20',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-01-30 16:52:12',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 17:35:31',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
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+		'document_type': u'Transaction',
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-		'module': 'Stock',
+		'module': u'Stock',
 		'name': '__common__',
 		'read_only_onload': 1,
-		'search_fields': 'status,transaction_date,customer,customer_name, territory,grand_total',
-		'section_style': 'Tabbed',
-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'search_fields': u'status,transaction_date,customer,customer_name, territory,grand_total',
+		'section_style': u'Tabbed',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'subject': 'To %(customer_name)s on %(transaction_date)s | %(per_billed)s% billed',
-		'tag_fields': 'billing_status',
-		'version': 464
+		'subject': u'To %(customer_name)s on %(transaction_date)s | %(per_billed)s% billed',
+		'tag_fields': u'billing_status',
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-		'parentfield': 'formats',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Delivery Note',
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 		'name': '__common__',
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+		'parenttype': u'DocType',
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 	# DocType, Delivery Note
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'Delivery Note'
+		'name': u'Delivery Note'
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@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
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+		'role': u'Sales User',
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@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
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@@ -118,84 +118,78 @@
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-		'format': 'Delivery Note Classic'
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+		'format': u'Delivery Note Modern'
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+		'width': u'50%'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Series',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'naming_series',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Series',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'naming_series',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'DN',
+		'oldfieldname': u'naming_series',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'DN',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -203,1234 +197,1171 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Customer',
-		'oldfieldname': 'customer',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Customer',
+		'label': u'Customer',
+		'oldfieldname': u'customer',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Customer',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_address',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_address',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Shipping Address',
-		'options': 'Address',
+		'label': u'Shipping Address',
+		'options': u'Address',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_person',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_person',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Contact Person',
-		'options': 'Contact',
+		'label': u'Contact Person',
+		'options': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Customer Name',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Customer Name',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'address_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Shipping Address',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'address_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Shipping Address',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_display',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'label': 'Contact',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_display',
+		'fieldtype': u'Small Text',
+		'label': u'Contact',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_mobile',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Mobile No',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_mobile',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Mobile No',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'contact_email',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Contact Email',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'contact_email',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Contact Email',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Voucher Date',
+		'label': u'Voucher Date',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'transaction_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'transaction_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'search_index': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'posting_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Posting Date',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'posting_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'default': 'Draft',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'status',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Status',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'status',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nDraft\nSubmitted\nCancelled',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'description': '% of materials billed against this Delivery Note',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': '% Amount Billed',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'description': '% of materials delivered against this Delivery Note',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'per_installed',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': '% Installed',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'per_installed',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'po_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'P.O. No',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'po_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'po_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'P.O. Date',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'po_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'allow_on_submit': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Amended From',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amended_from',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Amendment Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'amendment_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'territory',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Territory',
-		'options': 'Territory',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'customer_group',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Customer Group',
-		'options': 'Customer Group',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'search_index': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Transporter Info',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'transporter_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Transporter Name',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'transporter_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Transporter lorry number',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'lr_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'LR No',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'lr_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'description': 'Date on which lorry started from your warehouse',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'lr_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'LR Date',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'lr_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'challan_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'Challan No',
-		'oldfieldname': 'challan_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'challan_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'label': 'Challan Date',
-		'oldfieldname': 'challan_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Items',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'price_list_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Price List',
-		'oldfieldname': 'price_list_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Price List',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the currency in which price list is maintained',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'price_list_currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Price List Currency',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Rate at which Price list currency is converted to your currency',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'plc_conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Price List Currency Conversion Rate',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': "Customer's Currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Currency',
-		'oldfieldname': 'currency',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': '1.00',
-		'description': "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to your currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Conversion Rate',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'You can make a delivery note from multiple sales orders. Select sales orders one by one and click on the button below.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'sales_order_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Sales Order No',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'sales_order_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Sales Order',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Get Items',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'pull_sales_order_details',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'delivery_note_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Delivery Note Details',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'delivery_note_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Delivery Note Detail',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Net Total*',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Re-Calculate Values',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Note',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': '<b>NOTE :</b>* In Base Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Taxes',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'If you have created a standard template in Other Charges master, select one and click on the button below.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'charge',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Charge',
-		'oldfieldname': 'charge',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Other Charges',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Get Charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Other Charges',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'RV Tax Detail',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Charges Total',
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Calculate Charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Other Charges Calculation',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Totals',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'grand_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Grand Total',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'grand_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'rounded_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Rounded Total',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'rounded_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'In Words',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'in_words',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '200px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'grand_total_export',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Grand Total (Export)',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'grand_total_export',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'reqd': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'rounded_total_export',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Rounded Total (Export)',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'rounded_total_export',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words_export',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'label': 'In Words (Export)',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'in_words_export',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'tc_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Select Terms',
-		'oldfieldname': 'tc_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Term',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'label': 'Get Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_tc_details',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Server'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'label': 'Terms HTML',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': 'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'terms',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text Editor',
-		'label': 'Term Details',
-		'oldfieldname': 'terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text Editor',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'More Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'company',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Company',
-		'oldfieldname': 'company',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Company',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Fiscal Year',
-		'oldfieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Fiscal Year',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': 'Today',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'posting_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Posting Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'posting_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 1,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Time at which items were delivered from warehouse',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'posting_time',
-		'fieldtype': 'Time',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Time at which items were delivered from warehouse',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'posting_time',
+		'fieldtype': u'Time',
 		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Posting Time',
-		'oldfieldname': 'posting_time',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Time',
+		'label': u'Posting Time',
+		'oldfieldname': u'posting_time',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Time',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Track this Delivery Note against any Project',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'project_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'default': u'Draft',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'status',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Project Name',
-		'oldfieldname': 'project_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Project',
-		'permlevel': 0,
+		'label': u'Status',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'status',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nDraft\nSubmitted\nCancelled',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Required only for sample item.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'to_warehouse',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'description': u'% of materials billed against this Delivery Note',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'per_billed',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'% Amount Billed',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'per_billed',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'search_index': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'description': u'% of materials delivered against this Delivery Note',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'per_installed',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'% Installed',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'per_installed',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'search_index': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'po_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'P.O. No',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'po_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:doc.po_no',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'po_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'P.O. Date',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'po_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'allow_on_submit': 0,
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'Amended From',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'amended_from',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'150px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'Amendment Date',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'amendment_date',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'width': u'100px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'territory',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'To Warehouse',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'to_warehouse',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Warehouse',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'billing_status',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Billing Status',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'options': '\nNot Billed\nPartly Billed\nFully Billed',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'installation_status',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Installation Status',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'letter_head',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Letter Head',
-		'oldfieldname': 'letter_head',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'link:Letter Head',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'source',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'label': 'Source',
-		'oldfieldname': 'source',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': "\nExisting Customer\nReference\nAdvertisement\nCold Calling\nExhibition\nSupplier Reference\nMass Mailing\nCustomer's Vendor\nCampaign",
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': "eval:doc.source == 'Campaign'",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'campaign',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Campaign',
-		'oldfieldname': 'campaign',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Campaign',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'select_print_heading',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Select Print Heading',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'select_print_heading',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Print Heading',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Territory',
+		'options': u'Territory',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'report_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'search_index': 1
 	# DocField
-		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'print_without_amount',
-		'fieldtype': 'Check',
-		'label': 'Print Without Amount',
-		'oldfieldname': 'print_without_amount',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Check',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'customer_group',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Customer Group',
+		'options': u'Customer Group',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'search_index': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'instructions',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Instructions',
-		'oldfieldname': 'instructions',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Items',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'cancel_reason',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 0,
-		'label': 'Cancel Reason',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'cancel_reason',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'excise_page',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Excise Page Number',
-		'oldfieldname': 'excise_page',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'price_list_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Price List',
+		'oldfieldname': u'price_list_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Price List',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1,
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'label': 'Sales Team',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the currency in which price list is maintained',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'price_list_currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Price List Currency',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'plc_conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Price List Currency Conversion Rate',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'width': u'50%'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Customer's Currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'currency',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'1.00',
+		'description': u"Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Conversion Rate',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'reqd': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'You can make a delivery note from multiple sales orders. Select sales orders one by one and click on the button below.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'sales_order_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Sales Order No',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'sales_order_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Sales Order',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'sales_partner',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'label': 'Sales Partner',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'sales_partner',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Sales Partner',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'commission_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Commission Rate (%)',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'commission_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_commission',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Total Commission',
-		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_commission',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'sales_team',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'label': 'Sales Team1',
-		'oldfieldname': 'sales_team',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Sales Team',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'hidden': 0,
+		'label': u'Get Items',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'pull_sales_order_details',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Supplier Details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'options': 'Simple',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Supplier',
-		'oldfieldname': 'supplier',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Supplier',
+		'allow_on_submit': 1,
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'delivery_note_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Delivery Note Details',
+		'no_copy': 0,
+		'oldfieldname': u'delivery_note_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Delivery Note Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
+		'print_hide': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier_address',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'hidden': 1,
-		'label': 'Supplier Address',
-		'oldfieldname': 'supplier_address',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'allow_on_submit': 0,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_receipt_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'hidden': 1,
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-		'label': 'Purchase Order',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_order_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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-	},
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-		'oldfieldname': 'packing_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Delivery Note Packing Detail',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total*',
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 		'permlevel': 1,
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+	},
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'If you have created a standard template in Other Charges master, select one and click on the button below.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'charge',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Charge',
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+		'trigger': u'Client'
+	},
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'print_hide': 1,
+		'trigger': u'Client'
+	},
+	# DocField
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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+		'width': u'150px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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+	},
+	# DocField
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words (Export)',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Term',
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+	},
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'options': u'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
+		'permlevel': 0,
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+	},
+	# DocField
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
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+	},
+	# DocField
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'Today',
+		'description': u'Date on which lorry started from your warehouse',
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+		'fieldname': u'lr_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'LR Date',
+		'no_copy': 0,
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'More Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'permlevel': 0
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+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Company',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
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+		'width': u'150px'
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Project Name',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'hidden': 1,
+		'label': u'Billing Status',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'options': u'\nNot Billed\nPartly Billed\nFully Billed',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'options': 'repair_delivery_note',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u"\nExisting Customer\nReference\nAdvertisement\nCold Calling\nExhibition\nSupplier Reference\nMass Mailing\nCustomer's Vendor\nCampaign",
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
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+		'trigger': u'Client'
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+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Required only for sample item.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'hidden': 0,
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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index a10d1d6..78fea52 100644
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@@ -409,26 +425,12 @@
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index 380d218..0f6d1a8 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
 	// Unhide Fields in Next Steps
 	// ---------------------------------
+	cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label(doc, cdt, cdn);
 	if(doc.docstatus == 1){
 		var ch = getchildren('Purchase Receipt Detail',,'purchase_receipt_details');
 		allow_billing = 0;
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
index 566c4db..530afcf 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@
 	def get_tc_details(self):
 		return get_obj('Purchase Common').get_tc_details(self)
+	def get_comp_base_currency(self):
+		return get_obj('Purchase Common').get_comp_base_currency(
 	# get available qty at warehouse
 	def get_bin_details(self, arg = ''):
 		return get_obj(dt='Purchase Common').get_bin_details(arg)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.txt b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.txt
index 31f6cd6..2666f08 100755
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.txt
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.txt
@@ -5,52 +5,53 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:15',
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-		'modified': '2011-05-17 16:33:17',
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-		'section_style': 'Tabbed',
-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'search_fields': u'status, transaction_date, supplier',
+		'section_style': u'Tabbed',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'subject': 'From %(supplier_name)s against %(purchase_order)s on %(transaction_date)s',
-		'version': 318
+		'subject': u'From %(supplier_name)s against %(purchase_order)s on %(transaction_date)s',
+		'version': 324
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Purchase Receipt',
-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
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 	# DocType, Purchase Receipt
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
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@@ -58,10 +59,9 @@
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@@ -110,75 +107,68 @@
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-		'idx': 6,
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-		'idx': 8,
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-		'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'idx': 3,
-		'label': 'Series',
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@@ -187,391 +177,300 @@
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
+		'description': u'The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
 		'hidden': 1,
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 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry is made in system.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'idx': 15,
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
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+		'fieldname': u'posting_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
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+	},
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Time',
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+		'label': u'Posting Time',
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-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': '% of materials billed against this Purchase Receipt',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 17,
-		'label': '% Billed',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'per_billed',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'status',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nDraft\nSubmitted\nCancelled',
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+		'reqd': 1,
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+		'width': u'150px'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'depends_on': u'eval:!doc.__islocal',
+		'description': u'% of materials billed against this Purchase Receipt',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 18,
-		'label': 'Bill No',
-		'oldfieldname': 'bill_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'label': u'Bill No',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
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-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
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 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 19,
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-		'oldfieldname': 'bill_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'label': u'Bill Date',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
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 		'print_hide': 1
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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-		'idx': 21,
-		'label': 'Transporter Info',
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+		'default': u'No',
+		'description': u'Select "Yes" for sub - contracting items',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'\nYes\nNo',
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-		'label': 'Transporter Name',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0
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-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
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-		'idx': 23,
-		'label': 'LR No',
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-		'print_hide': 0,
-		'width': '100px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'lr_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'idx': 24,
-		'label': 'LR Date',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
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-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'challan_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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-		'print_hide': 0,
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-		'width': '100px'
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'challan_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'idx': 27,
-		'label': 'Challan Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'challan_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
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-		'print_hide': 0,
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-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'You can make a purchase receipt from multiple purchase orders. Select purchase orders one by one and click on the button below.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_order_no',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 29,
-		'label': 'Purchase Order',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_order_no',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Purchase Order',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 30,
-		'label': 'Pull Purchase Order Details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_po_details',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': "Supplier's currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'currency',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'idx': 31,
-		'label': 'Currency',
-		'oldfieldname': 'currency',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u"Supplier's currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'currency',
+		'fieldtype': u'Select',
+		'label': u'Currency',
+		'oldfieldname': u'currency',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1
@@ -579,60 +478,33 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default': '1.00',
-		'description': "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to your currency",
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 32,
-		'label': 'Conversion Rate',
-		'oldfieldname': 'conversion_rate',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'default': u'1.00',
+		'description': u"Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency",
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Conversion Rate',
+		'oldfieldname': u'conversion_rate',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'idx': 33,
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select "Yes" for sub - contracting items',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'is_subcontracted',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'idx': 34,
-		'label': 'Is Subcontracted',
-		'oldfieldname': 'is_subcontracted',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': '\nYes\nNo',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Warehouse where you are maintaining stock of rejected items',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'rejected_warehouse',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 35,
-		'label': 'Rejected Warehouse',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Warehouse where you are maintaining stock of rejected items',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'rejected_warehouse',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Rejected Warehouse',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'rejected_warehouse',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Warehouse',
+		'oldfieldname': u'rejected_warehouse',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Warehouse',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 0
@@ -640,43 +512,77 @@
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'supplier_warehouse',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 36,
-		'label': 'Supplier Warehouse',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'supplier_warehouse',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Supplier Warehouse',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'supplier_warehouse',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Warehouse',
+		'oldfieldname': u'supplier_warehouse',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Warehouse',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'width': '50px'
+		'width': u'50px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 37,
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'options': 'Simple',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_receipt_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'idx': 38,
-		'label': 'Purchase Receipt Details',
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_receipt_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Purchase Receipt Detail',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'You can make a purchase receipt from multiple purchase orders. Select purchase orders one by one and click on the button below.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_order_no',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Purchase Order',
+		'no_copy': 1,
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_order_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Purchase Order',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Pull Purchase Order Details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_po_details',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'options': u'Simple',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'allow_on_submit': 1,
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_receipt_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Purchase Receipt Details',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_receipt_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Purchase Receipt Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 0,
 		'reqd': 0
@@ -684,564 +590,559 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 39,
-		'label': 'Net Total',
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total',
+		'oldfieldname': u'net_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'width': '150px'
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 40,
-		'label': 'Re-Calculate Values',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Re-Calculate Values',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Add / Edit taxes and other charges',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 41,
-		'label': 'Taxes',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Add / Edit taxes and other charges',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Taxes',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'If you have created a standard template in Other Charges master, select one and click on the button below.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_other_charges',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 42,
-		'label': 'Purchase Other Charges',
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_other_charges',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Purchase Other Charges',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'If you have created a standard template in Other Charges master, select one and click on the button below.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_other_charges',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Purchase Other Charges',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_other_charges',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Purchase Other Charges',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 43,
-		'label': 'Get Tax Detail',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_purchase_tax_details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Tax Detail',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_purchase_tax_details',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'purchase_tax_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'idx': 44,
-		'label': 'Purchase Tax Details',
-		'oldfieldname': 'purchase_tax_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'Purchase Tax Detail',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'purchase_tax_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'Purchase Tax Details',
+		'oldfieldname': u'purchase_tax_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'Purchase Tax Detail',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 45,
-		'label': 'Calculate Tax',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Calculate Tax',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client'
+		'trigger': u'Client'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'total_tax',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 46,
-		'label': 'Total Tax',
-		'oldfieldname': 'total_tax',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'total_tax',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Total Tax',
+		'oldfieldname': u'total_tax',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'idx': 47,
-		'label': 'Tax Calculation',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Tax Calculation',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Receipt. You can also prepare a master Term Sheet and use the Template.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 48,
-		'label': 'Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Detailed Breakup of the totals',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Totals',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'tc_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 49,
-		'label': 'Select Terms',
-		'oldfieldname': 'tc_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Term',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'grand_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Grand Total',
+		'oldfieldname': u'grand_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'rounded_total',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rounded Total',
+		'oldfieldname': u'rounded_total',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'in_words',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words',
+		'oldfieldname': u'in_words',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_added',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Added',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_added',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_deducted',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Deducted',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_deducted',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Column Break',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'width': u'50%'
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'net_total_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Net Total (Import)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'net_total_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'grand_total_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Grand Total (Import)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'grand_total_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'in_words_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'In Words (Import)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'in_words_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_added_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Added (Import)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_added_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'other_charges_deducted_import',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Other Charges Deducted (Import)',
+		'oldfieldname': u'other_charges_deducted_import',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Receipt. You can also prepare a master Term Sheet and use the Template.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'permlevel': 0
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
+		'label': u'Select Terms',
+		'oldfieldname': u'tc_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Term',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 50,
-		'label': 'Get Terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_tc_details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_tc_details',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'idx': 51,
-		'label': 'Terms HTML',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
-		'options': 'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Terms HTML',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'options': u'You can add Terms and Notes that will be printed in the Transaction',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'terms',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text Editor',
-		'idx': 52,
-		'label': 'Terms1',
-		'oldfieldname': 'terms',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text Editor',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'terms',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text Editor',
+		'label': u'Terms1',
+		'oldfieldname': u'terms',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Text Editor',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Receipt will help you analyze your data better.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 53,
-		'label': 'More Info',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Receipt will help you analyze your data better.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'More Info',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'company',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'company',
+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 54,
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Company',
+		'label': u'Company',
 		'no_copy': 0,
-		'oldfieldname': 'company',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Company',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'idx': 55,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Fiscal Year',
-		'oldfieldname': 'fiscal_year',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
-		'options': 'link:Fiscal Year',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'print_hide': 1,
-		'reqd': 1,
-		'search_index': 0,
-		'width': '150px'
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'posting_date',
-		'fieldtype': 'Date',
-		'idx': 56,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Posting Date',
-		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'posting_date',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Date',
+		'oldfieldname': u'company',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Company',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
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-		'width': '100px'
+		'width': u'150px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Time at which materials were received',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'posting_time',
-		'fieldtype': 'Time',
-		'idx': 57,
-		'in_filter': 0,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Time',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'in_filter': 1,
+		'label': u'Fiscal Year',
+		'oldfieldname': u'fiscal_year',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Select',
+		'options': u'link:Fiscal Year',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
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 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 58,
-		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Project Name',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
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-		'options': "<div class='columnHeading'>Other Details</div>",
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 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
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-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
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+		'fieldname': u'remarks',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
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+		'fieldname': u'cancel_reason',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 64,
-		'label': 'Cancel Reason',
+		'label': u'Cancel Reason',
 		'no_copy': 1,
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Detailed Breakup of the totals',
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-		'label': 'Totals',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
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 		'permlevel': 0
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'label': 'Rounded Total',
-		'oldfieldname': 'rounded_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'grand_total',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 67,
-		'label': 'Grand Total',
-		'oldfieldname': 'grand_total',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_added',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'label': 'Other Charges Deducted',
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_deducted',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 70,
-		'label': 'In Words',
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-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
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-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
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+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Transporter lorry number',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
+		'label': u'LR No',
+		'no_copy': 1,
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'width': '50%'
+		'print_hide': 0,
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'net_total_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 72,
-		'label': 'Net Total (Import)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'net_total_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'lr_date',
+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
+		'label': u'LR Date',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
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+		'print_hide': 0,
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'grand_total_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 73,
-		'label': 'Grand Total (Import)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'grand_total_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 74,
-		'label': 'Other Charges Added (Import)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_added_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
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+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
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+		'oldfieldname': u'challan_no',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 0,
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 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'other_charges_deducted_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'idx': 75,
-		'label': 'Other Charges Deducted (Import)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'other_charges_deducted_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Date',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Date',
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+		'reqd': 0,
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'In Words (Import) will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'in_words_import',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 76,
-		'label': 'In Words (Import)',
-		'oldfieldname': 'in_words_import',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 1,
-		'print_hide': 1
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'description': 'Following table will show values if items are sub - contracted. These values will be fetched from the master of "Bill of Materials" of sub - contracted items.',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 77,
-		'label': 'Raw Material Details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Following table will show values if items are sub - contracted. These values will be fetched from the master of "Bill of Materials" of sub - contracted items.',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
+		'label': u'Raw Material Details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 1
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 78,
-		'label': 'Get Current Stock',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'get_current_stock',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Get Current Stock',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'get_current_stock',
 		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'pr_raw_material_details',
-		'fieldtype': 'Table',
-		'idx': 79,
-		'label': 'PR Raw Material Details',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'pr_raw_material_details',
+		'fieldtype': u'Table',
+		'label': u'PR Raw Material Details',
 		'no_copy': 1,
-		'oldfieldname': 'pr_raw_material_details',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Table',
-		'options': 'PR Raw Material Detail',
+		'oldfieldname': u'pr_raw_material_details',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Table',
+		'options': u'PR Raw Material Detail',
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'print_hide': 1
@@ -1249,13 +1150,12 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldtype': 'Button',
-		'idx': 80,
-		'label': 'Repair Purchase Receipt',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
-		'options': 'repair_purchase_receipt',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldtype': u'Button',
+		'label': u'Repair Purchase Receipt',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Button',
+		'options': u'repair_purchase_receipt',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_detail/purchase_receipt_detail.txt b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_detail/purchase_receipt_detail.txt
index 9aacefd..7f63644 100755
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_detail/purchase_receipt_detail.txt
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_detail/purchase_receipt_detail.txt
@@ -5,67 +5,67 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:16',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-12-14 10:50:00',
-		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
-		'owner': 'Administrator'
+		'modified': '2012-02-27 18:43:39',
+		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		'owner': u'Administrator'
 	# These values are common for all DocType
-		'autoname': 'GRND/.#######',
-		'colour': 'White:FFF',
-		'default_print_format': 'Standard',
+		'autoname': u'GRND/.#######',
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 		'doctype': 'DocType',
 		'istable': 1,
-		'module': 'Stock',
+		'module': u'Stock',
 		'name': '__common__',
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-		'server_code_error': ' ',
+		'section_style': u'Tray',
+		'server_code_error': u' ',
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-		'version': 73
+		'version': 74
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'name': '__common__',
-		'parent': 'Purchase Receipt Detail',
-		'parentfield': 'fields',
-		'parenttype': 'DocType'
+		'parent': u'Purchase Receipt Detail',
+		'parentfield': u'fields',
+		'parenttype': u'DocType'
 	# DocType, Purchase Receipt Detail
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
-		'name': 'Purchase Receipt Detail'
+		'name': u'Purchase Receipt Detail'
 	# DocField
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-		'fieldname': 'item_code',
-		'fieldtype': 'Link',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Link',
 		'in_filter': 1,
-		'label': 'Item Code',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_code',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
-		'options': 'Item',
+		'label': u'Item Code',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_code',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
+		'options': u'Item',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
 		'search_index': 1,
-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
+		'trigger': u'Client',
+		'width': u'100px'
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'item_name',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'item_name',
+		'fieldtype': u'Data',
 		'in_filter': 0,
-		'label': 'Item Name',
-		'oldfieldname': 'item_name',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
+		'label': u'Item Name',
+		'oldfieldname': u'item_name',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Data',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'print_hide': 1,
 		'reqd': 1,
@@ -74,236 +74,267 @@
 	# DocField
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'description',
-		'fieldtype': 'Text',
-		'label': 'Description',
-		'oldfieldname': 'description',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Text',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'description',
+		'fieldtype': u'Text',
+		'label': u'Description',
+		'oldfieldname': u'description',
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 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
-		'width': '300px'
+		'width': u'300px'
 	# DocField
-		'default': '0.00',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'received_qty',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Recd Quantity',
-		'oldfieldname': 'received_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'default': u'0.00',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'received_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Recd Quantity',
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+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'reqd': 1,
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-		'width': '100px'
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-		'default': '0.00',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Accepted Quantity',
-		'oldfieldname': 'qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'default': u'0.00',
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
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+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
+		'label': u'Accepted Quantity',
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-		'trigger': 'Client',
-		'width': '100px'
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-		'default': '0.00',
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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+		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'rejected_qty',
+		'fieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'label': 'Rejected Quantity',
-		'oldfieldname': 'rejected_qty',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Currency',
+		'label': u'Rejected Quantity',
+		'oldfieldname': u'rejected_qty',
+		'oldfieldtype': u'Currency',
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-		'doctype': 'DocField',
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-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
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-		'fieldname': 'discount_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-		'label': 'Discount  %',
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-		'fieldname': 'item_tax_rate',
-		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
+		'description': u'Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.\nUsed for Purchase Other Charges',
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