feat: make material request for job card from workstation dashboard
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py
index 23650b6..079350b 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/job_card.py
@@ -955,6 +955,14 @@
 		if update_status:
 			self.db_set("status", self.status)
+		if self.status in ["Completed", "Work In Progress"]:
+			status = {
+				"Completed": "Off",
+				"Work In Progress": "Production",
+			}.get(self.status)
+			self.update_status_in_workstation(status)
 	def set_wip_warehouse(self):
 		if not self.wip_warehouse:
 			self.wip_warehouse = frappe.db.get_single_value(
@@ -1035,6 +1043,12 @@
 		return False
+	def update_status_in_workstation(self, status):
+		if not self.workstation:
+			return
+		frappe.db.set_value("Workstation", self.workstation, "status", status)
 def make_time_log(args):
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.js b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.js
index 4278937..67e5acd 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.js
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.js
@@ -2,11 +2,31 @@
 // For license information, please see license.txt
 frappe.ui.form.on("Plant Floor", {
-	refresh(frm) {
-		frm.trigger('prepare_dashboard')
+	setup(frm) {
+		frm.trigger("setup_queries");
-	prepare_dashboard(frm) {
+	setup_queries(frm) {
+		frm.set_query("warehouse", (doc) => {
+			if (!doc.company) {
+				frappe.throw(__("Please select Company first"));
+			}
+			return {
+				filters: {
+					"is_group": 0,
+					"company": doc.company
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	refresh(frm) {
+		frm.trigger('prepare_stock_dashboard')
+		frm.trigger('prepare_workstation_dashboard')
+	},
+	prepare_workstation_dashboard(frm) {
 		let wrapper = $(frm.fields_dict["plant_dashboard"].wrapper);
@@ -16,4 +36,221 @@
 			plant_floor: frm.doc.name,
+	prepare_stock_dashboard(frm) {
+		if (!frm.doc.warehouse) {
+			return;
+		}
+		let wrapper = $(frm.fields_dict["stock_summary"].wrapper);
+		wrapper.empty();
+		frappe.visual_stock = new VisualStock({
+			wrapper: wrapper,
+			frm: frm,
+		});
+	},
+class VisualStock {
+	constructor(opts) {
+		Object.assign(this, opts);
+		this.make();
+	}
+	make() {
+		this.prepare_filters();
+		this.prepare_stock_summary({
+			start:0
+		});
+	}
+	prepare_filters() {
+		this.wrapper.append(`
+			<div class="row">
+				<div class="col-sm-12 filter-section section-body">
+				</div>
+			</div>
+		`);
+		this.item_filter = frappe.ui.form.make_control({
+			df: {
+				fieldtype: "Link",
+				fieldname: "item_code",
+				placeholder: __("Item"),
+				options: "Item",
+				onchange: () => this.prepare_stock_summary({
+					start:0,
+					item_code: this.item_filter.value
+				})
+			},
+			parent: this.wrapper.find('.filter-section'),
+			render_input: true,
+		});
+		this.item_filter.$wrapper.addClass('form-column col-sm-3');
+		this.item_filter.$wrapper.find('.clearfix').hide();
+		this.item_group_filter = frappe.ui.form.make_control({
+			df: {
+				fieldtype: "Link",
+				fieldname: "item_group",
+				placeholder: __("Item Group"),
+				options: "Item Group",
+				change: () => this.prepare_stock_summary({
+					start:0,
+					item_group: this.item_group_filter.value
+				})
+			},
+			parent: this.wrapper.find('.filter-section'),
+			render_input: true,
+		});
+		this.item_group_filter.$wrapper.addClass('form-column col-sm-3');
+		this.item_group_filter.$wrapper.find('.clearfix').hide();
+	}
+	prepare_stock_summary(args) {
+		let {start, item_code, item_group} = args;
+		this.get_stock_summary(start, item_code, item_group).then(stock_summary => {
+			this.wrapper.find('.stock-summary-container').remove();
+			this.wrapper.append(`<div class="col-sm-12 stock-summary-container" style="margin-bottom:20px"></div>`);
+			this.stock_summary = stock_summary.message;
+			this.render_stock_summary();
+			this.bind_events();
+		});
+	}
+	async get_stock_summary(start, item_code, item_group) {
+		let stock_summary = await frappe.call({
+			method: "erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.plant_floor.plant_floor.get_stock_summary",
+			args: {
+				warehouse: this.frm.doc.warehouse,
+				start: start,
+				item_code: item_code,
+				item_group: item_group
+			}
+		});
+		return stock_summary;
+	}
+	render_stock_summary() {
+		let template = frappe.render_template("stock_summary_template", {
+			stock_summary: this.stock_summary
+		});
+		this.wrapper.find('.stock-summary-container').append(template);
+	}
+	bind_events() {
+		this.wrapper.find('.btn-add').click((e) => {
+			this.item_code = decodeURI($(e.currentTarget).attr('data-item-code'));
+			this.make_stock_entry([
+				{
+					label: __("For Item"),
+					fieldname: "item_code",
+					fieldtype: "Data",
+					read_only: 1,
+					default: this.item_code
+				},
+				{
+					label: __("Quantity"),
+					fieldname: "qty",
+					fieldtype: "Float",
+					reqd: 1
+				}
+			], __("Add Stock"), "Material Receipt")
+		});
+		this.wrapper.find('.btn-move').click((e) => {
+			this.item_code = decodeURI($(e.currentTarget).attr('data-item-code'));
+			this.make_stock_entry([
+				{
+					label: __("For Item"),
+					fieldname: "item_code",
+					fieldtype: "Data",
+					read_only: 1,
+					default: this.item_code
+				},
+				{
+					label: __("Quantity"),
+					fieldname: "qty",
+					fieldtype: "Float",
+					reqd: 1
+				},
+				{
+					label: __("To Warehouse"),
+					fieldname: "to_warehouse",
+					fieldtype: "Link",
+					options: "Warehouse",
+					reqd: 1,
+					get_query: () => {
+						return {
+							filters: {
+								"is_group": 0,
+								"company": this.frm.doc.company
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			], __("Move Stock"), "Material Transfer")
+		});
+	}
+	make_stock_entry(fields, title, stock_entry_type) {
+		frappe.prompt(fields,
+			(values) => {
+				this.values = values;
+				this.stock_entry_type = stock_entry_type;
+				this.update_values();
+				this.frm.call({
+					method: "make_stock_entry",
+					doc: this.frm.doc,
+					args: {
+						kwargs: this.values,
+					},
+					callback: (r) => {
+						if (!r.exc) {
+							var doc = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
+							frappe.set_route("Form", r.message.doctype, r.message.name);
+						}
+					}
+				})
+			}, __(title), __("Create")
+		);
+	}
+	update_values() {
+		if (!this.values.qty) {
+			frappe.throw(__("Quantity is required"));
+		}
+		let from_warehouse = "";
+		let to_warehouse = "";
+		if (this.stock_entry_type == "Material Receipt") {
+			to_warehouse = this.frm.doc.warehouse;
+		} else {
+			from_warehouse = this.frm.doc.warehouse;
+			to_warehouse = this.values.to_warehouse;
+		}
+		this.values = {
+			...this.values,
+			...{
+				"company": this.frm.doc.company,
+				"item_code": this.item_code,
+				"from_warehouse": from_warehouse,
+				"to_warehouse": to_warehouse,
+				"purpose": this.stock_entry_type,
+			}
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.json b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.json
index aa6eb1d..be0052c 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.json
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.json
@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@
  "field_order": [
+  "stock_summary_tab",
+  "stock_summary",
-  "section_break_cczv",
-  "volumetric_weight"
+  "company",
+  "warehouse"
  "fields": [
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
    "depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
    "fieldname": "workstations_tab",
    "fieldtype": "Tab Break",
-   "label": "Dashboard"
+   "label": "Workstations"
    "fieldname": "plant_dashboard",
@@ -37,25 +39,39 @@
    "fieldname": "details_tab",
    "fieldtype": "Tab Break",
-   "label": "Details"
+   "label": "Floor"
    "fieldname": "column_break_mvbx",
    "fieldtype": "Column Break"
-   "fieldname": "section_break_cczv",
-   "fieldtype": "Section Break"
+   "fieldname": "warehouse",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "label": "Warehouse",
+   "options": "Warehouse"
-   "fieldname": "volumetric_weight",
-   "fieldtype": "Float",
-   "label": "Volumetric Weight"
+   "depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal && doc.warehouse",
+   "fieldname": "stock_summary_tab",
+   "fieldtype": "Tab Break",
+   "label": "Stock Summary"
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "stock_summary",
+   "fieldtype": "HTML",
+   "label": "Stock Summary"
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "company",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "label": "Company",
+   "options": "Company"
  "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
  "links": [],
- "modified": "2023-12-04 15:36:09.641203",
+ "modified": "2024-01-30 11:59:07.508535",
  "modified_by": "Administrator",
  "module": "Manufacturing",
  "name": "Plant Floor",
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.py
index 729cc33..d30b7d1 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.py
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/plant_floor.py
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2023, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
 # For license information, please see license.txt
-# import frappe
+import frappe
 from frappe.model.document import Document
+from frappe.query_builder import Order
+from frappe.utils import get_link_to_form, nowdate, nowtime
 class PlantFloor(Document):
@@ -14,8 +16,114 @@
 		from frappe.types import DF
+		company: DF.Link | None
 		floor_name: DF.Data | None
-		volumetric_weight: DF.Float
+		warehouse: DF.Link | None
 	# end: auto-generated types
-	pass
+	@frappe.whitelist()
+	def make_stock_entry(self, kwargs):
+		if isinstance(kwargs, str):
+			kwargs = frappe.parse_json(kwargs)
+		if isinstance(kwargs, dict):
+			kwargs = frappe._dict(kwargs)
+		stock_entry = frappe.new_doc("Stock Entry")
+		stock_entry.update(
+			{
+				"company": kwargs.company,
+				"from_warehouse": kwargs.from_warehouse,
+				"to_warehouse": kwargs.to_warehouse,
+				"purpose": kwargs.purpose,
+				"stock_entry_type": kwargs.purpose,
+				"posting_date": nowdate(),
+				"posting_time": nowtime(),
+				"items": self.get_item_details(kwargs),
+			}
+		)
+		stock_entry.set_missing_values()
+		return stock_entry
+	def get_item_details(self, kwargs) -> list[dict]:
+		item_details = frappe.db.get_value(
+			"Item", kwargs.item_code, ["item_name", "stock_uom", "item_group", "description"], as_dict=True
+		)
+		item_details.update(
+			{
+				"qty": kwargs.qty,
+				"uom": item_details.stock_uom,
+				"item_code": kwargs.item_code,
+				"conversion_factor": 1,
+				"s_warehouse": kwargs.from_warehouse,
+				"t_warehouse": kwargs.to_warehouse,
+			}
+		)
+		return [item_details]
+def get_stock_summary(warehouse, start=0, item_code=None, item_group=None):
+	stock_details = get_stock_details(
+		warehouse, start=start, item_code=item_code, item_group=item_group
+	)
+	max_count = 0.0
+	for d in stock_details:
+		d.actual_or_pending = (
+			d.projected_qty
+			+ d.reserved_qty
+			+ d.reserved_qty_for_production
+			+ d.reserved_qty_for_sub_contract
+		)
+		d.pending_qty = 0
+		d.total_reserved = (
+			d.reserved_qty + d.reserved_qty_for_production + d.reserved_qty_for_sub_contract
+		)
+		if d.actual_or_pending > d.actual_qty:
+			d.pending_qty = d.actual_or_pending - d.actual_qty
+		d.max_count = max(d.actual_or_pending, d.actual_qty, d.total_reserved, max_count)
+		max_count = d.max_count
+		d.item_link = get_link_to_form("Item", d.item_code)
+	return stock_details
+def get_stock_details(warehouse, start=0, item_code=None, item_group=None):
+	item_table = frappe.qb.DocType("Item")
+	bin_table = frappe.qb.DocType("Bin")
+	query = (
+		frappe.qb.from_(bin_table)
+		.inner_join(item_table)
+		.on(bin_table.item_code == item_table.name)
+		.select(
+			bin_table.item_code,
+			bin_table.actual_qty,
+			bin_table.projected_qty,
+			bin_table.reserved_qty,
+			bin_table.reserved_qty_for_production,
+			bin_table.reserved_qty_for_sub_contract,
+			bin_table.reserved_qty_for_production_plan,
+			bin_table.reserved_stock,
+			item_table.item_name,
+			item_table.item_group,
+			item_table.image,
+		)
+		.where(bin_table.warehouse == warehouse)
+		.limit(20)
+		.offset(start)
+		.orderby(bin_table.actual_qty, order=Order.desc)
+	)
+	if item_code:
+		query = query.where(bin_table.item_code == item_code)
+	if item_group:
+		query = query.where(item_table.item_group == item_group)
+	return query.run(as_dict=True)
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/stock_summary_template.html b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/stock_summary_template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8824c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/plant_floor/stock_summary_template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+{% $.each(stock_summary, (idx, row) => { %}
+<div class="row" style="border-bottom:1px solid var(--border-color); padding:4px 5px; margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;">
+	<div class="col-sm-1">
+		{% if(row.image) { %}
+			<img style="width:50px;height:50px;" src="{{row.image}}">
+		{% } else { %}
+			<div style="width:50px;height:50px;background-color:var(--control-bg);text-align:center;padding-top:15px">{{frappe.get_abbr(row.item_code, 2)}}</div>
+		{% } %}
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-sm-3">
+		{% if (row.item_code === row.item_name) { %}
+			{{row.item_link}}
+		{% } else { %}
+			{{row.item_link}}
+			<p>
+				{{row.item_name}}
+			</p>
+		{% } %}
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-sm-1" title="{{ __('Actual Qty') }}">
+		{{ frappe.format(row.actual_qty, { fieldtype: "Float"})}}
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-sm-1" title="{{ __('Reserved Stock') }}">
+		{{ frappe.format(row.reserved_stock, { fieldtype: "Float"})}}
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-sm-4 small">
+		<span class="inline-graph">
+			<span class="inline-graph-half" title="{{ __("Reserved Qty") }}">
+				<span class="inline-graph-count">{{ row.total_reserved }}</span>
+				<span class="inline-graph-bar">
+					<span class="inline-graph-bar-inner"
+						style="width: {{ cint(Math.abs(row.total_reserved)/row.max_count * 100) || 5 }}%">
+					</span>
+				</span>
+			</span>
+			<span class="inline-graph-half" title="{{ __("Actual Qty {0} / Waiting Qty {1}", [row.actual_qty, row.pending_qty]) }}">
+				<span class="inline-graph-count">
+					{{ row.actual_qty }} {{ (row.pending_qty > 0) ? ("(" + row.pending_qty+ ")") : "" }}
+				</span>
+				<span class="inline-graph-bar">
+					<span class="inline-graph-bar-inner dark"
+						style="width: {{ cint(row.actual_qty/row.max_count * 100) }}%">
+					</span>
+					{% if row.pending_qty > 0 %}
+					<span class="inline-graph-bar-inner" title="{{ __("Projected Qty") }}"
+						style="width: {{ cint(row.pending_qty/row.max_count * 100) }}%">
+					</span>
+					{% endif %}
+				</span>
+			</span>
+		</span>
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-sm-1">
+		<button style="margin-left: 7px;" class="btn btn-default btn-xs btn-add" data-item-code="{{ escape(row.item_code) }}">Add</button>
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-sm-1">
+		<button style="margin-left: 7px;" class="btn btn-default btn-xs btn-move" data-item-code="{{ escape(row.item_code) }}">Move</button>
+	</div>
+{% }); %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.js b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.js
index 4ffc506..e3ad3fe 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.js
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.js
@@ -94,18 +94,25 @@
 			callback: (r) => {
 				if (r.message) {
-					this.render_job_cards(r.message);
+					this.job_cards = r.message;
+					this.render_job_cards();
-	render_job_cards(job_cards) {
+	render_job_cards() {
 		let template  = frappe.render_template("workstation_job_card", {
-			data: job_cards
+			data: this.job_cards
+		this.prepare_timer();
+		this.toggle_job_card();
+		this.bind_events();
+	}
+	toggle_job_card() {
 		this.$wrapper.find(".collapse-indicator-job").on("click", (e) => {
 			if ($(e.currentTarget).closest(".form-dashboard-section").find(".section-body-job-card").hasClass("hide"))
@@ -114,4 +121,198 @@
 				$(e.currentTarget).html(frappe.utils.icon("es-line-up", "sm", "mb-1"))
+	bind_events() {
+		this.$wrapper.find(".make-material-request").on("click", (e) => {
+			let job_card = $(e.currentTarget).attr("job-card");
+			this.make_material_request(job_card);
+		});
+		this.$wrapper.find(".btn-start").on("click", (e) => {
+			let job_card = $(e.currentTarget).attr("job-card");
+			this.start_job(job_card);
+		});
+		this.$wrapper.find(".btn-complete").on("click", (e) => {
+			let job_card = $(e.currentTarget).attr("job-card");
+			let pending_qty = flt($(e.currentTarget).attr("pending-qty"));
+			this.complete_job(job_card, pending_qty);
+		});
+	}
+	start_job(job_card) {
+		let me = this;
+		frappe.prompt([
+			{
+				fieldtype: 'Datetime',
+				label: __('Start Time'),
+				fieldname: 'start_time',
+				reqd: 1,
+				default: frappe.datetime.now_datetime()
+			},
+			{
+				label: __('Operator'),
+				fieldname: 'employee',
+				fieldtype: 'Link',
+				options: 'Employee',
+			}
+		], data => {
+			this.frm.call({
+				method: "start_job",
+				doc: this.frm.doc,
+				args: {
+					job_card: job_card,
+					from_time: data.start_time,
+					employee: data.employee,
+				},
+				callback(r) {
+					if (r.message) {
+						me.job_cards = [r.message];
+						me.prepare_timer()
+						me.update_job_card_details();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}, __("Enter Value"), __("Start Job"));
+	}
+	complete_job(job_card, qty_to_manufacture) {
+		let me = this;
+		let fields = [
+			{
+				fieldtype: 'Float',
+				label: __('Completed Quantity'),
+				fieldname: 'qty',
+				reqd: 1,
+				default: flt(qty_to_manufacture || 0)
+			},
+			{
+				fieldtype: 'Datetime',
+				label: __('End Time'),
+				fieldname: 'end_time',
+				default: frappe.datetime.now_datetime()
+			},
+		];
+		frappe.prompt(fields, data => {
+			if (data.qty <= 0) {
+				frappe.throw(__("Quantity should be greater than 0"));
+			}
+			this.frm.call({
+				method: "complete_job",
+				doc: this.frm.doc,
+				args: {
+					job_card: job_card,
+					qty: data.qty,
+					to_time: data.end_time,
+				},
+				callback: function(r) {
+					if (r.message) {
+						me.job_cards = [r.message];
+						me.prepare_timer()
+						me.update_job_card_details();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}, __("Enter Value"), __("Submit"));
+	}
+	make_material_request(job_card) {
+		frappe.call({
+			method: "erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.job_card.job_card.make_material_request",
+			args: {
+				source_name: job_card,
+			},
+			callback: (r) => {
+				if (r.message) {
+					var doc = frappe.model.sync(r.message)[0];
+					frappe.set_route("Form", doc.doctype, doc.name);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	prepare_timer() {
+		this.job_cards.forEach((data) => {
+			if (data.time_logs?.length) {
+				data._current_time = this.get_current_time(data);
+				if (data.time_logs[cint(data.time_logs.length) - 1].to_time) {
+					this.updateStopwatch(data);
+				} else {
+					this.initialiseTimer(data);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	update_job_card_details() {
+		let color_map = {
+			"Pending": "var(--bg-blue)",
+			"In Process": "var(--bg-yellow)",
+			"Submitted": "var(--bg-blue)",
+			"Open": "var(--bg-gray)",
+			"Closed": "var(--bg-green)",
+			"Work In Progress": "var(--bg-orange)",
+		}
+		this.job_cards.forEach((data) => {
+			let job_card_selector =  this.$wrapper.find(`
+				[data-name='${data.name}']`
+			);
+			$(job_card_selector).find(".job-card-status").text(data.status);
+			$(job_card_selector).find(".job-card-status").css("backgroundColor", color_map[data.status]);
+			if (data.status === "Work In Progress") {
+				$(job_card_selector).find(".btn-start").addClass("hide");
+				$(job_card_selector).find(".btn-complete").removeClass("hide");
+			} else if (data.status === "Completed") {
+				$(job_card_selector).find(".btn-start").addClass("hide");
+				$(job_card_selector).find(".btn-complete").addClass("hide");
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	initialiseTimer(data) {
+		setInterval(() => {
+			data._current_time += 1;
+			this.updateStopwatch(data);
+		}, 1000);
+	}
+	updateStopwatch(data) {
+		let increment = data._current_time;
+		let hours = Math.floor(increment / 3600);
+		let minutes = Math.floor((increment - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
+		let seconds = cint(increment - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60));
+		let job_card_selector = `[data-job-card='${data.name}']`
+		let timer_selector =  this.$wrapper.find(job_card_selector)
+		$(timer_selector).find(".hours").text(hours < 10 ? ("0" + hours.toString()) : hours.toString());
+		$(timer_selector).find(".minutes").text(minutes < 10 ? ("0" + minutes.toString()) : minutes.toString());
+		$(timer_selector).find(".seconds").text(seconds < 10 ? ("0" + seconds.toString()) : seconds.toString());
+	}
+	get_current_time(data) {
+		let current_time = 0.0;
+		data.time_logs.forEach(d => {
+			if (d.to_time) {
+				if (d.time_in_mins) {
+					current_time += flt(d.time_in_mins, 2) * 60;
+				} else {
+					current_time += this.get_seconds_diff(d.to_time, d.from_time);
+				}
+			} else {
+				current_time += this.get_seconds_diff(frappe.datetime.now_datetime(), d.from_time);
+			}
+		});
+		return current_time;
+	}
+	get_seconds_diff(d1, d2) {
+		return moment(d1).diff(d2, "seconds");
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.py b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.py
index 973c994..3d40a2d 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.py
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation.py
@@ -164,6 +164,28 @@
 		return schedule_date
+	@frappe.whitelist()
+	def start_job(self, job_card, from_time, employee):
+		doc = frappe.get_doc("Job Card", job_card)
+		doc.append("time_logs", {"from_time": from_time, "employee": employee})
+		doc.save(ignore_permissions=True)
+		return doc
+	@frappe.whitelist()
+	def complete_job(self, job_card, qty, to_time):
+		doc = frappe.get_doc("Job Card", job_card)
+		for row in doc.time_logs:
+			if not row.to_time:
+				row.to_time = to_time
+				row.time_in_mins = time_diff_in_hours(row.to_time, row.from_time) / 60
+				row.completed_qty = qty
+		doc.save(ignore_permissions=True)
+		doc.submit()
+		return doc
 def get_job_cards(workstation):
@@ -177,6 +199,7 @@
+				"transferred_qty",
@@ -193,6 +216,11 @@
 		job_cards = [row.name for row in jc_data]
 		raw_materials = get_raw_materials(job_cards)
+		time_logs = get_time_logs(job_cards)
+		allow_excess_transfer = frappe.db.get_single_value(
+			"Manufacturing Settings", "job_card_excess_transfer"
+		)
 		for row in jc_data:
 			row.progress_percent = (
@@ -204,12 +232,16 @@
 			row.work_order_link = get_link_to_form("Work Order", row.work_order)
 			row.raw_materials = raw_materials.get(row.name, [])
+			row.time_logs = time_logs.get(row.name, [])
+			row.make_material_request = False
+			if row.for_quantity > row.transferred_qty or allow_excess_transfer:
+				row.make_material_request = True
 		return jc_data
 def get_status_color(status):
-	colos_map = {
+	color_map = {
 		"Pending": "var(--bg-blue)",
 		"In Process": "var(--bg-yellow)",
 		"Submitted": "var(--bg-blue)",
@@ -218,7 +250,7 @@
 		"Work In Progress": "var(--bg-orange)",
-	return colos_map.get(status, "var(--bg-blue)")
+	return color_map.get(status, "var(--bg-blue)")
 def get_raw_materials(job_cards):
@@ -245,6 +277,29 @@
 	return raw_materials
+def get_time_logs(job_cards):
+	time_logs = {}
+	data = frappe.get_all(
+		"Job Card Time Log",
+		fields=[
+			"parent",
+			"name",
+			"employee",
+			"from_time",
+			"to_time",
+			"time_in_mins",
+		],
+		filters={"parent": ["in", job_cards], "parentfield": "time_logs"},
+		order_by="parent, idx",
+	)
+	for row in data:
+		time_logs.setdefault(row.parent, []).append(row)
+	return time_logs
 def get_default_holiday_list():
 	return frappe.get_cached_value(
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation_job_card.html b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation_job_card.html
index 3c0ef6d..9770785 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation_job_card.html
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/workstation_job_card.html
@@ -27,13 +27,28 @@
 					{{ d.work_order_link }}
-			<div class="form-column col-sm-3">
-				<div class="frappe-control" title="{{__('Expected Start Date')}}">
-					{{ frappe.format(d.expected_start_date, { fieldtype: 'Datetime' }) }}
+			<div class="form-column col-sm-2">
+				<div class="frappe-control timer" title="{{__('Timer')}}" style="text-align:center;font-size:14px;" data-job-card = {{escape(d.name)}}>
+					<span class="hours">00</span>
+					<span class="colon">:</span>
+					<span class="minutes">00</span>
+					<span class="colon">:</span>
+					<span class="seconds">00</span>
+				{% if(d.status === "Open") { %}
+					<div class="frappe-control" title="{{__('Expected Start Date')}}" style="text-align:center;font-size:11px;padding-top: 4px;">
+						{{ frappe.format(d.expected_start_date, { fieldtype: 'Datetime' }) }}
+					</div>
+				{% } else { %}
+					<div class="frappe-control" title="{{__('Expected End Date')}}" style="text-align:center;font-size:11px;padding-top: 4px;">
+						{{ frappe.format(d.expected_end_date, { fieldtype: 'Datetime' }) }}
+					</div>
+				{% } %}
 			<div class="form-column col-sm-2">
-				<div class="frappe-control" title="{{__('Status')}}" style="background:{{d.status_color}};text-align:center;border-radius:var(--border-radius-full)">
+				<div class="frappe-control job-card-status" title="{{__('Status')}}" style="background:{{d.status_color}};text-align:center;border-radius:var(--border-radius-full)">
 					{{ d.status }}
@@ -48,11 +63,24 @@
 					{{ d.for_quantity }} / {{ d.total_completed_qty }}
+			<div class="form-column col-sm-2 text-center">
+				<button style="width: 85px;" class="btn btn-default btn-start {% if(d.status !== "Open") { %} hide {% } %}" job-card="{{d.name}}"> {{__("Start")}} </button>
+				<button style="width: 85px;" class="btn btn-default btn-complete {% if(d.status === "Open") { %} hide {% } %}" job-card="{{d.name}}" pending-qty="{{d.for_quantity - d.transferred_qty}}"> {{__("Complete")}} </button>
+			</div>
 		<div class="section-body section-body-job-card form-section hide">
-			{{ __("Raw Materials") }}
+			<div class="row">
+				<div class="form-column col-sm-2">
+					{{ __("Raw Materials") }}
+				</div>
+				{% if(d.make_material_request) { %}
+					<div class="form-column col-sm-10 text-right">
+						<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs make-material-request" job-card="{{d.name}}">{{ __("Material Request") }}</button>
+					</div>
+				{% } %}
+			</div>
 			{% if(d.raw_materials) { %}
 			<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/workspace/manufacturing/manufacturing.json b/erpnext/manufacturing/workspace/manufacturing/manufacturing.json
index e3b632d..d2520d6 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/workspace/manufacturing/manufacturing.json
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/workspace/manufacturing/manufacturing.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "charts": [],
- "content": "[{\"id\":\"csBCiDglCE\",\"type\":\"header\",\"data\":{\"text\":\"<span class=\\\"h4\\\"><b>Your Shortcuts</b></span>\",\"col\":12}},{\"id\":\"YHCQG3wAGv\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"BOM Creator\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"xit0dg7KvY\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"BOM\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"LRhGV9GAov\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Production Plan\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"69KKosI6Hg\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Work Order\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"PwndxuIpB3\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Job Card\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"Bw3jwRMiei\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Plant Floor\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"4hPVRQke_x\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Visual Plant Floor\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"OaiDqTT03Y\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Forecasting\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"OtMcArFRa5\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"BOM Stock Report\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"76yYsI5imF\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Production Planning Report\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"PIQJYZOMnD\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Learn Manufacturing\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"bN_6tHS-Ct\",\"type\":\"spacer\",\"data\":{\"col\":12}},{\"id\":\"yVEFZMqVwd\",\"type\":\"header\",\"data\":{\"text\":\"<span class=\\\"h4\\\"><b>Reports &amp; Masters</b></span>\",\"col\":12}},{\"id\":\"rwrmsTI58-\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Production\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"6dnsyX-siZ\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Bill of Materials\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"CIq-v5f5KC\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Reports\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"8RRiQeYr0G\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Tools\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"Pu8z7-82rT\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Settings\",\"col\":4}}]",
+ "content": "[{\"id\":\"csBCiDglCE\",\"type\":\"header\",\"data\":{\"text\":\"<span class=\\\"h4\\\"><b>Your Shortcuts</b></span>\",\"col\":12}},{\"id\":\"YHCQG3wAGv\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"BOM Creator\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"xit0dg7KvY\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"BOM\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"LRhGV9GAov\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Production Plan\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"69KKosI6Hg\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Work Order\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"PwndxuIpB3\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Job Card\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"Ubj6zXcmIQ\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Plant Floor\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"OtMcArFRa5\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"BOM Stock Report\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"76yYsI5imF\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Production Planning Report\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"PIQJYZOMnD\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Learn Manufacturing\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"OaiDqTT03Y\",\"type\":\"shortcut\",\"data\":{\"shortcut_name\":\"Forecasting\",\"col\":3}},{\"id\":\"bN_6tHS-Ct\",\"type\":\"spacer\",\"data\":{\"col\":12}},{\"id\":\"yVEFZMqVwd\",\"type\":\"header\",\"data\":{\"text\":\"<span class=\\\"h4\\\"><b>Reports &amp; Masters</b></span>\",\"col\":12}},{\"id\":\"rwrmsTI58-\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Production\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"6dnsyX-siZ\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Bill of Materials\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"CIq-v5f5KC\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Reports\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"8RRiQeYr0G\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Tools\",\"col\":4}},{\"id\":\"Pu8z7-82rT\",\"type\":\"card\",\"data\":{\"card_name\":\"Settings\",\"col\":4}}]",
  "creation": "2020-03-02 17:11:37.032604",
  "custom_blocks": [],
  "docstatus": 0,
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
    "type": "Link"
- "modified": "2023-11-30 15:21:14.577990",
+ "modified": "2024-01-30 21:49:58.577218",
  "modified_by": "Administrator",
  "module": "Manufacturing",
  "name": "Manufacturing",
@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@
    "doc_view": "List",
    "label": "Plant Floor",
    "link_to": "Plant Floor",
-   "stats_filter": "[]",
    "type": "DocType"
@@ -354,13 +353,6 @@
    "color": "Grey",
    "doc_view": "List",
-   "label": "Visual Plant Floor",
-   "link_to": "visual-plant-floor",
-   "type": "Page"
-  },
-  {
-   "color": "Grey",
-   "doc_view": "List",
    "label": "BOM",
    "link_to": "BOM",
    "stats_filter": "{\"is_active\":[\"=\",1]}",
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/plant_floor_visual/visual_plant.js b/erpnext/public/js/plant_floor_visual/visual_plant.js
index b1d120f..8cd73ad 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/plant_floor_visual/visual_plant.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/plant_floor_visual/visual_plant.js
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 			this.filter_wrapper = this.wrapper.find('.plant-floor-filter');
 			this.visualization_wrapper = this.wrapper.find('.plant-floor-visualization');
 		} else if(this.plant_floor) {
+			this.wrapper.find('.plant-floor').css('border', 'none');
@@ -138,7 +139,6 @@
 	render_workstations() {
-		console.log(this.wrapper.find('.plant-floor-container'))
 		let template  = frappe.render_template("visual_plant_floor_template", {
 			workstations: this.workstations
diff --git a/erpnext/public/scss/erpnext.scss b/erpnext/public/scss/erpnext.scss
index ef09854..1626b7c 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/scss/erpnext.scss
+++ b/erpnext/public/scss/erpnext.scss
@@ -510,7 +510,6 @@
 .plant-floor-container {
-	padding-top: 10px;
 	display: grid;
 	grid-template-columns: repeat(6,minmax(0,1fr));
 	gap: var(--margin-xl);
@@ -530,7 +529,7 @@
 	width: 100%;
 	font-size: 50px;
 	margin: var(--margin-sm);
-	min-height: 11rem;
+	min-height: 9rem;
 .workstation-abbr {