feat: helper class for quering Payment Ledger
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/utils.py b/erpnext/accounts/utils.py
index 41f3223..7ab4f43 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/utils.py
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/utils.py
@@ -1486,3 +1486,196 @@
+class QueryPaymentLedger(object):
+ """
+ Helper Class for Querying Payment Ledger Entry
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ple = qb.DocType("Payment Ledger Entry")
+ # query result
+ self.voucher_outstandings = []
+ # query filters
+ self.vouchers = []
+ self.common_filter = []
+ self.min_outstanding = None
+ self.max_outstanding = None
+ def reset(self):
+ # clear filters
+ self.vouchers.clear()
+ self.common_filter.clear()
+ self.min_outstanding = self.max_outstanding = None
+ # clear result
+ self.voucher_outstandings.clear()
+ def query_for_outstanding(self):
+ """
+ Database query to fetch voucher amount and voucher outstanding using Common Table Expression
+ """
+ ple = self.ple
+ filter_on_voucher_no = []
+ filter_on_against_voucher_no = []
+ if self.vouchers:
+ voucher_types = set([x.voucher_type for x in self.vouchers])
+ voucher_nos = set([x.voucher_no for x in self.vouchers])
+ filter_on_voucher_no.append(ple.voucher_type.isin(voucher_types))
+ filter_on_voucher_no.append(ple.voucher_no.isin(voucher_nos))
+ filter_on_against_voucher_no.append(ple.against_voucher_type.isin(voucher_types))
+ filter_on_against_voucher_no.append(ple.against_voucher_no.isin(voucher_nos))
+ # build outstanding amount filter
+ filter_on_outstanding_amount = []
+ if self.min_outstanding:
+ if self.min_outstanding > 0:
+ filter_on_outstanding_amount.append(
+ Table("outstanding").amount_in_account_currency >= self.min_outstanding
+ )
+ else:
+ filter_on_outstanding_amount.append(
+ Table("outstanding").amount_in_account_currency <= self.min_outstanding
+ )
+ if self.max_outstanding:
+ if self.max_outstanding > 0:
+ filter_on_outstanding_amount.append(
+ Table("outstanding").amount_in_account_currency <= self.max_outstanding
+ )
+ else:
+ filter_on_outstanding_amount.append(
+ Table("outstanding").amount_in_account_currency >= self.max_outstanding
+ )
+ # build query for voucher amount
+ query_voucher_amount = (
+ qb.from_(ple)
+ .select(
+ ple.account,
+ ple.voucher_type,
+ ple.voucher_no,
+ ple.party_type,
+ ple.party,
+ ple.posting_date,
+ ple.due_date,
+ ple.account_currency.as_("currency"),
+ Sum(ple.amount).as_("amount"),
+ Sum(ple.amount_in_account_currency).as_("amount_in_account_currency"),
+ )
+ .where(ple.delinked == 0)
+ .where(Criterion.all(filter_on_voucher_no))
+ .where(Criterion.all(self.common_filter))
+ .groupby(ple.voucher_type, ple.voucher_no, ple.party_type, ple.party)
+ )
+ # build query for voucher outstanding
+ query_voucher_outstanding = (
+ qb.from_(ple)
+ .select(
+ ple.account,
+ ple.against_voucher_type.as_("voucher_type"),
+ ple.against_voucher_no.as_("voucher_no"),
+ ple.party_type,
+ ple.party,
+ ple.posting_date,
+ ple.due_date,
+ ple.account_currency.as_("currency"),
+ Sum(ple.amount).as_("amount"),
+ Sum(ple.amount_in_account_currency).as_("amount_in_account_currency"),
+ )
+ .where(ple.delinked == 0)
+ .where(Criterion.all(filter_on_against_voucher_no))
+ .where(Criterion.all(self.common_filter))
+ .groupby(ple.against_voucher_type, ple.against_voucher_no, ple.party_type, ple.party)
+ )
+ # build CTE for combining voucher amount and outstanding
+ self.cte_query_voucher_amount_and_outstanding = (
+ qb.with_(query_voucher_amount, "vouchers")
+ .with_(query_voucher_outstanding, "outstanding")
+ .from_(AliasedQuery("vouchers"))
+ .left_join(AliasedQuery("outstanding"))
+ .on(
+ (AliasedQuery("vouchers").account == AliasedQuery("outstanding").account)
+ & (AliasedQuery("vouchers").voucher_type == AliasedQuery("outstanding").voucher_type)
+ & (AliasedQuery("vouchers").voucher_no == AliasedQuery("outstanding").voucher_no)
+ & (AliasedQuery("vouchers").party_type == AliasedQuery("outstanding").party_type)
+ & (AliasedQuery("vouchers").party == AliasedQuery("outstanding").party)
+ )
+ .select(
+ Table("vouchers").account,
+ Table("vouchers").voucher_type,
+ Table("vouchers").voucher_no,
+ Table("vouchers").party_type,
+ Table("vouchers").party,
+ Table("vouchers").posting_date,
+ Table("vouchers").amount.as_("invoice_amount"),
+ Table("vouchers").amount_in_account_currency.as_("invoice_amount_in_account_currency"),
+ Table("outstanding").amount.as_("outstanding"),
+ Table("outstanding").amount_in_account_currency.as_("outstanding_in_account_currency"),
+ (Table("vouchers").amount - Table("outstanding").amount).as_("paid_amount"),
+ (
+ Table("vouchers").amount_in_account_currency - Table("outstanding").amount_in_account_currency
+ ).as_("paid_amount_in_account_currency"),
+ Table("vouchers").due_date,
+ Table("vouchers").currency,
+ )
+ .where(Criterion.all(filter_on_outstanding_amount))
+ )
+ # build CTE filter
+ # only fetch invoices
+ if self.get_invoices:
+ self.cte_query_voucher_amount_and_outstanding = (
+ self.cte_query_voucher_amount_and_outstanding.having(
+ qb.Field("outstanding_in_account_currency") > 0
+ )
+ )
+ # only fetch payments
+ elif self.get_payments:
+ self.cte_query_voucher_amount_and_outstanding = (
+ self.cte_query_voucher_amount_and_outstanding.having(
+ qb.Field("outstanding_in_account_currency") < 0
+ )
+ )
+ # execute SQL
+ self.voucher_outstandings = self.cte_query_voucher_amount_and_outstanding.run(as_dict=True)
+ def get_voucher_outstandings(
+ self,
+ vouchers=None,
+ common_filter=None,
+ min_outstanding=None,
+ max_outstanding=None,
+ get_payments=False,
+ get_invoices=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Fetch voucher amount and outstanding amount from Payment Ledger using Database CTE
+ vouchers - dict of vouchers to get
+ common_filter - array of criterions
+ min_outstanding - filter on minimum total outstanding amount
+ max_outstanding - filter on maximum total outstanding amount
+ get_invoices - only fetch vouchers(ledger entries with +ve outstanding)
+ get_payments - only fetch payments(ledger entries with -ve outstanding)
+ """
+ self.reset()
+ self.vouchers = vouchers
+ self.common_filter = common_filter or []
+ self.min_outstanding = min_outstanding
+ self.max_outstanding = max_outstanding
+ self.get_payments = get_payments
+ self.get_invoices = get_invoices
+ self.query_for_outstanding()
+ return self.voucher_outstandings