fix: cannot find erpnext.payments
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/payment/payments.js b/erpnext/public/js/payment/payments.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d656bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/payment/payments.js
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+erpnext.payments = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({
+ make_payment: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ this.dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
+ title: 'Payment'
+ });
+ this.$body = this.dialog.body;
+ this.set_payment_primary_action();
+ this.make_keyboard();
+ this.select_text()
+ },
+ select_text: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ $(this.$body).find('.form-control').click(function(){
+ $(this).select();
+ })
+ },
+ set_payment_primary_action: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ this.dialog.set_primary_action(__("Submit"), function() {
+ // Allow no ZERO payment
+ $.each(me.frm.doc.payments, function (index, data) {
+ if (data.amount != 0) {
+ me.dialog.hide();
+ me.submit_invoice();
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ })
+ },
+ make_keyboard: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ $(this.$body).empty();
+ $(this.$body).html(frappe.render_template('pos_payment', this.frm.doc))
+ this.show_payment_details();
+ this.bind_keyboard_event()
+ this.clear_amount()
+ },
+ make_multimode_payment: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ if(this.frm.doc.change_amount > 0){
+ me.payment_val = me.doc.outstanding_amount
+ }
+ this.payments = frappe.model.add_child(this.frm.doc, 'Multi Mode Payment', "payments");
+ this.payments.mode_of_payment = this.dialog.fields_dict.mode_of_payment.get_value();
+ this.payments.amount = flt(this.payment_val);
+ },
+ show_payment_details: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ var multimode_payments = $(this.$body).find('.multimode-payments').empty();
+ if(this.frm.doc.payments.length){
+ $.each(this.frm.doc.payments, function(index, data){
+ $(frappe.render_template('payment_details', {
+ mode_of_payment: data.mode_of_payment,
+ amount: data.amount,
+ idx: data.idx,
+ currency: me.frm.doc.currency,
+ type: data.type
+ })).appendTo(multimode_payments)
+ if (data.type == 'Cash' && data.amount == me.frm.doc.paid_amount) {
+ me.idx = data.idx;
+ me.selected_mode = $(me.$body).find(repl("input[idx='%(idx)s']",{'idx': me.idx}));
+ me.highlight_selected_row();
+ me.bind_amount_change_event();
+ }
+ })
+ }else{
+ $("<p>No payment mode selected in pos profile</p>").appendTo(multimode_payments)
+ }
+ },
+ set_outstanding_amount: function(){
+ this.selected_mode = $(this.$body).find(repl("input[idx='%(idx)s']",{'idx': this.idx}));
+ this.highlight_selected_row()
+ this.payment_val = 0.0
+ if(this.frm.doc.outstanding_amount > 0 && flt(this.selected_mode.val()) == 0.0){
+ //When user first time click on row
+ this.payment_val = flt(this.frm.doc.outstanding_amount / this.frm.doc.conversion_rate, precision("outstanding_amount"))
+ this.selected_mode.val(format_currency(this.payment_val, this.frm.doc.currency));
+ this.update_payment_amount()
+ }else if(flt(this.selected_mode.val()) > 0){
+ //If user click on existing row which has value
+ this.payment_val = flt(this.selected_mode.val());
+ }
+ this.bind_amount_change_event();
+ },
+ bind_keyboard_event: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ this.payment_val = '';
+ this.bind_form_control_event();
+ this.bind_numeric_keys_event();
+ },
+ bind_form_control_event: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ $(this.$body).find('.pos-payment-row').click(function(){
+ me.idx = $(this).attr("idx");
+ me.set_outstanding_amount()
+ })
+ $(this.$body).find('.form-control').click(function(){
+ me.idx = $(this).attr("idx");
+ me.set_outstanding_amount();
+ me.update_paid_amount(true);
+ })
+ $(this.$body).find('.write_off_amount').change(function(){
+ me.write_off_amount(flt($(this).val()), precision("write_off_amount"));
+ })
+ $(this.$body).find('.change_amount').change(function(){
+ me.change_amount(flt($(this).val()), precision("change_amount"));
+ })
+ },
+ highlight_selected_row: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ var selected_row = $(this.$body).find(repl(".pos-payment-row[idx='%(idx)s']",{'idx': this.idx}));
+ $(this.$body).find('.pos-payment-row').removeClass('selected-payment-mode')
+ selected_row.addClass('selected-payment-mode')
+ $(this.$body).find('.amount').attr('disabled', true);
+ this.selected_mode.attr('disabled', false);
+ },
+ bind_numeric_keys_event: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ $(this.$body).find('.pos-keyboard-key').click(function(){
+ me.payment_val += $(this).text();
+ me.selected_mode.val(format_currency(me.payment_val, me.frm.doc.currency))
+ me.idx = me.selected_mode.attr("idx")
+ me.update_paid_amount()
+ })
+ $(this.$body).find('.delete-btn').click(function(){
+ me.payment_val = cstr(flt(me.selected_mode.val())).slice(0, -1);
+ me.selected_mode.val(format_currency(me.payment_val, me.frm.doc.currency));
+ me.idx = me.selected_mode.attr("idx")
+ me.update_paid_amount();
+ })
+ },
+ bind_amount_change_event: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ this.selected_mode.change(function(){
+ me.payment_val = flt($(this).val()) || 0.0;
+ me.selected_mode.val(format_currency(me.payment_val, me.frm.doc.currency))
+ me.idx = me.selected_mode.attr("idx")
+ me.update_payment_amount()
+ })
+ },
+ clear_amount: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ $(this.$body).find('.clr').click(function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ me.idx = $(this).attr("idx");
+ me.selected_mode = $(me.$body).find(repl("input[idx='%(idx)s']",{'idx': me.idx}));
+ me.payment_val = 0.0;
+ me.selected_mode.val(0.0);
+ me.highlight_selected_row();
+ me.update_payment_amount();
+ })
+ },
+ write_off_amount: function(write_off_amount) {
+ var me = this;
+ this.frm.doc.write_off_amount = flt(write_off_amount, precision("write_off_amount"));
+ this.frm.doc.base_write_off_amount = flt(this.frm.doc.write_off_amount * this.frm.doc.conversion_rate,
+ precision("base_write_off_amount"));
+ this.calculate_outstanding_amount(false)
+ this.show_amounts()
+ },
+ change_amount: function(change_amount) {
+ var me = this;
+ this.frm.doc.change_amount = flt(change_amount, precision("change_amount"));
+ this.calculate_write_off_amount()
+ this.show_amounts()
+ },
+ update_paid_amount: function(update_write_off) {
+ var me = this;
+ if(in_list(['change_amount', 'write_off_amount'], this.idx)){
+ var value = me.selected_mode.val();
+ if(me.idx == 'change_amount'){
+ me.change_amount(value)
+ } else{
+ if(flt(value) == 0 && update_write_off && me.frm.doc.outstanding_amount > 0) {
+ value = flt(me.frm.doc.outstanding_amount / me.frm.doc.conversion_rate, precision(me.idx));
+ }
+ me.write_off_amount(value)
+ }
+ }else{
+ this.update_payment_amount()
+ }
+ },
+ update_payment_amount: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ $.each(this.frm.doc.payments, function(index, data){
+ if(cint(me.idx) == cint(data.idx)){
+ data.amount = flt(me.selected_mode.val(), 2)
+ }
+ })
+ this.calculate_outstanding_amount(false);
+ this.show_amounts();
+ },
+ show_amounts: function(){
+ var me = this;
+ $(this.$body).find(".write_off_amount").val(format_currency(this.frm.doc.write_off_amount, this.frm.doc.currency));
+ $(this.$body).find('.paid_amount').text(format_currency(this.frm.doc.paid_amount, this.frm.doc.currency));
+ $(this.$body).find('.change_amount').val(format_currency(this.frm.doc.change_amount, this.frm.doc.currency))
+ $(this.$body).find('.outstanding_amount').text(format_currency(this.frm.doc.outstanding_amount, frappe.get_doc(":Company",
+ this.update_invoice();
+ }
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