Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js
index 1f19537..8c1486d 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   this.filter_fields_dict['GL Entry'+FILTER_SEP +'To Posting Date'].df.filter_hide = 0;
   this.filter_fields_dict['GL Entry'+FILTER_SEP +'Account'].df.filter_hide = 0;
-  this.add_filter({fieldname:'aging_based_on', label:'Aging Based On', fieldtype:'Select', options:NEWLINE+'Transaction Date'+NEWLINE+'Aging Date'+NEWLINE+'Due Date',ignore : 1, parent:'Purchase Invoice', report_default:'Aging Date'});  
+  this.add_filter({fieldname:'aging_based_on', label:'Aging Based On', fieldtype:'Select', options:NEWLINE+'Aging Date'+NEWLINE+'Due Date',ignore : 1, parent:'Purchase Invoice', report_default:'Aging Date'});  
   this.add_filter({fieldname:'range_1', label:'Range 1', fieldtype:'Data', ignore : 1, parent:'GL Entry', report_default:30});
   this.add_filter({fieldname:'range_2', label:'Range 2', fieldtype:'Data', ignore : 1, parent:'GL Entry', report_default:45});
   this.add_filter({fieldname:'range_3', label:'Range 3', fieldtype:'Data', ignore : 1, parent:'GL Entry', report_default:60});
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/
index 1aaee96..9bb6493 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# along with this program.	If not, see <>.
 # Check mandatory filters
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -40,25 +40,24 @@
 # Add columns
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 data = [['Aging Date','Date','80px',''],
-				['Transaction Date','Date','80px',''],
-				['Account','Data','120px',''],
-				['Against Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
-				['Against Voucher','Data','120px',''],
-				['Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
-				['Voucher No','Data','120px',''],
-				['Remarks','Data','160px',''],
-				['Supplier Type', 'Data', '80px', ''],
-				['Due Date', 'Data', '80px', ''],
-				['Bill No','Data','80px',''],
-				['Bill Date','Data','80px',''],
-				['Opening Amt','Currency','120px',''],
-				['Outstanding Amt','Currency','120px',''],
-				['Age (Days)', 'Currency', '150px', ''],
-				['0-'+cstr(filter_values['range_1']),'Currency','100px',''],
-				[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_1']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_2']),'Currency','100px',''],
-				[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_2']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_3']),'Currency','100px',''],
-				[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_3']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_4']),'Currency','100px',''],
-				[cstr(filter_values['range_4']) + '-Above','Currency','100px','']]
+		['Account','Data','120px',''],
+		['Against Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
+		['Against Voucher','Data','120px',''],
+		['Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
+		['Voucher No','Data','120px',''],
+		['Remarks','Data','160px',''],
+		['Supplier Type', 'Data', '80px', ''],
+		['Due Date', 'Data', '80px', ''],
+		['Bill No','Data','80px',''],
+		['Bill Date','Data','80px',''],
+		['Opening Amt','Currency','120px',''],
+		['Outstanding Amt','Currency','120px',''],
+		['Age (Days)', 'Currency', '150px', ''],
+		['0-'+cstr(filter_values['range_1']),'Currency','100px',''],
+		[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_1']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_2']),'Currency','100px',''],
+		[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_2']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_3']),'Currency','100px',''],
+		[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_3']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_4']),'Currency','100px',''],
+		[cstr(filter_values['range_4']) + '-Above','Currency','100px','']]
 for d in data:
@@ -97,12 +96,14 @@
 pv_outside_period = [d[0] for d in sql("select distinct name from `tabPurchase Invoice` where (posting_date < '%s' or posting_date > '%s') and docstatus = 1" % (from_date, to_date))]
+from webnotes.utils import nowdate
 out = []
 total_booking_amt, total_outstanding_amt = 0,0
 for r in res:
 	outstanding_amt, due_date, bill_no, bill_date, cond = 0, '','','', ''
-	booking_amt = r.pop(8)
+	booking_amt = r.pop(7)
 	# supplier type
 	r.append(supp_type_dict.get(r[col_idx['Account']], ''))	
@@ -141,6 +142,8 @@
 	# split into date ranges
 	val_l1 = val_l2 = val_l3 = val_l4 = val_l5_above= 0
 	if r[col_idx[aging_based_on]]:
+		if getdate(to_date) > getdate(nowdate()):
+			to_date = nowdate()
 		diff = (getdate(to_date) - getdate(r[col_idx[aging_based_on]])).days
 		if diff < cint(filter_values['range_1']):
 			val_l1 = outstanding_amt
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.sql b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.sql
index cc7c199..5e40683 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.sql
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.sql
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SELECT DISTINCT `tabGL Entry`.`Aging_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`transaction_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`account`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher_type`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_type`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_no`, `tabGL Entry`.`remarks`, `tabGL Entry`.`credit`
+SELECT DISTINCT `tabGL Entry`.`Aging_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`account`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher_type`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_type`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_no`, `tabGL Entry`.`remarks`, `tabGL Entry`.`credit`
 FROM `tabGL Entry`,`tabAccount` 
 WHERE `tabGL Entry`.`posting_date`>= '%(posting_date)s'
  AND `tabGL Entry`.`posting_date`<= '%(posting_date1)s'
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt
index 8cc99b3..55ef6dd 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_payable/accounts_payable.txt
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-		'creation': '2012-04-03 12:49:50',
-		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-04-03 12:49:50',
-		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
-		'owner': u'Administrator'
+		u'creation': '2012-05-14 18:05:41',
+		u'docstatus': 0,
+		u'modified': '2012-10-17 10:51:41',
+		u'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+		u'owner': u'Administrator'
 	# These values are common for all Search Criteria
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
 		'columns': u'GL Entry\x01Posting Date,GL Entry\x01Account,GL Entry\x01Against Voucher,GL Entry\x01Voucher No',
 		'criteria_name': u'Accounts Payable',
 		'doc_type': u'GL Entry',
-		'doctype': 'Search Criteria',
-		'filters': u"{'GL Entry\x01Is Cancelled':'','GL Entry\x01Fiscal Year':'','GL Entry\x01Company':'','Purchase Invoice\x01Aging Based On':'Posting Date','GL Entry\x01Range 1':'30','GL Entry\x01Range 2':'45','GL Entry\x01Range 3':'60','GL Entry\x01Range 4':'90'}",
+		u'doctype': u'Search Criteria',
+		'filters': u'{"GL Entry\\u0001Voucher Type":[""],"GL Entry\\u0001Is Cancelled":[""],"GL Entry\\u0001Is Opening":[""],"GL Entry\\u0001Fiscal Year":[""],"Purchase Invoice\\u0001Aging Based On":["Aging Date"],"GL Entry\\u0001Range 1":"30","GL Entry\\u0001Range 2":"45","GL Entry\\u0001Range 3":"60","GL Entry\\u0001Range 4":"90"}',
 		'module': u'Accounts',
-		'name': '__common__',
+		u'name': u'__common__',
+		'page_len': 50,
 		'sort_by': u'`tabGL Entry`.`name`',
 		'sort_order': u'DESC',
 		'standard': u'Yes'
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
 	# Search Criteria, accounts_payable
-		'doctype': 'Search Criteria',
-		'name': u'accounts_payable'
+		u'doctype': u'Search Criteria',
+		u'name': u'accounts_payable'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.js b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.js
index 60df6c8..e56b420 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.js
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   this.filter_fields_dict['GL Entry'+FILTER_SEP +'To Posting Date'].df.filter_hide = 0;
   this.filter_fields_dict['GL Entry'+FILTER_SEP +'Account'].df.filter_hide = 0;
-  this.add_filter({fieldname:'aging_based_on', label:'Aging Based On', fieldtype:'Select', options:NEWLINE+'Transaction Date'+NEWLINE+'Aging Date'+NEWLINE+'Due Date',ignore : 1, parent:'Sales Invoice', report_default:'Aging Date'});
+  this.add_filter({fieldname:'aging_based_on', label:'Aging Based On', fieldtype:'Select', options:NEWLINE+'Aging Date'+NEWLINE+'Due Date',ignore : 1, parent:'Sales Invoice', report_default:'Aging Date'});
   this.add_filter({fieldname:'range_1', label:'Range 1', fieldtype:'Data', ignore : 1, parent:'GL Entry'});
   this.add_filter({fieldname:'range_2', label:'Range 2', fieldtype:'Data', ignore : 1, parent:'GL Entry'});
   this.add_filter({fieldname:'range_3', label:'Range 3', fieldtype:'Data', ignore : 1, parent:'GL Entry'});
@@ -33,6 +33,4 @@
   this.filter_fields_dict['GL Entry'+FILTER_SEP +'Company'].df['report_default'];
-//this.mytabs.items['Select Columns'].hide()
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/
index 51259e6..aec749a 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/
@@ -8,142 +8,144 @@
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# along with this program.	If not, see <>.
 # Check mandatory filters
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 if not filter_values.get('posting_date') or not filter_values.get('posting_date1'):
-  msgprint("Please select From Posting Date and To Posting Date in 'Set Filters' section")
-  raise Exception
+	msgprint("Please select From Posting Date and To Posting Date in 'Set Filters' section")
+	raise Exception
-  from_date = filter_values.get('posting_date')
-  to_date = filter_values.get('posting_date1')
+	from_date = filter_values.get('posting_date')
+	to_date = filter_values.get('posting_date1')
 if not filter_values['range_1'] or not filter_values['range_2'] or not filter_values['range_3'] or not filter_values['range_4']:
-  msgprint("Please select aging ranges in no of days in 'Set Filters' section")
-  raise Exception
+	msgprint("Please select aging ranges in no of days in 'Set Filters' section")
+	raise Exception
 # validate Range
 range_list = ['range_1','range_2','range_3','range_4']
 for r in range(len(range_list)-1):
-  if not cint(filter_values[range_list[r]]) < cint(filter_values[range_list[r + 1]]):
-    msgprint("Range %s should be less than Range %s." % (cstr(r+1),cstr(r+2)))
-    raise Exception
+	if not cint(filter_values[range_list[r]]) < cint(filter_values[range_list[r + 1]]):
+		msgprint("Range %s should be less than Range %s." % (cstr(r+1),cstr(r+2)))
+		raise Exception
 # Add columns
 # -----------
-data = [['Transaction Date','Date','80px',''],
-        ['Aging Date','Date','80px',''],
-        ['Account','Data','120px',''],
-        ['Against Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
-        ['Against Voucher','Data','120px',''],
-        ['Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
-        ['Voucher No','Data','120px',''],
-        ['Remarks','Data','160px',''],
-        ['Territory','Data','120px',''],
-        ['Due Date', 'Date', '80px', ''],
-        ['Opening Amt','Currency','120px',''],
-        ['Outstanding Amt','Currency','120px',''],
-        ['Age (Days)', 'Data', '60px', ''],
-        ['0-'+cstr(filter_values['range_1']),'Currency','100px',''],
-        [cstr(cint(filter_values['range_1']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_2']),'Currency','100px',''],
-        [cstr(cint(filter_values['range_2']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_3']),'Currency','100px',''],
-        [cstr(cint(filter_values['range_3']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_4']),'Currency','100px',''],
-        [cstr(filter_values['range_4']) + '-Above','Currency','100px','']]
+data = [['Aging Date','Date','80px',''],
+				['Account','Data','120px',''],
+				['Against Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
+				['Against Voucher','Data','120px',''],
+				['Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
+				['Voucher No','Data','120px',''],
+				['Remarks','Data','160px',''],
+				['Territory','Data','120px',''],
+				['Due Date', 'Date', '80px', ''],
+				['Opening Amt','Currency','120px',''],
+				['Outstanding Amt','Currency','120px',''],
+				['Age (Days)', 'Data', '60px', ''],
+				['0-'+cstr(filter_values['range_1']),'Currency','100px',''],
+				[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_1']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_2']),'Currency','100px',''],
+				[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_2']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_3']),'Currency','100px',''],
+				[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_3']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_4']),'Currency','100px',''],
+				[cstr(filter_values['range_4']) + '-Above','Currency','100px','']]
 for d in data:
-  colnames.append(d[0])
-  coltypes.append(d[1])
-  colwidths.append(d[2])
-  coloptions.append(d[3])
-  col_idx[d[0]] = len(colnames)-1
+	colnames.append(d[0])
+	coltypes.append(d[1])
+	colwidths.append(d[2])
+	coloptions.append(d[3])
+	col_idx[d[0]] = len(colnames)-1
 # ageing based on
 aging_based_on = filter_values.get('aging_based_on') and filter_values['aging_based_on'].split(NEWLINE)[-1] or 'Aging Date'
-if  len(res) > 2000 and from_export == 0:
-  msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
-  raise Exception
+if	len(res) > 2000 and from_export == 0:
+	msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
+	raise Exception
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 # main loop starts here
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+from webnotes.utils import nowdate
 out = []
 total_opening_amt,total_outstanding_amt = 0,0
 for r in res:
-  # get customer territory
-  terr = sql("select t1.territory from `tabCustomer` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where = t2.master_name and = '%s'" % r[col_idx['Account']])
-  r.append(terr and terr[0][0] or '')
-  outstanding_amt, opening_amt, cond, due_date = 0,0, '', ''
-  # if entry against Sales Invoice
-  if r[col_idx['Against Voucher']] and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Sales Invoice':
-    # get due date
-    due_date = sql("select due_date from `tabSales Invoice` where name = '%s'" % r[col_idx['Against Voucher']])
-    due_date = due_date and cstr(due_date[0][0]) or ''
+	# get customer territory
+	terr = sql("select t1.territory from `tabCustomer` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where = t2.master_name and = '%s'" % r[col_idx['Account']])
+	r.append(terr and terr[0][0] or '')
+	outstanding_amt, opening_amt, cond, due_date = 0,0, '', ''
+	# if entry against Sales Invoice
+	if r[col_idx['Against Voucher']] and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Sales Invoice':
+		# get due date
+		due_date = sql("select due_date from `tabSales Invoice` where name = '%s'" % r[col_idx['Against Voucher']])
+		due_date = due_date and cstr(due_date[0][0]) or ''
-    # get booking amt
-    opening_amt = sql("select debit from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and voucher_no = '%s' and is_cancelled = 'No'" % (r[col_idx['Account']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']]))
-    opening_amt = opening_amt and flt(opening_amt[0][0]) or 0
+		# get booking amt
+		opening_amt = sql("select debit from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and voucher_no = '%s' and is_cancelled = 'No'" % (r[col_idx['Account']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']]))
+		opening_amt = opening_amt and flt(opening_amt[0][0]) or 0
-    cond =  "and against_voucher = '%s' and against_voucher is not null" % r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]
+		cond =	"and against_voucher = '%s' and against_voucher is not null" % r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]
-  # if entry against JV & and not adjusted within period
-  elif r[col_idx['Against Voucher Type']] == 'Sales Invoice' and sql("select name from `tabSales Invoice` where name = '%s' and (posting_date < '%s' or posting_date > '%s') and docstatus = 1" % (r[col_idx['Against Voucher']], from_date, to_date)):
-    cond = " and voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s'" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Against Voucher']])
-  # if entry against JV and unadjusted
-  elif not r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
-    cond = " and ((voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '') or (ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s' and voucher_type = 'Journal Voucher'))" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']])
-  if cond:
-    outstanding_amt = flt(sql("select ifnull(sum(debit),0) - ifnull(sum(credit),0) from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' and posting_date <= '%s' %s" % (r[col_idx['Account']], to_date, cond))[0][0] or 0)
-    # add to total outstanding
-    total_outstanding_amt += flt(outstanding_amt)
-    # add to total booking amount
-    if outstanding_amt and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Sales Invoice' and r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
-      total_opening_amt += flt(opening_amt)
+	# if entry against JV & and not adjusted within period
+	elif r[col_idx['Against Voucher Type']] == 'Sales Invoice' and sql("select name from `tabSales Invoice` where name = '%s' and (posting_date < '%s' or posting_date > '%s') and docstatus = 1" % (r[col_idx['Against Voucher']], from_date, to_date)):
+		cond = " and voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s'" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Against Voucher']])
+	# if entry against JV and unadjusted
+	elif not r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
+		cond = " and ((voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '') or (ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s' and voucher_type = 'Journal Voucher'))" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']])
+	if cond:
+		outstanding_amt = flt(sql("select ifnull(sum(debit),0) - ifnull(sum(credit),0) from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' and posting_date <= '%s' %s" % (r[col_idx['Account']], to_date, cond))[0][0] or 0)
+		# add to total outstanding
+		total_outstanding_amt += flt(outstanding_amt)
+		# add to total booking amount
+		if outstanding_amt and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Sales Invoice' and r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
+			total_opening_amt += flt(opening_amt)
-  r += [due_date, opening_amt, outstanding_amt]
+	r += [due_date, opening_amt, outstanding_amt]
-  #Ageing Outstanding
-  val_l1 = val_l2 = val_l3 = val_l4 = val_l5_above = 0
-  diff = 0
-  if r[col_idx[aging_based_on]]:
-    diff = (getdate(to_date) - getdate(r[col_idx[aging_based_on]])).days
-    if diff < cint(filter_values['range_1']):
-      val_l1 = outstanding_amt
-    if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_1']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_2']):
-      val_l2 = outstanding_amt
-    if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_2']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_3']):
-      val_l3 = outstanding_amt
-    if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_3']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_4']):
-      val_l4 = outstanding_amt
-    if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_4']):
-      val_l5_above = outstanding_amt
-  r += [diff, val_l1, val_l2, val_l3, val_l4, val_l5_above]
+	#Ageing Outstanding
+	val_l1 = val_l2 = val_l3 = val_l4 = val_l5_above = 0
+	diff = 0
+	if r[col_idx[aging_based_on]]:
+		if getdate(to_date) > getdate(nowdate()):
+			to_date = nowdate()
+		diff = (getdate(to_date) - getdate(r[col_idx[aging_based_on]])).days
+		if diff < cint(filter_values['range_1']):
+			val_l1 = outstanding_amt
+		if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_1']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_2']):
+			val_l2 = outstanding_amt
+		if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_2']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_3']):
+			val_l3 = outstanding_amt
+		if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_3']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_4']):
+			val_l4 = outstanding_amt
+		if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_4']):
+			val_l5_above = outstanding_amt
+	r += [diff, val_l1, val_l2, val_l3, val_l4, val_l5_above]
-  # Only show that entry which has outstanding
-  if abs(flt(outstanding_amt)) > 0.001:
-    out.append(r)
+	# Only show that entry which has outstanding
+	if abs(flt(outstanding_amt)) > 0.001:
+		out.append(r)
-if  len(out) > 300 and from_export == 0:
-  msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
-  raise Exception
+if	len(out) > 300 and from_export == 0:
+	msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
+	raise Exception
 # Append Extra rows to RES
 if len(out) > 0:
-  t_row = ['' for i in range(len(colnames))]
-  t_row[col_idx['Voucher No']] = 'Total'
-  t_row[col_idx['Opening Amt']] = total_opening_amt
-  t_row[col_idx['Outstanding Amt']] = total_outstanding_amt
-  out.append(t_row)
+	t_row = ['' for i in range(len(colnames))]
+	t_row[col_idx['Voucher No']] = 'Total'
+	t_row[col_idx['Opening Amt']] = total_opening_amt
+	t_row[col_idx['Outstanding Amt']] = total_outstanding_amt
+	out.append(t_row)
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.sql b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.sql
index 0a1da87..4aa1348 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.sql
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/accounts_receivable/accounts_receivable.sql
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SELECT `tabGL Entry`.`transaction_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`aging_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`account`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher_type`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_type`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_no`, `tabGL Entry`.remarks
+SELECT `tabGL Entry`.`aging_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`account`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher_type`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_type`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_no`, `tabGL Entry`.remarks
 FROM `tabGL Entry`,`tabAccount`
 WHERE `tabGL Entry`.`posting_date`>= '%(posting_date)s'
  AND `tabGL Entry`.`posting_date`<= '%(posting_date1)s'