make erpnext.SerialNoBatchSelector
diff --git a/erpnext/public/build.json b/erpnext/public/build.json
index 393e90c..9405719 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/build.json
+++ b/erpnext/public/build.json
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ "public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js",
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f54fc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+erpnext.SerialNoBatchSelector = Class.extend({
+ init: function(opts) {
+ $.extend(this, opts);
+ // frm, item, warehouse_details, has_batch, oldest
+ this.setup();
+ },
+ setup: function() {
+ this.item_code = this.item.item_code;
+ this.qty = this.item.qty;
+ this.make_dialog();
+ },
+ make_dialog: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ = this.oldest ? this.oldest : [];
+ let title = "";
+ let fields = [
+ {fieldname: 'item_code', read_only: 1, fieldtype:'Link', options: 'Item',
+ label: __('Item Code'), 'default': me.item_code},
+ {fieldtype:'Column Break'},
+ {
+ fieldname: 'warehouse',
+ fieldtype:'Link',
+ options: 'Warehouse',
+ label: __(me.warehouse_details.type),
+ default:,
+ onchange: function(e) {
+ = this.get_value();
+ var batches = this.layout.fields_dict.batches;
+ if(batches) {
+ = [];
+ batches.grid.refresh();
+ batches.grid.add_new_row(null, null, null);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {fieldtype:'Column Break'},
+ {fieldname: 'qty', fieldtype:'Float', label: __(me.has_batch ? 'Total Qty' : 'Qty'), 'default': me.qty},
+ ];
+ if(this.has_batch) {
+ title = __("Select Batch Numbers");
+ fields = fields.concat(this.get_batch_fields());
+ } else {
+ title = __("Select Serial Numbers");
+ fields = fields.concat(this.get_serial_no_fields());
+ }
+ this.dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
+ title: title,
+ fields: fields
+ });
+ this.bind_qty();
+ this.dialog.set_primary_action(__('Insert'), function() {
+ me.values = me.dialog.get_values();
+ if(!me.validate()) return;
+ me.set_items();
+ refresh_field("items");
+ me.dialog.hide();
+ });
+ },
+ validate: function() {
+ let values = this.values;
+ if(!values.warehouse) {
+ frappe.throw(__("Please select a warehouse"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(this.has_batch) {
+ if(values.batches.length === 0 || !values.batches) {
+ frappe.throw(__("Please select batches for batched item "
+ + values.item_code));
+ return false;
+ }
+, i) => {
+ if(!batch.selected_qty || batch.selected_qty === 0 ) {
+ frappe.throw(__("Please select quantity on row " + (i+1)));
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ let serial_nos = values.serial_no || '';
+ if (!serial_nos || !serial_nos.replace(/\s/g, '').length) {
+ frappe.throw(__("Please enter serial numbers for serialized item "
+ + values.item_code));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ set_items: function() {
+ if(this.has_batch) {
+, i) => {
+ if(i === 0) {
+ this.map_item_values(this.item, batch, 'batch_no',
+ 'selected_qty', this.values.warehouse);
+ } else {
+ let row = this.frm.add_child("items");
+ row.item_code = this.item_code;
+ this.map_item_values(row, batch, 'batch_no',
+ 'selected_qty', this.values.warehouse);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.map_item_values(this.item, this.values, 'serial_no', 'qty');
+ }
+ },
+ map_item_values: function(item, values, attribute, qty_field, warehouse) {
+ item[attribute] = values[attribute];
+ if(this.warehouse_details.type === 'Source Warehouse') {
+ item.s_warehouse = values.warehouse || warehouse;
+ } else {
+ item.t_warehouse = values.warehouse || warehouse;
+ }
+ item.qty = values[qty_field];
+ },
+ bind_qty: function() {
+ let serial_no_link = this.dialog.fields_dict.serial_no_select;
+ let serial_no_list_field = this.dialog.fields_dict.serial_no;
+ let batches_field = this.dialog.fields_dict.batches;
+ let qty_field = this.dialog.fields_dict.qty;
+ let item_code = this.item_code;
+ let update_quantity = (batch) => {
+ if(batch) {
+ let total_qty = 0;
+ batches_field.grid.wrapper.find(
+ 'input[data-fieldname="selected_qty"]').each(function() {
+ total_qty += Number($(this).val());
+ });
+ qty_field.set_input(total_qty);
+ } else {
+ let serial_numbers = serial_no_list_field.get_value()
+ .replace(/\n/g, ' ').match(/\S+/g) || [];
+ qty_field.set_input(serial_numbers.length);
+ }
+ }
+ if(serial_no_link) {
+ let serial_list = [];
+ serial_no_link.$input.on('awesomplete-selectcomplete', function() {
+ if(serial_no_link.get_value().length > 0) {
+ let new_no = serial_no_link.get_value();
+ let list_value = serial_no_list_field.get_value();
+ let new_line = '\n';
+ if(!serial_no_list_field.get_value()) {
+ new_line = '';
+ } else {
+ serial_list = list_value.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ }
+ if(!serial_list.includes(new_no)) {
+ serial_no_link.set_new_description('');
+ serial_no_list_field.set_value(list_value + new_line + new_no);
+ update_quantity(0);
+ } else {
+ serial_no_link.set_new_description(new_no + ' is already selected.');
+ }
+ }
+ // Should, but doesn't work
+ serial_no_link.set_input('');
+ serial_no_link.$input.blur();
+ });
+ serial_no_list_field.$input.on('input', function() {
+ serial_list = serial_no_list_field.get_value().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ update_quantity(0);
+ });
+ }
+ if(batches_field) {
+ batches_field.grid.wrapper.on('change', function() {
+ update_quantity(1);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ get_batch_fields: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ return [
+ {fieldtype:'Section Break', label: __('Batches')},
+ {fieldname: 'batches', fieldtype: 'Table',
+ fields: [
+ {
+ fieldtype:'Link',
+ fieldname:'batch_no',
+ options: 'Batch',
+ label: __('Select Batch'),
+ in_list_view:1,
+ get_query: function() {
+ return {filters: {item: me.item_code }};
+ },
+ onchange: function(e) {
+ if(this.get_value().length === 0) {
+ this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict
+ .available_qty.set_value(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( {
+ method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch.get_batch_qty',
+ args: {
+ batch_no: this.doc.batch_no,
+ warehouse:,
+ item_code: me.item_code
+ },
+ callback: (r) => {
+ this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict
+ .available_qty.set_value(r.message || 0);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ frappe.throw(__(`Please select a warehouse to get available
+ quantities`));
+ }
+ // e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ fieldtype:'Float',
+ read_only:1,
+ fieldname:'available_qty',
+ label: __('Available'),
+ in_list_view:1,
+ default: 0,
+ onchange: function() {
+ this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.selected_qty.set_value('0');
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ fieldtype:'Float',
+ fieldname:'selected_qty',
+ label: __('Qty'),
+ in_list_view:1,
+ 'default': 0,
+ onchange: function(e) {
+ var batch_no = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.batch_no.get_value();
+ var available_qty = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.available_qty.get_value();
+ var selected_qty = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.selected_qty.get_value();
+ if(batch_no.length === 0 && parseInt(selected_qty)!==0) {
+ frappe.throw(__("Please select a batch"));
+ }
+ if(me.warehouse_details.type === 'Source Warehouse' &&
+ parseFloat(available_qty) < parseFloat(selected_qty)) {
+ this.set_value('0');
+ frappe.throw(__(`For transfer from source, selected quantity cannot be
+ greater than available quantity`));
+ } else {
+ this.grid.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ in_place_edit: true,
+ data:,
+ get_data: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ }
+ ];
+ },
+ get_serial_no_fields: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ return [
+ {fieldtype: 'Section Break', label: __('Serial No')},
+ {
+ fieldtype: 'Link', fieldname: 'serial_no_select', options: 'Serial No',
+ label: __('Select'),
+ get_query: function() {
+ return { filters: {item_code: me.item_code}};
+ }
+ },
+ {fieldtype: 'Column Break'},
+ {fieldname: 'serial_no', fieldtype: 'Small Text'}
+ ];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
index ee555f4..1504f71 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
@@ -546,8 +546,8 @@
-erpnext.stock.select_batch_and_serial_no = (frm, d = undefined) => {
- let get_warehouse = (item) => {
+erpnext.stock.select_batch_and_serial_no = (frm, item) => {
+ let get_warehouse_type_and_name = (item) => {
let value = '';
if(frm.fields_dict.from_warehouse.disp_status === "Write") {
value = cstr(item.s_warehouse) || '';
@@ -564,275 +564,20 @@
- if(d && d.has_batch_no && !d.batch_no) {
- erpnext.stock.show_batch_serial_modal(frm, d, d.item_code, d.qty, get_warehouse(d), 1);
- } else if(d && d.has_serial_no && !d.serial_no && frm.doc.purpose !== 'Material Receipt') {
- erpnext.stock.show_batch_serial_modal(frm, d, d.item_code, d.qty, get_warehouse(d), 0);
+ let opts = {
+ frm: frm,
+ item: item,
+ warehouse_details: get_warehouse_type_and_name(item),
+ if(item && item.has_batch_no && !item.batch_no) {
+ opts.has_batch = 1;
+ } else if(item && item.has_serial_no && !item.serial_no
+ && frm.doc.purpose !== 'Material Receipt') {
+ opts.has_batch = 0;
+ }
+ let serial_no_batch_selector = new erpnext.SerialNoBatchSelector(opts);
-erpnext.stock.show_batch_serial_modal = (frm, item, item_code, qty, warehouse_details,
- has_batch, oldest = undefined) => {
- let data = oldest ? oldest : [];
- let title = "";
- let fields = [
- {fieldname: 'item_code', read_only: 1, fieldtype:'Link', options: 'Item',
- label: __('Item Code'), 'default': item_code},
- {fieldtype:'Column Break'},
- {
- fieldname: 'warehouse',
- fieldtype:'Link',
- options: 'Warehouse',
- label: __(warehouse_details.type),
- default:,
- onchange: function(e) {
- = this.get_value();
- var batches = this.layout.fields_dict.batches;
- if(batches) {
- = [];
- batches.grid.refresh();
- batches.grid.add_new_row(null, null, null);
- }
- }
- },
- {fieldtype:'Column Break'},
- {fieldname: 'qty', fieldtype:'Float', label: __(has_batch ? 'Total Qty' : 'Qty'), 'default': qty},
- ];
- if(has_batch) {
- title = __("Select Batch Numbers");
- fields = fields.concat([
- {fieldtype:'Section Break', label: __('Batches')},
- {fieldname: 'batches', fieldtype: 'Table',
- fields: [
- {
- fieldtype:'Link',
- fieldname:'batch_no',
- options: 'Batch',
- label: __('Select Batch'),
- in_list_view:1,
- get_query: function() {
- return {filters: {item: item_code }};
- },
- onchange: function(e) {
- if(this.get_value().length === 0) {
- this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict
- .available_qty.set_value(0);
- return;
- }
- if( {
- method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch.get_batch_qty',
- args: {
- batch_no: this.doc.batch_no,
- warehouse:,
- item_code: item_code
- },
- callback: (r) => {
- this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict
- .available_qty.set_value(r.message || 0);
- }
- });
- } else {
- frappe.throw(__("Please select a warehouse to get available quantities"));
- }
- // e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- },
- {
- fieldtype:'Float',
- read_only:1,
- fieldname:'available_qty',
- label: __('Available'),
- in_list_view:1,
- default: 0,
- onchange: function() {
- this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.selected_qty.set_value('0');
- }
- },
- {
- fieldtype:'Float',
- fieldname:'selected_qty',
- label: __('Qty'),
- in_list_view:1,
- 'default': 0,
- onchange: function(e) {
- var batch_no = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.batch_no.get_value();
- var available_qty = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.available_qty.get_value();
- var selected_qty = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.selected_qty.get_value();
- if(batch_no.length === 0 && parseInt(selected_qty)!==0) {
- frappe.throw(__("Please select a batch"));
- }
- if(warehouse_details.type === 'Source Warehouse' &&
- parseFloat(available_qty) < parseFloat(selected_qty)) {
- this.set_value('0');
- frappe.throw(__(`For transfer from source, selected quantity cannot be
- greater than available quantity`));
- } else {
- this.grid.refresh();
- }
- }
- },
- ],
- in_place_edit: true,
- data: data,
- get_data: function() {
- return;
- },
- }
- ]);
- } else {
- title = __("Select Serial Numbers");
- fields = fields.concat([
- {fieldtype: 'Section Break', label: __('Serial No')},
- {
- fieldtype: 'Link', fieldname: 'serial_no_select', options: 'Serial No',
- label: __('Select'),
- get_query: function() {
- return { filters: {item_code: item_code}};
- }
- },
- {fieldtype: 'Column Break'},
- {fieldname: 'serial_no', fieldtype: 'Small Text'}
- ]);
- }
- let dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
- title: title,
- fields: fields
- });
- erpnext.stock.bind_batch_serial_dialog_qty(dialog, warehouse_details);
- let map_item_values = (item, values, attribute, qty_field, warehouse) => {
- item[attribute] = values[attribute];
- if(warehouse_details.type === 'Source Warehouse') {
- item.s_warehouse = values.warehouse || warehouse;
- } else {
- item.t_warehouse = values.warehouse || warehouse;
- }
- item.qty = values[qty_field];
- }
- let validate_batch_dialog = (values) => {
- if(values.batches.length === 0 || !values.batches) {
- frappe.throw(__("Please select batches for batched item " + values.item_code));
- return false;
- }
-, i) => {
- if(!batch.selected_qty || batch.selected_qty === 0 ) {
- frappe.throw(__("Please select quantity on row " + (i+1)));
- return false;
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- let set_batched_items = () => {
- let values = dialog.get_values();
- if(!validate_batch_dialog(values)) {
- return;
- }
-, i) => {
- if(i === 0) {
- map_item_values(item, batch, 'batch_no',
- 'selected_qty', values.warehouse);
- } else {
- let row = frm.add_child("items");
- row.item_code = item.item_code;
- map_item_values(row, batch, 'batch_no',
- 'selected_qty', values.warehouse);
- }
- });
- }
- let validate_serial_no_dialog = (values) => {
- let serial_nos = values.serial_no || '';
- if (!serial_nos || !serial_nos.replace(/\s/g, '').length) {
- frappe.throw(__("Please enter serial numbers for serialized item " + values.item_code));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- let set_serialized_items = () => {
- let values = dialog.get_values();
- if (!validate_serial_no_dialog(values)) {
- return;
- }
- map_item_values(item, values, 'serial_no', 'qty');
- }
- dialog.set_primary_action(__('Get Items'), function() {
- if(!dialog.get_values().warehouse) {
- frappe.throw(__("Please select a warehouse"));
- }
- has_batch ? set_batched_items() : set_serialized_items();
- refresh_field("items");
- dialog.hide();
- })
-erpnext.stock.bind_batch_serial_dialog_qty = (dialog, warehouse_details) => {
- let serial_no_link = dialog.fields_dict.serial_no_select;
- let serial_no_list_field = dialog.fields_dict.serial_no;
- let batches_field = dialog.fields_dict.batches;
- let qty_field = dialog.fields_dict.qty;
- let item_code = dialog.get_value('item_code');
- let update_quantity = (batch) => {
- if(batch) {
- let total_qty = 0;
- batches_field.grid.wrapper.find('input[data-fieldname="selected_qty"]').each(function() {
- total_qty += Number($(this).val());
- });
- qty_field.set_input(total_qty);
- } else {
- let serial_numbers = serial_no_list_field.get_value().replace(/\n/g, ' ').match(/\S+/g) || [];
- qty_field.set_input(serial_numbers.length);
- }
- }
- if(serial_no_link) {
- let serial_list = [];
- serial_no_link.$input.on('awesomplete-selectcomplete', function() {
- if(serial_no_link.get_value().length > 0) {
- let new_no = serial_no_link.get_value();
- let list_value = serial_no_list_field.get_value();
- let new_line = '\n';
- if(!serial_no_list_field.get_value()) {
- new_line = '';
- } else {
- serial_list = list_value.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
- }
- if(!serial_list.includes(new_no)) {
- serial_no_link.set_new_description('');
- serial_no_list_field.set_value(list_value + new_line + new_no);
- update_quantity(0);
- } else {
- serial_no_link.set_new_description(new_no + ' is already selected.');
- }
- }
- serial_no_link.set_input('');
- serial_no_link.$input.blur();
- });
- serial_no_list_field.$input.on('input', function() {
- serial_list = serial_no_list_field.get_value().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
- update_quantity(0);
- });
- }
- if(batches_field) {
- batches_field.grid.wrapper.on('change', function() {
- update_quantity(1);
- });
- }
\ No newline at end of file