feat: RCM  for UAE VAT
diff --git a/erpnext/hooks.py b/erpnext/hooks.py
index 463ad6c..72be2dc 100644
--- a/erpnext/hooks.py
+++ b/erpnext/hooks.py
@@ -246,7 +246,10 @@
 		"on_trash": "erpnext.regional.check_deletion_permission"
 	"Purchase Invoice": {
-		"validate": "erpnext.regional.india.utils.update_grand_total_for_rcm"
+		"validate": [
+			"erpnext.regional.india.utils.update_grand_total_for_rcm",
+			"erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.utils.update_grand_total_for_rcm",
+			]
 	"Payment Entry": {
 		"on_submit": ["erpnext.regional.create_transaction_log", "erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_request.payment_request.update_payment_req_status", "erpnext.accounts.doctype.dunning.dunning.resolve_dunning"],
@@ -379,7 +382,8 @@
 		'erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.purchase_invoice.make_regional_gl_entries': 'erpnext.regional.india.utils.make_regional_gl_entries'
 	'United Arab Emirates': {
-		'erpnext.controllers.taxes_and_totals.update_itemised_tax_data': 'erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.utils.update_itemised_tax_data'
+		'erpnext.controllers.taxes_and_totals.update_itemised_tax_data': 'erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.utils.update_itemised_tax_data',
+		'erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.purchase_invoice.make_regional_gl_entries': 'erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.utils.make_regional_gl_entries',
 	'Saudi Arabia': {
 		'erpnext.controllers.taxes_and_totals.update_itemised_tax_data': 'erpnext.regional.united_arab_emirates.utils.update_itemised_tax_data'
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/utils.py b/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/utils.py
index a0425f6..05a99d1 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/utils.py
+++ b/erpnext/regional/united_arab_emirates/utils.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import frappe
-from frappe.utils import flt
+from frappe import _
+import erpnext
+from frappe.utils import flt, round_based_on_smallest_currency_fraction, money_in_words
 from erpnext.controllers.taxes_and_totals import get_itemised_tax
 from six import iteritems
@@ -26,4 +28,142 @@
 		row.tax_rate = flt(tax_rate, row.precision("tax_rate"))
 		row.tax_amount = flt((row.net_amount * tax_rate) / 100, row.precision("net_amount"))
-		row.total_amount = flt((row.net_amount + row.tax_amount), row.precision("total_amount"))
\ No newline at end of file
+		row.total_amount = flt((row.net_amount + row.tax_amount), row.precision("total_amount"))
+def get_account_currency(account):
+	"""Helper function to get account currency"""
+	if not account:
+		return
+	def generator():
+		account_currency, company = frappe.get_cached_value("Account", account, ["account_currency", "company"])
+		if not account_currency:
+			account_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',  company,  "default_currency")
+		return account_currency
+	return frappe.local_cache("account_currency", account, generator)
+def get_tax_accounts(company):
+	"""Get the list of tax accounts for a specific company
+	Args:
+		company (String): Current Company set as default
+	Returns:
+		tax_accounts: List of Tax Accounts for the company
+	"""
+	tax_accounts_dict = frappe._dict()
+	tax_accounts_list = frappe.get_all("Account",
+		filters={"account_type": "Tax", "company": company},
+		fields=["name"])
+	if not tax_accounts_list and not frappe.flags.in_test:
+		frappe.throw(_("Please create at least one Account of type Tax"))
+	for d in tax_accounts_list:
+		for key, name in d.items():
+			tax_accounts_dict[name] = name
+	return tax_accounts_dict
+def update_grand_total_for_rcm(doc, method):
+	"""If the Reverse Charge is Applicable subtract the tax amount from the grand total and update in the form
+	Args:
+		doc (Document): The document for the current Purchase Invoice
+	"""
+	country = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', doc.company, 'country')
+	if country != 'United Arab Emirates':
+		return
+	if not doc.total_taxes_and_charges:
+		return
+	if doc.reverse_charge == 'Y':
+		tax_accounts = get_tax_accounts(doc.company)
+		base_vat_tax = 0
+		vat_tax = 0
+		for tax in doc.get('taxes'):
+			if tax.category not in ("Total", "Valuation and Total"):
+				continue
+			if flt(tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount) and tax.account_head in tax_accounts:
+				base_vat_tax += tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+				vat_tax += tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+		doc.taxes_and_charges_added -= vat_tax
+		doc.total_taxes_and_charges -= vat_tax
+		doc.base_taxes_and_charges_added -= base_vat_tax
+		doc.base_total_taxes_and_charges -= base_vat_tax
+		update_totals(vat_tax, base_vat_tax, doc)
+def update_totals(vat_tax, base_vat_tax, doc):
+	"""Update the grand total values in the form
+	Args:
+		vat_tax (float): Vat Tax to be subtracted
+		base_vat_tax (float): Base Vat Tax to be subtracted
+		doc (Document):  The document for the current Purchase Invoice
+	"""
+	doc.base_grand_total -= base_vat_tax
+	doc.grand_total -= vat_tax
+	if doc.meta.get_field("rounded_total"):
+		if doc.is_rounded_total_disabled():
+			doc.outstanding_amount = doc.grand_total
+		else:
+			doc.rounded_total = round_based_on_smallest_currency_fraction(doc.grand_total,
+				doc.currency, doc.precision("rounded_total"))
+			doc.rounding_adjustment = flt(doc.rounded_total - doc.grand_total,
+				doc.precision("rounding_adjustment"))
+			doc.outstanding_amount = doc.rounded_total or doc.grand_total
+	doc.in_words = money_in_words(doc.grand_total, doc.currency)
+	doc.base_in_words = money_in_words(doc.base_grand_total, erpnext.get_company_currency(doc.company))
+	doc.set_payment_schedule()
+def make_regional_gl_entries(gl_entries, doc):
+	"""This method is hooked to the make_regional_gl_entries in Purchase Invoice.
+	It appends the region specific general ledger entries to the list of GL Entries.
+	Args:
+		gl_entries (List): List of GL entries to be made
+		doc (Document): The document for the current Purchase Invoice
+	Returns:
+		List: Updates list of GL Entries
+	"""
+	country = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', doc.company, 'country')
+	if country != 'United Arab Emirates':
+		return gl_entries
+	if doc.reverse_charge == 'Y':
+		tax_accounts = get_tax_accounts(doc.company)
+		for tax in doc.get('taxes'):
+			if tax.category not in ("Total", "Valuation and Total"):
+				continue
+			dr_or_cr = "credit" if tax.add_deduct_tax == "Add" else "debit"
+			if flt(tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)  and tax.account_head in tax_accounts:
+				account_currency = get_account_currency(tax.account_head)
+				gl_entries.append(doc.get_gl_dict(
+					{
+						"account": tax.account_head,
+						"cost_center": tax.cost_center,
+						"posting_date": doc.posting_date,
+						"against": doc.supplier,
+						dr_or_cr: tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount,
+						dr_or_cr + "_in_account_currency": tax.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount \
+							if account_currency==doc.company_currency \
+							else tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount
+					}, account_currency, item=tax)
+				)
+	return gl_entries
\ No newline at end of file