refactor: BOM Stock Calculated report
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/report/bom_stock_calculated/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/report/bom_stock_calculated/
index 933be3e..48fbf1c 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/report/bom_stock_calculated/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/report/bom_stock_calculated/
@@ -4,29 +4,31 @@
 import frappe
 from frappe import _
+from frappe.query_builder.functions import Floor, IfNull, Sum
 from import comma_and
+from pypika.terms import ExistsCriterion
 def execute(filters=None):
-	# if not filters: filters = {}
 	columns = get_columns()
-	summ_data = []
+	data = []
-	data = get_bom_stock(filters)
+	bom_data = get_bom_data(filters)
 	qty_to_make = filters.get("qty_to_make")
 	manufacture_details = get_manufacturer_records()
-	for row in data:
-		reqd_qty = qty_to_make * row.actual_qty
-		last_pur_price = frappe.db.get_value("Item", row.item_code, "last_purchase_rate")
-		summ_data.append(get_report_data(last_pur_price, reqd_qty, row, manufacture_details))
-	return columns, summ_data
+	for row in bom_data:
+		required_qty = qty_to_make * row.actual_qty
+		last_purchase_rate = frappe.db.get_value("Item", row.item_code, "last_purchase_rate")
+		data.append(get_report_data(last_purchase_rate, required_qty, row, manufacture_details))
+	return columns, data
-def get_report_data(last_pur_price, reqd_qty, row, manufacture_details):
+def get_report_data(last_purchase_rate, required_qty, row, manufacture_details):
 	to_build = row.to_build if row.to_build > 0 else 0
-	diff_qty = to_build - reqd_qty
+	difference_qty = to_build - required_qty
 	return [
@@ -36,83 +38,127 @@
-		reqd_qty,
-		diff_qty,
-		last_pur_price,
+		required_qty,
+		difference_qty,
+		last_purchase_rate,
 def get_columns():
-	"""return columns"""
-	columns = [
-		_("Item") + ":Link/Item:100",
-		_("Description") + "::150",
-		_("Manufacturer") + "::250",
-		_("Manufacturer Part Number") + "::250",
-		_("Qty") + ":Float:50",
-		_("Stock Qty") + ":Float:100",
-		_("Reqd Qty") + ":Float:100",
-		_("Diff Qty") + ":Float:100",
-		_("Last Purchase Price") + ":Float:100",
+	return [
+		{
+			"fieldname": "item",
+			"label": _("Item"),
+			"fieldtype": "Link",
+			"options": "Item",
+			"width": 120,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "description",
+			"label": _("Description"),
+			"fieldtype": "Data",
+			"width": 150,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "manufacturer",
+			"label": _("Manufacturer"),
+			"fieldtype": "Data",
+			"width": 120,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "manufacturer_part_number",
+			"label": _("Manufacturer Part Number"),
+			"fieldtype": "Data",
+			"width": 150,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "available_qty",
+			"label": _("Available Qty"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 120,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "qty_per_unit",
+			"label": _("Qty Per Unit"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 110,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "required_qty",
+			"label": _("Required Qty"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 120,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "difference_qty",
+			"label": _("Difference Qty"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 130,
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "last_purchase_rate",
+			"label": _("Last Purchase Rate"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 160,
+		},
-	return columns
-def get_bom_stock(filters):
-	conditions = ""
-	bom = filters.get("bom")
-	table = "`tabBOM Item`"
-	qty_field = "qty"
+def get_bom_data(filters):
 	if filters.get("show_exploded_view"):
-		table = "`tabBOM Explosion Item`"
 		qty_field = "stock_qty"
+		bom_item_table = "BOM Explosion Item"
+	else:
+		qty_field = "qty"
+		bom_item_table = "BOM Item"
+	bom_item = frappe.qb.DocType(bom_item_table)
+	bin = frappe.qb.DocType("Bin")
+	query = (
+		frappe.qb.from_(bom_item)
+		.left_join(bin)
+		.on(bom_item.item_code == bin.item_code)
+		.select(
+			bom_item.item_code,
+			bom_item.description,
+			bom_item[qty_field],
+			IfNull(Sum(bin.actual_qty), 0).as_("actual_qty"),
+			IfNull(Sum(Floor(bin.actual_qty / bom_item[qty_field])), 0).as_("to_build"),
+		)
+		.where((bom_item.parent == filters.get("bom")) & (bom_item.parenttype == "BOM"))
+		.groupby(bom_item.item_code)
+	)
 	if filters.get("warehouse"):
 		warehouse_details = frappe.db.get_value(
 			"Warehouse", filters.get("warehouse"), ["lft", "rgt"], as_dict=1
 		if warehouse_details:
-			conditions += (
-				" and exists (select name from `tabWarehouse` wh \
-				where wh.lft >= %s and wh.rgt <= %s and ledger.warehouse ="
-				% (warehouse_details.lft, warehouse_details.rgt)
+			wh = frappe.qb.DocType("Warehouse")
+			query = query.where(
+				ExistsCriterion(
+					frappe.qb.from_(wh)
+					.select(
+					.where(
+						(wh.lft >= warehouse_details.lft)
+						& (wh.rgt <= warehouse_details.rgt)
+						& (bin.warehouse ==
+					)
+				)
-			conditions += " and ledger.warehouse = %s" % frappe.db.escape(filters.get("warehouse"))
+			query = query.where(bin.warehouse == frappe.db.escape(filters.get("warehouse")))
-	else:
-		conditions += ""
-	return frappe.db.sql(
-		"""
-				bom_item.item_code,
-				bom_item.description,
-				bom_item.{qty_field},
-				ifnull(sum(ledger.actual_qty), 0) as actual_qty,
-				ifnull(sum(FLOOR(ledger.actual_qty / bom_item.{qty_field})), 0) as to_build
-			FROM
-				{table} AS bom_item
-				LEFT JOIN `tabBin` AS ledger
-				ON bom_item.item_code = ledger.item_code
-				{conditions}
-				bom_item.parent = '{bom}' and bom_item.parenttype='BOM'
-			GROUP BY bom_item.item_code""".format(
-			qty_field=qty_field, table=table, conditions=conditions, bom=bom
-		),
-		as_dict=1,
-	)
+	return
 def get_manufacturer_records():
 	details = frappe.get_all(
 		"Item Manufacturer", fields=["manufacturer", "manufacturer_part_no", "item_code"]
 	manufacture_details = frappe._dict()
 	for detail in details:
 		dic = manufacture_details.setdefault(detail.get("item_code"), {})