fix: conflicts
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670d8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Semgrep linting
+## What is semgrep?
+Semgrep or "semantic grep" is language agnostic static analysis tool. In simple terms semgrep is syntax-aware `grep`, so unlike regex it doesn't get confused by different ways of writing same thing or whitespaces or code split in multiple lines etc.
+To check if a translate function is using f-string or not the regex would be `r"_\(\s*f[\"']"` while equivalent rule in semgrep would be `_(f"...")`. As semgrep knows grammer of language it takes care of unnecessary whitespace, type of quotation marks etc.
+You can read more such examples in `.github/helper/semgrep_rules` directory.
+# Why/when to use this?
+We want to maintain quality of contributions, at the same time remembering all the good practices can be pain to deal with while evaluating contributions. Using semgrep if you can translate "best practice" into a rule then it can automate the task for us.
+## Running locally
+Install semgrep using homebrew `brew install semgrep` or pip `pip install semgrep`.
+To run locally use following command:
+`semgrep --config=.github/helper/semgrep_rules [file/folder names]`
+## Testing
+semgrep allows testing the tests. Refer to this page:
+When writing new rules you should write few positive and few negative cases as shown in the guide and current tests.
+To run current tests: `semgrep --test --test-ignore-todo .github/helper/semgrep_rules`
+## Reference
+If you are new to Semgrep read following pages to get started on writing/modifying rules:
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4798b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import frappe
+from frappe import _, flt
+from frappe.model.document import Document
+def on_submit(self):
+ if self.value_of_goods == 0:
+ frappe.throw(_('Value of goods cannot be 0'))
+ # ruleid: frappe-modifying-after-submit
+ self.status = 'Submitted'
+def on_submit(self):
+ if flt(self.per_billed) < 100:
+ self.update_billing_status()
+ else:
+ # todook: frappe-modifying-after-submit
+ self.status = "Completed"
+ self.db_set("status", "Completed")
+class TestDoc(Document):
+ pass
+ def validate(self):
+ #ruleid: frappe-modifying-child-tables-while-iterating
+ for item in self.child_table:
+ if item.value < 0:
+ self.remove(item)
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/frappe_correctness.yml b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/frappe_correctness.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54df062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/frappe_correctness.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This file specifies rules for correctness according to how frappe doctype data model works.
+- id: frappe-modifying-after-submit
+ patterns:
+ - pattern: self.$ATTR = ...
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ def on_submit(self, ...):
+ ...
+ - metavariable-regex:
+ metavariable: '$ATTR'
+ # this is negative look-ahead, add more attrs to ignore like (ignore|ignore_this_too|ignore_me)
+ regex: '^(?!status_updater)(.*)$'
+ message: |
+ Doctype modified after submission. Please check if modification of self.$ATTR is commited to database.
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-modifying-after-cancel
+ patterns:
+ - pattern: self.$ATTR = ...
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ def on_cancel(self, ...):
+ ...
+ - metavariable-regex:
+ metavariable: '$ATTR'
+ regex: '^(?!ignore_linked_doctypes|status_updater)(.*)$'
+ message: |
+ Doctype modified after cancellation. Please check if modification of self.$ATTR is commited to database.
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-print-function-in-doctypes
+ pattern: print(...)
+ message: |
+ Did you mean to leave this print statement in? Consider using msgprint or logger instead of print statement.
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: WARNING
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - test_*.py
+ include:
+ - "*/**/doctype/*"
+- id: frappe-modifying-child-tables-while-iterating
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: |
+ for $ROW in self.$TABLE:
+ ...
+ self.remove(...)
+ - pattern: |
+ for $ROW in self.$TABLE:
+ ...
+ self.append(...)
+ message: |
+ Child table being modified while iterating on it.
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+ paths:
+ include:
+ - "*/**/doctype/*"
+- id: frappe-same-key-assigned-twice
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: |
+ {..., $X: $A, ..., $X: $B, ...}
+ - pattern: |
+ dict(..., ($X, $A), ..., ($X, $B), ...)
+ - pattern: |
+ _dict(..., ($X, $A), ..., ($X, $B), ...)
+ message: |
+ key `$X` is uselessly assigned twice. This could be a potential bug.
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f477d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+def function_name(input):
+ # ruleid: frappe-codeinjection-eval
+ eval(input)
+# ok: frappe-codeinjection-eval
+eval("1 + 1")
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/security.yml b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/security.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5098b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/security.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+- id: frappe-codeinjection-eval
+ patterns:
+ - pattern-not: eval("...")
+ - pattern: eval(...)
+ message: |
+ Detected the use of eval(). eval() can be dangerous if used to evaluate
+ dynamic content. Avoid it or use safe_eval().
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-sqli-format-strings
+ patterns:
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ @frappe.whitelist()
+ def $FUNC(...):
+ ...
+ - pattern-either:
+ - pattern: frappe.db.sql("..." % ...)
+ - pattern: frappe.db.sql(f"...", ...)
+ - pattern: frappe.db.sql("...".format(...), ...)
+ message: |
+ Detected use of raw string formatting for SQL queries. This can lead to sql injection vulnerabilities. Refer security guidelines -
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: WARNING
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/translate.js b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/translate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b92fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/translate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-empty-string
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-empty-string
+// ok: frappe-translation-js-formatting
+__('Welcome {0}, get started with ERPNext in just a few clicks.', [full_name]);
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-js-formatting
+__(`Welcome ${full_name}, get started with ERPNext in just a few clicks.`);
+// ok: frappe-translation-js-formatting
+__('This is fine');
+// ok: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+__('This is fine');
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+__(' this is not ok ');
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+__('this is not ok ');
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+__(' this is not ok');
+// ok: frappe-translation-js-splitting
+__('You have {0} subscribers in your mailing list.', [subscribers.length])
+// todoruleid: frappe-translation-js-splitting
+__('You have') + subscribers.length + __('subscribers in your mailing list.')
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-js-splitting
+__('You have' + 'subscribers in your mailing list.')
+// ruleid: frappe-translation-js-splitting
+__('You have {0} subscribers' +
+ 'in your mailing list', [subscribers.length])
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6cd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Examples taken from
+# This file is used for testing the tests.
+from frappe import _
+full_name = "Jon Doe"
+# ok: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+_('Welcome {0}, get started with ERPNext in just a few clicks.').format(full_name)
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+_('Welcome %s, get started with ERPNext in just a few clicks.' % full_name)
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+_('Welcome %(name)s, get started with ERPNext in just a few clicks.' % {'name': full_name})
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+_('Welcome {0}, get started with ERPNext in just a few clicks.'.format(full_name))
+subscribers = ["Jon", "Doe"]
+# ok: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+_('You have {0} subscribers in your mailing list.').format(len(subscribers))
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-splitting
+_('You have') + len(subscribers) + _('subscribers in your mailing list.')
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-splitting
+_('You have {0} subscribers \
+ in your mailing list').format(len(subscribers))
+# ok: frappe-translation-python-splitting
+_('You have {0} subscribers') \
+ + 'in your mailing list'
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+msg = _(" You have {0} pending invoice ")
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+msg = _("You have {0} pending invoice ")
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+msg = _(" You have {0} pending invoice")
+# ok: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+msg = ' ' + _("You have {0} pending invoices") + ' '
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+_(f"can not format like this - {subscribers}")
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-python-splitting
+_(f"what" + f"this is also not cool")
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-empty-string
+# ruleid: frappe-translation-empty-string
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/translate.yml b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/translate.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3737da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/translate.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+- id: frappe-translation-empty-string
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: _("")
+ - pattern: __("")
+ message: |
+ Empty string is useless for translation.
+ Please refer:
+ languages: [python, javascript, json]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-translation-trailing-spaces
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: _("=~/(^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$)/")
+ - pattern: __("=~/(^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$)/")
+ message: |
+ Trailing or leading whitespace not allowed in translate strings.
+ Please refer:
+ languages: [python, javascript, json]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-translation-python-formatting
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: _("..." % ...)
+ - pattern: _("...".format(...))
+ - pattern: _(f"...")
+ message: |
+ Only positional formatters are allowed and formatting should not be done before translating.
+ Please refer:
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-translation-js-formatting
+ patterns:
+ - pattern: __(`...`)
+ - pattern-not: __("...")
+ message: |
+ Template strings are not allowed for text formatting.
+ Please refer:
+ languages: [javascript, json]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-translation-python-splitting
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: _(...) + ... + _(...)
+ - pattern: _("..." + "...")
+ - pattern-regex: '_\([^\)]*\\\s*'
+ message: |
+ Do not split strings inside translate function. Do not concatenate using translate functions.
+ Please refer:
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+- id: frappe-translation-js-splitting
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern-regex: '__\([^\)]*[\+\\]\s*'
+ - pattern: __('...' + '...')
+ - pattern: __('...') + __('...')
+ message: |
+ Do not split strings inside translate function. Do not concatenate using translate functions.
+ Please refer:
+ languages: [javascript, json]
+ severity: ERROR
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a74457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import frappe
+from frappe import msgprint, throw, _
+# ruleid: frappe-missing-translate-function
+throw("Error Occured")
+# ruleid: frappe-missing-translate-function
+frappe.throw("Error Occured")
+# ruleid: frappe-missing-translate-function
+frappe.msgprint("Useful message")
+# ruleid: frappe-missing-translate-function
+msgprint("Useful message")
+# ok: frappe-missing-translate-function
+translatedmessage = _("Hello")
+# ok: frappe-missing-translate-function
+# ok: frappe-missing-translate-function
+# ok: frappe-missing-translate-function
+msgprint(_("Helpful message"))
+# ok: frappe-missing-translate-function
+frappe.throw(_("Error occured"))
diff --git a/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ux.yml b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ux.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed06a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/helper/semgrep_rules/ux.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- id: frappe-missing-translate-function
+ pattern-either:
+ - patterns:
+ - pattern: frappe.msgprint("...", ...)
+ - pattern-not: frappe.msgprint(_("..."), ...)
+ - pattern-not: frappe.msgprint(__("..."), ...)
+ - patterns:
+ - pattern: frappe.throw("...", ...)
+ - pattern-not: frappe.throw(_("..."), ...)
+ - pattern-not: frappe.throw(__("..."), ...)
+ message: |
+ All user facing text must be wrapped in translate function. Please refer to translation documentation.
+ languages: [python, javascript, json]
+ severity: ERROR
diff --git a/.github/workflows/semgrep.yml b/.github/workflows/semgrep.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df08263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/semgrep.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name: Semgrep
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - develop
+ semgrep:
+ name: Frappe Linter
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Setup python3
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.8
+ - name: Run semgrep
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install -q semgrep
+ git fetch origin $GITHUB_BASE_REF:$GITHUB_BASE_REF -q
+ files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d $GITHUB_BASE_REF)
+ [[ -d .github/helper/semgrep_rules ]] && semgrep --severity ERROR --config=.github/helper/semgrep_rules --quiet --error $files
+ semgrep --config="r/python.lang.correctness" --quiet --error $files
+ [[ -d .github/helper/semgrep_rules ]] && semgrep --severity WARNING --severity INFO --config=.github/helper/semgrep_rules --quiet $files
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json
index a3c29b6..e1276e7 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/accounts_settings/accounts_settings.json
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ "role_allowed_to_over_bill",
@@ -226,6 +227,13 @@
"fieldname": "delete_linked_ledger_entries",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Delete Accounting and Stock Ledger Entries on deletion of Transaction"
+ },
+ {
+ "description": "Users with this role are allowed to over bill above the allowance percentage",
+ "fieldname": "role_allowed_to_over_bill",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Role Allowed to Over Bill ",
+ "options": "Role"
"icon": "icon-cog",
@@ -233,7 +241,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-01-05 13:04:00.118892",
+ "modified": "2021-03-11 18:52:05.601996",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Accounts Settings",
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank/bank.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank/bank.js
index 49b2b18..059e1d3 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank/bank.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank/bank.js
@@ -42,10 +42,9 @@
- frappe.meta.get_docfield("Bank Transaction Mapping", "bank_transaction_field",
- = options;
- frm.fields_dict.bank_transaction_mapping.grid.refresh();
+ frm.fields_dict.bank_transaction_mapping.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'bank_transaction_field', 'options', options
+ );
erpnext.integrations.refreshPlaidLink = class refreshPlaidLink {
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json
index 69ee497..88aa7ef 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/bank_transaction.json
@@ -175,22 +175,24 @@
"fieldname": "deposit",
- "oldfieldname": "debit",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
- "label": "Deposit"
+ "label": "Deposit",
+ "oldfieldname": "debit",
+ "options": "currency"
"fieldname": "withdrawal",
- "oldfieldname": "credit",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
- "label": "Withdrawal"
+ "label": "Withdrawal",
+ "oldfieldname": "credit",
+ "options": "currency"
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-12-30 19:40:54.221070",
+ "modified": "2021-04-14 17:31:58.963529",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Bank Transaction",
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/
index 17e39d5..ce149f9 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/bank_transaction/
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
def test_debit_credit_output(self):
bank_transaction = frappe.get_doc("Bank Transaction", dict(description="Auszahlung Karte MC/000002916 AUTOMAT 698769 K002 27.10. 14:07"))
linked_payments = get_linked_payments(, ['payment_entry', 'exact_match'])
- print(linked_payments)
# Check error if already reconciled
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/chart_of_accounts_importer/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/chart_of_accounts_importer/
index 03c3eb0..f96f591 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/chart_of_accounts_importer/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/chart_of_accounts_importer/
@@ -293,6 +293,11 @@
accounts_dict = {}
for account in accounts:
accounts_dict.setdefault(account["account_name"], account)
+ if not hasattr(account, "parent_account"):
+ msg = _("Please make sure the file you are using has 'Parent Account' column present in the header.")
+ msg += "<br><br>"
+ msg += _("Alternatively, you can download the template and fill your data in.")
+ frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Parent Account Missing"))
if account["parent_account"] and accounts_dict.get(account["parent_account"]):
accounts_dict[account["parent_account"]]["is_group"] = 1
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js
index 37b03f3..d76641d 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js
@@ -327,18 +327,16 @@
setup_balance_formatter: function() {
- var me = this;
- $.each(["balance", "party_balance"], function(i, field) {
- var df = frappe.meta.get_docfield("Journal Entry Account", field,;
- df.formatter = function(value, df, options, doc) {
- var currency = frappe.meta.get_field_currency(df, doc);
- var dr_or_cr = value ? ('<label>' + (value > 0.0 ? __("Dr") : __("Cr")) + '</label>') : "";
- return "<div style='text-align: right'>"
- + ((value==null || value==="") ? "" : format_currency(Math.abs(value), currency))
- + " " + dr_or_cr
- + "</div>";
- }
- })
+ const formatter = function(value, df, options, doc) {
+ var currency = frappe.meta.get_field_currency(df, doc);
+ var dr_or_cr = value ? ('<label>' + (value > 0.0 ? __("Dr") : __("Cr")) + '</label>') : "";
+ return "<div style='text-align: right'>"
+ + ((value==null || value==="") ? "" : format_currency(Math.abs(value), currency))
+ + " " + dr_or_cr
+ + "</div>";
+ };
+ this.frm.fields_dict.accounts.grid.update_docfield_property('balance', 'formatter', formatter);
+ this.frm.fields_dict.accounts.grid.update_docfield_property('party_balance', 'formatter', formatter);
reference_name: function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
@@ -431,15 +429,6 @@
-cur_frm.cscript.select_print_heading = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
- if(doc.select_print_heading){
- // print heading
- cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = doc.select_print_heading;
- }
- else
- cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = __("Journal Entry");
frappe.ui.form.on("Journal Entry Account", {
party: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
var d = frappe.get_doc(cdt, cdn);
@@ -511,8 +500,11 @@
$.each(field_label_map, function (fieldname, label) {
- var df = frappe.meta.get_docfield("Journal Entry Account", fieldname,;
- df.label = frm.doc.multi_currency ? (label + " in Account Currency") : label;
+ frm.fields_dict.accounts.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ fieldname,
+ 'label',
+ frm.doc.multi_currency ? (label + " in Account Currency") : label
+ );
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_account/journal_entry_account.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_account/journal_entry_account.json
index 774159d..a89fefd 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_account/journal_entry_account.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry_account/journal_entry_account.json
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-06-24 14:06:54.833738",
+ "modified": "2020-06-26 14:06:54.833738",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Journal Entry Account",
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js
index 6b07197..08103184 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.js
@@ -234,8 +234,9 @@
if (invoices) {
- frappe.meta.get_docfield("Payment Reconciliation Payment", "invoice_number",
- = "\n" + invoices.join("\n");
+ this.frm.fields_dict.payment.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'invoice_number', 'options', "\n" + invoices.join("\n")
+ );
$.each(me.frm.doc.payments || [], function(i, p) {
if(!in_list(invoices, cstr(p.invoice_number))) p.invoice_number = null;
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/
index 832fb80..e614459 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
filters = { "item_code": d.item_code, "warehouse": d.warehouse }
if d.batch_no:
filters["batch_no"] = d.batch_no
reserved_serial_nos = get_pos_reserved_serial_nos(filters)
serial_nos = get_serial_nos(d.serial_no)
invalid_serial_nos = [s for s in serial_nos if s in reserved_serial_nos]
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/
index 054afe5..6d388c4 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice/
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import make_item
class TestPOSInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabTax Rule`")
def tearDown(self):
if frappe.session.user != "Administrator":
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/
index 40f77b4..6d2cffc 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
from frappe.model.mapper import map_doc, map_child_doc
from frappe.utils.scheduler import is_scheduler_inactive
from import get_info
+import json
from six import iteritems
@@ -78,8 +79,11 @@
sales_invoice = self.merge_pos_invoice_into(sales_invoice, data)
sales_invoice.is_consolidated = 1
+ sales_invoice.set_posting_time = 1
+ sales_invoice.posting_date = getdate(self.posting_date)
self.consolidated_invoice =
@@ -91,10 +95,13 @@
credit_note = self.merge_pos_invoice_into(credit_note, data)
credit_note.is_consolidated = 1
+ credit_note.set_posting_time = 1
+ credit_note.posting_date = getdate(self.posting_date)
# TODO: return could be against multiple sales invoice which could also have been consolidated?
# credit_note.return_against = self.consolidated_invoice
self.consolidated_credit_note =
@@ -131,12 +138,14 @@
if t.account_head == tax.account_head and t.cost_center == tax.cost_center:
t.tax_amount = flt(t.tax_amount) + flt(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
t.base_tax_amount = flt(t.base_tax_amount) + flt(tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
+ update_item_wise_tax_detail(t, tax)
found = True
if not found:
tax.charge_type = 'Actual'
tax.included_in_print_rate = 0
tax.tax_amount = tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount
tax.base_tax_amount = tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+ tax.item_wise_tax_detail = tax.item_wise_tax_detail
for payment in doc.get('payments'):
@@ -168,11 +177,9 @@
sales_invoice = frappe.new_doc('Sales Invoice')
sales_invoice.customer = self.customer
sales_invoice.is_pos = 1
- # date can be pos closing date?
- sales_invoice.posting_date = getdate(nowdate())
return sales_invoice
def update_pos_invoices(self, invoice_docs, sales_invoice='', credit_note=''):
for doc in invoice_docs:
@@ -187,6 +194,26 @@
si.flags.ignore_validate = True
+def update_item_wise_tax_detail(consolidate_tax_row, tax_row):
+ consolidated_tax_detail = json.loads(consolidate_tax_row.item_wise_tax_detail)
+ tax_row_detail = json.loads(tax_row.item_wise_tax_detail)
+ if not consolidated_tax_detail:
+ consolidated_tax_detail = {}
+ for item_code, tax_data in tax_row_detail.items():
+ if consolidated_tax_detail.get(item_code):
+ consolidated_tax_data = consolidated_tax_detail.get(item_code)
+ consolidated_tax_detail.update({
+ item_code: [consolidated_tax_data[0], consolidated_tax_data[1] + tax_data[1]]
+ })
+ else:
+ consolidated_tax_detail.update({
+ item_code: [tax_data[0], tax_data[1]]
+ })
+ consolidate_tax_row.item_wise_tax_detail = json.dumps(consolidated_tax_detail, separators=(',', ':'))
def get_all_unconsolidated_invoices():
filters = {
'consolidated_invoice': [ 'in', [ '', None ]],
@@ -214,7 +241,7 @@
if len(invoices) >= 5 and closing_entry:
closing_entry.set_status(update=True, status='Queued')
- enqueue_job(create_merge_logs, invoice_by_customer, closing_entry)
+ enqueue_job(create_merge_logs, invoice_by_customer=invoice_by_customer, closing_entry=closing_entry)
create_merge_logs(invoice_by_customer, closing_entry)
@@ -227,21 +254,21 @@
if len(merge_logs) >= 5:
closing_entry.set_status(update=True, status='Queued')
- enqueue_job(cancel_merge_logs, merge_logs, closing_entry)
+ enqueue_job(cancel_merge_logs, merge_logs=merge_logs, closing_entry=closing_entry)
cancel_merge_logs(merge_logs, closing_entry)
def create_merge_logs(invoice_by_customer, closing_entry={}):
for customer, invoices in iteritems(invoice_by_customer):
merge_log = frappe.new_doc('POS Invoice Merge Log')
- merge_log.posting_date = getdate(nowdate())
+ merge_log.posting_date = getdate(closing_entry.get('posting_date'))
merge_log.customer = customer
merge_log.pos_closing_entry = closing_entry.get('name', None)
merge_log.set('pos_invoices', invoices)
if closing_entry:
closing_entry.set_status(update=True, status='Submitted')
@@ -256,7 +283,7 @@
closing_entry.set_status(update=True, status='Cancelled')
-def enqueue_job(job, invoice_by_customer, closing_entry):
+def enqueue_job(job, merge_logs=None, invoice_by_customer=None, closing_entry=None):
job_name = closing_entry.get("name")
@@ -269,6 +296,7 @@
+ merge_logs=merge_logs,
now=frappe.conf.developer_mode or frappe.flags.in_test
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/
index d880caa..040a815 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_invoice_merge_log/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import frappe
import unittest
+import json
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_invoice.test_pos_invoice import create_pos_invoice
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_invoice.pos_invoice import make_sales_return
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_invoice_merge_log.pos_invoice_merge_log import consolidate_pos_invoices
@@ -99,4 +100,51 @@
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Profile`")
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Invoice`")
+ def test_consolidated_invoice_item_taxes(self):
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Invoice`")
+ try:
+ inv = create_pos_invoice(qty=1, rate=100, do_not_save=True)
+ inv.append("taxes", {
+ "account_head": "_Test Account VAT - _TC",
+ "charge_type": "On Net Total",
+ "cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
+ "description": "VAT",
+ "doctype": "Sales Taxes and Charges",
+ "rate": 9
+ })
+ inv.insert()
+ inv.submit()
+ inv2 = create_pos_invoice(qty=1, rate=100, do_not_save=True)
+ inv2.get('items')[0].item_code = '_Test Item 2'
+ inv2.append("taxes", {
+ "account_head": "_Test Account VAT - _TC",
+ "charge_type": "On Net Total",
+ "cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
+ "description": "VAT",
+ "doctype": "Sales Taxes and Charges",
+ "rate": 5
+ })
+ inv2.insert()
+ inv2.submit()
+ consolidate_pos_invoices()
+ inv.load_from_db()
+ consolidated_invoice = frappe.get_doc('Sales Invoice', inv.consolidated_invoice)
+ item_wise_tax_detail = json.loads(consolidated_invoice.get('taxes')[0].item_wise_tax_detail)
+ tax_rate, amount = item_wise_tax_detail.get('_Test Item')
+ self.assertEqual(tax_rate, 9)
+ self.assertEqual(amount, 9)
+ tax_rate2, amount2 = item_wise_tax_detail.get('_Test Item 2')
+ self.assertEqual(tax_rate2, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(amount2, 5)
+ finally:
+ frappe.set_user("Administrator")
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Profile`")
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabPOS Invoice`")
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/
index ee76bba..cf7ed26 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/
@@ -62,14 +62,15 @@
if len(default_mode) > 1:
frappe.throw(_("You can only select one mode of payment as default"))
invalid_modes = []
for d in self.payments:
account = frappe.db.get_value(
- "Mode of Payment Account",
+ "Mode of Payment Account",
{"parent": d.mode_of_payment, "company":},
if not account:
invalid_modes.append(get_link_to_form("Mode of Payment", d.mode_of_payment))
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/
index 62dc1fc..0033965 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_profile/
@@ -92,11 +92,21 @@
"write_off_cost_center": args.write_off_cost_center or "_Test Write Off Cost Center - _TC"
- payments = [{
+ mode_of_payment = frappe.get_doc("Mode of Payment", "Cash")
+ company = or "_Test Company"
+ default_account = args.income_account or "Sales - _TC"
+ if not frappe.db.get_value("Mode of Payment Account", {"company": company, "parent": "Cash"}):
+ mode_of_payment.append("accounts", {
+ "company": company,
+ "default_account": default_account
+ })
+ pos_profile.append("payments", {
'mode_of_payment': 'Cash',
'default': 1
- }]
- pos_profile.set("payments", payments)
+ })
if not frappe.db.exists("POS Profile", or "_Test POS Profile"):
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_settings/pos_settings.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_settings/pos_settings.js
index 8890d59..3625393 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_settings/pos_settings.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_settings/pos_settings.js
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
- frappe.meta.get_docfield("POS Field", "fieldname", = [""].concat(fields);
+ frm.fields_dict.invoice_fields.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'fieldname', 'options', [""].concat(fields)
+ );
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
index f28cee7..ef9aad5 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
@@ -328,6 +328,21 @@
self.assertEquals(item.discount_amount, 110)
self.assertEquals(item.rate, 990)
+ def test_pricing_rule_with_margin_and_discount_amount(self):
+ frappe.delete_doc_if_exists('Pricing Rule', '_Test Pricing Rule')
+ make_pricing_rule(selling=1, margin_type="Percentage", margin_rate_or_amount=10,
+ rate_or_discount="Discount Amount", discount_amount=110)
+ si = create_sales_invoice(do_not_save=True)
+ si.items[0].price_list_rate = 1000
+ si.payment_schedule = []
+ si.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+ item = si.items[0]
+ self.assertEquals(item.margin_rate_or_amount, 10)
+ self.assertEquals(item.rate_with_margin, 1100)
+ self.assertEquals(item.discount_amount, 110)
+ self.assertEquals(item.rate, 990)
def test_pricing_rule_for_product_discount_on_same_item(self):
frappe.delete_doc_if_exists('Pricing Rule', '_Test Pricing Rule')
test_record = {
@@ -560,6 +575,7 @@
"margin_rate_or_amount": args.margin_rate_or_amount or 0.0,
"condition": args.condition or '',
"priority": 1,
+ "discount_amount": args.discount_amount or 0.0,
"apply_multiple_pricing_rules": args.apply_multiple_pricing_rules or 0
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
index c676abd..b91a7a5 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pricing_rule/
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
if not d.get(pr_field): continue
- if d.validate_applied_rule and doc.get(field) < d.get(pr_field):
+ if d.validate_applied_rule and doc.get(field) is not None and doc.get(field) < d.get(pr_field):
frappe.msgprint(_("User has not applied rule on the invoice {0}")
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html
index e1ddeff..94ae79a 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.html
@@ -38,22 +38,22 @@
{% endif %}
<td style="text-align: right">
- {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(row.debit, filters.presentation_currency) }}</td>
+ {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(row.debit, currency=filters.presentation_currency) }}</td>
<td style="text-align: right">
- {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(, filters.presentation_currency) }}</td>
+ {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(, currency=filters.presentation_currency) }}</td>
{% else %}
<td><b>{{ frappe.format(row.account, {fieldtype: "Link"}) or " " }}</b></td>
<td style="text-align: right">
- {{ row.account and frappe.utils.fmt_money(row.debit, filters.presentation_currency) }}
+ {{ row.account and frappe.utils.fmt_money(row.debit, currency=filters.presentation_currency) }}
<td style="text-align: right">
- {{ row.account and frappe.utils.fmt_money(, filters.presentation_currency) }}
+ {{ row.account and frappe.utils.fmt_money(, currency=filters.presentation_currency) }}
{% endif %}
<td style="text-align: right">
- {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(row.balance, filters.presentation_currency) }}
+ {{ frappe.utils.fmt_money(row.balance, currency=filters.presentation_currency) }}
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js
index 7425132..6dc4643 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/process_statement_of_accounts.js
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
- frappe.msgprint('No Customers found with selected options.');
+ frappe.throw('No Customers found with selected options.');
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/
index d50e4a8..43fbb06 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/process_statement_of_accounts/
@@ -126,9 +126,11 @@
sales_person_records = frappe._dict()
for d in records:
sales_person_records.setdefault(d.parenttype, set()).add(d.parent)
- customers = frappe.get_list('Customer', fields=['name', 'email_id'], \
+ if sales_person_records.get('Customer'):
+ return frappe.get_list('Customer', fields=['name', 'email_id'], \
filters=[['name', 'in', list(sales_person_records['Customer'])]])
- return customers
+ else:
+ return []
def get_recipients_and_cc(customer, doc):
recipients = []
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/promotional_scheme/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/promotional_scheme/
index 523e9ee..7d93023 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/promotional_scheme/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/promotional_scheme/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
from frappe.model.naming import make_autoname
from frappe.model.document import Document
-pricing_rule_fields = ['apply_on', 'mixed_conditions', 'is_cumulative', 'other_item_code', 'other_item_group'
+pricing_rule_fields = ['apply_on', 'mixed_conditions', 'is_cumulative', 'other_item_code', 'other_item_group',
'apply_rule_on_other', 'other_brand', 'selling', 'buying', 'applicable_for', 'valid_from',
'valid_upto', 'customer', 'customer_group', 'territory', 'sales_partner', 'campaign', 'supplier',
'supplier_group', 'company', 'currency', 'apply_multiple_pricing_rules']
@@ -111,4 +111,4 @@
for d in pricing_rule_fields:
args[d] = doc.get(d)
- return args
\ No newline at end of file
+ return args
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js
index 66a8e20..e61cde8 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js
@@ -496,15 +496,6 @@
-cur_frm.cscript.select_print_heading = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
- if(doc.select_print_heading){
- // print heading
- cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = doc.select_print_heading;
- }
- else
- cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = __("Purchase Invoice");
frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Invoice", {
setup: function(frm) {
frm.custom_make_buttons = {
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.json
index 18b6637..2d5760b 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.json
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
- "adjust_advance_taxes",
@@ -1327,13 +1326,6 @@
"options": "Project"
- "default": "0",
- "description": "Taxes paid while advance payment will be adjusted against this invoice",
- "fieldname": "adjust_advance_taxes",
- "fieldtype": "Check",
- "label": "Adjust Advance Taxes"
- },
- {
"depends_on": "eval:doc.is_internal_supplier",
"description": "Unrealized Profit / Loss account for intra-company transfers",
"fieldname": "unrealized_profit_loss_account",
@@ -1378,7 +1370,7 @@
"idx": 204,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-09 21:12:30.422084",
+ "modified": "2021-03-30 22:45:58.334107",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Purchase Invoice",
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/regional/india_list.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/regional/india_list.js
index 3e1c522..ada665a 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/regional/india_list.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/regional/india_list.js
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
var globalOnload = frappe.listview_settings['Sales Invoice'].onload;
-frappe.listview_settings['Sales Invoice'].onload = function (doclist) {
+frappe.listview_settings['Sales Invoice'].onload = function (list_view) {
// Provision in case onload event is added to sales_invoice.js in future
if (globalOnload) {
- globalOnload(doclist);
+ globalOnload(list_view);
const action = () => {
- const selected_docs = doclist.get_checked_items();
- const docnames = doclist.get_checked_items(true);
+ const selected_docs = list_view.get_checked_items();
+ const docnames = list_view.get_checked_items(true);
for (let doc of selected_docs) {
if (doc.docstatus !== 1) {
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@{
method: 'erpnext.regional.india.utils.generate_ewb_json',
args: {
- 'dt': doclist.doctype,
+ 'dt': list_view.doctype,
'dn': docnames
callback: function(r) {
@@ -35,5 +35,140 @@
-'Generate E-Way Bill JSON'), action, false);
+'Generate E-Way Bill JSON'), action, false);
+ const generate_irns = () => {
+ const docnames = list_view.get_checked_items(true);
+ if (docnames && docnames.length) {
+ method: 'erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils.generate_einvoices',
+ args: { docnames },
+ freeze: true,
+ freeze_message: __('Generating E-Invoices...')
+ });
+ } else {
+ frappe.msgprint({
+ message: __('Please select at least one sales invoice to generate IRN'),
+ title: __('No Invoice Selected'),
+ indicator: 'red'
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const cancel_irns = () => {
+ const docnames = list_view.get_checked_items(true);
+ const fields = [
+ {
+ "label": "Reason",
+ "fieldname": "reason",
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "default": "1-Duplicate",
+ "options": ["1-Duplicate", "2-Data Entry Error", "3-Order Cancelled", "4-Other"]
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Remark",
+ "fieldname": "remark",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "reqd": 1
+ }
+ ];
+ const d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
+ title: __("Cancel IRN"),
+ fields: fields,
+ primary_action: function() {
+ const data = d.get_values();
+ method: 'erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils.cancel_irns',
+ args: {
+ doctype: list_view.doctype,
+ docnames,
+ reason: data.reason.split('-')[0],
+ remark: data.remark
+ },
+ freeze: true,
+ freeze_message: __('Cancelling E-Invoices...'),
+ });
+ d.hide();
+ },
+ primary_action_label: __('Submit')
+ });
+ };
+ let einvoicing_enabled = false;
+ frappe.db.get_single_value("E Invoice Settings", "enable").then(enabled => {
+ einvoicing_enabled = enabled;
+ });
+ list_view.$result.on("change", "input[type=checkbox]", () => {
+ if (einvoicing_enabled) {
+ const docnames = list_view.get_checked_items(true);
+ // show/hide e-invoicing actions when no sales invoices are checked
+ if (docnames && docnames.length) {
+ // prevent adding actions twice if e-invoicing action group already exists
+ if ('E-Invoicing')).length == 0) {
+'Generate IRNs'), generate_irns, __('E-Invoicing'));
+'Cancel IRNs'), cancel_irns, __('E-Invoicing'));
+ }
+ } else {
+'Generate IRNs'), __('E-Invoicing'));
+'Cancel IRNs'), __('E-Invoicing'));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ frappe.realtime.on("bulk_einvoice_generation_complete", (data) => {
+ const { failures, user, invoices } = data;
+ if (invoices.length != failures.length) {
+ frappe.msgprint({
+ message: __('{0} e-invoices generated successfully', [invoices.length]),
+ title: __('Bulk E-Invoice Generation Complete'),
+ indicator: 'orange'
+ });
+ }
+ if (failures && failures.length && user == frappe.session.user) {
+ let message = `
+ Failed to generate IRNs for following ${failures.length} sales invoices:
+ <ul style="padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 5px;">
+ ${ => `<li>${d.docname}</li>`).join('')}
+ </ul>
+ `;
+ frappe.msgprint({
+ message: message,
+ title: __('Bulk E-Invoice Generation Complete'),
+ indicator: 'orange'
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ frappe.realtime.on("bulk_einvoice_cancellation_complete", (data) => {
+ const { failures, user, invoices } = data;
+ if (invoices.length != failures.length) {
+ frappe.msgprint({
+ message: __('{0} e-invoices cancelled successfully', [invoices.length]),
+ title: __('Bulk E-Invoice Cancellation Complete'),
+ indicator: 'orange'
+ });
+ }
+ if (failures && failures.length && user == frappe.session.user) {
+ let message = `
+ Failed to cancel IRNs for following ${failures.length} sales invoices:
+ <ul style="padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 5px;">
+ ${ => `<li>${d.docname}</li>`).join('')}
+ </ul>
+ `;
+ frappe.msgprint({
+ message: message,
+ title: __('Bulk E-Invoice Cancellation Complete'),
+ indicator: 'orange'
+ });
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js
index b361c0c..8a42d9e 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.js
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
-// print heading
-cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = 'Invoice';
{% include 'erpnext/selling/sales_common.js' %};
@@ -916,7 +913,7 @@
callback: function(r, rt) {
- data = r.message;
+ let data = r.message;
frappe.model.set_value(cdt, cdn, "billing_hours", data.billing_hours);
frappe.model.set_value(cdt, cdn, "billing_amount", data.billing_amount);
frappe.model.set_value(cdt, cdn, "timesheet_detail", data.timesheet_detail);
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json
index d382386..c6c67b4 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/sales_invoice.json
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
+ "disable_rounded_total",
@@ -1109,6 +1110,7 @@
"reqd": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -1120,6 +1122,7 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -1168,6 +1171,7 @@
"reqd": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -1180,6 +1184,7 @@
"bold": 1,
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -1945,6 +1950,13 @@
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Set Target Warehouse",
"options": "Warehouse"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "depends_on": "grand_total",
+ "fieldname": "disable_rounded_total",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Disable Rounded Total"
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
@@ -1957,7 +1969,7 @@
"link_fieldname": "consolidated_invoice"
- "modified": "2021-03-31 15:42:26.261540",
+ "modified": "2021-04-15 23:57:58.766651",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Sales Invoice",
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/
index 21d550a..4461f29 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.tax_withholding_category.tax_withholding_category import get_party_tax_withholding_details
from frappe.model.utils import get_fetch_values
from frappe.contacts.doctype.address.address import get_address_display
+from erpnext.accounts.doctype.tax_withholding_category.tax_withholding_category import get_party_tax_withholding_details
from import manage_invoice_submit_cancel
@@ -45,7 +46,6 @@
'target_parent_dt': 'Sales Order',
'target_parent_field': 'per_billed',
'source_field': 'amount',
- 'join_field': 'so_detail',
'percent_join_field': 'sales_order',
'status_field': 'billing_status',
'keyword': 'Billed',
@@ -214,6 +214,9 @@
if self.update_stock == 1:
+ if self.update_stock == 1:
+ self.repost_future_sle_and_gle()
if not self.is_return:
self.update_billing_status_for_zero_amount_refdoc("Delivery Note")
self.update_billing_status_for_zero_amount_refdoc("Sales Order")
@@ -272,7 +275,7 @@
if pos_closing_entry:
- msg = _("To cancel a {} you need to cancel the POS Closing Entry {}. ").format(
+ msg = _("To cancel a {} you need to cancel the POS Closing Entry {}.").format(
frappe.bold("Consolidated Sales Invoice"),
get_link_to_form("POS Closing Entry", pos_closing_entry[0])
@@ -545,12 +548,12 @@
frappe.throw(_("Debit To is required"), title=_("Account Missing"))
if account.report_type != "Balance Sheet":
- msg = _("Please ensure {} account is a Balance Sheet account. ").format(frappe.bold("Debit To"))
+ msg = _("Please ensure {} account is a Balance Sheet account.").format(frappe.bold("Debit To")) + " "
msg += _("You can change the parent account to a Balance Sheet account or select a different account.")
frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Invalid Account"))
if self.customer and account.account_type != "Receivable":
- msg = _("Please ensure {} account is a Receivable account. ").format(frappe.bold("Debit To"))
+ msg = _("Please ensure {} account is a Receivable account.").format(frappe.bold("Debit To")) + " "
msg += _("Change the account type to Receivable or select a different account.")
frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Invalid Account"))
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/
index f09cc5a..9059d0b 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/
@@ -1166,10 +1166,12 @@
def test_create_so_with_margin(self):
si = create_sales_invoice(item_code="_Test Item", qty=1, do_not_submit=True)
- price_list_rate = 100
+ price_list_rate = flt(100) * flt(si.plc_conversion_rate)
si.items[0].price_list_rate = price_list_rate
si.items[0].margin_type = 'Percentage'
si.items[0].margin_rate_or_amount = 25
+ si.items[0].discount_amount = 0.0
+ si.items[0].discount_percentage = 0.0
self.assertEqual(si.get("items")[0].rate, flt((price_list_rate*25)/100 + price_list_rate))
@@ -1877,7 +1879,17 @@
def test_einvoice_submission_without_irn(self):
# init
- frappe.db.set_value('E Invoice Settings', 'E Invoice Settings', 'enable', 1)
+ einvoice_settings = frappe.get_doc('E Invoice Settings')
+ einvoice_settings.enable = 1
+ einvoice_settings.applicable_from = nowdate()
+ einvoice_settings.append('credentials', {
+ 'company': '_Test Company',
+ 'gstin': '27AAECE4835E1ZR',
+ 'username': 'test',
+ 'password': 'test'
+ })
country = = 'India'
@@ -1888,7 +1900,8 @@
# reset
- frappe.db.set_value('E Invoice Settings', 'E Invoice Settings', 'enable', 0)
+ einvoice_settings = frappe.get_doc('E Invoice Settings')
+ einvoice_settings.enable = 0 = country
def test_einvoice_json(self):
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_rule/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_rule/
index 632e30d..ac1ffd9 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_rule/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_rule/
@@ -14,10 +14,15 @@
from six import iteritems
class TestTaxRule(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ frappe.db.set_value("Shopping Cart Settings", None, "enabled", 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabTax Rule`")
- def tearDown(self):
+ def setUp(self):
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabTax Rule`")
def test_conflict(self):
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/
index 961bdb1..09db7fe 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
threshold = tax_details.get('threshold', 0)
cumulative_threshold = tax_details.get('cumulative_threshold', 0)
- if ((threshold and supp_credit_amt >= threshold) or (cumulative_threshold and supp_credit_amt >= cumulative_threshold)):
+ if ((threshold and inv.net_total >= threshold) or (cumulative_threshold and supp_credit_amt >= cumulative_threshold)):
if ldc and is_valid_certificate(
ldc.valid_from, ldc.valid_upto,
inv.posting_date, tax_deducted,
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/
index dd3b49a..0cea761 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/tax_withholding_category/
@@ -87,50 +87,6 @@
for d in invoices:
- def test_single_threshold_tds_with_previous_vouchers(self):
- invoices = []
- frappe.db.set_value("Supplier", "Test TDS Supplier2", "tax_withholding_category", "Single Threshold TDS")
- pi = create_purchase_invoice(supplier="Test TDS Supplier2")
- pi.submit()
- invoices.append(pi)
- pi = create_purchase_invoice(supplier="Test TDS Supplier2")
- pi.submit()
- invoices.append(pi)
- self.assertEqual(pi.taxes_and_charges_deducted, 2000)
- self.assertEqual(pi.grand_total, 8000)
- # delete invoices to avoid clashing
- for d in invoices:
- d.cancel()
- def test_single_threshold_tds_with_previous_vouchers_and_no_tds(self):
- invoices = []
- doc = create_supplier(supplier_name = "Test TDS Supplier ABC",
- tax_withholding_category="Single Threshold TDS")
- supplier =
- pi = create_purchase_invoice(supplier=supplier)
- pi.submit()
- invoices.append(pi)
- # TDS not applied
- pi = create_purchase_invoice(supplier=supplier, do_not_apply_tds=True)
- pi.submit()
- invoices.append(pi)
- pi = create_purchase_invoice(supplier=supplier)
- pi.submit()
- invoices.append(pi)
- self.assertEqual(pi.taxes_and_charges_deducted, 2000)
- self.assertEqual(pi.grand_total, 8000)
- # delete invoices to avoid clashing
- for d in invoices:
- d.cancel()
def test_cumulative_threshold_tcs(self):
frappe.db.set_value("Customer", "Test TCS Customer", "tax_withholding_category", "Cumulative Threshold TCS")
invoices = []
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/ b/erpnext/accounts/
index 89a05b1..5a64e27 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/
@@ -406,9 +406,10 @@
throw(_("""Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again."""))
def validate_allocated_amount(args):
+ precision = args.get('precision') or frappe.db.get_single_value("System Settings", "currency_precision")
if args.get("allocated_amount") < 0:
throw(_("Allocated amount cannot be negative"))
- elif args.get("allocated_amount") > args.get("unadjusted_amount"):
+ elif flt(args.get("allocated_amount"), precision) > flt(args.get("unadjusted_amount"), precision):
throw(_("Allocated amount cannot be greater than unadjusted amount"))
def update_reference_in_journal_entry(d, jv_obj):
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/workspace/accounting/accounting.json b/erpnext/accounts/workspace/accounting/accounting.json
index fadb665..9ffa481 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/workspace/accounting/accounting.json
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/workspace/accounting/accounting.json
@@ -444,6 +444,16 @@
"type": "Link"
+ "dependencies": "GL Entry",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "UAE VAT 201",
+ "link_to": "UAE VAT 201",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
"label": "Financial Statements",
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/buying_settings/buying_settings.json b/erpnext/buying/doctype/buying_settings/buying_settings.json
index 248cb9a..630a1dc 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/buying_settings/buying_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/buying_settings/buying_settings.json
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+ "maintain_same_rate_action",
+ "role_to_override_stop_action",
@@ -89,6 +91,23 @@
"fieldname": "column_break_11",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "Stop",
+ "depends_on": "maintain_same_rate",
+ "description": "Configure the action to stop the transaction or just warn if the same rate is not maintained.",
+ "fieldname": "maintain_same_rate_action",
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "label": "Action If Same Rate is Not Maintained",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "maintain_same_rate",
+ "options": "Stop\nWarn"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval:doc.maintain_same_rate_action == 'Stop'",
+ "fieldname": "role_to_override_stop_action",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Role Allowed to Override Stop Action",
+ "options": "Role"
"icon": "fa fa-cog",
@@ -96,7 +115,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-02 17:34:04.190677",
+ "modified": "2021-04-04 20:01:44.087066",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Buying",
"name": "Buying Settings",
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/
index 90d0646..ef9372e 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order/
@@ -368,7 +368,6 @@
"Purchase Order": {
"doctype": "Purchase Receipt",
"field_map": {
- "per_billed": "per_billed",
"validation": {
diff --git a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/purchase_order_item.json b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/purchase_order_item.json
index 5baf693..1dbd7c6 100644
--- a/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/purchase_order_item.json
+++ b/erpnext/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/purchase_order_item.json
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
+ "actual_qty",
+ "company_total_stock",
@@ -744,6 +746,22 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "allow_on_submit": 1,
+ "fieldname": "actual_qty",
+ "fieldtype": "Float",
+ "label": "Available Qty at Warehouse",
+ "print_hide": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "allow_on_submit": 1,
+ "fieldname": "company_total_stock",
+ "fieldtype": "Float",
+ "label": "Available Qty at Company",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
"collapsible": 1,
"fieldname": "discount_and_margin_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
@@ -791,7 +809,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-02-23 01:00:27.132705",
+ "modified": "2021-03-22 11:46:12.357435",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Buying",
"name": "Purchase Order Item",
diff --git a/erpnext/change_log/v13/ b/erpnext/change_log/v13/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfbdfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/change_log/v13/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## Version 13.0.2 Release Notes
+### Fixes
+- fix: frappe.whitelist for doc methods ([#25231](
+- fix: incorrect incoming rate for the sales return ([#25306](
+- fix(e-invoicing): validations & tax calculation fixes ([#25314](
+- fix: update scheduler check time ([#25295](
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/change_log/v13/ b/erpnext/change_log/v13/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6cebab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/change_log/v13/
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# Version 13.0.0 Release Notes
+### Accounting
+- [New and refreshed POS](
+- [GST E-invoicing for India](
+- [Distributed Cost Center](
+- [Process Bulk Statement Of Accounts](
+- [More controlled deferred revenue booking](
+- [Dunning](
+- [Journal Entry Template](
+- [POS Register report](
+- [UAE VAT 201 Report](
+### Loan Management
+- [Loan Application](
+- [Loan](
+- [Loan Security Pledge](
+- [Loan Disbursement](
+- [Loan Repayment](
+- [Loan Interest Accrual](
+- [Loan Write Off](
+### Healthcare
+- [Refactored Healthcare Module](
+- [Rehabilitation Module](
+- [Laboratory Module](
+- [Patient Progress Page](
+- [Inpatient Medication Order and Entry](
+- [Therapy Plan Template](
+- [Multi company support in Healthcare](
+- [Inpatient Medication Orders Script Report](
+- [Patient History Enhancements](
+### Stock
+- [Putaway](
+- [More accurate stock valuation in case of back-dated stock transactions](
+- [Repost item costing via background job](
+- [Item valuation for internal stock transfers](
+- [Multi currency in Landed Cost Voucher](
+- [Formula based Quality Inspection](
+- [Value Based and Numeric Quality Inspection](
+- [Shipment](
+- [Return tracking in PR/DN](
+### Manufacturing
+- [Production forecasting using Exponential Smoothing method](
+- [BOM Template](
+- [Downtime Entry](
+- [Quality Inspection on Job Card](
+- New Reports
+ - Production Planning Report ([#21763](
+ - BOM Operations Time ([#21763](
+ - Work Order Summary ([#21430](
+ - Job card Summary ([#21430](
+ - Downtime Analysis ([#21430](
+ - Quality Inspection ([#21430](
+### HR
+- [Leave policy assignment](
+- [In and Out time in attendance](
+- [Shift management](
+- [Recruitment analytics](
+- [Bulk Mark Attendance](
+- [Leave type with partial payment](
+- New and enhanced reports
+ - Employee Analytics ([#21705](
+ - Employee Leave Balance ([#20754](
+ - Employee Leave Balance Summary ([#20754](
+### Payroll
+- [Multi-currency payroll](
+- [Payroll based on attendance](
+- [Payroll based on employee cost center](
+- [Recurring Additional Salary](
+- [Compute Year to Date for Salary Slip components](
+- New Reports
+ - Income Tax Deductions
+ - Professional Tax Deductions
+ - Provident Fund Deductions
+ - Total Salary Payments Based on Payment Mode
+ - Salary Payments via ECS
+### CRM
+- [Social Media Post](
+- [Make Quotation against Blanket Order](
+- [Calendar View for Opportunity](
+### Selling
+- [Batch wise item pricing](
+- [Refreshed shopping cart](
+- [Territory-wise Sales Report](
+#### Buying
+- [Multi UOM support in Request for Quotation](
+- [Provision to make RFQ against Opportunity](
+- [Item Rate in Stock UOM in purchase cycle](
+- New Reports
+ - Requested Items To Order ([#21611](
+ - Purchase Order Analysis ([#21611](
+ - Supplier Quotation Comparison report ([#23323](
+### Project
+- [Project template with dependent tasks](
+- [Project Summary Report](
+### Support
+- [Help Articles on support portal](
+- [Issue Metrics and SLA Enhancements](
+- [Issue Summary Script Report](
+- [Issue Analytics Script Report](
+### Non-Profits
+- [80G Certificates and Donations](
+#### Integrations
+- [Woocommerce Integration](
+- [Taxjar Integration](
+- [M-pesa Integration](
+- [Telephony feature using Twillio](
+- [Voice Call Settings](
+#### Other Enhancements and Fixes
+- Accounting Dimensions in Budget Variance Report ([#19973](
+- "Sync Now" option in Plaid Settings ([#23602](
+- Custom Fields in POS ([#19876](
+- [Inter Warehouse Stock Transfer in Purchase Receipt](
+- [Accounts Payable Report based on Payment Terms](
+- Configurable accounting dimension filters and validations ([#23912](
+- Territory tree in Customer Acquisition and Loyalty report ([#21668](
+- Allow Purchase Invoice Creation Without Purchase Order Checkbox in Supplier ([#20864](
+- Gross Profit In Quotation ([#21795](
+- Notify credit controller users for credit limit extension via Email ([#22213](
+- Run MRP at parent level in the production plan and make material transfer based upon materials availability ([#21545](
+- Balance Serial Nos in Stock Ledger report ([#23675](
+- Youtube interactions via Video ([#22867](
+- Consider Holiday List in Student Leave Application and Attendance ([#23388](
+- Patient appointment status changes ([#24201](
+- Sales order status filter added for production plan ([#23805](
+- Monthly attendance sheet report group by Department, Designation, Employee Grade and Branch ([#21331](
+- Upload Attendance template now have pre-filled holiday status ([#20947](
+- Provision to disable serial no and batch selector ([#24398](
+- Fetch Items from BOM in Stock Entry([#19498](
+- Supplier Sourced Items in BOM ([#23557](
+- Close Production Plan ([#23728](
+- Button to create Stock Entry for Drug Shortage ([#24012](
+- Added column cost center in Accounts Receivable report ([#23835](
+- Added jinja templating in Contract Template ([#24046](
+- Make account number length configurable ([#23845](
+- Add company and correct filter in bank reconciliation statement ([#23614](
+- Added Condition field in Pricing Rule ([#23014](
+- Open lead status on next contact date ([#23445](
+- [Tax Category in POS Profile](
+- Added phone field in product Inquiry ([#23170](
+- Allow Discharge despite Unbilled Healthcare Services ([#24281](
+- Do Not Bill Patient Encounters for Inpatients ([#24355](
+- Autofill Supplier pop-up when only 1 Supplier in RFQ ([#22512](
+- Accounting entries for service item in Purchase receipt ([#22223](
+- Added Project in Sales Analytics report ([#23309](
+- Added all companies option in employee tree to view employee across all companies ([#22573](
+- Email Group Option In Email Campaign ([#22731](
+- Stock Report Enhancements ([#21727](
+- Added range for age in stock ageing ([#22622](
+- Report Summary in Financial Statement([#20876](
+- Added sequence id in routing for the completion of operations sequentially ([#23641](
+- Nested Set filtering for Accounting Dimension
+- Add/Remove Items from submitted Sales/Purchase Order
+- Provision to edit Item Details from Marketplace
+- Scan Barcode in Purchase Receipt
+- Disable Rounded Totals Checkbox for Salary Slips in HR Settings
+- Renamed Loan Management to Loan on Desk Page ([#21877](
+- Added Expense Approver field in Employee master ([#22244](
+- Bill all hours by default on Timesheet ([#22155](
+- Unable to cancel employee advance ([#22374](
+- Status error in purchase invoice ([#22351](
+- Item-wise sales and purchase register export ([#22184](
+- Billing address in for Purchase documents ([#22233](
+- Handle canceled entries in financial statements ([#22231](
+- Default period start date and period end date for financial statements ([#22011](
+- Update Packed Items via Update Items in Sales Order ([#22392](
+- Hide delete company transactions button if not system manager ([#21839](
+- Skipping total row for tree-view reports ([#22350](
+- Cancelled entries in tds payable monthly report ([#22131](
+- Inter-company Invoice currency for multicurrency transactions ([#21984](
+- Filter batches based on item and warehouse in Pick List (develop) ([#21780](
+- Set cost center in Expense Claim child based on parent (if missing) ([#22175](
+- Item wise backdated stock entry posting for immutable ledger ([#22366](
+- Shopping cart UI fixes ([#22137](
+- Filter Leave Type based on allocation for a particular employee ([#22050](
+- Party validation for inter-warehouse transaction ([#22186](
+- Manufacturing dashboard and work order summary chart ([#21946](
+- IP Admission and Discharge, Minor fixes ([#21817](
+- Validation of Purchase Order against Material Request missing ([#22192](
+- Staffing Plan validation ([#22379](
+- Do not allow backdated stock transactions in previous fiscal year ([#21967](
+- Employee Advance Return not working ([#21812](
+- Added card for reports on education desk ([#21853](
+- Refactored project summary report ([#21943](
+- Revenue and Customer Count only in date range in Customer Acquitition Report ([#22210](
+- Alternative item not working for subcontract ([#22386](
+- Unable to create batched Item ([#22393](
+- Filters for the manufacturing reports ([#21960](
+- Raw material warehouse in Production Planning Report ([#21982](
+- Allowed LWP leave types to select in Leave Application even if there is no allocation against them ([#22197](
+- Report not working on parameter Grade ([#21951](
+- Allow to enter Relieving date if employee status is Left ([#22242](
+- Resetting lost reason in opportunity and quotation ([#22378](
+- Filtering issues in opening invoice creation tool ([#21969](
+- Set default reference Id for "On Previous Row Amount" and "On Previous Row Total" ([#22346](
+- UX date range field separated in from and to date fields. ([#21765](
+- Enable show_configure_button when shopping cart is enabled ([#22468](
+- Setup status indicators for Job Offer and Job Applicant (develop) ([#22445](
+- Item-wise sales history report ([#22783](
+- Setting filter for project in kanban board ([#22717](
+- Dashboard For Timesheet ([#22750](
+- Handle custom statuses for the pause SLA configuration ([#22349](
+- Quality Feedback and Template ([#22571](
+- Unable to change link from new lead to existing customer ([#22787](
+- Move Issue List actions under 'Actions' dropdown (ux) ([#22710](
+- Cost center should only show option of selected company ([#22598](
+- Serial No Rename does not affect Stock Ledger Entry ([#22746](
+- Descriptions not copied while creating Fees from Fee Structure ([#22792](
+- Company filter for cost_center and expense_account in all sales and purchase transactions ([#22478](
+- Arrangements of filters for reports accounts payable & receivable ([#22636](
+- Update the project after task deletion so that the % completed shows correct value ([#22591](
+- Block Invalid Serial No updates in Maintenance Schedule ([#22665](
+- Fetch item price in sales invoice based on it's validity ([#22563](
+- Add view ledger button for cancelled docs ([#22432](
+- Allow creating SLA documents even if SLA tracking is not enabled ([#22608](
+- Quotation list view blank if quotation_to field not set as a standard filter ([#22672](
+- Salary deductions report fixes ([#22397](
+- Incorrect delivered qty in Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics ([#22631](
+- Moved parent warehouse to top section also added a section break ([#22708](
+- Skip Progress and Completed by fields on Task Duplication ([#22565](
+- Incorrect stock after merging the items ([#22526](
+- Letter head not found in opening invoice creation tool ([#22488](
+- Cannot cancel asset and asset movement ([#22441](
+- Fetch project-related info in Timesheet ([#22423](
+- Currency symbol not showing as per company currency in stock balance report ([#22724](
+- Add default cost center in payment reconciliation JV ([#22614](
+- Stock Reconciliation Invalid Quantity for Batched Item ([#22726](
+- Project link not set in accounts other than profit and loss accounts ([#22051](
+- Buying price for non stock item in gross profit report ([#22616](
+- Multi currency payment reconciliation ([#22738](
+- Cannot cancel assets with repair pending ([#22440](
+- Reset homepage to home after unchecking products page ([#22736](
+- Generic Message in previous doc validation for buying and selling ([#22546](
+- Expense claim outstanding while making payment entry ([#22735](
+- Take parent cost center for child if no cost center at child in expense claim ([#22496](
+- Consider company fiscal year for getting balance ([#22577](
+- Pick List empty table and Serial-Batch items handling ([#22426](
+- Show total row in print format of financial statement ([#22693](
+- Set Root as Parent if no parent in new tree view node ([#22497](
+- Multiple pos issues ([#23725](
+- Calculate taxes if tax is based on item quantity and inclusive on item price ([#23001](
+- Contact us button not visible in the website for the non variant items ([#23217](
+- Not able to make Material Request from Sales Order ([#23669](
+- Capture advance payments in payment order ([#23256](
+- Program and Course Enrollment fixes ([#23333](
+- Cannot create asset if cwip disabled and account not set ([#23580](
+- Cannot merge pos invoices with inclusive tax ([#23541](
+- Do not allow Company as accounting dimension ([#23755](
+- Set value of wrong Bank Account field in Payment Entry ([#22302](
+- Reverse journal entry for multi-currency ([#23165](
+- Updated integrations desk page ([#23772](
+- Assessment Result child table not visible when accessed via Assessment Plan dashboard ([#22880](
+- Conversion factor fixes in Stock Entry ([#23407](
+- Total calculations for multi-currency RCM invoices ([#23072](
+- Show accounts in financial statements upto level 20 ([#23718](
+- Consolidated financial statement sums values into wrong parent ([#23288](
+- Set SLA variance in seconds for Duration fieldtype ([#23765](
+- Added missing reports on selling desk ([#23548](
+- Fixed heading in the mobile view ([#23145](
+- Misleading filters on Item tax Template Link field ([#22918](
+- Do not consider opening entries for TDS calculation ([#23597](
+- Attendance calendar map fix ([#23245](
+- Post cancellation accounting entry on posting date instead of current ([#23361](
+- Set Customer only if Contact is present ([#23704](
+- Add Delivery Note Count in Sales Invoice Dashboard ([#23161](
+- Breadcrumbs for Maintenance Visit and Schedule ([#23369](
+- Raise Error on over receipt/consumption for sub-contracted PR ([#23195](
+- Validate if company not set in the Payment Entry ([#23419](
+- Ignore company and bank account doctype while deleting company transactions ([#22953](
+- Sales funnel data is inconsistent ([#23110](
+- Credit Limit Email not working ([#23059](
+- Add Company in list fields to fetch for Expense Claim ([#23007](
+- Issue form cleaned up and renamed Minutes to First Response field ([#23066](
+- Quotation lost reason options fix ([#22814](
+- Tax amounts in HSN Wise Outward summary ([#23076](
+- Patient Appointment not able to save ([#23434](
+- Removed Working Hours field from Company ([#23009](
+- Added check-in time validation in the Inpatient Record - Transfer ([#22958](
+- Handle Blank from/to range in Numeric Item Attribute ([#23483](
+- Sequence Matcher error in Bank Reconciliation ([#23539](
+- Fixed Conversion Factor rate for the BOM Exploded Item ([#23151](
+- Payment Schedule not fetching ([#23476](
+- Validate if removed Item Attributes exist in variant items ([#22911](
+- Set default billing address for purchase documents ([#22950](
+- Added help link in navbar settings ([#22943](
+- Apply TDS on Purchase Invoice creation from Purchase Order and Purchase Receipt ([#23282](
+- Education Module fixes ([#23714](
+- Filter out cancelled entries in customer ledger summary ([#23205](
+- Fiscal Year and Tax Rates for Italy ([#23623](
+- Production Plan incorrect Work Order qty ([#23264](
+- Added new filters in the Batch-wise Balance History report ([#23676](
+- Update state code and union territory for Daman and Diu ([#22988](
+- Set Stock UOM in item while creating Material Request from Stock Entry ([#23436](
+- Sales Order to Purchase Order flow improvement ([#23357](
+- Student Admission and Student Applicant fixes ([#23515](
+- Loan disbursement amount validation ([#24000](
+- Making company address read-only in delivery note ([#23890](
+- BOM stock report color showing always red ([#23994](
+- Added filter for customer field in Issue ([#24051](
+- Added project link in timesheet form ([#23764](
+- Update integrations desk page ([#23767](
+- Place of supply change on address change ([#23941](
+- TDS calculation, skip invoices with "Apply Tax Withholding Amount" has disabled ([#23672](
+- Auto fetch serial nos with modified conversion factor ([#23854](
+- Default cost center in item master not set in stock entry ([#23877](
+- Incorrect de-link serial no and batch ([#23947](
+- Accounting for internal transfer invoices within same company ([#24021](
+- Multiple pricing rule with margin type as Percentage is not working ([#24205](
+- Added Purchase Order to Global Search ([#24055](
+- Cannot expand row in update items dialog ([#23839](
+- Maintain stock can't be changed it there is product bundle ([#23989](
+- SO to PO Mapping Issue ([#23820](
+- Asset with value zero doesn't show up in fixed asset register ([#24091](
+- Cannot save customer email & phone ([#23797](
+- Incorrect balance value in stock balance report ([#24048](
+- Payment Terms not fetched in Purchase Invoice from Purchase Receipt ([#23735](
+- Fix for LMS Sign Up link ([#23743](
+- Incorrect stock quantity if 'Allow Multiple Material Consumption… ([#24116](
+- Added wrong absent days calculation in salary slip ([#23897](
+- Purchase receipt to purchase invoice bill date mapping ([#23967](
+- Overriding po ([#24022](
+- Do not cancel reference document on Quality Inspection cancellation ([#24198](
+- Get formatted value in 'taxes' print template ([#24035](
+- Don't overrule Item Price via Pricing Rule Rate if 0 ([#23636](
+- Job card error handling for operations field ([#23991](
+- Validation for journal entry with 0 debit and credit values ([#23975](
+- Check if customer exists in product listing ([#24030](
+- Asset finance book posting date fix ([#23778](
+- Same source and target tables in Status Updater's update query ([#24110](
+- Asset finance book depreciation posting date fix ([#23833](
+- Ignore exception during leave ledger creation from patch ([#24005](
+- Added link of bank reconciliation and clearance in accounting desk page ([#23850](
+- Sales invoice add button from sales order dashboard ([#24077](
+- Incorrect calculation for consumed qty for subcontract item ([#23257](
+- Incorrect required_qty in Production Planning Report ([#24074](
+- Email digest user not found ([#23949](
+- Delete Receive at Warehouse entry on cancellation of Send to War… ([#24115](
+- Added TDS Payable account number and an error message ([#24065](
+- Override field_map for job card gantt ([#24155](
+- Old shopify order syncing date ([#23990](
+- Shipping chanrges not sync in erpnext from shopify ([#24114](
+- GSTR B2C report ([#24039](
+- Ignore cancelled entries in stock balance report ([#23757](
+- Stock ageing report not working ([#23923](
+- Incorrect assign to in Maintenance Schedule ([#23831](
+- Improve UX of DATEV report ([#23892](
+- Set SLA variance in seconds for Duration fieldtype ([#23765](
+- dDouble exception in payroll ([#24078](
+- Make asset dashboard charts public ([#23751](
+- Don't copy terms and discount from SO to PO ([#23903](
+- Ignore doctypes on company transaction delete ([#23864](
+- Error handling in Upload Attendance ([#23907](
+- Tax template update on customer address change ([#24160](
+- Not able to save bom ([#23910](
+- Enable Allow Auto Repeat for standard doctypes having auto_repeat field ([#23776](
+- Place of Supply fix in Sales Invoices ([#23785](
+- Opening invoices in GSTR-1 report ([#24117](
+- Partial serial no return issue ([#24208](
+- Import taxjar globally in the taxjar_integration module ([#24027](
+- Payroll attendance error ([#23887](
+- Loan application link on creating loan ([#23937](
+- POS item search includes non stock items ([#23914](
+- Paid amount in Sales Invoice POS return resets to 0 ([#24057](
+- Fiscal year can be shorter than 12 months ([#23838](
+- Loan repayment type option remove ([#23582](
+- Item wise tax calculation ([#23744](
+- Enabling track changes for stock settings ([#23982](
+- Added link of bank reconciliation and clearance in accounting desk page ([#23809](
+- Location data on Asset to use command(make_demo) ([#23825](
+- Handle Account and Item None not found in Opening Invoice Creation Tool ([#23559](
+- Multiple subcontracting issues ([#23662](
+- Sequence id override with workstation column ([#23810](
+- Leave policy dashboard fix and roles ([#24170](
+- Scan barcode does not update barcode item field in sales order ([#24090](
+- Item price duplicate checking ([#23408](
+- Tax template update on supplier change for India ([#24060](
+- Consumed qty logic for subcontracted raw materials ([#23314](
+- Finance book not getting added in journal Entry of asset value adjustment ([#24100](
+- Set proper state code in ewaybill JSON when GST category is SEZ ([#23953](
+- Copying po no when mapping doc ([#23729](
+- Duplicate items validation for POS Invoice when allow multiple items is disabled ([#23896](
+- Do not allow Company as accounting dimension ([#23749](
+- Validation for duplicate Tax Category ([#23978](
+- Therapy plan and session fixes ([#23817](
+- Pricing rule with transaction not working for additional product ([#24053](
+- Inpatient Medication Order and Entry fixes ([#23799](
+- Avoid using SQL query to get fiscal year dates ([#24050](
+- Auto Statewise gst tax template ([#23832](
+- On save sequence id column override with workstation ([#23812](
+- Multiple pricing rules are not working on selling side ([#22711](
+- Salary slip popup error ([#24192](
+- Multiple pricing rule with margin type as Percentage is not working ([#24204](
+- Allow statistical component in salary structure. ([#24424](
+- Set current asset value before calculating difference amount ([#24119](
+- To use Stock UoM in BOM Stock Report ([#24339](
+- Accounting entries of asset when submitting purchase receipt ([#24191](
+- Batch/Serial Selector for Scanned Batched Item ([#24338](
+- Link timesheets with corresponding projects ([#24346](
+- Material request wrong status issue ([#24019](
+- UX issues in e-invoicing ([#24358](
+- Company Wise Valuation Rate for RM in BOM ([#24324](
+- Stock ageing should not take cancelled stock entries. ([#24437](
+- Partial loan security unpledging ([#24252](
+- Asset depreciation ledger ([#24226](
+- Back Update from QC based on Batch No ([#24329](
+- Fix for not having fiscal year while creating new company ([#24130](
+- E-invoice print format not showing other charges ([#24474](
+- Tax template update on customer address change ([#24146](
+- Do not manufacture same serial no multiple times ([#24164](
+- Ignore group cost center validation for period closing voucher ([#24375](
+- Partial serial no return issue ([#24207](
+- GSTR-1 double entry issue ([#24376](
+- Not able to create dunning from sales invoice ([#24349](
+- Set company in leave allocation and leave ledger entry ([#24296](
+- Allow leave policy assignment to be canceled. ([#24265](
+- Removed all day event from shift assignment calendar ([#24397](
+- Tax calculation on salary slip for the first month ([#24272](
+- Validate tax template for tax category ([#24402](
+- Numeric/Non-numeric QI UX ([#24517](
+- Finished good produced qty validation ([#24220](
+- Incorrect serial no in the subcontracted purchase receipt ([#24354](
+- Don't validate warehouse values between Material Request and Stock Entry ([#24294](
+- Don't cancel job card if manufacturing entry has made ([#24063](
+- Subscription prepaid date validation ([#24356](
+- Payment Period based on invoice date report fix/refactor ([#24378](
+- Drop ship partial order fixed ([#24072](
+- Payment entry multi-currency issue ([#24332](
+- Multiple pricing rule issue ([#24515](
+- Last purchase rate not updating when voucher cancelled if only one voucher is present ([#24322](
+- Do not cancel reference document on Quality Inspection cancellation ([#24197](
+- Refactored fetching & validating address from erpnext rather than gst portal ([#24297](
+- Opportunity Status fix ([#22944](
+- Fixed stock and account balance syncing ([#24644](
+- Fixed incorrect stock ledger qty in the stock ledger report and bin ([#24649](
+- Fixed Consolidated Financial Statement report ([#24580](
+- Repost incompleted backdated transactions ([#24991](
+- Unequal debit and credit issue on RCM Invoice ([#24838](
+- Period list for exponential smoothing forecasting report ([#24983](
+- POS Opening Entry with empty balance detail rows ([#24891](
+- Use account_name only in consolidated report ([#24840](
+- Validation of job card in stock entry ([#24882](
+- Incorrect Nil Exempt and Non GST amount in GSTR3B report ([#24918](
+- TDS check getting checked after reload ([#24973](
+- Membership and Donation API fixes ([#24900](
+- Allow zero valuation in stock reconciliation ([#24985](
+- Simplified logic for additional salary ([#24907](
+- Allow to select item code in batch naming ([#24825](
+- Membership renewal validation (#24963) ([#24964](
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 36d399c..d36e7b0 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -659,6 +659,7 @@
'dr_or_cr': dr_or_cr,
'unadjusted_amount': flt(d.advance_amount),
'allocated_amount': flt(d.allocated_amount),
+ 'precision': d.precision('advance_amount'),
'exchange_rate': (self.conversion_rate
if self.party_account_currency != self.company_currency else 1),
'grand_total': (self.base_grand_total
@@ -716,7 +717,9 @@
total_billed_amt = abs(total_billed_amt)
max_allowed_amt = abs(max_allowed_amt)
- if total_billed_amt - max_allowed_amt > 0.01:
+ role_allowed_to_over_bill = frappe.db.get_single_value('Accounts Settings', 'role_allowed_to_over_bill')
+ if total_billed_amt - max_allowed_amt > 0.01 and role_allowed_to_over_bill not in frappe.get_roles():
frappe.throw(_("Cannot overbill for Item {0} in row {1} more than {2}. To allow over-billing, please set allowance in Accounts Settings")
.format(item.item_code, item.idx, max_allowed_amt))
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 219d529..b686dc0 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from frappe import _, msgprint
from frappe.utils import flt,cint, cstr, getdate
from six import iteritems
+from collections import OrderedDict
from import get_party_details
from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_conversion_factor
from erpnext.buying.utils import validate_for_items, update_last_purchase_rate
@@ -391,10 +392,12 @@
batches_qty = get_batches_with_qty(raw_material.rm_item_code, raw_material.main_item_code,
qty, transferred_batch_qty_map, backflushed_batch_qty_map, item.purchase_order)
for batch_data in batches_qty:
qty = batch_data['qty']
raw_material.batch_no = batch_data['batch']
- self.append_raw_material_to_be_backflushed(item, raw_material, qty)
+ if qty > 0:
+ self.append_raw_material_to_be_backflushed(item, raw_material, qty)
self.append_raw_material_to_be_backflushed(item, raw_material, qty)
@@ -1056,7 +1059,7 @@
for batch_data in transferred_batches:
key = ((batch_data.item_code, fg_item)
if batch_data.subcontracted_item else (batch_data.item_code, purchase_order))
- transferred_batch_qty_map.setdefault(key, {})
+ transferred_batch_qty_map.setdefault(key, OrderedDict())
transferred_batch_qty_map[key][batch_data.batch_no] = batch_data.qty
return transferred_batch_qty_map
@@ -1109,8 +1112,14 @@
if available_qty >= required_qty:
available_batches.append({'batch': batch, 'qty': required_qty})
- else:
+ elif available_qty != 0:
available_batches.append({'batch': batch, 'qty': available_qty})
required_qty -= available_qty
+ for row in available_batches:
+ if backflushed_batches.get(row.get('batch'), 0) > 0:
+ backflushed_batches[row.get('batch')] += row.get('qty')
+ else:
+ backflushed_batches[row.get('batch')] = row.get('qty')
return available_batches
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 81f0ad3..bc1ac5e 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
and status not in ("Stopped", "Closed") %(fcond)s
and (
(`tabDelivery Note`.is_return = 0 and `tabDelivery Note`.per_billed < 100)
- or `tabDelivery Note`.grand_total = 0
+ or (`tabDelivery Note`.grand_total = 0 and `tabDelivery Note`.per_billed < 100)
or (
`tabDelivery Note`.is_return = 1
and return_against in (select name from `tabDelivery Note` where per_billed < 100)
@@ -713,7 +713,9 @@
return [(d,) for d in set(taxes)]
-def get_fields(doctype, fields=[]):
+def get_fields(doctype, fields=None):
+ if fields is None:
+ fields = []
meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index de61b35..5f759b4 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import frappe, erpnext
from frappe import _
from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
+from erpnext.stock.utils import get_incoming_rate
from frappe.utils import flt, get_datetime, format_datetime
class StockOverReturnError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
@@ -389,10 +390,24 @@
return doclist
-def get_rate_for_return(voucher_type, voucher_no, item_code, return_against=None, item_row=None, voucher_detail_no=None):
+def get_rate_for_return(voucher_type, voucher_no, item_code, return_against=None,
+ item_row=None, voucher_detail_no=None, sle=None):
if not return_against:
return_against = frappe.get_cached_value(voucher_type, voucher_no, "return_against")
+ if not return_against and voucher_type == 'Sales Invoice' and sle:
+ return get_incoming_rate({
+ "item_code": sle.item_code,
+ "warehouse": sle.warehouse,
+ "posting_date": sle.get('posting_date'),
+ "posting_time": sle.get('posting_time'),
+ "qty": sle.actual_qty,
+ "serial_no": sle.get('serial_no'),
+ "company":,
+ "voucher_type": sle.voucher_type,
+ "voucher_no": sle.voucher_no
+ }, raise_error_if_no_rate=False)
return_against_item_field = get_return_against_item_fields(voucher_type)
filters = get_filters(voucher_type, voucher_no, voucher_detail_no,
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index edc40c4..54156f37 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -311,14 +311,16 @@
items = self.get("items") + (self.get("packed_items") or [])
for d in items:
- if not cint(self.get("is_return")):
+ if not self.get("return_against"):
# Get incoming rate based on original item cost based on valuation method
+ qty = flt(d.get('stock_qty') or d.get('actual_qty'))
d.incoming_rate = get_incoming_rate({
"item_code": d.item_code,
"warehouse": d.warehouse,
"posting_date": self.get('posting_date') or self.get('transaction_date'),
"posting_time": self.get('posting_time') or nowtime(),
- "qty": -1 * flt(d.get('stock_qty') or d.get('actual_qty')),
+ "qty": qty if cint(self.get("is_return")) else (-1 * qty),
"serial_no": d.get('serial_no'),
"voucher_type": self.doctype,
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 0987d09..5276da9 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -201,10 +201,14 @@
get_allowance_for(item['item_code'], self.item_allowance,
self.global_qty_allowance, self.global_amount_allowance, qty_or_amount)
- overflow_percent = ((item[args['target_field']] - item[args['target_ref_field']]) /
- item[args['target_ref_field']]) * 100
+ role_allowed_to_over_deliver_receive = frappe.db.get_single_value('Stock Settings', 'role_allowed_to_over_deliver_receive')
+ role_allowed_to_over_bill = frappe.db.get_single_value('Accounts Settings', 'role_allowed_to_over_bill')
+ role = role_allowed_to_over_deliver_receive if qty_or_amount == 'qty' else role_allowed_to_over_bill
- if overflow_percent - allowance > 0.01:
+ overflow_percent = ((item[args['target_field']] - item[args['target_ref_field']]) /
+ item[args['target_ref_field']]) * 100
+ if overflow_percent - allowance > 0.01 and role not in frappe.get_roles():
item['max_allowed'] = flt(item[args['target_ref_field']] * (100+allowance)/100)
item['reduce_by'] = item[args['target_field']] - item['max_allowed']
@@ -371,10 +375,12 @@
ref_doc.db_set("per_billed", per_billed)
-def get_allowance_for(item_code, item_allowance={}, global_qty_allowance=None, global_amount_allowance=None, qty_or_amount="qty"):
+def get_allowance_for(item_code, item_allowance=None, global_qty_allowance=None, global_amount_allowance=None, qty_or_amount="qty"):
Returns the allowance for the item, if not set, returns global allowance
+ if item_allowance is None:
+ item_allowance = {}
if qty_or_amount == "qty":
if item_allowance.get(item_code, frappe._dict()).get("qty"):
return item_allowance[item_code].qty, item_allowance, global_qty_allowance, global_amount_allowance
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index f352bae..b14c274 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@
"account": expense_account,
"against": warehouse_account[sle.warehouse]["account"],
"cost_center": item_row.cost_center,
- "project": item_row.project or self.get('project'),
"remarks": self.get("remarks") or "Accounting Entry for Stock",
"credit": flt(sle.stock_value_difference, precision),
"project": item_row.get("project") or self.get("project"),
@@ -406,8 +405,7 @@
def set_rate_of_stock_uom(self):
if self.doctype in ["Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice", "Purchase Order", "Sales Invoice", "Sales Order", "Delivery Note", "Quotation"]:
for d in self.get("items"):
- if d.conversion_factor:
- d.stock_uom_rate = d.rate / d.conversion_factor
+ d.stock_uom_rate = d.rate / (d.conversion_factor or 1)
def validate_internal_transfer(self):
if self.doctype in ('Sales Invoice', 'Delivery Note', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Purchase Receipt') \
@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@
message += "<br><br>"
rule_link = frappe.utils.get_link_to_form("Putaway Rule", rule)
- message += _(" Please adjust the qty or edit {0} to proceed.").format(rule_link)
+ message += _("Please adjust the qty or edit {0} to proceed.").format(rule_link)
return message
def repost_future_sle_and_gle(self):
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index e329b32..9fae494 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -113,10 +113,12 @@
item.rate_with_margin, item.base_rate_with_margin = self.calculate_margin(item)
if flt(item.rate_with_margin) > 0:
item.rate = flt(item.rate_with_margin * (1.0 - (item.discount_percentage / 100.0)), item.precision("rate"))
- if not item.discount_amount:
+ if item.discount_amount and not item.discount_percentage:
+ item.rate = item.rate_with_margin - item.discount_amount
+ else:
item.discount_amount = item.rate_with_margin - item.rate
- elif not item.discount_percentage:
- item.rate -= item.discount_amount
elif flt(item.price_list_rate) > 0:
item.discount_amount = item.price_list_rate - item.rate
elif flt(item.price_list_rate) > 0 and not item.discount_amount:
@@ -147,7 +149,9 @@
validate_inclusive_tax(tax, self.doc)
- tax.item_wise_tax_detail = {}
+ if not self.doc.get('is_consolidated'):
+ tax.item_wise_tax_detail = {}
tax_fields = ["total", "tax_amount_after_discount_amount",
"tax_amount_for_current_item", "grand_total_for_current_item",
"tax_fraction_for_current_item", "grand_total_fraction_for_current_item"]
@@ -287,10 +291,13 @@
# set precision in the last item iteration
if n == len(self.doc.get("items")) - 1:
+ self._set_in_company_currency(tax,
+ ["tax_amount", "tax_amount_after_discount_amount"])
+ self.round_off_base_values(tax)
self.set_cumulative_total(i, tax)
- self._set_in_company_currency(tax,
- ["total", "tax_amount", "tax_amount_after_discount_amount"])
+ self._set_in_company_currency(tax, ["total"])
# adjust Discount Amount loss in last tax iteration
if i == (len(self.doc.get("taxes")) - 1) and self.discount_amount_applied \
@@ -337,18 +344,11 @@
elif tax.charge_type == "On Item Quantity":
current_tax_amount = tax_rate * item.qty
- current_tax_amount = self.get_final_current_tax_amount(tax, current_tax_amount)
- self.set_item_wise_tax(item, tax, tax_rate, current_tax_amount)
+ if not self.doc.get("is_consolidated"):
+ self.set_item_wise_tax(item, tax, tax_rate, current_tax_amount)
return current_tax_amount
- def get_final_current_tax_amount(self, tax, current_tax_amount):
- # Some countries need individual tax components to be rounded
- # Handeled via regional doctypess
- if tax.account_head in frappe.flags.round_off_applicable_accounts:
- current_tax_amount = round(current_tax_amount, 0)
- return current_tax_amount
def set_item_wise_tax(self, item, tax, tax_rate, current_tax_amount):
# store tax breakup for each item
key = item.item_code or item.item_name
@@ -359,10 +359,20 @@
tax.item_wise_tax_detail[key] = [tax_rate,flt(item_wise_tax_amount)]
def round_off_totals(self, tax):
+ if tax.account_head in frappe.flags.round_off_applicable_accounts:
+ tax.tax_amount = round(tax.tax_amount, 0)
+ tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount = round(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount, 0)
tax.tax_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount, tax.precision("tax_amount"))
tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount,
+ def round_off_base_values(self, tax):
+ # Round off to nearest integer based on regional settings
+ if tax.account_head in frappe.flags.round_off_applicable_accounts:
+ tax.base_tax_amount = round(tax.base_tax_amount, 0)
+ tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount = round(tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount, 0)
def manipulate_grand_total_for_inclusive_tax(self):
# if fully inclusive taxes and diff
if self.doc.get("taxes") and any([cint(t.included_in_print_rate) for t in self.doc.get("taxes")]):
@@ -440,8 +450,9 @@
self._set_in_company_currency(self.doc, ["rounding_adjustment", "rounded_total"])
def _cleanup(self):
- for tax in self.doc.get("taxes"):
- tax.item_wise_tax_detail = json.dumps(tax.item_wise_tax_detail, separators=(',', ':'))
+ if not self.doc.get('is_consolidated'):
+ for tax in self.doc.get("taxes"):
+ tax.item_wise_tax_detail = json.dumps(tax.item_wise_tax_detail, separators=(',', ':'))
def set_discount_amount(self):
if self.doc.additional_discount_percentage:
@@ -808,4 +819,4 @@
def set_amounts_in_company_currency(self):
for d in self.doc.get(self.tax_field):
d.amount = flt(d.amount, d.precision("amount"))
- d.base_amount = flt(d.amount * flt(d.exchange_rate), d.precision("base_amount"))
\ No newline at end of file
+ d.base_amount = flt(d.amount * flt(d.exchange_rate), d.precision("base_amount"))
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/ b/erpnext/controllers/
index 801c405..ecf041e 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
if not filters: filters = []
- if doctype in ['Supplier Quotation', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Quotation']:
+ if doctype in ['Supplier Quotation', 'Purchase Invoice']:
filters.append((doctype, 'docstatus', '<', 2))
filters.append((doctype, 'docstatus', '=', 1))
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
similarity index 100%
rename from erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
rename to erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.js b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cbe649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+// For license information, please see license.txt
+frappe.ui.form.on('Lead Source', {
+ // refresh: function(frm) {
+ // }
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.json b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723c6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.json
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ "actions": [],
+ "allow_rename": 1,
+ "autoname": "field:source_name",
+ "creation": "2016-09-16 01:47:47.382372",
+ "doctype": "DocType",
+ "editable_grid": 1,
+ "engine": "InnoDB",
+ "field_order": [
+ "source_name",
+ "details"
+ ],
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "fieldname": "source_name",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Source Name",
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "unique": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "details",
+ "fieldtype": "Text Editor",
+ "label": "Details"
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2021-02-08 12:51:48.971517",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "CRM",
+ "name": "Lead Source",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "permissions": [
+ {
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Sales Manager",
+ "share": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "create": 1,
+ "email": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "print": 1,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Sales User",
+ "share": 1,
+ "write": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "quick_entry": 1,
+ "sort_field": "modified",
+ "sort_order": "DESC"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
similarity index 71%
rename from erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
rename to erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
index d2d7558..5c64fb8 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
+++ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import frappe
+# import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
class LeadSource(Document):
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bc649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead_source/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# import frappe
+import unittest
+class TestLeadSource(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
diff --git a/erpnext/education/doctype/course_enrollment/ b/erpnext/education/doctype/course_enrollment/
index f7aa6e9..2b3acf1 100644
--- a/erpnext/education/doctype/course_enrollment/
+++ b/erpnext/education/doctype/course_enrollment/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
frappe.throw(_("Student is already enrolled via Course Enrollment {0}").format(
get_link_to_form("Course Enrollment", enrollment)), title=_('Duplicate Entry'))
- def add_quiz_activity(self, quiz_name, quiz_response, answers, score, status):
+ def add_quiz_activity(self, quiz_name, quiz_response, answers, score, status, time_taken):
result = {k: ('Correct' if v else 'Wrong') for k,v in answers.items()}
result_data = []
for key in answers:
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@
"result": result_data,
"score": score,
- "status": status
+ "status": status,
+ "time_taken": time_taken
}).insert(ignore_permissions = True)
def add_activity(self, content_type, content):
diff --git a/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz/quiz.json b/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz/quiz.json
index 569c281..16d7d7e 100644
--- a/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz/quiz.json
+++ b/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz/quiz.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ "actions": [],
"allow_import": 1,
"allow_rename": 1,
"autoname": "field:title",
@@ -12,7 +13,10 @@
- "grading_basis"
+ "grading_basis",
+ "column_break_7",
+ "is_time_bound",
+ "duration"
"fields": [
@@ -58,9 +62,26 @@
"fieldtype": "Select",
"label": "Grading Basis",
"options": "Latest Highest Score\nLatest Attempt"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "fieldname": "is_time_bound",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Is Time-Bound"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "is_time_bound",
+ "fieldname": "duration",
+ "fieldtype": "Duration",
+ "label": "Duration"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_7",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
- "modified": "2019-06-12 12:23:57.020508",
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2020-12-24 15:41:35.043262",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Education",
"name": "Quiz",
diff --git a/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz_activity/quiz_activity.json b/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz_activity/quiz_activity.json
index e78db42..742c887 100644
--- a/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz_activity/quiz_activity.json
+++ b/erpnext/education/doctype/quiz_activity/quiz_activity.json
@@ -1,490 +1,163 @@
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- "allow_events_in_timeline": 0,
- "allow_guest_to_view": 0,
- "allow_import": 0,
- "allow_rename": 0,
+ "actions": [],
"autoname": "format:EDU-QA-{YYYY}-{#####}",
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+ "quiz",
+ "column_break_7",
+ "status",
+ "section_break_9",
+ "result",
+ "section_break_11",
+ "activity_date",
+ "score",
+ "column_break_14",
+ "time_taken"
+ ],
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+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2020-12-24 15:41:20.085380",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Education",
"name": "Quiz Activity",
- "name_case": "",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [
- "amend": 0,
- "cancel": 0,
"create": 1,
"delete": 1,
"email": 1,
"export": 1,
- "if_owner": 0,
- "import": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
"print": 1,
"read": 1,
"report": 1,
"role": "Academics User",
- "set_user_permissions": 0,
"share": 1,
- "submit": 0,
"write": 1
- "amend": 0,
- "cancel": 0,
"create": 1,
"delete": 1,
"email": 1,
"export": 1,
- "if_owner": 0,
- "import": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
"print": 1,
"read": 1,
"report": 1,
"role": "LMS User",
- "set_user_permissions": 0,
"share": 1,
- "submit": 0,
"write": 1
- "amend": 0,
- "cancel": 0,
- "create": 0,
- "delete": 0,
"email": 1,
"export": 1,
- "if_owner": 0,
- "import": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
"print": 1,
"read": 1,
"report": 1,
"role": "Instructor",
- "set_user_permissions": 0,
- "share": 1,
- "submit": 0,
- "write": 0
+ "share": 1
"quick_entry": 1,
- "read_only": 0,
- "read_only_onload": 0,
- "show_name_in_global_search": 0,
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
- "track_changes": 1,
- "track_seen": 0,
- "track_views": 0
+ "track_changes": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/education/doctype/student/ b/erpnext/education/doctype/student/
index 81626f1..2dc0f63 100644
--- a/erpnext/education/doctype/student/
+++ b/erpnext/education/doctype/student/
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
status = check_content_completion(, content.doctype, course_enrollment_name)
progress.append({'content':, 'content_type': content.doctype, 'is_complete': status})
elif content.doctype == 'Quiz':
- status, score, result = check_quiz_completion(content, course_enrollment_name)
+ status, score, result, time_taken = check_quiz_completion(content, course_enrollment_name)
progress.append({'content':, 'content_type': content.doctype, 'is_complete': status, 'score': score, 'result': result})
return progress
diff --git a/erpnext/education/ b/erpnext/education/
index cffc396..8f51fef 100644
--- a/erpnext/education/
+++ b/erpnext/education/
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
return enrollment.add_activity(content_type, content)
-def evaluate_quiz(quiz_response, quiz_name, course, program):
+def evaluate_quiz(quiz_response, quiz_name, course, program, time_taken):
import json
student = get_current_student()
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
if student:
enrollment = get_or_create_course_enrollment(course, program)
if quiz.allowed_attempt(enrollment, quiz_name):
- enrollment.add_quiz_activity(quiz_name, quiz_response, result, score, status)
+ enrollment.add_quiz_activity(quiz_name, quiz_response, result, score, status, time_taken)
return {'result': result, 'score': score, 'status': status}
return None
@@ -219,8 +219,9 @@
quiz = frappe.get_doc("Quiz", quiz_name)
questions = quiz.get_questions()
+ duration = quiz.duration
- frappe.throw(_("Quiz {0} does not exist").format(quiz_name))
+ frappe.throw(_("Quiz {0} does not exist").format(quiz_name), frappe.DoesNotExistError)
return None
questions = [{
@@ -232,12 +233,20 @@
} for question in questions]
if has_super_access():
- return {'questions': questions, 'activity': None}
+ return {
+ 'questions': questions,
+ 'activity': None,
+ 'duration':duration
+ }
student = get_current_student()
course_enrollment = get_enrollment("course", course,
- status, score, result = check_quiz_completion(quiz, course_enrollment)
- return {'questions': questions, 'activity': {'is_complete': status, 'score': score, 'result': result}}
+ status, score, result, time_taken = check_quiz_completion(quiz, course_enrollment)
+ return {
+ 'questions': questions,
+ 'activity': {'is_complete': status, 'score': score, 'result': result, 'time_taken': time_taken},
+ 'duration': quiz.duration
+ }
def get_topic_progress(topic, course_name, program):
@@ -361,15 +370,23 @@
return False
def check_quiz_completion(quiz, enrollment_name):
- attempts = frappe.get_all("Quiz Activity", filters={'enrollment': enrollment_name, 'quiz':}, fields=["name", "activity_date", "score", "status"])
+ attempts = frappe.get_all("Quiz Activity",
+ filters={
+ 'enrollment': enrollment_name,
+ 'quiz':
+ },
+ fields=["name", "activity_date", "score", "status", "time_taken"]
+ )
status = False if quiz.max_attempts == 0 else bool(len(attempts) >= quiz.max_attempts)
score = None
result = None
+ time_taken = None
if attempts:
if quiz.grading_basis == 'Last Highest Score':
attempts = sorted(attempts, key = lambda i: int(i.score), reverse=True)
score = attempts[0]['score']
result = attempts[0]['status']
+ time_taken = attempts[0]['time_taken']
if result == 'Pass':
status = True
- return status, score, result
\ No newline at end of file
+ return status, score, result, time_taken
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/shopify_settings/ b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/shopify_settings/
index 5f471ab..6bec301 100644
--- a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/shopify_settings/
+++ b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/doctype/shopify_settings/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
frappe.db.set_value('Stock Settings', None, 'allow_negative_stock', 1)
# use the fixture data
- import_doc(frappe.get_app_path("erpnext", "erpnext_integrations/doctype/shopify_settings/test_data/custom_field.json"))
+ import_doc(path=frappe.get_app_path("erpnext", "erpnext_integrations/doctype/shopify_settings/test_data/custom_field.json"))
frappe.reload_doctype("Sales Order")
diff --git a/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/inpatient_medication_order/ b/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/inpatient_medication_order/
index a21caca..21776d2 100644
--- a/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/inpatient_medication_order/
+++ b/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/inpatient_medication_order/
@@ -81,15 +81,8 @@
- for entry in frappe.get_all('Inpatient Medication Entry'):
- doc = frappe.get_doc('Inpatient Medication Entry',
- doc.cancel()
- doc.delete()
- for entry in frappe.get_all('Inpatient Medication Order'):
- doc = frappe.get_doc('Inpatient Medication Order',
- doc.cancel()
- doc.delete()
+ for doctype in ["Inpatient Medication Entry", "Inpatient Medication Order"]:
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tab{doctype}`".format(doctype=doctype))
def create_dosage_form():
if not frappe.db.exists('Dosage Form', 'Tablet'):
diff --git a/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/patient_assessment/patient_assessment.js b/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/patient_assessment/patient_assessment.js
index c7074e8..f28d32c 100644
--- a/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/patient_assessment/patient_assessment.js
+++ b/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/patient_assessment/patient_assessment.js
@@ -39,11 +39,13 @@
set_score_range: function(frm) {
- let options = [];
+ let options = [''];
for(let i = frm.doc.scale_min; i <= frm.doc.scale_max; i++) {
- frappe.meta.get_docfield('Patient Assessment Sheet', 'score', = [''].concat(options);
+ frm.fields_dict.assessment_sheet.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'score', 'options', options
+ );
calculate_total_score: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
@@ -83,4 +85,4 @@
score: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {, cdt, cdn);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/therapy_plan/therapy_plan.js b/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/therapy_plan/therapy_plan.js
index d1f72d6..42e231d 100644
--- a/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/therapy_plan/therapy_plan.js
+++ b/erpnext/healthcare/doctype/therapy_plan/therapy_plan.js
@@ -58,8 +58,12 @@
if (frm.doc.therapy_plan_template) {
- frappe.meta.get_docfield('Therapy Plan Detail', 'therapy_type', = 1;
- frappe.meta.get_docfield('Therapy Plan Detail', 'no_of_sessions', = 1;
+ frm.fields_dict.therapy_plan_details.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'therapy_type', 'read_only', 1
+ );
+ frm.fields_dict.therapy_plan_details.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'no_of_sessions', 'read_only', 1
+ );
@@ -126,4 +130,4 @@
frm.set_value('total_sessions', total);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/ b/erpnext/
index c2798a3..bb6cd8b 100644
--- a/erpnext/
+++ b/erpnext/
@@ -260,7 +260,11 @@
- "on_trash": "erpnext.regional.check_deletion_permission"
+ "on_trash": "erpnext.regional.check_deletion_permission",
+ "validate": [
+ "erpnext.regional.india.utils.validate_document_name",
+ "erpnext.regional.india.utils.update_taxable_values"
+ ]
"Purchase Invoice": {
"validate": [
@@ -282,9 +286,6 @@
('Sales Invoice', 'Sales Order', 'Delivery Note', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Purchase Order', 'Purchase Receipt'): {
'validate': ['erpnext.regional.india.utils.set_place_of_supply']
- ('Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'): {
- 'validate': ['erpnext.regional.india.utils.validate_document_name']
- },
"Contact": {
"on_trash": "",
"after_insert": "erpnext.telephony.doctype.call_log.call_log.link_existing_conversations",
@@ -306,6 +307,8 @@
"Inpatient Medication Entry"
+after_migrate = ["erpnext.setup.install.update_select_perm_after_install"]
scheduler_events = {
"cron": {
"0/30 * * * *": [
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/
index 18a4fe5..f3b8a79 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
and docstatus != 2
""", (self.employee, getdate(self.attendance_date),
if res:
- frappe.throw(_("Attendance for employee {0} is already marked").format(self.employee))
+ frappe.throw(_("Attendance for employee {0} is already marked for the date {1}").format(
+ frappe.bold(self.employee), frappe.bold(self.attendance_date)))
def check_leave_record(self):
leave_record = frappe.db.sql("""
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/compensatory_leave_request/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/compensatory_leave_request/
index 7a9727f..a6fe429 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/compensatory_leave_request/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/compensatory_leave_request/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
-from frappe.utils import date_diff, add_days, getdate, cint
+from frappe.utils import date_diff, add_days, getdate, cint, format_date
from frappe.model.document import Document
from import validate_dates, validate_overlap, get_leave_period, \
get_holidays_for_employee, create_additional_leave_ledger_entry
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@
def validate_holidays(self):
holidays = get_holidays_for_employee(self.employee, self.work_from_date, self.work_end_date)
if len(holidays) < date_diff(self.work_end_date, self.work_from_date) + 1:
- frappe.throw(_("Compensatory leave request days not in valid holidays"))
+ if date_diff(self.work_end_date, self.work_from_date):
+ msg = _("The days between {0} to {1} are not valid holidays.").format(frappe.bold(format_date(self.work_from_date)), frappe.bold(format_date(self.work_end_date)))
+ else:
+ msg = _("{0} is not a holiday.").format(frappe.bold(format_date(self.work_from_date)))
+ frappe.throw(msg)
def on_submit(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "company")
@@ -61,9 +66,9 @@
leave_allocation = self.create_leave_allocation(leave_period, date_difference)
+ self.db_set("leave_allocation",
- frappe.throw(_("There is no leave period in between {0} and {1}").format(self.work_from_date, self.work_end_date))
+ frappe.throw(_("There is no leave period in between {0} and {1}").format(format_date(self.work_from_date), format_date(self.work_end_date)))
def on_cancel(self):
if self.leave_allocation:
@@ -119,4 +124,4 @@
- return allocation
\ No newline at end of file
+ return allocation
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee/
index 629bc57..ed7d588 100755
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee/
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
+ self.update_approver_role()
def update_user_permissions(self):
if not self.create_user_permission: return
@@ -145,6 +146,17 @@
+ def update_approver_role(self):
+ if self.leave_approver:
+ user = frappe.get_doc("User", self.leave_approver)
+ user.flags.ignore_permissions = True
+ user.add_roles("Leave Approver")
+ if self.expense_approver:
+ user = frappe.get_doc("User", self.expense_approver)
+ user.flags.ignore_permissions = True
+ user.add_roles("Expense Approver")
def validate_date(self):
if self.date_of_birth and getdate(self.date_of_birth) > getdate(today()):
throw(_("Date of Birth cannot be greater than today."))
@@ -503,7 +515,7 @@
def has_upload_permission(doc, ptype='read', user=None):
- if not user:
+ if not user:
user = frappe.session.user
if get_doc_permissions(doc, user=user, ptype=ptype).get(ptype):
return True
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_advance/employee_advance.json b/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_advance/employee_advance.json
index 04f98d1..ea25aa7 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_advance/employee_advance.json
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_advance/employee_advance.json
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 14:42:47.321368",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:31:53.746659",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "HR",
"name": "Employee Advance",
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/
index e7bb6dc..5010fc3 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import get_fullname, flt, cstr, get_link_to_form
from frappe.model.document import Document
-from import set_employee_name
+from import set_employee_name, share_doc_with_approver
from import get_party_account
from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.sales_invoice import get_bank_cash_account
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
elif self.docstatus == 1 and self.approval_status == 'Rejected':
self.status = 'Rejected'
+ def on_update(self):
+ share_doc_with_approver(self, self.expense_approver)
def set_payable_account(self):
if not self.payable_account and not self.is_paid:
self.payable_account = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',, 'default_expense_claim_payable_account')
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/
index f9e3a44..3f22ca2 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/expense_claim/
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@
def test_rejected_expense_claim(self):
payable_account = get_payable_account(company_name)
expense_claim = frappe.get_doc({
- "doctype": "Expense Claim",
- "employee": "_T-Employee-00001",
- "payable_account": payable_account,
- "approval_status": "Rejected",
- "expenses":
- [{ "expense_type": "Travel", "default_account": "Travel Expenses - _TC4", "amount": 300, "sanctioned_amount": 200 }]
+ "doctype": "Expense Claim",
+ "employee": "_T-Employee-00001",
+ "payable_account": payable_account,
+ "approval_status": "Rejected",
+ "expenses":
+ [{ "expense_type": "Travel", "default_account": "Travel Expenses - _TC4", "amount": 300, "sanctioned_amount": 200 }]
@@ -110,6 +110,34 @@
gl_entry = frappe.get_all('GL Entry', {'voucher_type': 'Expense Claim', 'voucher_no':})
self.assertEquals(len(gl_entry), 0)
+ def test_expense_approver_perms(self):
+ user = ""
+ make_employee(user, "_Test Company")
+ # check doc shared
+ payable_account = get_payable_account("_Test Company")
+ expense_claim = make_expense_claim(payable_account, 300, 200, "_Test Company", "Travel Expenses - _TC", do_not_submit=True)
+ expense_claim.expense_approver = user
+ self.assertTrue( in frappe.share.get_shared("Expense Claim", user))
+ # check shared doc revoked
+ expense_claim.reload()
+ expense_claim.expense_approver = ""
+ self.assertTrue( not in frappe.share.get_shared("Expense Claim", user))
+ expense_claim.reload()
+ expense_claim.expense_approver = user
+ frappe.set_user(user)
+ expense_claim.reload()
+ expense_claim.status = "Approved"
+ expense_claim.submit()
+ frappe.set_user("Administrator")
def get_payable_account(company):
return frappe.get_cached_value('Company', company, 'default_payable_account')
@@ -133,21 +161,21 @@
currency, cost_center = frappe.db.get_value('Company', company, ['default_currency', 'cost_center'])
expense_claim = {
- "doctype": "Expense Claim",
- "employee": employee,
- "payable_account": payable_account,
- "approval_status": "Approved",
- "company": company,
- 'currency': currency,
- "expenses": [{
+ "doctype": "Expense Claim",
+ "employee": employee,
+ "payable_account": payable_account,
+ "approval_status": "Approved",
+ "company": company,
+ "currency": currency,
+ "expenses": [{
"expense_type": "Travel",
"default_account": account,
"currency": currency,
"amount": amount,
"sanctioned_amount": sanctioned_amount,
"cost_center": cost_center
- }]
- }
+ }]
+ }
if taxes:
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/leave_allocation.json b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/leave_allocation.json
index 3a300c0..ae02c51 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/leave_allocation.json
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/leave_allocation.json
@@ -218,8 +218,7 @@
"fieldname": "leave_policy_assignment",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Leave Policy Assignment",
- "options": "Leave Policy Assignment",
- "read_only": 1
+ "options": "Leave Policy Assignment"
"fetch_from": "",
@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-01-04 18:46:13.184104",
+ "modified": "2021-04-14 15:28:26.335104",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "HR",
"name": "Leave Allocation",
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/
index 350cead..0bf551e 100755
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, date_diff, flt, formatdate, getdate, get_link_to_form, \
comma_or, get_fullname, add_days, nowdate, get_datetime_str
-from import set_employee_name, get_leave_period
+from import set_employee_name, get_leave_period, share_doc_with_approver
from import get_applicable_block_dates
from import get_holiday_list_for_employee
from erpnext.buying.doctype.supplier_scorecard.supplier_scorecard import daterange
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
if frappe.db.get_single_value("HR Settings", "send_leave_notification"):
+ share_doc_with_approver(self, self.leave_approver)
def on_submit(self):
if self.status == "Open":
frappe.throw(_("Only Leave Applications with status 'Approved' and 'Rejected' can be submitted"))
@@ -417,6 +419,7 @@
create_leave_ledger_entry(self, args, submit)
def get_allocation_expiry(employee, leave_type, to_date, from_date):
''' Returns expiry of carry forward allocation in leave ledger entry '''
expiry = frappe.get_all("Leave Ledger Entry",
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/
index b335c48..b54c971 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_application/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
from import create_leave_type
from import create_leave_allocation
from import create_assignment_for_multiple_employees
+from import make_employee
test_dependencies = ["Leave Allocation", "Leave Block List", "Employee"]
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
def setUpClass(cls):
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from tabAttendance where employee='_T-Employee-00001'")
def tearDown(self):
@@ -230,8 +232,9 @@
def test_optional_leave(self):
leave_period = get_leave_period()
today = nowdate()
- from datetime import date
holiday_list = 'Test Holiday List for Optional Holiday'
+ optional_leave_date = add_days(today, 7)
if not frappe.db.exists('Holiday List', holiday_list):
doctype = 'Holiday List',
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
from_date = add_months(today, -6),
to_date = add_months(today, 6),
holidays = [
- dict(holiday_date = today, description = 'Test')
+ dict(holiday_date = optional_leave_date, description = 'Test')
employee = get_employee()
@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@
allocate_leaves(employee, leave_period, leave_type, 10)
- date = add_days(today, - 1)
+ date = add_days(today, 6)
leave_application = frappe.get_doc(dict(
doctype = 'Leave Application',
@@ -270,14 +273,14 @@
# can only apply on optional holidays
self.assertRaises(NotAnOptionalHoliday, leave_application.insert)
- leave_application.from_date = today
- leave_application.to_date = today
+ leave_application.from_date = optional_leave_date
+ leave_application.to_date = optional_leave_date
leave_application.status = "Approved"
# check leave balance is reduced
- self.assertEqual(get_leave_balance_on(, leave_type, today), 9)
+ self.assertEqual(get_leave_balance_on(, leave_type, optional_leave_date), 9)
def test_leaves_allowed(self):
employee = get_employee()
@@ -341,7 +344,7 @@
to_date = add_days(date, 4),
company = "_Test Company",
docstatus = 1,
- status = "Approved"
+ status = "Approved"
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, leave_application.insert)
@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@
to_date = add_days(date, 4),
company = "_Test Company",
docstatus = 1,
- status = "Approved"
+ status = "Approved"
@@ -393,7 +396,7 @@
to_date = add_days(date, 4),
company = "_Test Company",
docstatus = 1,
- status = "Approved"
+ status = "Approved"
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, leave_application.insert)
@@ -508,7 +511,7 @@
description = "_Test Reason",
company = "_Test Company",
docstatus = 1,
- status = "Approved"
+ status = "Approved"
leave_ledger_entry = frappe.get_all('Leave Ledger Entry', fields='*', filters=dict(
@@ -540,7 +543,7 @@
description = "_Test Reason",
company = "_Test Company",
docstatus = 1,
- status = "Approved"
+ status = "Approved"
@@ -565,6 +568,48 @@
self.assertEquals(get_leave_balance_on(,, add_days(nowdate(), -85), add_days(nowdate(), -84)), 0)
+ def test_leave_approver_perms(self):
+ employee = get_employee()
+ user = ""
+ make_employee(user, "_Test Company")
+ # set approver for employee
+ employee.reload()
+ employee.leave_approver = user
+ self.assertTrue("Leave Approver" in frappe.get_roles(user))
+ make_allocation_record(
+ application = self.get_application(_test_records[0])
+ application.from_date = '2018-01-01'
+ application.to_date = '2018-01-03'
+ application.leave_approver = user
+ application.insert()
+ self.assertTrue( in frappe.share.get_shared("Leave Application", user))
+ # check shared doc revoked
+ application.reload()
+ application.leave_approver = ""
+ self.assertTrue( not in frappe.share.get_shared("Leave Application", user))
+ application.reload()
+ application.leave_approver = user
+ frappe.set_user(user)
+ application.reload()
+ application.status = "Approved"
+ application.submit()
+ # unset leave approver
+ frappe.set_user("Administrator")
+ employee.reload()
+ employee.leave_approver = ""
def create_carry_forwarded_allocation(employee, leave_type):
# initial leave allocation
leave_allocation = create_leave_allocation(
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_encashment/leave_encashment.json b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_encashment/leave_encashment.json
index dcb5874..1f6c03f 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_encashment/leave_encashment.json
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_encashment/leave_encashment.json
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 14:45:27.948207",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:32:55.492327",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "HR",
"name": "Leave Encashment",
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_ledger_entry/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_ledger_entry/
index 63559c4..cf13036 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_ledger_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/leave_ledger_entry/
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
""", (ledger.employee, ledger.leave_type, ledger.from_date, ledger.to_date))
if leave_application_records:
- frappe.throw(_("Leave allocation %s is linked with leave application %s"
- % (ledger.transaction_name, ', '.join(leave_application_records))))
+ frappe.throw(_("Leave allocation {0} is linked with the Leave Application {1}").format(
+ ledger.transaction_name, ', '.join(leave_application_records)))
def create_leave_ledger_entry(ref_doc, args, submit=True):
ledger = frappe._dict(
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
if submit:
- frappe.get_doc(ledger).submit()
+ doc = frappe.get_doc(ledger)
+ doc.flags.ignore_permissions = 1
+ doc.submit()
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/
index 473193d..177c45e 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from frappe import _
from frappe.model.document import Document
from frappe.utils import formatdate, getdate
+from import share_doc_with_approver
class OverlapError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
@@ -17,6 +18,9 @@
+ def on_update(self):
+ share_doc_with_approver(self, self.approver)
def on_submit(self):
if self.status not in ["Approved", "Rejected"]:
frappe.throw(_("Only Shift Request with status 'Approved' and 'Rejected' can be submitted"))
@@ -29,6 +33,7 @@
if self.to_date:
assignment_doc.end_date = self.to_date
assignment_doc.shift_request =
+ assignment_doc.flags.ignore_permissions = 1
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/
index 230bb2b..9c0d8e3 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_request/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import frappe
import unittest
from frappe.utils import nowdate, add_days
+from import make_employee
test_dependencies = ["Shift Type"]
@@ -19,19 +20,8 @@
approver = frappe.db.sql("""select approver from `tabDepartment Approver` where parent= %s and parentfield = 'shift_request_approver'""", (department))[0][0]
- shift_request = frappe.get_doc({
- "doctype": "Shift Request",
- "shift_type": "Day Shift",
- "company": "_Test Company",
- "employee": "_T-Employee-00001",
- "employee_name": "_Test Employee",
- "from_date": nowdate(),
- "to_date": add_days(nowdate(), 10),
- "approver": approver,
- "status": "Approved"
- })
- shift_request.insert()
- shift_request.submit()
+ shift_request = make_shift_request(approver)
shift_assignments = frappe.db.sql('''
SELECT shift_request, employee
FROM `tabShift Assignment`
@@ -44,8 +34,65 @@
shift_assignment_doc = frappe.get_doc("Shift Assignment", {"shift_request": d.get('shift_request')})
self.assertEqual(shift_assignment_doc.docstatus, 2)
+ def test_shift_request_approver_perms(self):
+ employee = frappe.get_doc("Employee", "_T-Employee-00001")
+ user = ""
+ make_employee(user, "_Test Company")
+ # set approver for employee
+ employee.reload()
+ employee.shift_request_approver = user
+ shift_request = make_shift_request(user, do_not_submit=True)
+ self.assertTrue( in frappe.share.get_shared("Shift Request", user))
+ # check shared doc revoked
+ shift_request.reload()
+ department = frappe.get_value("Employee", "_T-Employee-00001", "department")
+ set_shift_approver(department)
+ department_approver = frappe.db.sql("""select approver from `tabDepartment Approver` where parent= %s and parentfield = 'shift_request_approver'""", (department))[0][0]
+ shift_request.approver = department_approver
+ self.assertTrue( not in frappe.share.get_shared("Shift Request", user))
+ shift_request.reload()
+ shift_request.approver = user
+ frappe.set_user(user)
+ shift_request.reload()
+ shift_request.status = "Approved"
+ shift_request.submit()
+ # unset approver
+ frappe.set_user("Administrator")
+ employee.reload()
+ employee.shift_request_approver = ""
def set_shift_approver(department):
department_doc = frappe.get_doc("Department", department)
department_doc.append('shift_request_approver',{'approver': ""})
+def make_shift_request(approver, do_not_submit=0):
+ shift_request = frappe.get_doc({
+ "doctype": "Shift Request",
+ "shift_type": "Day Shift",
+ "company": "_Test Company",
+ "employee": "_T-Employee-00001",
+ "employee_name": "_Test Employee",
+ "from_date": nowdate(),
+ "to_date": add_days(nowdate(), 10),
+ "approver": approver,
+ "status": "Approved"
+ }).insert()
+ if do_not_submit:
+ return shift_request
+ shift_request.submit()
+ return shift_request
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/report/recruitment_analytics/ b/erpnext/hr/report/recruitment_analytics/
index f5fece8..303c829 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/report/recruitment_analytics/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/report/recruitment_analytics/
@@ -187,4 +187,4 @@
- return ja_joff_map
\ No newline at end of file
+ return ja_joff_map
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/ b/erpnext/hr/
index 0c4c1ca..190eb4f 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/
@@ -504,3 +504,25 @@
lpa = frappe.db.get_all("Leave Policy Assignment", filters={"effective_from": getdate(), "docstatus": 1, "leaves_allocated":0})
for assignment in lpa:
frappe.get_doc("Leave Policy Assignment",
+def share_doc_with_approver(doc, user):
+ # if approver does not have permissions, share
+ if not frappe.has_permission(doc=doc, ptype="submit", user=user):
+ frappe.share.add(doc.doctype,, user, submit=1,
+ flags={"ignore_share_permission": True})
+ frappe.msgprint(_("Shared with the user {0} with {1} access").format(
+ user, frappe.bold("submit"), alert=True))
+ # remove shared doc if approver changes
+ doc_before_save = doc.get_doc_before_save()
+ if doc_before_save:
+ approvers = {
+ "Leave Application": "leave_approver",
+ "Expense Claim": "expense_approver",
+ "Shift Request": "approver"
+ }
+ approver = approvers.get(doc.doctype)
+ if doc_before_save.get(approver) != doc.get(approver):
+ frappe.share.remove(doc.doctype,, doc_before_save.get(approver))
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/workspace/hr/hr.json b/erpnext/hr/workspace/hr/hr.json
index f650b24..f4b56a0 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/workspace/hr/hr.json
+++ b/erpnext/hr/workspace/hr/hr.json
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"hide_custom": 0,
"icon": "hr",
"idx": 0,
+ "is_default": 0,
"is_standard": 1,
"label": "HR",
"links": [
@@ -227,41 +228,11 @@
"type": "Card Break"
- "dependencies": "Employee",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Leave Application",
- "link_to": "Leave Application",
- "link_type": "DocType",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Employee",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Leave Allocation",
- "link_to": "Leave Allocation",
- "link_type": "DocType",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Leave Type",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Leave Policy",
- "link_to": "Leave Policy",
- "link_type": "DocType",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
"dependencies": "",
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Leave Period",
- "link_to": "Leave Period",
+ "label": "Holiday List",
+ "link_to": "Holiday List",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
@@ -280,8 +251,28 @@
"dependencies": "",
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Holiday List",
- "link_to": "Holiday List",
+ "label": "Leave Period",
+ "link_to": "Leave Period",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Leave Type",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Leave Policy",
+ "link_to": "Leave Policy",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Leave Policy",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Leave Policy Assignment",
+ "link_to": "Leave Policy Assignment",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
@@ -290,8 +281,18 @@
"dependencies": "Employee",
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Compensatory Leave Request",
- "link_to": "Compensatory Leave Request",
+ "label": "Leave Application",
+ "link_to": "Leave Application",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Employee",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Leave Allocation",
+ "link_to": "Leave Allocation",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
@@ -317,12 +318,12 @@
"type": "Link"
- "dependencies": "Leave Application",
+ "dependencies": "Employee",
"hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 1,
- "label": "Employee Leave Balance",
- "link_to": "Employee Leave Balance",
- "link_type": "Report",
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Compensatory Leave Request",
+ "link_to": "Compensatory Leave Request",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
@@ -384,16 +385,6 @@
"type": "Link"
- "dependencies": "Attendance",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 1,
- "label": "Monthly Attendance Sheet",
- "link_to": "Monthly Attendance Sheet",
- "link_type": "Report",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
"label": "Expense Claims",
@@ -423,6 +414,15 @@
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Travel Request",
+ "link_to": "Travel Request",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
"label": "Settings",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Card Break"
@@ -465,6 +465,15 @@
"type": "Card Break"
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Driver",
+ "link_to": "Driver",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
"dependencies": "",
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
@@ -544,6 +553,24 @@
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Appointment Letter",
+ "link_to": "Appointment Letter",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Appointment Letter Template",
+ "link_to": "Appointment Letter Template",
+ "link_type": "DocType",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
"label": "Loans",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Card Break"
@@ -628,33 +655,6 @@
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Reports",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Card Break"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Employee",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 1,
- "label": "Employee Birthday",
- "link_to": "Employee Birthday",
- "link_type": "Report",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Employee",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 1,
- "label": "Employees working on a holiday",
- "link_to": "Employees working on a holiday",
- "link_type": "Report",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
"label": "Performance",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Card Break"
@@ -702,7 +702,74 @@
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Tax and Benefits",
+ "label": "Key Reports",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Card Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Attendance",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Monthly Attendance Sheet",
+ "link_to": "Monthly Attendance Sheet",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Staffing Plan",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Recruitment Analytics",
+ "link_to": "Recruitment Analytics",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Employee",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Employee Analytics",
+ "link_to": "Employee Analytics",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Employee",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Employee Leave Balance",
+ "link_to": "Employee Leave Balance",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Employee",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Employee Leave Balance Summary",
+ "link_to": "Employee Leave Balance Summary",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Employee Advance",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Employee Advance Summary",
+ "link_to": "Employee Advance Summary",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 0,
+ "label": "Other Reports",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Card Break"
@@ -710,74 +777,44 @@
"dependencies": "Employee",
"hidden": 0,
"is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Tax Exemption Declaration",
- "link_to": "Employee Tax Exemption Declaration",
- "link_type": "DocType",
+ "label": "Employee Information",
+ "link_to": "Employee Information",
+ "link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
"dependencies": "Employee",
"hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission",
- "link_to": "Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission",
- "link_type": "DocType",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Employee, Payroll Period",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Other Income",
- "link_to": "Employee Other Income",
- "link_type": "DocType",
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Employee Birthday",
+ "link_to": "Employee Birthday",
+ "link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
"dependencies": "Employee",
"hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Benefit Application",
- "link_to": "Employee Benefit Application",
- "link_type": "DocType",
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Employees Working on a Holiday",
+ "link_to": "Employees working on a holiday",
+ "link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
- "dependencies": "Employee",
+ "dependencies": "Daily Work Summary",
"hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Benefit Claim",
- "link_to": "Employee Benefit Claim",
- "link_type": "DocType",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Employee",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Tax Exemption Category",
- "link_to": "Employee Tax Exemption Category",
- "link_type": "DocType",
- "onboard": 0,
- "type": "Link"
- },
- {
- "dependencies": "Employee",
- "hidden": 0,
- "is_query_report": 0,
- "label": "Employee Tax Exemption Sub Category",
- "link_to": "Employee Tax Exemption Sub Category",
- "link_type": "DocType",
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Daily Work Summary Replies",
+ "link_to": "Daily Work Summary Replies",
+ "link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
- "modified": "2021-01-21 13:38:38.941001",
+ "modified": "2021-03-24 17:35:21.483297",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "HR",
"name": "HR",
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/loan.json b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/loan.json
index acf09f5..4f8ceb0 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/loan.json
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/loan.json
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ "closure_date",
@@ -348,12 +349,18 @@
"no_copy": 1,
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "closure_date",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Closure Date",
+ "read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-24 12:27:23.208240",
+ "modified": "2021-04-10 09:28:21.946972",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Loan Management",
"name": "Loan",
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/
index 4b9a894..6f8da31 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan/
@@ -523,33 +523,7 @@
self.assertEqual(flt(repayment_entry.total_interest_paid, 0), flt(interest_amount, 0))
def test_penalty(self):
- pledge = [{
- "loan_security": "Test Security 1",
- "qty": 4000.00
- }]
- loan_application = create_loan_application('_Test Company', self.applicant2, 'Demand Loan', pledge)
- create_pledge(loan_application)
- loan = create_demand_loan(self.applicant2, "Demand Loan", loan_application, posting_date='2019-10-01')
- loan.submit()
- self.assertEquals(loan.loan_amount, 1000000)
- first_date = '2019-10-01'
- last_date = '2019-10-30'
- make_loan_disbursement_entry(, loan.loan_amount, disbursement_date=first_date)
- process_loan_interest_accrual_for_demand_loans(posting_date = last_date)
- amounts = calculate_amounts(, add_days(last_date, 1))
- paid_amount = amounts['interest_amount']/2
- repayment_entry = create_repayment_entry(, self.applicant2, add_days(last_date, 5),
- paid_amount)
- repayment_entry.submit()
+ loan, amounts = create_loan_scenario_for_penalty(self)
# 30 days - grace period
penalty_days = 30 - 4
penalty_applicable_amount = flt(amounts['interest_amount']/2)
@@ -559,8 +533,28 @@
calculated_penalty_amount = frappe.db.get_value('Loan Interest Accrual',
{'process_loan_interest_accrual': process, 'loan':}, 'penalty_amount')
+ self.assertEquals(loan.loan_amount, 1000000)
self.assertEquals(calculated_penalty_amount, penalty_amount)
+ def test_penalty_repayment(self):
+ loan, dummy = create_loan_scenario_for_penalty(self)
+ amounts = calculate_amounts(, '2019-11-30 00:00:00')
+ first_penalty = 10000
+ second_penalty = amounts['penalty_amount'] - 10000
+ repayment_entry = create_repayment_entry(, self.applicant2, '2019-11-30 00:00:00', 10000)
+ repayment_entry.submit()
+ amounts = calculate_amounts(, '2019-11-30 00:00:01')
+ self.assertEquals(amounts['penalty_amount'], second_penalty)
+ repayment_entry = create_repayment_entry(, self.applicant2, '2019-11-30 00:00:01', second_penalty)
+ repayment_entry.submit()
+ amounts = calculate_amounts(, '2019-11-30 00:00:02')
+ self.assertEquals(amounts['penalty_amount'], 0)
def test_loan_write_off_limit(self):
pledge = [{
"loan_security": "Test Security 1",
@@ -651,6 +645,32 @@
amounts = calculate_amounts(, add_days(last_date, 5))
self.assertEquals(flt(amounts['pending_principal_amount'], 0), 0)
+def create_loan_scenario_for_penalty(doc):
+ pledge = [{
+ "loan_security": "Test Security 1",
+ "qty": 4000.00
+ }]
+ loan_application = create_loan_application('_Test Company', doc.applicant2, 'Demand Loan', pledge)
+ create_pledge(loan_application)
+ loan = create_demand_loan(doc.applicant2, "Demand Loan", loan_application, posting_date='2019-10-01')
+ loan.submit()
+ first_date = '2019-10-01'
+ last_date = '2019-10-30'
+ make_loan_disbursement_entry(, loan.loan_amount, disbursement_date=first_date)
+ process_loan_interest_accrual_for_demand_loans(posting_date = last_date)
+ amounts = calculate_amounts(, add_days(last_date, 1))
+ paid_amount = amounts['interest_amount']/2
+ repayment_entry = create_repayment_entry(, doc.applicant2, add_days(last_date, 5),
+ paid_amount)
+ repayment_entry.submit()
+ return loan, amounts
def create_loan_accounts():
if not frappe.db.exists("Account", "Loans and Advances (Assets) - _TC"):
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_disbursement/loan_disbursement.json b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_disbursement/loan_disbursement.json
index cd5df4d..662c626 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_disbursement/loan_disbursement.json
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_disbursement/loan_disbursement.json
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
+ "disbursement_references_section",
+ "reference_date",
+ "column_break_17",
+ "reference_number",
"fields": [
@@ -126,12 +130,31 @@
"fieldname": "column_break_8",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "disbursement_references_section",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "label": "Disbursement References"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "reference_date",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Reference Date"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "column_break_17",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "reference_number",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Reference Number"
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-06 10:04:30.882322",
+ "modified": "2021-04-10 10:03:41.502210",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Loan Management",
"name": "Loan Disbursement",
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/loan_repayment.json b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/loan_repayment.json
index 2b5df4b..8fbf233 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/loan_repayment.json
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/loan_repayment.json
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ "shortfall_amount",
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
+ "total_penalty_paid",
@@ -226,12 +228,27 @@
"fieldtype": "Percent",
"label": "Rate Of Interest",
"read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "shortfall_amount",
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "label": "Shortfall Amount",
+ "options": "Company:company:default_currency",
+ "read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "total_penalty_paid",
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "hidden": 1,
+ "label": "Total Penalty Paid",
+ "options": "Company:company:default_currency",
+ "read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-11-05 10:06:58.792841",
+ "modified": "2021-04-10 10:00:31.859076",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Loan Management",
"name": "Loan Repayment",
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/
index bac06c4..728eadf 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_repayment/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
def validate(self):
amounts = calculate_amounts(self.against_loan, self.posting_date)
+ self.check_future_entries()
@@ -60,19 +61,28 @@
if not self.payable_amount:
self.payable_amount = flt(amounts['payable_amount'], precision)
+ shortfall_amount = flt(frappe.db.get_value('Loan Security Shortfall', {'loan': self.against_loan, 'status': 'Pending'},
+ 'shortfall_amount'))
+ if shortfall_amount:
+ self.shortfall_amount = shortfall_amount
if amounts.get('due_date'):
self.due_date = amounts.get('due_date')
+ def check_future_entries(self):
+ future_repayment_date = frappe.db.get_value("Loan Repayment", {"posting_date": (">", self.posting_date),
+ "docstatus": 1, "against_loan": self.against_loan}, 'posting_date')
+ if future_repayment_date:
+ frappe.throw("Repayment already made till date {0}".format(get_datetime(future_repayment_date)))
def validate_amount(self):
precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("currency_precision")) or 2
if not self.amount_paid:
frappe.throw(_("Amount paid cannot be zero"))
- if self.amount_paid < self.penalty_amount:
- msg = _("Paid amount cannot be less than {0}").format(self.penalty_amount)
- frappe.throw(msg)
def book_unaccrued_interest(self):
precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("currency_precision")) or 2
if self.total_interest_paid > self.interest_payable:
@@ -148,11 +158,28 @@
def allocate_amounts(self, repayment_details):
self.set('repayment_details', [])
self.principal_amount_paid = 0
- total_interest_paid = 0
- interest_paid = self.amount_paid - self.penalty_amount
+ self.total_penalty_paid = 0
+ interest_paid = self.amount_paid
- if self.amount_paid - self.penalty_amount > 0:
- interest_paid = self.amount_paid - self.penalty_amount
+ if self.shortfall_amount and self.amount_paid > self.shortfall_amount:
+ self.principal_amount_paid = self.shortfall_amount
+ elif self.shortfall_amount:
+ self.principal_amount_paid = self.amount_paid
+ interest_paid -= self.principal_amount_paid
+ if interest_paid > 0:
+ if self.penalty_amount and interest_paid > self.penalty_amount:
+ self.total_penalty_paid = self.penalty_amount
+ elif self.penalty_amount:
+ self.total_penalty_paid = interest_paid
+ interest_paid -= self.total_penalty_paid
+ total_interest_paid = 0
+ # interest_paid = self.amount_paid - self.principal_amount_paid - self.penalty_amount
+ if interest_paid > 0:
for lia, amounts in iteritems(repayment_details.get('pending_accrual_entries', [])):
if amounts['interest_amount'] + amounts['payable_principal_amount'] <= interest_paid:
interest_amount = amounts['interest_amount']
@@ -177,7 +204,7 @@
'paid_principal_amount': paid_principal
- if repayment_details['unaccrued_interest'] and interest_paid:
+ if repayment_details['unaccrued_interest'] and interest_paid > 0:
# no of days for which to accrue interest
# Interest can only be accrued for an entire day and not partial
if interest_paid > repayment_details['unaccrued_interest']:
@@ -193,20 +220,28 @@
interest_paid -= no_of_days * per_day_interest
self.total_interest_paid = total_interest_paid
- if interest_paid:
+ if interest_paid > 0:
self.principal_amount_paid += interest_paid
def make_gl_entries(self, cancel=0, adv_adj=0):
gle_map = []
loan_details = frappe.get_doc("Loan", self.against_loan)
- if self.penalty_amount:
+ if self.shortfall_amount and self.amount_paid > self.shortfall_amount:
+ remarks = _("Shortfall Repayment of {0}.\nRepayment against Loan: {1}").format(self.shortfall_amount,
+ self.against_loan)
+ elif self.shortfall_amount:
+ remarks = _("Shortfall Repayment of {0}").format(self.shortfall_amount)
+ else:
+ remarks = _("Repayment against Loan: ") + self.against_loan
+ if self.total_penalty_paid:
"account": loan_details.loan_account,
"against": loan_details.payment_account,
- "debit": self.penalty_amount,
- "debit_in_account_currency": self.penalty_amount,
+ "debit": self.total_penalty_paid,
+ "debit_in_account_currency": self.total_penalty_paid,
"against_voucher_type": "Loan",
"against_voucher": self.against_loan,
"remarks": _("Penalty against loan:") + self.against_loan,
@@ -221,8 +256,8 @@
"account": loan_details.penalty_income_account,
"against": loan_details.payment_account,
- "credit": self.penalty_amount,
- "credit_in_account_currency": self.penalty_amount,
+ "credit": self.total_penalty_paid,
+ "credit_in_account_currency": self.total_penalty_paid,
"against_voucher_type": "Loan",
"against_voucher": self.against_loan,
"remarks": _("Penalty against loan:") + self.against_loan,
@@ -240,7 +275,7 @@
"debit_in_account_currency": self.amount_paid,
"against_voucher_type": "Loan",
"against_voucher": self.against_loan,
- "remarks": _("Repayment against Loan: ") + self.against_loan,
+ "remarks": remarks,
"cost_center": self.cost_center,
"posting_date": getdate(self.posting_date)
@@ -256,7 +291,7 @@
"credit_in_account_currency": self.amount_paid,
"against_voucher_type": "Loan",
"against_voucher": self.against_loan,
- "remarks": _("Repayment against Loan: ") + self.against_loan,
+ "remarks": remarks,
"cost_center": self.cost_center,
"posting_date": getdate(self.posting_date)
@@ -284,7 +319,9 @@
return lr
-def get_accrued_interest_entries(against_loan):
+def get_accrued_interest_entries(against_loan, posting_date=None):
+ if not posting_date:
+ posting_date = getdate()
unpaid_accrued_entries = frappe.db.sql(
@@ -295,15 +332,28 @@
`tabLoan Interest Accrual`
loan = %s
+ AND posting_date <= %s
AND (interest_amount - paid_interest_amount > 0 OR
payable_principal_amount - paid_principal_amount > 0)
docstatus = 1
ORDER BY posting_date
- """, (against_loan), as_dict=1)
+ """, (against_loan, posting_date), as_dict=1)
return unpaid_accrued_entries
+def get_penalty_details(against_loan):
+ penalty_details = frappe.db.sql("""
+ SELECT posting_date, (penalty_amount - total_penalty_paid) as pending_penalty_amount
+ FROM `tabLoan Repayment` where posting_date >= (SELECT MAX(posting_date) from `tabLoan Repayment`
+ where against_loan = %s) and docstatus = 1 and against_loan = %s
+ """, (against_loan, against_loan))
+ if penalty_details:
+ return penalty_details[0][0], flt(penalty_details[0][1])
+ else:
+ return None, 0
# This function returns the amounts that are payable at the time of loan repayment based on posting date
# So it pulls all the unpaid Loan Interest Accrual Entries and calculates the penalty if applicable
@@ -312,8 +362,9 @@
against_loan_doc = frappe.get_doc("Loan", against_loan)
loan_type_details = frappe.get_doc("Loan Type", against_loan_doc.loan_type)
- accrued_interest_entries = get_accrued_interest_entries(
+ accrued_interest_entries = get_accrued_interest_entries(, posting_date)
+ computed_penalty_date, pending_penalty_amount = get_penalty_details(against_loan)
pending_accrual_entries = {}
total_pending_interest = 0
@@ -328,8 +379,13 @@
# and if no_of_late days are positive then penalty is levied
due_date = add_days(entry.posting_date, 1)
- no_of_late_days = date_diff(posting_date,
- add_days(due_date, loan_type_details.grace_period_in_days)) + 1
+ due_date_after_grace_period = add_days(due_date, loan_type_details.grace_period_in_days)
+ # Consider one day after already calculated penalty
+ if computed_penalty_date and getdate(computed_penalty_date) >= due_date_after_grace_period:
+ due_date_after_grace_period = add_days(computed_penalty_date, 1)
+ no_of_late_days = date_diff(posting_date, due_date_after_grace_period) + 1
if no_of_late_days > 0 and (not against_loan_doc.repay_from_salary) and entry.accrual_type == 'Regular':
penalty_amount += (entry.interest_amount * (loan_type_details.penalty_interest_rate / 100) * no_of_late_days)
@@ -367,7 +423,7 @@
amounts["pending_principal_amount"] = flt(pending_principal_amount, precision)
amounts["payable_principal_amount"] = flt(payable_principal_amount, precision)
amounts["interest_amount"] = flt(total_pending_interest, precision)
- amounts["penalty_amount"] = flt(penalty_amount, precision)
+ amounts["penalty_amount"] = flt(penalty_amount + pending_penalty_amount, precision)
amounts["payable_amount"] = flt(payable_principal_amount + total_pending_interest + penalty_amount, precision)
amounts["pending_accrual_entries"] = pending_accrual_entries
amounts["unaccrued_interest"] = flt(unaccrued_interest, precision)
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/loan_security_shortfall.json b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/loan_security_shortfall.json
index 102bc0d..99b5c72 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/loan_security_shortfall.json
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/loan_security_shortfall.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ "actions": [],
"autoname": "LM-LSS-.#####",
"creation": "2019-09-06 11:33:34.709540",
"doctype": "DocType",
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
+ "shortfall_percentage",
@@ -85,10 +87,18 @@
"fieldname": "column_break_8",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "shortfall_percentage",
+ "fieldtype": "Percent",
+ "label": "Shortfall Percentage",
+ "read_only": 1
"in_create": 1,
- "modified": "2019-10-24 06:24:26.128997",
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2021-04-01 08:13:43.263772",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Loan Management",
"name": "Loan Security Shortfall",
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/
index b5e7898..8233b7b 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_shortfall/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
class LoanSecurityShortfall(Document):
-def update_shortfall_status(loan, security_value):
+def update_shortfall_status(loan, security_value, on_cancel=0):
loan_security_shortfall = frappe.db.get_value("Loan Security Shortfall",
{"loan": loan, "status": "Pending"}, ['name', 'shortfall_amount'], as_dict=1)
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
if security_value >= loan_security_shortfall.shortfall_amount:
frappe.db.set_value("Loan Security Shortfall",, {
"status": "Completed",
- "shortfall_amount": loan_security_shortfall.shortfall_amount})
+ "shortfall_amount": loan_security_shortfall.shortfall_amount,
+ "shortfall_percentage": 0
+ })
frappe.db.set_value("Loan Security Shortfall",,
"shortfall_amount", loan_security_shortfall.shortfall_amount - security_value)
@@ -65,7 +67,8 @@
outstanding_amount = flt(loan.total_payment) - flt(loan.total_interest_payable) \
- flt(loan.total_principal_paid)
- outstanding_amount = loan.disbursed_amount
+ outstanding_amount = flt(loan.disbursed_amount) - flt(loan.total_interest_payable) \
+ - flt(loan.total_principal_paid)
pledged_securities = get_pledged_security_qty(
ltv_ratio = ''
@@ -81,14 +84,15 @@
if current_ratio > ltv_ratio:
shortfall_amount = outstanding_amount - ((security_value * ltv_ratio) / 100)
create_loan_security_shortfall(, outstanding_amount, security_value, shortfall_amount,
- process_loan_security_shortfall)
+ current_ratio, process_loan_security_shortfall)
elif loan_shortfall_map.get(
shortfall_amount = outstanding_amount - ((security_value * ltv_ratio) / 100)
if shortfall_amount <= 0:
shortfall = loan_shortfall_map.get(
-def create_loan_security_shortfall(loan, loan_amount, security_value, shortfall_amount, process_loan_security_shortfall):
+def create_loan_security_shortfall(loan, loan_amount, security_value, shortfall_amount, shortfall_ratio,
+ process_loan_security_shortfall):
existing_shortfall = frappe.db.get_value("Loan Security Shortfall", {"loan": loan, "status": "Pending"}, "name")
if existing_shortfall:
@@ -101,6 +105,7 @@
ltv_shortfall.loan_amount = loan_amount
ltv_shortfall.security_value = security_value
ltv_shortfall.shortfall_amount = shortfall_amount
+ ltv_shortfall.shortfall_percentage = shortfall_ratio
ltv_shortfall.process_loan_security_shortfall = process_loan_security_shortfall
@@ -114,6 +119,7 @@
frappe.db.set_value("Loan Security Shortfall", shortfall,
"status": "Completed",
- "shortfall_amount": 0
+ "shortfall_amount": 0,
+ "shortfall_percentage": 0
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_unpledge/ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_unpledge/
index c4c2d68..b24dc2f 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_unpledge/
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/loan_security_unpledge/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.model.document import Document
-from frappe.utils import get_datetime, flt
+from frappe.utils import get_datetime, flt, getdate
import json
from six import iteritems
from erpnext.loan_management.doctype.loan_security_price.loan_security_price import get_loan_security_price
@@ -113,7 +113,11 @@
pledged_qty += qty
if not pledged_qty:
- frappe.db.set_value('Loan',, 'status', 'Closed')
+ frappe.db.set_value('Loan',,
+ {
+ 'status': 'Closed',
+ 'closure_date': getdate()
+ })
def get_pledged_security_qty(loan):
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/salary_slip_loan/salary_slip_loan.json b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/salary_slip_loan/salary_slip_loan.json
index 2f4fe24..3d07081 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/salary_slip_loan/salary_slip_loan.json
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/doctype/salary_slip_loan/salary_slip_loan.json
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@
"fieldname": "loan_repayment_entry",
"fieldtype": "Link",
+ "hidden": 1,
"label": "Loan Repayment Entry",
+ "no_copy": 1,
"options": "Loan Repayment",
"read_only": 1
@@ -83,9 +85,10 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-04-16 13:17:04.798335",
+ "modified": "2021-03-14 20:47:11.725818",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Loan Management",
"name": "Salary Slip Loan",
diff --git a/erpnext/loan_management/report/loan_interest_report/ b/erpnext/loan_management/report/loan_interest_report/
index 0f72c3c..2a74a1e 100644
--- a/erpnext/loan_management/report/loan_interest_report/
+++ b/erpnext/loan_management/report/loan_interest_report/
@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@
currency = erpnext.get_company_currency(filters.get('company'))
for loan in loan_details:
+ total_payment = loan.total_payment if loan.status == 'Disbursed' else loan.disbursed_amount
"sanctioned_amount": flt(sanctioned_amount_map.get(loan.applicant_name)),
- "principal_outstanding": flt(loan.total_payment) - flt(loan.total_principal_paid) \
+ "principal_outstanding": flt(total_payment) - flt(loan.total_principal_paid) \
- flt(loan.total_interest_payable) - flt(loan.written_off_amount),
"total_repayment": flt(payments.get(,
"accrued_interest": flt(accrual_map.get(, {}).get("accrued_interest")),
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/
index 0e9a21c..7ba43d6 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
return [{
"doctype": "Dashboard Chart",
"based_on": "modified",
- "time_interval": "Yearly",
"chart_type": "Sum",
"chart_name": _("Produced Quantity"),
"name": "Produced Quantity",
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
}, {
"doctype": "Dashboard Chart",
"based_on": "creation",
- "time_interval": "Yearly",
"chart_type": "Sum",
"chart_name": _("Completed Operation"),
"name": "Completed Operation",
@@ -238,4 +236,4 @@
"label": _("Monthly Quality Inspections"),
"show_percentage_stats": 1,
"stats_time_interval": "Weekly"
- }]
\ No newline at end of file
+ }]
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom/
index 3239478..7108338 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import unittest
import frappe
-from frappe.utils import cstr
+from frappe.utils import cstr, flt
from frappe.test_runner import make_test_records
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_reconciliation.test_stock_reconciliation import create_stock_reconciliation
from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.bom_update_tool.bom_update_tool import update_cost
@@ -81,15 +81,27 @@
bom = frappe.copy_doc(test_records[2])
- # test amounts in selected currency
- self.assertEqual(bom.operating_cost, 100)
- self.assertEqual(bom.raw_material_cost, 351.68)
- self.assertEqual(bom.total_cost, 451.68)
+ raw_material_cost = 0.0
+ op_cost = 0.0
+ for op_row in bom.operations:
+ op_cost += op_row.operating_cost
+ for row in bom.items:
+ raw_material_cost += row.amount
+ base_raw_material_cost = raw_material_cost * flt(bom.conversion_rate, bom.precision("conversion_rate"))
+ base_op_cost = op_cost * flt(bom.conversion_rate, bom.precision("conversion_rate"))
+ # test amounts in selected currency, almostEqual checks for 7 digits by default
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(bom.operating_cost, op_cost)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(bom.raw_material_cost, raw_material_cost)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(bom.total_cost, raw_material_cost + op_cost)
# test amounts in selected currency
- self.assertEqual(bom.base_operating_cost, 6000)
- self.assertEqual(bom.base_raw_material_cost, 21100.80)
- self.assertEqual(bom.base_total_cost, 27100.80)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(bom.base_operating_cost, base_op_cost)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(bom.base_raw_material_cost, base_raw_material_cost)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(bom.base_total_cost, base_raw_material_cost + base_op_cost)
def test_bom_cost_multi_uom_multi_currency_based_on_price_list(self):
frappe.db.set_value("Price List", "_Test Price List", "price_not_uom_dependent", 1)
@@ -134,7 +146,13 @@
bom.items[0].conversion_factor = 6
- reset_item_valuation_rate(item_code='_Test Item', qty=200, rate=200)
+ reset_item_valuation_rate(
+ item_code='_Test Item',
+ warehouse_list=frappe.get_all("Warehouse",
+ {"is_group":0, "company":}, pluck="name"),
+ qty=200,
+ rate=200
+ )
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom_update_tool/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom_update_tool/
index 742d18c..8fbcd4e 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom_update_tool/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/bom_update_tool/
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@
rate=%s, amount=stock_qty*%s where bom_no = %s and docstatus < 2 and parenttype='BOM'""",
(self.new_bom, unit_cost, unit_cost, self.current_bom))
- def get_parent_boms(self, bom, bom_list=[]):
+ def get_parent_boms(self, bom, bom_list=None):
+ if bom_list is None:
+ bom_list = []
data = frappe.db.sql("""SELECT DISTINCT parent FROM `tabBOM Item`
WHERE bom_no = %s AND docstatus < 2 AND parenttype='BOM'""", bom)
@@ -106,4 +108,4 @@
for bom in bom_list:
frappe.get_doc("BOM", bom).update_cost(update_parent=False, from_child_bom=True)
- frappe.db.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 0
\ No newline at end of file
+ frappe.db.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 0
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/
index 8aa0ffd..fb26062 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/job_card/
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
if d.completed_qty:
self.total_completed_qty += d.completed_qty
+ self.total_completed_qty = flt(self.total_completed_qty, self.precision("total_completed_qty"))
def get_overlap_for(self, args, check_next_available_slot=False):
production_capacity = 1
@@ -431,6 +433,7 @@
def make_stock_entry(source_name, target_doc=None):
def update_item(obj, target, source_parent):
target.t_warehouse = source_parent.wip_warehouse
+ target.conversion_factor = 1
def set_missing_values(source, target):
target.purpose = "Material Transfer for Manufacture"
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/
index cef2d8b..a3e23a6 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan/
@@ -561,7 +561,6 @@
'item_name': row.item_name,
'quantity': required_qty,
'required_bom_qty': total_qty,
- 'description': row.description,
'stock_uom': row.get("stock_uom"),
'warehouse': warehouse or row.get('source_warehouse') \
or row.get('default_warehouse') or item_group_defaults.get("default_warehouse"),
@@ -766,7 +765,7 @@
to_enable = frappe.bold(_("Ignore Existing Projected Quantity"))
warehouse = frappe.bold(doc.get('for_warehouse'))
message = _("As there are sufficient raw materials, Material Request is not required for Warehouse {0}.").format(warehouse) + "<br><br>"
- message += _(" If you still want to proceed, please enable {0}.").format(to_enable)
+ message += _("If you still want to proceed, please enable {0}.").format(to_enable)
frappe.msgprint(message, title=_("Note"))
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/routing.js b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/routing.js
index 9b1a8ca..032c9cd 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/routing.js
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/routing.js
@@ -11,10 +11,9 @@
display_sequence_id_column: function(frm) {
- frappe.meta.get_docfield("BOM Operation", "sequence_id",
- = true;
- frm.fields_dict.operations.grid.refresh();
+ frm.fields_dict.operations.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'sequence_id', 'in_list_view', 1
+ );
calculate_operating_cost: function(frm, child) {
@@ -69,4 +68,4 @@
const d = locals[cdt][cdn];, d);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/
index 7071bc1..6a38dcf 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/routing/
@@ -13,8 +13,15 @@
from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.work_order.test_work_order import make_wo_order_test_record
class TestRouting(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls.item_code = "Test Routing Item - A"
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ frappe.db.sql('delete from tabBOM where item=%s', cls.item_code)
def test_sequence_id(self):
- item_code = "Test Routing Item - A"
operations = [{"operation": "Test Operation A", "workstation": "Test Workstation A", "time_in_mins": 30},
{"operation": "Test Operation B", "workstation": "Test Workstation A", "time_in_mins": 20}]
@@ -22,8 +29,8 @@
routing_doc = create_routing(routing_name="Testing Route", operations=operations)
- bom_doc = setup_bom(item_code=item_code,
- wo_doc = make_wo_order_test_record(production_item = item_code,
+ bom_doc = setup_bom(item_code=self.item_code,
+ wo_doc = make_wo_order_test_record(production_item = self.item_code,
for row in routing_doc.operations:
self.assertEqual(row.sequence_id, row.idx)
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/work_order/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/work_order/
index 08291d1..6b1fafe 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/work_order/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/work_order/
@@ -371,14 +371,14 @@
def test_job_card(self):
stock_entries = []
- data = frappe.get_cached_value('BOM',
- {'docstatus': 1, 'with_operations': 1, 'company': '_Test Company'}, ['name', 'item'])
+ bom = frappe.get_doc('BOM', {
+ 'docstatus': 1,
+ 'with_operations': 1,
+ 'company': '_Test Company'
+ })
- bom, bom_item = data
- bom_doc = frappe.get_doc('BOM', bom)
- work_order = make_wo_order_test_record(item=bom_item, qty=1,
- bom_no=bom, source_warehouse="_Test Warehouse - _TC")
+ work_order = make_wo_order_test_record(item=bom.item, qty=1,
+, source_warehouse="_Test Warehouse - _TC")
for row in work_order.required_items:
stock_entry_doc = test_stock_entry.make_stock_entry(item_code=row.item_code,
@@ -390,14 +390,14 @@
job_cards = frappe.get_all('Job Card', filters = {'work_order':})
- self.assertEqual(len(job_cards), len(bom_doc.operations))
+ self.assertEqual(len(job_cards), len(bom.operations))
for i, job_card in enumerate(job_cards):
doc = frappe.get_doc("Job Card", job_card)
doc.append("time_logs", {
- "from_time": now(),
- "hours": i,
- "to_time": add_to_date(now(), i),
+ "from_time": add_to_date(None, i),
+ "hours": 1,
+ "to_time": add_to_date(None, i + 1),
"completed_qty": doc.for_quantity
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/module_onboarding/manufacturing/manufacturing.json b/erpnext/manufacturing/module_onboarding/manufacturing/manufacturing.json
index 7b5747e..7317152 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/module_onboarding/manufacturing/manufacturing.json
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/module_onboarding/manufacturing/manufacturing.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"documentation_url": "",
"idx": 0,
"is_complete": 0,
- "modified": "2020-07-08 14:05:56.197563",
+ "modified": "2020-06-29 20:25:36.899106",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Manufacturing",
"name": "Manufacturing",
@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@
"subtitle": "Products, Raw Materials, BOM, Work Order, and more.",
"success_message": "Manufacturing module is all set up!",
"title": "Let's Set Up the Manufacturing Module."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches.txt b/erpnext/patches.txt
index aabefb8..620cc5b 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches.txt
+++ b/erpnext/patches.txt
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@
execute:frappe.reload_doc('desk', 'doctype', 'number_card_link')
execute:frappe.delete_doc_if_exists('Dashboard', 'Accounts')
-erpnext.patches.v13_0.set_company_field_in_healthcare_doctypes #2020-05-25
+erpnext.patches.v13_0.set_company_field_in_healthcare_doctypes #2021-04-16
execute:frappe.delete_doc("Report", "Department Analytics")
execute:frappe.rename_doc("Desk Page", "Loan Management", "Loan", force=True)
@@ -756,10 +756,20 @@
+erpnext.patches.v12_0.add_einvoice_status_field #2021-03-17
execute:frappe.db.set_value('System Settings', None, 'app_name', 'ERPNext')
+erpnext.patches.v13_0.make_non_standard_user_type #13-04-2021
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6bd5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+def execute():
+ company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'India'})
+ if not company or not frappe.db.count('E Invoice User'):
+ return
+ frappe.reload_doc("regional", "doctype", "e_invoice_user")
+ for creds in frappe.db.get_all('E Invoice User', fields=['name', 'gstin']):
+ company_name = frappe.db.sql("""
+ select dl.link_name from `tabAddress` a, `tabDynamic Link` dl
+ where a.gstin = %s and dl.parent = and dl.link_doctype = 'Company'
+ """, (creds.get('gstin')))
+ if company_name and len(company_name) > 0:
+ frappe.db.set_value('E Invoice User', creds.get('name'), 'company', company_name[0][0])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d649dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_fields
+import frappe
+def execute():
+ company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'Italy'})
+ if not company:
+ return
+ custom_fields = {
+ 'Sales Invoice': [
+ dict(fieldname='type_of_document', label='Type of Document',
+ fieldtype='Select', insert_after='customer_fiscal_code',
+ options='\nTD01\nTD02\nTD03\nTD04\nTD05\nTD06\nTD16\nTD17\nTD18\nTD19\nTD20\nTD21\nTD22\nTD23\nTD24\nTD25\nTD26\nTD27'),
+ ]
+ }
+ create_custom_fields(custom_fields, update=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387e885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import json
+import frappe
+from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_fields
+def execute():
+ company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'India'})
+ if not company:
+ return
+ # move hidden einvoice fields to a different section
+ custom_fields = {
+ 'Sales Invoice': [
+ dict(fieldname='einvoice_section', label='E-Invoice Fields', fieldtype='Section Break', insert_after='gst_vehicle_type',
+ print_hide=1, hidden=1),
+ dict(fieldname='ack_no', label='Ack. No.', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='einvoice_section',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
+ dict(fieldname='ack_date', label='Ack. Date', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='ack_no', no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
+ dict(fieldname='irn_cancel_date', label='Cancel Date', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='ack_date',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
+ dict(fieldname='signed_einvoice', label='Signed E-Invoice', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, insert_after='irn_cancel_date',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='signed_qr_code', label='Signed QRCode', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, insert_after='signed_einvoice',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='qrcode_image', label='QRCode', fieldtype='Attach Image', hidden=1, insert_after='signed_qr_code',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='einvoice_status', label='E-Invoice Status', fieldtype='Select', insert_after='qrcode_image',
+ options='\nPending\nGenerated\nCancelled\nFailed', default=None, hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='failure_description', label='E-Invoice Failure Description', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON',
+ hidden=1, insert_after='einvoice_status', no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1)
+ ]
+ }
+ create_custom_fields(custom_fields, update=True)
+ if frappe.db.exists('E Invoice Settings') and frappe.db.get_single_value('E Invoice Settings', 'enable'):
+ frappe.db.sql('''
+ UPDATE `tabSales Invoice` SET einvoice_status = 'Pending'
+ posting_date >= '2021-04-01'
+ AND ifnull(irn, '') = ''
+ AND ifnull(`billing_address_gstin`, '') != ifnull(`company_gstin`, '')
+ AND ifnull(gst_category, '') in ('Registered Regular', 'SEZ', 'Overseas', 'Deemed Export')
+ ''')
+ # set appropriate statuses
+ frappe.db.sql('''UPDATE `tabSales Invoice` SET einvoice_status = 'Generated'
+ WHERE ifnull(irn, '') != '' AND ifnull(irn_cancelled, 0) = 0''')
+ frappe.db.sql('''UPDATE `tabSales Invoice` SET einvoice_status = 'Cancelled'
+ WHERE ifnull(irn_cancelled, 0) = 1''')
+ # set correct acknowledgement in e-invoices
+ einvoices = frappe.get_all('Sales Invoice', {'irn': ['is', 'set']}, ['name', 'signed_einvoice'])
+ if einvoices:
+ for inv in einvoices:
+ signed_einvoice = inv.get('signed_einvoice')
+ if signed_einvoice:
+ signed_einvoice = json.loads(signed_einvoice)
+ frappe.db.set_value('Sales Invoice', inv.get('name'), 'ack_no', signed_einvoice.get('AckNo'), update_modified=False)
+ frappe.db.set_value('Sales Invoice', inv.get('name'), 'ack_date', signed_einvoice.get('AckDt'), update_modified=False)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8f566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+def execute():
+ company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'India'})
+ if not company:
+ return
+ if frappe.db.exists('Report', 'E-Invoice Summary') and \
+ not frappe.db.get_value('Custom Role', dict(report='E-Invoice Summary')):
+ frappe.get_doc(dict(
+ doctype='Custom Role',
+ report='E-Invoice Summary',
+ roles= [
+ dict(role='Accounts User'),
+ dict(role='Accounts Manager')
+ ]
+ )).insert()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1208222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_fields
+def execute():
+ company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'India'})
+ if not company:
+ return
+ custom_fields = {
+ 'Delivery Note': [
+ dict(fieldname='gst_category', label='GST Category',
+ fieldtype='Select', insert_after='gst_vehicle_type', print_hide=1,
+ options='\nRegistered Regular\nRegistered Composition\nUnregistered\nSEZ\nOverseas\nConsumer\nDeemed Export\nUIN Holders',
+ fetch_from='customer.gst_category', fetch_if_empty=1),
+ ]
+ }
+ create_custom_fields(custom_fields, update=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c9fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_fields
+def execute():
+ company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'India'})
+ if not company:
+ return
+ custom_fields = {
+ 'Sales Invoice Item': [
+ dict(fieldname='taxable_value', label='Taxable Value',
+ fieldtype='Currency', insert_after='base_net_amount', hidden=1, options="Company:company:default_currency",
+ print_hide=1)
+ ]
+ }
+ create_custom_fields(custom_fields, update=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a99b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+""" This patch fixes old purchase receipts (PR) where even after submitting
+ the PR, the `status` remains "Draft". `per_billed` field was copied over from previous
+ doc (PO), hence it is recalculated for setting new correct status of PR.
+import frappe
+logger = frappe.logger("patch", allow_site=True, file_count=50)
+def execute():
+ affected_purchase_receipts = frappe.db.sql(
+ """select name from `tabPurchase Receipt`
+ where status = 'Draft' and per_billed = 100 and docstatus = 1"""
+ )
+ if not affected_purchase_receipts:
+ return
+"purchase_receipt_status: begin patch, PR count: {}"
+ .format(len(affected_purchase_receipts)))
+ for pr in affected_purchase_receipts:
+ pr_name = pr[0]
+"purchase_receipt_status: patching PR - {}".format(pr_name))
+ pr_doc = frappe.get_doc("Purchase Receipt", pr_name)
+ pr_doc.update_billing_status(update_modified=False)
+ pr_doc.set_status(update=True, update_modified=False)
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
similarity index 83%
rename from erpnext/patches/v13_0/
rename to erpnext/patches/v12_0/
index c26cddb..01a4ae0 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import frappe
def execute():
+ frappe.reload_doc('custom', 'doctype', 'custom_field')
company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'India'})
if not company:
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index 9ad48e2..c92d52d 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -8,36 +8,39 @@
def execute():
- doctypes = ['salary_component',
- 'Employee Tax Exemption Declaration',
- 'Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission',
- 'Employee Tax Exemption Declaration Category',
- 'Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission Detail'
- ]
+ doctypes = ['salary_component',
+ 'Employee Tax Exemption Declaration',
+ 'Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission',
+ 'Employee Tax Exemption Declaration Category',
+ 'Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission Detail',
+ 'gratuity_rule',
+ 'gratuity_rule_slab',
+ 'gratuity_applicable_component'
+ ]
- for doctype in doctypes:
- frappe.reload_doc('Payroll', 'doctype', doctype)
+ for doctype in doctypes:
+ frappe.reload_doc('Payroll', 'doctype', doctype)
- reports = ['Professional Tax Deductions', 'Provident Fund Deductions']
- for report in reports:
- frappe.reload_doc('Regional', 'Report', report)
- frappe.reload_doc('Regional', 'Report', report)
+ reports = ['Professional Tax Deductions', 'Provident Fund Deductions']
+ for report in reports:
+ frappe.reload_doc('Regional', 'Report', report)
+ frappe.reload_doc('Regional', 'Report', report)
- if erpnext.get_region() == "India":
- setup(patch=True)
+ if erpnext.get_region() == "India":
+ setup(patch=True)
- if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "Income Tax"):
- frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "Income Tax", "is_income_tax_component", 1)
- if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "TDS"):
- frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "TDS", "is_income_tax_component", 1)
+ if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "Income Tax"):
+ frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "Income Tax", "is_income_tax_component", 1)
+ if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "TDS"):
+ frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "TDS", "is_income_tax_component", 1)
- components = frappe.db.sql("select name from `tabSalary Component` where variable_based_on_taxable_salary = 1", as_dict=1)
- for component in components:
- frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component",, "is_income_tax_component", 1)
+ components = frappe.db.sql("select name from `tabSalary Component` where variable_based_on_taxable_salary = 1", as_dict=1)
+ for component in components:
+ frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component",, "is_income_tax_component", 1)
- if erpnext.get_region() == "India":
- if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "Provident Fund"):
- frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "Provident Fund", "component_type", "Provident Fund")
- if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "Professional Tax"):
- frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "Professional Tax", "component_type", "Professional Tax")
\ No newline at end of file
+ if erpnext.get_region() == "India":
+ if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "Provident Fund"):
+ frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "Provident Fund", "component_type", "Provident Fund")
+ if frappe.db.exists("Salary Component", "Professional Tax"):
+ frappe.db.set_value("Salary Component", "Professional Tax", "component_type", "Professional Tax")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index 48d5cb4..59b2e49 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -11,4 +11,8 @@
if not company:
+ frappe.reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'pos_invoice')
+ frappe.reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'pos_invoice_item')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61dc824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import frappe
+def execute():
+ frappe.db.sql("""
+ update tabCustomer
+ set represents_company = NULL
+ where represents_company = ''
+ """)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index 5920bf1..a78f802 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
for old_dt, new_dt in doctypes.items():
if not frappe.db.table_exists(new_dt) and frappe.db.table_exists(old_dt):
+ frappe.reload_doc('healthcare', 'doctype', frappe.scrub(old_dt))
frappe.rename_doc('DocType', old_dt, new_dt, force=True)
frappe.reload_doc('healthcare', 'doctype', frappe.scrub(new_dt))
frappe.delete_doc_if_exists('DocType', old_dt)
@@ -36,6 +37,18 @@
SET parentfield = %(parentfield)s
""".format(doctype), {'parentfield': parentfield})
+ # copy renamed child table fields (fields were already renamed in old doctype json, hence sql)
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabNormal Test Result` SET lab_test_name = test_name""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabNormal Test Result` SET lab_test_event = test_event""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabNormal Test Result` SET lab_test_uom = test_uom""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabNormal Test Result` SET lab_test_comment = test_comment""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabNormal Test Template` SET lab_test_event = test_event""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabNormal Test Template` SET lab_test_uom = test_uom""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabDescriptive Test Result` SET lab_test_particulars = test_particulars""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabLab Test Group Template` SET lab_test_template = test_template""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabLab Test Group Template` SET lab_test_description = test_description""")
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabLab Test Group Template` SET lab_test_rate = test_rate""")
# rename field
frappe.reload_doc('healthcare', 'doctype', 'lab_test')
if frappe.db.has_column('Lab Test', 'special_toggle'):
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index d968e1f..021bb72 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
frappe.flags.warehouse_account_map = {}
+ company_list = []
data = frappe.db.sql('''
- name, item_code, warehouse, voucher_type, voucher_no, posting_date, posting_time
+ name, item_code, warehouse, voucher_type, voucher_no, posting_date, posting_time, company
`tabStock Ledger Entry`
@@ -36,6 +38,9 @@
total_sle = len(data)
i = 0
for d in data:
+ if not in company_list:
+ company_list.append(
"item_code": d.item_code,
"warehouse": d.warehouse,
@@ -53,8 +58,10 @@
print("Reposting General Ledger Entries...")
- for row in frappe.get_all('Company', filters= {'enable_perpetual_inventory': 1}):
- update_gl_entries_after(posting_date, posting_time,
+ if data:
+ for row in frappe.get_all('Company', filters= {'enable_perpetual_inventory': 1}):
+ if in company_list:
+ update_gl_entries_after(posting_date, posting_time,
frappe.db.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 0
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d7883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Frappe and Contributors
+# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+from six import iteritems
+from erpnext.setup.install import add_non_standard_user_types
+def execute():
+ doctype_dict = {
+ 'projects': ['Timesheet'],
+ 'payroll': ['Salary Slip', 'Employee Tax Exemption Declaration', 'Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission'],
+ 'hr': ['Employee', 'Expense Claim', 'Leave Application', 'Attendance Request', 'Compensatory Leave Request']
+ }
+ for module, doctypes in iteritems(doctype_dict):
+ for doctype in doctypes:
+ frappe.reload_doc(module, 'doctype', doctype)
+ frappe.flags.ignore_select_perm = True
+ frappe.flags.update_select_perm_after_migrate = True
+ add_non_standard_user_types()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index be5e30f..a5b93f6 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
def execute():
company = frappe.db.get_single_value('Global Defaults', 'default_company')
- doctypes = ['Clinical Procedure', 'Inpatient Record', 'Lab Test', 'Sample Collection' 'Patient Appointment', 'Patient Encounter', 'Vital Signs', 'Therapy Session', 'Therapy Plan', 'Patient Assessment']
+ doctypes = ['Clinical Procedure', 'Inpatient Record', 'Lab Test', 'Sample Collection', 'Patient Appointment', 'Patient Encounter', 'Vital Signs', 'Therapy Session', 'Therapy Plan', 'Patient Assessment']
for entry in doctypes:
if frappe.db.exists('DocType', entry):
frappe.reload_doc('Healthcare', 'doctype', entry)
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index de08aa2..d927524 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
if "Healthcare" not in frappe.get_active_domains():
+ frappe.reload_doc("healthcare", "doctype", "Inpatient Medication Order")
+ frappe.reload_doc("healthcare", "doctype", "Therapy Session")
+ frappe.reload_doc("healthcare", "doctype", "Clinical Procedure")
frappe.reload_doc("healthcare", "doctype", "Patient History Settings")
frappe.reload_doc("healthcare", "doctype", "Patient History Standard Document Type")
frappe.reload_doc("healthcare", "doctype", "Patient History Custom Document Type")
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
index d7a5c68..1830bab 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import frappe
-from erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.setup import setup
+from erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.setup import setup
def execute():
company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'United Arab Emirates'})
if not company:
- setup()
\ No newline at end of file
+ frappe.reload_doc('regional', 'report', 'uae_vat_201')
+ frappe.reload_doc('regional', 'doctype', 'uae_vat_settings')
+ frappe.reload_doc('regional', 'doctype', 'uae_vat_account')
+ setup()
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v13_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c425599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v13_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import frappe
+def execute():
+ frappe.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "shipment")
+ # update submitted status
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabShipment`
+ SET status = "Submitted"
+ WHERE status = "Draft" AND docstatus = 1""")
+ # update cancelled status
+ frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabShipment`
+ SET status = "Cancelled"
+ WHERE status = "Draft" AND docstatus = 2""")
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v7_1/ b/erpnext/patches/v7_1/
index 517e66c..a2a48a6 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v7_1/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v7_1/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
def execute():
from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.install_fixtures import default_lead_sources
- frappe.reload_doc('selling', 'doctype', 'lead_source')
+ frappe.reload_doc('crm', 'doctype', 'lead_source')
frappe.local.lang = frappe.db.get_default("lang") or 'en'
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/additional_salary/additional_salary.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/additional_salary/additional_salary.json
index 61ae7e4..5e17a5c 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/additional_salary/additional_salary.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/additional_salary/additional_salary.json
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 14:45:48.566756",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:33:59.098532",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Additional Salary",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_application/employee_benefit_application.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_application/employee_benefit_application.json
index c6f764c..8332697 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_application/employee_benefit_application.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_application/employee_benefit_application.json
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 14:46:22.465521",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:35:08.940087",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Employee Benefit Application",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_claim/employee_benefit_claim.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_claim/employee_benefit_claim.json
index e331b7a..b3bac01 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_claim/employee_benefit_claim.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_benefit_claim/employee_benefit_claim.json
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 15:51:51.489269",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:37:21.024625",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Employee Benefit Claim",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_incentive/employee_incentive.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_incentive/employee_incentive.json
index 51346c6..0d10b2c 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_incentive/employee_incentive.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_incentive/employee_incentive.json
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 14:48:00.919839",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:38:20.332316",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Employee Incentive",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_declaration/employee_tax_exemption_declaration.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_declaration/employee_tax_exemption_declaration.json
index 873bf88..b247d26 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_declaration/employee_tax_exemption_declaration.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_declaration/employee_tax_exemption_declaration.json
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 20:41:57.387749",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:39:59.237361",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Employee Tax Exemption Declaration",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission.json
index f32202a..77b107e 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission/employee_tax_exemption_proof_submission.json
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 20:48:32.639885",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:41:13.723339",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/income_tax_slab/income_tax_slab.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/income_tax_slab/income_tax_slab.json
index c343a44..5a7de37 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/income_tax_slab/income_tax_slab.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/income_tax_slab/income_tax_slab.json
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 20:53:33.323712",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:42:08.139520",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Income Tax Slab",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/payroll_entry.js b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/payroll_entry.js
index 395e56f..f289260 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/payroll_entry.js
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/payroll_entry.js
@@ -133,45 +133,63 @@
+ frm.set_query('employee', 'employees', () => {
+ if (! {
+ frappe.msgprint(__("Please set a Company"));
+ return [];
+ }
+ return {
+ query: "erpnext.payroll.doctype.payroll_entry.payroll_entry.employee_query",
+ filters:
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ get_employee_filters: function (frm) {
+ let filters = {};
+ filters['company'] =;
+ filters['start_date'] = frm.doc.start_date;
+ filters['end_date'] = frm.doc.end_date;
+ filters['salary_slip_based_on_timesheet'] = frm.doc.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet;
+ filters['payroll_frequency'] = frm.doc.payroll_frequency;
+ filters['payroll_payable_account'] = frm.doc.payroll_payable_account;
+ filters['currency'] = frm.doc.currency;
+ if (frm.doc.department) {
+ filters['department'] = frm.doc.department;
+ }
+ if (frm.doc.branch) {
+ filters['branch'] = frm.doc.branch;
+ }
+ if (frm.doc.designation) {
+ filters['designation'] = frm.doc.designation;
+ }
+ if (frm.doc.employees) {
+ filters['employees'] = frm.doc.employees.filter(d => d.employee).map(d => d.employee);
+ }
+ return filters;
payroll_frequency: function (frm) {
frm.trigger("set_start_end_dates").then( ()=> {;
- });
- },
- employee_filters: function (frm, emp_list) {
- frm.set_query('employee', 'employees', () => {
- return {
- filters: {
- name: ["not in", emp_list]
- }
- };
- });
- },
- get_employee_with_salary_slip_and_set_query: function (frm) {
- frappe.db.get_list('Salary Slip', {
- filters: {
- start_date: frm.doc.start_date,
- end_date: frm.doc.end_date,
- docstatus: 1,
- },
- fields: ['employee']
- }).then((emp) => {
- var emp_list = [];
- emp.forEach((employee_data) => {
- emp_list.push(Object.values(employee_data)[0]);
- });
-, emp_list);
company: function (frm) {;
erpnext.accounts.dimensions.update_dimension(frm, frm.doctype);
+ frm.trigger("set_payable_account_and_currency");
+ },
+ set_payable_account_and_currency: function (frm) {
+ frappe.db.get_value("Company", {"name":}, "default_currency", (r) => {
+ frm.set_value('currency', r.default_currency);
+ });
+ frappe.db.get_value("Company", {"name":}, "default_payroll_payable_account", (r) => {
+ frm.set_value('payroll_payable_account', r.default_payroll_payable_account);
+ });
currency: function (frm) {
@@ -345,11 +363,3 @@
-frappe.ui.form.on('Payroll Employee Detail', {
- employee: function(frm) {
- if (!frm.doc.payroll_frequency) {
- frappe.throw(__("Please set a Payroll Frequency"));
- }
- }
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/
index 7890471..3953b46 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/
@@ -10,16 +10,17 @@
from frappe import _
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
from import get_holiday_list_for_employee
+from frappe.desk.reportview import get_match_cond, get_filters_cond
class PayrollEntry(Document):
def onload(self):
if not self.docstatus==1 or self.salary_slips_submitted:
- return
+ return
# check if salary slips were manually submitted
entries = frappe.db.count("Salary Slip", {'payroll_entry':, 'docstatus': 1}, ['name'])
if cint(entries) == len(self.employees):
- self.set_onload("submitted_ss", True)
+ self.set_onload("submitted_ss", True)
def validate(self):
self.number_of_employees = len(self.employees)
@@ -51,49 +52,32 @@
Returns list of active employees based on selected criteria
and for which salary structure exists
- cond = self.get_filter_condition()
- cond += self.get_joining_relieving_condition()
+ self.check_mandatory()
+ filters = self.make_filters()
+ cond = get_filter_condition(filters)
+ cond += get_joining_relieving_condition(self.start_date, self.end_date)
condition = ''
if self.payroll_frequency:
condition = """and payroll_frequency = '%(payroll_frequency)s'"""% {"payroll_frequency": self.payroll_frequency}
- sal_struct = frappe.db.sql_list("""
- select
- name from `tabSalary Structure`
- where
- docstatus = 1 and
- is_active = 'Yes'
- and company = %(company)s
- and currency = %(currency)s and
- ifnull(salary_slip_based_on_timesheet,0) = %(salary_slip_based_on_timesheet)s
- {condition}""".format(condition=condition),
- {"company":, "currency": self.currency, "salary_slip_based_on_timesheet":self.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet})
+ sal_struct = get_sal_struct(, self.currency, self.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet, condition)
if sal_struct:
cond += "and t2.salary_structure IN %(sal_struct)s "
cond += "and t2.payroll_payable_account = %(payroll_payable_account)s "
cond += "and %(from_date)s >= t2.from_date"
- emp_list = frappe.db.sql("""
- select
- distinct as employee, t1.employee_name, t1.department, t1.designation
- from
- `tabEmployee` t1, `tabSalary Structure Assignment` t2
- where
- = t2.employee
- and t2.docstatus = 1
- %s order by t2.from_date desc
- """ % cond, {"sal_struct": tuple(sal_struct), "from_date": self.end_date, "payroll_payable_account": self.payroll_payable_account}, as_dict=True)
- emp_list = self.remove_payrolled_employees(emp_list)
+ emp_list = get_emp_list(sal_struct, cond, self.end_date, self.payroll_payable_account)
+ emp_list = remove_payrolled_employees(emp_list, self.start_date, self.end_date)
return emp_list
- def remove_payrolled_employees(self, emp_list):
- for employee_details in emp_list:
- if frappe.db.exists("Salary Slip", {"employee": employee_details.employee, "start_date": self.start_date, "end_date": self.end_date, "docstatus": 1}):
- emp_list.remove(employee_details)
+ def make_filters(self):
+ filters = frappe._dict()
+ filters['company'] =
+ filters['branch'] = self.branch
+ filters['department'] = self.department
+ filters['designation'] = self.designation
- return emp_list
+ return filters
def fill_employee_details(self):
@@ -121,23 +105,6 @@
if self.validate_attendance:
return self.validate_employee_attendance()
- def get_filter_condition(self):
- self.check_mandatory()
- cond = ''
- for f in ['company', 'branch', 'department', 'designation']:
- if self.get(f):
- cond += " and t1." + f + " = " + frappe.db.escape(self.get(f))
- return cond
- def get_joining_relieving_condition(self):
- cond = """
- and ifnull(t1.date_of_joining, '0000-00-00') <= '%(end_date)s'
- and ifnull(t1.relieving_date, '2199-12-31') >= '%(start_date)s'
- """ % {"start_date": self.start_date, "end_date": self.end_date}
- return cond
def check_mandatory(self):
for fieldname in ['company', 'start_date', 'end_date']:
if not self.get(fieldname):
@@ -176,15 +143,15 @@
Returns list of salary slips based on selected criteria
- cond = self.get_filter_condition()
ss_list = frappe.db.sql("""
select, t1.salary_structure, t1.payroll_cost_center from `tabSalary Slip` t1
- where t1.docstatus = %s and t1.start_date >= %s and t1.end_date <= %s
- and (t1.journal_entry is null or t1.journal_entry = "") and ifnull(salary_slip_based_on_timesheet,0) = %s %s
- """ % ('%s', '%s', '%s','%s', cond), (ss_status, self.start_date, self.end_date, self.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet), as_dict=as_dict)
+ where t1.docstatus = %s and t1.start_date >= %s and t1.end_date <= %s and t1.payroll_entry = %s
+ and (t1.journal_entry is null or t1.journal_entry = "") and ifnull(salary_slip_based_on_timesheet,0) = %s
+ """, (ss_status, self.start_date, self.end_date,, self.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet), as_dict=as_dict)
return ss_list
+ @frappe.whitelist()
def submit_salary_slips(self):
ss_list = self.get_sal_slip_list(ss_status=0)
@@ -270,26 +237,26 @@
exchange_rate, amt = self.get_amount_and_exchange_rate_for_journal_entry(acc_cc[0], amount, company_currency, currencies)
payable_amount += flt(amount, precision)
- "account": acc_cc[0],
- "debit_in_account_currency": flt(amt, precision),
- "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
- "party_type": '',
- "cost_center": acc_cc[1] or self.cost_center,
- "project": self.project
- })
+ "account": acc_cc[0],
+ "debit_in_account_currency": flt(amt, precision),
+ "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
+ "party_type": '',
+ "cost_center": acc_cc[1] or self.cost_center,
+ "project": self.project
+ })
# Deductions
for acc_cc, amount in deductions.items():
exchange_rate, amt = self.get_amount_and_exchange_rate_for_journal_entry(acc_cc[0], amount, company_currency, currencies)
payable_amount -= flt(amount, precision)
- "account": acc_cc[0],
- "credit_in_account_currency": flt(amt, precision),
- "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
- "cost_center": acc_cc[1] or self.cost_center,
- "party_type": '',
- "project": self.project
- })
+ "account": acc_cc[0],
+ "credit_in_account_currency": flt(amt, precision),
+ "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
+ "cost_center": acc_cc[1] or self.cost_center,
+ "party_type": '',
+ "project": self.project
+ })
# Payable amount
exchange_rate, payable_amt = self.get_amount_and_exchange_rate_for_journal_entry(payroll_payable_account, payable_amount, company_currency, currencies)
@@ -335,10 +302,9 @@
def make_payment_entry(self):
- cond = self.get_filter_condition()
salary_slip_name_list = frappe.db.sql(""" select from `tabSalary Slip` t1
- where t1.docstatus = 1 and start_date >= %s and end_date <= %s %s
- """ % ('%s', '%s', cond), (self.start_date, self.end_date), as_list = True)
+ where t1.docstatus = 1 and start_date >= %s and end_date <= %s and t1.payroll_entry = %s
+ """, (self.start_date, self.end_date,, as_list = True)
if salary_slip_name_list and len(salary_slip_name_list) > 0:
salary_slip_total = 0
@@ -370,20 +336,20 @@
exchange_rate, amount = self.get_amount_and_exchange_rate_for_journal_entry(self.payment_account, je_payment_amount, company_currency, currencies)
- "account": self.payment_account,
- "bank_account": self.bank_account,
- "credit_in_account_currency": flt(amount, precision),
- "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
- })
+ "account": self.payment_account,
+ "bank_account": self.bank_account,
+ "credit_in_account_currency": flt(amount, precision),
+ "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
+ })
exchange_rate, amount = self.get_amount_and_exchange_rate_for_journal_entry(payroll_payable_account, je_payment_amount, company_currency, currencies)
- "account": payroll_payable_account,
- "debit_in_account_currency": flt(amount, precision),
- "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
- "reference_type": self.doctype,
- "reference_name":
- })
+ "account": payroll_payable_account,
+ "debit_in_account_currency": flt(amount, precision),
+ "exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
+ "reference_type": self.doctype,
+ "reference_name":
+ })
if len(currencies) > 1:
multi_currency = 1
@@ -409,6 +375,7 @@
self.start_date or self.posting_date,
+ @frappe.whitelist()
def validate_employee_attendance(self):
employees_to_mark_attendance = []
days_in_payroll, days_holiday, days_attendance_marked = 0, 0, 0
@@ -424,7 +391,7 @@
"employee": employee_detail.employee,
"employee_name": employee_detail.employee_name
- })
+ })
return employees_to_mark_attendance
def get_count_holidays_of_employee(self, employee, start_date):
@@ -441,15 +408,62 @@
def get_count_employee_attendance(self, employee, start_date):
marked_days = 0
attendances = frappe.get_all("Attendance",
- fields = ["count(*)"],
- filters = {
- "employee": employee,
- "attendance_date": ('between', [start_date, self.end_date])
- }, as_list=1)
+ fields = ["count(*)"],
+ filters = {
+ "employee": employee,
+ "attendance_date": ('between', [start_date, self.end_date])
+ }, as_list=1)
if attendances and attendances[0][0]:
marked_days = attendances[0][0]
return marked_days
+def get_sal_struct(company, currency, salary_slip_based_on_timesheet, condition):
+ return frappe.db.sql_list("""
+ select
+ name from `tabSalary Structure`
+ where
+ docstatus = 1 and
+ is_active = 'Yes'
+ and company = %(company)s
+ and currency = %(currency)s and
+ ifnull(salary_slip_based_on_timesheet,0) = %(salary_slip_based_on_timesheet)s
+ {condition}""".format(condition=condition),
+ {"company": company, "currency": currency, "salary_slip_based_on_timesheet": salary_slip_based_on_timesheet})
+def get_filter_condition(filters):
+ cond = ''
+ for f in ['company', 'branch', 'department', 'designation']:
+ if filters.get(f):
+ cond += " and t1." + f + " = " + frappe.db.escape(filters.get(f))
+ return cond
+def get_joining_relieving_condition(start_date, end_date):
+ cond = """
+ and ifnull(t1.date_of_joining, '0000-00-00') <= '%(end_date)s'
+ and ifnull(t1.relieving_date, '2199-12-31') >= '%(start_date)s'
+ """ % {"start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date}
+ return cond
+def get_emp_list(sal_struct, cond, end_date, payroll_payable_account):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""
+ select
+ distinct as employee, t1.employee_name, t1.department, t1.designation
+ from
+ `tabEmployee` t1, `tabSalary Structure Assignment` t2
+ where
+ = t2.employee
+ and t2.docstatus = 1
+ %s order by t2.from_date desc
+ """ % cond, {"sal_struct": tuple(sal_struct), "from_date": end_date, "payroll_payable_account": payroll_payable_account}, as_dict=True)
+def remove_payrolled_employees(emp_list, start_date, end_date):
+ for employee_details in emp_list:
+ if frappe.db.exists("Salary Slip", {"employee": employee_details.employee, "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "docstatus": 1}):
+ emp_list.remove(employee_details)
+ return emp_list
def get_start_end_dates(payroll_frequency, start_date=None, company=None):
'''Returns dict of start and end dates for given payroll frequency based on start_date'''
@@ -553,6 +567,7 @@
def create_salary_slips_for_employees(employees, args, publish_progress=True):
salary_slips_exists_for = get_existing_salary_slips(employees, args)
+ salary_slips_not_created = []
for emp in employees:
if emp not in salary_slips_exists_for:
@@ -565,34 +580,26 @@
if publish_progress:
frappe.publish_progress(count*100/len(set(employees) - set(salary_slips_exists_for)),
title = _("Creating Salary Slips..."))
- else:
- salary_slip_name = frappe.db.sql(
- name
- FROM `tabSalary Slip`
- WHERE company=%s
- AND start_date >= %s
- AND end_date <= %s
- AND employee = %s
- ''', (, args.start_date, args.end_date, emp), as_dict=True)
- salary_slip_doc = frappe.get_doc('Salary Slip', salary_slip_name[0].name)
- salary_slip_doc.exchange_rate = args.exchange_rate
- salary_slip_doc.set_totals()
- salary_slip_doc.db_update()
+ else:
+ salary_slips_not_created.append(emp)
payroll_entry = frappe.get_doc("Payroll Entry", args.payroll_entry)
payroll_entry.db_set("salary_slips_created", 1)
+ if salary_slips_not_created:
+ frappe.msgprint(_("Salary Slips already exists for employees {}, and will not be processed by this payroll.")
+ .format(frappe.bold(", ".join([emp for emp in salary_slips_not_created]))) , title=_("Message"), indicator="orange")
def get_existing_salary_slips(employees, args):
return frappe.db.sql_list("""
select distinct employee from `tabSalary Slip`
- where docstatus!= 2 and company = %s
+ where docstatus!= 2 and company = %s and payroll_entry = %s
and start_date >= %s and end_date <= %s
and employee in (%s)
- """ % ('%s', '%s', '%s', ', '.join(['%s']*len(employees))),
- [, args.start_date, args.end_date] + employees)
+ """ % ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', ', '.join(['%s']*len(employees))),
+ [, args.payroll_entry, args.start_date, args.end_date] + employees)
def submit_salary_slips_for_employees(payroll_entry, salary_slips, publish_progress=True):
submitted_ss = []
@@ -644,3 +651,63 @@
'txt': "%%%s%%" % frappe.db.escape(txt),
'start': start, 'page_len': page_len
+def get_employee_list(filters):
+ cond = get_filter_condition(filters)
+ cond += get_joining_relieving_condition(filters.start_date, filters.end_date)
+ condition = """and payroll_frequency = '%(payroll_frequency)s'"""% {"payroll_frequency": filters.payroll_frequency}
+ sal_struct = get_sal_struct(, filters.currency, filters.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet, condition)
+ if sal_struct:
+ cond += "and t2.salary_structure IN %(sal_struct)s "
+ cond += "and t2.payroll_payable_account = %(payroll_payable_account)s "
+ cond += "and %(from_date)s >= t2.from_date"
+ emp_list = get_emp_list(sal_struct, cond, filters.end_date, filters.payroll_payable_account)
+ emp_list = remove_payrolled_employees(emp_list, filters.start_date, filters.end_date)
+ return emp_list
+def employee_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
+ filters = frappe._dict(filters)
+ conditions = []
+ include_employees = []
+ emp_cond = ''
+ if filters.start_date and filters.end_date:
+ employee_list = get_employee_list(filters)
+ emp = filters.get('employees')
+ include_employees = [employee.employee for employee in employee_list if employee.employee not in emp]
+ filters.pop('start_date')
+ filters.pop('end_date')
+ filters.pop('salary_slip_based_on_timesheet')
+ filters.pop('payroll_frequency')
+ filters.pop('payroll_payable_account')
+ filters.pop('currency')
+ if filters.employees is not None:
+ filters.pop('employees')
+ if include_employees:
+ emp_cond += 'and employee in %(include_employees)s'
+ return frappe.db.sql("""select name, employee_name from `tabEmployee`
+ where status = 'Active'
+ and docstatus < 2
+ and ({key} like %(txt)s
+ or employee_name like %(txt)s)
+ {emp_cond}
+ {fcond} {mcond}
+ order by
+ if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
+ if(locate(%(_txt)s, employee_name), locate(%(_txt)s, employee_name), 99999),
+ idx desc,
+ name, employee_name
+ limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
+ 'key': searchfield,
+ 'fcond': get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, conditions),
+ 'mcond': get_match_cond(doctype),
+ 'emp_cond': emp_cond
+ }), {
+ 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
+ '_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
+ 'start': start,
+ 'page_len': page_len,
+ 'include_employees': include_employees})
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/
index 84c3814..7528bf7 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/payroll_entry/
@@ -51,21 +51,22 @@
company_doc = frappe.get_doc('Company', company)
salary_structure = make_salary_structure("_Test Multi Currency Salary Structure", "Monthly", company=company, currency='USD')
- create_salary_structure_assignment(employee,, company=company)
+ create_salary_structure_assignment(employee,, company=company, currency='USD')
frappe.db.sql("""delete from `tabSalary Slip` where employee=%s""",(frappe.db.get_value("Employee", {"user_id": ""})))
salary_slip = get_salary_slip("", "Monthly", "_Test Multi Currency Salary Structure")
dates = get_start_end_dates('Monthly', nowdate())
- payroll_entry = make_payroll_entry(start_date=dates.start_date, end_date=dates.end_date,
+ payroll_entry = make_payroll_entry(start_date=dates.start_date, end_date=dates.end_date,
payable_account=company_doc.default_payroll_payable_account, currency='USD', exchange_rate=70)
payroll_je = salary_slip.journal_entry
- payroll_je_doc = frappe.get_doc('Journal Entry', payroll_je)
+ if payroll_je:
+ payroll_je_doc = frappe.get_doc('Journal Entry', payroll_je)
- self.assertEqual(salary_slip.base_gross_pay, payroll_je_doc.total_debit)
- self.assertEqual(salary_slip.base_gross_pay, payroll_je_doc.total_credit)
+ self.assertEqual(salary_slip.base_gross_pay, payroll_je_doc.total_debit)
+ self.assertEqual(salary_slip.base_gross_pay, payroll_je_doc.total_credit)
payment_entry = frappe.db.sql('''
Select ifnull(sum(je.total_debit),0) as total_debit, ifnull(sum(je.total_credit),0) as total_credit from `tabJournal Entry` je, `tabJournal Entry Account` jea
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/retention_bonus/retention_bonus.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/retention_bonus/retention_bonus.json
index cd563bc..7ea6210 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/retention_bonus/retention_bonus.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/retention_bonus/retention_bonus.json
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 14:50:29.401020",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:43:28.363644",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Retention Bonus",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.js b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.js
index 3e8a213..5258f3a 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.js
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.js
@@ -39,7 +39,10 @@
frm.set_query("employee", function() {
return {
- query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.employee_query"
+ query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.employee_query",
+ filters: {
+ company:
+ }
@@ -93,27 +96,31 @@
set_exchange_rate: function(frm, company_currency) {
- if (frm.doc.currency) {
- var from_currency = frm.doc.currency;
- if (from_currency != company_currency) {
- method: "erpnext.setup.utils.get_exchange_rate",
- args: {
- from_currency: from_currency,
- to_currency: company_currency,
- },
- callback: function(r) {
- frm.set_value("exchange_rate", flt(r.message));
- frm.set_df_property("exchange_rate", "hidden", 0);
- frm.set_df_property("exchange_rate", "description", "1 " + frm.doc.currency
- + " = [?] " + company_currency);
- }
- });
- } else {
- frm.set_value("exchange_rate", 1.0);
- frm.set_df_property("exchange_rate", "hidden", 1);
- frm.set_df_property("exchange_rate", "description", "");
+ if (frm.doc.docstatus === 0) {
+ if (frm.doc.currency) {
+ var from_currency = frm.doc.currency;
+ if (from_currency != company_currency) {
+ method: "erpnext.setup.utils.get_exchange_rate",
+ args: {
+ from_currency: from_currency,
+ to_currency: company_currency,
+ },
+ callback: function(r) {
+ if (r.message) {
+ frm.set_value("exchange_rate", flt(r.message));
+ frm.set_df_property('exchange_rate', 'hidden', 0);
+ frm.set_df_property("exchange_rate", "description", "1 " + frm.doc.currency
+ + " = [?] " + company_currency);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ frm.set_value("exchange_rate", 1.0);
+ frm.set_df_property('exchange_rate', 'hidden', 1);
+ frm.set_df_property("exchange_rate", "description", "" );
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.json
index ec56076..42a0f29 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/salary_slip.json
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
"idx": 9,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 15:39:28.817166",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:44:09.772331",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Salary Slip",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/
index 9abe57c..afdf081 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/
@@ -124,9 +124,12 @@
def check_existing(self):
if not self.salary_slip_based_on_timesheet:
+ cond = ""
+ if self.payroll_entry:
+ cond += "and payroll_entry = '{0}'".format(self.payroll_entry)
ret_exist = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabSalary Slip`
where start_date = %s and end_date = %s and docstatus != 2
- and employee = %s and name != %s""",
+ and employee = %s and name != %s {0}""".format(cond),
(self.start_date, self.end_date, self.employee,
if ret_exist:
self.employee = ''
@@ -595,10 +598,10 @@
if (
- not d.additional_salary
- and (not additional_salary or additional_salary.overwrite)
- or additional_salary
- and == d.additional_salary
+ (not d.additional_salary
+ and (not additional_salary or additional_salary.overwrite))
+ or (additional_salary
+ and == d.additional_salary)
component_row = d
@@ -608,7 +611,7 @@
self.set(component_type, [
d for d in self.get(component_type)
if d.salary_component != component_data.salary_component
- or d.additional_salary and != d.additional_salary
+ or (d.additional_salary and != d.additional_salary)
or d == component_row
@@ -618,13 +621,16 @@
component_row = self.append(component_type)
for attr in (
- 'depends_on_payment_days', 'salary_component', 'abbr'
+ 'depends_on_payment_days', 'salary_component',
'do_not_include_in_total', 'is_tax_applicable',
'is_flexible_benefit', 'variable_based_on_taxable_salary',
component_row.set(attr, component_data.get(attr))
+ abbr = component_data.get('abbr') or component_data.get('salary_component_abbr')
+ component_row.set('abbr', abbr)
if additional_salary:
component_row.default_amount = 0
component_row.additional_amount = amount
@@ -1050,7 +1056,7 @@
- loan.loan_repayment_entry =
+ frappe.db.set_value("Salary Slip Loan",, "loan_repayment_entry",
def cancel_loan_repayment_entry(self):
for loan in
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/
index 7672695..01e4170 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_slip/
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
frappe.db.sql("DELETE FROM `tabSalary Slip` where employee_name = ''")
- payroll_period, deduct_random=False)
+ payroll_period, deduct_random=False, num=6)
salary_slips = frappe.get_all('Salary Slip', fields=['year_to_date', 'net_pay'], filters={'employee_name':
''}, order_by = 'posting_date')
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/salary_structure.js b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/salary_structure.js
index 6aa1387..b539b1b 100755
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/salary_structure.js
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/salary_structure.js
@@ -111,12 +111,19 @@
frappe.set_route('Form', 'Salary Structure Assignment',;
frm.add_custom_button(__("Assign to Employees"),function () {
- frm.trigger('assign_to_employees')
- })
+ frm.trigger('assign_to_employees')
+ })
+ // set columns read-only
let fields_read_only = ["is_tax_applicable", "is_flexible_benefit", "variable_based_on_taxable_salary"];
fields_read_only.forEach(function(field) {
- frappe.meta.get_docfield("Salary Detail", field, = 1;
+ frm.fields_dict.earnings.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ field, 'read_only', 1
+ );
+ frm.fields_dict.deductions.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ field, 'read_only', 1
+ );
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/
index 1712081..352c180 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
from_date=from_date, base=base, variable=variable, income_tax_slab=income_tax_slab)
assign_salary_structure_for_employees(employees, self,
- payroll_payable_account=payroll_payable_account,
+ payroll_payable_account=payroll_payable_account,
from_date=from_date, base=base, variable=variable, income_tax_slab=income_tax_slab)
frappe.msgprint(_("No Employee Found"))
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/
index f2fb558..36387f2 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure/
@@ -164,7 +164,13 @@
salary_structure_assignment.employee = employee
salary_structure_assignment.base = 50000
salary_structure_assignment.variable = 5000
- salary_structure_assignment.from_date = from_date or add_days(nowdate(), -1)
+ if getdate(nowdate()).day == 1:
+ date = from_date or nowdate()
+ else:
+ date = from_date or add_days(nowdate(), -1)
+ salary_structure_assignment.from_date = date
salary_structure_assignment.salary_structure = salary_structure
salary_structure_assignment.currency = currency
salary_structure_assignment.payroll_payable_account = get_payable_account(company)
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure_assignment/salary_structure_assignment.json b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure_assignment/salary_structure_assignment.json
index 50fabed..c8b98e5 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure_assignment/salary_structure_assignment.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/doctype/salary_structure_assignment/salary_structure_assignment.json
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-31 15:49:36.361253",
+ "modified": "2021-03-31 22:44:46.267974",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Payroll",
"name": "Salary Structure Assignment",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/create_payroll_period/create_payroll_period.json b/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/create_payroll_period/create_payroll_period.json
index 4bae675..b1a7cc2 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/create_payroll_period/create_payroll_period.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/create_payroll_period/create_payroll_period.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"is_mandatory": 1,
"is_single": 0,
"is_skipped": 0,
- "modified": "2020-06-01 11:53:54.553947",
+ "modified": "2020-06-29 11:53:54.553947",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"name": "Create Payroll Period",
"owner": "Administrator",
diff --git a/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/payroll_settings/payroll_settings.json b/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/payroll_settings/payroll_settings.json
index 946b8c8..a7cf7bf 100644
--- a/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/payroll_settings/payroll_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/payroll/onboarding_step/payroll_settings/payroll_settings.json
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- "action": "Go to Page",
+ "action": "Update Settings",
"creation": "2020-06-04 16:34:29.664917",
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "Onboarding Step",
"idx": 0,
"is_complete": 0,
"is_mandatory": 0,
- "is_single": 0,
+ "is_single": 1,
"is_skipped": 0,
- "modified": "2020-06-04 16:34:29.664917",
+ "modified": "2020-06-29 16:34:29.664917",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"name": "Payroll Settings",
"owner": "Administrator",
- "path": "#Form/Payroll Settings",
+ "reference_document": "Payroll Settings",
"show_full_form": 0,
"title": "Payroll Settings",
- "validate_action": 1
+ "validate_action": 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/portal/doctype/products_settings/products_settings.js b/erpnext/portal/doctype/products_settings/products_settings.js
index b68b5d7..2f8b037 100644
--- a/erpnext/portal/doctype/products_settings/products_settings.js
+++ b/erpnext/portal/doctype/products_settings/products_settings.js
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
df => ['Link', 'Table MultiSelect'].includes(df.fieldtype) && !df.hidden
).map(df => ({ label: df.label, value: df.fieldname }));
- const field = frappe.meta.get_docfield("Website Filter Field", "fieldname", frm.docname);
- field.fieldtype = 'Select';
- field.options = valid_fields;
- frm.fields_dict.filter_fields.grid.refresh();
+ frm.fields_dict.filter_fields.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'fieldname', 'fieldtype', 'Select'
+ );
+ frm.fields_dict.filter_fields.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'fieldname', 'options', valid_fields
+ );
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/ b/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/
index a92bad1..70139c6 100644
--- a/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/
+++ b/erpnext/projects/doctype/project/
@@ -33,12 +33,16 @@
def test_project_template_having_parent_child_tasks(self):
project_name = "Test Project with Template - Tasks with Parent-Child Relation"
+ if frappe.db.get_value('Project', {'project_name': project_name}, 'name'):
+ project_name = frappe.db.get_value('Project', {'project_name': project_name}, 'name')
frappe.db.sql(""" delete from tabTask where project = %s """, project_name)
frappe.delete_doc('Project', project_name)
task1 = task_exists("Test Template Task Parent")
if not task1:
- task1 = create_task(subject="Test Template Task Parent", is_group=1, is_template=1, begin=1, duration=4)
+ task1 = create_task(subject="Test Template Task Parent", is_group=1, is_template=1, begin=1, duration=10)
task2 = task_exists("Test Template Task Child 1")
if not task2:
@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@
tasks = frappe.get_all('Task', ['subject','exp_end_date','depends_on_tasks', 'name', 'parent_task'], dict(, order_by='creation asc')
self.assertEqual(tasks[0].subject, 'Test Template Task Parent')
- self.assertEqual(getdate(tasks[0].exp_end_date), calculate_end_date(project, 1, 4))
+ self.assertEqual(getdate(tasks[0].exp_end_date), calculate_end_date(project, 1, 10))
self.assertEqual(tasks[1].subject, 'Test Template Task Child 1')
self.assertEqual(getdate(tasks[1].exp_end_date), calculate_end_date(project, 1, 3))
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/task.json b/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/task.json
index 160cc58..ef4740d 100644
--- a/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/task.json
+++ b/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/task.json
@@ -11,15 +11,16 @@
+ "color",
- "completed_by",
- "color",
+ "completed_by",
+ "completed_on",
@@ -358,6 +359,7 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval: doc.status == \"Completed\"",
"fieldname": "completed_by",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Completed By",
@@ -381,6 +383,13 @@
"fieldname": "duration",
"fieldtype": "Int",
"label": "Duration (Days)"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval: doc.status == \"Completed\"",
+ "fieldname": "completed_on",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Completed On",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "eval: doc.status == \"Completed\""
"icon": "fa fa-check",
@@ -388,7 +397,7 @@
"is_tree": 1,
"links": [],
"max_attachments": 5,
- "modified": "2020-12-28 11:32:58.714991",
+ "modified": "2021-04-16 12:46:51.556741",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Projects",
"name": "Task",
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/ b/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/
index 855ff5f..d1583f1 100755
--- a/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/
+++ b/erpnext/projects/doctype/task/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+ self.validate_completed_on()
def validate_dates(self):
if self.exp_start_date and self.exp_end_date and getdate(self.exp_start_date) > getdate(self.exp_end_date):
@@ -100,6 +101,10 @@
dependent_task_format = """<a href="#Form/Task/{0}">{0}</a>""".format(task.task)
frappe.throw(_("Dependent Task {0} is not a Template Task").format(dependent_task_format))
+ def validate_completed_on(self):
+ if self.completed_on and getdate(self.completed_on) > getdate():
+ frappe.throw(_("Completed On cannot be greater than Today"))
def update_depends_on(self):
depends_on_tasks = self.depends_on_tasks or ""
for d in self.depends_on:
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/
similarity index 100%
copy from erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
copy to erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/delayed_tasks_summary.js b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/delayed_tasks_summary.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aa44c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/delayed_tasks_summary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+// For license information, please see license.txt
+/* eslint-disable */
+frappe.query_reports["Delayed Tasks Summary"] = {
+ "filters": [
+ {
+ "fieldname": "from_date",
+ "label": __("From Date"),
+ "fieldtype": "Date"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "to_date",
+ "label": __("To Date"),
+ "fieldtype": "Date"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "priority",
+ "label": __("Priority"),
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "options": ["", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Urgent"]
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "status",
+ "label": __("Status"),
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "options": ["", "Open", "Working","Pending Review","Overdue","Completed"]
+ },
+ ],
+ "formatter": function(value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
+ value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);
+ if ( == "delay") {
+ if (data["delay"] > 0) {
+ value = `<p style="color: red; font-weight: bold">${value}</p>`;
+ } else {
+ value = `<p style="color: green; font-weight: bold">${value}</p>`;
+ }
+ }
+ return value
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/delayed_tasks_summary.json b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/delayed_tasks_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100c422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/delayed_tasks_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "add_total_row": 0,
+ "columns": [],
+ "creation": "2021-03-25 15:03:19.857418",
+ "disable_prepared_report": 0,
+ "disabled": 0,
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Report",
+ "filters": [],
+ "idx": 0,
+ "is_standard": "Yes",
+ "modified": "2021-04-15 15:49:35.432486",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Projects",
+ "name": "Delayed Tasks Summary",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "prepared_report": 0,
+ "ref_doctype": "Task",
+ "report_name": "Delayed Tasks Summary",
+ "report_type": "Script Report",
+ "roles": [
+ {
+ "role": "Projects User"
+ },
+ {
+ "role": "Projects Manager"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdabe64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+from frappe.utils import date_diff, nowdate
+def execute(filters=None):
+ columns, data = [], []
+ data = get_data(filters)
+ columns = get_columns()
+ charts = get_chart_data(data)
+ return columns, data, None, charts
+def get_data(filters):
+ conditions = get_conditions(filters)
+ tasks = frappe.get_all("Task",
+ filters = conditions,
+ fields = ["name", "subject", "exp_start_date", "exp_end_date",
+ "status", "priority", "completed_on", "progress"],
+ order_by="creation"
+ )
+ for task in tasks:
+ if task.exp_end_date:
+ if task.completed_on:
+ task.delay = date_diff(task.completed_on, task.exp_end_date)
+ elif task.status == "Completed":
+ # task is completed but completed on is not set (for older tasks)
+ task.delay = 0
+ else:
+ # task not completed
+ task.delay = date_diff(nowdate(), task.exp_end_date)
+ else:
+ # task has no end date, hence no delay
+ task.delay = 0
+ # Sort by descending order of delay
+ tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x["delay"], reverse=True)
+ return tasks
+def get_conditions(filters):
+ conditions = frappe._dict()
+ keys = ["priority", "status"]
+ for key in keys:
+ if filters.get(key):
+ conditions[key] = filters.get(key)
+ if filters.get("from_date"):
+ conditions.exp_end_date = [">=", filters.get("from_date")]
+ if filters.get("to_date"):
+ conditions.exp_start_date = ["<=", filters.get("to_date")]
+ return conditions
+def get_chart_data(data):
+ delay, on_track = 0, 0
+ for entry in data:
+ if entry.get("delay") > 0:
+ delay = delay + 1
+ else:
+ on_track = on_track + 1
+ charts = {
+ "data": {
+ "labels": ["On Track", "Delayed"],
+ "datasets": [
+ {
+ "name": "Delayed",
+ "values": [on_track, delay]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "percentage",
+ "colors": ["#84D5BA", "#CB4B5F"]
+ }
+ return charts
+def get_columns():
+ columns = [
+ {
+ "fieldname": "name",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Task",
+ "options": "Task",
+ "width": 150
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "subject",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Subject",
+ "width": 200
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "status",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Status",
+ "width": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "priority",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Priority",
+ "width": 80
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "progress",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Progress (%)",
+ "width": 120
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "exp_start_date",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Expected Start Date",
+ "width": 150
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "exp_end_date",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Expected End Date",
+ "width": 150
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "completed_on",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "label": "Actual End Date",
+ "width": 130
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "delay",
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "label": "Delay (In Days)",
+ "width": 120
+ }
+ ]
+ return columns
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbeedb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/projects/report/delayed_tasks_summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import unittest
+import frappe
+from frappe.utils import nowdate, add_days, add_months
+from erpnext.projects.doctype.task.test_task import create_task
+from import execute
+class TestDelayedTasksSummary(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUp(self):
+ task1 = create_task("_Test Task 98", add_days(nowdate(), -10), nowdate())
+ create_task("_Test Task 99", add_days(nowdate(), -10), add_days(nowdate(), -1))
+ task1.status = "Completed"
+ task1.completed_on = add_days(nowdate(), -1)
+ def test_delayed_tasks_summary(self):
+ filters = frappe._dict({
+ "from_date": add_months(nowdate(), -1),
+ "to_date": nowdate(),
+ "priority": "Low",
+ "status": "Open"
+ })
+ expected_data = [
+ {
+ "subject": "_Test Task 99",
+ "status": "Open",
+ "priority": "Low",
+ "delay": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "subject": "_Test Task 98",
+ "status": "Completed",
+ "priority": "Low",
+ "delay": -1
+ }
+ ]
+ report = execute(filters)
+ data = list(filter(lambda x: x.subject == "_Test Task 99", report[1]))[0]
+ for key in ["subject", "status", "priority", "delay"]:
+ self.assertEqual(expected_data[0].get(key), data.get(key))
+ filters.status = "Completed"
+ report = execute(filters)
+ data = list(filter(lambda x: x.subject == "_Test Task 98", report[1]))[0]
+ for key in ["subject", "status", "priority", "delay"]:
+ self.assertEqual(expected_data[1].get(key), data.get(key))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ for task in ["_Test Task 98", "_Test Task 99"]:
+ frappe.get_doc("Task", {"subject": task}).delete()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/workspace/projects/projects.json b/erpnext/projects/workspace/projects/projects.json
index 621c4bb..b65e9aa 100644
--- a/erpnext/projects/workspace/projects/projects.json
+++ b/erpnext/projects/workspace/projects/projects.json
@@ -159,6 +159,16 @@
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"type": "Link"
+ },
+ {
+ "dependencies": "Task",
+ "hidden": 0,
+ "is_query_report": 1,
+ "label": "Delayed Tasks Summary",
+ "link_to": "Delayed Tasks Summary",
+ "link_type": "Report",
+ "onboard": 0,
+ "type": "Link"
"modified": "2021-04-16 16:27:16.548780",
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/accounts.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/accounts.js
index 649eb45..ceeecb2 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/accounts.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/accounts.js
@@ -276,74 +276,3 @@
-// For customizing print = function(doc) { return ''; }
-cur_frm.pformat.discount_amount = function(doc) { return ''; }
-cur_frm.pformat.grand_total = function(doc) { return ''; }
-cur_frm.pformat.rounded_total = function(doc) { return ''; }
-cur_frm.pformat.in_words = function(doc) { return ''; }
-cur_frm.pformat.taxes= function(doc){
- //function to make row of table
- var make_row = function(title, val, bold, is_negative) {
- var bstart = '<b>'; var bend = '</b>';
- return '<tr><td style="width:50%;">' + (bold?bstart:'') + title + (bold?bend:'') + '</td>'
- + '<td style="width:50%;text-align:right;">' + (is_negative ? '- ' : '')
- + format_currency(val, doc.currency) + '</td></tr>';
- }
- function print_hide(fieldname) {
- var doc_field = frappe.meta.get_docfield(doc.doctype, fieldname,;
- return doc_field.print_hide;
- }
- out ='';
- if (!doc.print_without_amount) {
- var cl = doc.taxes || [];
- // outer table
- var out='<div><table class="noborder" style="width:100%"><tr><td style="width: 60%"></td><td>';
- // main table
- out +='<table class="noborder" style="width:100%">';
- if(!print_hide('total')) {
- out += make_row('Total',, 1);
- }
- // Discount Amount on net total
- if(!print_hide('discount_amount') && doc.apply_discount_on == "Net Total" && doc.discount_amount)
- out += make_row('Discount Amount', doc.discount_amount, 0, 1);
- // add rows
- if(cl.length){
- for(var i=0;i<cl.length;i++) {
- if(cl[i].tax_amount!=0 && !cl[i].included_in_print_rate)
- out += make_row(cl[i].description, cl[i].tax_amount, 0);
- }
- }
- // Discount Amount on grand total
- if(!print_hide('discount_amount') && doc.apply_discount_on == "Grand Total" && doc.discount_amount)
- out += make_row('Discount Amount', doc.discount_amount, 0, 1);
- // grand total
- if(!print_hide('grand_total'))
- out += make_row('Grand Total', doc.grand_total, 1);
- if(!print_hide('rounded_total'))
- out += make_row('Rounded Total', doc.rounded_total, 1);
- if(doc.in_words && !print_hide('in_words')) {
- out +='</table></td></tr>';
- out += '<tr><td colspan = "2">';
- out += '<table><tr><td style="width:25%;"><b>In Words</b></td>';
- out += '<td style="width:50%;">' + doc.in_words + '</td></tr>';
- }
- out += '</table></td></tr></table></div>';
- }
- return out;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js
index 67b12fb..cdfd909 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/buying.js
@@ -216,7 +216,8 @@
child: item,
args: {
item_code: item.item_code,
- warehouse: item.warehouse
+ warehouse: item.warehouse,
+ company:
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/taxes_and_totals.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/taxes_and_totals.js
index 3a3ee38..2e133be 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/taxes_and_totals.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/taxes_and_totals.js
@@ -323,12 +323,15 @@
// set precision in the last item iteration
if (n == me.frm.doc["items"].length - 1) {
+ me.set_in_company_currency(tax,
+ ["tax_amount", "tax_amount_after_discount_amount"]);
+ me.round_off_base_values(tax);
// in, accumulate grand total for each item
me.set_cumulative_total(i, tax);
- me.set_in_company_currency(tax,
- ["total", "tax_amount", "tax_amount_after_discount_amount"]);
+ me.set_in_company_currency(tax, ["total"]);
// adjust Discount Amount loss in last tax iteration
if ((i == me.frm.doc["taxes"].length - 1) && me.discount_amount_applied
@@ -393,20 +396,11 @@
current_tax_amount = tax_rate * item.qty;
- current_tax_amount = this.get_final_tax_amount(tax, current_tax_amount);
this.set_item_wise_tax(item, tax, tax_rate, current_tax_amount);
return current_tax_amount;
- get_final_tax_amount: function(tax, current_tax_amount) {
- if (frappe.flags.round_off_applicable_accounts.includes(tax.account_head)) {
- current_tax_amount = Math.round(current_tax_amount);
- }
- return current_tax_amount;
- },
set_item_wise_tax: function(item, tax, tax_rate, current_tax_amount) {
// store tax breakup for each item
let tax_detail = tax.item_wise_tax_detail;
@@ -420,10 +414,22 @@
round_off_totals: function(tax) {
+ if (frappe.flags.round_off_applicable_accounts.includes(tax.account_head)) {
+ tax.tax_amount= Math.round(tax.tax_amount);
+ tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount = Math.round(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount);
+ }
tax.tax_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax));
tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax));
+ round_off_base_values: function(tax) {
+ if (frappe.flags.round_off_applicable_accounts.includes(tax.account_head)) {
+ tax.base_tax_amount= Math.round(tax.base_tax_amount);
+ tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount = Math.round(tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount);
+ }
+ },
manipulate_grand_total_for_inclusive_tax: function() {
var me = this;
// if fully inclusive taxes and diff
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js
index 21a20a7..a0398e7 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/controllers/transaction.js
@@ -737,28 +737,34 @@
this.frm.trigger("item_code", cdt, cdn);
else {
- var valid_serial_nos = [];
- var serialnos = [];
// Replacing all occurences of comma with carriage return
item.serial_no = item.serial_no.replace(/,/g, '\n');
- serialnos = item.serial_no.split("\n");
- for (var i = 0; i < serialnos.length; i++) {
- if (serialnos[i] != "") {
- valid_serial_nos.push(serialnos[i]);
- }
- }
item.conversion_factor = item.conversion_factor || 1;
refresh_field("serial_no",, item.parentfield);
- if(!doc.is_return && cint(user_defaults.set_qty_in_transactions_based_on_serial_no_input)) {
- frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,,
- "qty", valid_serial_nos.length / item.conversion_factor);
- frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, "stock_qty", valid_serial_nos.length);
+ if (!doc.is_return && cint(frappe.user_defaults.set_qty_in_transactions_based_on_serial_no_input)) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ me.update_qty(cdt, cdn);
+ }, 10000);
+ update_qty: function(cdt, cdn) {
+ var valid_serial_nos = [];
+ var serialnos = [];
+ var item = frappe.get_doc(cdt, cdn);
+ serialnos = item.serial_no.split("\n");
+ for (var i = 0; i < serialnos.length; i++) {
+ if (serialnos[i] != "") {
+ valid_serial_nos.push(serialnos[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,,
+ "qty", valid_serial_nos.length / item.conversion_factor);
+ frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, "stock_qty", valid_serial_nos.length);
+ },
validate: function() {
@@ -1097,6 +1103,8 @@
to_currency: to_currency,
args: args
+ freeze: true,
+ freeze_message: __("Fetching exchange rates ..."),
callback: function(r) {
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/education/lms/quiz.js b/erpnext/public/js/education/lms/quiz.js
index 4a9d1e3..32fa4ab 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/education/lms/quiz.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/education/lms/quiz.js
@@ -20,6 +20,16 @@
make(data) {
+ if (data.duration) {
+ const timer_display = document.createElement("div");
+ timer_display.classList.add("lms-timer", "float-right", "font-weight-bold");
+ document.getElementsByClassName("lms-title")[0].appendChild(timer_display);
+ if (!data.activity || (data.activity && !data.activity.is_complete)) {
+ this.initialiseTimer(data.duration);
+ this.is_time_bound = true;
+ this.time_taken = 0;
+ }
+ }
data.questions.forEach(question_data => {
let question_wrapper = document.createElement('div');
let question = new Question({
@@ -37,12 +47,51 @@
indicator = 'green'
message = 'You have already cleared the quiz.'
+ if (data.activity.time_taken) {
+ this.calculate_and_display_time(data.activity.time_taken, "Time Taken - ");
+ }
this.set_quiz_footer(message, indicator, data.activity.score)
else {
+ window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.returnValue = '';
+ });
+ }
+ initialiseTimer(duration) {
+ this.time_left = duration;
+ var self = this;
+ var old_diff;
+ this.calculate_and_display_time(this.time_left, "Time Left - ");
+ this.start_time = new Date().getTime();
+ this.timer = setInterval(function () {
+ var diff = (new Date().getTime() - self.start_time)/1000;
+ var variation = old_diff ? diff - old_diff : diff;
+ old_diff = diff;
+ self.time_left -= variation;
+ self.time_taken += variation;
+ self.calculate_and_display_time(self.time_left, "Time Left - ");
+ if (self.time_left <= 0) {
+ clearInterval(self.timer);
+ self.time_taken -= 1;
+ self.submit();
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ calculate_and_display_time(second, text) {
+ var timer_display = document.getElementsByClassName("lms-timer")[0];
+ var hours = this.append_zero(Math.floor(second / 3600));
+ var minutes = this.append_zero(Math.floor(second % 3600 / 60));
+ var seconds = this.append_zero(Math.ceil(second % 3600 % 60));
+ timer_display.innerText = text + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
+ }
+ append_zero(time) {
+ return time > 9 ? time : "0" + time;
make_actions() {
@@ -57,6 +106,10 @@
submit() {
+ if (this.is_time_bound) {
+ clearInterval(this.timer);
+ $(".lms-timer").text("");
+ }
this.submit_btn.innerText = 'Evaluating..'
this.submit_btn.disabled = true
@@ -64,7 +117,8 @@
quiz_response: this.get_selected(),
course: this.course,
- program: this.program
+ program: this.program,
+ time_taken: this.is_time_bound ? this.time_taken : ""
}).then(res => {
if (!res.message) {
@@ -157,7 +211,7 @@
return input;
- let make_label = function(name, value) {
+ let make_label = function (name, value) {
let label = document.createElement('label');
label.htmlFor = name;
@@ -166,14 +220,14 @@
let make_option = function (wrapper, option) {
- let option_div = document.createElement('div')
- option_div.classList.add('form-check', 'pb-1')
+ let option_div = document.createElement('div');
+ option_div.classList.add('form-check', 'pb-1');
let input = make_input(, option.option);
let label = make_label(, option.option);
- option_div.appendChild(input)
- option_div.appendChild(label)
- wrapper.appendChild(option_div)
- return {input: input, ...option}
+ option_div.appendChild(input);
+ option_div.appendChild(label);
+ wrapper.appendChild(option_div);
+ return { input: input, ...option };
let options_wrapper = document.createElement('div')
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/utils.js b/erpnext/public/js/utils.js
index e5b50d8..fd98f17 100755
--- a/erpnext/public/js/utils.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/utils.js
@@ -291,17 +291,15 @@
return options[0];
- copy_parent_value_in_all_row: function(doc, dt, dn, table_fieldname, fieldname, parent_fieldname) {
- var d = locals[dt][dn];
- if(d[fieldname]){
- var cl = doc[table_fieldname] || [];
- for(var i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) {
+ overrides_parent_value_in_all_rows: function(doc, dt, dn, table_fieldname, fieldname, parent_fieldname) {
+ if (doc[parent_fieldname]) {
+ let cl = doc[table_fieldname] || [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) {
cl[i][fieldname] = doc[parent_fieldname];
+ frappe.refresh_field(table_fieldname);
- refresh_field(table_fieldname);
create_new_doc: function (doctype, update_fields) {
frappe.model.with_doctype(doctype, function() {
var new_doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc(doctype);
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
index d49a813..3333d56 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@
return row.on_grid_fields_dict.batch_no.get_value();
- if (selected_batches.includes(val)) {
+ if (selected_batches.includes(batch_no)) {
- frappe.throw(__('Batch {0} already selected.', [val]));
+ frappe.throw(__('Batch {0} already selected.', [batch_no]));
if ( {
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/website_theme.js b/erpnext/public/js/website_theme.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0009cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/website_theme.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+// MIT License. See license.txt
+frappe.ui.form.on('Website Theme', {
+ validate(frm) {
+ let theme_scss = frm.doc.theme_scss;
+ if (theme_scss && theme_scss.includes('frappe/public/scss/website')
+ && !theme_scss.includes('erpnext/public/scss/website')
+ ) {
+ frm.set_value('theme_scss',
+ `${frm.doc.theme_scss}\n@import "erpnext/public/scss/website";`);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_settings/e_invoice_settings.json b/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_settings/e_invoice_settings.json
index db8bda7..68ed339 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_settings/e_invoice_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_settings/e_invoice_settings.json
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ "applicable_from",
@@ -48,12 +49,19 @@
"fieldname": "sandbox_mode",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Sandbox Mode"
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "applicable_from",
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Applicable From",
+ "reqd": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-01-13 12:04:49.449199",
+ "modified": "2021-03-30 12:26:25.538294",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Regional",
"name": "E Invoice Settings",
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_user/e_invoice_user.json b/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_user/e_invoice_user.json
index dd9d997..a65b1ca 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_user/e_invoice_user.json
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/e_invoice_user/e_invoice_user.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"editable_grid": 1,
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
+ "company",
@@ -30,12 +31,20 @@
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Password",
"reqd": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldname": "company",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Company",
+ "options": "Company",
+ "reqd": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-12-22 15:10:53.466205",
+ "modified": "2021-03-22 12:16:56.365616",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Regional",
"name": "E Invoice User",
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/germany/ b/erpnext/regional/germany/
index d6047e8..ac1f543 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/germany/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/germany/
@@ -3,4 +3,17 @@
def setup(company=None, patch=True):
- pass
+ add_custom_roles_for_reports()
+def add_custom_roles_for_reports():
+ """Add Access Control to UAE VAT 201."""
+ if not frappe.db.get_value('Custom Role', dict(report='DATEV')):
+ frappe.get_doc(dict(
+ doctype='Custom Role',
+ report='DATEV',
+ roles= [
+ dict(role='Accounts User'),
+ dict(role='Accounts Manager')
+ ]
+ )).insert()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/ b/erpnext/regional/india/
index 378b735..faeb36f 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"Mizoram": "15",
"Nagaland": "13",
"Odisha": "21",
- "Other Territory": "98",
+ "Other Territory": "97",
"Pondicherry": "34",
"Punjab": "03",
"Rajasthan": "08",
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/einvoice.js b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/einvoice.js
index 7cd64f2..8d682be 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/einvoice.js
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/einvoice.js
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
erpnext.setup_einvoice_actions = (doctype) => {
frappe.ui.form.on(doctype, {
async refresh(frm) {
- const einvoicing_enabled = await frappe.db.get_single_value("E Invoice Settings", "enable");
- const supply_type = frm.doc.gst_category;
- const valid_supply_type = ['Registered Regular', 'SEZ', 'Overseas', 'Deemed Export'].includes(supply_type);
- const company_transaction = frm.doc.billing_address_gstin == frm.doc.company_gstin;
+ const res = await{
+ method: 'erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils.validate_eligibility',
+ args: { doc: frm.doc }
+ });
+ const invoice_eligible = res.message;
- if (cint(einvoicing_enabled) == 0 || !valid_supply_type || company_transaction) return;
+ if (!invoice_eligible) return;
const { doctype, irn, irn_cancelled, ewaybill, eway_bill_cancelled, name, __unsaved } = frm.doc;
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
"default": "1-Duplicate",
"options": ["1-Duplicate", "2-Data Entry Error", "3-Order Cancelled", "4-Other"]
- {
+ {
"label": "Remark",
"fieldname": "remark",
"fieldtype": "Data",
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
const data = d.get_values();{
method: 'erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils.cancel_irn',
- args: {
+ args: {
docname: name,
irn: irn,
@@ -109,45 +110,25 @@
if (irn && ewaybill && !irn_cancelled && !eway_bill_cancelled) {
- const fields = [
- {
- "label": "Reason",
- "fieldname": "reason",
- "fieldtype": "Select",
- "reqd": 1,
- "default": "1-Duplicate",
- "options": ["1-Duplicate", "2-Data Entry Error", "3-Order Cancelled", "4-Other"]
- },
- {
- "label": "Remark",
- "fieldname": "remark",
- "fieldtype": "Data",
- "reqd": 1
- }
- ];
const action = () => {
- const d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
- title: __('Cancel E-Way Bill'),
- fields: fields,
+ let message = __('Cancellation of e-way bill is currently not supported. ');
+ message += '<br><br>';
+ message += __('You must first use the portal to cancel the e-way bill and then update the cancelled status in the ERPNext system.');
+ frappe.msgprint({
+ title: __('Update E-Way Bill Cancelled Status?'),
+ message: message,
+ indicator: 'orange',
primary_action: function() {
- const data = d.get_values();{
method: 'erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils.cancel_eway_bill',
- args: {
- doctype,
- docname: name,
- eway_bill: ewaybill,
- reason: data.reason.split('-')[0],
- remark: data.remark
- },
+ args: { doctype, docname: name },
freeze: true,
- callback: () => frm.reload_doc() || d.hide(),
- error: () => d.hide()
+ callback: () => frm.reload_doc()
- primary_action_label: __('Submit')
+ primary_action_label: __('Yes')
add_custom_button(__("Cancel E-Way Bill"), action);
@@ -254,7 +235,7 @@
title: __("Preview"),
size: "large",
fields: [
- {
+ {
"label": "Preview",
"fieldname": "preview_html",
"fieldtype": "HTML"
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/ b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/
index 96f7f1b..1d3cb66 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/e_invoice/
@@ -15,18 +15,44 @@
import io
from frappe import _, bold
from pyqrcode import create as qrcreate
+from frappe.utils.background_jobs import enqueue
+from frappe.utils.scheduler import is_scheduler_inactive
+from import get_info
from frappe.integrations.utils import make_post_request, make_get_request
from erpnext.regional.india.utils import get_gst_accounts, get_place_of_supply
-from import cstr, cint, format_date, flt, time_diff_in_seconds, now_datetime, add_to_date, get_link_to_form
+from import cstr, cint, format_date, flt, time_diff_in_seconds, now_datetime, add_to_date, get_link_to_form, getdate, time_diff_in_hours
-def validate_einvoice_fields(doc):
- einvoicing_enabled = cint(frappe.db.get_value('E Invoice Settings', 'E Invoice Settings', 'enable'))
- invalid_doctype = doc.doctype != 'Sales Invoice'
+def validate_eligibility(doc):
+ if isinstance(doc, six.string_types):
+ doc = json.loads(doc)
+ invalid_doctype = doc.get('doctype') != 'Sales Invoice'
+ if invalid_doctype:
+ return False
+ einvoicing_enabled = cint(frappe.db.get_single_value('E Invoice Settings', 'enable'))
+ if not einvoicing_enabled:
+ return False
+ einvoicing_eligible_from = frappe.db.get_single_value('E Invoice Settings', 'applicable_from') or '2021-04-01'
+ if getdate(doc.get('posting_date')) < getdate(einvoicing_eligible_from):
+ return False
+ invalid_company = not frappe.db.get_value('E Invoice User', { 'company': doc.get('company') })
invalid_supply_type = doc.get('gst_category') not in ['Registered Regular', 'SEZ', 'Overseas', 'Deemed Export']
company_transaction = doc.get('billing_address_gstin') == doc.get('company_gstin')
no_taxes_applied = not doc.get('taxes')
- if not einvoicing_enabled or invalid_doctype or invalid_supply_type or company_transaction or no_taxes_applied:
+ if invalid_company or invalid_supply_type or company_transaction or no_taxes_applied:
+ return False
+ return True
+def validate_einvoice_fields(doc):
+ invoice_eligible = validate_eligibility(doc)
+ if not invoice_eligible:
if doc.docstatus == 0 and doc._action == 'save':
@@ -35,6 +61,8 @@
if len( > 16:
+ doc.einvoice_status = 'Pending'
elif doc.docstatus == 1 and doc._action == 'submit' and not doc.irn:
frappe.throw(_('You must generate IRN before submitting the document.'), title=_('Missing IRN'))
@@ -76,6 +104,9 @@
def get_doc_details(invoice):
+ if getdate(invoice.posting_date) < getdate('2021-01-01'):
+ frappe.throw(_('IRN generation is not allowed for invoices dated before 1st Jan 2021'), title=_('Not Allowed'))
invoice_type = 'CRN' if invoice.is_return else 'INV'
invoice_name =
@@ -87,53 +118,38 @@
-def get_party_details(address_name):
- d = frappe.get_all('Address', filters={'name': address_name}, fields=['*'])[0]
- if (not d.gstin
- or not
- or not d.pincode
- or not d.address_title
- or not d.address_line1
- or not d.gst_state_number):
+def validate_address_fields(address, is_shipping_address):
+ if ((not address.gstin and not is_shipping_address)
+ or not
+ or not address.pincode
+ or not address.address_title
+ or not address.address_line1
+ or not address.gst_state_number):
- msg=_('Address lines, city, pincode, gstin is mandatory for address {}. Please set them and try again.').format(
- get_link_to_form('Address', address_name)
- ),
+ msg=_('Address Lines, City, Pincode, GSTIN are mandatory for address {}. Please set them and try again.').format(,
title=_('Missing Address Fields')
- if d.gst_state_number == 97:
- # according to einvoice standard
- pincode = 999999
+def get_party_details(address_name, is_shipping_address=False):
+ addr = frappe.get_doc('Address', address_name)
+ validate_address_fields(addr, is_shipping_address)
- return frappe._dict(dict(
- gstin=d.gstin,
- legal_name=sanitize_for_json(d.address_title),
- location=sanitize_for_json(,
- pincode=d.pincode,
- state_code=d.gst_state_number,
- address_line1=sanitize_for_json(d.address_line1),
- address_line2=sanitize_for_json(d.address_line2)
+ if addr.gst_state_number == 97:
+ # according to einvoice standard
+ addr.pincode = 999999
+ party_address_details = frappe._dict(dict(
+ legal_name=sanitize_for_json(addr.address_title),
+ location=sanitize_for_json(,
+ pincode=addr.pincode, gstin=addr.gstin,
+ state_code=addr.gst_state_number,
+ address_line1=sanitize_for_json(addr.address_line1),
+ address_line2=sanitize_for_json(addr.address_line2)
-def get_gstin_details(gstin):
- if not hasattr(frappe.local, 'gstin_cache'):
- frappe.local.gstin_cache = {}
- key = gstin
- details = frappe.local.gstin_cache.get(key)
- if details:
- return details
- details = frappe.cache().hget('gstin_cache', key)
- if details:
- frappe.local.gstin_cache[key] = details
- return details
- if not details:
- return GSPConnector.get_gstin_details(gstin)
+ return party_address_details
def get_overseas_address_details(address_name):
address_title, address_line1, address_line2, city = frappe.db.get_value(
@@ -169,10 +185,15 @@
item.description = sanitize_for_json(d.item_name)
item.qty = abs(item.qty)
- item.discount_amount = 0
- item.unit_rate = abs(item.base_net_amount / item.qty)
- item.gross_amount = abs(item.base_net_amount)
- item.taxable_value = abs(item.base_net_amount)
+ if invoice.apply_discount_on == 'Net Total' and invoice.discount_amount:
+ item.discount_amount = abs(item.base_amount - item.base_net_amount)
+ else:
+ item.discount_amount = 0
+ item.unit_rate = abs((abs(item.taxable_value) - item.discount_amount)/ item.qty)
+ item.gross_amount = abs(item.taxable_value) + item.discount_amount
+ item.taxable_value = abs(item.taxable_value)
item.batch_expiry_date = frappe.db.get_value('Batch', d.batch_no, 'expiry_date') if d.batch_no else None
item.batch_expiry_date = format_date(item.batch_expiry_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') if item.batch_expiry_date else None
@@ -205,11 +226,11 @@
is_applicable = t.tax_amount and t.account_head in gst_accounts_list
if is_applicable:
# this contains item wise tax rate & tax amount (incl. discount)
- item_tax_detail = json.loads(t.item_wise_tax_detail).get(item.item_code)
+ item_tax_detail = json.loads(t.item_wise_tax_detail).get(item.item_code or item.item_name)
item_tax_rate = item_tax_detail[0]
# item tax amount excluding discount amount
- item_tax_amount = (item_tax_rate / 100) * item.base_net_amount
+ item_tax_amount = (item_tax_rate / 100) * item.taxable_value
if t.account_head in gst_accounts.cess_account:
item_tax_amount_after_discount = item_tax_detail[1]
@@ -223,6 +244,9 @@
if t.account_head in gst_accounts[f'{tax_type}_account']:
item.tax_rate += item_tax_rate
item[f'{tax_type}_amount'] += abs(item_tax_amount)
+ else:
+ # TODO: other charges per item
+ pass
return item
@@ -230,10 +254,14 @@
invoice_value_details = frappe._dict(dict())
if invoice.apply_discount_on == 'Net Total' and invoice.discount_amount:
- invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(invoice.base_total)
- invoice_value_details.invoice_discount_amt = abs(invoice.base_discount_amount)
+ # Discount already applied on net total which means on items
+ invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(sum([i.taxable_value for i in invoice.get('items')]))
+ invoice_value_details.invoice_discount_amt = 0
+ elif invoice.apply_discount_on == 'Grand Total' and invoice.discount_amount:
+ invoice_value_details.invoice_discount_amt = invoice.base_discount_amount
+ invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(sum([i.taxable_value for i in invoice.get('items')]))
- invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(invoice.base_net_total)
+ invoice_value_details.base_total = abs(sum([i.taxable_value for i in invoice.get('items')]))
# since tax already considers discount amount
invoice_value_details.invoice_discount_amt = 0
@@ -254,7 +282,11 @@
invoice_value_details.total_igst_amt = 0
invoice_value_details.total_cess_amt = 0
invoice_value_details.total_other_charges = 0
+ considered_rows = []
for t in invoice.taxes:
+ tax_amount = t.base_tax_amount if (invoice.apply_discount_on == 'Grand Total' and invoice.discount_amount) \
+ else t.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount
if t.account_head in gst_accounts_list:
if t.account_head in gst_accounts.cess_account:
# using after discount amt since item also uses after discount amt for cess calc
@@ -262,12 +294,26 @@
for tax_type in ['igst', 'cgst', 'sgst']:
if t.account_head in gst_accounts[f'{tax_type}_account']:
- invoice_value_details[f'total_{tax_type}_amt'] += abs(t.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
+ invoice_value_details[f'total_{tax_type}_amt'] += abs(tax_amount)
+ update_other_charges(t, invoice_value_details, gst_accounts_list, invoice, considered_rows)
- invoice_value_details.total_other_charges += abs(t.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
+ invoice_value_details.total_other_charges += abs(tax_amount)
return invoice_value_details
+def update_other_charges(tax_row, invoice_value_details, gst_accounts_list, invoice, considered_rows):
+ prev_row_id = cint(tax_row.row_id) - 1
+ if tax_row.account_head in gst_accounts_list and prev_row_id not in considered_rows:
+ if tax_row.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Amount':
+ amount = invoice.get('taxes')[prev_row_id].tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+ invoice_value_details.total_other_charges -= abs(amount)
+ considered_rows.append(prev_row_id)
+ if tax_row.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Total':
+ amount = invoice.get('taxes')[prev_row_id].base_total - invoice.base_net_total
+ invoice_value_details.total_other_charges -= abs(amount)
+ considered_rows.append(prev_row_id)
def get_payment_details(invoice):
payee_name =
mode_of_payment = ', '.join([d.mode_of_payment for d in invoice.payments])
@@ -280,6 +326,10 @@
def get_return_doc_reference(invoice):
+ if not invoice.return_against:
+ frappe.throw(_('For generating IRN, reference to the original invoice is mandatory for a credit note. Please set {} field to generate e-invoice.')
+ .format(frappe.bold('Return Against')), title=_('Missing Field'))
invoice_date = frappe.db.get_value('Sales Invoice', invoice.return_against, 'posting_date')
return frappe._dict(dict(
invoice_name=invoice.return_against, invoice_date=format_date(invoice_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
@@ -287,7 +337,11 @@
def get_eway_bill_details(invoice):
if invoice.is_return:
- frappe.throw(_('E-Way Bill cannot be generated for Credit Notes & Debit Notes'), title=_('E Invoice Validation Failed'))
+ frappe.throw(_('E-Way Bill cannot be generated for Credit Notes & Debit Notes. Please clear fields in the Transporter Section of the invoice.'),
+ title=_('Invalid Fields'))
+ if not invoice.distance:
+ frappe.throw(_('Distance is mandatory for generating e-way bill for an e-invoice.'), title=_('Missing Field'))
mode_of_transport = { '': '', 'Road': '1', 'Air': '2', 'Rail': '3', 'Ship': '4' }
vehicle_type = { 'Regular': 'R', 'Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC)': 'O' }
@@ -305,9 +359,15 @@
def validate_mandatory_fields(invoice):
if not invoice.company_address:
- frappe.throw(_('Company Address is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details.'), title=_('Missing Fields'))
+ frappe.throw(
+ _('Company Address is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. Please set Company Address and try again.'),
+ title=_('Missing Fields')
+ )
if not invoice.customer_address:
- frappe.throw(_('Customer Address is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details.'), title=_('Missing Fields'))
+ frappe.throw(
+ _('Customer Address is mandatory to fetch customer GSTIN details. Please set Company Address and try again.'),
+ title=_('Missing Fields')
+ )
if not frappe.db.get_value('Address', invoice.company_address, 'gstin'):
_('GSTIN is mandatory to fetch company GSTIN details. Please enter GSTIN in selected company address.'),
@@ -319,6 +379,39 @@
title=_('Missing Fields')
+def validate_totals(einvoice):
+ item_list = einvoice['ItemList']
+ value_details = einvoice['ValDtls']
+ total_item_ass_value = 0
+ total_item_cgst_value = 0
+ total_item_sgst_value = 0
+ total_item_igst_value = 0
+ total_item_value = 0
+ for item in item_list:
+ total_item_ass_value += flt(item['AssAmt'])
+ total_item_cgst_value += flt(item['CgstAmt'])
+ total_item_sgst_value += flt(item['SgstAmt'])
+ total_item_igst_value += flt(item['IgstAmt'])
+ total_item_value += flt(item['TotItemVal'])
+ if abs(flt(item['AssAmt']) * flt(item['GstRt']) / 100) - (flt(item['CgstAmt']) + flt(item['SgstAmt']) + flt(item['IgstAmt'])) > 1:
+ frappe.throw(_('Row #{}: GST rate is invalid. Please remove tax rows with zero tax amount from taxes table.').format(item.idx))
+ if abs(flt(value_details['AssVal']) - total_item_ass_value) > 1:
+ frappe.throw(_('Total Taxable Value of the items is not equal to the Invoice Net Total. Please check item taxes / discounts for any correction.'))
+ if abs(flt(value_details['TotInvVal']) + flt(value_details['Discount']) - flt(value_details['OthChrg']) - total_item_value) > 1:
+ frappe.throw(_('Total Value of the items is not equal to the Invoice Grand Total. Please check item taxes / discounts for any correction.'))
+ calculated_invoice_value = \
+ flt(value_details['AssVal']) + flt(value_details['CgstVal']) \
+ + flt(value_details['SgstVal']) + flt(value_details['IgstVal']) \
+ + flt(value_details['OthChrg']) - flt(value_details['Discount'])
+ if abs(flt(value_details['TotInvVal']) - calculated_invoice_value) > 1:
+ frappe.throw(_('Total Item Value + Taxes - Discount is not equal to the Invoice Grand Total. Please check taxes / discounts for any correction.'))
def make_einvoice(invoice):
@@ -334,24 +427,30 @@
buyer_details = get_overseas_address_details(invoice.customer_address)
buyer_details = get_party_details(invoice.customer_address)
- place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply(invoice, invoice.doctype) or sanitize_for_json(invoice.billing_address_gstin)
- place_of_supply = place_of_supply[:2]
+ place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply(invoice, invoice.doctype)
+ if place_of_supply:
+ place_of_supply = place_of_supply.split('-')[0]
+ else:
+ place_of_supply = sanitize_for_json(invoice.billing_address_gstin)[:2]
+ seller_details.update(dict(
+ buyer_details.update(dict(legal_name=invoice.customer_name or invoice.customer))
shipping_details = payment_details = prev_doc_details = eway_bill_details = frappe._dict({})
if invoice.shipping_address_name and invoice.customer_address != invoice.shipping_address_name:
if invoice.gst_category == 'Overseas':
shipping_details = get_overseas_address_details(invoice.shipping_address_name)
- shipping_details = get_party_details(invoice.shipping_address_name)
+ shipping_details = get_party_details(invoice.shipping_address_name, is_shipping_address=True)
if invoice.is_pos and invoice.base_paid_amount:
payment_details = get_payment_details(invoice)
- if invoice.is_return and invoice.return_against:
+ if invoice.is_return:
prev_doc_details = get_return_doc_reference(invoice)
- if invoice.transporter:
+ if invoice.transporter and flt(invoice.distance) and not invoice.is_return:
eway_bill_details = get_eway_bill_details(invoice)
# not yet implemented
@@ -364,18 +463,73 @@
period_details=period_details, prev_doc_details=prev_doc_details,
export_details=export_details, eway_bill_details=eway_bill_details
- einvoice = safe_json_load(einvoice)
- validations = json.loads(read_json('einv_validation'))
- errors = validate_einvoice(validations, einvoice)
- if errors:
- message = "\n".join([
- "E Invoice: ", json.dumps(einvoice, indent=4),
- "-" * 50,
- "Errors: ", json.dumps(errors, indent=4)
- ])
- frappe.log_error(title="E Invoice Validation Failed", message=message)
- frappe.throw(errors, title=_('E Invoice Validation Failed'), as_list=1)
+ try:
+ einvoice = safe_json_load(einvoice)
+ einvoice = santize_einvoice_fields(einvoice)
+ except Exception:
+ show_link_to_error_log(invoice, einvoice)
+ validate_totals(einvoice)
+ return einvoice
+def show_link_to_error_log(invoice, einvoice):
+ err_log = log_error(einvoice)
+ link_to_error_log = get_link_to_form('Error Log',, 'Error Log')
+ frappe.throw(
+ _('An error occurred while creating e-invoice for {}. Please check {} for more information.').format(
+, link_to_error_log),
+ title=_('E Invoice Creation Failed')
+ )
+def log_error(data=None):
+ if isinstance(data, six.string_types):
+ data = json.loads(data)
+ seperator = "--" * 50
+ err_tb = traceback.format_exc()
+ err_msg = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ data = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ message = "\n".join([
+ "Error", err_msg, seperator,
+ "Data:", data, seperator,
+ "Exception:", err_tb
+ ])
+ frappe.log_error(title=_('E Invoice Request Failed'), message=message)
+def santize_einvoice_fields(einvoice):
+ int_fields = ["Pin","Distance","CrDay"]
+ float_fields = ["Qty","FreeQty","UnitPrice","TotAmt","Discount","PreTaxVal","AssAmt","GstRt","IgstAmt","CgstAmt","SgstAmt","CesRt","CesAmt","CesNonAdvlAmt","StateCesRt","StateCesAmt","StateCesNonAdvlAmt","OthChrg","TotItemVal","AssVal","CgstVal","SgstVal","IgstVal","CesVal","StCesVal","Discount","OthChrg","RndOffAmt","TotInvVal","TotInvValFc","PaidAmt","PaymtDue","ExpDuty",]
+ copy = einvoice.copy()
+ for key, value in copy.items():
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ for idx, d in enumerate(value):
+ santized_dict = santize_einvoice_fields(d)
+ if santized_dict:
+ einvoice[key][idx] = santized_dict
+ else:
+ einvoice[key].pop(idx)
+ if not einvoice[key]:
+ einvoice.pop(key, None)
+ elif isinstance(value, dict):
+ santized_dict = santize_einvoice_fields(value)
+ if santized_dict:
+ einvoice[key] = santized_dict
+ else:
+ einvoice.pop(key, None)
+ elif not value or value == "None":
+ einvoice.pop(key, None)
+ elif key in float_fields:
+ einvoice[key] = flt(value, 2)
+ elif key in int_fields:
+ einvoice[key] = cint(value)
return einvoice
@@ -391,70 +545,22 @@
snippet = json_string[start:end]
frappe.throw(_("Error in input data. Please check for any special characters near following input: <br> {}").format(snippet))
-def validate_einvoice(validations, einvoice, errors=[]):
- for fieldname, field_validation in validations.items():
- value = einvoice.get(fieldname, None)
- if not value or value == "None":
- # remove keys with empty values
- einvoice.pop(fieldname, None)
- continue
- value_type = field_validation.get("type").lower()
- if value_type in ['object', 'array']:
- child_validations = field_validation.get('properties')
- if isinstance(value, list):
- for d in value:
- validate_einvoice(child_validations, d, errors)
- if not d:
- # remove empty dicts
- einvoice.pop(fieldname, None)
- else:
- validate_einvoice(child_validations, value, errors)
- if not value:
- # remove empty dicts
- einvoice.pop(fieldname, None)
- continue
- # convert to int or str
- if value_type == 'string':
- einvoice[fieldname] = str(value)
- elif value_type == 'number':
- is_integer = '.' not in str(field_validation.get('maximum'))
- precision = 3 if '.999' in str(field_validation.get('maximum')) else 2
- einvoice[fieldname] = flt(value, precision) if not is_integer else cint(value)
- value = einvoice[fieldname]
- max_length = field_validation.get('maxLength')
- minimum = flt(field_validation.get('minimum'))
- maximum = flt(field_validation.get('maximum'))
- pattern_str = field_validation.get('pattern')
- pattern = re.compile(pattern_str or '')
- label = field_validation.get('description') or fieldname
- if value_type == 'string' and len(value) > max_length:
- errors.append(_('{} should not exceed {} characters').format(label, max_length))
- if value_type == 'number' and (value > maximum or value < minimum):
- errors.append(_('{} {} should be between {} and {}').format(label, value, minimum, maximum))
- if pattern_str and not pattern.match(value):
- errors.append(field_validation.get('validationMsg'))
- return errors
-class RequestFailed(Exception): pass
+class RequestFailed(Exception):
+ pass
+class CancellationNotAllowed(Exception):
+ pass
class GSPConnector():
def __init__(self, doctype=None, docname=None):
- self.e_invoice_settings = frappe.get_cached_doc('E Invoice Settings')
- sandbox_mode = self.e_invoice_settings.sandbox_mode
+ self.doctype = doctype
+ self.docname = docname
- self.invoice = frappe.get_cached_doc(doctype, docname) if doctype and docname else None
- self.credentials = self.get_credentials()
+ self.set_invoice()
+ self.set_credentials()
# authenticate url is same for sandbox & live
self.authenticate_url = ''
- self.base_url = '' if not sandbox_mode else ''
+ self.base_url = '' if not self.e_invoice_settings.sandbox_mode else ''
self.cancel_irn_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice/cancel'
self.irn_details_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/invoice/irn'
@@ -463,18 +569,29 @@
self.cancel_ewaybill_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ewb/ewayapi?action=CANEWB'
self.generate_ewaybill_url = self.base_url + '/enriched/ei/api/ewaybill'
- def get_credentials(self):
+ def set_invoice(self):
+ self.invoice = None
+ if self.doctype and self.docname:
+ self.invoice = frappe.get_cached_doc(self.doctype, self.docname)
+ def set_credentials(self):
+ self.e_invoice_settings = frappe.get_cached_doc('E Invoice Settings')
+ if not self.e_invoice_settings.enable:
+ frappe.throw(_("E-Invoicing is disabled. Please enable it from {} to generate e-invoices.").format(get_link_to_form("E Invoice Settings", "E Invoice Settings")))
if self.invoice:
gstin = self.get_seller_gstin()
- if not self.e_invoice_settings.enable:
- frappe.throw(_("E-Invoicing is disabled. Please enable it from {} to generate e-invoices.").format(get_link_to_form("E Invoice Settings", "E Invoice Settings")))
- credentials = next(d for d in self.e_invoice_settings.credentials if d.gstin == gstin)
+ credentials_for_gstin = [d for d in self.e_invoice_settings.credentials if d.gstin == gstin]
+ if credentials_for_gstin:
+ self.credentials = credentials_for_gstin[0]
+ else:
+ frappe.throw(_('Cannot find e-invoicing credentials for selected Company GSTIN. Please check E-Invoice Settings'))
- credentials = self.e_invoice_settings.credentials[0] if self.e_invoice_settings.credentials else None
- return credentials
+ self.credentials = self.e_invoice_settings.credentials[0] if self.e_invoice_settings.credentials else None
def get_seller_gstin(self):
- gstin = self.invoice.company_gstin or frappe.db.get_value('Address', self.invoice.company_address, 'gstin')
+ gstin = frappe.db.get_value('Address', self.invoice.company_address, 'gstin')
if not gstin:
frappe.throw(_('Cannot retrieve Company GSTIN. Please select company address with valid GSTIN.'))
return gstin
@@ -522,7 +639,7 @@
except Exception:
- self.log_error(res)
+ log_error(res)
def get_headers(self):
@@ -544,16 +661,15 @@
if res.get('success'):
return res.get('result')
- self.log_error(res)
+ log_error(res)
raise RequestFailed
except RequestFailed:
except Exception:
- self.log_error()
+ log_error()
def get_gstin_details(gstin):
'''fetch and cache GSTIN details'''
@@ -569,12 +685,13 @@
return details
def generate_irn(self):
- headers = self.get_headers()
- einvoice = make_einvoice(self.invoice)
- data = json.dumps(einvoice, indent=4)
+ data = {}
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ einvoice = make_einvoice(self.invoice)
+ data = json.dumps(einvoice, indent=4)
res = self.make_request('post', self.generate_irn_url, headers, data)
if res.get('success'):
@@ -594,12 +711,36 @@
except RequestFailed:
errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.set_failed_status(errors=errors)
- except Exception:
- self.log_error(data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.set_failed_status(errors=str(e))
+ log_error(data)
+ @staticmethod
+ def bulk_generate_irn(invoices):
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector()
+ gsp_connector.doctype = 'Sales Invoice'
+ failed = []
+ for invoice in invoices:
+ try:
+ gsp_connector.docname = invoice
+ gsp_connector.set_invoice()
+ gsp_connector.set_credentials()
+ gsp_connector.generate_irn()
+ except Exception as e:
+ failed.append({
+ 'docname': invoice,
+ 'message': str(e)
+ })
+ return failed
def get_irn_details(self, irn):
headers = self.get_headers()
@@ -616,21 +757,30 @@
except Exception:
- self.log_error()
+ log_error()
def cancel_irn(self, irn, reason, remark):
- headers = self.get_headers()
- data = json.dumps({
- 'Irn': irn,
- 'Cnlrsn': reason,
- 'Cnlrem': remark
- }, indent=4)
+ data, res = {}, {}
+ # validate cancellation
+ if time_diff_in_hours(now_datetime(), self.invoice.ack_date) > 24:
+ frappe.throw(_('E-Invoice cannot be cancelled after 24 hours of IRN generation.'), title=_('Not Allowed'), exc=CancellationNotAllowed)
+ if not irn:
+ frappe.throw(_('IRN not found. You must generate IRN before cancelling.'), title=_('Not Allowed'), exc=CancellationNotAllowed)
+ headers = self.get_headers()
+ data = json.dumps({
+ 'Irn': irn,
+ 'Cnlrsn': reason,
+ 'Cnlrem': remark
+ }, indent=4)
res = self.make_request('post', self.cancel_irn_url, headers, data)
- if res.get('success'):
+ if res.get('success') or '9999' in res.get('message'):
self.invoice.irn_cancelled = 1
+ self.invoice.irn_cancel_date = res.get('result')['CancelDate'] if res.get('result') else ""
+ self.invoice.einvoice_status = 'Cancelled'
self.invoice.flags.updater_reference = {
'doctype': self.invoice.doctype,
@@ -643,12 +793,41 @@
except RequestFailed:
errors = self.sanitize_error_message(res.get('message'))
+ self.set_failed_status(errors=errors)
- except Exception:
- self.log_error(data)
+ except CancellationNotAllowed as e:
+ self.set_failed_status(errors=str(e))
+ self.raise_error(errors=str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.set_failed_status(errors=str(e))
+ log_error(data)
+ @staticmethod
+ def bulk_cancel_irn(invoices, reason, remark):
+ gsp_connector = GSPConnector()
+ gsp_connector.doctype = 'Sales Invoice'
+ failed = []
+ for invoice in invoices:
+ try:
+ gsp_connector.docname = invoice
+ gsp_connector.set_invoice()
+ gsp_connector.set_credentials()
+ irn = gsp_connector.invoice.irn
+ gsp_connector.cancel_irn(irn, reason, remark)
+ except Exception as e:
+ failed.append({
+ 'docname': invoice,
+ 'message': str(e)
+ })
+ return failed
def generate_eway_bill(self, **kwargs):
args = frappe._dict(kwargs)
@@ -687,7 +866,7 @@
except Exception:
- self.log_error(data)
+ log_error(data)
def cancel_eway_bill(self, eway_bill, reason, remark):
@@ -719,7 +898,7 @@
except Exception:
- self.log_error(data)
+ log_error(data)
def sanitize_error_message(self, message):
@@ -734,6 +913,9 @@
then we trim down the message by looping over errors
+ if not message:
+ return []
errors = re.findall(': [^:]+', message)
for idx, e in enumerate(errors):
# remove colons
@@ -745,22 +927,6 @@
return errors
- def log_error(self, data={}):
- if not isinstance(data, dict):
- data = json.loads(data)
- seperator = "--" * 50
- err_tb = traceback.format_exc()
- err_msg = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
- data = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
- message = "\n".join([
- "Error", err_msg, seperator,
- "Data:", data, seperator,
- "Exception:", err_tb
- ])
- frappe.log_error(title=_('E Invoice Request Failed'), message=message)
def raise_error(self, raise_exception=False, errors=[]):
title = _('E Invoice Request Failed')
if errors:
@@ -780,8 +946,13 @@
self.invoice.irn = res.get('Irn')
self.invoice.ewaybill = res.get('EwbNo')
+ self.invoice.ack_no = res.get('AckNo')
+ self.invoice.ack_date = res.get('AckDt')
self.invoice.signed_einvoice = dec_signed_invoice
+ self.invoice.ack_no = res.get('AckNo')
+ self.invoice.ack_date = res.get('AckDt')
self.invoice.signed_qr_code = res.get('SignedQRCode')
+ self.invoice.einvoice_status = 'Generated'
@@ -791,7 +962,6 @@
'label': _('IRN Generated')
def attach_qrcode_image(self):
qrcode = self.invoice.signed_qr_code
doctype = self.invoice.doctype
@@ -818,6 +988,17 @@
self.invoice.flags.ignore_validate = True
+ def set_failed_status(self, errors=None):
+ frappe.db.rollback()
+ self.invoice.einvoice_status = 'Failed'
+ self.invoice.failure_description = self.get_failure_message(errors) if errors else ""
+ self.update_invoice()
+ frappe.db.commit()
+ def get_failure_message(self, errors):
+ if isinstance(errors, list):
+ errors = ', '.join(errors)
+ return errors
def sanitize_for_json(string):
"""Escape JSON specific characters from a string."""
@@ -847,5 +1028,114 @@
def cancel_eway_bill(doctype, docname, eway_bill, reason, remark):
- gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
- gsp_connector.cancel_eway_bill(eway_bill, reason, remark)
+ # TODO: uncomment when eway_bill api from Adequare is enabled
+ # gsp_connector = GSPConnector(doctype, docname)
+ # gsp_connector.cancel_eway_bill(eway_bill, reason, remark)
+ # update cancelled status only, to be able to cancel irn next
+ frappe.db.set_value(doctype, docname, 'eway_bill_cancelled', 1)
+def generate_einvoices(docnames):
+ docnames = json.loads(docnames) or []
+ if len(docnames) < 10:
+ failures = GSPConnector.bulk_generate_irn(docnames)
+ frappe.local.message_log = []
+ if failures:
+ show_bulk_action_failure_message(failures)
+ success = len(docnames) - len(failures)
+ frappe.msgprint(
+ _('{} e-invoices generated successfully').format(success),
+ title=_('Bulk E-Invoice Generation Complete')
+ )
+ else:
+ enqueue_bulk_action(schedule_bulk_generate_irn, docnames=docnames)
+def schedule_bulk_generate_irn(docnames):
+ failures = GSPConnector.bulk_generate_irn(docnames)
+ frappe.local.message_log = []
+ frappe.publish_realtime("bulk_einvoice_generation_complete", {
+ "user": frappe.session.user,
+ "failures": failures,
+ "invoices": docnames
+ })
+def show_bulk_action_failure_message(failures):
+ for doc in failures:
+ docname = '<a href="sales-invoice/{0}">{0}</a>'.format(doc.get('docname'))
+ message = doc.get('message').replace("'", '"')
+ if message[0] == '[':
+ errors = json.loads(message)
+ error_list = ''.join(['<li>{}</li>'.format(err) for err in errors])
+ message = '''{} has following errors:<br>
+ <ul style="padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 5px">{}</ul>'''.format(docname, error_list)
+ else:
+ message = '{} - {}'.format(docname, message)
+ frappe.msgprint(
+ message,
+ title=_('Bulk E-Invoice Generation Complete'),
+ indicator='red'
+ )
+def cancel_irns(docnames, reason, remark):
+ docnames = json.loads(docnames) or []
+ if len(docnames) < 10:
+ failures = GSPConnector.bulk_cancel_irn(docnames, reason, remark)
+ frappe.local.message_log = []
+ if failures:
+ show_bulk_action_failure_message(failures)
+ success = len(docnames) - len(failures)
+ frappe.msgprint(
+ _('{} e-invoices cancelled successfully').format(success),
+ title=_('Bulk E-Invoice Cancellation Complete')
+ )
+ else:
+ enqueue_bulk_action(schedule_bulk_cancel_irn, docnames=docnames, reason=reason, remark=remark)
+def schedule_bulk_cancel_irn(docnames, reason, remark):
+ failures = GSPConnector.bulk_cancel_irn(docnames, reason, remark)
+ frappe.local.message_log = []
+ frappe.publish_realtime("bulk_einvoice_cancellation_complete", {
+ "user": frappe.session.user,
+ "failures": failures,
+ "invoices": docnames
+ })
+def enqueue_bulk_action(job, **kwargs):
+ check_scheduler_status()
+ enqueue(
+ job,
+ **kwargs,
+ queue="long",
+ timeout=10000,
+ event="processing_bulk_einvoice_action",
+ now=frappe.conf.developer_mode or frappe.flags.in_test,
+ )
+ if job == schedule_bulk_generate_irn:
+ msg = _('E-Invoices will be generated in a background process.')
+ else:
+ msg = _('E-Invoices will be cancelled in a background process.')
+ frappe.msgprint(msg, alert=1)
+def check_scheduler_status():
+ if is_scheduler_inactive() and not frappe.flags.in_test:
+ frappe.throw(_("Scheduler is inactive. Cannot enqueue job."), title=_("Scheduler Inactive"))
+def job_already_enqueued(job_name):
+ enqueued_jobs = [d.get("job_name") for d in get_info()]
+ if job_name in enqueued_jobs:
+ return True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/ b/erpnext/regional/india/
index f7689cf..9ded8da 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
from frappe.utils import today
def setup(company=None, patch=True):
- setup_company_independent_fixtures()
+ setup_company_independent_fixtures(patch=patch)
if not patch:
# TODO: for all countries
-def setup_company_independent_fixtures():
+def setup_company_independent_fixtures(patch=False):
- make_property_setters()
+ make_property_setters(patch=patch)
frappe.enqueue('erpnext.regional.india.setup.add_hsn_sac_codes', now=frappe.flags.in_test)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
def add_custom_roles_for_reports():
for report_name in ('GST Sales Register', 'GST Purchase Register',
- 'GST Itemised Sales Register', 'GST Itemised Purchase Register', 'Eway Bill'):
+ 'GST Itemised Sales Register', 'GST Itemised Purchase Register', 'Eway Bill', 'E-Invoice Summary'):
if not frappe.db.get_value('Custom Role', dict(report=report_name)):
@@ -112,10 +112,11 @@
frappe.db.set_value("Print Format", "GST Tax Invoice", "disabled", 0)
frappe.db.set_value("Print Format", "GST E-Invoice", "disabled", 0)
-def make_property_setters():
+def make_property_setters(patch=False):
# GST rules do not allow for an invoice no. bigger than 16 characters
- make_property_setter('Sales Invoice', 'naming_series', 'options', 'SINV-.YY.-\nSRET-.YY.-', '')
- make_property_setter('Purchase Invoice', 'naming_series', 'options', 'PINV-.YY.-\nPRET-.YY.-', '')
+ if not patch:
+ make_property_setter('Sales Invoice', 'naming_series', 'options', 'SINV-.YY.-\nSRET-.YY.-', '')
+ make_property_setter('Purchase Invoice', 'naming_series', 'options', 'PINV-.YY.-\nPRET-.YY.-', '')
def make_custom_fields(update=True):
hsn_sac_field = dict(fieldname='gst_hsn_code', label='HSN/SAC',
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@
is_non_gst = dict(fieldname='is_non_gst', label='Is Non GST',
fieldtype='Check', fetch_from='item_code.is_non_gst', insert_after='is_nil_exempt',
+ taxable_value = dict(fieldname='taxable_value', label='Taxable Value',
+ fieldtype='Currency', insert_after='base_net_amount', hidden=1, options="Company:company:default_currency",
+ print_hide=1)
purchase_invoice_gst_category = [
dict(fieldname='gst_section', label='GST Details', fieldtype='Section Break',
@@ -156,6 +160,13 @@
+ delivery_note_gst_category = [
+ dict(fieldname='gst_category', label='GST Category',
+ fieldtype='Select', insert_after='gst_vehicle_type', print_hide=1,
+ options='\nRegistered Regular\nRegistered Composition\nUnregistered\nSEZ\nOverseas\nConsumer\nDeemed Export\nUIN Holders',
+ fetch_from='customer.gst_category', fetch_if_empty=1),
+ ]
invoice_gst_fields = [
dict(fieldname='invoice_copy', label='Invoice Copy',
fieldtype='Select', insert_after='export_type', print_hide=1, allow_on_submit=1,
@@ -280,7 +291,7 @@
'allow_on_submit': 1,
'insert_after': 'customer_name_in_arabic',
'translatable': 0,
- }
+ }
si_ewaybill_fields = [
@@ -408,21 +419,37 @@
dict(fieldname='irn', label='IRN', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, insert_after='customer', no_copy=1, print_hide=1,
depends_on='eval:in_list(["Registered Regular", "SEZ", "Overseas", "Deemed Export"], doc.gst_category) && doc.irn_cancelled === 0'),
- dict(fieldname='ack_no', label='Ack. No.', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='irn', no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
- dict(fieldname='ack_date', label='Ack. Date', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='ack_no', no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
dict(fieldname='irn_cancelled', label='IRN Cancelled', fieldtype='Check', no_copy=1, print_hide=1,
depends_on='eval:(doc.irn_cancelled === 1)', read_only=1, allow_on_submit=1, insert_after='customer'),
dict(fieldname='eway_bill_cancelled', label='E-Way Bill Cancelled', fieldtype='Check', no_copy=1, print_hide=1,
depends_on='eval:(doc.eway_bill_cancelled === 1)', read_only=1, allow_on_submit=1, insert_after='customer'),
- dict(fieldname='signed_einvoice', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='einvoice_section', label='E-Invoice Fields', fieldtype='Section Break', insert_after='gst_vehicle_type',
+ print_hide=1, hidden=1),
+ dict(fieldname='ack_no', label='Ack. No.', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='einvoice_section',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
+ dict(fieldname='ack_date', label='Ack. Date', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='ack_no', no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
- dict(fieldname='signed_qr_code', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='irn_cancel_date', label='Cancel Date', fieldtype='Data', read_only=1, hidden=1, insert_after='ack_date',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1),
- dict(fieldname='qrcode_image', label='QRCode', fieldtype='Attach Image', hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1)
+ dict(fieldname='signed_einvoice', label='Signed E-Invoice', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, insert_after='irn_cancel_date',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='signed_qr_code', label='Signed QRCode', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON', hidden=1, insert_after='signed_einvoice',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='qrcode_image', label='QRCode', fieldtype='Attach Image', hidden=1, insert_after='signed_qr_code',
+ no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='einvoice_status', label='E-Invoice Status', fieldtype='Select', insert_after='qrcode_image',
+ options='\nPending\nGenerated\nCancelled\nFailed', default=None, hidden=1, no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1),
+ dict(fieldname='failure_description', label='E-Invoice Failure Description', fieldtype='Code', options='JSON',
+ hidden=1, insert_after='einvoice_status', no_copy=1, print_hide=1, read_only=1)
custom_fields = {
@@ -438,7 +465,7 @@
'Purchase Order': purchase_invoice_gst_fields,
'Purchase Receipt': purchase_invoice_gst_fields,
'Sales Invoice': sales_invoice_gst_category + invoice_gst_fields + sales_invoice_shipping_fields + sales_invoice_gst_fields + si_ewaybill_fields + si_einvoice_fields,
- 'Delivery Note': sales_invoice_gst_fields + ewaybill_fields + sales_invoice_shipping_fields,
+ 'Delivery Note': sales_invoice_gst_fields + ewaybill_fields + sales_invoice_shipping_fields + delivery_note_gst_category,
'Sales Order': sales_invoice_gst_fields,
'Tax Category': inter_state_gst_field,
'Item': [
@@ -453,7 +480,7 @@
'Supplier Quotation Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
'Sales Order Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
'Delivery Note Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
- 'Sales Invoice Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
+ 'Sales Invoice Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst, taxable_value],
'Purchase Order Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
'Purchase Receipt Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
'Purchase Invoice Item': [hsn_sac_field, nil_rated_exempt, is_non_gst],
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/ b/erpnext/regional/india/
index 7ce27f6..a16f56c 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
mock_get_cached.return_value = "India" # mock country
posting_date = "2021-05-01"
- invalid_names = [ "SI$1231", "012345678901234567", "SI 2020 05",
- "SI.2020.0001", "PI2021 - 001" ]
+ invalid_names = ["SI$1231", "012345678901234567", "SI 2020 05",
+ "SI.2020.0001", "PI2021 - 001"]
for name in invalid_names:
doc = frappe._dict(name=name, posting_date=posting_date)
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, validate_document_name, doc)
- valid_names = [ "012345678901236", "SI/2020/0001", "SI/2020-0001",
- "2020-PI-0001", "PI2020-0001" ]
+ valid_names = ["012345678901236", "SI/2020/0001", "SI/2020-0001",
+ "2020-PI-0001", "PI2020-0001"]
for name in valid_names:
doc = frappe._dict(name=name, posting_date=posting_date)
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/india/ b/erpnext/regional/india/
index ff4ac07..0c757e9 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/india/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/india/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import frappe, re, json
from frappe import _
import erpnext
-from frappe.utils import cstr, flt, date_diff, nowdate, round_based_on_smallest_currency_fraction, money_in_words, getdate
+from frappe.utils import cstr, flt, cint, date_diff, nowdate, round_based_on_smallest_currency_fraction, money_in_words, getdate
from erpnext.regional.india import states, state_numbers
from erpnext.controllers.taxes_and_totals import get_itemised_tax, get_itemised_taxable_amount
from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import get_taxes_and_charges
@@ -41,24 +41,25 @@
if len(doc.gstin) != 15:
- frappe.throw(_("Invalid GSTIN! A GSTIN must have 15 characters."))
+ frappe.throw(_("A GSTIN must have 15 characters."), title=_("Invalid GSTIN"))
if gst_category and gst_category == 'UIN Holders':
if not GSTIN_UIN_FORMAT.match(doc.gstin):
- frappe.throw(_("Invalid GSTIN! The input you've entered doesn't match the GSTIN format for UIN Holders or Non-Resident OIDAR Service Providers"))
+ frappe.throw(_("The input you've entered doesn't match the GSTIN format for UIN Holders or Non-Resident OIDAR Service Providers"),
+ title=_("Invalid GSTIN"))
if not GSTIN_FORMAT.match(doc.gstin):
- frappe.throw(_("Invalid GSTIN! The input you've entered doesn't match the format of GSTIN."))
+ frappe.throw(_("The input you've entered doesn't match the format of GSTIN."), title=_("Invalid GSTIN"))
if not doc.gst_state:
- frappe.throw(_("Please Enter GST state"))
+ frappe.throw(_("Please enter GST state"), title=_("Invalid State"))
if doc.gst_state_number != doc.gstin[:2]:
- frappe.throw(_("Invalid GSTIN! First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}.")
- .format(doc.gst_state_number))
+ frappe.throw(_("First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}.")
+ .format(doc.gst_state_number), title=_("Invalid GSTIN"))
def validate_pan_for_india(doc, method):
if doc.get('country') != 'India' or not doc.pan:
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
def validate_document_name(doc, method=None):
"""Validate GST invoice number requirements."""
country = frappe.get_cached_value("Company",, "country")
# Date was chosen as start of next FY to avoid irritating current users.
@@ -832,3 +834,48 @@
return account_list
+def update_taxable_values(doc, method):
+ country = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',, 'country')
+ if country != 'India':
+ return
+ gst_accounts = get_gst_accounts(
+ # Only considering sgst account to avoid inflating taxable value
+ gst_account_list = gst_accounts.get('sgst_account', []) + gst_accounts.get('sgst_account', []) \
+ + gst_accounts.get('igst_account', [])
+ additional_taxes = 0
+ total_charges = 0
+ item_count = 0
+ considered_rows = []
+ for tax in doc.get('taxes'):
+ prev_row_id = cint(tax.row_id) - 1
+ if tax.account_head in gst_account_list and prev_row_id not in considered_rows:
+ if tax.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Amount':
+ additional_taxes += doc.get('taxes')[prev_row_id].tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+ considered_rows.append(prev_row_id)
+ if tax.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Total':
+ additional_taxes += doc.get('taxes')[prev_row_id].base_total - doc.base_net_total
+ considered_rows.append(prev_row_id)
+ for item in doc.get('items'):
+ if doc.apply_discount_on == 'Grand Total' and doc.discount_amount:
+ proportionate_value = item.base_amount if doc.base_total else item.qty
+ total_value = doc.base_total if doc.base_total else doc.total_qty
+ else:
+ proportionate_value = item.base_net_amount if doc.base_net_total else item.qty
+ total_value = doc.base_net_total if doc.base_net_total else doc.total_qty
+ applicable_charges = flt(flt(proportionate_value * (flt(additional_taxes) / flt(total_value)),
+ item.precision('taxable_value')))
+ item.taxable_value = applicable_charges + proportionate_value
+ total_charges += applicable_charges
+ item_count += 1
+ if total_charges != additional_taxes:
+ diff = additional_taxes - total_charges
+ doc.get('items')[item_count - 1].taxable_value += diff
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/italy/ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
index a1f5bb9..7db2f6b 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/italy/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@
dict(fieldname='customer_fiscal_code', label='Customer Fiscal Code',
fieldtype='Data', insert_after='cb_e_invoicing_reference', read_only=1,
+ dict(fieldname='type_of_document', label='Type of Document',
+ fieldtype='Select', insert_after='customer_fiscal_code',
+ options='\nTD01\nTD02\nTD03\nTD04\nTD05\nTD06\nTD16\nTD17\nTD18\nTD19\nTD20\nTD21\nTD22\nTD23\nTD24\nTD25\nTD26\nTD27'),
'Purchase Invoice Item': invoice_item_fields,
'Sales Order Item': invoice_item_fields,
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/italy/ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
index 08573cd..ba1aeaf 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/italy/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@
invoice.company_address_data = company_address
#Set invoice type
- if invoice.is_return and invoice.return_against:
- invoice.type_of_document = "TD04" #Credit Note (Nota di Credito)
- invoice.return_against_unamended = get_unamended_name(frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice", invoice.return_against))
- else:
- invoice.type_of_document = "TD01" #Sales Invoice (Fattura)
+ if not invoice.type_of_document:
+ if invoice.is_return and invoice.return_against:
+ invoice.type_of_document = "TD04" #Credit Note (Nota di Credito)
+ invoice.return_against_unamended = get_unamended_name(frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice", invoice.return_against))
+ else:
+ invoice.type_of_document = "TD01" #Sales Invoice (Fattura)
#set customer information
invoice.customer_data = frappe.get_doc("Customer", invoice.customer)
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/datev/datev.json b/erpnext/regional/report/datev/datev.json
index 80a866c..94e3960 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/report/datev/datev.json
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/datev/datev.json
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
- "add_total_row": 0,
- "apply_user_permissions": 0,
- "creation": "2019-04-24 08:45:16.650129",
- "disabled": 0,
- "icon": "octicon octicon-repo-pull",
- "color": "#4CB944",
- "docstatus": 0,
- "doctype": "Report",
- "idx": 0,
- "is_standard": "Yes",
- "module": "Regional",
- "name": "DATEV",
- "owner": "Administrator",
- "ref_doctype": "GL Entry",
- "report_name": "DATEV",
- "report_type": "Script Report",
- "roles": [
- {
- "role": "Accounts User"
- },
- {
- "role": "Accounts Manager"
- },
- {
- "role": "Auditor"
- }
- ]
+ "add_total_row": 0,
+ "columns": [],
+ "creation": "2019-04-24 08:45:16.650129",
+ "disable_prepared_report": 0,
+ "disabled": 0,
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Report",
+ "filters": [],
+ "idx": 0,
+ "is_standard": "Yes",
+ "modified": "2021-04-06 12:23:00.379517",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Regional",
+ "name": "DATEV",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "prepared_report": 0,
+ "ref_doctype": "GL Entry",
+ "report_name": "DATEV",
+ "report_type": "Script Report",
+ "roles": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/ b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/
similarity index 100%
copy from erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
copy to erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/e_invoice_summary.js b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/e_invoice_summary.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4713217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/e_invoice_summary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+// For license information, please see license.txt
+/* eslint-disable */
+frappe.query_reports["E-Invoice Summary"] = {
+ "filters": [
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Company",
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "fieldname": "company",
+ "label": __("Company"),
+ "default": frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company"),
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "options": "Customer",
+ "fieldname": "customer",
+ "label": __("Customer")
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "fieldname": "from_date",
+ "label": __("From Date"),
+ "default": frappe.datetime.add_months(frappe.datetime.get_today(), -1),
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "reqd": 1,
+ "fieldname": "to_date",
+ "label": __("To Date"),
+ "default": frappe.datetime.get_today(),
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "fieldname": "status",
+ "label": __("Status"),
+ "options": "\nPending\nGenerated\nCancelled\nFailed"
+ }
+ ],
+ "formatter": function (value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
+ value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);
+ if (column.fieldname == "einvoice_status" && value) {
+ if (value == 'Pending') value = `<span class="bold" style="color: var(--text-on-orange)">${value}</span>`;
+ else if (value == 'Generated') value = `<span class="bold" style="color: var(--text-on-green)">${value}</span>`;
+ else if (value == 'Cancelled') value = `<span class="bold" style="color: var(--text-on-red)">${value}</span>`;
+ else if (value == 'Failed') value = `<span class="bold" style="color: var(--text-on-red)">${value}</span>`;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/e_invoice_summary.json b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/e_invoice_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4deb073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/e_invoice_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "add_total_row": 0,
+ "columns": [],
+ "creation": "2021-03-12 11:23:37.312294",
+ "disable_prepared_report": 0,
+ "disabled": 0,
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Report",
+ "filters": [],
+ "idx": 0,
+ "is_standard": "Yes",
+ "json": "{}",
+ "letter_head": "Logo",
+ "modified": "2021-03-12 12:36:48.689413",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Regional",
+ "name": "E-Invoice Summary",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "prepared_report": 0,
+ "ref_doctype": "Sales Invoice",
+ "report_name": "E-Invoice Summary",
+ "report_type": "Script Report",
+ "roles": [
+ {
+ "role": "Administrator"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/ b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47acf29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/e_invoice_summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
+# For license information, please see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import frappe
+from frappe import _
+def execute(filters=None):
+ validate_filters(filters)
+ columns = get_columns()
+ data = get_data(filters)
+ return columns, data
+def validate_filters(filters={}):
+ filters = frappe._dict(filters)
+ if not
+ frappe.throw(_('{} is mandatory for generating E-Invoice Summary Report').format(_('Company')), title=_('Invalid Filter'))
+ if
+ # validate if company has e-invoicing enabled
+ pass
+ if not filters.from_date or not filters.to_date:
+ frappe.throw(_('From Date & To Date is mandatory for generating E-Invoice Summary Report'), title=_('Invalid Filter'))
+ if filters.from_date > filters.to_date:
+ frappe.throw(_('From Date must be before To Date'), title=_('Invalid Filter'))
+def get_data(filters={}):
+ query_filters = {
+ 'posting_date': ['between', [filters.from_date, filters.to_date]],
+ 'einvoice_status': ['is', 'set'],
+ 'company':
+ }
+ if filters.customer:
+ query_filters['customer'] = filters.customer
+ if filters.status:
+ query_filters['einvoice_status'] = filters.status
+ data = frappe.get_all(
+ 'Sales Invoice',
+ filters=query_filters,
+ fields=[d.get('fieldname') for d in get_columns()]
+ )
+ return data
+def get_columns():
+ return [
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Date",
+ "fieldname": "posting_date",
+ "label": _("Posting Date"),
+ "width": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "fieldname": "name",
+ "label": _("Sales Invoice"),
+ "options": "Sales Invoice",
+ "width": 140
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "fieldname": "einvoice_status",
+ "label": _("Status"),
+ "width": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "fieldname": "customer",
+ "options": "Customer",
+ "label": _("Customer")
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "fieldname": "is_return",
+ "label": _("Is Return"),
+ "width": 85
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "fieldname": "ack_no",
+ "label": "Ack. No.",
+ "width": 145
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "fieldname": "ack_date",
+ "label": "Ack. Date",
+ "width": 165
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Data",
+ "fieldname": "irn",
+ "label": _("IRN No."),
+ "width": 250
+ },
+ {
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "options": "Company:company:default_currency",
+ "fieldname": "base_grand_total",
+ "label": _("Grand Total"),
+ "width": 120
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/report/gstr_1/ b/erpnext/regional/report/gstr_1/
index 62faa30..b637fb4 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/report/gstr_1/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/report/gstr_1/
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
self.item_tax_rate = frappe._dict()
items = frappe.db.sql("""
- select item_code, parent, base_net_amount, item_tax_rate
+ select item_code, parent, taxable_value, item_tax_rate
from `tab%s Item`
where parent in (%s)
""" % (self.doctype, ', '.join(['%s']*len(self.invoices))), tuple(self.invoices), as_dict=1)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
for d in items:
if d.item_code not in self.invoice_items.get(d.parent, {}):
self.invoice_items.setdefault(d.parent, {}).setdefault(d.item_code,
- sum(i.get('base_net_amount', 0) for i in items
+ sum(i.get('taxable_value', 0) for i in items
if i.item_code == d.item_code and i.parent == d.parent))
item_tax_rate = {}
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
fp = "%02d%s" % (getdate(filters["to_date"]).month, getdate(filters["to_date"]).year)
- gst_json = {"gstin": "", "version": "GST2.2.9",
+ gst_json = {"version": "GST2.2.9",
"hash": "hash", "gstin": gstin, "fp": fp}
res = {}
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/saudi_arabia/ b/erpnext/regional/saudi_arabia/
index d9ac6cb..9b3677d 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/saudi_arabia/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/saudi_arabia/
@@ -4,11 +4,8 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.setup import make_custom_fields, add_print_formats
-from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.taxes_setup import create_sales_tax
def setup(company=None, patch=True):
- if company:
- create_sales_tax(company)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/ b/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/
index 68208ab..bd12d66 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
import frappe, os, json
from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_fields
from frappe.permissions import add_permission, update_permission_property
-from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.taxes_setup import create_sales_tax
from erpnext.payroll.doctype.gratuity_rule.gratuity_rule import get_gratuity_rule
def setup(company=None, patch=True):
@@ -16,9 +15,6 @@
- if company:
- create_sales_tax(company)
def make_custom_fields():
is_zero_rated = dict(fieldname='is_zero_rated', label='Is Zero Rated',
fieldtype='Check', fetch_from='item_code.is_zero_rated', insert_after='description',
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json
index 7d5e84d..cd94ee1 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/customer.json
@@ -212,7 +212,8 @@
"fieldtype": "Link",
"ignore_user_permissions": 1,
"label": "Represents Company",
- "options": "Company"
+ "options": "Company",
+ "unique": 1
"depends_on": "represents_company",
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/
index 96b3fa4..49ca942 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/
@@ -38,11 +38,19 @@
def get_customer_name(self):
- if frappe.db.get_value("Customer", self.customer_name):
+ if frappe.db.get_value("Customer", self.customer_name) and not frappe.flags.in_import:
count = frappe.db.sql("""select ifnull(MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED)), 0) from tabCustomer
where name like %s""", "%{0} - %".format(self.customer_name), as_list=1)[0][0]
count = cint(count) + 1
- return "{0} - {1}".format(self.customer_name, cstr(count))
+ new_customer_name = "{0} - {1}".format(self.customer_name, cstr(count))
+ msgprint(_("Changed customer name to '{}' as '{}' already exists.")
+ .format(new_customer_name, self.customer_name),
+ title=_("Note"), indicator="yellow")
+ return new_customer_name
return self.customer_name
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6af6a4f..0000000
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
-// For license information, please see license.txt
-frappe.ui.form.on('Lead Source', {
- refresh: function(frm) {
- }
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.json b/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 373e83a..0000000
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/lead_source.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- "allow_copy": 0,
- "allow_import": 0,
- "allow_rename": 1,
- "autoname": "field:source_name",
- "beta": 0,
- "creation": "2016-09-16 01:47:47.382372",
- "custom": 0,
- "docstatus": 0,
- "doctype": "DocType",
- "document_type": "",
- "editable_grid": 1,
- "fields": [
- {
- "allow_on_submit": 0,
- "bold": 0,
- "collapsible": 0,
- "columns": 0,
- "fieldname": "source_name",
- "fieldtype": "Data",
- "hidden": 0,
- "ignore_user_permissions": 0,
- "ignore_xss_filter": 0,
- "in_filter": 0,
- "in_list_view": 0,
- "label": "Source Name",
- "length": 0,
- "no_copy": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
- "precision": "",
- "print_hide": 0,
- "print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
- "read_only": 0,
- "report_hide": 0,
- "reqd": 1,
- "search_index": 0,
- "set_only_once": 0,
- "unique": 0
- },
- {
- "allow_on_submit": 0,
- "bold": 0,
- "collapsible": 0,
- "columns": 0,
- "fieldname": "details",
- "fieldtype": "Text Editor",
- "hidden": 0,
- "ignore_user_permissions": 0,
- "ignore_xss_filter": 0,
- "in_filter": 0,
- "in_list_view": 0,
- "label": "Details",
- "length": 0,
- "no_copy": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
- "precision": "",
- "print_hide": 0,
- "print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
- "read_only": 0,
- "report_hide": 0,
- "reqd": 0,
- "search_index": 0,
- "set_only_once": 0,
- "unique": 0
- }
- ],
- "hide_heading": 0,
- "hide_toolbar": 0,
- "idx": 0,
- "image_view": 0,
- "in_create": 0,
- "is_submittable": 0,
- "issingle": 0,
- "istable": 0,
- "max_attachments": 0,
- "modified": "2020-09-16 02:03:01.441622",
- "modified_by": "Administrator",
- "module": "Selling",
- "name": "Lead Source",
- "name_case": "",
- "owner": "Administrator",
- "permissions": [
- {
- "amend": 0,
- "apply_user_permissions": 0,
- "cancel": 0,
- "create": 1,
- "delete": 1,
- "email": 1,
- "export": 1,
- "if_owner": 0,
- "import": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
- "print": 1,
- "read": 1,
- "report": 1,
- "role": "Sales Manager",
- "set_user_permissions": 0,
- "share": 1,
- "submit": 0,
- "write": 1
- },
- {
- "amend": 0,
- "apply_user_permissions": 0,
- "cancel": 0,
- "create": 1,
- "delete": 0,
- "email": 1,
- "export": 1,
- "if_owner": 0,
- "import": 0,
- "permlevel": 0,
- "print": 1,
- "read": 1,
- "report": 1,
- "role": "Sales User",
- "set_user_permissions": 0,
- "share": 1,
- "submit": 0,
- "write": 1
- }
- ],
- "quick_entry": 1,
- "read_only": 0,
- "read_only_onload": 0,
- "sort_field": "modified",
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "track_seen": 0
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
deleted file mode 100644
index 42df18f..0000000
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/lead_source/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
-# See license.txt
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import frappe
-import unittest
-# test_records = frappe.get_test_records('Lead Source')
-class TestLeadSource(unittest.TestCase):
- pass
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.json b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.json
index 0a5c665..762b6f1 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.json
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
+ "disable_rounded_total",
@@ -901,6 +902,7 @@
"width": "150px"
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -912,6 +914,7 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -961,6 +964,7 @@
"width": "150px"
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -973,6 +977,7 @@
"bold": 1,
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hide_days": 1,
@@ -1474,13 +1479,20 @@
"label": "Represents Company",
"options": "Company",
"read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "depends_on": "grand_total",
+ "fieldname": "disable_rounded_total",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Disable Rounded Total"
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
"idx": 105,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-01-20 23:40:39.929296",
+ "modified": "2021-04-15 23:55:13.439068",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Selling",
"name": "Sales Order",
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/selling_settings/selling_settings.json b/erpnext/selling/doctype/selling_settings/selling_settings.json
index 2104c01..f01934b 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/selling_settings/selling_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/selling_settings/selling_settings.json
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ "maintain_same_rate_action",
+ "role_to_override_stop_action",
@@ -133,6 +135,23 @@
"fieldname": "hide_tax_id",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Hide Customer's Tax ID from Sales Transactions"
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "Stop",
+ "depends_on": "maintain_same_sales_rate",
+ "description": "Configure the action to stop the transaction or just warn if the same rate is not maintained.",
+ "fieldname": "maintain_same_rate_action",
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "label": "Action If Same Rate is Not Maintained",
+ "mandatory_depends_on": "maintain_same_sales_rate",
+ "options": "Stop\nWarn"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends_on": "eval: doc.maintain_same_rate_action == 'Stop'",
+ "fieldname": "role_to_override_stop_action",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Role Allowed to Override Stop Action",
+ "options": "Role"
"icon": "fa fa-cog",
@@ -140,7 +159,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-03-02 17:35:53.603607",
+ "modified": "2021-04-04 20:18:12.814624",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Selling",
"name": "Selling Settings",
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_controller.js b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_controller.js
index 9e3c9a5..8adf5bf 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_controller.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_controller.js
@@ -279,11 +279,6 @@
const item_row = frappe.model.get_doc(cdt, cdn);
if (item_row && item_row[fieldname] != value) {
- if (fieldname === 'qty' && flt(value) == 0) {
- this.remove_item_from_cart();
- return;
- }
const { item_code, batch_no, uom } = this.item_details.current_item;
const event = {
field: fieldname,
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_cart.js b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_cart.js
index 9ab9eef..11a63b3 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_cart.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_cart.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
this.allowed_customer_groups = settings.customer_groups;
this.allow_rate_change = settings.allow_rate_change;
this.allow_discount_change = settings.allow_discount_change;
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_details.js b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_details.js
index cb0a010..32a4556 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_details.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_details.js
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@,, 'rate', this.value).then(() => {
const item_row = frappe.get_doc(me.doctype,;
const doc =;
me.$item_price.html(format_currency(item_row.rate, doc.currency));
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_selector.js b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_selector.js
index e0d5b73..9fb3943 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_selector.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_item_selector.js
@@ -159,6 +159,31 @@
bind_events() {
const me = this;
window.onScan = onScan;
+ onScan.decodeKeyEvent = function (oEvent) {
+ var iCode = this._getNormalizedKeyNum(oEvent);
+ switch (true) {
+ case iCode >= 48 && iCode <= 90: // numbers and letters
+ case iCode >= 106 && iCode <= 111: // operations on numeric keypad (+, -, etc.)
+ case (iCode >= 160 && iCode <= 164) || iCode == 170: // ^ ! # $ *
+ case iCode >= 186 && iCode <= 194: // (; = , - . / `)
+ case iCode >= 219 && iCode <= 222: // ([ \ ] ')
+ if (oEvent.key !== undefined && oEvent.key !== '') {
+ return oEvent.key;
+ }
+ var sDecoded = String.fromCharCode(iCode);
+ switch (oEvent.shiftKey) {
+ case false: sDecoded = sDecoded.toLowerCase(); break;
+ case true: sDecoded = sDecoded.toUpperCase(); break;
+ }
+ return sDecoded;
+ case iCode >= 96 && iCode <= 105: // numbers on numeric keypad
+ return 0 + (iCode - 96);
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
onScan.attachTo(document, {
onScan: (sScancode) => {
if (this.search_field && this.$':visible')) {
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_past_order_summary.js b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_past_order_summary.js
index b10a9e3..acf4eb3 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_past_order_summary.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_past_order_summary.js
@@ -176,6 +176,14 @@
+ this.$summary_container.on('click', '.delete-btn', () => {
+ this.show_summary_placeholder();
+ // this.toggle_component(false);
+ // this.$component.find('.no-summary-placeholder').removeClass('d-none');
+ // this.$summary_wrapper.addClass('d-none');
+ });
this.$summary_container.on('click', '.new-btn', () => {;
@@ -196,11 +204,11 @@
print_receipt() {
const frm =;
- frm.doctype,
- frm.docname,
+ this.doc.doctype,
- frm.doc.letter_head,
- frm.doc.language || frappe.boot.lang
+ this.doc.letter_head,
+ this.doc.language || frappe.boot.lang
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_payment.js b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_payment.js
index 22a279d..600f160 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_payment.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/point_of_sale/pos_payment.js
@@ -252,6 +252,41 @@
+ setup_listener_for_payments() {
+ frappe.realtime.on("process_phone_payment", (data) => {
+ const doc =;
+ const { response, amount, success, failure_message } = data;
+ let message, title;
+ if (success) {
+ title = __("Payment Received");
+ if (amount >= doc.grand_total) {
+ frappe.dom.unfreeze();
+ message = __("Payment of {0} received successfully.", [format_currency(amount, doc.currency, 0)]);
+ cur_frm.reload_doc();
+ } else {
+ message = __("Payment of {0} received successfully. Waiting for other requests to complete...", [format_currency(amount, doc.currency, 0)]);
+ }
+ } else if (failure_message) {
+ message = failure_message;
+ title = __("Payment Failed");
+ }
+ frappe.msgprint({ "message": message, "title": title });
+ });
+ }
+ auto_set_remaining_amount() {
+ const doc =;
+ const remaining_amount = doc.grand_total - doc.paid_amount;
+ const current_value = this.selected_mode ? this.selected_mode.get_value() : undefined;
+ if (!current_value && remaining_amount > 0 && this.selected_mode) {
+ this.selected_mode.set_value(remaining_amount);
+ }
+ }
attach_shortcuts() {
const ctrl_label = frappe.utils.is_mac() ? '⌘' : 'Ctrl';
this.$component.find('.submit-order-btn').attr("title", `${ctrl_label}+Enter`);
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/report/customer_credit_balance/ b/erpnext/selling/report/customer_credit_balance/
index f396705..6fb7666 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/report/customer_credit_balance/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/report/customer_credit_balance/
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@
return columns
def get_details(filters):
- conditions = ""
+ sql_query = """SELECT
+, c.customer_name,
+ ccl.bypass_credit_limit_check,
+ c.is_frozen, c.disabled
+ FROM `tabCustomer` c, `tabCustomer Credit Limit` ccl
+ = ccl.parent
+ AND = %(company)s"""
+ # customer filter is optional.
if filters.get("customer"):
- conditions += " AND = '" + filters.get("customer") + "'"
+ sql_query += " AND = %(customer)s"
- return frappe.db.sql("""SELECT
-, c.customer_name,
- ccl.bypass_credit_limit_check,
- c.is_frozen, c.disabled
- FROM `tabCustomer` c, `tabCustomer Credit Limit` ccl
- = ccl.parent
- AND = '{0}'
- {1}
- """.format( filters.get("company"),conditions), as_dict=1) #nosec
+ return frappe.db.sql(sql_query, filters, as_dict=1)
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/
index 0922171..64e027d 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
from past.builtins import cmp
import functools
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.account import get_account_currency
+from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.taxes_setup import setup_taxes_and_charges
class Company(NestedSet):
nsm_parent_field = 'parent_company'
@@ -68,11 +69,7 @@
def create_default_tax_template(self):
- from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.taxes_setup import create_sales_tax
- create_sales_tax({
- 'country':,
- 'company_name':
- })
+ setup_taxes_and_charges(,
def validate_default_accounts(self):
accounts = [
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/
index 0df4c87..8367a25 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/company/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
frappe.only_for("System Manager")
doc = frappe.get_doc("Company", company_name)
- if frappe.session.user != doc.owner:
+ if frappe.session.user != doc.owner and frappe.session.user != 'Administrator':
frappe.throw(_("Transactions can only be deleted by the creator of the Company"),
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
if doctype not in ("Account", "Cost Center", "Warehouse", "Budget",
"Party Account", "Employee", "Sales Taxes and Charges Template",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges Template", "POS Profile", "BOM",
- "Company", "Bank Account", "Item Tax Template", "Mode Of Payment",
+ "Company", "Bank Account", "Item Tax Template", "Mode Of Payment", "Mode of Payment Account",
"Item Default", "Customer", "Supplier", "GST Account"):
delete_for_doctype(doctype, company_name)
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/global_defaults/global_defaults.js b/erpnext/setup/doctype/global_defaults/global_defaults.js
index 552331a..942dd59 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/global_defaults/global_defaults.js
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/global_defaults/global_defaults.js
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
method: "frappe.client.get_list",
args: {
doctype: "UOM Conversion Factor",
- filters: { "category": "Length" },
+ filters: { "category": __("Length") },
fields: ["to_uom"],
limit_page_length: 500
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/item_group/item_group.js b/erpnext/setup/doctype/item_group/item_group.js
index 1413cb2..885d874 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/item_group/item_group.js
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/item_group/item_group.js
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
frappe.set_route("List", "Item", {"item_group":});
frappe.model.with_doctype('Item', () => {
const item_meta = frappe.get_meta('Item');
@@ -69,10 +69,12 @@
df => ['Link', 'Table MultiSelect'].includes(df.fieldtype) && !df.hidden
).map(df => ({ label: df.label, value: df.fieldname }));
- const field = frappe.meta.get_docfield("Website Filter Field", "fieldname", frm.docname);
- field.fieldtype = 'Select';
- field.options = valid_fields;
- frm.fields_dict.filter_fields.grid.refresh();
+ frm.fields_dict.filter_fields.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'fieldname', 'fieldtype', 'Select'
+ );
+ frm.fields_dict.filter_fields.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'fieldname', 'options', valid_fields
+ );
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/ b/erpnext/setup/
index 82f191d..c7220cb 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/
+++ b/erpnext/setup/
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
from .default_success_action import get_default_success_action
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint
+from frappe.installer import update_site_config
from import add_all_roles_to
from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_field
from erpnext.setup.default_energy_point_rules import get_default_energy_point_rules
+from six import iteritems
default_mail_footer = """<div style="padding: 7px; text-align: right; color: #888"><small>Sent via
<a style="color: #888" href="">ERPNext</a></div>"""
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@
+ add_non_standard_user_types()
@@ -164,3 +167,81 @@
def add_app_name():
frappe.db.set_value('System Settings', None, 'app_name', 'ERPNext')
+def add_non_standard_user_types():
+ user_types = get_user_types_data()
+ user_type_limit = {}
+ for user_type, data in iteritems(user_types):
+ user_type_limit.setdefault(frappe.scrub(user_type), 10)
+ update_site_config('user_type_doctype_limit', user_type_limit)
+ for user_type, data in iteritems(user_types):
+ create_custom_role(data)
+ create_user_type(user_type, data)
+def get_user_types_data():
+ return {
+ 'Employee Self Service': {
+ 'role': 'Employee Self Service',
+ 'apply_user_permission_on': 'Employee',
+ 'user_id_field': 'user_id',
+ 'doctypes': {
+ 'Salary Slip': ['read'],
+ 'Employee': ['read', 'write'],
+ 'Expense Claim': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete'],
+ 'Leave Application': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete'],
+ 'Attendance Request': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete'],
+ 'Compensatory Leave Request': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete'],
+ 'Employee Tax Exemption Declaration': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete'],
+ 'Employee Tax Exemption Proof Submission': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete'],
+ 'Timesheet': ['read', 'write', 'create', 'delete', 'submit', 'cancel', 'amend']
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def create_custom_role(data):
+ if data.get('role') and not frappe.db.exists('Role', data.get('role')):
+ frappe.get_doc({
+ 'doctype': 'Role',
+ 'role_name': data.get('role'),
+ 'desk_access': 1,
+ 'is_custom': 1
+ }).insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+def create_user_type(user_type, data):
+ if frappe.db.exists('User Type', user_type):
+ doc = frappe.get_cached_doc('User Type', user_type)
+ doc.user_doctypes = []
+ else:
+ doc = frappe.new_doc('User Type')
+ doc.update({
+ 'name': user_type,
+ 'role': data.get('role'),
+ 'user_id_field': data.get('user_id_field'),
+ 'apply_user_permission_on': data.get('apply_user_permission_on')
+ })
+ create_role_permissions_for_doctype(doc, data)
+def create_role_permissions_for_doctype(doc, data):
+ for doctype, perms in iteritems(data.get('doctypes')):
+ args = {'document_type': doctype}
+ for perm in perms:
+ args[perm] = 1
+ doc.append('user_doctypes', args)
+def update_select_perm_after_install():
+ if not frappe.flags.update_select_perm_after_migrate:
+ return
+ frappe.flags.ignore_select_perm = False
+ for row in frappe.get_all('User Type', filters= {'is_standard': 0}):
+ print('Updating user type :- ',
+ doc = frappe.get_doc('User Type',
+ frappe.flags.update_select_perm_after_migrate = False
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/data/country_wise_tax.json b/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/data/country_wise_tax.json
index beddaee..5876488 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/data/country_wise_tax.json
+++ b/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/data/country_wise_tax.json
@@ -481,14 +481,250 @@
"Germany": {
- "Germany VAT 19%": {
- "account_name": "VAT 19%",
- "tax_rate": 19.00,
- "default": 1
- },
- "Germany VAT 7%": {
- "account_name": "VAT 7%",
- "tax_rate": 7.00
+ "chart_of_accounts": {
+ "SKR04 mit Kontonummern": {
+ "sales_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "account_number": "3806",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "account_number": "3801",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "purchase_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "account_number": "1406",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "account_number": "1401",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Innergemeinschaftlicher Erwerb 19% Umsatzsteuer und 19% Vorsteuer",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer nach § 13b UStG 19%",
+ "account_number": "1407",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ },
+ "add_deduct_tax": "Add"
+ },
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer nach § 13b UStG 19%",
+ "account_number": "3837",
+ "root_type": "Liability",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ },
+ "add_deduct_tax": "Deduct"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "SKR03 mit Kontonummern": {
+ "sales_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "account_number": "1776",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "account_number": "1771",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "purchase_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "account_number": "1576",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "account_number": "1571",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "Standard with Numbers": {
+ "sales_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "account_number": "2301",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "account_number": "2302",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "purchase_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "account_number": "1501",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "account_number": "1502",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "*": {
+ "sales_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19%",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7%",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "purchase_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19%",
+ "tax_rate": 19.00,
+ "root_type": "Asset"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%",
+ "root_type": "Asset",
+ "tax_rate": 7.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
@@ -580,26 +816,135 @@
"India": {
- "In State GST": {
- "account_name": ["SGST", "CGST"],
- "tax_rate": [9.00, 9.00],
- "default": 1
- },
- "Out of State GST": {
- "account_name": "IGST",
- "tax_rate": 18.00
- },
- "VAT 5%": {
- "account_name": "VAT 5%",
- "tax_rate": 5.00
- },
- "VAT 4%": {
- "account_name": "VAT 4%",
- "tax_rate": 4.00
- },
- "VAT 14%": {
- "account_name": "VAT 14%",
- "tax_rate": 14.00
+ "chart_of_accounts": {
+ "*": {
+ "item_tax_templates": [
+ {
+ "title": "In State GST",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "tax_type": {
+ "account_name": "SGST",
+ "tax_rate": 9.00
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "tax_type": {
+ "account_name": "CGST",
+ "tax_rate": 9.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Out of State GST",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "tax_type": {
+ "account_name": "IGST",
+ "tax_rate": 18.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "VAT 5%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "tax_type": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 5%",
+ "tax_rate": 5.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "VAT 4%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "tax_type": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 4%",
+ "tax_rate": 4.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "VAT 14%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "tax_type": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 14%",
+ "tax_rate": 14.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "*": [
+ {
+ "title": "In State GST",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "SGST",
+ "tax_rate": 9.00
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "CGST",
+ "tax_rate": 9.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Out of State GST",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "IGST",
+ "tax_rate": 18.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "VAT 5%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 5%",
+ "tax_rate": 5.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "VAT 4%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 4%",
+ "tax_rate": 4.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "VAT 14%",
+ "taxes": [
+ {
+ "account_head": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 14%",
+ "tax_rate": 14.00
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/operations/ b/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/operations/
index c3c1593..429a558 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/operations/
+++ b/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/operations/
@@ -1,123 +1,232 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import frappe, copy, os, json
-from frappe.utils import flt
-from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.account import RootNotEditable
-def create_sales_tax(args):
- country_wise_tax = get_country_wise_tax(args.get("country"))
- if country_wise_tax and len(country_wise_tax) > 0:
- for sales_tax, tax_data in country_wise_tax.items():
- make_tax_account_and_template(
- args.get("company_name"),
- tax_data.get('account_name'),
- tax_data.get('tax_rate'), sales_tax)
+import os
+import json
-def make_tax_account_and_template(company, account_name, tax_rate, template_name=None):
- if not isinstance(account_name, (list, tuple)):
- account_name = [account_name]
- tax_rate = [tax_rate]
+import frappe
+from frappe import _
- accounts = []
- for i, name in enumerate(account_name):
- tax_account = make_tax_account(company, account_name[i], tax_rate[i])
- if tax_account:
- accounts.append(tax_account)
- try:
- if accounts:
- make_sales_and_purchase_tax_templates(accounts, template_name)
- make_item_tax_templates(accounts, template_name)
- except frappe.NameError:
- if frappe.message_log: frappe.message_log.pop()
- except RootNotEditable:
- pass
+def setup_taxes_and_charges(company_name: str, country: str):
+ file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'country_wise_tax.json')
+ with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file:
+ tax_data = json.load(json_file)
-def make_tax_account(company, account_name, tax_rate):
- tax_group = get_tax_account_group(company)
- if tax_group:
- try:
- return frappe.get_doc({
- "doctype":"Account",
- "company": company,
- "parent_account": tax_group,
- "account_name": account_name,
- "is_group": 0,
- "report_type": "Balance Sheet",
- "root_type": "Liability",
- "account_type": "Tax",
- "tax_rate": flt(tax_rate) if tax_rate else None
- }).insert(ignore_permissions=True, ignore_mandatory=True)
- except frappe.NameError:
- if frappe.message_log: frappe.message_log.pop()
- abbr = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', company, 'abbr')
- account = '{0} - {1}'.format(account_name, abbr)
- return frappe.get_doc('Account', account)
+ country_wise_tax = tax_data.get(country)
-def make_sales_and_purchase_tax_templates(accounts, template_name=None):
- if not template_name:
- template_name = accounts[0].name
+ if not country_wise_tax:
+ return
- sales_tax_template = {
- "doctype": "Sales Taxes and Charges Template",
- "title": template_name,
- "company": accounts[0].company,
- 'taxes': []
+ if 'chart_of_accounts' not in country_wise_tax:
+ country_wise_tax = simple_to_detailed(country_wise_tax)
+ from_detailed_data(company_name, country_wise_tax.get('chart_of_accounts'))
+def simple_to_detailed(templates):
+ """
+ Convert a simple taxes object into a more detailed data structure.
+ Example input:
+ {
+ "France VAT 20%": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 20%",
+ "tax_rate": 20,
+ "default": 1
+ },
+ "France VAT 10%": {
+ "account_name": "VAT 10%",
+ "tax_rate": 10
+ }
- for account in accounts:
- sales_tax_template['taxes'].append({
- "category": "Total",
- "charge_type": "On Net Total",
- "account_head":,
- "description": "{0} @ {1}".format(account.account_name, account.tax_rate),
- "rate": account.tax_rate
- })
- # Sales
- frappe.get_doc(copy.deepcopy(sales_tax_template)).insert(ignore_permissions=True)
- # Purchase
- purchase_tax_template = copy.deepcopy(sales_tax_template)
- purchase_tax_template["doctype"] = "Purchase Taxes and Charges Template"
- doc = frappe.get_doc(purchase_tax_template)
- doc.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
-def make_item_tax_templates(accounts, template_name=None):
- if not template_name:
- template_name = accounts[0].name
- item_tax_template = {
- "doctype": "Item Tax Template",
- "title": template_name,
- "company": accounts[0].company,
- 'taxes': []
+ """
+ return {
+ 'chart_of_accounts': {
+ '*': {
+ 'item_tax_templates': [{
+ 'title': title,
+ 'taxes': [{
+ 'tax_type': {
+ 'account_name': data.get('account_name'),
+ 'tax_rate': data.get('tax_rate')
+ }
+ }]
+ } for title, data in templates.items()],
+ '*': [{
+ 'title': title,
+ 'is_default': data.get('default', 0),
+ 'taxes': [{
+ 'account_head': {
+ 'account_name': data.get('account_name'),
+ 'tax_rate': data.get('tax_rate')
+ }
+ }]
+ } for title, data in templates.items()]
+ }
+ }
- for account in accounts:
- item_tax_template['taxes'].append({
- "tax_type":,
- "tax_rate": account.tax_rate
- })
+def from_detailed_data(company_name, data):
+ """Create Taxes and Charges Templates from detailed data."""
+ coa_name = frappe.db.get_value('Company', company_name, 'chart_of_accounts')
+ tax_templates = data.get(coa_name) or data.get('*')
+ sales_tax_templates = tax_templates.get('sales_tax_templates') or tax_templates.get('*')
+ purchase_tax_templates = tax_templates.get('purchase_tax_templates') or tax_templates.get('*')
+ item_tax_templates = tax_templates.get('item_tax_templates') or tax_templates.get('*')
- # Items
- frappe.get_doc(copy.deepcopy(item_tax_template)).insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+ if sales_tax_templates:
+ for template in sales_tax_templates:
+ make_taxes_and_charges_template(company_name, 'Sales Taxes and Charges Template', template)
-def get_tax_account_group(company):
- tax_group = frappe.db.get_value("Account",
- {"account_name": "Duties and Taxes", "is_group": 1, "company": company})
- if not tax_group:
- tax_group = frappe.db.get_value("Account", {"is_group": 1, "root_type": "Liability",
- "account_type": "Tax", "company": company})
+ if purchase_tax_templates:
+ for template in purchase_tax_templates:
+ make_taxes_and_charges_template(company_name, 'Purchase Taxes and Charges Template', template)
- return tax_group
+ if item_tax_templates:
+ for template in item_tax_templates:
+ make_item_tax_template(company_name, template)
-def get_country_wise_tax(country):
- data = {}
- with open (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "data", "country_wise_tax.json")) as countrywise_tax:
- data = json.load(countrywise_tax).get(country)
- return data
+def make_taxes_and_charges_template(company_name, doctype, template):
+ template['company'] = company_name
+ template['doctype'] = doctype
+ if frappe.db.exists(doctype, {'title': template.get('title'), 'company': company_name}):
+ return
+ for tax_row in template.get('taxes'):
+ account_data = tax_row.get('account_head')
+ tax_row_defaults = {
+ 'category': 'Total',
+ 'charge_type': 'On Net Total'
+ }
+ # if account_head is a dict, search or create the account and get it's name
+ if isinstance(account_data, dict):
+ tax_row_defaults['description'] = '{0} @ {1}'.format(account_data.get('account_name'), account_data.get('tax_rate'))
+ tax_row_defaults['rate'] = account_data.get('tax_rate')
+ account = get_or_create_account(company_name, account_data)
+ tax_row['account_head'] =
+ # use the default value if nothing other is specified
+ for fieldname, default_value in tax_row_defaults.items():
+ if fieldname not in tax_row:
+ tax_row[fieldname] = default_value
+ return frappe.get_doc(template).insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+def make_item_tax_template(company_name, template):
+ """Create an Item Tax Template.
+ This requires a separate method because Item Tax Template is structured
+ differently from Sales and Purchase Tax Templates.
+ """
+ doctype = 'Item Tax Template'
+ template['company'] = company_name
+ template['doctype'] = doctype
+ if frappe.db.exists(doctype, {'title': template.get('title'), 'company': company_name}):
+ return
+ for tax_row in template.get('taxes'):
+ account_data = tax_row.get('tax_type')
+ # if tax_type is a dict, search or create the account and get it's name
+ if isinstance(account_data, dict):
+ account = get_or_create_account(company_name, account_data)
+ tax_row['tax_type'] =
+ if 'tax_rate' not in tax_row:
+ tax_row['tax_rate'] = account_data.get('tax_rate')
+ return frappe.get_doc(template).insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+def get_or_create_account(company_name, account):
+ """
+ Check if account already exists. If not, create it.
+ Return a tax account or None.
+ """
+ default_root_type = 'Liability'
+ root_type = account.get('root_type', default_root_type)
+ existing_accounts = frappe.get_list('Account',
+ filters={
+ 'company': company_name,
+ 'root_type': root_type
+ },
+ or_filters={
+ 'account_name': account.get('account_name'),
+ 'account_number': account.get('account_number')
+ }
+ )
+ if existing_accounts:
+ return frappe.get_doc('Account', existing_accounts[0].name)
+ tax_group = get_or_create_tax_group(company_name, root_type)
+ account['doctype'] = 'Account'
+ account['company'] = company_name
+ account['parent_account'] = tax_group
+ account['report_type'] = 'Balance Sheet'
+ account['account_type'] = 'Tax'
+ account['root_type'] = root_type
+ account['is_group'] = 0
+ return frappe.get_doc(account).insert(ignore_permissions=True, ignore_mandatory=True)
+def get_or_create_tax_group(company_name, root_type):
+ # Look for a group account of type 'Tax'
+ tax_group_name = frappe.db.get_value('Account', {
+ 'is_group': 1,
+ 'root_type': root_type,
+ 'account_type': 'Tax',
+ 'company': company_name
+ })
+ if tax_group_name:
+ return tax_group_name
+ # Look for a group account named 'Duties and Taxes' or 'Tax Assets'
+ account_name = _('Duties and Taxes') if root_type == 'Liability' else _('Tax Assets')
+ tax_group_name = frappe.db.get_value('Account', {
+ 'is_group': 1,
+ 'root_type': root_type,
+ 'account_name': account_name,
+ 'company': company_name
+ })
+ if tax_group_name:
+ return tax_group_name
+ # Create a new group account named 'Duties and Taxes' or 'Tax Assets' just
+ # below the root account
+ root_account = frappe.get_list('Account', {
+ 'is_group': 1,
+ 'root_type': root_type,
+ 'company': company_name,
+ 'report_type': 'Balance Sheet',
+ 'parent_account': ('is', 'not set')
+ }, limit=1)[0]
+ tax_group_account = frappe.get_doc({
+ 'doctype': 'Account',
+ 'company': company_name,
+ 'is_group': 1,
+ 'report_type': 'Balance Sheet',
+ 'root_type': root_type,
+ 'account_type': 'Tax',
+ 'account_name': account_name,
+ 'parent_account':
+ }).insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+ tax_group_name =
+ return tax_group_name
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/ b/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/
index e82bc96..4223f00 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/
+++ b/erpnext/setup/setup_wizard/
@@ -9,5 +9,4 @@
'data', 'test_mfg.json'), 'r') as f:
data = json.loads(
- #setup_wizard.create_sales_tax(data)
diff --git a/erpnext/shopping_cart/ b/erpnext/shopping_cart/
index 681d161..56afe95 100644
--- a/erpnext/shopping_cart/
+++ b/erpnext/shopping_cart/
@@ -112,9 +112,7 @@
def request_for_quotation():
quotation = _get_cart_quotation()
quotation.flags.ignore_permissions = True
- if not get_shopping_cart_settings().save_quotations_as_draft:
- quotation.submit()
+ quotation.submit()
@@ -232,12 +230,12 @@
if address_type.lower() == "billing":
quotation.customer_address = address_name
quotation.address_display = address_display
- quotation.shipping_address_name == quotation.shipping_address_name or address_name
+ quotation.shipping_address_name = quotation.shipping_address_name or address_name
address_doc = next((doc for doc in get_billing_addresses() if doc["name"] == address_name), None)
elif address_type.lower() == "shipping":
quotation.shipping_address_name = address_name
quotation.shipping_address = address_display
- quotation.customer_address == quotation.customer_address or address_name
+ quotation.customer_address = quotation.customer_address or address_name
address_doc = next((doc for doc in get_shipping_addresses() if doc["name"] == address_name), None)
diff --git a/erpnext/shopping_cart/ b/erpnext/shopping_cart/
index cf59a52..d857bf5 100644
--- a/erpnext/shopping_cart/
+++ b/erpnext/shopping_cart/
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
Shopping Cart == Quotation
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabTax Rule`")
def setUp(self):
@@ -51,8 +56,8 @@
def test_add_to_cart(self):
- # remove from cart
- self.remove_all_items_from_cart()
+ # clear existing quotations
+ self.clear_existing_quotations()
# add first item
update_cart("_Test Item", 1)
@@ -100,6 +105,7 @@
self.assertEqual(len(quotation.get("items")), 1)
def test_tax_rule(self):
+ self.create_tax_rule()
quotation = self.create_quotation()
@@ -115,6 +121,13 @@
+ def create_tax_rule(self):
+ tax_rule = frappe.get_test_records("Tax Rule")[0]
+ try:
+ frappe.get_doc(tax_rule).insert()
+ except frappe.DuplicateEntryError:
+ pass
def create_quotation(self):
quotation = frappe.new_doc("Quotation")
@@ -195,10 +208,15 @@
"_Test Contact For _Test Customer")
- def remove_all_items_from_cart(self):
- quotation = _get_cart_quotation()
- quotation.flags.ignore_permissions=True
- quotation.delete()
+ def clear_existing_quotations(self):
+ quotations = frappe.get_all("Quotation", filters={
+ "party_name": get_party().name,
+ "order_type": "Shopping Cart",
+ "docstatus": 0
+ }, order_by="modified desc", pluck="name")
+ for quotation in quotations:
+ frappe.delete_doc("Quotation", quotation, ignore_permissions=True, force=True)
def create_user_if_not_exists(self, email, first_name = None):
if frappe.db.exists("User", email):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js
index 95cb92b..933ca8a 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
erpnext.stock.ItemDashboard = Class.extend({
- init: function(opts) {
+ init: function (opts) {
$.extend(this, opts);
- make: function() {
+ make: function () {
var me = this;
this.start = 0;
- if(!this.sort_by) {
+ if (!this.sort_by) {
this.sort_by = 'projected_qty';
this.sort_order = 'asc';
@@ -16,22 +16,25 @@
this.content = $(frappe.render_template('item_dashboard')).appendTo(this.parent);
this.result = this.content.find('.result');
- this.content.on('click', '.btn-move', function() {
- handle_move_add($(this), "Move")
+ this.content.on('click', '.btn-move', function () {
+ handle_move_add($(this), "Move");
- this.content.on('click', '.btn-add', function() {
- handle_move_add($(this), "Add")
+ this.content.on('click', '.btn-add', function () {
+ handle_move_add($(this), "Add");
- this.content.on('click', '.btn-edit', function() {
+ this.content.on('click', '.btn-edit', function () {
let item = unescape($(this).attr('data-item'));
let warehouse = unescape($(this).attr('data-warehouse'));
let company = unescape($(this).attr('data-company'));
- frappe.db.get_value('Putaway Rule',
- {'item_code': item, 'warehouse': warehouse, 'company': company}, 'name', (r) => {
- frappe.set_route("Form", "Putaway Rule",;
- });
+ frappe.db.get_value('Putaway Rule', {
+ 'item_code': item,
+ 'warehouse': warehouse,
+ 'company': company
+ }, 'name', (r) => {
+ frappe.set_route("Form", "Putaway Rule",;
+ });
function handle_move_add(element, action) {
@@ -39,23 +42,26 @@
let warehouse = unescape(element.attr('data-warehouse'));
let actual_qty = unescape(element.attr('data-actual_qty'));
let disable_quick_entry = Number(unescape(element.attr('data-disable_quick_entry')));
- let entry_type = action === "Move" ? "Material Transfer": null;
+ let entry_type = action === "Move" ? "Material Transfer" : null;
if (disable_quick_entry) {
open_stock_entry(item, warehouse, entry_type);
} else {
if (action === "Add") {
let rate = unescape($(this).attr('data-rate'));
- erpnext.stock.move_item(item, null, warehouse, actual_qty, rate, function() { me.refresh(); });
- }
- else {
- erpnext.stock.move_item(item, warehouse, null, actual_qty, null, function() { me.refresh(); });
+ erpnext.stock.move_item(item, null, warehouse, actual_qty, rate, function () {
+ me.refresh();
+ });
+ } else {
+ erpnext.stock.move_item(item, warehouse, null, actual_qty, null, function () {
+ me.refresh();
+ });
function open_stock_entry(item, warehouse, entry_type) {
- frappe.model.with_doctype('Stock Entry', function() {
+ frappe.model.with_doctype('Stock Entry', function () {
var doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Stock Entry');
if (entry_type) doc.stock_entry_type = entry_type;
@@ -64,18 +70,18 @@
row.s_warehouse = warehouse;
frappe.set_route('Form', doc.doctype,;
- })
+ });
// more
- this.content.find('.btn-more').on('click', function() {
+ this.content.find('.btn-more').on('click', function () {
me.start += me.page_length;
- refresh: function() {
- if(this.before_refresh) {
+ refresh: function () {
+ if (this.before_refresh) {
@@ -94,13 +100,13 @@{
method: this.method,
args: args,
- callback: function(r) {
+ callback: function (r) {
- render: function(data) {
- if (this.start===0) {
+ render: function (data) {
+ if (this.start === 0) {
this.max_count = 0;
@@ -115,7 +121,7 @@
this.max_count = this.max_count;
// show more button
- if (data && data.length===(this.page_length + 1)) {
+ if (data && data.length === (this.page_length + 1)) {
// remove the last element
@@ -137,15 +143,15 @@
- get_item_dashboard_data: function(data, max_count, show_item) {
- if(!max_count) max_count = 0;
- if(!data) data = [];
+ get_item_dashboard_data: function (data, max_count, show_item) {
+ if (!max_count) max_count = 0;
+ if (!data) data = [];
- data.forEach(function(d) {
+ data.forEach(function (d) {
d.actual_or_pending = d.projected_qty + d.reserved_qty + d.reserved_qty_for_production + d.reserved_qty_for_sub_contract;
d.pending_qty = 0;
d.total_reserved = d.reserved_qty + d.reserved_qty_for_production + d.reserved_qty_for_sub_contract;
- if(d.actual_or_pending > d.actual_qty) {
+ if (d.actual_or_pending > d.actual_qty) {
d.pending_qty = d.actual_or_pending - d.actual_qty;
@@ -161,16 +167,16 @@
return {
data: data,
max_count: max_count,
- can_write:can_write,
+ can_write: can_write,
show_item: show_item || false
- get_capacity_dashboard_data: function(data) {
+ get_capacity_dashboard_data: function (data) {
if (!data) data = [];
- data.forEach(function(d) {
- d.color = d.percent_occupied >=80 ? "#f8814f" : "#2490ef";
+ data.forEach(function (d) {
+ d.color = d.percent_occupied >= 80 ? "#f8814f" : "#2490ef";
let can_write = 0;
@@ -185,53 +191,77 @@
-erpnext.stock.move_item = function(item, source, target, actual_qty, rate, callback) {
+erpnext.stock.move_item = function (item, source, target, actual_qty, rate, callback) {
var dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: target ? __('Add Item') : __('Move Item'),
- fields: [
- {fieldname: 'item_code', label: __('Item'),
- fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Item', read_only: 1},
- {fieldname: 'source', label: __('Source Warehouse'),
- fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Warehouse', read_only: 1},
- {fieldname: 'target', label: __('Target Warehouse'),
- fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Warehouse', reqd: 1},
- {fieldname: 'qty', label: __('Quantity'), reqd: 1,
- fieldtype: 'Float', description: __('Available {0}', [actual_qty]) },
- {fieldname: 'rate', label: __('Rate'), fieldtype: 'Currency', hidden: 1 },
+ fields: [{
+ fieldname: 'item_code',
+ label: __('Item'),
+ fieldtype: 'Link',
+ options: 'Item',
+ read_only: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: 'source',
+ label: __('Source Warehouse'),
+ fieldtype: 'Link',
+ options: 'Warehouse',
+ read_only: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: 'target',
+ label: __('Target Warehouse'),
+ fieldtype: 'Link',
+ options: 'Warehouse',
+ reqd: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: 'qty',
+ label: __('Quantity'),
+ reqd: 1,
+ fieldtype: 'Float',
+ description: __('Available {0}', [actual_qty])
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: 'rate',
+ label: __('Rate'),
+ fieldtype: 'Currency',
+ hidden: 1
+ },
- })
+ });;
- if(source) {
+ if (source) {
} else {
dialog.get_field('source').df.hidden = 1;
- if(rate) {
+ if (rate) {
dialog.get_field('rate').df.hidden = 0;
- if(target) {
+ if (target) {
dialog.get_field('target').df.read_only = 1;
dialog.get_field('target').value = target;
- dialog.set_primary_action(__('Submit'), function() {
+ dialog.set_primary_action(__('Submit'), function () {
var values = dialog.get_values();
- if(!values) {
+ if (!values) {
- if(source && values.qty > actual_qty) {
+ if (source && values.qty > actual_qty) {
frappe.msgprint(__('Quantity must be less than or equal to {0}', [actual_qty]));
- if(values.source === {
+ if (values.source === {
frappe.msgprint(__('Source and target warehouse must be different'));
@@ -239,21 +269,21 @@
method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry_utils.make_stock_entry',
args: values,
freeze: true,
- callback: function(r) {
+ callback: function (r) {
frappe.show_alert(__('Stock Entry {0} created',
- ['<a href="/app/stock-entry/''">' + '</a>']));
+ ['<a href="/app/stock-entry/' + + '">' + + '</a>']));
- $('<p style="margin-left: 10px;"><a class="link-open text-muted small">'
- + __("Add more items or open full form") + '</a></p>')
+ $('<p style="margin-left: 10px;"><a class="link-open text-muted small">' +
+ __("Add more items or open full form") + '</a></p>')
- .on('click', function() {
- frappe.model.with_doctype('Stock Entry', function() {
+ .on('click', function () {
+ frappe.model.with_doctype('Stock Entry', function () {
var doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Stock Entry');
doc.from_warehouse = dialog.get_value('source');
doc.to_warehouse = dialog.get_value('target');
@@ -266,6 +296,6 @@
row.transfer_qty = dialog.get_value('qty');
row.basic_rate = dialog.get_value('rate');
frappe.set_route('Form', doc.doctype,;
- })
+ });
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/ b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/
index cafb5c3..45e6628 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import frappe
from frappe.model.db_query import DatabaseQuery
+from frappe.utils import flt, cint
def get_data(item_code=None, warehouse=None, item_group=None,
@@ -42,11 +43,20 @@
+ precision = cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("System Settings", "float_precision"))
for item in items:
- 'item_name': frappe.get_cached_value("Item", item.item_code, 'item_name'),
- 'disable_quick_entry': frappe.get_cached_value("Item", item.item_code, 'has_batch_no')
- or frappe.get_cached_value("Item", item.item_code, 'has_serial_no'),
+ 'item_name': frappe.get_cached_value(
+ "Item", item.item_code, 'item_name'),
+ 'disable_quick_entry': frappe.get_cached_value(
+ "Item", item.item_code, 'has_batch_no')
+ or frappe.get_cached_value(
+ "Item", item.item_code, 'has_serial_no'),
+ 'projected_qty': flt(item.projected_qty, precision),
+ 'reserved_qty': flt(item.reserved_qty, precision),
+ 'reserved_qty_for_production': flt(item.reserved_qty_for_production, precision),
+ 'reserved_qty_for_sub_contract': flt(item.reserved_qty_for_sub_contract, precision),
+ 'actual_qty': flt(item.actual_qty, precision),
return items
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.json
index f595aad..280fde1 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.json
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
+ "disable_rounded_total",
@@ -768,6 +769,7 @@
"width": "150px"
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Rounding Adjustment (Company Currency)",
@@ -777,6 +779,7 @@
"read_only": 1
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Rounded Total (Company Currency)",
@@ -819,6 +822,7 @@
"width": "150px"
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Rounding Adjustment",
@@ -829,6 +833,7 @@
"bold": 1,
+ "depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Rounded Total",
@@ -1271,13 +1276,20 @@
"label": "Represents Company",
"options": "Company",
"read_only": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "default": "0",
+ "depends_on": "grand_total",
+ "fieldname": "disable_rounded_total",
+ "fieldtype": "Check",
+ "label": "Disable Rounded Total"
"icon": "fa fa-truck",
"idx": 146,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-12-26 17:07:59.194403",
+ "modified": "2021-04-15 23:55:49.620641",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Delivery Note",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/
index 36d0de1..e0b89d8 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/
@@ -494,7 +494,8 @@
test_records = frappe.get_test_records('Item')
-def create_item(item_code, is_stock_item=None, valuation_rate=0, warehouse=None, is_customer_provided_item=None, customer=None, is_purchase_item=None, opening_stock=None):
+def create_item(item_code, is_stock_item=None, valuation_rate=0, warehouse=None, is_customer_provided_item=None,
+ customer=None, is_purchase_item=None, opening_stock=None, company=None):
if not frappe.db.exists("Item", item_code):
item = frappe.new_doc("Item")
item.item_code = item_code
@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@
item.customer = customer or ''
item.append("item_defaults", {
"default_warehouse": warehouse or '_Test Warehouse - _TC',
- "company": "_Test Company"
+ "company": company or "_Test Company"
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json
index c1f20a4..6cec852 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/test_records.json
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
"show_in_website": 1,
"website_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"gst_hsn_code": "999800",
+ "opening_stock": 10,
+ "valuation_rate": 100,
"item_defaults": [{
"company": "_Test Company",
"default_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_variant_settings/item_variant_settings.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_variant_settings/item_variant_settings.js
index 24f7e31..e8fb347 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_variant_settings/item_variant_settings.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item_variant_settings/item_variant_settings.js
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
- const child = frappe.meta.get_docfield("Variant Field", "field_name",;
- child.options = allow_fields;
+ frm.fields_dict.fields.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'field_name', 'options', allow_fields
+ );
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js
index bd14e5f..40d4685 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js
@@ -110,19 +110,4 @@
refresh_many(['net_weight_pkg', 'net_weight_uom', 'gross_weight_uom', 'gross_weight_pkg']);
-var make_row = function(title,val,bold){
- var bstart = '<b>'; var bend = '</b>';
- return '<tr><td class="datalabelcell">'+(bold?bstart:'')+title+(bold?bend:'')+'</td>'
- +'<td class="datainputcell" style="text-align:left;">'+ val +'</td>'
- +'</tr>'
-cur_frm.pformat.net_weight_pkg= function(doc){
- return '<table style="width:100%">' + make_row('Net Weight', doc.net_weight_pkg) + '</table>'
-cur_frm.pformat.gross_weight_pkg= function(doc){
- return '<table style="width:100%">' + make_row('Gross Weight', doc.gross_weight_pkg) + '</table>'
// TODO: validate gross weight field
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/
index 61b7209..6ab68e2 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
if dn_item:
dn_item.warehouse = location.warehouse
- dn_item.qty = location.picked_qty
+ dn_item.qty = flt(location.picked_qty) / (flt(location.conversion_factor) or 1)
dn_item.batch_no = location.batch_no
dn_item.serial_no = location.serial_no
@@ -379,7 +379,6 @@
stock_entry = update_stock_entry_items_with_no_reference(pick_list, stock_entry)
- stock_entry.set_incoming_rate()
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/
index 8ea7f89d..c4da05a 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/pick_list/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.test_purchase_receipt import make_purchase_receipt
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.pick_list.pick_list import create_delivery_note
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_reconciliation.stock_reconciliation \
import EmptyStockReconciliationItemsError
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
'purpose': 'Opening Stock',
'expense_account': 'Temporary Opening - _TC',
'items': [{
- 'item_code': '_Test Item Home Desktop 100',
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
'warehouse': '_Test Warehouse - _TC',
'valuation_rate': 100,
'qty': 5
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
'customer': '_Test Customer',
'items_based_on': 'Sales Order',
'locations': [{
- 'item_code': '_Test Item Home Desktop 100',
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
'qty': 5,
'stock_qty': 5,
'conversion_factor': 1,
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
- self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].item_code, '_Test Item Home Desktop 100')
+ self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].item_code, '_Test Item')
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].warehouse, '_Test Warehouse - _TC')
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].qty, 5)
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@
'purpose': 'Opening Stock',
'expense_account': 'Temporary Opening - _TC',
'items': [{
- 'item_code': '_Test Item Home Desktop 100',
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
'warehouse': '_Test Warehouse - _TC',
'valuation_rate': 100,
'qty': 10
@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@
'customer': '_Test Customer',
'company': '_Test Company',
'items': [{
- 'item_code': '_Test Item Home Desktop 100',
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
'qty': 10,
@@ -264,14 +265,14 @@
'customer': '_Test Customer',
'items_based_on': 'Sales Order',
'locations': [{
- 'item_code': '_Test Item Home Desktop 100',
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
'qty': 5,
'stock_qty': 5,
'conversion_factor': 1,
'sales_order': '_T-Sales Order-1',
'sales_order_item': '_T-Sales Order-1_item',
}, {
- 'item_code': '_Test Item Home Desktop 100',
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
'qty': 5,
'stock_qty': 5,
'conversion_factor': 1,
@@ -281,16 +282,71 @@
- self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].item_code, '_Test Item Home Desktop 100')
+ self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].item_code, '_Test Item')
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].warehouse, '_Test Warehouse - _TC')
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].qty, 5)
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].sales_order_item, '_T-Sales Order-1_item')
- self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[1].item_code, '_Test Item Home Desktop 100')
+ self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[1].item_code, '_Test Item')
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[1].warehouse, '_Test Warehouse - _TC')
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[1].qty, 5)
self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[1].sales_order_item, sales_order.items[0].name)
+ def test_pick_list_for_items_with_multiple_UOM(self):
+ purchase_receipt = make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test Item", qty=10)
+ purchase_receipt.submit()
+ sales_order = frappe.get_doc({
+ 'doctype': 'Sales Order',
+ 'customer': '_Test Customer',
+ 'company': '_Test Company',
+ 'items': [{
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
+ 'qty': 1,
+ 'conversion_factor': 5,
+ 'delivery_date':
+ }, {
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
+ 'qty': 1,
+ 'conversion_factor': 1,
+ 'delivery_date':
+ }],
+ }).insert()
+ sales_order.submit()
+ pick_list = frappe.get_doc({
+ 'doctype': 'Pick List',
+ 'company': '_Test Company',
+ 'customer': '_Test Customer',
+ 'items_based_on': 'Sales Order',
+ 'locations': [{
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
+ 'qty': 1,
+ 'stock_qty': 5,
+ 'conversion_factor': 5,
+ 'sales_order':,
+ 'sales_order_item': sales_order.items[0].name ,
+ }, {
+ 'item_code': '_Test Item',
+ 'qty': 1,
+ 'stock_qty': 1,
+ 'conversion_factor': 1,
+ 'sales_order':,
+ 'sales_order_item': sales_order.items[1].name ,
+ }]
+ })
+ pick_list.set_item_locations()
+ pick_list.submit()
+ delivery_note = create_delivery_note(
+ self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[0].qty, delivery_note.items[0].qty)
+ self.assertEqual(pick_list.locations[1].qty, delivery_note.items[1].qty)
+ self.assertEqual(sales_order.items[0].conversion_factor, delivery_note.items[0].conversion_factor)
+ pick_list.cancel()
+ sales_order.cancel()
+ purchase_receipt.cancel()
# def test_pick_list_skips_items_in_expired_batch(self):
# pass
@@ -302,4 +358,4 @@
# pass
# def test_pick_list_from_material_request(self):
- # pass
\ No newline at end of file
+ # pass
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js
index 57cc350..4d1a514 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.js
@@ -248,13 +248,6 @@
-cur_frm.cscript.select_print_heading = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
- if(doc.select_print_heading)
- cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = doc.select_print_heading;
- else
- cur_frm.pformat.print_heading = "Purchase Receipt";
cur_frm.fields_dict['select_print_heading'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
return {
filters: [
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
index 70687bda..5d7597b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
if flt(self.per_billed) < 100:
- self.status = "Completed"
+ self.db_set("status", "Completed")
# Updating stock ledger should always be called after updating prevdoc status,
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
index 7741ee7..16eea24 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
rm_supp_cost = sum([d.amount for d in pr.get("supplied_items")])
self.assertEqual(pr.get("items")[0].rm_supp_cost, flt(rm_supp_cost, 2))
def test_subcontracting_gle_fg_item_rate_zero(self):
@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@
serial_no=serial_no, basic_rate=100, do_not_submit=True)
+ se.cancel()
@@ -912,6 +913,57 @@
+ def test_po_to_pi_and_po_to_pr_worflow_full(self):
+ """Test following behaviour:
+ - Create PO
+ - Create PI from PO and submit
+ - Create PR from PO and submit
+ """
+ from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order import test_purchase_order
+ from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order import purchase_order
+ po = test_purchase_order.create_purchase_order()
+ pi = purchase_order.make_purchase_invoice(
+ pi.submit()
+ pr = purchase_order.make_purchase_receipt(
+ pr.submit()
+ pr.load_from_db()
+ self.assertEqual(pr.status, "Completed")
+ self.assertEqual(pr.per_billed, 100)
+ def test_po_to_pi_and_po_to_pr_worflow_partial(self):
+ """Test following behaviour:
+ - Create PO
+ - Create partial PI from PO and submit
+ - Create PR from PO and submit
+ """
+ from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order import test_purchase_order
+ from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order import purchase_order
+ po = test_purchase_order.create_purchase_order()
+ pi = purchase_order.make_purchase_invoice(
+ pi.items[0].qty /= 2 # roughly 50%, ^ this function only creates PI with 1 item.
+ pi.submit()
+ pr = purchase_order.make_purchase_receipt(
+ # per_billed is only updated after submission.
+ self.assertEqual(flt(pr.per_billed), 0)
+ pr.submit()
+ pi.load_from_db()
+ pr.load_from_db()
+ self.assertEqual(pr.status, "To Bill")
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(pr.per_billed, 50.0, places=2)
def get_sl_entries(voucher_type, voucher_no):
return frappe.db.sql(""" select actual_qty, warehouse, stock_value_difference
from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/
index f8cfdf8..3f83780 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/repost_item_valuation/
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
for d in frappe.get_all('Company', filters= {'enable_perpetual_inventory': 1}):
- check_if_stock_and_account_balance_synced(today(),
+ check_if_stock_and_account_balance_synced(today(),
def get_repost_item_valuation_entries():
- date = add_to_date(today(), hours=-12)
+ date = add_to_date(today(), hours=-3)
return frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT name from `tabRepost Item Valuation`
WHERE status != 'Completed' and creation <= %s and docstatus = 1
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/
index c8d8ca9..c02dd2e 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
from erpnext.controllers.stock_controller import StockController
from six import string_types
from six.moves import map
class SerialNoCannotCreateDirectError(ValidationError): pass
class SerialNoCannotCannotChangeError(ValidationError): pass
class SerialNoNotRequiredError(ValidationError): pass
@@ -322,11 +323,35 @@
frappe.throw(_("Serial Nos Required for Serialized Item {0}").format(sle.item_code),
elif serial_nos:
+ # SLE is being cancelled and has serial nos
for serial_no in serial_nos:
- sr = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, ["name", "warehouse"], as_dict=1)
- if sr and cint(sle.actual_qty) < 0 and sr.warehouse != sle.warehouse:
- frappe.throw(_("Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3}")
- .format(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, serial_no, sle.warehouse))
+ check_serial_no_validity_on_cancel(serial_no, sle)
+def check_serial_no_validity_on_cancel(serial_no, sle):
+ sr = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, ["name", "warehouse", "company", "status"], as_dict=1)
+ sr_link = frappe.utils.get_link_to_form("Serial No", serial_no)
+ doc_link = frappe.utils.get_link_to_form(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no)
+ actual_qty = cint(sle.actual_qty)
+ is_stock_reco = sle.voucher_type == "Stock Reconciliation"
+ msg = None
+ if sr and (actual_qty < 0 or is_stock_reco) and sr.warehouse != sle.warehouse:
+ # receipt(inward) is being cancelled
+ msg = _("Cannot cancel {0} {1} as Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3}").format(
+ sle.voucher_type, doc_link, sr_link, frappe.bold(sle.warehouse))
+ elif sr and actual_qty > 0 and not is_stock_reco:
+ # delivery is being cancelled, check for warehouse.
+ if sr.warehouse:
+ # serial no is active in another warehouse/company.
+ msg = _("Cannot cancel {0} {1} as Serial No {2} is active in warehouse {3}").format(
+ sle.voucher_type, doc_link, sr_link, frappe.bold(sr.warehouse))
+ elif != and sr.status == "Delivered":
+ # serial no is inactive (allowed) or delivered from another company (block).
+ msg = _("Cannot cancel {0} {1} as Serial No {2} does not belong to the company {3}").format(
+ sle.voucher_type, doc_link, sr_link, frappe.bold(
+ if msg:
+ frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Cannot cancel"))
def validate_material_transfer_entry(sle_doc):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/
index ed70790..cde7fe0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/serial_no/
@@ -40,16 +40,139 @@
se = make_serialized_item(target_warehouse="_Test Warehouse - _TC")
serial_nos = get_serial_nos(se.get("items")[0].serial_no)
- create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0])
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0])
+ serial_no = frappe.get_doc("Serial No", serial_nos[0])
+ # check Serial No details after delivery
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.status, "Delivered")
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.warehouse, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company")
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.delivery_document_type, "Delivery Note")
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.delivery_document_no,
wh = create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse", company="_Test Company 1")
- make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0],
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series", qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0],
company="_Test Company 1", warehouse=wh)
- serial_no = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_nos[0], ["warehouse", "company"], as_dict=1)
+ serial_no.reload()
+ # check Serial No details after purchase in second company
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.status, "Active")
self.assertEqual(serial_no.warehouse, wh)
self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company 1")
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.purchase_document_type, "Purchase Receipt")
+ self.assertEqual(serial_no.purchase_document_no,
+ def test_inter_company_transfer_intermediate_cancellation(self):
+ """
+ Receive into and Deliver Serial No from one company.
+ Then Receive into and Deliver from second company.
+ Try to cancel intermediate receipts/deliveries to test if it is blocked.
+ """
+ se = make_serialized_item(target_warehouse="_Test Warehouse - _TC")
+ serial_nos = get_serial_nos(se.get("items")[0].serial_no)
+ sn_doc = frappe.get_doc("Serial No", serial_nos[0])
+ # check Serial No details after purchase in first company
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Active")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, "_Test Warehouse - _TC")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.purchase_document_no,
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series",
+ qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0])
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ # check Serial No details after delivery from **first** company
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Delivered")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, None)
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.delivery_document_no,
+ # try cancelling the first Serial No Receipt, even though it is delivered
+ # block cancellation is Serial No is out of the warehouse
+ self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, se.cancel)
+ # receive serial no in second company
+ wh = create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse", company="_Test Company 1")
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series",
+ qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0], company="_Test Company 1", warehouse=wh)
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, wh)
+ # try cancelling the delivery from the first company
+ # block cancellation as Serial No belongs to different company
+ self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, dn.cancel)
+ # deliver from second company
+ dn_2 = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series",
+ qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0], company="_Test Company 1", warehouse=wh)
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ # check Serial No details after delivery from **second** company
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Delivered")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company 1")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, None)
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.delivery_document_no,
+ # cannot cancel any intermediate document before last Delivery Note
+ self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, se.cancel)
+ self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, dn.cancel)
+ self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, pr.cancel)
+ def test_inter_company_transfer_fallback_on_cancel(self):
+ """
+ Test Serial No state changes on cancellation.
+ If Delivery cancelled, it should fall back on last Receipt in the same company.
+ If Receipt is cancelled, it should be Inactive in the same company.
+ """
+ # Receipt in **first** company
+ se = make_serialized_item(target_warehouse="_Test Warehouse - _TC")
+ serial_nos = get_serial_nos(se.get("items")[0].serial_no)
+ sn_doc = frappe.get_doc("Serial No", serial_nos[0])
+ # Delivery from first company
+ dn = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series",
+ qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0])
+ # Receipt in **second** company
+ wh = create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse", company="_Test Company 1")
+ pr = make_purchase_receipt(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series",
+ qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0], company="_Test Company 1", warehouse=wh)
+ # Delivery from second company
+ dn_2 = create_delivery_note(item_code="_Test Serialized Item With Series",
+ qty=1, serial_no=serial_nos[0], company="_Test Company 1", warehouse=wh)
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Delivered")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company 1")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.delivery_document_no,
+ dn_2.cancel()
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ # Fallback on Purchase Receipt if Delivery is cancelled
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Active")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company 1")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, wh)
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.purchase_document_no,
+ pr.cancel()
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ # Inactive in same company if Receipt cancelled
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Inactive")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company 1")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, None)
+ dn.cancel()
+ sn_doc.reload()
+ # Fallback on Purchase Receipt in FIRST company if
+ # Delivery from FIRST company is cancelled
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.status, "Active")
+ self.assertEqual(, "_Test Company")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.warehouse, "_Test Warehouse - _TC")
+ self.assertEqual(sn_doc.purchase_document_no,
def tearDown(self):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.js
index 7af16af..ce2906e 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.js
@@ -363,43 +363,6 @@
if (frm.doc.pickup_date < frappe.datetime.get_today()) {
frappe.throw(__("Pickup Date cannot be before this day"));
- if (frm.doc.pickup_date == frappe.datetime.get_today()) {
- var pickup_time =;
- frm.set_value("pickup_from", pickup_time);
- frm.trigger('set_pickup_to_time');
- }
- },
- pickup_from: function(frm) {
- var pickup_time =;
- if (frm.doc.pickup_from && frm.doc.pickup_date == frappe.datetime.get_today()) {
- let current_hour = pickup_time.split(':')[0];
- let current_min = pickup_time.split(':')[1];
- let pickup_hour = frm.doc.pickup_from.split(':')[0];
- let pickup_min = frm.doc.pickup_from.split(':')[1];
- if (pickup_hour < current_hour || (pickup_hour == current_hour && pickup_min < current_min)) {
- frm.set_value("pickup_from", pickup_time);
- frappe.throw(__("Pickup Time cannot be in the past"));
- }
- }
- frm.trigger('set_pickup_to_time');
- },
- get_pickup_time: function() {
- let current_hour = new Date().getHours();
- let current_min = new Date().toLocaleString('en-US', {minute: 'numeric'});
- if (current_min < 30) {
- current_min = '30';
- } else {
- current_min = '00';
- current_hour = Number(current_hour)+1;
- }
- let pickup_time = current_hour +':'+ current_min;
- return pickup_time;
- },
- set_pickup_to_time: function(frm) {
- let pickup_to_hour = Number(frm.doc.pickup_from.split(':')[0])+5;
- let pickup_to_min = frm.doc.pickup_from.split(':')[1];
- let pickup_to = pickup_to_hour +':'+ pickup_to_min;
- frm.set_value("pickup_to", pickup_to);
clear_pickup_fields: function(frm) {
let fields = ["pickup_address_name", "pickup_contact_name", "pickup_address", "pickup_contact", "pickup_contact_email", "pickup_contact_person"];
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json
index 76c331c..a33cbc2 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/shipment.json
@@ -275,14 +275,16 @@
"default": "09:00",
"fieldname": "pickup_from",
"fieldtype": "Time",
- "label": "Pickup from"
+ "label": "Pickup from",
+ "reqd": 1
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"default": "17:00",
"fieldname": "pickup_to",
"fieldtype": "Time",
- "label": "Pickup to"
+ "label": "Pickup to",
+ "reqd": 1
"fieldname": "column_break_36",
@@ -431,7 +433,7 @@
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2020-12-25 15:02:34.891976",
+ "modified": "2021-04-13 17:14:18.181818",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Shipment",
@@ -469,4 +471,4 @@
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"track_changes": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/
index 4697a7b..01fcee4 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/shipment/
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
frappe.throw(_('Please enter Shipment Parcel information'))
if self.value_of_goods == 0:
frappe.throw(_('Value of goods cannot be 0'))
- self.status = 'Submitted'
+ self.db_set('status', 'Submitted')
def on_cancel(self):
- self.status = 'Cancelled'
+ self.db_set('status', 'Cancelled')
def validate_weight(self):
for parcel in self.shipment_parcel:
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
index 64dcbed..ef7d54a 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.js
@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@
frm.add_fetch("bom_no", "inspection_required", "inspection_required");
erpnext.accounts.dimensions.setup_dimension_filters(frm, frm.doctype);
+ frappe.db.get_single_value('Stock Settings', 'disable_serial_no_and_batch_selector')
+ .then((value) => {
+ if (value) {
+ frappe.flags.hide_serial_batch_dialog = true;
+ }
+ });
setup_quality_inspection: function(frm) {
@@ -551,7 +558,6 @@
for (let i in frm.doc.items) {
let item = frm.doc.items[i];
@@ -721,7 +727,7 @@
no_batch_serial_number_value = !d.batch_no;
- if (no_batch_serial_number_value) {
+ if (no_batch_serial_number_value && !frappe.flags.hide_serial_batch_dialog) {
erpnext.stock.select_batch_and_serial_no(frm, d);
@@ -849,7 +855,6 @@
- this.frm.trigger('add_to_transit');
scan_barcode: function() {
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
index 123f0c8..a0e7051 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
@@ -179,11 +179,15 @@
def test_material_transfer_gl_entry(self):
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', 'Stores - TCP1', 'company')
- mtn = make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", source="Stores - TCP1",
+ item_code = 'Hand Sanitizer - 001'
+ create_item(item_code =item_code, is_stock_item = 1,
+ is_purchase_item=1, opening_stock=1000, valuation_rate=10, company=company, warehouse="Stores - TCP1")
+ mtn = make_stock_entry(item_code=item_code, source="Stores - TCP1",
target="Finished Goods - TCP1", qty=45, company=company)
self.check_stock_ledger_entries("Stock Entry",,
- [["_Test Item", "Stores - TCP1", -45.0], ["_Test Item", "Finished Goods - TCP1", 45.0]])
+ [[item_code, "Stores - TCP1", -45.0], [item_code, "Finished Goods - TCP1", 45.0]])
source_warehouse_account = get_inventory_account(, mtn.get("items")[0].s_warehouse)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/
index 7ebd4e6..3296f5b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC" if frappe.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry") else "Temporary Opening - _TC",
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ expense_account="Stock Adjustment - _TC" if frappe.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry") else "Temporary Opening - _TC",
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
target="Finished Goods - _TC",
- expense_account="Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ expense_account="Stock Adjustment - _TC" if frappe.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry") else "Temporary Opening - _TC",
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
- expense_account = "Stock Adjustment - _TC",
+ expense_account ="Stock Adjustment - _TC" if frappe.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry") else "Temporary Opening - _TC",
@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@
# Set User with Stock User role but not Stock Manager
- frappe.set_user("")
user = frappe.get_doc("User", "")
+ frappe.set_user(
user.add_roles("Stock User")
user.remove_roles("Stock Manager")
@@ -325,7 +325,9 @@
# Block back-dated entry
self.assertRaises(BackDatedStockTransaction, back_dated_se_1.submit)
+ frappe.set_user("Administrator")
user.add_roles("Stock Manager")
+ frappe.set_user(
# Back dated entry allowed to Stock Manager
back_dated_se_2 = make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=10, basic_rate=100,
@@ -337,6 +339,7 @@
frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None, "role_allowed_to_create_edit_back_dated_transactions", None)
+ user.remove_roles("Stock Manager")
def create_repack_entry(**args):
@@ -400,4 +403,4 @@
make_item(d, properties=properties)
- return items
\ No newline at end of file
+ return items
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
index b452e96..1396f19 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
merge_similar_entries = {}
for d in sl_entries:
- if not d.serial_no or d.actual_qty < 0:
+ if not d.serial_no or flt(d.get("actual_qty")) < 0:
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
index 6690c6a..36380b8 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
company = frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', 'Stores - TCP1', 'company')
# [[qty, valuation_rate, posting_date,
# posting_time, expected_stock_value, bin_qty, bin_valuation]]
input_data = [
[50, 1000, "2012-12-26", "12:00"],
[25, 900, "2012-12-26", "12:00"],
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
def test_get_items(self):
- create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Group 1",
+ create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Group 1",
{"is_group": 1, "company": "_Test Company", "parent_warehouse": "All Warehouses - _TC"})
create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Ledger 1",
{"is_group": 0, "parent_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse Group 1 - _TC", "company": "_Test Company"})
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json
index 84af57b..f18eabc 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_settings/stock_settings.json
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ "role_allowed_to_over_deliver_receive",
@@ -234,6 +235,13 @@
"fieldname": "disable_serial_no_and_batch_selector",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Disable Serial No And Batch Selector"
+ },
+ {
+ "description": "Users with this role are allowed to over deliver/receive against orders above the allowance percentage",
+ "fieldname": "role_allowed_to_over_deliver_receive",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Role Allowed to Over Deliver/Receive",
+ "options": "Role"
"icon": "icon-cog",
@@ -241,7 +249,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-01-18 13:15:38.352796",
+ "modified": "2021-03-11 18:48:14.513055",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Stock Settings",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.json
index bddb114..9b90932 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"oldfieldname": "company",
"oldfieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Company",
+ "read_only_depends_on": "eval: !doc.__islocal",
"remember_last_selected_value": 1,
"reqd": 1,
"search_index": 1
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"is_tree": 1,
"links": [],
- "modified": "2021-02-16 17:21:52.380098",
+ "modified": "2021-04-09 19:54:56.263965",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Stock",
"name": "Warehouse",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/ b/erpnext/stock/
index e23f7d4..1a61f30 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/
@@ -309,8 +309,6 @@
"update_stock": args.get("update_stock") if args.get('doctype') in ['Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'] else 0,
"delivered_by_supplier": item.delivered_by_supplier if args.get("doctype") in ["Sales Order", "Sales Invoice"] else 0,
"is_fixed_asset": item.is_fixed_asset,
- "weight_per_unit":item.weight_per_unit,
- "weight_uom":item.weight_uom,
"last_purchase_rate": item.last_purchase_rate if args.get("doctype") in ["Purchase Order"] else 0,
"transaction_date": args.get("transaction_date"),
"against_blanket_order": args.get("against_blanket_order"),
@@ -611,8 +609,12 @@
meta = frappe.get_meta(args.parenttype or args.doctype)
if meta.get_field("currency") or args.get('currency'):
- pl_details = get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args)
- args.update(pl_details)
+ if not args.get("price_list_currency") or not args.get("plc_conversion_rate"):
+ # if currency and plc_conversion_rate exist then
+ # `get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate` has already been called
+ pl_details = get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args)
+ args.update(pl_details)
if meta.get_field("currency"):
validate_conversion_rate(args, meta)
@@ -922,10 +924,19 @@
{"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse}, "projected_qty")}
-def get_bin_details(item_code, warehouse):
- return frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse},
+def get_bin_details(item_code, warehouse, company=None):
+ bin_details = frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse},
["projected_qty", "actual_qty", "reserved_qty"], as_dict=True, cache=True) \
or {"projected_qty": 0, "actual_qty": 0, "reserved_qty": 0}
+ if company:
+ bin_details['company_total_stock'] = get_company_total_stock(item_code, company)
+ return bin_details
+def get_company_total_stock(item_code, company):
+ return frappe.db.sql("""SELECT sum(actual_qty) from
+ (`tabBin` INNER JOIN `tabWarehouse` ON `tabBin`.warehouse = `tabWarehouse`.name)
+ WHERE `tabWarehouse`.company = '{0}' and `tabBin`.item_code = '{1}'"""
+ .format(company, item_code))[0][0]
def get_serial_no_details(item_code, warehouse, stock_qty, serial_no):
@@ -993,6 +1004,8 @@
args = process_args(args)
parent = get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args)
+ args.update(parent)
children = []
if "items" in args:
@@ -1057,7 +1070,7 @@
return frappe._dict({
"price_list_currency": price_list_currency,
"price_list_uom_dependant": price_list_uom_dependant,
- "plc_conversion_rate": plc_conversion_rate
+ "plc_conversion_rate": plc_conversion_rate or 1
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/itemwise_recommended_reorder_level/ b/erpnext/stock/report/itemwise_recommended_reorder_level/
index 5df3fa8..2f70523 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/itemwise_recommended_reorder_level/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/itemwise_recommended_reorder_level/
@@ -55,19 +55,31 @@
def get_consumed_items(condition):
+ purpose_to_exclude = [
+ "Material Transfer for Manufacture",
+ "Material Transfer",
+ "Send to Subcontractor"
+ ]
+ condition += """
+ and (
+ purpose is NULL
+ or purpose not in ({})
+ )
+ """.format(', '.join([f"'{p}'" for p in purpose_to_exclude]))
+ condition = condition.replace("posting_date", "sle.posting_date")
consumed_items = frappe.db.sql("""
select item_code, abs(sum(actual_qty)) as consumed_qty
- from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
- where actual_qty < 0
+ from `tabStock Ledger Entry` as sle left join `tabStock Entry` as se
+ on sle.voucher_no =
+ where
+ actual_qty < 0
and voucher_type not in ('Delivery Note', 'Sales Invoice')
- group by item_code
- """ % condition, as_dict=1)
+ group by item_code""" % condition, as_dict=1)
- consumed_items_map = {}
- for item in consumed_items:
- consumed_items_map.setdefault(item.item_code, item.consumed_qty)
+ consumed_items_map = {item.item_code : item.consumed_qty for item in consumed_items}
return consumed_items_map
def get_delivered_items(condition):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ageing/ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ageing/
index ff603fc..623dc2f 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ageing/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ageing/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
for batch in fifo_queue:
batch_age = date_diff(to_date, batch[1])
- if type(batch[0]) in ['int', 'float']:
+ if isinstance(batch[0], (int, float)):
age_qty += batch_age * batch[0]
total_qty += batch[0]
@@ -302,4 +302,4 @@
- ))
\ No newline at end of file
+ ))
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/ b/erpnext/stock/
index 121c51c..985901f 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/
@@ -372,7 +372,8 @@
elif sle.voucher_type in ("Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice", "Delivery Note", "Sales Invoice"):
if frappe.get_cached_value(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, "is_return"):
from erpnext.controllers.sales_and_purchase_return import get_rate_for_return # don't move this import to top
- rate = get_rate_for_return(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.item_code, voucher_detail_no=sle.voucher_detail_no)
+ rate = get_rate_for_return(sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.item_code,
+ voucher_detail_no=sle.voucher_detail_no, sle = sle)
if sle.voucher_type in ("Purchase Receipt", "Purchase Invoice"):
rate_field = "valuation_rate"
@@ -603,7 +604,7 @@
batch = self.wh_data.stock_queue[index]
if qty_to_pop >= batch[0]:
# consume current batch
- qty_to_pop = qty_to_pop - batch[0]
+ qty_to_pop = _round_off_if_near_zero(qty_to_pop - batch[0])
if not self.wh_data.stock_queue and qty_to_pop:
# stock finished, qty still remains to be withdrawn
@@ -617,8 +618,8 @@
batch[0] = batch[0] - qty_to_pop
qty_to_pop = 0
- stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue))
- stock_qty = sum((flt(batch[0]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue))
+ stock_value = _round_off_if_near_zero(sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue)))
+ stock_qty = _round_off_if_near_zero(sum((flt(batch[0]) for batch in self.wh_data.stock_queue)))
if stock_qty:
self.wh_data.valuation_rate = stock_value / flt(stock_qty)
@@ -857,3 +858,12 @@
order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) asc
limit 1
""", args, as_dict=1)
+def _round_off_if_near_zero(number: float, precision: int = 6) -> float:
+ """ Rounds off the number to zero only if number is close to zero for decimal
+ specified in precision. Precision defaults to 6.
+ """
+ if flt(number) < (1.0 / (10**precision)):
+ return 0
+ return flt(number)
diff --git a/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/issue.js b/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/issue.js
index 9fe12f9..ecc9fcf 100644
--- a/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/issue.js
+++ b/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/issue.js
@@ -48,44 +48,62 @@
- refresh: function (frm) {
- if (frm.doc.status !== "Closed") {
- if (frm.doc.service_level_agreement && frm.doc.agreement_status === "Ongoing") {
- "method": "frappe.client.get",
- args: {
- doctype: "Service Level Agreement",
- name: frm.doc.service_level_agreement
- },
- callback: function(data) {
- let statuses = data.message.pause_sla_on;
- const hold_statuses = [];
- $.each(statuses, (_i, entry) => {
- hold_statuses.push(entry.status);
- });
- if (hold_statuses.includes(frm.doc.status)) {
- frm.dashboard.clear_headline();
- let message = {"indicator": "orange", "msg": __("SLA is on hold since {0}", [moment(frm.doc.on_hold_since).fromNow(true)])};
- frm.dashboard.set_headline_alert(
- '<div class="row">' +
- '<div class="col-xs-12">' +
- '<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap '+ message.indicator +'"><span>'+ message.msg +'</span></span> ' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>'
- );
- } else {
- set_time_to_resolve_and_response(frm);
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ refresh: function(frm) {
- frm.add_custom_button(__("Close"), function () {
+ // alert messages
+ if (frm.doc.status !== "Closed" && frm.doc.service_level_agreement
+ && frm.doc.agreement_status === "Ongoing") {
+ "method": "frappe.client.get",
+ args: {
+ doctype: "Service Level Agreement",
+ name: frm.doc.service_level_agreement
+ },
+ callback: function(data) {
+ let statuses = data.message.pause_sla_on;
+ const hold_statuses = [];
+ $.each(statuses, (_i, entry) => {
+ hold_statuses.push(entry.status);
+ });
+ if (hold_statuses.includes(frm.doc.status)) {
+ frm.dashboard.clear_headline();
+ let message = { "indicator": "orange", "msg": __("SLA is on hold since {0}", [moment(frm.doc.on_hold_since).fromNow(true)]) };
+ frm.dashboard.set_headline_alert(
+ '<div class="row">' +
+ '<div class="col-xs-12">' +
+ '<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap ' + message.indicator + '"><span>' + message.msg + '</span></span> ' +
+ '</div>' +
+ '</div>'
+ );
+ } else {
+ set_time_to_resolve_and_response(frm);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (frm.doc.service_level_agreement) {
+ frm.dashboard.clear_headline();
+ let agreement_status = (frm.doc.agreement_status == "Fulfilled") ?
+ { "indicator": "green", "msg": "Service Level Agreement has been fulfilled" } :
+ { "indicator": "red", "msg": "Service Level Agreement Failed" };
+ frm.dashboard.set_headline_alert(
+ '<div class="row">' +
+ '<div class="col-xs-12">' +
+ '<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap ' + agreement_status.indicator + '"><span class="hidden-xs">' + agreement_status.msg + '</span></span> ' +
+ '</div>' +
+ '</div>'
+ );
+ }
+ // buttons
+ if (frm.doc.status !== "Closed") {
+ frm.add_custom_button(__("Close"), function() {
frm.set_value("status", "Closed");;
- frm.add_custom_button(__("Task"), function () {
+ frm.add_custom_button(__("Task"), function() {
method: "",
frm: frm
@@ -93,23 +111,7 @@
}, __("Create"));
} else {
- if (frm.doc.service_level_agreement) {
- frm.dashboard.clear_headline();
- let agreement_status = (frm.doc.agreement_status == "Fulfilled") ?
- {"indicator": "green", "msg": "Service Level Agreement has been fulfilled"} :
- {"indicator": "red", "msg": "Service Level Agreement Failed"};
- frm.dashboard.set_headline_alert(
- '<div class="row">' +
- '<div class="col-xs-12">' +
- '<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap '+ agreement_status.indicator +'"><span class="hidden-xs">'+ agreement_status.msg +'</span></span> ' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>'
- );
- }
- frm.add_custom_button(__("Reopen"), function () {
+ frm.add_custom_button(__("Reopen"), function() {
frm.set_value("status", "Open");;
diff --git a/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/ b/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/
index 767a8a6..b068363 100644
--- a/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/
+++ b/erpnext/support/doctype/issue/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from frappe import _
from frappe import utils
from frappe.model.document import Document
-from frappe.utils import now_datetime, getdate, get_weekdays, add_to_date, get_time, get_datetime, time_diff_in_seconds
+from frappe.utils import cint, now_datetime, getdate, get_weekdays, add_to_date, get_time, get_datetime, time_diff_in_seconds
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc
from frappe.utils.user import is_website_user
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
def update_agreement_status(self):
if self.service_level_agreement and self.agreement_status == "Ongoing":
- if frappe.db.get_value("Issue",, "response_by_variance") < 0 or \
- frappe.db.get_value("Issue",, "resolution_by_variance") < 0:
+ if cint(frappe.db.get_value("Issue",, "response_by_variance")) < 0 or \
+ cint(frappe.db.get_value("Issue",, "resolution_by_variance")) < 0:
self.agreement_status = "Failed"
diff --git a/erpnext/support/doctype/service_level_agreement/service_level_agreement.js b/erpnext/support/doctype/service_level_agreement/service_level_agreement.js
index 5346195..00060b9 100644
--- a/erpnext/support/doctype/service_level_agreement/service_level_agreement.js
+++ b/erpnext/support/doctype/service_level_agreement/service_level_agreement.js
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
let statuses = frappe.meta.get_docfield('Issue', 'status',;
statuses = statuses.split('\n');
allow_statuses = statuses.filter((status) => !exclude_statuses.includes(status));
- frappe.meta.get_docfield('Pause SLA On Status', 'status', = [''].concat(allow_statuses);
+ frm.fields_dict.pause_sla_on.grid.update_docfield_property(
+ 'status', 'options', [''].concat(allow_statuses)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/support/report/issue_analytics/issue_analytics.js b/erpnext/support/report/issue_analytics/issue_analytics.js
index f87b2c2..746eee0 100644
--- a/erpnext/support/report/issue_analytics/issue_analytics.js
+++ b/erpnext/support/report/issue_analytics/issue_analytics.js
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
label: __("Status"),
fieldtype: "Select",
+ "",
{label: __('Open'), value: 'Open'},
{label: __('Replied'), value: 'Replied'},
{label: __('Resolved'), value: 'Resolved'},
@@ -138,4 +139,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js
index 684482a..eb0e06c 100644
--- a/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js
+++ b/erpnext/support/report/issue_summary/issue_summary.js
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
label: __("Status"),
fieldtype: "Select",
+ "",
{label: __('Open'), value: 'Open'},
{label: __('Replied'), value: 'Replied'},
{label: __('Resolved'), value: 'Resolved'},
@@ -70,4 +71,4 @@
options: "User"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_add_to_cart.html b/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_add_to_cart.html
index f5adbf0..167c848 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_add_to_cart.html
+++ b/erpnext/templates/generators/item/item_add_to_cart.html
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<small class="formatted-price">({{ product_info.price.formatted_price }} / {{ product_info.uom }})</small>
{% else %}
- {{ _("Unit of Measurement") }} : {{ product_info.uom }}
+ {{ _("UOM") }} : {{ product_info.uom }}
{% endif %}
{% if cart_settings.show_stock_availability %}
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/includes/transaction_row.html b/erpnext/templates/includes/transaction_row.html
index 930d0c2..3834131 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/includes/transaction_row.html
+++ b/erpnext/templates/includes/transaction_row.html
@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@
<div class="col-sm-3 text-right bold">
- {% if doc.doctype == "Quotation" and not doc.docstatus %}
- {{ _("Pending") }}
- {% else %}
- {{ doc.get_formatted("grand_total") }}
- {% endif %}
+ {{ doc.get_formatted("grand_total") }}
<a class="transaction-item-link" href="/{{ pathname }}/{{ }}">Link</a>
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/pages/order.html b/erpnext/templates/pages/order.html
index 07dd676..28faea8 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/pages/order.html
+++ b/erpnext/templates/pages/order.html
@@ -12,21 +12,22 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block header_actions %}
- <div class="dropdown">
- <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
- <span>{{ _('Actions') }}</span>
- <b class="caret"></b>
- </button>
- <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu">
- {% if doc.doctype == 'Purchase Order' %}
- <a class="dropdown-item" href="/api/method/erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.purchase_order.make_purchase_invoice_from_portal?purchase_order_name={{ }}" data-action="make_purchase_invoice">{{ _("Make Purchase Invoice") }}</a>
- {% endif %}
- <a class="dropdown-item" href='/printview?doctype={{ doc.doctype}}&name={{ }}&format={{ print_format }}'
- target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
- {{ _("Print") }}
- </a>
- </ul>
- </div>
+<div class="dropdown">
+ <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
+ <span>{{ _('Actions') }}</span>
+ <b class="caret"></b>
+ </button>
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu">
+ {% if doc.doctype == 'Purchase Order' %}
+ <a class="dropdown-item" href="/api/method/erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.purchase_order.make_purchase_invoice_from_portal?purchase_order_name={{ }}" data-action="make_purchase_invoice">{{ _("Make Purchase Invoice") }}</a>
+ {% endif %}
+ <a class="dropdown-item" href='/printview?doctype={{ doc.doctype}}&name={{ }}&format={{ print_format }}'
+ target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
+ {{ _("Print") }}
+ </a>
+ </ul>
{% endblock %}
{% block page_content %}
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/ b/erpnext/utilities/
index 7b17c8c..50c4b25 100644
--- a/erpnext/utilities/
+++ b/erpnext/utilities/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
"Delivery Note": 5,
"Employee": 3,
"Instructor": 5,
- "Instructor": 5,
"Issue": 5,
"Item": 5,
"Journal Entry": 3,
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/ b/erpnext/utilities/
index c8ae733..f99da58 100644
--- a/erpnext/utilities/
+++ b/erpnext/utilities/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cstr, now_datetime, cint, flt, get_time, get_datetime, get_link_to_form, date_diff, nowdate
from erpnext.controllers.status_updater import StatusUpdater
-from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
from six import string_types
@@ -121,11 +120,11 @@
buying_doctypes = ["Purchase Order", "Purchase Invoice", "Purchase Receipt"]
if self.doctype in buying_doctypes:
- to_disable = "Maintain same rate throughout Purchase cycle"
- settings_page = "Buying Settings"
+ action = frappe.db.get_single_value("Buying Settings", "maintain_same_rate_action")
+ settings_doc = "Buying Settings"
- to_disable = "Maintain same rate throughout Sales cycle"
- settings_page = "Selling Settings"
+ action = frappe.db.get_single_value("Selling Settings", "maintain_same_rate_action")
+ settings_doc = "Selling Settings"
for ref_dt, ref_dn_field, ref_link_field in ref_details:
for d in self.get("items"):
@@ -133,11 +132,16 @@
ref_rate = frappe.db.get_value(ref_dt + " Item", d.get(ref_link_field), "rate")
if abs(flt(d.rate - ref_rate, d.precision("rate"))) >= .01:
- frappe.msgprint(_("Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}) ")
- .format(d.idx, ref_dt, d.get(ref_dn_field), d.rate, ref_rate))
- frappe.throw(_("To allow different rates, disable the {0} checkbox in {1}.")
- .format(frappe.bold(_(to_disable)),
- get_link_to_form(settings_page, settings_page, frappe.bold(settings_page))))
+ if action == "Stop":
+ role_allowed_to_override = frappe.db.get_single_value(settings_doc, 'role_to_override_stop_action')
+ if role_allowed_to_override not in frappe.get_roles():
+ frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4})").format(
+ d.idx, ref_dt, d.get(ref_dn_field), d.rate, ref_rate))
+ else:
+ frappe.msgprint(_("Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4})").format(
+ d.idx, ref_dt, d.get(ref_dn_field), d.rate, ref_rate), title=_("Warning"), indicator="orange")
def get_link_filters(self, for_doctype):
if hasattr(self, "prev_link_mapper") and self.prev_link_mapper.get(for_doctype):
diff --git a/erpnext/www/lms/content.html b/erpnext/www/lms/content.html
index dc9b6d8..15afb09 100644
--- a/erpnext/www/lms/content.html
+++ b/erpnext/www/lms/content.html
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
{{_('Back to Course')}}
- <div>
+ <div class="lms-title">
<h2>{{ }} <span class="small text-muted">({{ position + 1 }}/{{length}})</span></h2>
{% endmacro %}
@@ -169,14 +169,51 @@
const next_url = '/lms/course?name={{ course }}&program={{ program }}'
{% endif %}
frappe.ready(() => {
- const quiz = new Quiz(document.getElementById('quiz-wrapper'), {
- name: '{{ }}',
- course: '{{ course }}',
- program: '{{ program }}',
- quiz_exit_button: quiz_exit_button,
- next_url: next_url
- })
- window.quiz = quiz;
+ {% if content.is_time_bound %}
+ var duration = get_duration("{{content.duration}}")
+ var d = frappe.msgprint({
+ title: __('Important Notice'),
+ indicator: "red",
+ message: __(`This is a Time-Bound Quiz. <br><br>
+ A timer for <b>${duration}</b> will start, once you click on <b>Proceed</b>. <br><br>
+ If you fail to submit before the time is up, the Quiz will be submitted automatically.`),
+ primary_action: {
+ label: __("Proceed"),
+ action: () => {
+ create_quiz();
+ d.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_action: {
+ action: () => {
+ d.hide();
+ window.location.href = "/lms/course?name={{ course }}&program={{ program }}";
+ },
+ label: __("Go Back"),
+ }
+ });
+ {% else %}
+ create_quiz();
+ {% endif %}
+ function create_quiz() {
+ const quiz = new Quiz(document.getElementById('quiz-wrapper'), {
+ name: '{{ }}',
+ course: '{{ course }}',
+ program: '{{ program }}',
+ quiz_exit_button: quiz_exit_button,
+ next_url: next_url
+ })
+ window.quiz = quiz;
+ }
+ function get_duration(seconds){
+ var hours = append_zero(Math.floor(seconds / 3600));
+ var minutes = append_zero(Math.floor(seconds % 3600 / 60));
+ var seconds = append_zero(Math.floor(seconds % 3600 % 60));
+ return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
+ }
+ function append_zero(time) {
+ return time > 9 ? time : "0" + time;
+ }
{% endif %}
diff --git a/erpnext/www/lms/index.html b/erpnext/www/lms/index.html
index 7b239ac..c1e9620 100644
--- a/erpnext/www/lms/index.html
+++ b/erpnext/www/lms/index.html
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
<section class="top-section" style="padding: 6rem 0rem;">
<div class='container pb-5'>
<h1>{{ education_settings.portal_title }}</h1>
- <p class='lead'>{{ education_settings.description }}</p>
+ {% if education_settings.description %}
+ <p class='lead'>{{ education_settings.description }}</p>
+ {% endif %}
<p class="mt-4">
{% if frappe.session.user == 'Guest' %}
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="/login#signup">{{_('Sign Up')}}</a>
@@ -51,13 +53,15 @@
<div class='container'>
<div class="row mt-5">
- {% for program in featured_programs %}
- {{ program_card(program.program, program.has_access) }}
- {% endfor %}
{% if featured_programs %}
+ {% for program in featured_programs %}
+ {{ program_card(program.program, program.has_access) }}
+ {% endfor %}
{% for n in range( (3 - (featured_programs|length)) %3) %}
{{ null_card() }}
{% endfor %}
+ {% else %}
+ <p class="lead">You have not enrolled in any program. Contact your Instructor.</p>
{% endif %}
diff --git a/erpnext/www/lms/ b/erpnext/www/lms/
index f75ae8e..8abbc72 100644
--- a/erpnext/www/lms/
+++ b/erpnext/www/lms/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
progress.append({'content': content, 'content_type': content.doctype, 'completed': status})
elif content.doctype == 'Quiz':
if student:
- status, score, result = utils.check_quiz_completion(content,
+ status, score, result, time_taken = utils.check_quiz_completion(content,
status = False
score = None