refactor: update_invoice_status with query builder
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 2c92820..a2cfdec 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import frappe
 from frappe import _, throw
 from frappe.model.workflow import get_workflow_name, is_transition_condition_satisfied
+from frappe.query_builder.functions import Sum
 from frappe.utils import (
@@ -1684,58 +1685,63 @@
 def update_invoice_status():
 	"""Updates status as Overdue for applicable invoices. Runs daily."""
 	today = getdate()
+	payment_schedule = frappe.qb.DocType("Payment Schedule")
 	for doctype in ("Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"):
-		frappe.db.sql("""
-			UPDATE `tab{doctype}` invoice SET invoice.status = 'Overdue'
-			WHERE invoice.docstatus = 1
-				AND invoice.status REGEXP '^Unpaid|^Partly Paid'
-				AND invoice.outstanding_amount > 0
-				AND (
-						{or_condition}
-						(
-							(
-								CASE
-									WHEN invoice.party_account_currency = invoice.currency
-									THEN (
-										CASE
-											WHEN invoice.disable_rounded_total
-											THEN invoice.grand_total
-											ELSE invoice.rounded_total
-										END
-									)
-									ELSE (
-										CASE
-											WHEN invoice.disable_rounded_total
-											THEN invoice.base_grand_total
-											ELSE invoice.base_rounded_total
-										END
-									)
-								END
-							) - invoice.outstanding_amount
-						) < (
-							SELECT SUM(
-								CASE
-									WHEN invoice.party_account_currency = invoice.currency
-									THEN ps.payment_amount
-									ELSE ps.base_payment_amount
-								END
-							)
-							FROM `tabPayment Schedule` ps
-							WHERE ps.parent =
-								AND ps.due_date < %(today)s
-						)
-					)
-		""".format(
-				doctype=doctype,
-				or_condition=(
-					"invoice.is_pos AND invoice.due_date < %(today)s OR"
-					if doctype == "Sales Invoice"
-					else ""
-				)
-			), {"today": today}
+		invoice = frappe.qb.DocType(doctype)
+		consider_base_amount = invoice.party_account_currency != invoice.currency
+		payment_amount = (
+			frappe.qb.terms.Case()
+			.when(consider_base_amount, payment_schedule.base_payment_amount)
+			.else_(payment_schedule.payment_amount)
+		payable_amount = (
+			frappe.qb.from_(payment_schedule)
+			.select(Sum(payment_amount))
+			.where(
+				(payment_schedule.parent ==
+				& (payment_schedule.due_date < today)
+			)
+		)
+		total = (
+			frappe.qb.terms.Case()
+			.when(invoice.disable_rounded_total, invoice.grand_total)
+			.else_(invoice.rounded_total)
+		)
+		base_total = (
+			frappe.qb.terms.Case()
+			.when(invoice.disable_rounded_total, invoice.base_grand_total)
+			.else_(invoice.base_rounded_total)
+		)
+		total_amount = (
+			frappe.qb.terms.Case()
+			.when(consider_base_amount, base_total)
+			.else_(total)
+		)
+		is_overdue = total_amount - invoice.outstanding_amount < payable_amount
+		conditions = (
+			(invoice.docstatus == 1)
+			& (invoice.outstanding_amount > 0)
+			& (
+				|'Partly Paid%')
+			)
+			& (
+				(invoice.is_pos & invoice.due_date < today) | is_overdue
+				if doctype == "Sales Invoice"
+				else is_overdue
+			)
+		)
+		frappe.qb.update(invoice).set("status", "Overdue").where(conditions).run()
 def get_payment_terms(terms_template, posting_date=None, grand_total=None, base_grand_total=None, bill_date=None):
 	if not terms_template: