diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/in_indian_chart_template_schedule6.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/in_indian_chart_template_schedule6.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b450cad..0000000
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/in_indian_chart_template_schedule6.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-    "country_code": "in",
-    "name": "Indian Chart of Accounts - Schedule VI",
-	"is_active": "Yes",
-    "tree": {
-        "Assets": {
-            "Current Assets": {
-                "Cash And Cash Equivalent": {
-                    "Bank Balance": {
-                        "Balance Account": {},
-                        "Balance Account 9876543211": {}
-                    },
-                    "Cash-In-Hand": {
-                        "Cash Balance": {
-                            "account_type": "Cash"
-                        },
-                        "Petty Cash Balance": {
-                            "account_type": "Cash"
-                        },
-                        "account_type": "Cash"
-                    },
-                    "Cheques On Hand": {
-                        "Cheque With Account": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Current Investment": {
-                    "In Short Term Fixed Deposits": {},
-                    "Investment In Debentures And Bonds": {},
-                    "Investment In Equity": {},
-                    "Investment In Government Securities": {},
-                    "Investment In Mutual Fund": {},
-                    "Investment In Partnership Firm": {},
-                    "Investment In Preference Shares": {}
-                },
-                "Inventories": {
-	                "account_type": "Stock",
-					"group_or_ledger": "Group"
-                },
-                "Other Current Assets": {
-                    "Duties and Taxes": {
-                        "Excise Duty Receivable": {
-                            "Education Cess Receivable On Excise Duty": {},
-                            "Excise Duty Receivable": {},
-                            "Higher Education Cess Receivable On Excise Duty": {}
-                        },
-                        "Sales Tax Receivable": {},
-                        "Service Tax Receivable": {
-                            "Education Cess Receivable On Service Tax": {},
-                            "Higher Education Cess Receivable On Service Tax": {},
-                            "Service Tax Receivable": {}
-                        },
-                        "TDS Receivable": {},
-                        "VAT Receivable": {}
-                    },
-                    "Miscellaneous Expense to the Extent Not Written Off": {
-                        "Preliminary Expense": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Short Terms Loans And Advances": {
-                    "Advances with Revenue Authority": {
-                        "Advance Income Tax/Refund Due": {},
-                        "Advance To Suppliers": {},
-                        "Balance With Revenue Authorities (Indirect Taxes)": {},
-                        "Prepaid Expenses": {}
-                    },
-                    "Loans And Advances From Related Parties": {
-                        "Doubtful": {},
-                        "Other Advances Unsecured and Considered as Good": {
-                            "Unsecured Recoverable in Cash or in Kind or for Value to be Received": {}
-                        },
-                        "Secured, Considered Good": {
-                            "Advance To Associate Concerns": {}
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "Trade Recievables": {
-                    "Others": {
-                        "Doubtful": {},
-                        "Secured, Considered Good": {},
-                        "Unsecured, Considered Good": {}
-                    },
-                    "Outstanding For More Than Six Months": {
-                        "Doubtful": {},
-                        "Secured, Considered Good": {},
-                        "Unsecured, Considered Good": {}
-                    },
-                    "Sundry Debtors": {
-                        "account_type": "Receivable"
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            "Non-Current Assets": {
-                "Deferred Tax Assets (Net)": {},
-                "Fixed Assets": {
-                    "Capital Work-In-Progress": {
-                        "Building Under Construction": {}
-                    },
-                    "Intangible Assets": {
-                        "Goodwill": {}
-                    },
-                    "Intangible Assets Under Development": {},
-                    "Tangible Assets": {
-                        "Buildings": {},
-                        "Computer/Laptops": {},
-                        "Furnitures And Fixtures": {},
-                        "Land": {},
-                        "Office Equipments": {},
-                        "Plant And Equipments": {},
-                        "Vehicles": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Long Term Loans And Advances": {
-                    "Capital Assets": {
-                        "Doubtful": {},
-                        "Secured, Considered Good": {},
-                        "Unsecured, Considered Good": {}
-                    },
-                    "Loans And Advances To Related Parties": {},
-                    "Other Loans And Advances": {},
-                    "Security Deposit": {
-                        "Doubtful": {},
-                        "Secured, Considered Good": {
-                            "Earnest Money Deposit": {},
-                            "Other Deposit": {}
-                        },
-                        "Unsecured, Considered Good": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Non-Current Investments": {
-                    "Investment In Debentures And Bonds": {},
-                    "Investment In Equity Instrument": {},
-                    "Investment In Government Or Trust Securities": {},
-                    "Investment In Mutual Fund": {},
-                    "Investment In Partnership Firm": {},
-                    "Investment In Preference Shares": {},
-                    "Investment In Property": {},
-                    "Other": {
-                        "Fixed Deposit With Banks-Earmarked": {},
-                        "Gold": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Other Non Current Assets": {
-                    "Long Term Trade Recievables": {
-                        "Doubtful": {},
-                        "Secured, Considered Good": {},
-                        "Unsecured, Considered Good": {}
-                    },
-                    "Miscellaneous Exps to the Extent Not Written Off": {
-                        "Preliminery Expense": {},
-                        "Software": {}
-                    },
-                    "Others": {}
-                }
-            },
-			"root_type": "Asset"
-        },
-        "Equity And Liabilities": {
-            "Current Liabilities": {
-                "Other Current Liabilities": {
-                    "Advance From Customers": {},
-                    "Duties and Taxes": {
-                        "Central Sales Tax Payable": {},
-                        "Excise Duty Payable": {
-                            "Education Cess Payable On Excise Duty": {},
-                            "Excise Duty Payable": {},
-                            "Higher Education Cess Payable On Excise Duty": {}
-                        },
-                        "Service Tax Payable": {
-                            "Education Cess Payable On Service Tax": {},
-                            "Higher Education Cess Payable On Service Tax": {},
-                            "Service Tax Payable": {}
-                        },
-                        "TDS Paybale": {},
-                        "VAT Payable": {}
-                    },
-                    "Out Standing Cheques for Clearance": {}
-                },
-                "Short Term Borrowings": {
-                    "Depsoits": {},
-                    "Loans And Advances From Related Parties": {},
-                    "Others": {},
-                    "Secured Loans From Bank": {
-                        "Bank Loan (Short Term)": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Short Term Provisions": {
-                    "Other Provisions": {
-                        "Electricity And Power Charges Payable": {},
-                        "Employee Providend Fund Payable": {},
-                        "Internet Expenses Payable": {},
-                        "Mobile Expenses Payable": {},
-                        "Provision For Expenses": {},
-                        "Provision For Taxation": {},
-                        "Secueity Expenses Payable": {},
-                        "Telephone Expenses Payable": {},
-                        "Wages Payable": {}
-                    },
-                    "Provision For Employees Benefit": {
-                        "EPF Payable": {},
-                        "Unpaid Remuneration": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Trade Payables": {
-                    "Sundry Creditors For Material/Supplies": {
-                        "account_type": "Payable"
-                    },
-                    "Sundry Creditors For Services": {
-                        "account_type": "Payable"
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            "Non-Current Liabilities": {
-                "Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net)": {},
-                "Long Term Borrowings": {
-                    "Secured Loans From Bank": {
-                        "Bank Loan (Long Term)": {}
-                    },
-                    "Unsecured Loans": {
-                        "From Others": {}
-                    }
-                },
-                "Long Term Provisions": {},
-                "Other Long Term Liabilities": {}
-            },
-            "Share Application Money Pending Allotment": {
-                "Share Application Money Pending Allotment": {}
-            },
-            "Shareholder's Funds": {
-                "Money Received Against Share Warrants": {},
-                "Reserve And Surplus": {
-                    "Capital Redemption Reserve": {},
-                    "Capital Reserve": {},
-                    "Debenture Redeemption Reserve": {},
-                    "Other Reserve": {},
-                    "Revaluation Reserve": {},
-                    "Securities Premium Reserve": {},
-                    "Shares Option Outstanding Account": {},
-                    "Surplus (Profit and Loss Account)": {}
-                },
-                "Share Capital": {
-                    "Authorised Share Capital": {},
-                    "Issued, Subscribed And Paid Up Capital": {}
-                }
-            },
-			"root_type": "Liability"
-        },
-        "Total Expenses": {
-            "Changes In Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-In-Progress And Stock-In-Trade": {},
-            "Cost of Materials Consumed": {
-                "Closing Stock": {},
-                "Opening Stock": {},
-                "Purchases of Raw Materials And Stores": {
-                    "Raw Material": {},
-                    "Stores And Consumables": {}
-                }
-            },
-            "Depreciation And Amortization Expense": {
-                "Depreciation": {},
-                "Preliminary Expenses": {}
-            },
-            "Employement Benefit Expenses": {
-                "Commision To Joint M.D": {},
-                "Commision To M.D": {},
-                "Directors Remuneration": {},
-                "Directors Setting Fees": {},
-                "Salaries, Bonus, PF And ESIC": {},
-                "Staff Welfare Expense": {}
-            },
-            "Financial Cost": {
-                "Bank Charges": {},
-                "Bank Gurantee Charges": {},
-                "Interest On Car Loan": {},
-                "Interest On Cash Credit Facality": {},
-                "Interest On Other Loans": {}
-            },
-            "Other Expenses": {
-                "Administrative and Selling Expenses": {
-                    "Advertisement And Publicity": {},
-                    "Annual Service Fees": {},
-                    "Auditors Remuneration": {},
-                    "Car Expenses (Including Insurance)": {},
-                    "Computer Maintenace": {},
-                    "Conveyance Expense": {},
-                    "Custom Duty": {},
-                    "Donation": {},
-                    "Excise/ Service Tax Expenses": {},
-                    "Export Expenses": {},
-                    "General Expenses": {},
-                    "Insurance Expenses": {},
-                    "Interest On Delayed Payment of Taxes": {},
-                    "Internal Audit Fee": {},
-                    "Internet And Website Expenses": {},
-                    "Labour Welfare Expenses": {},
-                    "Legal Expenses": {},
-                    "Loan Processing Fees": {},
-                    "Office Cleaning Expense": {},
-                    "Packing and Forwarding Expense": {},
-                    "Post and Courrier Charges": {},
-                    "Postage And Telegram": {},
-                    "Prelimenary Expense W/Off": {},
-                    "Professional Charges": {},
-                    "Rent Rates And Taxes": {},
-                    "Repair And Maintenance Building": {},
-                    "Security Expesnes": {},
-                    "Software Expense W/Off": {},
-                    "Stamping Charge": {},
-                    "Stationery Expenses": {},
-                    "Telephone Expense": {},
-                    "Tender Fee And Testing Charges": {},
-                    "Travelling Expenses (Including Foreign Travelling)": {}
-                },
-                "Direct Expenses": {
-                    "Centeral Sales Tax": {},
-                    "Electrical Repairing Expense": {},
-                    "Freight Forwarding and Octroi Expenses (Local)": {},
-                    "Jobwork Charges": {},
-                    "Machinery Repair and Maintenance": {},
-                    "Material Testing Expense": {},
-                    "Measuring Expense": {},
-                    "Packing Material Expense": {},
-                    "Power and Fuel Charges": {},
-                    "Processing Labour Charges": {},
-                    "Stores and Spares": {},
-                    "Workshop Expense": {}
-                }
-            },
-            "Purchase of Stock-In-Trade": {
-                "Purchase of Stock-In-Trade": {}
-            },
-			"root_type": "Expense"
-        },
-        "Total Revenue": {
-            "Other Income": {
-                "Interest": {},
-                "Other Financial Services": {},
-                "Other Non Operating Income": {}
-            },
-            "Revenue From Operations": {
-                "Central Sales(Exclusive of Excise Duty)": {},
-                "Export Sales": {},
-                "Job Work Receipts": {},
-                "Other Operating Income": {},
-                "Product Sales": {},
-                "Sales of Services": {}
-            },
-			"root_type": "Income"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/page/accounts_browser/accounts_browser.js b/erpnext/accounts/page/accounts_browser/accounts_browser.js
index efbb13a..98fc58e 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/page/accounts_browser/accounts_browser.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/page/accounts_browser/accounts_browser.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-	var main = $(wrapper).find(".layout-main"),
+	var main = wrapper.page.main,
 		chart_area = $("<div>")
 			.css({"margin-bottom": "15px", "min-height": "200px"})
diff --git a/erpnext/config/desktop.py b/erpnext/config/desktop.py
index 968473e..7d2a620 100644
--- a/erpnext/config/desktop.py
+++ b/erpnext/config/desktop.py
@@ -56,13 +56,5 @@
 			"icon": "icon-phone",
 			"icon": "octicon octicon-issue-opened",
 			"type": "module"
-		},
-		"Shopping Cart": {
-			"color": "#B7E090",
-			"icon": "icon-shopping-cart",
-			"icon": "octicon octicon-gift",
-			"label": _("Shopping Cart"),
-			"link": "Form/Shopping Cart Settings",
-			"type": "module"
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.js b/erpnext/selling/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.js
index f716b84..5ad60f1 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.js
@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@
 			callback: function(r) {
 				var root = r.message[0]["value"];
 				erpnext.sales_chart = new erpnext.SalesChart(ctype, root, page,
-					$(wrapper)
-						.find(".layout-main-section")
-						.css({
-							"min-height": "300px",
-							"padding-bottom": "25px"
-						}));
+					page.main.css({
+						"min-height": "300px",
+						"padding-bottom": "25px"
+					}));
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js b/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js
index 9a557c2..2ba6dd4 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js
+++ b/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 			<p class="text-center">' +
 			__('Sit tight while your system is being setup. This may take a few moments.') +
 			'</p>' },
-		complete_html: function() { return '<h1 class="text-muted text-center"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i></h1>\
+		complete_html: function() { return '<h1 class="text-muted text-center"></h1>\
 			<h2 class="text-center">'+__('Setup Complete')+'</h2>\
 			<p class="text-center">' +
 			__('Your setup is complete. Refreshing...') +
@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@
 						placeholder: __('e.g. "My Company LLC"')},
 					{fieldname:'company_abbr', label: __('Company Abbreviation'), fieldtype:'Data',
 						description: __('Max 5 characters'), placeholder: __('e.g. "MC"'), reqd:1},
+					{fieldname:'bank_account', label: __('Bank Account'), fieldtype:'Data',
+						placeholder: __('e.g. "XYZ National Bank"'), reqd:1 },
 					{fieldname:'fy_start_date', label:__('Financial Year Start Date'), fieldtype:'Date',
 						description: __('Your financial year begins on'), reqd:1},
 					{fieldname:'fy_end_date', label:__('Financial Year End Date'), fieldtype:'Date',
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@
 						var year_end_date =
 								frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(slide.get_input("fy_start_date").val()), 12), -1);
-						slide.get_field("fy_end_date").set_input(frappe.datetime.obj_to_user(year_end_date));
+						slide.get_field("fy_end_date").set_input(year_end_date);
@@ -371,12 +373,11 @@
 		frappe.set_route(this.page_name, "0");
 	make: function() {
-		frappe.ui.set_user_background(null, "#page-setup-wizard");
 		this.parent = $('<div class="setup-wizard-wrapper">').appendTo(this.parent);
 	get_message: function(html) {
-		return $(repl('<div class="panel panel-default" data-state="setup-complete">\
-			<div class="panel-body" style="padding: 40px;">%(html)s</div>\
+		return $(repl('<div data-state="setup-complete">\
+			<div style="padding: 40px;" class="text-center">%(html)s</div>\
 		</div>', {html:html}))
 	show_working: function() {
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py b/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py
index bf0793b..d234f4f 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py
+++ b/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py
@@ -142,6 +142,8 @@
 		'chart_of_accounts': args.get(('chart_of_accounts')),
+	# Bank Account
 	args["curr_fiscal_year"] = curr_fiscal_year
 def create_price_lists(args):