| // ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) |
| // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd |
| // |
| // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| // (at your option) any later version. |
| // |
| // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| // GNU General Public License for more details. |
| // |
| // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| pscript.queries_bg_dict = { |
| 'Urgent':'RED', |
| 'High':'ORANGE', |
| 'Low':'BLUE', |
| 'Closed':'GREEN', |
| 'Pending Review':'YELLOW' |
| } |
| |
| pscript.onload_Projects = function() { |
| var d = $i('projects_div'); |
| |
| new PageHeader(d, 'Gantt Chart'); |
| new GanttChart($a(d, 'div', '', { margin:'16px'})); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Gantt Chart |
| // ========================================================================== |
| |
| GanttChart = function(parent) { |
| this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'div'); |
| //this.head = new PageHeader(this.wrapper, 'Gantt Chart'); |
| |
| this.toolbar_area = $a(this.wrapper, 'div','',{padding:'16px', border:'1px solid #AAF', }); $bg(this.toolbar_area, '#EEF'); $br(this.toolbar_area, '3px'); |
| this.toolbar_tab = make_table(this.toolbar_area, 1, 4, '100%', ['25%', '25%','25%', '25%']); |
| this.grid_area = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', '', {margin: '16px 0px'}); |
| this.no_task_message = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', 'help_box', |
| {textAign:'center', fontSize:'14px'}, 'Select your criteria and click on "Make" to show the Gantt Chart') |
| |
| this.get_init_data(); |
| //this.make_grid(); |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.get_init_data = function() { |
| var me = this; |
| var callback = function(r,rt) { |
| me.pl = r.message.pl.sort(); |
| me.rl = r.message.rl.sort(); |
| |
| me.make_toolbar(); |
| } |
| $c_obj('Project Control','get_init_data','', callback); |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.make_filter = function(label, idx) { |
| var w = $a($td(this.toolbar_tab,0,idx), 'div','',{marginBottom:'8px'}); |
| var l = $a(w, 'div','',{fontSize:'11px'}); l.innerHTML = label; |
| return w; |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.make_select = function(label, options,idx) { |
| var w = this.make_filter(label,idx); |
| var s = $a(w, 'select','',{width:'100px'}); add_sel_options(s, add_lists(['All'],options)); |
| return s; |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.make_date = function(label,idx) { |
| var w = this.make_filter(label,idx); |
| var i = $a(w, 'input'); |
| |
| var user_fmt = wn.control_panel.date_format; |
| if(!this.user_fmt)this.user_fmt = 'dd-mm-yy'; |
| |
| $(i).datepicker({ |
| dateFormat: user_fmt.replace('yyyy','yy'), |
| altFormat:'yy-mm-dd', |
| changeYear: true |
| }); |
| |
| return i; |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.make_toolbar = function() { |
| |
| // resource / project |
| this.r_sel = this.make_select('Resource', this.rl, 0); |
| this.p_sel = this.make_select('Project', this.pl, 1); |
| |
| // start / end |
| this.s_date = this.make_date('Start Date', 2); this.s_date.value = date.str_to_user(date.month_start()); |
| this.e_date = this.make_date('End Date', 3); this.e_date.value = date.str_to_user(date.month_end()); |
| |
| // button |
| var me = this; |
| $btn(this.toolbar_area, 'Make', function() { me.refresh(); }, null, 'green', 1); |
| this.print_btn = $btn(this.toolbar_area, 'Print', function() { me.print(); }, {display:'none'},null); |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.print = function() { |
| $(this.grid_area).printElement(); |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.get_data = function() { |
| var me = this; |
| var callback = function(r, rt) { |
| me.tasks = r.message; |
| if(me.tasks.length) { |
| $dh(me.no_task_message); |
| $ds(me.grid_area); |
| me.show_tasks(); |
| $di(me.print_btn); |
| } else { |
| // nothign to show |
| $dh(me.grid_area); |
| $ds(me.no_task_message); |
| $dh(me.print_btn); |
| me.no_task_message.innerHTML = 'Nothing allocated for the above criteria' |
| } |
| } |
| $c_obj('Project Control','get_tasks', |
| [date.user_to_str(this.s_date.value), |
| date.user_to_str(this.e_date.value), |
| sel_val(this.p_sel), |
| sel_val(this.r_sel)].join('~~~') |
| , callback) |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.make_grid = function() { |
| // clear earlier chart |
| this.grid_area.innerHTML = ''; |
| this.grid = new GanttGrid(this, this.s_date.value, this.e_date.value); |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.refresh = function() { |
| this.get_data(); |
| } |
| |
| GanttChart.prototype.show_tasks = function() { |
| this.make_grid(); |
| for(var i=0; i<this.tasks.length; i++) { |
| new GanttTask(this.grid, this.tasks[i], i) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // ========================================================================== |
| |
| GanttGrid = function(chart, s_date, e_date) { |
| this.chart = chart; |
| this.s_date = s_date; |
| |
| this.wrapper = $a(chart.grid_area, 'div'); |
| this.start_date = date.str_to_obj(date.user_to_str(s_date)); |
| this.end_date = date.str_to_obj(date.user_to_str(e_date)); |
| |
| this.n_days = date.get_diff(this.end_date, this.start_date) + 1; |
| this.g_width = 100 / this.n_days + '%'; |
| |
| this.make(); |
| } |
| |
| GanttGrid.prototype.make_grid = function() { |
| // grid ----------- |
| var ht = this.chart.tasks.length * 40 + 'px'; |
| this.grid = $a($td(this.body, 0, 1), 'div', '', {border:'2px solid #888', height: ht, position:'relative'}); |
| |
| this.grid_tab = make_table(this.grid, 1, this.n_days, '100%', [], {width:this.g_width, borderLeft:'1px solid #DDD', height: ht}); |
| $y(this.grid_tab,{tableLayout:'fixed'}); |
| |
| this.task_area = $a(this.grid, 'div', '', {position:'absolute', height:ht, width: '100%', top:'0px'}); |
| } |
| |
| GanttGrid.prototype.make_labels = function() { |
| // labels ------------ |
| this.x_labels = $a($td(this.body, 0, 1), 'div', '', {marginTop:'8px'}); |
| this.x_lab_tab = make_table(this.x_labels, 1, this.n_days, '100%', [], {width:this.g_width, fontSize:'10px'}); |
| $y(this.x_lab_tab,{tableLayout:'fixed'}); |
| |
| var d = this.start_date; |
| var today = new Date(); |
| for(var i=0; i<this.n_days; i++) { |
| if(d.getDay()==0) { |
| $td(this.x_lab_tab,0,i).innerHTML = d.getDate() + '-' + month_list[d.getMonth()]; |
| $y($td(this.grid_tab,0,i),{borderLeft:'1px solid RED'}) |
| } |
| if(d.getDate()==today.getDate() && d.getMonth()==today.getMonth() && d.getYear() == today.getYear()) { |
| $y($td(this.grid_tab,0,i),{borderLeft:'2px solid #000'}) |
| } |
| var d = date.add_days(this.start_date, 1); |
| } |
| this.start_date = date.str_to_obj(date.user_to_str(this.s_date)); |
| } |
| |
| GanttGrid.prototype.make = function() { |
| this.body = make_table(this.wrapper, 1, 2, '100%', ['30%','70%']); |
| this.make_grid(); |
| this.make_labels(); |
| this.y_labels = $a($td(this.body, 0, 0), 'div', '', {marginTop:'2px', position:'relative'}); |
| } |
| |
| GanttGrid.prototype.get_x = function(dt) { |
| var d = date.str_to_obj(dt); // convert to obj |
| return flt(date.get_diff(d, this.start_date)+1) / flt(date.get_diff(this.end_date, this.start_date)+1) * 100; |
| } |
| |
| // ========================================================================== |
| |
| GanttTask = function(grid, data, idx) { |
| // start_date, end_date, name, status |
| this.start_date = data[3]; |
| this.end_date = data[4]; |
| |
| // label |
| this.label = $a(grid.y_labels, 'div', '', {'top':(idx*40) + 'px', overflow:'hidden', position:'absolute', 'width':'100%', height: '40px'}); |
| var l1 = $a($a(this.label, 'div'), 'span', 'link_type'); l1.innerHTML = data[0]; l1.dn = data[7]; l1.onclick = function() { loaddoc('Ticket', this.dn) }; |
| var l2 = $a(this.label, 'div', '', {fontSize:'10px'}); l2.innerHTML = data[1]; |
| |
| // bar |
| var col = pscript.queries_bg_dict[data[5]]; |
| if(data[6]!='Open') col = pscript.queries_bg_dict[data[6]]; |
| if(!col) col = 'BLUE'; |
| |
| this.body = $a(grid.task_area, 'div','',{backgroundColor:col, height:'12px', position:'absolute'}); |
| |
| //bar info |
| this.body_info = $a(this.body, 'div','',{backgroundColor:'#CCC', position:'absolute', zIndex:20}); |
| |
| var x1 = grid.get_x(this.start_date); |
| var x2 = grid.get_x(this.end_date); |
| |
| if(x1<=0)x1=0; |
| else x1 -=100/flt(date.get_diff(grid.end_date, grid.start_date)+1); |
| if(x2>=100)x2=100; |
| // else x2+=100/flt(date.get_diff(grid.end_date, grid.start_date)+1); |
| |
| $y(this.body, { |
| top: idx * 40 + 14 + 'px', |
| left: x1 + '%', |
| width: (x2-x1) + '%', |
| zIndex: 1, |
| cursor:'pointer' |
| }) |
| |
| // divider |
| if(idx) { |
| var d1 = $a(grid.task_area, 'div','',{borderBottom: '1px solid #AAA', position:'absolute', width:'100%', top:(idx*40) + 'px'}); |
| var d2 = $a(grid.y_labels, 'div','',{borderBottom: '1px solid #AAA', position:'absolute', width:'100%', top:(idx*40) + 'px'}); |
| } |
| |
| this.make_tooltip(data); |
| } |
| |
| GanttTask.prototype.make_tooltip = function(d) { |
| var t = '<div>'; |
| if(d[0]) t += '<b>Task: </b>' + d[0]; |
| if(d[5]) t += '<br><b>Priority: </b>' + d[5]; |
| if(d[6]) t += '<br><b>Status: </b>' + d[6]; |
| if(d[1]) t += '<br><b>Allocated To: </b>' + d[1]; |
| if(d[2]) t += '<br><b>Project: </b>' + d[2]; |
| if(d[3]) t += '<br><b>From: </b>' + date.str_to_user(d[3]); |
| if(d[4]) t += '<br><b>To: </b>' + date.str_to_user(d[4]); |
| t += '</div>'; |
| |
| $(this.body).qtip({ |
| content:t, |
| position:{ |
| corner:{ |
| tooltip: 'topMiddle', // Use the corner... |
| target: 'bottomMiddle' // ...and opposite corner |
| } |
| }, |
| style:{ |
| border: { |
| width: 5, |
| radius: 10 |
| }, |
| padding: 10, |
| tip: true, // Give it a speech bubble tip with automatic corner detection |
| name: 'green' // Style it according to the preset 'cream' style |
| } |
| }) |
| |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| |