[docs] updated generated docs
diff --git a/erpnext/docs/index.html b/erpnext/docs/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dae6878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/docs/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<!-- title: ERPNext: Documentation -->
+<!-- no-breadcrumbs -->
+ nav.navbar .navbar-header .navbar-brand,
+ nav.navbar ul.navbar-nav a,
+ nav.navbar ul.navbar-nav a:visited {
+   color:#fff;
+  opacity:0.8;
+ }
+ nav.navbar .navbar-header a:hover,
+ nav.navbar ul.navbar-nav a:hover {
+  color:#fff;
+  opacity:1;
+ }
+ nav.navbar.navbar-main {
+  border-bottom:1px solid rgba(225,233,240,0.25);
+ }
+<!-- start-hero -->
+<div class="splash">
+ <div class="container">
+  <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
+   <div class="jumbotron">
+    <h1>ERPNext Documentation</h1>
+    <p>Detailed explanation for all ERPNext features and developer API</p>
+   </div>
+   <div class="section" style="padding-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px;">
+      <div class="fake-browser-frame">
+       <img class="img-responsive browser-image feature-image"
+              src="assets/img/home.png">
+      </div>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+ </div>
+<!-- end-hero -->
+<div class="container">
+ <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
+  <div class="section">
+      <p>ERPNext is a fully featured ERP system designed for Small and Medium Sized
+business. ERPNext covers a wide range of features including Accounting, CRM,
+Inventory management, Selling, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Projects, HR &amp;
+Payroll, Website, E-Commerce and much more.</p>
+<p>ERPNext is based on the Frappe Framework is highly customizable and extendable.
+You can create Custom Form, Fields, Scripts and can also create your own Apps
+to extend ERPNext functionality.</p>
+<p>ERPNext is Open Source under the GNU General Public Licence v3 and has been
+listed as one of the Best Open Source Softwares in the world by my online
+  </div>
+ </div>
+<div class="container">
+ <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
+  <div class="section" id="install">
+    <h2>Install</h2>
+    <h4>From your site</h4>
+    <p>To install this app, login to your site and click on "Installer". Search for <b>ERPNext</b> and click on "Install"</p>
+    <h4>Using Bench</h4>
+    <p>Go to your bench folder and setup the new app</p>
+    <pre><code class="sh">$ bench get-app erpnext https://github.com/frappe/erpnext
+$ bench new-site testsite
+$ bench --site testsite install-app erpnext</code></pre>
+    <p>Login to your site to configure the app.</p>
+    <p><a href="install.html">Detailed Installation Steps</a></p>
+   </div>
+   <div class="section">
+       <h2>Author</h2>
+       <p>Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (info@erpnext.com)</p>
+   </div>
+ </div>
+<!-- autodoc -->
+<!-- jinja -->
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