[accounts] [auto inventory accounting] changed naming series and message of journal vouchers created for Auto Inventory Accounting
diff --git a/accounts/utils.py b/accounts/utils.py
index 382a337..31e6221 100644
--- a/accounts/utils.py
+++ b/accounts/utils.py
@@ -273,36 +273,45 @@
jv = webnotes.bean([
"doctype": "Journal Voucher",
- "naming_series": "_PATCH-",
+ "naming_series": "JV-AUTO-",
"company": company,
"posting_date": today,
"fiscal_year": fiscal_year,
"voucher_type": "Journal Entry",
- "user_remark": "Accounting Entry for Stock: \
- Initial booking of stock received but not billed account"
+ "user_remark": (_("Auto Inventory Accounting") + ": " +
+ (_("Disabled") if reverse else _("Enabled")) + ". " +
+ _("Journal Entry for inventory that is received but not yet invoiced"))
"doctype": "Journal Voucher Detail",
"parentfield": "entries",
"account": get_company_default(company, "stock_received_but_not_billed"),
- (stock_rbnb_value > 0 and "credit" or "debit"): abs(stock_rbnb_value)
+ (stock_rbnb_value > 0 and "credit" or "debit"): abs(stock_rbnb_value)
"doctype": "Journal Voucher Detail",
"parentfield": "entries",
"account": get_company_default(company, "stock_adjustment_account"),
- (stock_rbnb_value > 0 and "debit" or "credit"): abs(stock_rbnb_value),
+ (stock_rbnb_value > 0 and "debit" or "credit"): abs(stock_rbnb_value),
"cost_center": get_company_default(company, "stock_adjustment_cost_center")
- jv.submit()
if jv_list:
- webnotes.msgprint("""Folowing Journal Vouchers has been created automatically:
- %s""" % '\n'.join(jv_list))
+ msgprint(_("Following Journal Vouchers have been created automatically") + \
+ ":\n%s" % ("\n".join([("<a href=\"#Form/Journal Voucher/%s\">%s</a>" % (jv, jv)) for jv in jv_list]),))
+ msgprint(_("""These adjustment vouchers book the difference between \
+ the total value of received items and the total value of invoiced items, \
+ as a required step to use Auto Inventory Accounting.
+ This is an approximation to get you started.
+ You will need to submit these vouchers after checking if the values are correct.
+ For more details, read: \
+ <a href="http://erpnext.com/auto-inventory-accounting" target="_blank">\
+ Auto Inventory Accounting</a>"""))
webnotes.msgprint("""Please refresh the system to get effect of Auto Inventory Accounting""")