fixes in patches
diff --git a/patches/march_2013/ b/patches/march_2013/
index 885fad6..eaeeac1 100644
--- a/patches/march_2013/
+++ b/patches/march_2013/
@@ -2,13 +2,18 @@
def execute():
webnotes.reload_doc("accounts", "doctype", "purchase_invoice_item")
+ webnotes.conn.auto_commit_on_many_writes = True
for purchase_invoice in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select distinct parent
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item` where docstatus = 1 and ifnull(valuation_rate, 0)=0"""):
pi = webnotes.get_obj("Purchase Invoice", purchase_invoice)
- pi.calculate_taxes_and_totals()
+ try:
+ pi.calculate_taxes_and_totals()
+ except:
+ pass
for item in pi.doclist.get({"parentfield": "entries"}):
webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabPurchase Invoice Item` set valuation_rate = %s
where name = %s""", (item.valuation_rate,
+ webnotes.conn.auto_commit_on_many_writes = False
\ No newline at end of file