Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/ledger_balance_export/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/ledger_balance_export/
index b790d06..88a31f2 100755
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/ledger_balance_export/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/ledger_balance_export/
@@ -35,45 +35,111 @@
yr = sql("select name from `tabFiscal Year` where %s between year_start_date and date_sub(date_add(year_start_date,interval 1 year), interval 1 day)",dt)
return yr and yr[0][0] or ''
- # Get gl entries for the period and account
- def get_gl_entries(self, lft, rgt):
- gle = sql("select t1.posting_date, t1.voucher_type, t1.voucher_no, t1.debit,, t1.remarks from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 WHERE t1.posting_date >= %s AND t1.posting_date <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' AND t1.account = AND t2.lft >= %s AND t2.rgt <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'", (self.doc.from_date, self.doc.to_date, lft, rgt), as_dict=1)
+ def validate_date(self):
+ """check for from date and to date within same year"""
+ if not sql("select name from `tabFiscal Year` where %s between year_start_date and date_sub(date_add(year_start_date,interval 1 year), interval 1 day) and %s between year_start_date and date_sub(date_add(year_start_date,interval 1 year), interval 1 day)",(self.doc.from_date, self.doc.to_date)):
+ msgprint("From Date and To Date must be within same year")
+ raise Exception
+ if not self.doc.from_date or not self.doc.to_date:
+ msgprint("From Date and To Date is mandatory")
+ raise Exception
+ def add_header(self):
+ title = 'Ledger Balances Between ' + getdate(self.doc.from_date).strftime('%d-%m-%Y') + ' and ' + getdate(self.doc.to_date).strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
+ return [[title], ['Account', 'Opening(Dr)', 'Opening (Cr)', 'Debit', 'Credit', 'Closing(Dr)', 'Closing(Cr)'], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Posting Date', 'Voucher Type', 'Voucher No', 'Debit', 'Credit', 'Remarks']]
+ def get_account_subtree(self, acc):
+ return sql("""
+ CONCAT(REPEAT(' ', COUNT( - (sub_tree.depth + 1)), as account,
+ node.lft AS lft, node.rgt AS rgt,
+ node.debit_or_credit as dr_or_cr, node.group_or_ledger as group_or_ledger, node.is_pl_account as is_pl_account
+ FROM tabAccount AS node,
+ tabAccount AS parent,
+ tabAccount AS sub_parent,
+ (
+ SELECT, (COUNT( - 1) AS depth
+ FROM tabAccount AS node, tabAccount AS parent
+ WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
+ AND = %s
+ ORDER BY node.lft
+ )AS sub_tree
+ WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
+ AND node.lft BETWEEN sub_parent.lft AND sub_parent.rgt
+ AND =
+ ORDER BY node.lft""", acc, as_dict = 1)
+ def show_acc_summary(self, glc, acc_det):
+ from_date_year = self.get_year(add_days(self.doc.from_date, -1))
+ to_date_year = self.get_year(self.doc.to_date)
+ acc = acc_det['account'].strip()
+ if from_date_year == to_date_year:
+ debit_on_fromdate, credit_on_fromdate, opening = glc.get_as_on_balance(acc, from_date_year, add_days(self.doc.from_date, -1), acc_det['dr_or_cr'], acc_det['lft'], acc_det['rgt']) # opening = closing of prev_date
+ elif acc_det['is_pl_account'] == 'No': # if there is no previous year in system and not pl account
+ opening = sql("select opening from `tabAccount Balance` where account = %s and period = %s", (acc, to_date_year))
+ debit_on_fromdate, credit_on_fromdate, opening = 0, 0, flt(opening[0][0])
+ else: # if pl account and there is no previous year in system
+ debit_on_fromdate, credit_on_fromdate, opening = 0,0,0
+ # closing balance
+ #--------------------------------
+ debit_on_todate, credit_on_todate, closing = glc.get_as_on_balance(acc, to_date_year, self.doc.to_date, acc_det['dr_or_cr'], acc_det['lft'], acc_det['rgt'])
+ # transaction betn the period
+ #----------------------------------------
+ debit = flt(debit_on_todate) - flt(debit_on_fromdate)
+ credit = flt(credit_on_todate) - flt(credit_on_fromdate)
+ # Debit / Credit
+ if acc_det['dr_or_cr'] == 'Credit':
+ opening, closing = -1*opening, -1*closing
+ return [acc_det['account'], flt(opening>0 and opening or 0), flt(opening<0 and -opening or 0),
+ debit, credit, flt(closing>0.01 and closing or 0), flt(closing<-0.01 and -closing or 0)]
+ def show_gl_entries(self, acc):
+ """Get gl entries for the period and account"""
+ gle = sql("select posting_date, voucher_type, voucher_no, debit, credit, remarks from `tabGL Entry` WHERE account = %s and posting_date >= %s AND posting_date <= %s and ifnull(is_opening, 'No') = 'No' and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'", (acc, self.doc.from_date, self.doc.to_date), as_dict=1)
entries, dr, cr = [], 0, 0
for d in gle:
- dr, cr = dr + flt(d['debit']), cr + flt(d['credit'])
- entries.append(['', d['posting_date'], d['voucher_type'], d['voucher_no'], d['debit'], d['credit'], d['remarks']])
- return entries, dr, cr
+ entries.append(['', '', '', '', '', '', '', d['posting_date'], d['voucher_type'], d['voucher_no'], d['debit'], d['credit'], d['remarks']])
+ return entries
# Get Report Data
def get_report_data(self):
- from_date_year = self.get_year(add_days(self.doc.from_date, -1))
- to_date_year = self.get_year(self.doc.to_date)
+ self.validate_date()
- # result initiatlization
- header = 'Ledger Balances Between ' + getdate(self.doc.from_date).strftime('%d-%m-%Y') + ' and ' + getdate(self.doc.to_date).strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
- res = [[header], ['Account', 'Posting Date', 'Voucher Type', 'Voucher No', 'Debit', 'Credit', 'Remarks']]
+ res = []
+ res += self.add_header()
glc = get_obj('GL Control')
for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'ledger_details'):
# Fetch acc details
- acc_det = sql("select debit_or_credit, is_pl_account, lft, rgt from tabAccount where name = '%s'" % d.account, as_dict=1)[0]
+ sub_tree = self.get_account_subtree(d.account)
- # Opening
- opening = glc.get_as_on_balance(d.account, from_date_year, add_days(self.doc.from_date, -1), acc_det['debit_or_credit'], acc_det['lft'], acc_det['rgt'])[2]
- if acc_det['debit_or_credit'] == 'Credit':
- opening = -1*opening
+ for acc_det in sub_tree:
+ acc_summary = self.show_acc_summary(glc, acc_det)
+ res.append(acc_summary)
+ # Show gl entries if account is ledger
+ if acc_det['group_or_ledger'] == 'Ledger' and (acc_summary[3] or acc_summary[4]):
+ gle = self.show_gl_entries(acc_det['account'].strip())
+ res += gle
- # GL Entries
- gle, debit, credit = self.get_gl_entries(acc_det['lft'], acc_det['rgt'])
- # Closing
- closing = opening + debit - credit
- # Append to result
- res.append([d.account])
- res += gle
- res.append(['', '', '', 'Total Debit/Credit', debit, credit])
- res.append(['', '', '', 'Opening Balance', opening])
- res.append(['', '', '', 'Closing Balance', closing])
return res