{ "_label": "How to Build ERPNext Documentation" }

This page explains how to build the ERPNext documentation.

The documentation sources are in the docs folder of the erpnext repository. The source files are in markdown format and they have a custom header that is separated by ---

Documentation Header

The header contains the title of the page and sub pages (table of contents) in any. Example of a simple header with title is:

	"_label": "How to Build ERPNext Documentation"

Adding Table of Contents

Table of contents is added by setting the _toc property as below:

	"_label": "Developer",
	"_toc": [

Building the Output pages

Once the sources have been edited / updated, to build the documentation, login into your local ERPNext account.

  1. Open Documenation Tool by adding #Form/Documentation Tool to the address bar.
  2. Check on all the pages to be generated
  3. Click on "Make Docs"

All the output pages are generated in the public/docs folder