| pscript.onload_Setup = function() { |
| var parent = $i('setup_div'); |
| add_space_holder(parent); |
| |
| var callback = function(r,rt){ |
| |
| // header |
| parent.page_head = new PageHeader(parent,'Setup'); |
| |
| // sections |
| var setup_data = new SetupData(r.message); |
| pscript.setup_make_sections(setup_data); |
| |
| remove_space_holder(); |
| } |
| $c_obj('Setup Wizard Control','get_country','',callback); |
| } |
| |
| pscript.setup_set_height = function() { |
| var parent = $i('setup_div'); |
| $y(parent.tray.body, {height: get_window_height() - parent.page_head.wrapper.offsetHeight + 'px', overflow:'auto'}) |
| } |
| |
| // Make sections |
| // =================================================== |
| |
| pscript.setup_make_sections = function(setup_data) { |
| var parent = $i('setup_div'); |
| parent.tray = new TrayPage(parent) |
| |
| // list of setup data |
| var lst = [setup_data.system, setup_data.general, setup_data.accounts, setup_data.selling, setup_data.buying, setup_data.stock, setup_data.hr, setup_data.maintenance, setup_data.production]; |
| |
| for(var s=0; s<lst.length; s++){ |
| var lbl = keys(lst[s])[0]; |
| |
| var ti = parent.tray.add_item(lbl, null, null, 1) |
| new SetupItem(ti.body, lbl, lst[s][lbl]); |
| |
| if(s==0) ti.expand(); |
| } |
| |
| setTimeout(pscript.setup_set_height, 100); |
| resize_observers.push(pscript.setup_set_height); |
| } |
| |
| // Setup Item |
| // =================================================== |
| SetupItem = function(parent, lbl, link_list) { |
| this.icons = {'System':'back_img Setup', 'General':'back_img Home', 'Accounts':'back_img Accounts', 'Selling':'back_img Selling', 'Stock':'back_img Stock', 'Buying':'back_img Buying', 'Maintenance':'back_img Maintenance', 'Production':'back_img Production', 'HR':'back_img HR'}; |
| this.make_item_body(parent, lbl, link_list); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Make body for item in setup wizard |
| // =================================================== |
| SetupItem.prototype.make_item_body = function(parent, lbl, link_list){ |
| // item link area |
| this.link_area = parent; |
| this.render_item_body(lbl, link_list); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Render item body |
| // =================================================== |
| SetupItem.prototype.render_item_body = function(lbl, link_list) { |
| var me = this; |
| // set item header |
| |
| link_list.sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] > b[0]; }); |
| |
| // show links for item |
| for(var i=0; i<link_list.length; i++){ |
| var wrapper = $a(this.link_area, 'div','',{marginBottom:'4px', padding:'2px'}); |
| $(wrapper).hover( |
| function() { $y(this,{backgroundColor:'#EEF'}) } |
| ,function() { $y(this,{backgroundColor:''}) } |
| ) |
| var tab = make_table($a(wrapper,'div'), 1, 2, '100%', [200/7+'%', 500/7+'%']) |
| |
| var dt= $a($td(tab,0,0), 'span', 'link_type'); |
| dt.innerHTML = link_list[i][0]; |
| dt.label = link_list[i][0]; |
| dt.arg = link_list[i][1]; |
| dt.nm = link_list[i][2]; |
| |
| if(dt.arg == 1) dt.cn = link_list[i][3]; |
| else if(dt.arg == 2) dt.cb=link_list[i][3]; |
| |
| // execute when link is clicked |
| dt.onclick = function(){ |
| me.link_action(this) |
| } |
| |
| // description |
| $y($td(tab,0,1), {color:'#777'}); |
| $td(tab,0,1).innerHTML = link_list[i][4]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Execute when link is clicked |
| // ---------------------------- |
| SetupItem.prototype.link_action = function(obj) { |
| var me = this; |
| var obj = obj; |
| |
| // if object links to a doc browser |
| if(obj.arg == 1){ |
| if(in_list(profile.can_read, obj.nm)){ |
| if(obj.cn !='') |
| loaddocbrowser(obj.nm, obj.nm, obj.cn); |
| else |
| loaddocbrowser(obj.nm); |
| } |
| else |
| msgprint('No read permission',1); |
| } |
| |
| // if obj links to a page |
| else if(obj.arg == 2){ |
| me.show_page(obj); |
| } |
| |
| // if object links to a single doctype |
| else if(obj.arg == 3){ |
| newdoc(obj.nm); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Show page for corresponding link |
| // -------------------------------- |
| SetupItem.prototype.show_page = function(obj) { |
| var me = obj; |
| var callback = function(r,rt) |
| { |
| if(r.message){ |
| if(me.cb == '') |
| loadpage(me.nm); |
| else |
| show_chart_browser(me.nm,me.cb); |
| } |
| else |
| msgprint('No read permission',1); |
| } |
| $c_obj('Setup Wizard Control','get_page_lst',me.nm,callback); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Setup Data |
| // ======================================================================================================================================================= |
| SetupData = function(cnty){ |
| |
| // arg : 1 - Docbrowser, 2 - Page, 3 - DocType |
| |
| //[label, arg, name, callback/col_name, description] |
| |
| this.system = {'System':[['Global Defaults',3,'Manage Account','','Set global default values'], |
| ['Manage Series',3,'Naming Series','','Manage numbering series for transactions'], |
| ['Custom Field',1,'Custom Field','dt'+NEWLINE+'label'+NEWLINE+'fieldtype'+NEWLINE+'options','Add and manage custom fields on forms'], |
| ['Email Settings',3,'Email Settings','','Outgoing email server and address'], |
| ['Notification Settings',3,'Notification Control','','Automatic emails set at selected events'], |
| ['Email Digest', 1, 'Email Digest', '', 'Schedule Daily / Weekly / Monthly Summary e-mails'], |
| ['Company',1,'Company','id'+NEWLINE+'is_active'+NEWLINE+'email','Manage list of companies'], |
| ['Fiscal Year',1,'Fiscal Year','id'+NEWLINE+'company'+NEWLINE+'is_active'+NEWLINE+'year','Manage list of fiscal years'], |
| ['Personalize',3,'Personalize','','Set your banner'], |
| ['Manage Trash',2,'Trash','','Restore trashed items'], |
| ['Import Data',2,'Import Data','','Import data from CSV files'], |
| ['Manage Users',2,'My Company','','Add / remove users and manage their roles'], |
| ['Web Forms',2,'Webforms','', 'Code to embed forms in yor website'], |
| ['Permissions Manager',2,'Permission Engine','', 'Manage all permissions from one tool'], |
| //['Property Setter',1,'Property Setter','', 'Customize properties of a Form (DocType) or Field'], |
| ['Customize Form View',3,'DocLayer','', 'Customize properties of a Form (DocType) or Field'], |
| ['Print Formats', 1, 'Print Format', '', 'Manage Print Formats'], |
| ['Letter Head',1,'Letter Head','','Manage different letter heads for Prints'], |
| ['SMS Settings',3,'SMS Settings','','Integrate your personalized SMS gateway which support http web service'], |
| ['SMS Center',3,'SMS Center','','Send mass sms to your leads, contacts and partners'], |
| ['Features Setup',3,'Features Setup','','Displays fields based on features selected'] |
| ]}; |
| |
| |
| this.general = {'General':[['Authorization Rule',1,'Authorization Rule','','Set rules based on amounts'], |
| ['Print Heading',1,'Print Heading','','Manage headings for printing transactions'], |
| ['Term',1,'Term','','Manage template of standard Terms for order / invoices etc'], |
| ['Currency',1,'Currency','','Manage list of currencies'], |
| ['Address',1,'Address','','Manage Address of customers, suppliers'], |
| ['Country',1,'Country','','Country master'], |
| ['State',1,'State','','State master'], |
| ['Rename Tool',3,'Rename Tool','','Rename a record'], |
| ['Bulk Rename Tool',3,'Bulk Rename Tool','','Rename multiple records at a time'], |
| ['Activty Type',1,'Activity Type','','Types of activities that you can select in your Timesheet'], |
| ['City',1,'City','','City master']]}; |
| |
| this.selling = {'Selling':[['Customer Group',2,'Sales Browser','Customer Group','Manage customer categories'], |
| ['Territory',2,'Sales Browser','Territory','Manage sales territories'], |
| ['Customer',1,'Customer','customer_group'+NEWLINE+'country','Customer master'], |
| ['Sales Person',2,'Sales Browser','Sales Person','Manage sales persons'], |
| ['Sales Partner',1,'Sales Partner','', 'Manage sales partners'], |
| ['Campaign',1,'Campaign','id'+NEWLINE+'campaign_name'+NEWLINE+'description','Manage sales / marketing campaigns'], |
| ['Sales BOM',1,'Sales BOM','id'+NEWLINE+'is_active'+NEWLINE+'new_item_name'+NEWLINE+'description'+NEWLINE+'item_group','Manage Sales Bill of Material (Main item + accessories)'], |
| ['Price List',1,'Price List','','Price list master']]}; |
| |
| this.accounts = {'Accounts':[['Chart of Accounts',2,'Accounts Browser','Account','Manage chart of accounts'], |
| ['Chart of Cost Centers',2,'Accounts Browser','Cost Center','Manage chart of cost centers'], |
| ['POS Setting',1,'POS Setting','','Manage Point of Sales default Settings.']]}; |
| |
| // if country = india; show india related doctypes |
| //------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| if(cnty == 'India'){ |
| var lst1 = [['TDS Rate Chart',1,'TDS Rate Chart','', 'TDS rate master'],['TDS Category',1,'TDS Category','id'+NEWLINE+'module','TDS categories']]; |
| for(var i =0; i<lst1.length;i++) |
| this.accounts['Accounts'].push(lst1[i]); |
| } |
| //-------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| var lst = [['Monthly Distribution',1,'Budget Distribution','id'+NEWLINE+'fiscal_year'+NEWLINE+'distribution_id','Manage budget distributions (seasonalities)'], |
| ['Sales Other Charges',1,'Other Charges','','Manage your charge structures (taxes + charges) for sales'], |
| ['Purchase Other Charges',1,'Purchase Other Charges','','Manage your charge structures (taxes + charges) for purchase'], |
| ['Mode of Payment',1,'Mode of Payment','','Mode of payment master']]; |
| |
| for(var i =0; i<lst.length;i++) |
| this.accounts['Accounts'].push(lst[i]); |
| |
| this.stock = {'Stock':[['Item Group',2,'Sales Browser','Item Group','Manage item classifications'], |
| ['Item',1,'Item','name'+NEWLINE+'item_group'+NEWLINE+'description','Item master'], |
| ['Brand',1,'Brand','id'+NEWLINE+'description','Brand master'], |
| ['Batch',1,'Batch','name'+NEWLINE+'start_date'+NEWLINE+'item'+NEWLINE+'expiry_date','Manage batches'], |
| ['Price List',1,'Price List','','Price list master'], |
| ['UOM',1,'UOM','','Unit of measure (UOM) master'], |
| ['Warehouse Type',1,'Warehouse Type','','Warehouse classifications'], |
| ['Warehouse',1,'Warehouse','','Warehouse master']]}; |
| |
| this.buying = {'Buying':[['Supplier Type',1,'Supplier Type','','Manage supplier classifications'], |
| ['Supplier',1,'Supplier','id'+NEWLINE+'supplier_type'+NEWLINE+'supplier_status'+NEWLINE+'company','Supplier master']]}; |
| |
| this.maintenance = {'Maintenance':[['Serial No',1,'Serial No','item_code'+NEWLINE+'status'+NEWLINE+'pr_no'+NEWLINE+'delivery_note_no'+NEWLINE+'customer_name','Manage unique serial numbers for items'], |
| ['Purpose of Service',1,'Purpose of Service','','Purpose of service master']]}; |
| |
| this.production = {'Production':[['Bill of Materials',1,'Bill Of Materials','id'+NEWLINE+'item'+NEWLINE+'description'+NEWLINE+'operating_cost'+NEWLINE+'maintained_by','Muti-level bill of materials and operations'], |
| ['Workstation',1,'Workstation','id'+NEWLINE+'workstation_name'+NEWLINE+'warehouse'+NEWLINE+'description','Workstation master']]}; |
| |
| this.hr = {'HR':[['Department',1,'Department','','Company department master'], |
| ['Designation',1,'Designation','','Company designation master'], |
| ['Branch',1,'Branch','','Manage branches for your company'], |
| ['Grade',1,'Grade','','Manage employee grades'], |
| ['Employment Type',1,'Employment Type','','Manage types of employment'], |
| ['Employee',1,'Employee','employee_name'+NEWLINE+'employment_type'+NEWLINE+'status'+NEWLINE+'branch'+NEWLINE+'designation'+NEWLINE+'department'+NEWLINE+'grade'+NEWLINE+'reports_to','Employee master'], |
| ['Earning Type',1,'Earning Type','taxable'+NEWLINE+'exemption_limit','Types of salary earning master'], |
| ['Deduction Type',1,'Deduction Type','','Types of salary deduction master'], |
| ['Expense Type',1,'Expense Type','', 'Types of expense master'], |
| |
| ['Salary Structure',1,'Salary Structure','employee'+NEWLINE+'is_active'+NEWLINE+'fiscal_year'+NEWLINE+'from_date'+NEWLINE+'ctc'+NEWLINE+'total_earning'+NEWLINE+'total_deduction'+NEWLINE+'total','Salary structure template'], |
| ['Holiday List',1,'Holiday List','fiscal_year','List of holidays'], |
| ['Leave Type',1,'Leave Type','max_days_allowed'+NEWLINE+'is_carry_forward'+NEWLINE+'is_encash','Leave type master'], |
| ['KRA Template',1,'KRA Template','','Template of Key Result Areas (KRAs)']]}; |
| } |