Merge pull request #37859 from marination/split-invoice-refactor

fix: `split_invoices_based_on_payment_terms`
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
index c0e3ab3..fc22f53 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
@@ -1684,13 +1684,42 @@
 	return data
-def split_invoices_based_on_payment_terms(outstanding_invoices, company):
-	invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms = {}
+def split_invoices_based_on_payment_terms(outstanding_invoices, company) -> list:
+	"""Split a list of invoices based on their payment terms."""
+	exc_rates = get_currency_data(outstanding_invoices, company)
+	outstanding_invoices_after_split = []
+	for entry in outstanding_invoices:
+		if entry.voucher_type in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"]:
+			if payment_term_template := frappe.db.get_value(
+				entry.voucher_type, entry.voucher_no, "payment_terms_template"
+			):
+				split_rows = get_split_invoice_rows(entry, payment_term_template, exc_rates)
+				if not split_rows:
+					continue
+				frappe.msgprint(
+					_("Splitting {0} {1} into {2} rows as per Payment Terms").format(
+						_(entry.voucher_type), frappe.bold(entry.voucher_no), len(split_rows)
+					),
+					alert=True,
+				)
+				outstanding_invoices_after_split += split_rows
+				continue
+		# If not an invoice or no payment terms template, add as it is
+		outstanding_invoices_after_split.append(entry)
+	return outstanding_invoices_after_split
+def get_currency_data(outstanding_invoices: list, company: str = None) -> dict:
+	"""Get currency and conversion data for a list of invoices."""
+	exc_rates = frappe._dict()
 	company_currency = (
 		frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, "default_currency") if company else None
-	exc_rates = frappe._dict()
 	for doctype in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"]:
 		invoices = [x.voucher_no for x in outstanding_invoices if x.voucher_type == doctype]
 		for x in frappe.db.get_all(
@@ -1705,72 +1734,54 @@
-	for idx, d in enumerate(outstanding_invoices):
-		if d.voucher_type in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"]:
-			payment_term_template = frappe.db.get_value(
-				d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no, "payment_terms_template"
+	return exc_rates
+def get_split_invoice_rows(invoice: dict, payment_term_template: str, exc_rates: dict) -> list:
+	"""Split invoice based on its payment schedule table."""
+	split_rows = []
+	allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms = frappe.db.get_value(
+		"Payment Terms Template", payment_term_template, "allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms"
+	)
+	if not allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms:
+		return [invoice]
+	payment_schedule = frappe.get_all(
+		"Payment Schedule", filters={"parent": invoice.voucher_no}, fields=["*"], order_by="due_date"
+	)
+	for payment_term in payment_schedule:
+		if not payment_term.outstanding > 0.1:
+			continue
+		doc_details = exc_rates.get(payment_term.parent, None)
+		is_multi_currency_acc = (doc_details.currency != doc_details.company_currency) and (
+			doc_details.party_account_currency != doc_details.company_currency
+		)
+		payment_term_outstanding = flt(payment_term.outstanding)
+		if not is_multi_currency_acc:
+			payment_term_outstanding = doc_details.conversion_rate * flt(payment_term.outstanding)
+		split_rows.append(
+			frappe._dict(
+				{
+					"due_date": invoice.due_date,
+					"currency": invoice.currency,
+					"voucher_no": invoice.voucher_no,
+					"voucher_type": invoice.voucher_type,
+					"posting_date": invoice.posting_date,
+					"invoice_amount": flt(invoice.invoice_amount),
+					"outstanding_amount": payment_term_outstanding
+					if payment_term_outstanding
+					else invoice.outstanding_amount,
+					"payment_term_outstanding": payment_term_outstanding,
+					"payment_amount": payment_term.payment_amount,
+					"payment_term": payment_term.payment_term,
+				}
-			if payment_term_template:
-				allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms = frappe.get_cached_value(
-					"Payment Terms Template", payment_term_template, "allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms"
-				)
-				if allocate_payment_based_on_payment_terms:
-					payment_schedule = frappe.get_all(
-						"Payment Schedule", filters={"parent": d.voucher_no}, fields=["*"]
-					)
+		)
-					for payment_term in payment_schedule:
-						if payment_term.outstanding > 0.1:
-							doc_details = exc_rates.get(payment_term.parent, None)
-							is_multi_currency_acc = (doc_details.currency != doc_details.company_currency) and (
-								doc_details.party_account_currency != doc_details.company_currency
-							)
-							payment_term_outstanding = flt(payment_term.outstanding)
-							if not is_multi_currency_acc:
-								payment_term_outstanding = doc_details.conversion_rate * flt(payment_term.outstanding)
-							invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms.setdefault(idx, [])
-							invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms[idx].append(
-								frappe._dict(
-									{
-										"due_date": d.due_date,
-										"currency": d.currency,
-										"voucher_no": d.voucher_no,
-										"voucher_type": d.voucher_type,
-										"posting_date": d.posting_date,
-										"invoice_amount": flt(d.invoice_amount),
-										"outstanding_amount": payment_term_outstanding
-										if payment_term_outstanding
-										else d.outstanding_amount,
-										"payment_term_outstanding": payment_term_outstanding,
-										"payment_amount": payment_term.payment_amount,
-										"payment_term": payment_term.payment_term,
-										"account": d.account,
-									}
-								)
-							)
-	outstanding_invoices_after_split = []
-	if invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms:
-		for idx, ref in invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms.items():
-			voucher_no = ref[0]["voucher_no"]
-			voucher_type = ref[0]["voucher_type"]
-			frappe.msgprint(
-				_("Spliting {} {} into {} row(s) as per Payment Terms").format(
-					voucher_type, voucher_no, len(ref)
-				),
-				alert=True,
-			)
-			outstanding_invoices_after_split += invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms[idx]
-			existing_row = list(filter(lambda x: x.get("voucher_no") == voucher_no, outstanding_invoices))
-			index = outstanding_invoices.index(existing_row[0])
-			outstanding_invoices.pop(index)
-	outstanding_invoices_after_split += outstanding_invoices
-	return outstanding_invoices_after_split
+	return split_rows
 def get_orders_to_be_billed(
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
index b6b93b6..603f24a 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_entry/
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
 import frappe
 from frappe import qb
 from frappe.tests.utils import FrappeTestCase, change_settings
-from frappe.utils import flt, nowdate
+from frappe.utils import add_days, flt, nowdate
 from erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_entry.payment_entry import (
+	get_outstanding_reference_documents,
@@ -1249,6 +1250,45 @@
 		self.assertEqual(so.advance_paid, so.rounded_total)
+	def test_outstanding_invoices_api(self):
+		"""
+		Test if `get_outstanding_reference_documents` fetches invoices in the right order.
+		"""
+		customer = create_customer("Max Mustermann", "INR")
+		create_payment_terms_template()
+		# SI has an earlier due date and SI2 has a later due date
+		si = create_sales_invoice(
+			qty=1, rate=100, customer=customer, posting_date=add_days(nowdate(), -4)
+		)
+		si2 = create_sales_invoice(do_not_save=1, qty=1, rate=100, customer=customer)
+		si2.payment_terms_template = "Test Receivable Template"
+		si2.submit()
+		args = {
+			"posting_date": nowdate(),
+			"company": "_Test Company",
+			"party_type": "Customer",
+			"payment_type": "Pay",
+			"party": customer,
+			"party_account": "Debtors - _TC",
+		}
+		args.update(
+			{
+				"get_outstanding_invoices": True,
+				"from_posting_date": add_days(nowdate(), -4),
+				"to_posting_date": add_days(nowdate(), 2),
+			}
+		)
+		references = get_outstanding_reference_documents(args)
+		self.assertEqual(len(references), 3)
+		self.assertEqual(references[0].voucher_no,
+		self.assertEqual(references[1].voucher_no,
+		self.assertEqual(references[2].voucher_no,
+		self.assertEqual(references[1].payment_term, "Basic Amount Receivable")
+		self.assertEqual(references[2].payment_term, "Tax Receivable")
 	def test_receive_payment_from_payable_party_type(self):
 		pe = create_payment_entry(
@@ -1342,6 +1382,9 @@
 def create_payment_terms_template_with_discount(
 	name=None, discount_type=None, discount=None, template_name=None
+	"""
+	Create a Payment Terms Template with %  or amount discount.
+	"""
 	create_payment_term(name or "30 Credit Days with 10% Discount")
 	template_name = template_name or "Test Discount Template"