{ "_label": "Open Source" }

What Open Source means is that there is no license on the software. The source code is open for anyone to understand, extend or improve and it is free!

A non-software business might think why does Open Source matter, because they will pay some service provider to help them manage their ERP. The way it matters is that:

  1. You can choose to change your service provider anytime.
  2. You can host the application anywhere, including your own server so you have complete ownership and privacy of the data.
  3. There will always be a community to support you incase you need help and you are not dependant on only your service provider.
  4. The product is critiqued and used by a wide range of people who have reported hundreds of issues and suggestions to make the product better and this will always continue.


There are many Open Source ERPs you can consider. Popular among them are:

  1. OpenERP
  2. OpenBravo
  3. Apache OfBiz
  4. xTuple
  5. Compiere (and forks)