[fix] [minor] patches
diff --git a/patches/october_2013/p06_update_control_panel_and_global_defaults.py b/patches/october_2013/p06_update_control_panel_and_global_defaults.py
index 7f40fb4..8c12107 100644
--- a/patches/october_2013/p06_update_control_panel_and_global_defaults.py
+++ b/patches/october_2013/p06_update_control_panel_and_global_defaults.py
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
 	time_zone = webnotes.conn.sql("""select value from `tabSingles` where 
 		field='timezone' and doctype='Control Panel'""")
-	gb_bean = webnotes.bean("Global Defaults")
-	gb_bean.doc.country = country and country[0][0] or None
-	gb_bean.doc.time_zone = time_zone and time_zone[0][0] or None
-	gb_bean.save()
\ No newline at end of file
+	try:
+		gb_bean = webnotes.bean("Global Defaults")
+		gb_bean.doc.country = country and country[0][0] or None
+		gb_bean.doc.time_zone = time_zone and time_zone[0][0] or None
+		gb_bean.save()
+	except:
+		pass
\ No newline at end of file