fix: Behaviour if Item Variants Cache generation

- Revert to old behaviour where variant doesnt need to be published
- Delete unused functions
diff --git a/erpnext/e_commerce/doctype/website_item/ b/erpnext/e_commerce/doctype/website_item/
index 470499f..24546be 100644
--- a/erpnext/e_commerce/doctype/website_item/
+++ b/erpnext/e_commerce/doctype/website_item/
@@ -203,16 +203,15 @@
 		context.body_class = "product-page"
 		context.parents = get_parent_item_groups(self.item_group, from_item=True) # breadcumbs
-		self.attributes = frappe.get_all("Item Variant Attribute",
+		self.attributes = frappe.get_all(
+			"Item Variant Attribute",
 			fields=["attribute", "attribute_value"],
-			filters={"parent": self.item_code})
+			filters={"parent": self.item_code}
+		)
 		if self.slideshow:
-		self.set_variant_context(context)
-		self.set_attribute_context(context)
-		self.set_disabled_attributes(context)
@@ -237,61 +236,6 @@
 		return context
-	def set_variant_context(self, context):
-		if not self.has_variants:
-			return
-		context.no_cache = True
-		variant = frappe.form_dict.variant
-		# load variants
-		# also used in set_attribute_context
-		context.variants = frappe.get_all(
-			"Item",
-			filters={
-				"variant_of": self.item_code,
-				"published_in_website": 1
-			},
-			order_by="name asc")
-		# the case when the item is opened for the first time from its list
-		if not variant and context.variants:
-			variant = context.variants[0]
-		if variant:
-			context.variant = frappe.get_doc("Item", variant)
-			fields = ("website_image", "website_image_alt", "web_long_description", "description",
-				"website_specifications")
-			for fieldname in fields:
-				if context.variant.get(fieldname):
-					value = context.variant.get(fieldname)
-					if isinstance(value, list):
-						value = [d.as_dict() for d in value]
-					context[fieldname] = value
-		if self.slideshow and context.variant and context.variant.slideshow:
-			context.update(get_slideshow(context.variant))
-	def set_attribute_context(self, context):
-		if not self.has_variants:
-			return
-		attribute_values_available = {}
-		context.attribute_values = {}
-		context.selected_attributes = {}
-		# load attributes
-		self.set_selected_attributes(context.variants, context, attribute_values_available)
-		# filter attributes, order based on attribute table
-		item = frappe.get_cached_doc("Item", self.item_code)
-		self.set_attribute_values(item.attributes, context, attribute_values_available)
-		context.variant_info = json.dumps(context.variants)
 	def set_selected_attributes(self, variants, context, attribute_values_available):
 		for variant in variants:
 			variant.attributes = frappe.get_all(
@@ -328,50 +272,6 @@
 					if attr_value.attribute_value in attribute_values_available.get(attr.attribute, []):
-	def set_disabled_attributes(self, context):
-		"""Disable selection options of attribute combinations that do not result in a variant"""
-		if not self.attributes or not self.has_variants:
-			return
-		context.disabled_attributes = {}
-		attributes = [attr.attribute for attr in self.attributes]
-		def find_variant(combination):
-			for variant in context.variants:
-				if len(variant.attributes) < len(attributes):
-					continue
-				if "combination" not in variant:
-					ref_combination = []
-					for attr in variant.attributes:
-						idx = attributes.index(attr.attribute)
-						ref_combination.insert(idx, attr.attribute_value)
-					variant["combination"] = ref_combination
-				if not (set(combination) - set(variant["combination"])):
-					# check if the combination is a subset of a variant combination
-					# eg. [Blue, 0.5] is a possible combination if exists [Blue, Large, 0.5]
-					return True
-		for i, attr in enumerate(self.attributes):
-			if i == 0:
-				continue
-			combination_source = []
-			# loop through previous attributes
-			for prev_attr in self.attributes[:i]:
-				combination_source.append([context.selected_attributes.get(prev_attr.attribute)])
-			combination_source.append(context.attribute_values[attr.attribute])
-			for combination in itertools.product(*combination_source):
-				if not find_variant(combination):
-					context.disabled_attributes.setdefault(attr.attribute, []).append(combination[-1])
 	def set_metatags(self, context):
 		context.metatags = frappe._dict({})
diff --git a/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/ b/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/
index 39eb915..bb6b3ef 100644
--- a/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/
+++ b/erpnext/e_commerce/variant_selector/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 		val = frappe.cache().get_value('ordered_attribute_values_map')
 		if val: return val
-		all_attribute_values = frappe.db.get_all('Item Attribute Value',
+		all_attribute_values = frappe.get_all('Item Attribute Value',
 			['attribute_value', 'idx', 'parent'], order_by='idx asc')
 		ordered_attribute_values_map = frappe._dict({})
@@ -57,25 +57,34 @@
 	def build_cache(self):
 		parent_item_code = self.item_code
-		attributes = [a.attribute for a in frappe.db.get_all('Item Variant Attribute',
-			{'parent': parent_item_code}, ['attribute'], order_by='idx asc')
+		attributes = [
+			a.attribute for a in frappe.get_all(
+				'Item Variant Attribute',
+				{'parent': parent_item_code},
+				['attribute'],
+				order_by='idx asc'
+			)
-		item_variants_data = frappe.db.get_all('Item Variant Attribute',
-			{'variant_of': parent_item_code}, ['parent', 'attribute', 'attribute_value'],
+		# join with Website Item
+		item_variants_data = frappe.get_all(
+			'Item Variant Attribute',
+			{'variant_of': parent_item_code},
+			['parent', 'attribute', 'attribute_value'],
-		unpublished_items = set([i.item_code for i in frappe.db.get_all('Website Item', filters={'published': 0}, fields=["item_code"])])
+		disabled_items = set(
+			[ for i in frappe.db.get_all('Item', {'disabled': 1})]
+		)
-		attribute_value_item_map = frappe._dict({})
-		item_attribute_value_map = frappe._dict({})
+		attribute_value_item_map = frappe._dict()
+		item_attribute_value_map = frappe._dict()
-		# dont consider variants that are unpublished
-		# (either have no Website Item or are unpublished in Website Item)
-		item_variants_data = [r for r in item_variants_data if r[0] not in unpublished_items]
-		item_variants_data = [r for r in item_variants_data if frappe.db.exists("Website Item", {"item_code": r[0]})]
+		# dont consider variants that are disabled
+		# pull all other variants
+		item_variants_data = [r for r in item_variants_data if r[0] not in disabled_items]
 		for row in item_variants_data:
 			item_code, attribute, attribute_value = row